rockleefangirl987 · 6 years
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My sweet boy!
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
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Don’t stress my dear - we haven’t forgotten.
Just keep flashing that beautiful smile which warms us all over.
And remember how much your fans love and adore you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROCK LEE 🎂🎂🎉🎈🎈🎉🥇🎊🎊 And I’m glad I stumbled into your life!
@paintertainment @rockleeswillyouholdmeclose @sausage-fist
@ten-all-over @fruitysmellz @samlovesmaitogai @shock777 @strikeelectricart @teacher-monica @morganknightos 
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
Late, but more birthday wishes...
I didn’t feel all that good on Monday, and I realized I wanted to send one more good wish to our Handsome Devil of the Leaf. As well as all the best to someone who shares Lee’s birthday and would have been 77-years-old on the 27th of November had he lived.
Happy Birthday, Lee! 
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And Happy Birthday, Bruce Lee!
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@paintertainment @rockleeswillyouholdmeclose @sausage-fist @ten-all-over @fruitysmellz @shock777 @teacher-monica @sincerelysinclair17 @samlovesmaitogai @strikeelectricart
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
Belated Day 3 for Rock Lee Birthday Week 2017
@paintertainment - a couple of days late but here we go. 
Our mission: When did you realize you adored him? Or even just liked him? What was your favorite moment of Lee’s even if he isn’t your ABSOLUTE favorite. Show us what you see Lee as through your eyes!
So here we go....
You know, this is something I occasionally think about because now it’s hard for me to remember the timeline when it came to my interest in one Rock Lee. But I’ll try. As one of his fans, he deserves my full attention.
I started watching anime for the first time last year, and naturally, I discovered Naruto.   
Now here comes the “which came first - chicken or egg” situation. This was about the time Hulu started running ads about two new “exclusive” series. One was Sailor Moon Crystal, a reworking of the original Nineties series...and something I found a bit, well, I wasn’t sure what to think. I see this little character with black hair saying “The name of your foe is,” and he flies into the air, lands and announces, “Rock Lee!” And I see somebody in a tutu! People in spaceships? It’s called Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals. My reaction: “What?” But since it claimed to be a Naruto spin-off I figured I’d keep my eyes open.
Back to the original source material. The chunin exams arc is about to begin, and I see three figures in a wooded situation. The camera pans upward, I see this kid and my first thought was What an odd looking little boy. My introduction to Team Guy. Now remember at this point, all I knew was Team Kakashi, so the introduction of this new team took me by surprise and I wasn’t certain I liked it. After all, Naruto is the star, and Sasuke and Sakura are with him. How dare these upstarts try to worm their way in! And who did that ‘odd looking’ boy think he was by proclaiming to all the word that he wished to be Sakura’s boyfriend? Wait. Did he say his name was Rock Lee? Like ‘The name of your foe is Rock Lee’? Is this who they gave a spin-off show to? (Palm in hand).
Next stop: he challenges Sasuke and manages to beat the shit out of him. He is obviously taken with Sakura, and I confess my heart kind of broke for him when she reacted as she did (my feeling being ‘Oh come on! It’s not like he’s trying to hack you to death like Norman Bates! Good grief!’). I raised an eyebrow when Might Guy appeared and punched his student (Excuse me?), then apologized, leaving both of them to cry on one another while I sat there with my mouth open in shock. Who are these people? But right now, I’m only thinking, okay, interesting little minor character. Let’s get back to Naruto and the gang.
The squirrel did it. Or the squirrel started it. Remember Lee had sworn to catch all of the leaves (was it twenty?) and if so, it meant Sakura would become his girlfriend. He doesn’t accomplish what he set out to do, although he came very close, because it was at that moment he sees a paper bomb on an innocent squirrel, and because he’s ethical, moral and honorable, he rescues the animal and saves its’ life. The camera focuses on the forgotten leaves he never caught, but what struck me then was his selflessness in thinking of the life of a little animal and in that second, all thoughts of the girl he believed he loved were gone.
I’m impressed. Perhaps he’s not as odd as I thought. He kept impressing me - taking on the Sound Ninja, ripping a tree up by its’ roots. We’re just getting started.
So now we get to the meat of the matter. When did I know...Now that I remember…
One episode after another, after another, after another and I kept thinking ‘When’s he going to get his turn?’ because frankly, I’m kind of curious to see more of what this kid can do. He’s matched up against Gaara.
That did it. When he removed his leg weights and let them go - talk about friggin’ iconic. I was on the edge of my seat for the rest of that arc featuring him. I also emptied a box of Kleenex when I saw his backstory because I had no idea of what he had gone through, or how much this all meant to him. It tore me up when he wondered why he was the only one who was suffering. I was so proud when he ran away from the hospital to become part of the Retrieval Arc. That odd-looking little kid wasn’t quite so odd after all.
Those are the moments which made me a Lee fan. Whether it was the scenes he shared with Guy, Tenten, and Neji; the tiny things like saving the squirrel or taking a whiff of the flowers Sakura brought him. Whether it was watching his devotion, his integrity, the often silly little way he has in his mannerisms because he’s so enthusiastic. His manners, the way he never uses contractions. After a while, you start to find his dark eyes as enchanting as his smile. You see a certain innocence in him, but realize if he needs to, he’ll start opening Gates and piledrive your behind into the ground! You want the best for him because he’s the type that draws that emotion out of you.
I forgot to add: I started watching Ninja Pals almost immediately upon realizing how much I was liking Lee.
So as someone who has read more books than I can recall, and has watched even more movies, I love character studies, the things which make someone tick. Lee fascinates me. Each time I watch some episode I missed (because I have a load of catching up to do) and they delve a tad deeper into what makes him who he is, I can’t help thinking it takes a special character to do that to me. If he wasn’t so special, I wouldn’t have started writing a story with him as the lead protagonist - because sometimes you feel those secondary characters deserve more than they got in the main movie or the main TV series.
Anyway, that’s how I became a Rock Lee fan. It was nice to know there are others out there that felt the same. It’s funny how the life and world of someone who is imaginary can mean so much. 
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
What You Love...(For Rock Lee Birthday Month!)
I wrote this last year as we had a challenge for Rock Lee Birthday Week. I thought I would post it again, and this was in answer to the challenge made by @sausage-fist. I thought it was a great way to start it out. Here was the challenge:
Lee has a passion for training and becoming stronger!! It’s what he strives for every day. What is your passion? What do you strive to become? Create something that involves you telling him or showing him the thing you are most passionate about whether it be sports, drawing or even comedy!! Show Lee what you train for every day.
What I train for? I try to write each day, as I have since I was too young to even know why. My inspiration included the Bronte sisters, Jane Austen, Margaret Mitchell and Daphne DuMaurier, because they wrote the books my mother loved and taught me to love. I wanted to tell stories full of unbridled passion and real human beings with all their little problems and life not always turning out as we hoped. I wanted my readers to visualize everything as though a movie was playing before you. So as a writer, you struggle with all the right words and...
Well, Lee, this is for you - one more time. 
I...I do not...I do...not...understand,” he said between deep gulps. I watched his head bounce up, vanish, bounce up again, then drop out of sight - over and over as it had for the last ten minutes. No matter how often I saw him perform his push-ups, the idea of him managing a conversation and performing a countdown in his brain astonished me to no end.
“What do you mean? What don’t you understand?” I replied, drawing one leg underneath me as I readjusted myself in the large wicker chair.
The fall morning was too beautiful to stay indoors, even if your work engulfed you, preventing a full enjoyment of the day. Still, it was nice being close to one’s muse. One’s overactive muse...We had been out in the garden for hours, me with my writing and him performing what came naturally. At one point there were pull-ups and rotations from a stout tree limb fifteen feet off the ground. On another occasion, he did nothing but run. For the two of us, it was typical.
Once more I asked, “I know sometimes I feel like I’m talking in riddles.”
“No...No...it...it is not...not that. You said you...you were...having...problems.”
“But...what you are doing...it seems simple, right?”
