#ask sweetlilbird
sweetlilbird · 2 years
Hey hun! For the headcanon asks, I was wondering in you had any thoughts on the guys’ love languages (either giving or receiving, whichever you want) for underfell, fellswap and horror tale?
And congrats on the 100 followers!! 💕
Of course! And thank you! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
Red: For giving, Red is all about physical touch. Whether it's a hand hovering over your lower back as you're talking with someone, him resting his chin on your shoulder, or even pulling you in for a tight squeeze, Red shows most of his affection and feelings for you through touch. It's much easier when words fail him (which is all of the time).
For receiving, however, he actually prefers words of affirmation! Most of the time, he's stuck in his head thinking he's no good and how on earth he managed to find someone like you - that's where you come in a tell him exactly what he means to you! Red will blush like crazy and try to brush it off, but he's a sucker for sweet words.
Edge: For giving, acts of service all the way for Edge. Like Red, he is not so good with words, so he shows his love for you through his actions; cooking your favorite meal after a long day at work/school, helping you out with chores because he wants you to take a break, things like that! Though, he tends to be a bit overbearing with this, so if it's becoming too much for you, it's best to tell him so. He'd hate to make you feel like you are incapable! He just wants to help.
For receiving, give this skeleton tons and tons of physical touch! Edge will act like he doesn't want to be snuggled, but he desperately craves the attention and touch. Rub his skull as he lays down on your lap or kiss him on the underside of his chin and he'll be putty in your hands.
Black: For giving, Black is also an acts of service type of guy, just in a slightly different way than Edge. Black will actually completely take over tasks for you, without asking of course, insisting that you go and rest while he takes care of it. This can be a point of contention with some people, and just like with Edge, you're going to have to tell him if it's too much. Black doesn't quite understand the issue at first, as he is only trying to show you that he's capable of caring for you, but once you explain it to him, he'll ease up on it. Another giving language for him is words of affirmation! Black will notice if you were feeling down instantly, and in his very odd but charming way would comfort you with his words.
Receiving language for Black would have to be acts of service and physical touch morphed into one. Black works long, stressful hours and he'd love nothing more than to come home to his partner and rest. If you were to give him a back massage, run him a warm bath or even order his favorite take out, his sockets would be filled with hearts and possibly even tears. He loves to be pampered by his partner!
Rus: For giving, Rus is definitely a gift giver! However, his gifts aren't exactly what you'd think; he's a very crafty person and he loves working with his hands, so most of the time he's busy making little gifts for his partner during his down time. Things like scarves, small trinkets, even jewelry! He'd love to see you wear a necklace he made you from a small rock he found, wrapped in jewelry wire. Rus also likes to buy you things that pertain to your interests, like if you were really into a certain video game, he'd buy you little collectables to put on your shelves.
For receiving, Rus is big on quality time and physical touch! Rus enjoys parallel play - meaning he's completely content with the two of you doing different things but still sitting next to each other. You could be working on a new project while he sits beside you and plays a game, and he'd be completely content. He also loves hugging and being hugged, especially if you hug him from behind! You may be shorter than him, but he'll tell you that he likes having you as his little back pack!
Bear: For giving, Bear is definitely a gift giver, but in a very different way. Bear likes to give his partner the gift of experiences, meaning he'll take you on small adventures all of the time! Bear loves taking his partner into the forest, foraging for different mushrooms and herbs. You two would be walking down a small trail and Bear would call for your attention towards him, only to find his arm outstretched towards you with a small little wildflower in his hand.
For receiving, Bear desperately needs words of affirmation. Due to his injury, he tends to forget a lot of things, and with that he is much more harsh to himself. He constantly berates himself for messing up on the smallest things, so it's good for him to have his partner remind him that he is not a failure and that they love him just the way he is. Bear also enjoys physical touch, but he'd prefer it if his partner didn't touch the top of his skull or his legs.
Sugar: For giving, Sugar is all about physical touch. He has a hard time believing that anyone would ever want to be with him of all monsters, so he's constantly touching his partner to remind himself that they are, in fact, real. Sugar likes to pet his partner's hair or rub the back of their neck, sometimes even pulling them towards him for a side snuggle.
For receiving, please give Sugar words of affirmation and physical touch; he is probably the most touch starved out of the skeletons. Sugar can barely look at himself in the mirror without either crying or being disgusted by his own appearance, so having his partner reassure him that he's beautiful and he's not broken really means a lot to him. Sugar, just like his brother, is also constantly berating himself for being unable to do even the most basic of tasks, mostly due to his back. He won't ask for them, but Sugar would very much appreciate back massages from his partner, to alleviate at least some of the pain. Plus, he really likes the way your fingers feel on his bones.
