#ask: lucyintheenglishgarden
asking questions –> @lucyintheenglishgarden
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The blog is brand new, and I’ve been slow on the uptake. But I am so glad you found it! :D Send any and all incorrect quotes and suggestions! I hope you enjoy.
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mielpetite · 5 years
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OMG I may have gotten a little carried away with @transarmageddon’s gift exchange, @lucyintheenglishgarden, but the ask was so sweet and I felt like indulging myself too, I think.
This one is for you, @effablecrowley! No need to beg for our fave demon with long hair, I got you. :) I hope you enjoy it utterly!
Binary stars
Colour pencil on Bristol
And here’s some detail:
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gottagobackintime · 6 years
lucyintheenglishgarden replied to your post: Does anyone know of a live stream for the Oscars??...
Maybe try Youtube? Sometimes people stream it on there
Thank you! I didn’t even think of that :D
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Sherlock Appreciation
So, I’ve been working with @doughnutsaremydivision and we’re thinking of doing a video for the Sherlock appreciation. So if people want to record a video message or just a voice message that would be awesome. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that we will happily put your message in the video in writing. Also, please try not to put swearing in it, your message will go through but we’ll probably black out the swear words.
It would also be great if you could put the country your from to show how Sherlock has spread and if you have a preference of if you want your name in there or who you want to say your message is from add that in too.
We’re thinking of putting fanart over the top of the voice recordings so any contributions would be amazing. If you do send in fanart, let us know how you want to be credited so we can give you the right recognition.
If you don’t feel comfortable doing any of that I fully understand and am happy to add whatever contribution no matter what size.
For a deadline I’m thinking about 10am on the 19th 20th  22nd of January Australian ESDT which is 11pm on the 18th 19th 21st of January UK time I think. I think it will be better to try and get it to the cast and crew sooner rather than later but if people need more time just send me a message, ask or whatever and that should be fine.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far and sorry for changing it. If you want to leave your message as a written one that is completely fine but I’ll tag people who have sent things in so far or showed interest.
@azrkvx @ifbrokenibe @rowhibbles @vargaesztergyongyver @bencinyourface @trippystrings @rhiannon-a-christy @mycroftslittlebrother @shittyhpurl @tea-atfive @dawningday84 @zorrolinda @midnightwillows @gwenholmes @moriartysgrimmfairytales @my-paper-universe @antheas-blackberry @baker-street-now @thebeastunderyourbed @imthesmartone221b @underthecroissantmoon @lucyintheenglishgarden @sherlockreacts @bertilakslady @zorrolinda @221bcumberb @missmotherhen @travellerofmanylands @baker-street-now @chitarra10 @jazziedu @hounds-of-the-fall @anoddlyoptimisticdevil @imamoosed @and-a-pidgey-in-a-wepear-tree @mae-jones @tardisnamedjack @caroline-is-sherlocked @iamtheno1cumbercookie @sherlockreacts @therealbucky05 @writingwife-83 @jeni2727  @theladylavender   @laila-shadowknight 
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