gallawitchxx · 2 years
yooooo hello, i'm starting this one today because i am so freaking stoked to keep writing my a/b/o au M8TE, but also have very little self control when it comes to withholding words once they're written.
so here's a little foreplay to get us through to next monday...
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Even before he was dripping in his pants, Mickey knew the game.
Small is weak. Dumb is disposable. Different is deadly.
He was always fucked for life—this just confirmed it.
So, he laid low. Stayed useful. Snagged a supply of suppressants from some anonymous clinic downtown, and used that stash to buy him some time while he found a black market dealer that didn’t have ties to Terry. Rare, but possible. He couldn’t live a whole life like that—staving off heats for too long was dangerous—but it kept him alive.
Public opinion might have been changing, but Terry wasn’t going to. 
To him, Mickey would be a disgrace forever. 
Worse than a disappointment—a violation of the bloodline.
Milkovich men weren’t omegas.
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tagging @whatthebodygraspsnot @sunoficarus @crossmydna @squidyyy23 @whatwouldmickeydo @iansfreckles @gardenerian @celestialmickey @howlinchickhowl @metalheadmickey @mishervellous @smokey-mickey @unbridgeabledistances @energievie @look-i-love-u @xgoldendays @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @yeah-all-of-it @mikhailoaleksandrmilkovich @breedxblemickey @thisdivorce @depressedstressedlemonzest @grumble-fish & @captainjowl to share something from a wip or even just a line that won't leave your head? a sticky note snippet?
but no pressure! this is just for fun/ a huge internet squeeze from me! xx
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