#ask me for more skarlow headcannons like this
So how would Skara and willow become an actual couple? I’m only asking because you have a few different answers.
Unfortunately, I'm not certain what to say, because if you're asking me 'How canonically would Skara and Willow get together,' it's kind of difficult one to answer.
The reason I've given so many answer's as to how Skara and Willow become a couple is because A) People asked often for different variations of it, and B) The show itself doesn't give a lot insight into their relationship, so a lot of speculation's can be made. We know Skara bullied Willow in the past, and we know now the two are friends, but a lot of specifics and nitty gritty details are less clear. The show never even gives a hand-wavey explanation for why Skara and Willow became friends, for Titan's sake. It can make for pretty fun speculation fodder and fan theorizing, but it also means creating a perfectly 100% show accurate answer to how Willow and Skara start dating involves a great deal of headcannoning, and also would involve explaining how Huntlow would break up since it's fairly obvious the intention at the end is that the two are in some form of romantic relationship.
I dooooooooo have something of an idea, a potential outline for a long-term Skarlow focused post-timeskip fanfic I'd be happy to see someone tackle, but with life, GS, and another project, there's too much for me to ever do it myself. So if you would like to take up the challenge of writing it yourself, feel free to take the idea and do it yourself. Hell, I might even beta-read it for you.
It starts from Skara's perspective as it follows her developing feelings over Willow while the pair are at Hexside. Over the years, Skara can't help but grow fond of her team captain and friend, eventually realizing she likes Willow a lot more then she should. She refuses to act on her feelings though, both because of her past as a bully and the fact that she's dating Hunter, so Skara mostly just vents to her bestie Viney about it all. After Hexside, Skara becomes a teachers aide and thinks she's fully gotten over her feelings for Willow until Hunter's 21st birthday, where he proposes to her in front of all their family and friends. Willow runs off, panicked, Luz and Amity follow after, and the party attendee's, unsure what to do, try either to help cheer Hunter up, or slip away before things get bad, which is Skara's method. Later, she hears that Willow broke up with Hunter, and a tiny, selfish pang of hope in Skara's chest reminds her that she hasn't given up her feelings for Willow. Even if she wishes she really had.
Later through Willow's perspective, we see how her relationship with Hunter was like. How she always liked him, cared about him, but never felt the same way for him as she did for her. How she always saw Amity and Luz and her dad's and wondered if she would eventually feel as happy with Hunter as they seemed with their partners. And how she never wanted to hurt Hunter, but after he proposed to her, she just didn't know how to react other then to panic. Essentially, she'd always love Hunter, but never felt in love with him, which leads to a lot of her personal conflict in the story. How she never wanted to hurt her friends, but now seems to have created this painful awkwardness in the Hexsquad because she could never be honest with Hunter or herself...
The main focus would be on both girls and their complicated emotions, both regarding their respective situations and, after a while, their feelings for each other. It would also feature a number of subplots, such as Skara being a teachers aid, Boscha and her relationship with Maya, and Hunter's own journey of self discovery after the breakup.
Not all the details are worked out perfectly, but I think there's at least something here, ya know?
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How do you think Skarlow + the other EE & their partners would celebrate after winning a big game?
A great question as always! Had to think about this one a bit. Hmm…
Well, first you gotta talk about the pre-game rituals, right?
The Entrails as a unit developed a tradition of wearing their uniform shirts to bed, as a way to feel pumped up about the next day. Gus even swore she dreamed about their victories, though Hunter suspects it’s more that he spends so much time creating illusions of potential scenarios that he dreams them.
Skara and Willow, meanwhile, have a more informal tradition. Willow would always stress herself out over the game, staying up late and worried about losing. One night, she was so tired she decided to call Skara, who then played her a lullaby to calm her nerves. When Willow did this a second time, Skara recognized the pattern, and now she always calls Willow first, playing her a lullaby around 10 too calm her girlfriends nerves and help her sleep better.
Ed and Hunter, meanwhile, always have the same Pensta exchange the night before:
ED: You better win this, or else I’m not gonna be your BF anymore.
GG: What? Are you gonna propose?
ED: As a matter of fact, I just might. ;)
Ed actually has a toy ring he plans to ‘propose’ to Hunter with if they ever lose to cheer him up. Hunter doesn’t know that though; he’s too busy being a blushing mess.
With Em and Viney, they fly a few laps around Bonesburough in Puddles, Em holding onto her girlfriend while assuring her how hard they’re gonna whoop their opposition. Viney can barely make out most of her words through the sound of air rushing around them, but she’s always appreciative.
Then, the actual post-victory stuff.
After winning a game, the Entrails always head over to Gus’s house for a mostly relaxing sleepover after a long, hard week of practice and play. Sometimes Viney or Hunter will bring their partner, but the time there is usually meant to be spent with the team, so they try to focus on that. Willow and Skara even try to avoid always being on the same team during games or sitting next to each other when watching movies. They fail, every time, of course, but they try.
Speaking of, Willow always returns Skara’s lullaby after a match. Skara likes to cuddle up to Willow at night, and Willow always strokes her hair and whispers a song her dads used to sing to her when she was little, a lullaby about a brave knight rescuing a dragon from an evil damsel. Skara always falls asleep, and Willow does the same, listening to Skara’s heartbeat and steadily sleeping to it.
