incomplete-11 · 2 years
ooooooooww<3 re sisisisisi <3 vaayyammos <3 cccon pizzittaaa yyy ccchoccolattitooss<3 esss unnaa cittaaaa<3 eell ffinn sssuupper cannssaddissimoo:c yyy annnoooon ccommo vasss??? qqueerees unn abraccitto??? myy homee dde awinnn<3
muy bien, sisisisi<3
ou:( lo bueno es que (espero) ya puedes descansar n.n
yo, estoy medio inestable asjajja estoy intentando no caer en una crisis existencial, pero todo bien jajsjaja
sí, me vendría bien un abracito, gracias:')
aaaaa, amé, que hermosa:') <3<3<3 me encantó sisisisi<3
ma raison de nej<3 (la verdad no tengo ni la menor idea de lo que dice ajsjajsjajaa pero justo hoy la escuché y me encantó muchísimo n.n)
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toonrushii · 8 years
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Suddent Death moment!!! asjajja
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velvetineblue · 1 year
tai 🤝quinn
getting on everyone's nerves
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Quinn being ( literally and socially ) punished for her crimes? facing consequences?! Taiyang shakes his head like in sage disappointment at the state of this broken and confused world, and puts an arm around his beloved pest queen who was being persecuted most UNFAIRLY! . . . " anyone hating you is proof that 'pretty privilege' is a myth. " because if it were alive and well, they would be the most powerful people in the world already, now wouldn't they ? he looks at Quinn with a grin. " not exactly the type of 'privilege' we were trying to get rid of, but ... I say we take the credit for it anyway. " hey, it's a step on the way to eradicating the privilege of the exorbitantly wealthy and socially-connected, isn't it?!
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velvetineblue · 11 months
D : currently trying to remember how to Write after a week away . . . . . . .
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velvetineblue · 1 year
* silently changes his birthday to 3 days earlier and hopes no-one notices *
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velvetineblue · 1 year
Getting Taiyang a birthday present has always been a struggle over the years. It’s weird because Mana never had too much trouble with thinking of something ( sans the time she actually got him War & Peace as a present- it was a joke she said, before presenting him his actual present ) so one might think her influence would rub off on Calum. 
It hasn’t, but Calum did figure out what to get Taiyang for his birthday!
“This from Sol,” he says, handing Taiyang a roll of paper tied with a blue-green ribbon. “They worked on it for the last week.” Which, for a child is a very long time.
And then Calum hands him box with a piano wire bracelet with a silver charm of a tremble clef attached. That and there's an accompanying plate of cookies beneath because he’s assuming Taiyang is also hungry… “Try not to wear it in the water.” Calum adds hastily. “…I don’t think it’s waterproof.”
( HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHARK BOI :DDDDD winter you'll be getting a few more asks from me :3 )
birthdays are a strange thing. he's caught between delight and embarrassment— embarrassment for what, he doesn't quite know; like it's an embarrassment, an inconvenience to be born. taking up so much space in a room, and in the minds of others, for a day— it's nice . . . but that same heightened significance feels a little selfish... and unfamiliar. in his childhood home, his birthdays had gradually become no big affair, but Taiyang had learned not to mind it. even to prefer it that way. because what was worse: a quiet day with a cake and a few presents, or a birthday 'party', where his friends and classmates were exposed to the sad state of affairs that was his home life? ( the memories of his father, drunk as usual, blustering around the room, telling his stupid stories to a chorus of laughs— but hovering only one escalation away from erupting the gathering into chaos? ) NO THANKS. no, he'd learned not to ask for much: if you want for nothing, then the heavy weight of disappointment could not drop down on you, like a cartoon anvil from the sky, squishing coyotes underneath it . . .
but perhaps that's why his eyes light up at the simplest thing: a rolled-up piece of paper with the crayon markings of a child. or marker, or maybe watercolor paint��� whatever Sol had deemed an appropriate artistic rendering for his birthday, it would be cherished more than the most expensive gallery art piece could ever be. looking it over with the biggest grin, he can't help but laugh at the innocent imagination of the kid, put to paper. " I'm so keeping this. Sol's gonna have to look at it when they're like 15 years old, and they think it's embarrassing as hell— I don't care. it's staying on the fridge forever. " but what was 'forever' to a child, anyway? a week probably felt like a lifetime in their little hands, which made the artwork that much more precious. smile beaming, he settles for words of gratitude more within the understanding of a child: " tell Sol I love it. " Taiyang would, too, next time he sees them.
