#ask: elysia luhjinn
stxrmqueen · 3 years
Hi! For OC Bingo, first I'm very excited about Elysia Luhjinn (I love Star Wars), where does she fit in the timeline?
Thanks for asking!
Okay, so El's main story takes place during the events of The Mandalorian, about 5 years after RotJ (~9 ABY). But she's born 2 years after the fall of the Republic (17 BBY), kidnapped by Darth Vader at 3 years old (5 BBY) and works for the Empire from 2 BBY to right before the start of RotJ (4 ABY) when she goes missing.
All that to say, most of her story will take place between the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy during the events of The Mandalorian and TBoBF, but there will be flashbacks to her time with the Empire and her childhood.
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enchanted--roses · 3 years
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-- OC Creator Bingo 2022 --
For @sentineljedi
Elysia Luhjinn
Hope you love this!
Forever Tag: 💠@fiercefray​ 💠 @eddysocs 💠 @wokenhardies​ 💠@ochub​ 💠@ocappreciationtag​  💠  @robertdowneyhiddlesbatch  💠 @foxesandmagic (wanna be on any of my taglist? ask me!)
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stxrmqueen · 3 years
Hey 🥰 I have you for OC creator bingo and was just wondering if you have a fav OC at the moment that I could make something for? Just followed now so wanting to be 100% sure on fandoms, faceclaim, love interest etc, so if you could let me know that too that would be fab 🥰 hope you have a lovely day ✨
Thanks for asking! Hmmm, my fav OCs at the moment would probably be either:
Elysia Luhjinn, my The Mandalorian/Star Wars OC. FC: Frankie Adams. LI: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin (played by Pedro Pascal).
Nikki Sato, my MCU/Doctor Strange OC. FC: Karen Fukuhara. LI: Stephen Strange (played by Benedict Cumberbatch).
But I'd love to receive edits, asks, or just anything about any of my OCs!
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stxrmqueen · 3 years
Hey! I’m here as part of the oc bingo, I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about Kydda and El? Anything you’d like to share, personalities, interests, plots, vibes, anything that can help me make a perfect gift! (Also, who’s El’s faceclaim? She looks so familiar but I’m drawing a total blank!)
Of course! Kydda and El are some of my favorite OCs, so I'm always down to talk about them. This ended up being kinda long, so I've put my answer under the cut.
And El's faceclaim is Frankie Adams, specifically I've been using pictures of her in her role as Bobbie Draper in The Expanse.
So, Kydda is a Jedi Padawan and later Knight during the Prequels/Clone Wars. She started out as the idea 'What if Obi-Wan had another padawan after Anakin' and kinda grew from there. She's brought to temple as an infant, so being a Jedi is the only thing she knows. At the beginning of the Clone Wars she is woefully unprepared to be a commander for a battalion and struggles a lot with earning her soldiers respect and feeling like she belongs as their leader. She cares a lot about both the soldiers under her command and the common people, and struggles with justifying the war as it goes on and the casualties rise. She uses force healing, and even tries to teach Anakin during RotS when he asks her for help, to no avail. She's willing to risk her own life for the life of any one soldier, even when it's not wise, and is always the first to volunteer for dangerous missions, both of which lead to a lot of strife with her fellow Jedi who think she's grown a little too attached to the clones. She ultimately manages to survive Order 66 with the help of her clone commander Ryder. She and Ryder go into hiding from the Empire and eventually have El.
So Elysia, or El as she goes by as an adult, is Kydda and Ryder's daughter. She's born about two years after the fall of the Jedi and spends her early years in hiding with her parents. When she's about 3-years-old Darth Vader manages to track Kydda down and precedes to destroy their entire village and kidnap El. She spends her early life as an agent of the Empire that answers exclusively to Darth Vader. By the time of the Mandalorian she has been abandoned by the Empire and has realized she hates what she did for them and wants to be a better person, but she still struggles a lot with her past, her emotions, and her connection to the Force. She views the Child as her chance to do right by someone after doing so many awful things for the Empire, and along the way she comes to view Mando and Grogu as the family she never really got to have having been taken from her own so young. Ultimately she wants to protect her little family and use her abilities to do some good in the galaxy rather than bringing pain and destruction.
Hopefully some of this is useful to you, if you have any other questions feel free to ask!
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stxrmqueen · 3 years
Hi! Your on my oc bingo card! Who are your current muses? and can you share one fact about each of them!? - @come-along-pond
Really any of my Star Wars OCs, but especially my The Mandalorian OC Elysia Luhjinn.
El and Mando have a bit of a slow burn romance going on, a kind of hinted at but not spoken sort of thing. They know their story is supposed to end with her and Grogu leaving to become Jedi and him traveling alone again, so they vow to not do anything about it to try and save themselves from the heartbreak. And a newer OC I've been brainstorming: My Doctor Who OC Cassiopeia, who I haven't talked about on here yet but she does have a pinterest board.
So, Cassie is actually a Timelord, but she's obsessed with human history and loves time traveling and collecting little trinkets from human history and can name off little facts about the time periods she took each trinket from.
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stxrmqueen · 3 years
Hello! You're on my bingo card. ^^ Can you telle me more about Elysia Luhjinn please? Have a nice day! Mabs.
Of course, thanks for asking and I hope you have a nice day too!
At the end of the day, El is very much a person who struggles with who she is. She struggles a lot with her identity as a person, she doesn't feel like a Sith or an Imperial, but she also doesn't feel like a Jedi, and she doesn't feel like a Mandalorian even when she is officially named a part of her clan. Ultimately she comes to accept that she's something in-between Sith, Jedi, and Mandalorian, but for a long time she struggles with this dissonance within herself over what she wants to be, what she's expected to be, and what she actually is and where that all fits in to her worldview.
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stxrmqueen · 3 years
Hello BINGO buddy! Please share 5 facts about your current muse.
So I'm gonna go with my girl El on this one because I was working on her fic yesterday:
She has a red lightsaber that she crafted as a teenager with a crystal she stole from a former Jedi padawan she defeated. She hates it as it's a constant reminder of what she was, but keeps it on her person in case she every finds a problem a blaster just can't solve. Ahsoka later teaches her how to purify the crystal and it turns white.
One of the few memories she has from her childhood with her parents is a Mandalorian lullaby her father used to sing to her. She sings it to Grogu when he has trouble sleeping.
She was named Elysia after a friend of her mother's, the person who helped Kydda and Ryder hide after Order 66. The first Elysia told Kydda when she was pregnant that it was common in her culture to name children for someone you respected or admired like a distinguished relative or a historical figure, so they chose to name El after her. If she had been a boy Kydda would have wanted to name her Obi-Wan.
Due to living on a moisture farm for years she has had to learn some mechanic skills and how to fix things in order to keep the farm working, but prior to her crash landing she was useless with anything mechanical. However, she was a pilot and could fly a TIE-fighter.
Darth Vader had a special tactical suit made for El which contained pauldrons, vambraces, and greaves all made of beskar stolen from Mandalore during the Purge. She was not wearing the suit when she went missing and it was believed lost when the second Death Star was destroyed, but was later found by Moff Gideon.
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stxrmqueen · 2 years
Is Elysia more of a loner type or is she open to working with others (if necessary or on a regular basis)?
I know you sent this like a month ago with all the other ones, so sorry for the super late response. But thanks for the question!
It's... sorta complicated. She's a pretty outgoing person all things considered, but she imposes a form of self isolation as a sort of punishment for the things she believes she did wrong with the Empire. So she likes working with people, but purposely tries to stay her distance because of a mix of fearing she's going to hurt the people around her and feeling like she doesn't deserve to form relationships with the people around her.
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