#ask: buhdumbitch
shippertrash37 · 2 years
hii what do u think about all the weird theories on why rina won't and shouldn't happen? it's become quite rampant since 301 so i'm curious to know ur thoughts on the "interesting" (straight up bullshit) theories that have been flying around
heyyy!!! thank you so much for the ask!!!
i’ve been in the hsmtmts fandom since the beginning, so i’ve seen a fair share of theories in this fandom. some are fun/carefree, some are delusional, and some just make you scratch your head a bit. i’ve seen the countless arguments made by antis why rina shouldn’t and couldn’t possibly be together since season 1, yet here we all are. rina is still very much a possibility and still being explored narratively after years of people thinking otherwise.
i’m all for reading other people’s theories and opinions that may oppose mine, but when some of them have no basis or ignore actual canon/confirmed things, it’s hard for me to take some things seriously.
in regards to “weird/interesting” theories, i’ve seen a few. there’s the “ricky is ryan and is only going to serve as a plot device for pw” one that makes zero sense to me. ricky is THE main character of the series and he’s not going to be reduced as a plot device for a pairing that involves a character that is more than likely going to have a significantly reduced role in future seasons (and that isn’t ej slander, it’s just pure logic. the show follows high school drama kids that attend east high. ej has graduated). they wouldn’t have rina’s story continue from 1x05 onwards to just be used as a way to make another character jealous AGAIN and have the conclusion be that they’re better as platonic buddies without giving them a fair shot at a romantic relationship. that’s why the door has never been fully closed between the two of them romantically. lastly, tim has always talked about the characters not being direct adaptations of the hsm characters. there were similarities drawn here and there in season 1, but they’ve fleshed out these characters and their storylines to be independent from the ones in the movies. just because they’re doing some hsm2/camp rock songs, doesn’t mean they’re following their plots down to assigning each hsmtmts character a dcom character to parallel in s3.
adding onto that quickly, i’ve also seen the “pw is shane/mitchie in cr2 and troyella in hsm2 and will prevail just like those two couples did respectively.” there are some major differences in all 3 of those couples dynamics that i don’t feel like i need to get into, but some things i’ll highlight are: 1. those are dcom ships, pw is a tv series ship. 2. the foundations of each couple are completely different. 3. they all don’t share all the same problems. they vary in magnitude and the way one couple/charcter deals with something isn’t the same as how others would. 4. shane/mitchie and troyella didn’t have a ricky in their situation.
last theory i’ve seen is ricky/jet or ricky/val becoming a thing. i love a good, harmless crackship or non canon ship, so i don’t mind people shipping either of those pairings. shipping should be fun and get you excited about new content. i do look at people sideways though when i see them being a huge advocate for single!ricky and/or ricky x therapy (cue MAJOR eye roll) in response to being anti rina and then proceeding to ship ricky with other characters. like you don’t have to like rina, but don’t be hypocritical. i can’t take you seriously when you can’t even take your own takes seriously.
anywho, sorry for the length of this and i hope i actually answered your questions. i do get a bit rambly at times 😬. if there’s a specific theory you wanted my opinion on that i may not have touched upon, please feel free to lmk.
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