Twirling my favorite pen as one might a baton, I stopped before launching into one of my habits: clutching the instrument between my teeth. How many times did I have to remind myself: you don’t know where that pen came from? Even if I was the only one handling it. Even if I kept it safe within any of my numerous notebooks. I snatched an antibacterial wipe from a nearby container, and while I cleaned the pen, concentrated once more on what he asked.
I couldn’t help smiling at the notion. From others, I might have taken exception, but from him? The innocent expression indicated one thing: his questions were because he was curious and cared about my well-being. For the last hour, I had grumbled, scowled, buried my face in my hands, torn one sheet from the binder, then another, doodled terrible stick figures - a couple with bushy eyebrows (seeing those made him giggle as he joked ‘I do not look like that, do I?’). Still, I wondered how I might better explain so he’d comprehend, not because he was stupid, but…
“Yeah, I guess it does seem simple.” Smiling, I tapped the notebook resting on the portable writing desk in my lap. “Every time you see me, I’m putting words to paper.”
“Or typing...typing away...on...your...computer. Sometimes...you never stop.”
“Neither do you.”
He paused, considered my words, then returned to his routine. “That is true...But...But is it that...difficult?”
He nodded a response.
Chuckling, I used an index finger and thumb to massage the insides of my eyes. “You wouldn’t believe how hard it can be. Not all the time, but...I don’t know...It just feels like it’s all stuck up here.” I pointed at my head. “And it doesn't want to come out! I see it...I can hear it...Everything! Descriptions, what everybody says to each other, what characters are thinking or feeling! Then I try to write it, and I read it, and I think…”
“What do you think?” after I didn’t respond for several moments.
“That it’s the most godawful garbage anybody’s ever written.”
“Two thousand!” he shouted.
Was he already finished?
“But I have seen books in bookstores. I tried to read excerpts.” He sat cross-legged on the ground near me. “And I told Guy-Sensei the writing was so painful I thought I was going to cry. Tenten is more explicit. She said the authors should be locked in a room and forced to listen to the pain they have inflicted on their readers.”
I snickered, rolling my eyes, nodding in agreement.
The chunin continued. “And some of those books have been made into movies. Although truth be told, the filmed versions were not any better than their source material.”
I laughed again. “Who died and made you a movie critic?” Shrugging, he responded with a smile I'm certain he prayed would make me feel at ease. Under normal circumstances, it might have. Right then, nothing I felt empty, lost in the problems of my own making. “Yeah, well, I’d like to be a little bit better than that. Not that I’d sneeze at a million dollar contract from a publisher or a movie studio, but my name’s going to be on it. I’d like people to look back at my stuff and think ‘Wow! Another Gone with the Wind! Another Pride and Prejudice!’ Not ‘Oh my God - take away that woman’s laptop and paper and pen and break her hands so she never writes again!’”
There came that soft giggle which never failed to make me smile. I couldn't help it. “That is so silly. I have read your stories, remember? No one would ever accuse you of writing...well…some of the books I have seen. You do not write about vampires or werewolves or fifty whatever.” A blush came to his cheeks. “You write about...people, life.”
“I try,” I muttered, exhaling. I was frustrated. I had been working on one chapter for three weeks - bits and pieces here and there. What should have been a basic, informational few scenes stressing the heroine’s dilemma bogged me down a third of the way through. In that time frame, I rewrote one scene more than a half-dozen time. Another key scene faced four times under the knife. Each time I looked at the words, I groaned, cursed (I never did that in front of him), and either hit the backspace key or drew several furious lines through the sentences on the lined paper. That second scene annoyed me to Hell. It sounded stilted, forced. Characters I’d handled for almost a year fell to pieces. I imagined them glaring at me from my Chromebook screen or my notebook, each of them thinking ‘What in the world is her problem?’ I honestly didn’t know, so in the meantime, I returned to previous chapters - the chapters I loved, chapters over which I had also once struggled.
“You are seeking perfection.”
I looked up and into those large dark eyes. “I guess.”
“Of course you are! You have shown me so many wonderful chapters, and I am always honest and tell you how they are. They are good. No, how great they are. The old adage is right. You do have a way with words.”
I ducked my head. That was something I had heard since my school days.
“And then you return and tell me, ‘I redid this. What do you think?’ It will be the same scene, but you have added more dialogue, removed this or that, changed a phrase about, added a new thought...and it is still good. Then you work on another chapter or scene, but you keep returning to the other, although I did not think anything was wrong with it in the first place. But you know what?”
“No, what?”
“No matter how many times I read it when you make the adjustment, whatever that might be, it is even better than before, although I did not think it possible...But you must realize, the time is going to come when you cannot make another change. That it is as good as it will ever be. Otherwise...you will never finish.”
He scooted closer. “You have been working on our story for a while.”
“I just want to get it right.”
“I know. I appreciate that. But you joked the other day you have barely scratched the surface and you have written...sixteen chapters?”
“Eighteen, nineteen,” I confessed. “Some of them don’t have chapter numbers yet because they come later in the story. And a few are so long, I could split those down into another chapter or two.”
“Yes...They are good too, you know.” He gave me a thumbs up accompanied by a toothy grin. “I especially like the one, you know, the one where…”
“I know.” This wasn’t the first time he told me he did. Every time he read that part, tears filled his eyes when he finished. “It’s kind of my favorite too.”
“How many revisions?”
“I deleted a sentence last night.”
“Not again!” It was his turn to sigh in frustration. “If you have not scratched the surface yet, it will be another year or two or three before you write ‘THE END’, and it will not be the actual end because you will revise and rework and rephrase it and…”
“Yeah I know, I know!”
It happened before I knew it. Pen, notebook, and portable desk were thrown to the ground. I was upset with myself, not with what he told me. He realized that too, having seen my temper flair before. He also said nothing when he saw me tear up, reaching down to touch the cherry wood of the lap tray he’d given me as a birthday gift. If I damaged something which came from his heart…
With great calmness, he picked up the items, placed them on the table in front of me, then raised the lid on the Chromebook.
“When I said I did not understand why it is not simple when you are writing, I was wrong.” He maneuvered the mouse, digging deep into the carefully organized folders in the Cloud. “When someone has a passion for something, and it means everything to them, others should not tell them they must give it up or lower their goals.” Although I observed him in profile, he was smiling. “I ought to know.” He turned briefly, winking at me. “This is what you work hard for. This gives your life meaning. It is your code - your Ninja way. I have made a promise to support you as best I can, just as Guy-Sensei still does for me. I am sorry if I do not always appear to understand.”
I shook my head. “No, it’s not you. A lot of times, you’re the one who gives my brain the jumpstart it needs.” I gave the lap desk a quick once over, pleased there was no damage. “I’m sorry.”
“It is alright.”
“But it’s not alright. You gave me something special and I…”
“Your passion got the better of you.”
“That wasn’t passion. That was me and my stupid temper.” My voice dropped lower. “Lee, what are you looking for?”
“It is fine. I have found it.”
I saw that the folder he clicked bore the tentative title of the story I had given my nearly undivided attention to these last eleven months. “But I don’t…”
“Your writing means the world to you. One day you will finally show everyone what I consider myself privileged to read. But until then…” He squatted in the chair next to me. “Start it again. I want you to hear how good it is, and I find that reading it aloud can make a great difference.” When I hesitated, he gave me a slight nudge. “Go on. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Black letters against a white background were plastered across the screen, meaningless when I first took a look at them. All of that came from me. The inspiration was the person at my side. Giving him a peck on the cheek, I smiled and began to read the words familiar to both of us.   
@ten-all-over @fruitysmellz @sausage-fist @samlovesmaitogai @shock777 @nejicanspin @sincerelysinclair17 (is that you @Morganknightos), @teacher-monica @strikeelectricart and all you other Rock Lee fans. 
