#aside from taht yesterday was p good well like bearable
videostak · 2 years
jesus christ okay visiting relatives yesterday was alright but like jesus christ my aunts husband tried to debate me on why he thinks elon musk is a genius and is changing the world it was so fkn miserable like this guy was just convinced that elon is the most green guy ever and that he also invented solar panels solar energy electric cars etc. it was so embarrassing cause i could almost physically feel this guy switch into debate mode the moment he realized i wasnt big on elon and like he kept trying to catch me in contradictions  by bringing up other stuff like volkswagen but since im sorta a bit smarter than i give myself credit for he didnt and it was just SUCH a awfully boring conversation. he also later insisited that elon invented paypal and bet 20$ on it but i didnt wanna humor him but then immediately after two of my family members googled it and got like the actual list of like 8 ppl or so who actually invented it so that was kinda amusing o ya also when i casually mentioned like preferring toyota (honestly just to mention any other brand) he said i need to support american cars and started saying i love “j*p” cars and used that word like 100 time OH YEA also anytime i mentioned something unarguably awful or stupid elon has done he would go “yea well he’s on the spectrum” and he legit did this like 5 times like that exact phrase jesus... it was soooo embarrassing not the worst tho cause i was a bit surprised how like normal i was acting abt ‘debating’ such an insufferable person UGH like this guy was straight up convinced elon is like the modern day jesus or something lol and would also keep going “well we’ll see how it plays out as things go along” when i mentioned my lack of interest in his ‘inventions’ due to them existing solely as luxury items and not actual things that changed the whole industry like smthn like the iphone. also luckily since the guy was like heavy on games it wasnt the worst day since i could easily just talk abt that w/ him whenever conversation arose. but still JESUS
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