Thank you for your ask! I hope you enjoyed! 🥰
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lizzie-tempest · 2 years
How about 🍌 and 🍇 for the fruit ask?
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HI FREN! :D
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
Okay, so a while ago this post on Tumblr was circling and it said something like "go to Google images and type in your blog name". So I do because it seemed fun. I expected maybe my profile pic to come up so you can imagine how surprised I was to find the cover of some romance novel called "Lizzie Tempest Ruins A Viscount". Needless to say, I found this very funny, so now I try and sneak a reference to that into my fics. I've managed to sneak it into Maybe In Time, You'll Want To Be Mine. My personal favourite was when I got it into Lady Fingers. Sans gets caught reading it when he needs tips on how to have a good date XD
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
I'd kinda like to write fics about two different book series I love. With one, I want to make it a fix-it feel good kinda fic because the ending of the first one inflicted physical pain on my poor heart. With the other series, I just want to make an angsty scene even more angsty. I don't want to say anything in case anything reading this happens to be reading those particular books. I don't want to accidentally spoil anything.
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heavenly96 · 8 years
Overdue 100 Followers
I’m actually almost at 170. This will cover 200 followers, then, when it comes. There are 3 blogs I genuinely want to thank because my art never truly would have been noticed without them and I would never have met other great people on tumblr:
@relatablepicsofokuyasu Oh my gosh, I can’t thank you enough especially. I was at a mere 30 followers when I first talked to you and then you reblogged some of my art and then stuff just happened! Thanks to you, one of my pictures landed on one of my favorite Jojoblogs, @mistah-joestar, and I literally dropped my phone when I noticed my own art twice in my feed. Thank you! @poorlydrawnjosukeh I swear, you’re my favorite rp/daily/pd, whatever, blog; no doubt about it. I freaked when I saw you following me (though I managed to keep from throwing my cellular device). Thank you, thank you for the pieces of mine that you’ve reblogged.
But it’s more than just three blogs though and you guys are just as important as the former blogs I just named: @dr-catboy (you were one of my earliest followers 😃), @missnekomata, @frejann, @nekojetto, @winplaceshow, @attackongravityfalls, @hellosomebody-somewhere, @crystalchimera, @badly-drawn-josuyasu, @sweetlilbird, @heirofdrills, @the-changelingx, @dukecosmic, all of you either reblog and/or like my stuff regularly or I’ve interacted with in some form or fashion (several of you have sent me asks/messages that have made and solidified my existence in life and I thank you for that). Thanks.
And of course family support. Thank you @neonlemmykoopa, brother, FOR EVEN GETTING ME INTO JOJO IN THE FIRST PLACE. And buying me my first good tablet to even make art 😅.
I’m sure there are more blogs I need to thank and I’m incredibly sorry if I’ve managed to forget you. If you even just follow me or have ever liked a piece of my art, thank you.
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
if the skeletons could have a pet what animal/s would they pick?
(i'll leave it to you to decide whether the creature is within the realm of possibility for pet-ownership kjdfgkfdg)
Oooh, good question 👀
Sans: If it were possible, Sans would absolutely love to own a Red Panda. Despite their adorable faces and cuddly bodies, they actually don't like interaction with others, preferring solitude, which is something Sans could totally get behind.
Papyrus: Papyrus is a cat person all the way (as are most of the other Papyri). However, he specifically loves the Scottish Fold breed! He constantly fawns over their cute little ears and big eyes.
Red: Red actually isn't a huge pet person, he thinks they smell and he's not very good at taking care of himself, let alone another animal. Though, he does think about how funny it would be to own an African Grey bird and teach it a ton of swear words.
Edge: Probably the biggest cat guy out there! Doomfanger is a fan favorite for his pet, and while the breed of Doomfanger isn't necessarily canon...I see her as an all black Oriental Shorthair. Seriously, if Edge were a cat, that's what breed he'd be.
Blue: Blue loves dogs! His favorite breed is the Dalmatian, the signature dog of firehouses all around the country! He also loves Golden Retrievers.
Stretch: Stretch has an affinity for all things amphibious, especially frogs! He thinks they're so cute, and he'd love to own a bunch of Australian Green tree frogs some day.
Indigo: He doesn't like pets at all; they smell, make messes that he'll have to clean because no one else will do it, and they cost a lot to care for properly. Though, he wouldn't mind having a Budgie or two, sitting on his shoulder as he works on paperwork.
Cash: Cash loves cats too, but he prefers the bigger cats! Lions, tigers (but not bears), and even bobcats! He really loves the snow leopard the most.