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
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So for some reason, my iPhone tells me I have memories today - from May 10th 2017. Because that’s less than 5 months ago. Kind of weird. But you know what? I’m good with this memory. The last 10 days have been up and down. THIS...I needed THIS 😀I was so happy when I opened the box and started posing him. I still can’t get over how perfect he looks. And let’s face it. A smile like that warms your heart. So to every Rock Lee fan...to my followers...to @sausage-fist @samlovesmaitogai @shock777 @ten-all-over @teacher-monica @fruitysmellz @morganknightos and if I missed you I’m sorry. But share my memory with me. 😊
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
More, More, More For Lee’s Birthday 🎂🎁🎉
Since I missed Day 5 of the #RockLeeBirthdayWeek2017, I figured better late than never.
I actually posted this last year and thought I would run with it again.
@paintertainment @rockleeswillyouholdmeclose 
@sausage-fist @ten-all-over @samlovesmaitogai @fruitysmellz @teacher-monica @strikeelectricart
Day 5: Universe Exchange
Have you ever thought that he would fit wonderfully in a different series? Have you thought it would be funny just too see him there? Well here is your chance! Whether it be for humor or even some angst send Lee to another universe and see what changes would be made. If you draw try that universes artstyle!!
“I do not understand your continual resistance. You know it’s over. You can’t be so foolish as to think it’s not…or…” He made a ‘tsk tsk’ sound. “…are you?”
Loki stood on the opposite side of the large room, glaring at the bearded human in the metal uniform. The helmet worn about the mortal’s head had been remotely removed seconds before, causing the son of Asgard to mockingly sputter on seeing the man underneath the armor of the one called Iron Man.
“And here he is - the all-powerful Tony Stark.” Loki tried not to laugh but was found it difficult. “Funny how we keep running into one another. Shall I call you Iron Man, or do you prefer Mister Stark? Oh, wait. I should call you Tony. We’re old friends after all.”
“Well, I’m Tony to my real friends. Mister Stark to my acquaintances, and you…For you, I’m just the asshole who’s been helping to wipe up what’s left of your Chitauri friends out there.”
“My ‘friends’ as you call them are simply a means to an end. A means to a great victory which neither you, my so-called brother,” he spat the word as if the very phrasing was a curse, “or the rest of your weak little lot will be able to stop.”
“Well, see…that’s where you’re wrong….Oh um…” Tony strolled over to the bar. “Scotch? Vodka? Vermouth - I’ve got some vermouth here. Bourbon?” Stark put down yet another decanter as he indicated each liquor. “You know, you strike me as a gin man.”
“Be still you fool!” Loki stalked towards Stark. “I’m tired of your incessant chatter. I don’t know how Thor deals with it. I don’t know how anyone deals with your arrogance, your posturing, that ridiculous thing you call humanity. I don’t know who you think you are. That you have the audacity to think…” Loki spun his scepter and Tony maneuvered backward. “Are you running? Don’t you know there is nowhere to run? The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?
“The Avengers,” came the firm response. Stark gave a wry smile. “That’s what we call ourselves. We’re sort of a team. ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ type thing.”
Loki chuckled. “Yes, I’ve met them.”
“Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I’ll give you that one.” Stark pointed towards the enemy, and in a casual manner continued, “But let’s do a headcount here. Your brother the demigod.” He saw Loki roll his eyes. “A super soldier - a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend. A man with breathtaking anger management issues. A couple of master assassins. Oh and we got ourselves a new guy, and once he took in the situation, he’s not too thrilled either. And you, big fella…you’ve managed to piss off every single one of them.”
Loki shook his head and laughed. “That was the plan.”
“Not a great plan.” Tony took a moment to pour a single shot. After all, it might be his final taste of twenty-year-old Pappy Van Winkle Kentucky Bourbon. If you’re going to go out, go out with a bang! “When they come, and they will, they’ll come for you.”
The bravado amused the Asgardian. “I have an army!” he bellowed.
“Well, we have a Handsome Green Devil,” Stark calmly replied.
“You have a handsome…what?” Momentarily confused, Loki stared then shook it off. “You mean you have a Hulk.”
“Him too.”
“Playing with words again, eh? I thought the beast had wandered off.”
“You’re missing the point!” shouted Stark, slamming down the glass. He was exhausted with the chatter as well. “There’s no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it’s too much for us, but it’s all on you. Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we’ll avenge it.”
The base of the scepter slammed against the floor. “Enough!” Loki screamed. “You are, all of you are beneath me!” His pace quickened as he challenged Tony. “I am a god, you dull creature! And I will not be bullied by…”
Only then did Loki sense the force of energy engulf him, causing him to look left then right and finally down, but too late. Above the whirlwind he heard the words ‘Primary Lotus!’ before a blow struck his jaw with such intensity, his feet left the ground, his body moving upwards. There was a second strike in the face, a third. Before he could organize any strategy, Loki caught sight of an undefined green blur flying past and behind him. Was it possible the Hulk had obtained new abilities and was…? But he couldn’t think straight. His muscles were constrained, secured with white tape which appeared out of nowhere…and he and it flipped upside down mere inches from the ceiling and began to spin, their bodies accelerating around the room until Loki thought the G-forces would tear him apart.
The world no longer existed. His sight distorted. He was certain blood gushed from his ears.  
And the next feeling was of them bulldozing thru Tony Stark’s imported marble tile, the flooring collapsing around them and into the newly made crater.
The entire action from beginning to end took less than ten seconds.
Barely conscious, Loki coughed, groaned, wondered if it was possible a god could suffer broken ribs. Turning his head a half-inch at a time, he realized the being had somehow crawled or leaped clear of the wreckage and was in full view a few feet away, scrunched down, breathing hard, the white tape around both wrists askew. Loki blinked. Even his eyes hurt, but he saw that the thing appeared human, and…
How in the hell had this tall, slender, stupid looking boy done this? And it was a boy, younger than any of the so-called Avengers, likely no more than eighteen.
Loki blinked again, every facial muscle in pain. Black hair cut into a ridiculous bowl cut with a white ring encircling it…Sandals…Orange leg warmers…Green jumpsuit. Green flak jacket. That was why Stark called it a Green Devil. And a devil it obviously was, released from some pit of whatever constituted a Norse Hel in this existence, a devil with the bushiest pair of black eyebrows Loki had ever seen in his life.
“It…is…over,” the being muttered between deep gulps.
“Over?” Loki squeaked. He wanted to ask an important question - nothing emerged. Loki Laufeyson had never known fear until this bushy-browed thing left him damaged, bruised, defeated.
“You okay?” Tony asked, rushing around the enormous hole.
The young man stood at full attention, one hand behind his straight back, the other before him, palm up. He was obviously preparing to fight again if need be. “Absolutely, Mister Stark! I could not be better!” he exclaimed. “Do you feel that the Primary Lotus was enough?”
Loki moaned again. That voice! All that enthusiasm and passion was setting his teeth on edge!
“Oh yeah, yeah, I think that was plenty kid,” Stark said.
“Although…” The boy’s face fell. “I have promised Guy-Sensei I would only use certain moves if the lives of very important people were at stake.”
Tony shrugged, trying not to laugh. This boy was supposedly some kind of ninja with a code of Boy Scout ethics Stark hadn’t seen since Steve Rogers. It was no wonder Cap and he got along so well. “Well look, I think your Guy-Sensei if he knew you helped save millions of lives…Strike that…Billions of lives…I don’t think he’d mind you did. That’s about as important as it’ll ever get.”
The round black eyes flashed, a brilliant smile lighting up Rock Lee’s face. “Really, Mister Stark. You think so?”
“Oh, I know so. Trust me. You’ve got some nice moves on you kid. I don’t know if The Hulk could have done a better job.”
“Well, this Loki appears to be a puny god, do you not think?” Only now did Lee take a look at the property damage - broken pieces of tile still tumbling into the hole and on top of Loki; photographs and paintings sliding from the walls; a crystal lighting fixture hanging from several wires finally crashing to the floor. With a wail, Lee prostrated himself. “Mister Stark, I am sorry.”
“What the…What are you sorry about? You took out Loki.”
“I know, and I am happy I was here to help, but I wrecked your apartment. I do not think it can ever be repaired. And I am certain I could never earn enough in a lifetime of missions as a shinobi to compensate you.”
