#ass deep in aksk
ass-deep-in-demons · 5 months
Thank you for asking! <3
🔥 Give us your hottest Silm hot take.
Idk if it counts as a hot take, but I take the entire Silm to be an anthology of the legends of the Elven people of Middle Earth. I think that all of the god-like, supernatural phenomena that have esupposedly happened in Valinor and in the First Age really have some more down-to earth explanations. I don't want to spoil some revelations from my fanfic series so I'll stop here ;P
🐉 A lot of figures in the Silm have weird Eldritch powers or possibly biology. Tell us about your headcanons for one.
Continuing from the previous paragraph, I headcanon that the Ainur arent god-like or angelic in nature. Instead they are a very capable species with a different biology. Their bodies are infused with magic, and thus they live forever, can change shapes and are capable of incredible feats of power - much like we witness the known Istari to be; they are powerful but not infallible. They have created an advanced civilization in Aman, and because of this they seemed god-like to the elven tribes who have first reached its shores. But they are actually not supernatural in origin, or at least not any more than elves or men. They are born, and they do procreate, albeit differently from humanoid races. They also do not actually talk to Eru, the cult of Illuvatar is just their dominant religion. (Now I have to physically restrain myself from spoiling more of my headcanon lore XD)
🍽️ You are having a dinner party and you can invite five (5) characters from the Silm. Who do you invite?
I just want a nice dinner with no drama so I’d probably invite the Doriath royal family: Thingol, Melian, Luthien, Beren and Dior. I hope to learn more about the Ainur from Melian, hear a story about Cuivienen from Thingol and of course all the stories from Beren and Luthien’s adventuring days
💀 You have a "Get out of jail 'Doomed by the Narrative' free" card. Who do you give it to?
Beleg the Bowman. He really deserved better.
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roscgcld · 3 years
It's "just five more minutes of sleep" just "one more chocolate chip cookie" I had toooo, I had to keep reading 😩 how do I know your writing won't suddenly sprout legs and run off??? 😶 Haha XD You 🤝 Me "if I don't include Good Teacher (read: dad) Gojou content then what's the point?" hELLO??? TEARS ;-; (gonna try and make my own response as vague as possible cause spoilers) even when THAT is happening he chose to use those last seconds to reassure her and says *that* and know I Am Emotional
there is a lot of asks from this cute anon so am gonna make it long. also there are some spoilers, so read with your own caution~
(Continued) 😭 tried to keep it limited to one ask since I don't know if you accept multiple parts but here we are. Yeah mental trauma can be heavy, and oh that bit with Maki fits in perfectly since we didn't see what happened in between, how some characters got from point A to point C (like in ch 137, that was so sudden) (or we did see and I just forgot, I just remember where we left off with them mid-arc and then seeing them post-arc)
(Continued) "whacked" is such interesting word choice considering~ you. you know how it went. It brings to mind the image of whacking someone gently over the head with a newspaper. I am both laughing and crying. Ahhhh, you did not hold back. Aw daydreamer-chan it doesn't stop there 😭 I really feel for her, gosh, I just want HUGS. Even if 1/2 a hug. (I'm sorry) One day 😔 *plays kazoo sadly* dream a little dream, of a happy little scene, where you're here with me~ ✨ together for infinity~ 🌌🌏🌖
(Continued) Don't worry about the rambles, I love listening to people go off about their ideas!! Even better if u have fun with your own stories! Aksks and well 👉👈 what is a writer, if part of our souls don't desire whump content or to watch the struggle to win and getting back up again. That stuff is cool! I've sent you four asks already so I'll tell you in a new one! Ah shoot wait won't that end up having spoilers too if I go into detail ;-; can it be hidden under the cut?
Honey I am not going anywhere as of now loool - so all my works are always here for you to binge whenever you want cx fear not haha!
And okay see - yes Gojo is an ass, and I make that very clear every time I write for him cause let’s be honest here; he pisses everyone off AHAHHAA. BUT - he still does care for his students. I think that is very obvious. So I always try to make it so that I make that part of him shine through more cause that just makes me feel all happy and soft inside cx
I felt that it was the most accurate way to write them meeting up once more cause for me, she sort of just runs about the station not sure of where to go lol so i felt like it was the most fitting way for them to meet up once more. plus, it causes the most trauma for her in one go. AND OKAY SEE - that was the first phrase that came into mind okay? When I first read it I thought “well shit, Nanami got whacked by Mahito” and that is how i describe it to everyone lol. Friends who get into the manga will always hate me cause they thought the same thing too cx
I get that honestly - however I realise here on tumblr there are a portion of readers who are not happy when I explore? Like i mentioned yesterday that I was interested in exploring a more darker writing AU cause of an official art I saw, and I thought “Maybe putting them into a Mafia!AU would be cool.” Cause the in the Mafia!AU world, you gotta think really deep and dark for certain parts, and it interests me a lot. But then some random anon decided to say that I am sick and I need help - and it’s the few reasons why I wonder why I share the things I write lol. If I can’t write the things I am interested in, and people are going to go out of their way to try and like, make a huge deal out of it, I just rather not sometimes lol. Cause am a very pessimistic person. I get discouraged easily cause of some things that happened when I was younger, so sometimes I have to remind myself that I am writing myself and no one else. But I also get discouraged lol. Idk maybe I am just being too hard on myself but I just, I just start to talk down on myself and agree with the ‘haters’ cause I still don’t know what possessed me to hit post on my first ever headcanon HAHAHA
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