#asleifr grimvardarson
expeditionviking · 2 years
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Asleifr after the Duell
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isamajor · 3 years
Expeditions: Vikings events with Asleifr (2)
• Event in Eoforwic’s jail (if Asleifr is your lover)
As soon as your cell door is opened, Asleifr pushes into the cell and envelops you in a strong embrace.
“I'm so glad you're safe!”
“{Jokingly.} Took you long enough to get here.”
Asleifr releases you from his embrace and crosses his arms.
“A measure of gratitude would suit you.”
• Event in Jelling with Rurik (if your brother decides to attack you and if Asleifr is your lover)
“My whole life has been one long string of defeats. This will be the last. I never lived like a real man, but I can die like one.”
Rurik draws his seax and slashes out at you in blind grief. It takes you a moment to realise he actually means to hurt you, so you don't get your defences up in time, and you suffer a deep slash across the cheek.
Your brother wails in anguish and draws back to slash again.
Without hesitation, Asleifr knocks aside Rurik's arm, raises his blade, and brings it down in a wide slash across your brother's chest.
“Forgive me.”
“Thank you. It's what he wanted.“
Asleifr pulls you into a tight embrace.
“I love you.”
“This world was too cruel for a man like Rurik. I hope he's finally found peace.“
@radiantblog @expeditionviking
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juilek · 7 years
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Expeditions: Viking • Viking Character Portraits • Logic Artists
more in-game portraits
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expeditionviking · 1 year
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I have been dreaming of this moment: when I can finally create them in 3d. For years. And finally the time has come! Oh man someone has to write me a fanfic…. I still love them. (my render... i had the "the washing took longer... moment in mind)
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expeditionviking · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Expeditions: Viking (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Asleifr x female player Characters: Asleifr Grimvardarson, Ketill Kolbjanarson, Nefja Holmunsdottir Additional Tags: Sex, Lust, camp events Summary:
English is not my mother tongue and therefore not everything is grammatically correct. I hope you like it anyway. I am aware that this fanbase is very small but I hope that somebody gets lost here.
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expeditionviking · 2 years
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My friend bib_he (instagram) draw that 😭🥰❤️
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expeditionviking · 2 years
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i have had this image in my head for so long. i demand that someone write me a FF about it. Look sweetly @isamajor
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expeditionviking · 2 years
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I played a bit with DAZ 3D and Photoshop <3
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expeditionviking · 2 years
Thank you my dear friend!
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expeditionviking · 3 years
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Asleifr the Warrior
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isamajor · 3 years
Expeditions: Viking events with (or about) Asleifr (7)
Holmgang event (without poison, trap, Nefja fighting and death)
You come to the prosaically named Holmgang Island on the following day, rowing one of the clan's small boats in the company of Nefja and Ketill. Sigridr and Ljotr greet you there, having come out in advance to set the stakes that define the arena.
“If he doesn't come, we should fight each other. It'd be a shame to let such a fine arena go to waste.“
A smug smirk creeps across Nefja's face.
“Are you sure you want to fight me again? Remember what happened last time, Ketill.”
“Right, what I meant is you and [Player:Name] should fight, and I will sit over beneath that tree and watch, while I finish the rest of the mead from last night.“
“If he doesn't show up, I will have to exile him from the clan.“
Ketill gives you a wry smile.
“That would be a good resolution to this whole mess, but he'll be here. The man has the stubbornness of a mule - as well as its sense.”
Your challenger arrives a short time later, accompanied by two other young men from his side of the family - the same companions he sat with at your feast. Asleifr looks healthy and awake. He gives you a curt but respectful nod and steps directly into the ring without hesitation. His voice is strong and steady.
“We're all here, then. Good. Are you ready?“
Nefja addresses you, but keeps her eyes on Asleifr as she speaks.
“[Player:Name], I volunteer to fight in your place.“
“Your offer humbles me, but this is my fight.”
Nefja nods gravely and takes a step back.
“I understand. Good luck, [Player:Name].“
You walk into the ring opposite Asleifr, and Sigridr motions to your opponent.
“As the challenger in this dispute, it falls on you to recite the rules of the duel.“
Asleifr clears his throat and impatiently recites the clan's traditional rules for single combat.