Tony glanced around, seeing the full extent of the damages. He knew the boy was pretty incredible, however, this was even more amazing than he expected when he concocted the plan. “Look kid…Hey Lee.” Stark pulled him up so they could look eye-to-eye. The billionaire found it hard to believe the boy was this anxious. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Do you think any of this matters? Besides,” he joked, “Pepper said she’s been wanting to remodel.” When the shinobi didn’t laugh, Tony gave him a gentle shake. “You helped us defeat Loki. You’re as much an Avenger as any of the rest of us, do you know that?” Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw that the remainder of the group began to arrive: from the roof, from the sides of the building, even the normal use of the front door. They were all assembling to see if the final action in the operation had come to fruition. Stark felt so assured it would work, to place such a massive responsibility on the shoulders of the young stranger…
A blush came to Lee’s cheeks. To hear himself compared to these men and women he had learned to respect in the weeks since being tossed into this world… “I…I do not know what to say, Mister Stark.”
“Just say you’re not going to worry about paying for anything because…”
“Because…” Clint Barton shouted, giving Lee an enormous bear hug. “This kid is the best thing to drop into our lives in a long time!”
“Thank you, Mister Hawkeye.”
“Rock Lee!” a booming voice called out.
Now it was Thor’s turn to give Lee an embrace, lifting the boy off his feet. “You are a hero worthy of Asgard!”
The praise continued from all sides, intensifying the red in Lee’s face when he was surrounded by the group. But the compliment which meant the most came from the lovely redhead who kissed him on the mouth before she softly told him, “Nice work, Lee.”
Lee prayed his sigh was not audible and he gazed into her eyes. Swallowing hard, he heard himself hoarsely utter, “Thank…Thank…Thank you, Miss Romanoff.”
“What have I told you before? Call me Natasha,” she told him, giving his hair a light stroke before she hurried to join the others around the floor pit.
“Natasha,” Lee whispered, swallowing again. He barely noticed when Steve Rogers wrapped a paternal arm around his shoulders.
“She might be a little out of your league right now kid,” Captain America confided in a lighthearted manner. “Maybe another year or two…or ten.”
“She is still an angel, Captain,” Lee commented, his smile shy. “Do you not think so? I realize she is deadly…”
“That’s why they call her The Black Widow.”
Lee nodded in agreement. Since his arrival and after his acceptance into the S.H.I.E.L.D. community, the Russian had trained and sparred with him on numerous occasions before these recent events came to pass. One thing was certain: if anyone kept him on his toes, it was her and Rogers! “But I have told you of my teammate Tenten. She is deadly too, but now and then, she reveals a side which is…” The young man shrugged, becoming tongue-tied. He realized he was way too young and inexperienced for the likes of Natasha Romanoff, but it did not lessen his admiration. And she had kissed him!
Rogers comment snapped Lee out of his daydream. “I just hope I get to meet your team someday. We’re still working on a way of getting you home.”
“I know, Captain. Doctor Selvig has said none of you will give up until you do. Until that happens, if you do not mind, I will consider you as much my Sensei as I do Might Guy. I honor you that much, sir, for all you have done for me.”
For a moment, Rogers was speechless. When he did find the words, he was interrupted by a loud moan.
“I think Sleeping Beauty’s awake,” the First Avenger joked. “Want to go check out the damage?”
Loki had been dreaming…Earth was within his reach…He would be sole master over the entire world, bending it to his control, doing as he saw fit to put these mortals under his authority…No one would stop him: not Thor, not Odin-Father, not Iron Man, not the Green…
He moved. The unbearable pain was felt no matter which part of his body he attempted to adjust. He stopped, emitting a groan which caused the surroundings to quake then stop seconds later. Was he still breathing? Was he still alive?
Little by little, Loki opened his eyes, blinked…and saw that each of the Avengers stood above him, leaning down towards him. Hawkeye’s bow was positioned, the arrowhead pointing right towards the god of mischief. Mjölnir was raised menacingly above Thor’s head. The Hulk growled. That stupid red, white and blue shield appeared larger than life.
And then Loki saw him, jerked, and cried out again. With great difficulty, he attempted to raise one finger and point, his words so soft that no one could understand him.
“What’s he saying?” Clint asked, never losing sight of his target.
Loki muttered again.
Tony Stark chuckled, shaking his head. “He said ‘What are you?’”
The Avengers either turned their heads or their eyes alone to catch sight of their newest team member.
“Me?” Lee almost squeaked.
“He wants to know who you are,” Tony told him. “Or what you are.”
Cap nudged him in the arm. “You want to tell him, kid?”
Lee nodded, situating himself so that his foe might better see him. Standing straight, remembering everything he had been taught and all he represented, he bowed and proudly announced, “My name is Rock Lee, Handsome Devil of the Leaf Village; student of Might Guy, the Noble Blue Beast of the Leaf, and a member of Team Guy, the most worthy team in all of Konoha…And…” One corner of his mouth turned up into a smile. “…a proud member of The Avengers.”
Loki shut his eyes. He didn’t know who was more sickening: Captain America or this brat with the bad haircut. At this point, he no longer cared, muttering something more, the short sentence ending with the name “Thor.”  
Thor bent closer, remaining cautious. He would not permit Loki to play yet another trick on him. “What is it, Brother?”
“Get me…Take me…Take…me…back…to…to…Take me to…Asgard…Get me…Get me…away…away…from…that!” He managed to point at Lee.
“And I think that does it.” Stark seemed satisfied. “Anybody up for some shawarma?”
Lee was astounded. Since first laying eyes on something so wondrous, he pondered if this was beyond his current skills, or if he even dared to challenge himself in such an advanced manner.
“I am certain Guy-Sensei could do it,” Lee whispered to Rogers, the two standing off to the side, “but he is already a great shinobi.”
“Well, you told me Guy has taught you more and more because he knew you could handle it.”
“True,” the chunin sighed, “but this…”
“I know, but I have a lot of faith in you, kid. The two of us have a lot in common.”
Lee nodded thoughtfully, recalling the stories he had heard about Captain America. While others spoke of him in awe, Rogers spoke of himself in the simplest of terms. “Yes, sir. I have thought that too.”
“And we’ve both known people who saw something special in us, even if we didn’t always see it ourselves.”
“Yes, sir.” Even without saying their names, Lee knew Rogers meant Peggy Carter and Bucky Barnes. For the umpteenth time, the younger man wondered how it might feel to have Team Guy ripped apart by circumstances over which you had no control; in every instance, he pushed such imaginings aside.
“So between you and me…I think you ought to give it a shot. What’s that you’re always saying?”
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Lee smiled. It might be his one opportunity to accept this challenge. “Guy-Sensei would have great admiration for you, Captain. I have a feeling he would tell me the same. To accept this.”
“And if you can’t do it?”
“If I cannot do it,” came Lee’s defiant words, “then I will walk on my hands five times around the boundaries of your New York City.”
“As much as I’d love to see that…” Cap slapped him on the back. “You’ve got it! Nobody’s watching. Go!”
Lee made a swift move to one of the few pieces of furniture left intact. Only Rogers observed him at the moment; the others were busy with Loki as Thor secured him for their travels back to Asgard.
He knew there were only seconds to make the attempt no one had before tried, but which - in a short conversation between him and Cap while they waited - had been bandied about until the shinobi’s eager hot-bloodedness could take it no longer well. The situation was too good to resist. It wasn’t power he sought, but the challenge of whether or not someone besides Thor could do so. In his mind, it was yet another challenge to prove he could be as good as others. Thor was a ‘rival,’ like Neji or Naruto. Therefore without pause, Lee hurried up to the table where the god of thunder had placed the mystical weapon. Taking a deep breath, he wrapped both hands about Mjölnir’s grip…
Besides Captain America, only Loki witnessed what happened next, the sight shocking him to such an extent he gasped, went bug-eyed and came close to collapsing back into the crater! Thor’s assumption was that the pain was too much, even for a demi-god.
When the remaining Avengers turned about, Lee had returned to Rogers’ side.
