akemiozawa · 3 years
Which twisted boy do u ship Charlie with?
Tbh, I would mainly ship her with the dorm leaders. She’s the one who saved their asses anyways when they went insane. And the dynamics she has with each is special in their own way! 😁
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akemiozawa · 3 years
Does Charlie have a crush on Malleus? I think that's super cute if she did :3
In the beginning, she’s curious about him. Yet as time passes, she starts to harbor a crush on him. And it’s different than any other crush she’s got. Because unlike the dorm leaders as well as boys that she’s just had silly lovesick feelings towards, this one feels like they have had history long before she dropped into Wonderland (OC lore~!)
And little does she know that Malleus not only loves her, but he, too, believes that she is someone from his past coming back to complete their story~ (more lore!)
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akemiozawa · 3 years
How did you come up with Charlie's personality? She kind of reminds me of myself when I lose my temper XD At any rate, I think she's a good representation of a strong heroine who's not afraid to stand up for herself. Oh, and please don't call yourself pathetic, bc ur not!
Charlie’s a mix: based off of several anime characters and myself. She’s what you’d call a ‘Mirrorsona’ or my ‘self-insert’.
Thank you anon! I really wanted to create someone who looks very strong willed; yet don’t forget, she’s got flaws like any human being would. But I thank you for your compliments on her nonetheless!
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akemiozawa · 4 years
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To the anon who asked me this, I accidentally deleted your question and I feel completely terrible about it 😭 I swear it was on accident! but thank you I needed this wake up call, my mind has just been a mess....
But yes: I love this community too much to leave it and it shows my dedication and appreciation towards it and anyone else who blogs about it
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akemiozawa · 3 years
Take your time to build yourself back up got it? We'll be here
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Thanks anons. For sending the uplifting messages when my heart’s still healing. This goes out to you guys 🙂
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akemiozawa · 4 years
TWST tag game
Tagged by @mamushroomoracorn and @octavinelle-mafia
Three facts (TW vers.)
1. When it comes to character cast, like all of them equally: they all have their quirks and uniqueness. But if I had to choose a few favorites, they’d be: Deuce, Epel, Jack, Riddle, Malleus, and Floyd
2. Been with the fandom ever since the game was announced.  and started this Tumblr blog because of my love for it, and a few things outside of TW.
3. I created my MC OC because I’ve always been intrested in 1: A person who actually has hidden powers and 2: The concept of seers. Plus I didn’t want Trina to be the only OC in my file rack
Tagging: @briarrosescurse @revolllutionary @prometheanglory @justkazuki @just-patchy @gtfolingling @ghostnightbride @teardrop-eclipse
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akemiozawa · 4 years
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you can’t get them back. So I’m gonna tie my heart so I’ll never loose you. Happy Friendship Day! Send this to all of your friends including me if you treat me as one. If you get four back, then you’re a great friend.❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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Thank you guys so much. And yes I know this is a bit late, but I wanted to post something a bit more happy (nervous sweat drop 😥)
@sintheyokai @mamushroomoracorn @the27th @permanentlyexhaustedowl @sidecharacter965 @takumipineapplexd @not-twisted-enough @justkazuki @no-luck-styn @mint-sugar-1121
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akemiozawa · 4 years
Take note PPL
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I’m a hybrid of Kalim, Rook, Ruggie, Deuce and Cater, Silver, Azul and Floyd, and the Shroud bros. And what do you get?
ME!!!! 🙃 credits: @jangmi-latte
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akemiozawa · 4 years
21 Years
Holy crap. To think I’m 21 already. Time just goes by fast...
Anywho, happy birthday to me and thanks to all of you for support and encouragement! Raise your glass!
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akemiozawa · 4 years
Get to know mun better
Tagged by: @permanentlyexhaustedowl @revolllutionary @not-twisted-enough @sidecharacter965 @mamushroomoracorn —————————
1) What do you prefer to be called namewise:
2) When is your birthday?
