cameronspecial · 3 months
Insta Connection (Part 2)
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: None of the pictures used are my own. They are found on Google or Pinterest.
Pronouns: She/Her
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Tagged: @drewstarkey, @madelyncline, @madisonbaileybabe, @austinnorth55
Liked by beatriceY/L/N, allthingsY/N, and 9, 346, 421 others
Y/N_Y/L/N Breaking News: Drew is slow as fuck. Don’t race with him.
obxismylife I love the shenanigans they get up to!
drewstarkey you were the one that distracted me
     → Y/N_Y/L/N I wasn’t doing anything!
     → drewstarkey you and i know that isn’t true
austinnorth55 Maddie, Madison, and I absolutely creamed you guys.
claireisaqueen Are they hanging out bc they are filming season 2 of obx?
    → knowallouterbanks Yes!
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Tagged: @drewstarkey, @Y/N_Y/L/N
Liked by lutzmake, starkeyismyhusband, and 3, 234 others
starkeyupdates Drew spotted in Italy at the same time that we know Y/N is filming season five of Teenage Assassin 
assassinforlife Ahhh, can’t wait for the new season! Anatasia and Grace have to get together this season!
lidtheliv He looks so good in this picture. 
Y/Nismyfave They have to be dating!!!
     → maplemable he could just be her friend
     → Y/Nismyfave I’m pretty sure that is her purse over his shoulder so…
     → maplemable that doesn’t mean anything
     → Y/Nismyfave Whatever, you are just jealous. 
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Tagged: @Y/N_Y/L/N, @hichasestokes, @rudeth, @jonathandavissofficial
Liked by nokookhate, rudeth, and 3, 531, 854 others
drewstarkey never let Y/N take a picture of you. happy birthday rudster
Y/N_Y/L/N Where is my photo credit?
     → drewstarkey i think making fun of your photography skills is the credit
     → rudeth Idk what you are talking about. I look great.
     → Y/N_Y/L/N ⬆️See it’s the subject that was the problem, not the artist.
     → drewstarkey i’m hurt pumpkin
obxobsessedgirl Happy Birthday Rudy!
drewsgirl JD’s shoes are so shiny
itshaileylu my bff can take great pictures!
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Tagged: @Y/N_Y/L/N
Liked by Y/N_Y/L/N, lupeter, and 34, 753 others
itshaileylu rain days are better with your bff 🌧️☔
onthehunt4Y/L/N Rumours has it that Drew was with the girls
haileybiggestfan more people need to get onto her music and stop seeing her as just Y/N’s best friend. her music slaps. 
dejitops You should wear more revealing clothes.
     → lupeter Get out of my sister’s comments creep
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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Twisted Creed: Chapter 27 - Assignments
Rosaliana's POV.
Tuesday, October, 27th 1868.
"Do we agreed?", Rose spokes up as everyone nods. The RedBurst finish up changing into their Templar costumes. Everything from their black and red coat to their unhappy expressions. A sympathetic smile covered my lips, "RedBurst. You need to accompany Rose into Kaylock's territory while she speaks with him. You are to search nonstop; turn the place upside down if you have too. Don't let anything undiscovered".
They nodded my way finishing up their outfits, "The rest of RedBurst will separate. One part will stay here in London helping Layla cover more ground; however, the ones left will go back into the forest. You'll come back in a two month times or when Rose goes get you. Stay aware that the blighters are out and searching for all of you".
A part of them runs offs into small paddle boats. The London's sun it's at its highest signaling the afternoon. I glance back at Rose, "Go. You know what to do with Kaylock".
William was the first one to opposed, "Rexford is no friend of ours. We should blame his death on others then place our judgment on him. We don't want to grow unwanted suspicion".
William's words sink into my mind for a couple of seconds. I plan out once again on that time while Rose glares daggers at William. Rose has been wanting to kill Rexford Kaylock for a very long time. She lost her chance of Rupert Ferris; however, I did promise her that she will kill Kaylock. Rexford and Rose never got along very well.