Steve hoped he could maintain the stony expression as they all prepared to leave the shambles of the Stark penthouse, but it was almost impossible to keep his mouth from dropping to the floor - again. He glanced at Rock Lee, who looked almost as stunned. Although still attempting to wrap his brain around what had happened, Rogers gulped and finally whispered, “I think this can stay between you and me. What do you say?”
Still trembling and nodding his head over and over, Lee answered, “Yes Captain, I think that is an excellent idea.”
“I mean,” Rogers spoke again, “I was kind of joking with you.”
“Yes sir, I know.”
“I mean, when you come down to it, I couldn’t imagine…I knew you were strong but…but you…” Rogers stammered, still disbelieving what he observed. “Lee…you picked up Thor’s hammer. That means you’re worthy.
“Only worthy people can wield it, a protector of Asgard - that’s where he and Loki come from, remember? And you…”
“A protector? Like a Hokage?” When Rogers nodded, the chunin paled. “But I do not wish to become Hokage over Asgard.” Lee’s quiet confession was nervous and frightened. “I do not even know where Asgard is. I only want to return home when you find a way for me to do so.”  
“Do you think Thor will know I did it? Does Mjölnir’s have some sort of an alarm?”
“I don’t think so.” That was a guess. Rogers wasn’t definite but figured if Thor - once the hammer was retrieved from the tabletop - had not made any accusations, then things were alright. Since Lee’s attempt, the sole person who acknowledged that he was aware was Loki. Although attempting to maintain an arrogant demeanor, that proved only a facade. The second he saw Lee, a fear briefly flashed in his eyes, something only the young man and Rogers caught.  
The two were silent again. In the background, they heard Natasha call out, “Hey Cap, Lee! You two coming?”
“In a sec, Natasha,” Captain America replied, then sighing directed his next words to a concerned shinobi. “The secret’s safe with me, kid.”
“Thank you, Captain. I appreciate that.”
“All of this does give me an idea,” Rogers mused while he and Lee headed for the front door.
“What is that, sir?”
“Oh…I don’t know. I’d like to give it a shot sometime if I got half a chance. I could see Thor making some joke, some stupid challenge because he thinks he’s the only one. I’m sure a few of us might take him up on it though…Stark, Barton, maybe even Natasha.” He laughed and shrugged. “Not that I think I could…”
Lee grinned. “Do not doubt yourself, Captain. Guy-Sensei would tell you to have full confidence in yourself. If you ever have the opportunity, I would say try. You never know,” and being back to normal, he smiled more, winked and gave a thumbs-up.
Rogers just shook his head and smiled. “Yeah, you’re right. You never know.”
Lee had returned to Konoha by the time of Age of Ultron, but I’m certain he would have had a huge smile on his face when Captain America accepted Thor’s challenge to try to lift Mjölnir.  
The shawarma mention was in the original The Avengers movie, and if you sit all the way through the final end credits, you see the gang sitting down and having some chow at the very restaurant Stark mentions in the movie. (Not sure where Lee was during that scene *bg*).
A good deal of the dialogue between Loki and Tony Stark was taken from the movie, The Avengers, and was copied from IMDB.
I do not own The Avengers or any of the individual characters. They are owned and copyrighted by Marvel Studios, Marvel Comics, Stan Lee and whoever else might be involved. I’m only playing with them for a bit - and hope none of them mind.
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
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Oh hell - do I really need a reason? Of course not. 😍😍
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
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Trying again because I don't think it went thru the first time. But here he is in all his splendid Ninja glory, our very own Rock Lee! And I ordered three cause I have to open one box to entertain myself. 😁
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
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I was going back thru some old pics as I was dozing…and I found this. 🙂
He just never fails to make me smile. @sausage-fist @ten-all-over @fruitysmellz @morganknightos @samlovesmaitogai @shock777 @teacher-monica @strikeelectricart @nejicanspin - hope everyone is well.
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
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PART TWO - In All His Ninja Glory!
Yes, it comes with an instruction manual, which I’ll definitely need as I pose him in the future. This is so awesome! I think/hope one of them comes with a thumbs up!
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I’m a sucker for his drunken fist face!
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Powering up! I even love the detail with his hair standing on edge!
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@sausage-fist @ten-all-over @nejicanspin @teacher-monica @samlovesmaitogai @fruitysmellz @morganknightos @shock777
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
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Part 3 - In All His Ninja Glory!
The plastic is removed. Welcome to the world, Rock Lee! And there’s that smile!
@sausage-fist @samlovesmaitogai @morganknightos @ten-all-over @fruitysmellz @teacher-monica @shock777 @nejican
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rockleefangirl987 · 6 years
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Untitled - Until I Think Of Something Amazing turned 3 today!
Well, actually it was yesterday, but hey, I’m only a date late. LOL I can’t believe it’s been three years.
I apologize for not being more active and hope to pick up the pace in 2019 to get back to where I used to be. Sometimes you need a break.
But as always, I’m thinking of the ones who offered me encouragement in the past: @samlovesmaitogai @shock777 @meandrosie @fruitysmellz @nejicanspin @ten-all-over @sincerelysinclair17 @teacher-monica @tappingfingernails @bucolicnonentities @asplendidninja @strikeelectricart @sunsetnojutsu  If I missed anyone, sorry about that. And thanks to those of you who have not only read my story but have reposted the links. 
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
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I had no idea it had been two years. Wow!
I think I started this on a whim, and had no idea it would grow as it did.
An enormous thanks to those who read my blog casually, and also to my followers (you’re sweet), and those who reblog me.
A big hello to @sausage-fist, @ten-all-over, @samlovesmaitogai, @fruitysmellz, @asplendidninja, @shock777, @nejicanspin, @tappingfingernails, @sincerelysinclair17, @teacher-monica. You’ve encouraged me and make me smile. 🙂
Here’s to another 2 years! 🥂
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
All This...and Heaven Too - Chapter Five: After the Ball
I confess. 
I’ve been very negligent (ask Team Guy), and it’s about time I posted chapter 5 in my story. And in case you’ve missed anything or want to review what has come before, I am including the permalinks for what I hope will make for easier access. 
Chapter Six is being prepped for Tumblr so I hope to get it up in the next week or two.
Introduction and Brief History - https://rockleefangirl987.tumblr.com/post/159618388822/all-thisand-heaven-too-introduction-and-a
Prologue - The Answer
Chapter One - Training Day - Arrivals
Chapter Two - Renewed Alliances
Chapter Three - The Welcome Party (Part One)
Chapter Three - The Welcome Party (Part Two)
Chapter Four - Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig
And as always, this is dedicated to @sausage-fist @ten-all-over @nejicanspin @samlovesmaitogai @morganknightos @fruitysmellz @teacher-monica @asplendidninja - and to anyone who has helped me inspire me along the way.
After the ball is over,
After the break of morn –
After the dancers' leaving;
After the stars are gone;
Many a heart is aching,
If you could read them all;
Many the hopes that have vanished
After the ball.
                                    -- After The Ball, Charles K. Harris (1891)
The aide-de-camp stood at the entrance to her commander’s tent, waiting for Kathryn Marshall to complete her prayers. Despite it being almost four in the morning, the Captain tried never to go one night without saying them. Although she was exhausted and ready to crawl into bed, she requested a few minutes to say her private devotions before the sergeant finished her duties.
She prayed for those in her company, then the health and protection of her Queen, the Prince-Consort, their infant daughter, as well as those of her family not with her. Upon completion, Kathryn crossed herself, rose from her prie-deux, and returned her prayer beads to their velvet container.
“So what do you think, Alanna? It’s been a long day.” Kicking off her slippers, she sat on the edge of the enhanced cot, intended to give her as much comfort as possible over the next weeks.
“Yes ma’am, quite a long one, but I trust we’ve been able to accomplish a good beginning.”
Kathryn thought back over everything and smiled. “I actually believe we have. Tomorrow, we’ll send a communication to Her Majesty as far as our progress, as well as whatever happens at tomorrow's...well, today's conference.”
“Very good, My Lady. So will you try to sleep in, or should I return in a couple of hours? There’s nothing on your agenda for the morning, and your afternoon is clear until late. The meetings between you and the Leaf Village representatives will not be until three.”