March 11
3) Where do you live? (You can just give the country's or state name if your not comfortable with sharing the city name)
Southern California, USA
4) Three things you are doing right now?
Contemplating whether or not to wash my hair, lying down in my bed, and watching YouTube.
5) Four fandoms that have your peak interest right now?
South Park, Fairy Tail, Red Queen and Twisted Wonderland
6) How has this pandemic been treating you?
At first, it didn’t bother me and I had gotten used to it (with a happy attitude) but now I’m starting to feel like a bird in a cage, wishing things can get back to normal soon.
7) A song you can't stop listening to right now?
All You Wanna Do from Six the Musical
8) Recommend a movie:
Eh....Central Intelligence
9) How old are you?
21 years
10) School, university, occupation or other?
11) Do you prefer heat or cold?
Cold, bc fuck the Cali Heat 🥵
12) Name one fact about out that others might find unusual:
I’ve been out of the country ten times
13) Are you shy?
At first when I’m around new people, I will be more quiet, but as time goes on I become more comfortable and open.
14) Do you have preferred pronouns?
15) Biggest pet peeves?
People touching my belongings, when my phone acts like a POS, and when my older brother hogs the bathroom.
16) What is your favourite "-dere" type?
Tsundere, Dandere, Deredere, and Bakadere
17) Rate you life 1-10. 1 being crappy, 10 being amazing:
5.5/10. I’m falling behind on my classes, and I want to get out of community college as soon as possible, and we have ourselves a new dog which I never agreed to.
18) What is your main blog?
Dis one! AkemiOzawa
19) List your side blogs and what they are used for:
20) One thing you think people should know about you before they become your friends?
sometimes, at times when I feel like i’m down I start questioning my place on this website. Do people actually like my content? Are they following me out of pity? What?
I tag the following: @takumipineapplexd @briarrosescurse @wondersbeyondcompare @justkazuki @lawlessofdusk @goldenagedfollies @ghostnightbride @iamhereforthedonutsihatedonuts
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akemiozawa · 4 years
Em: Hey Charlie! *hugs* Thank you for giving me those candles, the curse went really well! I saw Sebek cry! Anywho, I heard you've been feeling a bit down lately. Do you want me to put a curse on someone?
Charlie: Uh, yea, like I said no problem. Trina told me she got the footage. As for the question...at the moment, no. *curls up into fetal position* If anything, it should be me to get cursed. Leave me alone to die....😞
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akemiozawa · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. We are all beautiful 💙💙💙
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@namelesspterodactyl & @not-twst-enough GMIW HMJLPGFAVBAUU YU L SGHH 😭😭😭 I don’t deserve this from u
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akemiozawa · 4 years
Akemi, look I'm going to tell you something. In any fandom you can work super hard and still not get recognized or have anyone talk to you. You can spend weeks planings fics/drawings/memes/posts/etc but no one may notice or care. It's a harsh truth and It's not just you everyone feels like that! So please don't get upset over something like this. There are people who love and care about you darling!
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akemiozawa · 4 years
Ei girl. This is something i went through too Stop looking for validation in others and learn that you just don't vibe with some or learn to talk more till you get noticed. If you really want to grow in popularity start organising your accounts and stuff idk I'm not good either. I know it's frustrating but you'll get over it
Thanks anon. Also this is answered sooooooo late, I’m horrible 😓
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akemiozawa · 4 years
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Thank you all very much ☺️❤️💜💛💙
@permanentlyexhaustedowl @mamushroomoracorn @justkazuki @goldenagedfollies @not-twisted-enough
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akemiozawa · 4 years
A cheerful note to tell you how I appreciate your blog and that I love our chats and and our rps! You have shown me some of the funniest stuff as well! (Like kabehorn, pffft 😂) and that you're a great writer! - Aya 💙💙💙
Thank you! Glad to have a friend like you!
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