already giddy from the cute gift, he blinks in surprise when there's a box, too. ( the cookies, well, he kind of eagerly anticipated: Calum seemed like the homemade-gift type to him, and Calum knew how much Tai loved his homemade baking . . . in all the time he'd known him, Calum had probably picked up on what Tai's favorite recipes were, too; and one glance at the plates content confirmed his suspicion. if it weren't for the surprise third gift, he would have grabbed and teared into a cookie already— )
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but instead, he takes the box gingerly, giving it a slight shake. ( not the best idea— what if it was something fragile? ) " is this jewelry? " a faux thoughtful look is given towards his friend; " are you proposing to me, Calum Reynolds? finally; it's about time... " jokes aside, he unwraps the item, delicate silver glinting into his eyes. as the pretty piece of jewelry unravels, he feels the warm, fuzzy static of nostalgia in his belly . . . it invokes visions of his grandmother, setting him on her lap, his little toddler feet dangling... a happy jazz-piano song filtering through the house on a summer day, white window curtains flapping gently in the warm breeze... his mom and grandmom laughing in the kitchen over the sink. it's like, all the happy memories of his childhood mixed with the slight sadness that it's gone. . . but more than anything, it's the feeling of family. Calum's voice breaks him out the momentary reverie. Tai looks up at him, and sees family. family in the flesh, standing right in front of him; not drifting through his memories. that's Calum... he registers his words slowly. " right... yeah. I won't, " he confirms, seeming a little distracted— ( but in a good way. there's a lump in his throat. ) he's not really much of a huggy person, with most people, but . . . Calum is family. so, he's gathered into a bear-hug, with an appreciative pat to his back. " thanks. for everything. " and he doesn't just mean the gifts. when he pulls back, he attaches the bracelet around his wrist, looking down with a smile. " hey, do you even like piano ... ? I should play something for you sometime— if you do. "
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velvetineblue · 1 year
tumblr's fascinatingly broken & inept 'beta editor' update messes up the formatting on my posts by randomly undoing some of the small text so that Some letters will be of Different Sizes (like This) but I'm actually going to leave it that way on some posts... I think it adds a comic book like touch, and gives it a little bit of an unhinged, 'cut out letters from a ransom note' sabor~ that I kind of like, ajksjajj
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velvetineblue · 1 year
instructions: go to this website & create a custom-made barbie movie poster that features your muse. for best results, please use a transparent image. repost, do not reblog !
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Tagged by: @seaprofound < 3 Tagging: @moonspower bc omg i just saw that this is coming out on vi's bDAY?? how does vi feel abt this asjjajj. @uroborosymphony & @tvsteoftrvgedy & @ofgentleresolve & @sappylosers but for any muse(s) you want to barbie-fy !!! ALSO PLS @solitvrs skksjnsn WE NEED JINWOO BARBIE....
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velvetineblue · 1 year
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* 90's alt-rock band THEME SONG plays * ft. @hvnbrn & bee
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velvetineblue · 2 years
HELLO, I’M SORRY, CHRISTMAS SEASON WAS SAURRR HECTIC THIS YEAR, and now I am so behind on everything ! on top of the usual festivities, the winter storm took out the water pipes in my apartment building, so I went to go stay with family, and that threw me off my groove even more. and today, I’m off of holiday and headed back to work . . . but, if it’s not too busy at work, I can get some of my to-do list done whilst I pretend to work !!!!!  this is my current to do list -- just as much a note for my SELF as it is a PSA for others asjjaj.