“I think...I’d like to sleep in. I don’t get to be lazy all that often, and I feel like I have cobwebs forming in my...” She was interrupted by tapping on the tent door. Both she and the sergeant went into defensive postures as neither could imagine who might be outside at that time of the morning.
Alanna firmly called out: “Who goes there?”
“Alanna,” came a whisper, “it’s Tessa. Has my sister retired yet?”
The Captain was not surprised to hear the voice. “Tessa? Come in.” The younger girl hesitantly stepped inside, bowing her head to Alanna Collier after she did, and Kathryn saw her sister had not yet changed out of her party outfit. “Why are you still up?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“Oh, Tessa! You need to relax.” Both she and her sister had always been restless.
“I’ve tried. I still can’t. Are you tired? Really tired? Can we talk a little?”
Kathryn saw Alanna roll her eyes as the aide knew what she would say. “Well, I was...Sure, we can talk.”
“Thank you!” Tessa flopped next to Kathryn, causing the thick mattress to bounce.
“Alanna please go ahead and turn in. I’ll see you around one-ish.”
“One-ish. Very good, My Lady. Good night then. Good night, Lady Tessa.”
“Good night Alanna.”
“Now…” Kathryn sighed once her assistant had gone, “what in the world couldn’t wait until later?”
“I know, I know, I should have waited, but I was in my tent and I was going to change, but it was driving me crazy not knowing what happened.”
“Not knowing what...Oh!” Kathryn laid her head against the pillows at the top of the cot, resting one arm above her head and the other across her chest.
“Oh? Is that all you can say? Oh?” She waved a hand as if intending to slap her older sister. “Come on Kathryn! Tell me what happened with you and Neji Hyuga. What’s he like? Is he a snob? Harry said he was. Did he smile at all? It’s hard to tell if he's smiling or not! Does he have any type of personality? What about those eyes? Michael introduced me to the Hyuga patriarchs and I have never seen such a bunch of sticks in the mud in my life.”
“So what about him?”
“He’s…” Kathryn shrugged as she considered the time spent with the chunin. “I detect there was a time when he was quite arrogant.”
“Eww. Sorry,” Tessa apologized. “You know me. I can’t take arrogance. That’s why I didn’t much care for their family patriarchs. But you feel Master Neji's different?”
“Well, in the time I spent with him, I think he’s loosened up a great deal. That probably has a lot to do with his Sensei.”
“His Sensei? Which one was he?”
Kathryn smiled. “You couldn’t miss him. Might Guy. The great big man in the green jumpsuit.”
“Oh! And the bushy eyebrows and yes, that jumpsuit!”
“That’s him. That was Might Guy. You weren’t at court when he and Kakashi Hatake came there to meet Cousin Lilibet.”
“Kakashi Hatake? Oh, the shinobi with the mask?” Tessa sighed. “Oh my God. We were trying to imagine what he looks like behind that mask. We all had such glorious fantasies. But sorry again. I keep interrupting. Neji Hyuga. You think he’s loosened up because of being with Might Guy?”
“I think so. Or he had a lot to do with how Master Hyuga has changed over time. You know the influence a teacher can have over a student. And…”
“Well, he’s aristocratic and brilliant. We had a number of wonderful conversations throughout the evening. Did you know...No, no, you wouldn’t, but he’s fluent in Gaulish.”
“Really! That's impressive. How in the world did he learn that? Do you think he knows you’re fluent in it too?”
“I thought that at first, yes.”
“Oh! And he learned as a way to flatter you.”
“Right, exactly, but now I’m not sure. I have a feeling his education has been well-rounded. I could see him studying it because he knew we Britons were coming. It is a court language after all.”
“True, true.”
“We spoke Gaulish and Japanese throughout the evening.”
“Nice! So you felt comfortable being alone with him?”
“Oh very much so. In fact, we had several moments alone.”
Tessa sat forward. “And...?”
“No Tessa, nothing happened.”
The girl looked disappointed. “Too bad. I was hoping he at least kissed you. I think you can tell a lot about a man by the way he kisses.” She paused, giving Kathryn a look indicating her own secrets.
Kathryn cocked her head to one side. “Tessa, by any chance, did you kiss that young man you were with this evening? You did!”
“Only on the cheek, Kathryn. And...he kissed me on the cheek too...eventually.” Blushing she added, “Choji’s...Choji is...Look, I’ll tell you later. I want to hear more about this Neji Hyuga. Alright, he never kissed you. That’s fine. You just met and some people are like that; cautious I mean. I know you very much are when you’re meeting a man who…” She weighed her next words, shook her head, and her comment was adjusted to a question. “But in the grand scheme, how did you honestly feel about him?”
Kathryn sat up, drawing her knees towards her chest. “In the grand scheme...I...liked him.”
“Only liked?”
“I just met him.”
“Well answer me this then,” Tessa whispered. “Between sisters. Would you put him out of your bed if he was in it?”
“Tessa!” Kathryn turned the color of rhubarb. She was not a prude, but the question startled her.
“Well?” Tessa was not the least bit perturbed.
“That was...Tessa...I can’t believe that question crossed your lips. What would Mama say? What would our Grandmamas say?”
“They’d laugh, roll their eyes and wag a finger, and say ‘Tessa, really’ and that would be that. You already know that’s what would happen.”
“Oh, Tessa...I don’t know what we’re going to do with you,” Kathryn sighed, collapsing back onto the mattress. It and the duvet felt soft, comfortable, welcoming, and her body settled in, her head sinking into the softness of the pillows she stacked and staggered one up on top of the other as part of her normal habit. What had she tried to say earlier to Alanna, something about cobwebs? Oh, that she felt cobwebs were forming over her eyes, each one threading through her pupils, tightening so she could no longer see. “I’m sorry, Kitten. I have to shut my eyes.” She did, her facial muscles relaxing. “Keep talking though. I can still hear you,” she was able to say, fighting the urge to yawn.
“So you don’t think you’ll mind him courting you then?”
“Courting me?”
“Yes, as a prospective, well, I guess a prospective bridegroom?”
Kathryn remembered her walks and conversations with Neji Hyuga during the times they were able to escape his relations, her relations, and every other individual who claimed some sort of stake in this all turning out as intended. Those were the moments when she felt the most comfortable with him, supposing he reasoned along the same lines.
Their words became less stilted; they became less formal. Neither felt the need to extol their virtues as if citing from non-existent résumés. In fact, Neji spent more time talking about Might Guy and his teammates than he did his own accomplishments until Kathryn pressed him to speak about himself so she might learn more. He could be open when he desired, so she felt there were many private matters he did not wish to speak of - at least not yet, so she would be patient and wait.
As the evening progressed, her initial resistance subsided to the idea of meeting Neji. They danced together a few more times; enjoyed sampling the many foods offered. They moved from tent to tent, not just to find something new to eat, but to bewilder the ones they often observed following them. Throwing off the prying eyes of the Briton peerage and the Hyuga hierarchy became a game the couple took great pleasure in.
Both she and Neji conversed with ease in either Gaulish or Japanese. The wall of uncertainty lowered enough that on one occasion, as they relaxed outdoors, Kathryn allowed him to touch the back of one hand as he pointed out something or other he thought might interest her. She listened to his voice, realizing something in his life had made him more approachable, warmer, more understanding. An internal pain still held onto him, although not as intense as it might once have been. In the end, it made her curious to know him better.
The evening had been full of people and things which left her curious.
“I’m thankful they didn’t get it into their heads to try to marry me off while we’re here.”
Kathryn started, her eyes opening. “I’m...I’m sorry. What?”
Tessa grinned. “I said I’m glad they didn’t decide to add me to the marriage block while they were at it.”
“You’re fifteen!”
“So? Isn’t Neji Hyuga seventeen or thereabouts? Isn’t Lady Hinata around sixteen? You’re only twenty and Harry’s seventeen! All of you are way too young for such commitments. It’s stupid. You’d think we were back in the old, old, olden days or something. Trying to marry you off to someone you met tonight. It’s absurd, Kathryn, absolutely absurd.”