"A Lethal dose, Rose. Before that remind him who he is dealing with. Do remember to give him a chance while alive and well. Be the last thing he sees before he dies, so fear is the last thing he comprehends",  Rose nods my way as William sighs heavily. He didn't like the idea at hand; however, I'm not going around pleasing anyone. I'm giving out to do list.
"Be home by d-", I was interrupted once again by an O'Brien. A deep breath left my lips as I wait for their words, "With all due respect, Lady Rosaliana. Do you believe Rose is the best option on this assignment?". I look up at none other than William O'Brien. Rose glares back at him without holding back anymore, "Say another word, O'Brien. The only think you'll see is my face while I shove the poison down your throat".
William stops himself from speaking another word. I glance between Rose to William than to Will O'Brien to Rose. Lady Fantasy is at a corner ignored the commotion. She is really good at ignoring her surroundings when she wants too.
  Deep down, I wish I was able to ignore this commotion. Should I let them kill each other? Well, it would give me something to laugh about for the rest of the day. It will pull back my plans to talk to Kaylock, and probably amused me too much. Should I put effort at knowing who the Grant Master Templar is? No.
They'll die sooner or later. It won't make any difference if I get to know them. I should really pay attention in case William is already dead. I'll bet on Rose beating either Kaylock or William. It sounds like a new years resolution.
I pay all of my undying attention to the group. Rose is almost shouting at William. He stands her ground, "We all know, you are careless". All eyes fall onto William. His tone was so sure of everything he was saying. I had to appreciate how stupid that remark was, "William that you don't see Rose do her work which she is a boss at. Doesn't mean she is bad and careless", I spoke out because I saw Rose taking out her thin metallic stick.
They may look as inoffensive as her adorable features; however, those things carry poison. Something Rose is really good at. It's thin because is easy to carry around plus it's as sharp as a knife. It can easily be hidden away from the wandering eyes. She might seem as gentle as a Rose. Never judge the book by it's cover.
What it uncovers outside will traumatize you. There is nothing Rose can't get done for me. I am one lucky powerful woman.
A smile lingers on my lips as Rose and the RedBurst dress as Templars leave. I glance at the O'Brien brothers, "You are staying at your post, Will". I inform him as he nods, "Gaining information from Templars is my specialty, my lass".
I roll my eyes at his failed imitation of a pirate. A glance at his brother, "She'll be alright, William. Rose is very good at what she does".
William looks at me with a look of worry, "Which is?", he asks me as I shake my head, "Murdering people. We have been doing this for many years, and now you realize this". A chuckle left William's lips as he shakes his head, "No, I am just worried that she'll be careless".
"You'll stay at your post, William". He sighs heavily as my words reach his ears, "Can't I accompany, Rose? She'll be safer". I roll my eyes at him, "Settle down, lover boy. You can keep an eye out with Will. Only to come out if she needs any kind of assistance". I remind them once again as they nod my way. They bow to me with a hand to their hearts. They took the rest of the RedBurst with them, "Take them to Layla".
"Yes, My lady", William shouts my way then disappears through the docks. I glance back at Lady Fantasy, "We'll need clear skies, my lady", I spoke to her as she looks up at me, "As you wish", were the last thing she says as the skies clear.
"Thank you", I watch the gray clouds dissipated, and the afternoon sun taking its place.
A beautiful sight indeed. London will see this more often now.
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Twisted Creed: Chapter 23 - intrigued by you
A/N: This is one of the hardest chapter I had to write.. I didn’t know where to start or how to end it. I was afraid that I would walk myself to a wall. There are certainly some mistake if you see any let me know. If anyone would like to be tagged on any of the stories or masterlist. Let me know :D
A cool breeze rushes by my cheeks. My top hat covering the shades of the afternoon sun. I finished up Greenie's favors this morning. It has been a month since I found My Mystery Girl. It has been easier to find her as she stops by this street all the time. She tries ignoring me, but I am probably growing on her by now.