“I, Asleifr son of Grimvardr, have challenged [Player:Name] [Player:son/daughter] of [Player:Father], for the right to rule our clan. The winner shall sit as thegn of Skjern and reside in its longhouse. He shall receive no other award beyond this. Should [Player:he/she] survive, [Player:he/she] who is defeated may swear fealty to the winner, or [Player:his/her] life is forfeit. If either of us falls in the duel, their body shall be buried here. All weapons are permitted. The duel will end when either warrior is dead or incapable of continuing to fight.“
He gives a final respectful nod and brandishes his weapon.
“As the challenged, the first strike is yours to make.“
Asleifr takes a step back, giving you a moment to recover from his last blow.
“If the clan is to endure, it must rally behind the strongest leader.“
“The strongest warrior does not necessarily make the best thegn.“
He dismisses that notion with a grunt.
“If you think that argument will save us from the likes of Skule, you are mistaken.“
He raises his axe and shield.
“Come on. Show me what you're made of.“
“You've been keeping your skills sharp even without your father around to train you.“
“He trained us both. What do you even have against him?“
“He was a great warrior, and like everyone else I respected him for that. But if the king should raise the leidangr army tomorrow, how many ablebodied warriors could our clan muster? A dozen? Half the women in the clan are widows, and [Player:Father]'s foolhardy expeditions are the cause of it.”
He bangs his weapon against his second shield and gives you a sombre nod.
Again Asleifr steps back to let you recover from his attacks.
“You know I have nothing against you personally, [Player:Name]. I will even let you stay in the longhouse until a new home has been built for you.“
“If you win today, I will respect that. I am not too proud to serve as your huscarl.“
“You are a [Player:man/woman] of great dignity - I believe I can build a great future for the clan with you at my side.“
Asleifr's second shield crumbles off the grip. Dismayed, he heads back to the boat to fetch his last shield.
“You are nearly as good as [Player:Father]. If you should win this, I hope you'll be a better thegn.“
“I hope to serve with you as my huscarl.“
He nods without hesitation.
“My honour bids me to. And if I should win, you may serve as mine. Tell me: how do you plan to govern us?”
“We have let old alliances atrophy. It's time we rebuild those old relations.“
He thinks for a moment.
“Perhaps you're right. Skule's great advantage is that he holds favour with King Sigurdr. We'll need allies of our own if we hope to defeat him. But... enough talk. Let us finish this.“
Your challenger struggles to get back on his feet, but he leaves his weapon in the mud. In the end, he settles for just sitting on his knees before you, his head hung in a signal of defeat.
“You fight... better than I expected. You have become a very capable warrior. If you'll accept my surrender, I pledge myself to your service.“
“I accept your pledge.“
Some unusual mixture of sadness and relief washes over him. He holds your gaze for a long moment, then he seems to get back some of the energy the duel took out of him, and he stands.
��You show me great honour. I hope my challenge won't linger in the air between us - I want you to know you can depend on me from now on. Fully.“
Ketill extends his hand to Asleifr, who shakes it hesitantly.
“Glad to have you with us, you big lug. You put up a good fight, I'll be glad to have you on our side.“
Nefja reluctantly shakes Asleifr's hand as well.
“You were a fool to challenge [Player:Name], but I hope you learned your lesson now. I too am glad to have you with us.”
“It was gracious of Asleifr to pledge himself to you, and sensible of you to spare him. He's a strong warrior, he'll serve you well.“ (Ljot)
“Thank you for accepting Asleifr's pledge. He was a fool to challenge you, but he didn't deserve death or exile for his foolishness.“ (Sigridr)
@radiantblog @expeditionviking
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isamajor · 3 years
Expeditions: Viking events with (or about) Asleifr (6)
Combat barks for that handsome jerk we all love to hate. (dixit Jonas, game developer)
- When Asleifr crits :
“Never let your guard down!“
“You face Asleifr Grimvardarson! Remember my name!“
“You will fall, like all who face me!“
“You hope to best me? Pathetic!“
“None will stand in my way!“
- When Asleifr takes a crit :
“Hngh! I'll have to remember that move.“
“You're a worthy opponent!“
“I see you know how to use that.“
“That's it! No more lenience!“
“You fight well, but you won't bring me down!“
- When incapacited :
“You must go on without me.“
“So ends Asleifr Grimvardarson.“
“At least I lived with honour.“
“A good death. A warrior's death.“
“I have earned my place among the einherjar.“
- When spotting a trap :
“Halt! Something isn't right here.“
“I think there's a trap ahead.“
“Someone has concealed a rope here.“
- Helping someone :
“Don't be weak.“
“Come on, back in the fight!“
“Here, come on.“
- Being helped/healed :
“Thank you.”