Ed, on the other hand, has a more explosive way of celebrating with his partner. The night after the game, he likes to take a bunch of custom made (and not entirely legal) fireworks to a clear field, where Hunter and him meet up. Hunter chastises him for doing something so reckless, but always in a joking way, as Ed sets off a series of fireworks one by one. They’re all incredibly explosive, bright, and with a touch of Illusion magic that lets them say things like “YOU’RE THE BEST HUNTER” and “ED+GG” surrounded by hearts. Hunter calls it dorky, but in reality he finds it sweet as all heck. And Ed, with a smirk, always knows that.
Viney and Em, being an adventurous pair, like to take the weekend to fly out on Puddles to somewhere on the Boiling Isles neither of them have ever been to before. Sometimes it’s a town, sometimes it’s a forest, sometimes it’s ancient ruins. Whatever it may be, they both forget about homework, school, even the Entrails, and simply spend the weekend together exploring. They always camp out together and kiss under the stars. On Sunday night (or the BI equivalent) they fly home on Puddles, but Em’s last action before they leave is to mark the location on a map, and write about whether or not it would make a good honeymoon spot in the future.
Bonus; Gus, after everyone’s left and the place is cleaned, get Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo (their Palisman’s canonical name, look it up) throw their own little private dance party, complete with an Illusioned-up club where he MC’s everything. It’s fun. And sometimes, he’ll invite Matt there. Mostly cause he’s kinda chill about it, though. There’s, well, er, no other reason Gus would want to have a dance party with Matt alone. Totally not…
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How well does skara get along with the rest of willows friends?
An interesting question, and one I plan to answer a bit later in Guitar Strings. But for now, here’s how I feel their relationships would play out in the show;
•Luz: Unquestionably, these two would be best friends. They both have chaotic bisexual chaos gremlin energy, and the only reason they aren’t canonically besties is because there’s no way they wouldn’t somehow destroy the Isles together. They’d love to do almost anything together, from getting into wacky hijinks to planning double dates. I see them getting along super well, and whenever Skara isn’t with Willow, it’s a good bet she’s hanging out with Luz.
•Amity: Bit of a complicated one. Amity always found Skara to be one of Boscha’s nicer friends, but they never hung out outside of with the triclops. When she left Boscha, Amity wasn’t really that heartbroken about not talking to Skara. But since Skara left Boscha and became friends with Willow, she’s gotten to know Skara a bit more, and for the most part, she likes hanging out with her. The two wouldn’t be super close, but they’d find a nice, comfortable medium for themselves, a sweet spot, and even chat on their double dates.
Gus: He would certainly be the least approving member of the squad. Not that he doesn’t trust Willow, but he’s also the one who’s spent the most time with her, and even if Skara wasn’t as cruel as Boscha, she was still her friend. He doesn’t fully trust her. He keeps an eye on her, trying to see if there’s some ulterior motive or the like. Eventually, though, Skara catches on and tries to talk with him. Gus is honest about his frustrations and fear that Skara is planning to hurt Willow, and Skara acknowledges this but promises him that she would never hurt Willow again, not deliberately. She even swore to it, everlasting oath and everything. Gus still had his suspicions, but after a month or so of seeing Skara and Willow together, he eventually dropped all suspicions and now sees her as a close friend.
•Hunter (I’m assuming he’s considered one of Willow’s friends for this. If not, think of it as a bonus.): Since Hunter’s experience was with Skara after becoming friends with Willow, he’s mostly cool with her, especially during Flyer Derby practice. Unfortunately, it hurt when Willow said she only saw him as a friend, and seeing her with Skara wasn’t great. However, he eventually got over it, and even found himself a cute green haired boy that doubled as a way to annoy Amity. He and Skara aren’t amazing friends, but they get along surprisingly well.
I hope you enjoyed! Don’t forget to follow and ask more questions about Skarlow or The Owl House in general! And I know I have 1 more to do, and I promise I’ll get to it soon!
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between Willow and Skara who do you think is more PDA?
First, thanks for being the first person to ask a question. I’d love to answer more.
Second, for the question itself;
While both adore PDA, Skara is FAR more likely to initiate. Willow can be a bit shyer, so oftentimes it’s Skara who has to ask, wether it be verbally or physically (holding out her hand, puckering her lips, things like that). However, whenever Willow DOES initiates, Skara becomes the shy one, blushing and sputtering like a fool in love (which she is).
Edit: My best friend, a fellow Skarlow lover, actually disagrees with me:
“I find *endless amusement* in the idea that Willow is usually the one to initiate PDA and is just *completely nonplussed about it*. Like I like to imagine that Willow, Skara, luz and Amity are all talking about something And then out of nowhere, Willow just hugs Skara from behind and rests her chin on her shoulder But she just talks completely normally and acts like nothing is happening. Like there is just something *deeply funny* to me about Willow being the confident one in this relationship.
Amity: So er... Where'd this confidence come from?
Willow: *I have no idea but I'm loving it*”
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