A smile rolls up my lips as I listen to footsteps "You have got to be kidding me" I move my top hat from my face. There she was as glowing as ever. I enjoy for a few seconds her features. Her brows were not knitted together. I have noticed she keeps calm features while upset or angry. She doesn't seem to change features very often. I step back from the comfort of the wall.
"Lady Rosaliana" A hand to my heart bowing respectfully. When I look up she wasn't standing in front of me anymore. My face is washed with confusion "She keeps doing that all the time" I blurt out catching a glimpse of blonde hair in London's crowd. My feet guide me through the crowd as I make sure to hide from Blighters.
I am not really interested in starting a fight this afternoon. I am busy with the task at hand. She keeps ignoring me like if I am another one of her admirers; however, I am not. I am much better than all of them combine. I am Jacob Frye. I can get her. I believe so that I can.
I quickly catch up to her. She tries to ignore my existence by doing her usual routine. She talks to the people on different stores without a problem. It's impressive to see as some try to give her food or object. A smile forms on her lips as she sweetly rejects them "You are always so humble, Lady Rosaliana" they have always replied to her. I keep walking right next to her along the streets of London. People smile at her as she walks past them. Even if she has no business with them, she stops to talk to them or she is smiling their way.
She keeps ignoring me nonetheless is not stopping me. I have a smile plaster on my lips. Rosaliana stops in a small park between two buildings. I watch as she is swarm by children of all sizes and forms. She genuinely smiles to them. I am very surprised because these children weren't here a minute ago. They came out of their hideout inside London. It's hard to believe they came out just because they saw her; however, I shouldn't be surprised.  
I have dealt with Rosaliana for a month, and I learn to get used to her ways. She hasn't given in to me yet or speak a word at all, but I am very persistent. I shouldn't be surprised because she seems to be known by the poorest people in London. She has given people money, and they have tried to give her things to pay it back. She doesn't accept it. She is one woman that I have seen apart of Evie that doesn't take what others offer. She seems different to Evie in many ways. Evie doesn't have blonde hair or Rosaliana's caring features. At least, I believe that's what she shows care.
"How have you been?" I stare at her as she kneels down to their level. She treats them as an equal. The children stop trying to push each other "Will you stay, Ms. Rosaliana?" A young girl couldn't be older than 8. It pains me to see them this way. Their clothes are broken while their faces are dirty. Rosaliana doesn't seem to mind as she caresses their cheeks. I walk around the park never taking my eyes of Rosaliana. I recognize a light of sadness in her eyes. I catch the eye patch on one of her eyes. She shows the blue one.
I am sure everyone has seen her two different eye colors. I don't understand why she hides them. They look breathtaking. It's something I have never seen before, and it's very interesting. Rosaliana smiles at that little girl, "I'll stay for the time being. London needs us" A smile forms on the children's lips. They cheer with happiness at her words. She spoke simple words, truthful words. The young girl looks to the right of Rosaliana. I was glancing at Rosaliana for a very long time. I didn't notice the young girl was looking right at me, "Will he help you?"
She makes contact with my eyes. That specific moment I walk closer to the young ones. Rosaliana watches my every step. A charming smile plasters on my lips while I kneel in front of the children. Rosaliana rolls her eyes right after I smile "I'll do everything in my power to save, London" A hand to my heart, bowing my head to them. It was a simple gesture.
Children are the future of London. They should be respected as such. Rosaliana and I have things in common. One of them being saving London. She cares for those that need help. I find that very noble of her. She is humble in a very strange way. Even if she is of high class, she doesn't mind getting her dress a little dirty. A month past, she is still surprising me.
"He won't stay for long. Are you, Mr. Frye?" I didn't need to be a detective to figure out. Rosaliana is upset. The tone made me avoid looking at her. Her glares were making holes on my face. I sigh heavily not sure why she is so angry. I was just stating the truth "Of course, I shall. Last time I check, I am keeping you safe, my lady"
Our eyes meet again, I have a grin on my lips. Rosaliana's mouth was shortly parted. She wants to say something, but she stops herself. She stands up as I look up at her "Run along" Rosaliana takes her eyes off of me. Before she looks at the children, she rolls her eyes as usual. Some of the children run into the alleyway; however, the young ones stay behind. They are waiting for something "Stay off the streets. Templars are looking for children. Don't get caught. Red and Black is bad colors" I am amazed as she speaks to them this way. The young ones nod running off into the alleyways.