“I’m in your debt.”
“Good! Good.”
- In Grimnir’s “dream” if Asleifr is dead
"I was a fool to challenge [Player:him/her]. One must know one's place in the world. I deserve to be here.” (If Asleifr dies during the Holmgang event)
“I've been such a coward. I never found the courage to tell you... I love you.“ (if Asleifr dies during the Britain Campain while being the player’s lover)
@radiantblog @expeditionviking
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isamajor · 3 years
Expeditions: Viking events with Asleifr (3)
• Romance Event
The evening is wearing on and most people are consumed by their chores. You're outside camp inspecting the perimeter, when Asleifr approaches you with a guarded expression.
“A moment of your time please.“
“Not now.”
“Now! We must talk. I need to voice my strong disapproval. I do not see what we are supposed to gain from helping these petty local kings.“
Asleifr's words flow like a waterfall, leaving you no room to interject.
“I have always said our duties are at home, defending the village from Skule's aggressions, building fortifications and tending the farms. I saw some wisdom in coming here in search of wealth, and we did find the unprotected riches we were looking for.”
His voice ascend towards a crescendo.
“And yet instead of simply taking what we please and bringing it home, you have us work as mercenaries! Now we are involved in this-- these local wars that ought not concern us!“
“Calm down Asleifr, let me explain...“
“I have frankly had enough of your explanations. Your deliberations and considerations and-- we must act! Skule will not sit idly by while we waste our time in this futile mire of petty politics!“
“One more word out of you and I'll run you through where you stand!“
He takes a step towards you.
“If only you'd see--!“
Asleifr's rant crashes to a halt like a ship smashing against cliffs. You can almost feel the sparks of energy crackling in the air between you. For a moment you think Asleifr might raise his hand to strike you, but then you realise the energy is of an altogether different nature. It's desire, hot and naked as a flame.
{You pull him in and kiss him.}
A wave of heat crashes over you as your bodies snap together. You wrap yourselves around each other, a mess of hands and hair, blinded and deafened by the moment. You barely feel the coarse bark of the tree against your back as Asleifr lifts you up and squeezes you against it. Years of tension is set ablaze and the fire burns you both up and crackles through the night. It's more like single combat than the union of two lovers, every bit as violent and exhausting as that first duel so many miles ago.
You awake the next morning in his tent, drenched and dizzy, and fail to stifle a laugh as he looks at you through a blond bird's nest of tangled hair. He grins sheepishly, and the expression seems ill at ease on his chiseled features.
Everyone looks up as you leave the tent together and head out to the water to wash : Nefja rolls her eyes, but an amused smirk plays across her lips. Ketill feigns intense focus on his morning chores, but you glimpse a smile on his face. Gunnarr's face is engulfed by the widest grin. Røskva blushes. Eydis looks like she very much wants you all to know she doesn't give a rat's ass what you youngsters get up to in the night.
As you stand up to your knees in the freezing water, Asleifr seems to be avoiding your eyes. Now that the afterglow has passed, he seems more glum by the minute.
“My family would not be pleased if they knew about this.“
“Sod what your family would think.“
“If only it were that simple. Do you have no second thoughts about last night?“
“Do you regret this night ?”
Gods help you, the man actually stops to think.
“I'm not sure. Do you?“
“Nothing has changed. I'm still your thegn.“
“You will always be my thegn - but things have changed.“
Asleifr stops washing and stares pensively off between the trees.
“I used to dream of you when we were growing up. I haven't thought about you that way in a long time.“
“I'll be happy to make your dreams come true again, but I need some time to recover from last night.“
“Then we agree to let this develop?“
“I think it'll develop regardless of what we agree.“
He hesitates, then he wades through the water at a confident stride and pulls you into an embrace, kissing you deeply.
It takes you a lot longer than normal to finish washing.