Black: A Chihuahua. No, I will not elaborate.
Rus: Rus likes snakes, specifically Ball pythons! Their little tongues are so cute~ Rus also loves spiders of any kind!
Fellswap Gold:
Wine: He likes dogs, with a preference to the larger breeds. He's always wanted a Dobermann Pinscher, but he dislikes the practice of cropping ears and tails.
Coffee: The second biggest cat lover, right behind Edge. His favorite breeds are the Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest cat, both majestic floofs in their own way!
Bear: Bear is a big guy, so he's a little hesitant around smaller animals, but he loves all types of rodents! His favorites are Dumbo rats (those ears though!!!) and Capybaras.
Sugar: Despite being a cat guy, he can't handle the amount of hair they shed due to his allergies, but he likes the Sphynx breed! Sugar would make them little sweaters and hats to keep them warm.
Thank you for sending a question! This was a fun one to answer!
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
Dunno if you've done this before, but what would everyone's favourite insecurity be in a person? As in, someone is insecure about something (their identity, body, disorder, etc) and the character still loves that part of them? Just some fluff about insecurities,,
Hm, this one is kind of a tough one! Of course, all of the skeletons would love their partner no matter what insecurities they have! So, I'll do some general hcs on how the skeletons would help their partner through those insecurities! ヾ(・ω・*)
Sans: Sans definitely knows a thing or two about being insecure, so he'd know exactly how to comfort his partner with their own insecurities. He's not the best with words, but he'll try to help you understand that he loves you for who you are, not the labels or differences that you have from others. You are perfect just the way you are to him.
Papyrus: If you're feeling insecure about yourself, Papyrus will try his hardest to make you feel confident! You're nervous about how some people will react to your gender identity or sexuality? They were never good for you to begin with if they make you feel that way! Have a facial feature or body feature that you think is 'ugly'? Papyrus is already showering you with kisses to remind you that you are indeed beautiful! He's your biggest cheerleader!
Red: Red also has his own fair share of insecurities, so he really isn't one to talk about accepting yourself as you are, but he will still try to make you feel better about it. If you tell him something you're insecure about, he'll pull you in for a tight embrace and tell you that he loves you just the way you are, and if anyone gives you a hard time for it he'll kick their ass.
Edge: Who, who told you these lies?! Edge is going to fight them for making you feel this way! Obviously, insecurities don't just spring up over night, so once you explain to him how you began to feel this way, he'll calm down a bit and remind you that you that he loves you - insecurities and all.
Blue: Similar to Papyrus, Blue is going to prove to you that your insecurities don't define who you are. He'll constantly hype you up, remind you that you are lovely and worth all of the love he gives you!
Stretch: He is an amazing listener, letting you vent your insecurities to him; of course, he's also reminding you that you are amazing and absolutely stunning to him, but he understands that insecurities are normal to have.
Indigo: Uh...he doesn't really get it. Indigo tries, don't get me wrong! He is a very secure person, slightly more on the arrogant side, but he still attempts to comfort you. Indigo will try to tell you that there is no need to be insecure about those things because you are everything to him, but sometimes it comes off as him being dismissive. You really have to understand Indigo as a person to understand what he means.
Cash: At first, you think he's only half paying attention to what you're saying. Then, you notice the small things he does to try and push those insecurities away. Don't like the way your body looks in that outfit? Cash is coming up right behind you, telling you how amazing you look today. Not wanting to eat today? Cash is going to slowly coax you into eating at least something, even if it's small. He's very subtle about it.
Black: Black definitely knows what it's like to be insecure; he is constantly judging his every move, mentally scolding himself for even the simplest of mistakes - but if he hears his partner talk about their insecurities? It makes him pause, realizing how it feels to be on the opposite end of this exchange. Of course, Black is quick to reassure his partner that they are indeed worthy and that their insecurities are just ideas that were pushed into their heads by others who are also insecure about themselves.
Rus: Be prepared, because he'll be showering you with plenty of affection after you tell him about your insecurities. He can understand where you're coming from; he has his own insecurities that he's told you about and you were always there for him, so he wants to be there for you!
Fellswap Gold:
Wine: Similar to Indigo, he's confident in himself. Unlike Indigo, however, he's actually very understanding of his partner's insecurities and he tries very hard to prove to them that they are far more than the insecurities that plague them.
Coffee: Well, he can definitely sympathize with his partner's insecurities, having quite a few of them himself. Coffee isn't the best at encouragement, but he will still make sure his partner knows that regardless of their insecurities, he still loves them very much! Similar to Cash, he'll make small comments to cheer his partner up and make them feel less insecure about themselves.