1.  CRIME WIFE STARTER, CRIME WIFE THREAD; TAI-MUSE WILL KILL ME IF I DON’T LET HIM REPLY TO HIS CRIME WIFE ASAP !! 2.  respond to IM’s / discord !!!!!!!!!! i’m so sorry, i have been wiped . . . the holidays always take my social battery and crush it into radioactive, environmentally-unfriendly dust under their feet  3.  finish up the ‘about’ page for his crime verse: a basic intro to the verse, etc.  4.  possibly make a graphic for that ( ^ ) page ???  5.  taimie e-boys edit  6.  taiara ‘be hot, do crimes’ edit 7.  catch up on tag games 8.  finish tai’s bio & verses page bc they’re a mess....  9.  obtain soup. soup needed for soup season reasons 
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velvetineblue · 2 years
“i guess crime really does pay.” ( from….alfred 🤩 aka @melloreturn )
    taiyang watches alfred count dollar bills between his palms, feeling a stylistic appreciation that perhaps borders on . . . envy . alfred has a sense of swagger about him ; it comes naturally, chips off his shoulder in waves of smooth easiness . . . taiyang wonders if this is what everyone sees when they look at his father; a man captivating enough to be forgiven for what would be perceived as transgressions in others ; someone who makes ' bad decisions ' look good. he wonders if he would have liked his father ( like he likes alfred ) in another life. in a universe where taiyang wasn't his son, but his friend. it’s so different when the so-charming 'faults' are inside your home, the one place you expect to be safe . . . the silent query colors his response, a somewhat strained joke ;
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  “ yeah, it does ... but I think I like you better in your day job. don't quit— nobody makes a green tea like you. ” ( he hopes alfred stays different. a better man than the one he knew. )
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velvetineblue · 1 year
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else? | What would be the ‘incorrect but wildly popular’ interpretation of your character in fandom? | What do you imagine the most popular ship(s) for your character would be? | Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like ?
as the founder ( and sole member ? ajkshjj ) of the Taiyang Tseng fandom, I think I speak for all of us when I say: they would make a lot of memes of him. and clown on him a lot. but occasionally, you'd get a tiktok fancam-edit stitching together all of his 'hot' moments with a loud, bass boosted song in the background :nod nod: THAT IS MY DREAMMM...
What do you imagine the most popular ship(s) for your character would be ? Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?
something m x m, probably. out of his base-game 'canonical' relationships, i.e. with my other OC's who are in the same universe as him . . . hMMmmMmMm. probably with his bandmate Sly, because they're ride-or-die besties, and Sly is kind of a hunky, sexi guy, hehe. when my other OC Tierney comes into the story later, though, people would ship them together SO hard; I already know it. I think that would be the most popular of his ships. Tierney is the guitarist, secondary vocalist, & a co-lead songwriter in another band, and he is part of Mazu's supernatural crew, like Tai. they're allies, but they do bicker a lot. Tierney is tall and gorgeous and broody... and he has a girlfriend ( the bassist in his band ) that he's completely devoted and monogamous to, but would that stop people from ravenously shipping Tai & Tierney? no... no it would not ajsjaj; fandom does as fandom wants. I could also see people misinterpreting the very brotherly bond Taiyang has with Etienne as something else. T^T because he is very protective of her and adores her... it is just a strictly platonic & familial love. but again: fanon will fanon asjajj. okay, but out of rp partners ? I'm going to exclude any of his actual ships, because... for spice. but mainly because fandom usually prefers the non-canon ships, lbh. T ^ T LOL. but the fandom would better be as obsessed with Taiqunn in crime verse as I am, pls!! hypothetical fandom, PLS doN'T SLEEP ON OUR TOXIC CRIME BBIES even though they're canon and het; give them some good fanworks pls, ajsajja. ok but so... @mystiika tai & jamie !! they are long-time best friends who do everything together, and they just get each other. can totally 100% see why people would ship it and I support them: even though Tai & Jamie only see each other as friends. I mean, Jamie is basically his platonic life partner anyway, lbr asjajja THEY'RE NOT WRONG... && @pararennial OKAY TELL ME IF I'M WRONG— but I BET that there would be a fairly active section of people who shipped Tai&Roxy, even though Roxy/Maciu is the GOATed ship. the way they make such a smooth partnership & vibe together... I don't doubt that some people would see to smoosh them together into a romantic dynamic. I can also imagine love triangle fanfics where they make Tai be in unrequited love with Roxy AJSJAJ I'm sorry but all my years observing fandoms tell me that would so happen asjajja
& finally . . . I'm going to be delulu and say that the fandom has cultivated an enlightened attitude and there will not be ship wars : ) only multi-shippers or mature single-shippers who don't attack other ships/characters... thank u for supporting my delusions. laskjka
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velvetineblue · 1 year