• Camp Event if Asleifr has a very low morale (+ if he is the player’s lover)
After the evening meal, Asleifr approaches you with a severe look about him.
“We need to talk. I would like you offer you my most sincere apologies. As leader of the hird, you've consistently made the opposite decisions as I would. You've sought solutions that I would've never thought possible. And yet look at us now. We're in good health, we're well fed, our stores overflow. Everyone is happy - except me. I do nothing but moan and disapprove. I act like a petulent child who didn't get things exactly the way I wanted. I've been a nuisance, and lately I fear my complaints have been endangering the morale of the group.“
“Not to mention that time you challenged me to a duel and tried to unseat me as thegn.“
His face grows every more regretful.
"That was the first of many mistakes in how I've treated you. I've been wrong, [Player:Name]. As our thegn, you've taken care of us all, and you've led us to prosperity. I was wrong to oppose you, and I was wrong to oppose this expedition. I beg your forgiveness. From now on, I will endeavour to see things your way, and to follow your example.“
“Is this all because we slept together?“
He smiles - it's a warm and genuine smile. You can't recall the last time you saw Asleifr look so... friendly.
“That may have had a hand in spurring my realisation, I admit. That night certainly did its part in changing my perspective. “
“I appreciate your apology. There are no hard feelings between us.“
For a moment you think you see his eyes glisten. He shakes his head in wonderment.
“You are genuinely... the most magnanimous person I have ever met.“
Asleifr looks suddenly uncomfortable.
“Well... that was all I wanted to say. Thank you for lending me your ear. And... thanks - for giving me a chance in the first place.”
@radiantblog @expeditionviking
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isamajor · 3 years
Expeditions: Viking events with Asleifr (4)
- Huscarls thoughts on Asleifr at Skjern (if Asleifr is your lover)
• Aife :
“Any thoughts on Asleifr?“
“None that I should share in polite company. He's got quite the stick up his arse. But, you know, I admire that he was big enough to follow you after you beat him. That takes character.”
• Eydis :
“Any thoughts on Asleifr?“ 
“Used to be a kind boy, and charming. You probably don't remember that. That father of his managed to beat that out of him. Such a shame. Didn't expect you two to find each other. Honestly always thought it'd be Ketill. Well, you picked a good man, but his hard facade is thick. You hope to break through it, you'll have your work cut out for you, sweetheart.“
• Gunnarr :
“Any thoughts on Asleifr?“ 
“I spar with him, on occasion. He might fare better if he learned to relinquish some control on the battlefield, but who am I to say how another man should fight?“
• Ketill :
“Any thoughts on Asleifr?“
“Yeah, you know... I'm glad to have him with us. We don't get along, of course, but he's not fundamentally a bad guy. Don't tell him I said that, obviously.“
He jokes reflexively, but you can sense a hint of sadness beneath his flippant exterior.
“You and Asleifr. Asleifr and you. You... together with Asleifr. No, no matter how I say it, it just sounds wrong.”
• Morcant :
“How do you feel about Asleifr?“
“He's certainly possessed of a strong concept of honour. I feel that could be put to constructive use, if only he wasn't so adamant that greatness is reflected in the blade of a sword.“
• Nefja :
“Any thoughts on Asleifr?“
“Yeah, I got a few thoughts. I keep them to myself though, don't want to start a fight. You know? He's an asshole. Always has been, always will. But at least he's on our side now. But Asleifr? Really? Gods, girl, where did you pick up such a horrible taste in men?“
She gives you a sisterly kiss on the forehead.
Joking of course. I'm happy for you. If anyone can get that stick out of his ass, it's you.
• Roskva :
“Any thoughts on Asleifr?“ 
“Asleifr says he doesn't blame me for poisoning him before your duel, but he's definitely not over it. I basically mostly avoid him. Asleifr isn't quite as... resolved? As he claims to be. He grumbles a lot under his breath at the decisions you make. Did something... change between you two? I kind of feel like the way he looks at you... changed somehow. I don't know. Watch your back, I guess.“
- Asleifr conversations at Skjern :
“It is good to be home, is it not? If nothing else, then to assure ourselves that our homes still stand. It is always good to see my family again, but I must admit our travels have spoiled me. Skjern seems very small and quaint now that I know what is waiting for us across the sea.“
“How's your family doing?“
[if <50 Prosperity]
“They are facing much hardship. The poor prosperity of your domain is felt particularly strongly in the other homesteads. It is my hope that our efforts to bring wealth and allies back from the British Isles will improve their situation.”
