ruvviks · 7 months
💢💤🌱✂️🌈 for rami please >:]
oc asks!
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
it's not necessarily a habit that he has but rami is a very calm man. a bit too calm in some cases maybe. he's not one to start panicking very quickly which is nice to have because he can keep his head clear in bad situations but it can be frustrating to deal with in the heat of the moment because some people could assume that he just doesn't care. which is not true because he cares a Lot all the time
he also tends to explain things in great detail all the time because he likes to be very clear about what he's talking about. doesn't handle misunderstandings well so he tries to prevent that, but some people might find that too much especially if they already know a lot of things about the topic in question
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
rami tends to go to sleep when he's actually feeling tired, so he generally falls asleep pretty easily once he commits to it. it Does however take him very long to get to that point because he's always very busy with a lot of things and the more active his brain is the smaller the chance he will get tired. he is a very busy man
having someone else there with him helps a LOT with going to bed because it's pretty easy to convince him if you mean a lot to him. he will still take a while to fall asleep that way but at least he will go to sleep a lot earlier than he would've otherwise done
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
rami's most vivid memory would be the time he got lost in a huge mall when he was still very young. he was terrified and an old lady stayed with him the whole time until he found his parents back. he doesn't remember much from what happened during those hours, but he does vividly remember how he felt; terrified at first, but then strangely at ease when the old lady showed up and kept him company. this memory is something he still holds on to very tightly, and it's part of his motivation to help out others in similar way :)
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
rami holds on to people very tightly most of the time. it takes him a lot of effort to actually let someone in (only a few people know him by name; if you know his name he considers you a VERY close friend) but once he's done that he will do anything and everything in his power to keep that person in his life
however, if someone ever hurts his daughters, it's over IMMEDIATELY. he will not tolerate any of that. you touch rami's daughters and you WILL suffer the consequences
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
rami had a relatively normal childhood so there's not a lot of advice he would have for his younger self, other than to not get so caught up in what other people thought of him. it was something he struggled with a lot in school and he bounced around between many different personalities and, well, masks basically, trying to find his place with other people and continuously failing at it
other advice would mostly just be cooking advice to be honest. rami is a good cook nowadays but he was so bad when he was younger. and it took him VERY long to get better at it. so to have that advice a little earlier would've helped him a lot
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ruvviks · 7 months
tell three funny facts abt rami. please. :3c
HEHEHE THANK YOU so. ok. quick introduction. rami (full name ramiel but barely anyone calls him that) is a mercenary of vitali and later also of aubrey, he's partnered up with red reaperkiller's caleb on gigs while the latter is recovering from a broken arm. they're besties of friendis :^) and now. funny facts
rami has two daughters, noura (age 16) and jude (age 21) and they like to play a game during dinner which is just. a debate of some sort. one of them introduces a topic to discuss (can be anything. ice cream. trees. night city's stock market) and then they all pick the stupidest hill to die on and defend it with their life. the person who can make rami almost choke on his food from laughter wins
he is unreasonably scared of worms. "would you still love me if i was a worm" baby he would be terrified of you i am so sorry. there's no reason for this. no logical explanation. he is fine with any other type of animal including bugs. and snakes would also be fine. but it's just worms
rami also does NOT understand corporations. he does not know what an arasaka is. he does not care! he's minding his own business out here he's having a perfectly fine time not concerning himself with any of that. his late husband merikh is the one who used to know everything about them (he was some sort of journalist / private investigator combination. i'm still working on it) and that was rami's only window into the corpo life. if you try to explain to him what militech exactly does he will zone out and stop listening at some point sorry
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ruvviks · 7 months
🎷and👖for Rami?
oc asks!
🎷 SAXOPHONE - do they play any instruments? are they any good at it?
rami can play the guitar! it's been a while since he's last played but he would be able to pick it up pretty quickly again once he sits down properly for it, it's very much just muscle memory that needs to be reactivated at this point. he's not insanely good at it, he's self taught and mostly focuses on songs he likes to play rather than wanting to play as many songs as possible or making his own music
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
rami is well in his 40s and doesn't really care about fashion in general so he tends to value practical use above aesthetic. any pair of good jeans or cargo pants will do and then a comfortable shirt or sweater on top, add some armor to it if he's on a combat-focused gig but other than that it just needs to be comfortable and he needs to be able to move well in it. his favorite outfit is a thin, black turtleneck shirt with an old sweater thrown on top with black cargo pants and big boots underneath. and then a long coat over it :)
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ruvviks · 7 months
moon, maple leaf, spider, mouse trap, masks, and comet for rami [: hehe
oc asks!
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
rami loves his daughters more than anything else in the whole world and all he wants is for them to be happy. it's been difficult for them since merikh (rami's late husband) died and rami struggles with balancing out all aspects of his life, making it difficult for him to properly be there for them at all times. he wishes it would be easier because he really just wants to spend as much time with them as possible but he also needs to earn money one way or another to be able to pay his bills and afford groceries and pay all the stacking overdue medical bills, funeral expenses and everything else. he is in hell but he's being so brave about it
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
rami's favorite season is summer! he doesn't mind the heat at all and loves sunshine because it makes him feel at ease. just in general dark and gloomy weather weighs down pretty heavily on him even though he might not show it, but especially if you know him well then it's easy to tell
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
rami's biggest fear is dying. not necessarily the thing itself but more just focused on what he will leave behind. he doesn't really have a back-up plan for his daughters and what will happen to them when he's not there anymore? and especially in his line of work as a merc it's hard to tell if he'll still be alive the next day or not and he always works alone. if only there was someone who could look out for him...
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
a loved one in danger, definitely. anything happens to the people he cares about the most and rami will lose it. he's not very impulsive or destructive but as soon as the uncertainty hits about whether or not someone he loves is still alive. well. you'll have to either figure out a way to hold him back or just stay out of his way to make sure you don't end up just like his enemies by accident
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
rami acts generally the same around everyone because he doesn't really have many good friends. he likes keeping his relationships with others superficial and not a lot of people actually know him by name at all. it makes him feel more in control of how people perceive him and all that
when he REALLY trusts someone he will loosen up a lot though and he's much more relaxed and will make a lot more jokes than usual. he still has a very calm and collected demeanor to him but it's easier to tell that he's actually enjoying himself there, instead of it clearly being a mask he's wearing
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
most people think that rami is very mysterious and some would even find him a bit scary considering he doesn't say much, is more of a lurker, but also appears and disappears out of seemingly thin air. he's very good at living in the background of other people's lives and tends to not involve himself too much, which makes it super easy for him to slip in and out of situations unnoticed. he's a bit like a ghost
a lot of people would assume he's very distant and maybe a little mean but he's not mean at all. he's always very polite, doesn't curse (or rarely curses at least), always puts other people's safety before his own and you will feel very safe with him once you actually get to know him a little better :)
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ruvviks · 7 months
Tell me LIES about Rami! Sweet, sweet lies
he's lactose intolerant
he's straight
he's shaped like a stick
he's a GREAT dancer
he's over the death of his late husband
he's bad with technology
he knows what an arasaka is
he does NOT want to kiss caleb. not at all
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