“I know,” Kathryn agreed, her eyes closing again.
“I realize Cousin Lilibet asked this of you and Harry, but even she married for love, didn't she?”
“Both times. She married for love both times. How fortunate is that?”
“But I still think you're too young to take such a huge step. And it’s true Mama was twenty when she married, but she and Papa had been in love with each other since they were children. That’s different.”
Kathryn drifted again as Tessa continued:
“And then I told Choji...He can dance quite well, considering his size...It was so cute how you fed that boy’s doggie...Now is Kiba the boy or is that the dog?...Then Lady Tsunade said ‘And if I was married to you I’d drink it!’ I almost busted a spleen when she told him that!...I said ‘How can you resist chocolate covered strawberries,’ and he said ‘I can’t.’...I mean how disgusting is that - ugh...Then you and Neji Hyuga reappeared...I swear some people can be so ignorant…I didn’t realize there were still sexist men around - in this day and age! I’d knot my bow string around his scrawny neck, that’s what I’d do to that piece of...His hair is so long, isn’t it?...Then Charlotte said ‘Oh my God! What if he looks like the Phantom of the Opera under that mask’ and we laughed our...”
Tessa’s voice became more distant as Kathryn’s sleep changed stages. Although she could still hear her sister, the sentences and words made even less sense, until she stopped trying to sort it out or put meaning to any of it.
“Well, I’m thankful he’s not...I have never...So Might Guy...I would think Neji Hyuga...his best student...So did you...Byakugan...Did you imagine what it’d be like to touch his hair?...I told Choji...team...Might Guy’s team...his...mate...I think Michael...so pretty...I wonder if Michael...Neji Hyuga...team...I told Choji...poor plain...good time...mate...sweetest, most kind-hearted person...Briton...What did you think...deserved an award...poor plain teammate…”
“Huh?” Kathryn muttered, shifting to one side. “What?”
“...poor plain teammate.”
“Poor...What poor...? Who has…? He doesn’t…” Kathryn’s heart rate slowed as her body temperature began to drop. Funny, how could she be dreaming already?
She was gazing into Neji’s eyes. They were dancing again...
Had she already entered REM? How much time had passed? She thought Tessa was still talking...
It was their wedding night. Neji carried her to bed. Their clothing was removed. He touched her, listened to her reaction, growing more excited as she moaned her pleasure…
She wondered what appearance their children might have…
Neji was finally selected as Hokage, and she was so proud, fully accepting that the sacrifice of her old life had been worth this; to have fought by his side - physically and emotionally to help them both achieve this moment.
The shinobi were swearing allegiance to the new Hokage while she watched with great pride, but one, in particular, caught her eye as she looked over this first group of jonin and chunin to enter the chamber. It had been years and years since the alliance was restored...She could not recall how much time had passed since she last laid eyes on him...He was much older. She was as well, but there were still familiar things about him which had never changed and made him prominent among everyone. She never understood why he accepted more missions than any other shinobi...Why he felt the need to be away from the Village so often...
It suddenly struck her how much she missed his smile and the fire in his dark eyes. She couldn’t help it. She stepped before him. He gave a courtly, respectful bow, keeping his eyes down. But she needed to see them again: those eyes that made her feel alive when she was younger; those eyes which swept her away when they danced all those years before. And the smile - it always warmed her heart. Using one finger, she lifted his head by the chin...
“...how he looks.”
“Huh?” The images stopped. Partially awake, Kathryn was uncertain how long she dreamed or what more Tessa said.
“Oh, Kathryn. Here I am rambling away and you’re fast asleep, aren’t you?” Tessa giggled, then kissed her sister on the cheek. “I’ll talk to you later. Have a good night, okay?”
“Hmm? Oh, okay. Good night, Tessa.” Kathryn rolled over, burying her face deeper into her pillows.
Whatever other dreams she had that night, she never remembered.
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rockleefangirl987 · 7 years
All This...and Heaven Too: CHAPTER FOUR: Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-Jig
To @asplendidninja (who introduced me fully to the glories of Team Guy) and to @ten-all-over @sausage-fist@nejicanspin @fruitysmellz @morganknightos@samlovesmaitogai @teacher-monica @shock777
From the Introduction:
There are many ways to tell a story.
This is one.
While some of the most common things become accepted canon, we don’t always agree, oftentimes forcing even The Creator of the signature work to admit ‘I was wrong,’ frustrating us to no end because now it is ‘set in stone’. Which is why we create alternate universes, to satisfy our hunger for…well, whatever the case, be it to right some wrong, give our hero or heroine satisfaction, or to complete a journey we felt was never satisfactorily finished.
This is another version…a tweaking…a difference here and there, some so minor, they may not be immediately noticeable.
Consider this a level of the multiverse, finite and infinite, each universe part of a vast assemblage and existing simultaneously, the numerous realities unaware of the other. Therefore at first glance, should you, in the reading of this account, discover something you believe a contradiction, recall this introduction and remember - this is only one version of the story and the lives entwined with it.
Disclaimer: The following story has been written with no intention of claiming ownership or solicitation, nor does the author claim the movie character(s) as his/her own. The character(s) have been borrowed solely out of a love of the particular series and movies and is not intended for any other purpose but amusement and entertainment.
Because - as time goes on - this story is going to become massive - I promise to post the Permalinks to each chapter. I know how it feels when you find a chapter to a story you’re enjoying, but you can never locate the rest of it. I hope this makes it easier for any of you that come into this after the prologue.
Introduction and Brief History - https://rockleefangirl987.tumblr.com/post/159618388822/all-thisand-heaven-too-introduction-and-a
Prologue - The Answer - https://rockleefangirl987.tumblr.com/post/159619445665/all-thisand-heaven-too-prologue-the-answer
Chapter One - Training Day - Arrival - https://rockleefangirl987.tumblr.com/post/159843490557/all-thisand-heaven-too-chapter-one-training
Chapter Two - Renewed Alliances - https://rockleefangirl987.tumblr.com/post/160078980106/all-thisand-heaven-too-chapter-two-renewed
Chapter Three - The Welcome Party (Part One) - https://rockleefangirl987.tumblr.com/post/160861155718/all-thisand-heaven-too-chapter-three-the
Chapter Three - The Welcome Party (Part Two) - https://rockleefangirl987.tumblr.com/post/161645256897/all-thisand-heaven-too-chapter-three-the
It was a pleasant feeling Neji considered when an exhausted Tenten laid her head on his shoulder. He smiled and eased one of the blankets around her to keep her warm, realizing she had fallen asleep in mid-sentence. It was not that the ride would take long, but he enjoyed knowing he was providing her with a makeshift ‘pillow’.
The Team left right after the Marshall siblings excused themselves around two-thirty, immediately following Lord Michael thanking everyone for coming. Once that concluded, Guy whispered it would be fine if they departed now that the representatives of the royal family had retired. Since the event had been going for more than eight hours, most were ready to head home, although a few lingered even as things began to wind down.
Tenten admitted she was glad to get off her feet after all the dancing, and although she at first protested with an “Are you sure you guys are ready to go?” her teammates could tell that she was becoming droopy, her yawning growing habitual. Grabbing up four of the gift bags left for each guest (“And please don’t forget that I have all of yours or I’ll eat it what’s in it! I swear I will,” she teased), she carried those while - with Lee on one side and Neji on the other - she was walked out to the wagon and helped in. She was not intoxicated on alcohol. If anything, she was intoxicated by the remnants of the atmosphere and her memories of a beautiful evening. Which explained the goofy smile on her lips when she fell asleep.
Neji caught himself stroking her hair, but stopped before either Guy or Lee glanced his way. He kept thinking she ought to wear it down more often, however, he was aware that when he met her for training, she would be sporting the familiar buns. He had no idea when he might again see her as she appeared tonight. The curls, the clothing, the makeup - vanished like wisps of smoke.