[if 50+ Prosperity]
“They are beginning to fare much better. The wealth we have brought back from Britannia has improved the situation throughout your domain, even in the outlying homesteads. My father is no longer a young man, of course. I know his opinion is that I should stay here and help with the farm. But now he sees the results of our travels, his complaints have grown less vehement.“
- Asleifr’s thoughts on the Hird :
“I will strive to give you an honest account of things. Who do you have in mind?“
• about Nefja :
“She has become a strong shieldmaiden. We still disagree on many things, and old resentments linger between us, but there is no doubt she is fiercely loyal and determined to serve you well. (and if Nefja is your lover :) I must be honest with you - in my weak moments I harboured dreams that I might be with her, but her devotion to you became quite clear all those months ago on Holmgang Island.“
• about Ketill :
“Ketill and I don't get along. His sense of humour, and his lack of restraint in when to use it, vexes me greatly. I recognise his value to the hird, but if Sigridr had been willing to come in his place, I would have considered that a great trade.“
(if Ketill is the Player’s lover)
“I know he means a lot to you, so I will not speak ill of him. He is a cunning hunter. That's all I will say.“
• about Gunnarr :
“Gunnarr "”the Peaceful"” is an unhinged maniac and he will get us all killed. Is that good enough? I shall never understand why you let him join. True, he's a monster on the field of battle, and that would be fine if we could count on his allegiance - but his allegiance is to gold and silver, not to you.“
• about Eydis :
“Eydis treats me with respect, and I do my best to return it. Her skill as a cook cannot be denied, and in general I find her to be a great asset in camp. On the field of battle... I must admit she has impressed me. But I don't think she belongs there. Her sons give her something to fight for, but purpose is no good substitute for bloodlust.“
• about Roskva :
“The witch makes me uneasy. I do not know what dark powers she consorts with. But she knows how to treat a wound, so I see your wisdom in bringing her along.“
(if she is your lover)
“I know you two are lovers - we all know - so out of respect for you, I won't speak ill of her.“
• about Aife :
“I do not know her well. I think she avoids me. I will say that her prowess continues to impress me. It is a great asset to have such an unassuming, yet dangerous person in the hird.“
• about Morcant :
“Why do we even keep him around? The monk belongs with the thralls.“
@radiantblog @expeditionviking
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isamajor · 3 years
Expeditions: Vikings events with Asleifr (1)
@radiantblog @expeditionviking
• Event with Steinn, if you had sex with him and Asleifr is your lover :
Outside Steinn's house, Asleifr stands tall and dark like a monolith. He fixes you with a look of piercing anger. He opens his mouth as though to speak, but no words come out. Instead, he shakes his head heavily and spits on the ground.
"You bikkja."
Before you have a chance to defend yourself, he turns ponderously and stalks away.
• Event with Kyre (beginning)
Asleifr takes her hand and gently touches his lips against the back of it.
"The honour is all mine."
Blatantly smitten, Kyre places her other hand on top of Asleifr/ketill's, sandwiching his hand between hers. She addresses you again, without taking her eyes off your hirdman.
"I don't wish to impose upon people of your standing, but you fascinate me. Will you consider lending me your aid?"
Asleifr gives you an imploring look, bordering on desperate.
[you roll your eyes at Asleifr]
If Asleifr notices your gesture, he doesn't show it, but he appears to be far too distracted by the proximity of Kyre.
Smiling sweetly, she reaches up to brush a strand of golden hair away from her face. Somehow the gesture ends with her slender hand on Asleifr’s chest, which is in no way lost on him.
If you refuse to do Kyre's quests :
"This is far beneath my dignity. I won't help you."
The dowager makes a face like you just slapped her. I beg your forgiveness, [Player:Hlaford/Hlafdia]. Should you ever change your mind, I will wait for you. Kyre releases Asleifr/Ketill's hand from hers, and the Asleifr looks like he was stabbed in the chest. The look he gives you as the temptress turns away from him is not a happy one.
If you accept her quests :
- when you bring back her glove :
She leans forward and plants a chaste kiss on your cheek. Asleifr tries very hard not to glare. "My hero !"
