mikeythefox · 3 years
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Something about rainbow horses that time traveled and ate muffins...
Oh and there was a cat too... somewhere.
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askpineapplekitten · 7 years
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Oh I do! But since he’s always “on Duty” he fine’s the guests with “Noise Pollution” if they get too loud.
Which is Nicole is pretty good at...
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killerfishsg · 10 years
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What happened Pineapplekitten? :c
Who made you angry?
((Realized I never drew pineapplekitten before, so here she is :D))
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ask-katia-managan · 11 years
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"So yeah..this is my pad...thanks for helping me bring in my old sofa...I was getting tired of my spinny chair..." "This is a pretty nice place, and I really love this spinny chair!" "So when's our delivery of Chocolate Cake coming here...I'm getting sorta hungry..." "When our lives stop being complete shit..." ((November 8th's Katia's birthday so I drew this to celebrate it! So yeah Happy Birthday to all of us.)
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the-lizbian-writer · 11 years
wow :3
You are my:[] Acquaintance [x] Friend[] Stranger[] Boyfriend/Girlfriend[x] Love Interest[] Best Friend[] Enemy[] Nemesis[x] Other
I think you’re:[] Ugly[x] Ok[] Pretty[] Beautiful[x] Gorgeous[x] Sexy[x] Hot
We should:[] Fight[x] Fuck[x] Kiss[x] Make love [x] Text[x] Watch films
I:[x] Like You[] Hate You[x] Love You[x] Think you’re …
I secretly:[] Hate You[x] Love You[] Like You[] Dislike You[x] Think You’re …
Should you reblog this?[x] Yes[] No
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askpineapplekitten · 10 years
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Um hey, Gumball right?
Do you happen to know where your mother placed my clothes
"No idea, she has a habit of hiding stuff well"
Well do you think you can get me some other clothes in the mean time.
"Hmm, Ya I think I can. Come up stairs to my office"
Your office?
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This looks more like a room then an office...
"Just stay there for a moment I have something perfect for you"
"Hey, I was wondering why do you painted on underwear?"
Let's just say I made many bad choices in my life. This is one of them...
"Oh, ok"
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"The clothes off my own back. Don't worry I have more"
P-Put your clothes back on, y-you can't just do that in front of a stranger you never met before.
"You know my mom, thus your not a stranger"
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It doesn't work like that...Just.
Please put your clothes back on....
"Ok, ok I got something even better then this"
"Can you hold on a moment"
You said that the last time, and frankly, I'm scared too look.
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"How about this?"
Is that your mothers?
Did you take it off from her?
"No, I grabbed one from her room."
"Why would I ever do something like that, shes my mother. Jeez lady your weird"
Look at the pot calling the kettle black... Just hand it over if you please.
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askpineapplekitten · 10 years
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"Haha! He has a funny lookin face!"
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"Hey, its alright. I lose or misplace my clothes all the time. Once my dad even washed them and they became really small."
It's not that, your mom kinda took my clothes.
"Oh...yeahhh, she does that."
"So like why are you here anyways?"
I was going to have tea and cake but I'm not sure if I want to anymore...
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I think so too. But I wouldn't mind to be friends with her. I just don't know how I can tell her I just want to be friends and only friends. She's a nice lady don't get me wrong. But I'm not sure if I even do like girls. And I don't want to find out any time soon.
"Yo lady, who your talking to?"
((So like i got a new tablet! Yay! But its a tad bigger then what I used to have so I have to get used to the new drawing area. So my drawings will kinda be a lesser quality then normal until I get used to this behemoth))
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askpineapplekitten · 10 years
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Happy New Years!
From Pineapplekitten!
-Drawn with Mouse-
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askpineapplekitten · 10 years
Merry Christmas!
Some blogs got a special gift from me!
Except that Bartender, he got a I.O.U.
Sorry <3!!
I hope you all have a Happy Holiday!
May warm sands heat you this cold festive holiday and all that junk.
                                                                       Your Truely
                                                             -Katia Fucking Managan
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killerfishsg · 11 years
So, what are your thoughts on people loving Katia? Do you think it's pathetic?