Bear: As soon as you've finished telling Bear about your insecurities, he's going to give you a bear hug - pun intended. Bear will thank you for trusting him enough to express your insecurities to him, and of course tell you that he loves every single thing about you, even the parts you hate. He'll just love those parts harder.
Sugar: Sugar is a bit surprised that you're insecure of yourself, but he quickly recovers and expresses his love for you and all the things you're insecure about, reminding you that whoever put those ideas in your head are the problem, not you. Expect extra affection from Sugar, especially when it comes to the things you are insecure about.
I'm sorry if these seemed a bit redundant, I tried to keep them in character as best as I could! Thank you for your ask!
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
Ok, if you could answer for everyone, i would love to know, what is one characteristic in a person that attracts the skeletons?
Hello! I'd love to answer! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Just an fyi, the skeletons would love whatever traits make up your own personality! These are just some traits I think they look for in a partner.
Sans: For Sans, he really values trust above all else. If he can't trust you, then it's never going to work out between the two of you. Sure, it takes a while before he can really trust another person, but once he does he'll practically be a completely different person. Obviously, the same goes for you; he'd want you to have unwavering trust in him, too! Sans would still keep some secrets, of course, as that man is wound up tighter than an eight day clock.
Papyrus: Papyrus likes people who are compassionate! It's one thing to be nice to people, but to show it with their actions is completely different. Papyrus loves helping others, sometimes whether they like it or not, and he'd love for his partner to do the same! Helping at the soup kitchen, assisting an elderly person across the street, rescuing a kitten from a tree, etc.
Red: Red likes people who are very blunt - someone who isn't afraid to say what is on their mind. Red isn't the type of guy to beat around the bush, and he'd like it if his partner was the same way. Of course, he doesn't appreciate people who are super rude about it! Just those who don't hold back the truth when asked.
Edge: Edge likes people who are kind! Kindness is something he values a lot, especially coming from a universe where kindness is seen as a weakness. In fact, Edge thinks people who aren't afraid to be kind are incredibly strong! He hates the phrase, "it's easy to be kind" because it truly isn't, otherwise everyone would be kind. It takes a really brave person to be kind in the face of adversity.
Blue: For Blue, he really likes those who have a strong sense of justice! Blue wants to join the royal guard to help people - to bring down the hammer of justice on the bad guys. To see someone in need and come to their rescue, to stand up for what you believe in, those are the things he really values in a partner!
Stretch: Stretch is pretty lax when it comes to his partners, but he does like people who are spontaneous. It's the exact opposite of himself, but he can't help but want that sense of adventure with someone. Take him out on a random date, get him out of the house because he's been sitting on the couch for 3 days straight and his hoodie smells like smoke and sweat, you name it! He knows he needs to venture outside of his comfort zone, and having someone like that as a partner is just want he's looking for!
Indigo: If there is one thing about Indigo that he takes pride in, it's that he's honest. He needs someone who can handle that honesty and not take it completely to heart; he may say something completely out of pocket, but not mean it in a cruel way. Indigo can't really help it, he has no filter whatsoever.
Cash: Like Stretch, he doesn't really mind what his partner is like, as long as they are accepting. His past is full of addiction, gambling and crime, and if his partner cannot see past that, then there is no future with him. You have to accept him entirely, not just who he is today.
Fellswap Red:
Black: Black is very picky when it comes to partners; he prefers someone who is very determined, though. They may seem stubborn, as most people say, but Black knows that's not completely the truth. Determined people are very driven - they know what they want and they'll do whatever it takes to get it, something he respects greatly.
Rus: Rus likes people who know the true value of fairness; all of the hardship and violence he witnessed in his own universe showed him just how unfair life can truly be, so being with someone who tries their hardest to make sure everyone gets a chance to thrive is important to him.
Fellswap Gold:
Wine: This may seem a bit strange, given Wine's personality, but he actually really likes people who are humble. Despite his lavish lifestyle and personality, having someone just being who they are without trying to be in the spotlight at all times really balances him out. It reminds him that he doesn't need to be the center of attention all the time, and he can just simply exist with this person.
Coffee: Coffee values independence in a person, as he lacks a lot of that in himself. Due to his upbringing, Coffee doesn't know a lot of basic tasks, such as laundry and general cleaning. Wine did everything for him, and while he is grateful for his brother's help...he really wishes he could have done it on his own. His partner would have to be very understanding and patient with him, helping him learn these things and not judging him in the slightest about his lack of knowledge in things people see as common sense.
Bear: With Bear, he requires someone who is patient. Due to his injury, he's much slower with his speech and thought process, so it takes him a while to do certain tasks. He needs a partner who is willing to work with him and not get frustrated because he did something incorrectly or he's moving too slow.