- when you have completed all three quests :
Kyre gently places her palm against your chest.
"You've confronted my champions and reclaimed the tokens of my love. I've been working on a new token for you, infused with all the powers of my love and devotion. Now that all my keepsakes have returned to me, I can finish it at last."
With an irresistable smile, she turns her attention to Asleifr.
"While you wait, will you please join me for dinner? Since my husband passed, I have no one to cook for, and I dearly miss the company."
Asleifr fixes you with a deeply imploring look.
[choice A : You accept]
"Go ahead and join the Hlafdia for dinner."
Kyre fixes Asleifr with a look that could make the most hardened warrior blush, then she spins on her toes and leads him into her house.
You return to Kyre's house some hours later, and Asleifr/Ketill meets you outside the door, positively glowing with post-coital bliss.
"How was dinner ? I hope she gave you more than just a roll in the hay for all our trouble."
With a light blush, Asleifr hands you a finely crafted talisman.
“The Hlafdia asked me to give you this, with her thanks. She was... very grateful.” (Asleifr got moderate groin infection 8D)
[choice B : You refuse]
"I'm afraid we don't have time for that. We have things to do and places to be." (large decrease of morale of the guy)
Asleifr looks entirely crestfallen, but doesn't contradict your orders. The dowager pouts, clearly put out by your decision.
"Well, I must respect your decision. Here then, accept this talisman as token of my gratitude. Beod ge gesund travellers. May the faerie guide you on your path."
With a sigh and a longing glance at Asleifr, Kyre disappears back into her home.
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expeditionviking · 4 years
Snow and ice was all around her. The freezing cold cut into her skin. The old man in front of her stepped forward - he didn't think it was necessary to turn around and convince himself that she was following him. She looked around, her arms wrapped around herself, hoping that they would protect her from the cold - in vain. She heard the howling of a wolf and another one answered it. She looked up, in the direction from which she heard the howling. But what she saw before her eyes made her shiver: Ghosts. People she had killed, people who had died in her inseminated. They was transparent, but still able to see well enough to recognize them again. She embraced herself even more and walked through the snow with difficulty. She didn't look around, didn't want to see their faces again, didn't want to hear their voices, their reproaches - she just wanted to leave. She just wanted to go on. Her head scorched, she walked on and on, slowly following the old man. When she reached the foot of the mountain, she spotted the feet of a ghost that stood before her. Her instinct told her not to look up. Her heart ached and confirmed that she did not want to look up. But his voice made her do it anyway. "I was such a coward." His deep voice, his unmistakable voice tore her heart apart. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears she could hardly hold back. It hurt so much. "No," she breathed. His blue eyes had lost their brightness. The mortal wound was gone, but she was sure this was his spirit. Her legs weakened more and more. He walked towards her. And her heart grew weaker with every step he took, her guilt became almost unbearable. "I never had the courage to tell you..." She collapsed. Kneeled in front of him in the snow. "I love you" The tears could no longer be held back, she looked into his face. "No", she breathed again, this time more wanting. "I should have helped you, I should have done something." Asleifr denied with a shake of his head. "It was my choice. I would have followed you anywhere."He was so close to her now, that she had to raise her head.  Out of the corner of her eye she could see that the old man had turned around and was behind them. "Don't leave me alone," she begged Asleifr. "Stay with me. Let me be with you." A painful expression was on his face. "Don't leave me alone," she missed Asleifr. "Stay with me. Leave me with you." A painful expression prepared on his face. "I can't... My journey, it ends here. You must go on. They need you. You haven't reached your destination." He pointed in the old man's direction. "Go, I will wait." She saw him blurry because of her tears. "I love you," she said.  He smiled. "I will watch  you from here. Save our clan. We will meet again when your journey ends."
She stood up.
Even though he was no longer a live, she tried to stroke one cheek. He put his head in her hand, closed his eyes. "I love you," she repeated. "I will never forget you. I love you so much." The tears flowed again. He nodded and took a step aside.
This would be the last time she saw him. She tried to remember everything again. She mustn't forget what he looked like, how he sounded, smelled, felt... she mustn't forget him.
One last look and then she followed the old man up the mountain.
English is not my mother tongue, but I hope you will like the story anyway.
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