No, it’s not pathetic. I don’t think it is wrong or pathetic to love katia. Sometimes when people are depressed or upset, seeing katia makes them feel better. It’s like therapy for sadness and depression, her cuteness cheers people up, so it’s not pathetic. No one has the right to stop somebody from liking a character, so this talk about “people who loves a yellow cat is pathetic” should stop. Now.
Personally, I must say Katia has helped me a lot in my life. Before I read Prequel, I was quiet, didn’t really interacted with people- I was anti-social. However, after reading Prequel, I realised I was interested in the story as the other Prequel fans are, and I finally had the courage to speak out. (By commenting in the comments section) People replied to my first comment, then my next, and I replied, and they did too! In the first time of my life, I was talking. Talking to complete strangers online I’ve never met before. We all had a common interest in Prequel, and I didn’t feel uncomfortable speaking now. Soon, I was on Tumblr, posting about katia. And that was where I met Smash. I could still remember how excited I was when I got my first drawing from Smash from the “reblog askkatiamanagn and get katia pictures” post. Then, I found the way for me to express my love for this webcomic was to draw. I wasn’t a good artist, but I still went forward and drew katia. I was very nervous when I posted my first drawing on Tumblr. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the Prequel communty. My fears were unfounded when I saw that people did like what I drew. Man, that sense of accomplishment was beyond any words to describe. With more confidence, I was soon drawing more and even created a deviantART account, where most of my fan-arts go to. So, here I am now, a better person than before. Thanks Kazerad for making Prequel, thanks Smash, thanks people on Tumblr, my followers, thanks great friends on Steam, and also the prequel community on deviantART. You guys deserve medals. Kazerad should get a extra big one (Gold-plated with sparkly diamonds)
Oh gosh I didn’t know I typed that much. 
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askpineapplekitten · 11 years
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Alright Katia, You can do this, This is the first beta invite you ever got in your life. You will try the game, and give honest feedback. You can't fuck this up even if you tried.
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Quill! I'll be locked in my room for the weekend playing this game I got invited to, If you need me just call my phone or something. Wish me luck!
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Wait, what?
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askpineapplekitten · 11 years
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I do chores around the house and some errands she wants me to do in exchange for a roof under my head and a few septims. I'm really happy I met her.
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You're talking to a cat who likes to fuck pineapples....I have no problem with what people fetish's are. Now sleepy time.
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askpineapplekitten · 11 years
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askpineapplekitten · 11 years
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I don't even know her. She was just someone who sent me a letter. But I might take up her offer on that tea. I could use more friends then just Quill.
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Thank you, I could use a hug right about now. I hope you don't mind that I'm soaking wet and naked at the moment.
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Have you ever seen a male cat penis before? Ya its kinda like that. So I guess to answer your question, yes. Yes they are. Luckily for me every time I have slept with one I was drunk off my ass. So I don't remember anything from the sex to the pain that might come afterwords.
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You mean the half Khajjit half Nord things? I never really saw one in person but I know many Khajiit where I was from never liked them. It was kinda like taboo to speak of them. Many people think they might have died out since no one has seen them for a long time. Maybe if I met one they would except me for who I am since I really don't fit in with either Nords or Khajjit.
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Ok, I think that's enough questions for today. How about you guys send me some new better ones?
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askpineapplekitten · 11 years
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I never remember anything when I'm Drunk. Of course it possibly didn't really happen and it could just be rumors. Either way, I am to tried and hyped on coffee to give 2 fucks about anything at the moment.
I just want to play some more GTA Online and then maybe go to bed. I'll worry about this shit when I'm fully rested.
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askpineapplekitten · 11 years
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"Hey Katia, You have some mail!"
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"You said I had mail?"
"Ya it's right over here Pineapplekitten"
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"I told you not to call me that Quill"
"Sorry Katia."
"What the fuck happened to you. You look like you got hit by Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball."
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"I was up for 2 days straight playing Grand Theft Auto Online, I have yet to sleep and I've been staying awake because I'll I've been drinking and pissing out is coffee."
"Anyways Gimmie my mail please"
"Here you go"
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"Isn't Nicole a girls name?"
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"Well fuck, If we did sleep with each other, then I guess I am Gay..."
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