romance & relationship headcanons / accepting ♡! from @ofgentleresolve , who asked for 17, 18, & 20 for Taiquinn , ( ft. @uroborosymphony )
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( how does your muse feel about marriage? would they ever want to get married ? )  omg this is gonna be a long one . . . I'll try not to let it get too long ksjasjk but there's a LOT to say. to start, Taiyang's parents had a unhealthy marriage, and bearing witness to that (among other things) during his formative years deeply affected him. he developed very complicated feelings toward the topic of love: he simultaneously longed for it, longed to belong somewhere, to feel wanted ( because he didn't feel any of that growing up ) . . . while on the other hand, he also harbored a deep fear and mistrust of the very idea. being treated with open affection and warmth felt highly unnatural to him, first of all: and secondly, some part of him always saw it as doomed. because in his experience, love usually didn't end well. (either it didn't last, or it killed you.) so love & attachment resurfaces a lot of fear and anxiety for him. yes, he fears getting hurt; but much more than that, he fears hurting the people he loves. he fears letting them down, or not being good enough for them, or letting something bad happen to them ( not protecting them ) . . . so honestly, romantic love is not something he daydreams about or idealizes. he is not the type to be in a rush to find lifelong romantic love or marry. ( that applies to all verses. ) but. . . when he meets Ara, I think his feelings on the topic would begin to shift. yes, he still fears all of the things I mentioned . . . but his love for her is stronger than fear. he would decide he is not going to run away out of fear of what might happen; he would instead fight very hard to make sure none of it happens . . . growing up, seeing people being cavalier with their love, or giving up on the people they claimed to 'love'... it never sat right with him, as a kid who desperately wanted love but could never seem to grasp it. so, he takes commitment very seriously, and marriage is of course no exception. he wouldn't rush into anything, but when he decides to commit to someone, it's forever. it's for life-- if they'll have him that long. . . and that is definitely how he feels about Ara !!!! so, tl;dr: YES YES he wants to marry her!!! THAT'S HIS CRIME WIFE !!!!! wifey forever asjajja ( how does your muse feel about public displays of affection? would they engage in them ? )   hehe, I know some people hate PDA, and Tai also makes fun of people who do it around him . . . but honestly?? that’s just because he’s a freaking troll ajsjaj; he actually thinks PDA is harmless, and can be perfectly healthy. he resents the idea that it is cringey to show affection to someone you love, and he also hates being told what to do... so if someone implies to him that he should refrain from PDA because it makes them uncomfortable . . . well, unfortunately for that person, that information will do nothing to stop him asjajj he tends to engage in ‘casual’ PDA very frequently– constantly, even, lmao. he almost always has an arm around Quinn when they’re together; hands on her waist or around her shoulders, or she’s in his lap if they're just chilling and sitting with a group— things like that. and if he wants to kiss her, he’s going to, and if they end up making out in public . . . well, so be it. akjsa no but he would behave if there’s young, innocent eyes around, though. but other adults?? he's just like :shrug:, 'look away if you don’t like it'. he doesn't care if it bothers other people; he loves Quinn, loves being around her, loves touching her and being near her and cuddled up to her, and he has a lot of nice things to say about her. he's really happy to have her in his life and although he has done things he's not proud of -- he is proud of what he and quinn can accomplish together. he's proud of her, and the family they've made out of black fang . . . and he doesn't see any reason why he shouldn't be open about that. he's a pretty straight-forward, sincere person when it comes to that, so . . . yea. sorry PDA dislikers, but he does engage in it: that's just how he is jkasjj
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velvetineblue · 1 year
SCREAMS SOFTLY; i miss writing in general so much & i miss writing my bOi; i want to reply and do rp things soo bad. but my brain is in this state right now that seems only capable of doing what i have to do to survive/''Adulting'' ++ mentally passive activities like vidya game or watching stuff and reading during my free time . . . i LUV the effortless act of thinking about muses & plots . . . but cannot bring myself to actually write something, tho asjajja. i've been in a very thick cloud of brain-fog and it's frustrating : c but i guess i wanted to provide a little update and say that when you see me on dash but not writing, or if i continue to write very sparingly and randomly,, that's why. : c i will return in full force asap, but rather than beat myself up about it & continuing to try to poke & prod myself into writing instead of doing other stuff, i realized i just gotta let it be for now, and let the cloud of foggy brain pass on it's own, like it always does ^^ I am lurking && also on discord tho!! : D and will write whenever my writing muse permits me !!! :)
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