It had been a complicated evening, he knew that much. How was he to know when it began, he would be subjected to a possible engagement and marriage without being consulted on the matter. He could tell from Lady Kathryn’s reactions early on that she had not been pleased by any of it either. However, as the night progressed, and the two became better acquainted, he wondered if there might not be something to the proposal after all.
That the Hyuga patriarchy agreed to such a notion made him wonder if this might further break down the walls as far as his place in the clan. He knew he might be asking for an impossible dream, but one could never be certain where things might lead. It was true he was the only current eligible male Hyuga of a young age, but for Neji, it did not matter. He wanted to become as noble as his father had once been. He wanted the family to know they could always trust him, and his good fortune would be theirs as well. There might even be the possibility if the stars and planets aligned properly and he continued to grow into the man he wanted to be, he might become Hokage, not so much for the clan’s sake, but to prove he could achieve such an ultimate goal.
Having a bride who was a member of a royal family, and not just any royal family, but one ruling an Empire with which Konohagakure would once more be allied - the logic of it was not displeasing. And Kathryn Marshall was lovely, courageous, intelligent - everything a man would want in a wife. Being descended from generations of warriors was a positive as well.
The bird might become even more free than it had ever have known.
He glanced down at the still sleeping Tenten and smiled, thoughts of courtships and marriage leaving his mind. When the hell had she grown up? When the hell had she become so lovely? Why had he never realized before, and why did it have to be now?
Lee sat in a corner of the wagon, watching as Neji appeared to doze, his head leaning onto Tenten’s. The action caused Lee to smile before he closed his own eyes. Once again, he wondered how a party in which the most you did was dance, eat, talk, walk about and sit could be so draining, but he was feeling the effects.
It all turned out quite well, despite the bumpy beginning. As the evening wore on, not just Tenten and Sakura danced with him, but Alanna Collier, Kathryn Marshall’s aide-de-camp, and a couple of other Briton officers he had not met approached him.
Tenten was delightful, revealing a Team Guy youthful passion which would have pleased their mentor. Lee wondered if he had ever seen her with such a lovely smile, figuring being paired with the Marshall brothers brought out another side to her.
Holding hands in a dance with Sakura would have been an answer to his prayers years before. But despite having a nice time, none of the old boyhood feelings reemerged. Perhaps growing up did make a sharp difference in one’s realities.
The dark-haired Alanna was nice-looking and they shared a good conversation while they danced. The other officers? Perhaps upon seeing their Captain with him, they knew they could be more open. Whatever their intentions, they were charming, beautiful, sensual, smart - everything Guy-Sensei had told him a Briton woman would be. Although he enjoyed the short amount of time spent with them, and it was apparent they honestly enjoyed their time with him, something was lacking.   
“Lee?” a soft voice asked.
Lee’s black eyes opened. He looked at his Teacher sitting a few inches away. “Yes, Guy-Sensei?” He kept his voice low as well, not wanting to bother Tenten and Neji, both fast asleep.
“Did you have a good time?”
“Yes Sensei, I did.” Lee could tell Guy was maintaining self-control, but his speech had a hint of a slur. He supposed the jonin had a good time too.
“I saw you dancing with Lady Kathryn. Good for you.”
Lee hoped it was too dark for Guy to see him as a blush grew in the boy’s cheeks. “It was Lady’s Choice, sir. She asked me,” he admitted. Although, not for the first time tonight, he was uncertain as to why.
“True. That's true, Lee. But she asked.” He rubbed his chin. “What do they call her? The Queen’s beloved kinswoman? Defender of the realm?”
“I believe so.”
“That’s not something you’ll be able to say every day, right? Dancing with a Queen’s cousin. And Her Ladyship’s pretty special in her own right. Kakashi and I heard them saying it over and over when we visited their court. Her people think a lot of her. You saw that too. Her brothers and sisters in arms.” Stifling a yawn, Guy’s head moved backward.
Lee half-expected to hear him snore. Instead, there was only the rhythmic clip-clop of horse hooves as one wagon after another kept a steady pace toward the main Village gate. On occasion, he distinguished familiar voices and laughter from others; even heard Naruto exclaim his satisfaction with the party, which was quickly followed by Sakura telling him to lower his voice - he was loud enough to wake the dead!
The bushy-browed shinobi smiled, returning to what was on his mind.
Her people think a lot of her. That is true...Lady’s Choice. She never said why...I would have expected her to have chosen Neji, especially once we all heard the rumors. Why did she not ask him? I do not...
Blinking, another thought came to him. “Sensei?”
“Huh?” Guy rubbed his face, pretending he hadn't dozed. “Oh. Lee? What is it?”
“I was wondering. Did you ever learn what a Valkyrie is supposed to be?” When the shouts and singing rang out, seizing everyone's attention, he - as did the assembly - watched in amazement. He was too far away to see Lady Kathryn's facial reactions, but her little speech indicated the tribute touched her.
“You know, it never came up again. I intended to ask and then...Well, we’ll find out, Lee. There's plenty of time for that...Valkyrie…” Guy muttered, his voice drifting again.
The chunin looked down at his taped hands, to where he had carefully tucked away the frayed piece. The silver loop from Lady Kathryn’s jewelry was secure inside a pocket of his flak jacket. “Yes,  Sensei...Valkyrie.” Lee allowed the word to fall from his lips, one syllable at a time as if hoping the meaning might be revealed when slowly spoken.
The jonin once more came alive. “You know, Lee?”
“Yes, Sensei?”
“No, I was just thinking. I never got that lucky when I was at their last Welcome Party. Dancing with a pretty girl. I figure being a genin of ten had a lot to do with it.” Guy chuckled, then patted his pupil on the leg. “I’m glad you had a good time Lee.”
“I did sir. At first, I was not certain I would enjoy myself.”
Guy nodded. “I know. I saw some of what happened. I'm sorry Lee. I built things up for you and…”
“It was not your fault, Sensei. We both had high expectations.” Lee was quiet for a few moments before he continued. “I am not the type to surrender, Guy-Sensei. You know I never give up.”
“I know.”
Lee shrugged. “I almost did tonight…Almost...And then...”
“Got your confidence back, eh?”
Lee thought about a pair of sparkling, violet-gray eyes and a tiny half-smile. “Yes, sir I did. The evening...changed.”
“I would’ve been disappointed if you had. Given up, I mean. And you dance with Her Ladyship and the next thing you know - BAM! You had a slew of them wanting your company.”
Lee giggled. “Sensei, it was not a slew.”
“Be that as it may…” Guy lifted one index finger. “You got their attention. You weren't lacking after that, were you? That one little brunette.”
“Oh, Ensign Kelly. She told me she recently became a member of Her Ladyship’s staff.”
“Ensign Kelly. Lovely little lady. I saw you getting her a plate.” He nudged Lee's arm. “Very gentlemanly of you.”
“Thank you, Sensei. She was nice.”
“Of course you’re going to have to put all thoughts of pretty girls aside in the morning. Can’t have that interfering with your training can we?”
Lee felt his face burn from embarrassment. “No Guy-Sensei.” In actuality, there would be but one ‘pretty girl’ he would think about the remainder of the night. Was it his imagination, or did he still detect a hint of her perfume in his tape or on his clothes?
“Wouldn’t want you having to do a thousand laps around the Village on your hands because your brain shifted elsewhere. Elsewhere than where it’s supposed to be.” Guy pointed towards an area below his pupil’s waist. “Understand?”
“What do you...Oh!” Lee glanced between his legs as his Teacher laughed. “Yes, sir. I will remember that. Do not allow my brain to shift from my head to...elsewhere.” Too bad he didn't have his trusty notebook with him. That was a major lesson to write down.
“Good.” Guy leaned forward to better see down the road. “Looks like we’re almost back. Don’t forget to get your gift bag from Tenten. She’ll eat the whole thing and swear you imagined you were supposed to have one. And don’t worry. I checked the contents. You’ll be safe,” he added with a wink.
“I appreciate that. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Lee, as always.” Stretching his over six-foot form, he bowed his head towards Tenten and Neji. “We need to wake up the sleeping beauties over there. Time you kids were in bed. It’s way past your bedtime.”
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