Sugar: Sugar really likes people who are confident! Obviously not in an arrogant way, but someone who is very self assured and helps others who are insecure get their own sense of confidence. Sugar remembers when he was younger and had all the confidence in the world, but after the famine, he lost all of it. Seeing his partner being confident in themselves helps him realize that he too can be confident again.
I hope I answered this correctly! If not, feel free to clarify! And thank you for your question! (o´ω`o)ノ
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sweetlilbird · 11 months
I just recently found your story, Where The Daffodils Grow and it's made me cry twice and I just love how you flesh out the papyrus of every au involved. Especially rus and sugar. I felt the urge to draw this one scene as it wouldnt leave my head. It's from chapter 9: the highly anticipated beach episode part 2! Sugar sitting on the rocks looking out at the ocean.
Tumblr media
Ahh oh my gosh this is so sweet of you! 🥹 I love this so much! I know I haven’t updated it in a few months (life has just been kicking my butt lately) but I’m so glad you found my fic and you enjoy it! I hope to get some more chapters out soon, and I’ll be sure to add even extra scenes with Rus and Sugar just for you! 🩷
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sweetlilbird · 1 year
OH SNAP i just saw but congrats on the new name and pronouns!! 💓✨
Ahhhh thank you bestie!!!!! 🥹💕 it feels so nice to finally get it out!
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
What is the task? Maybe we could help? Or maybe I am just being curious and procrastinating on my own work, but anything not to have to do it right now, i guess
I was trying to remember what function in R to use to get the amount of categorical variables in a table in order to count the number of successes to then calculate the population proportion, but I couldn't find anything that worked so I counted them by hand 😭 there were 400 values but I got it through sheer determination 😤💪
...and I was also tired of seeing the same stack overflow question 😭
But thank you very much anon! And I totally get wanting to push off homework...I gave myself a mini break to go do some random tasks around my apartment 😂
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
First chapter from all of the stars is already amazing! Found you from ao3. Thanks for sharing your work. :)
Thank you so much!!! It means a lot to me that you are enjoying my work 😭💕 I hope you'll enjoy the rest of it! I have a few chapters written out already! 😊
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
wanted to drop by and say that i really love the fic "cash it in" !! i've been reading away at it HARD these past few days and i am genuinely filled with so much emotion—it's just so good
Oh my gosh 🥺😭😭 thank you so much you're so sweet!!!! ❤️ I've been enjoying a fic of yours as well!!! If you guys haven't read 'I Miss The Old Papyrus', (linked below!) I highly recommend it! It's amazing so far 😍 and thank you again for enjoying my work 😊
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
HELLO i was just wondering if itd be ok for me to make some fanart based on your fic? (i figured i should ask first before i started ;P)
if yes: are there any scenes in particular you'd want to see 👀?
thank you regardless, i hope you gave a good [insert time of day]!!
AHHHH oh my gosh of course it's okay!!!! I would absolutely LOVE that! As for a particular scene...I'm not picky! Whatever you feel like you can capture best! (Though i do have a slight bias towards Underfell Papyrus and Fellswap Sans 👀👀) And anon, I should be thanking YOU for even considering making me fanart 😭😭😭 that's like the highest honor you could ever bestow on a fic writer! Make sure to tag me in it!!! I'll be sure to share it and link it on AO3! ❤️❤️❤️ thank you again!!!
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sweetlilbird · 1 year
no femc and everyone in the dub got recast :(
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
For the unusual asks, how about 10 and 23? ☺️
I'm happy to answer! 😊
10. how would you describe your style?
If I had to use one word to describe it, it'd be colorful! I really love pastel tones, especially soft pinks and purples, but I also have quite a few vibrant pieces in my closet! Most of the time, though, I'm wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants to classes because it's much easier to get ready in the mornings that way, but they're also pretty colorful! I have a favorite set that looks exactly like vintage floral curtains 💖
23. Describe your dream date
Another good one! Let's see, my dream date would be going to a museum or aquarium, somewhere to learn about things but also have fun. Afterwards, going to a cafe or even having a picnic in the park would be wonderful! Oh, and boba tea is a must.
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
Whats up! I was wondering if any new books would be added to 'Forget me not'? or is 'Where the Daffodils Grow' and 'And The June Bugs Sing' the only ones?
Hi! As of right now, I don't have any plans on adding any other stories to that series, besides the occasional one shot. Neither of them are close to being finished, so once I have a chance to sit down and write, I'll be posting more chapters for both! ❤️
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
♥️love train! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love!♥️
🥺❤️ you're too sweet!!
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