When they weren't able to be seen, I stand up feeling really good about myself. It all goes crashing down "Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut, Mr. Frye?" My blue orbs stare at Rosaliana's angry features. It wasn't that major. Her cheeks look a bit redder, and her pale complexion doesn't help. The sun shines onto her making her look so much like a fallen angel. If you discard the fact that, I somehow screwed up. She is snapping at me. At least, this is a start from not directly speaking to me for a month.
"A young girl ask me a question, Rosaliana. I am not going to ignored that" I defend myself from her snappiness, "I am not like you, Rosaliana. I can't freely ignore people" She intensively glares at me. I glare back getting a bit irritated by her behavior. I thought that would be it, but my curiosity got the better of me. I felt the need to ask her "Let me help you, Rosaliana. Let me help you to save London" my words speak the eagerness I got.
I want to free London. I want to give London back to the people. Rosaliana is formidable, but nobody can save a city alone.
My feet guide me closer to Rosaliana. I open my hands trying to draw an imaginary map. It was worth a shot, "Let me be a helping h-" I am interrupted by her. She gives me a simple "No" no emotions what so ever. I gulp down staring at her for only a second. I thought I saw the look of someone who has killed many. I must have imagined it. I sigh heavily staring right at her "Why? You can't save London alone" I tried it again because I have too.
"Watch me," She says, indifferent to everything I have said. She moves to leave the park; however, our conversation wasn't done. I hold her hand holding her back from leaving "No! What you are attempting is suicide, Rosaliana. Going a-" I stop myself from saying anything else as she laughs at my words, "It's far that I stop you right there, Mr. Frye. I don't work with your kind. I won't make such mistake twice"
Does she mean Greenie?
She looks back at me "London doesn't need a miracle or a savior. London needs protection. I'm sure that's something you could never give anyone. The assurance of safety" I am unable to speak not because of her words. The look on her features shocks me. Rosaliana quickly walks out of the small park. I just watch her leave not sure what to do.
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Twisted Creed: Chapter 29 - The First Gang Leader
Kaylock's POV.
Tuesday - October 27th, 1868.
Glass scattered about the wood floors. They scurried to the broken window. I stare knowing pretty well their answer, "She is gone!", they shout to the skies as I sigh heavily.
"Is she?", I ask to no one in particular. An emotion runs through me as I stare at Rose's handcraft metallic hairpin. They are thin hardly seen until you are found in a pickle. Rose's poison is deadly; however, the question still stands. Which poison did she use?
"Yes, sir. What shall we do?", Their voices were whispers as my mind drifts off to our past. Back then things seem easier. No problem or interruptions. I could learn things, and I could be with the woman that's out of time.
Why couldn't I say the words? Why couldn't I say the simple words?  Anything. If I had maybe, I could gain some more time. Maybe, I should have long ago. Maybe like that, I could at least have that one friend. Once I had one...
Flashback -- When Kaylock was a bit younger than now.
I never say what I really feel, do I? I have always relied on Rose to take care of everything. I had always done that no matter where I was. Rose was the big sister I never had. I was an Orphan a nobody, but she saw great things. I thought she was mad. She had to be mad because everyone else called me a Bastard.
"How would you handle a gun, Rose?".
I quickly turn back to glance at Rose. She was leaning back on the Tavern's walls. It was a summer afternoon not much was going on; however, my friends and I had managed to find a gun. There was a brawl two streets away, and we saw an opportunity to take the gun. We sure took it without knowing in which danger we were in.
Rose locks eyes with me. She looks bored and not particularly in the conversation, "Well, what I remember from the books I read says to grip it with your palm. Have your 3 fingers below your Index finger holding onto the gun in place. Have your Index finger on the trigger, I believe. The most important thing is your thumb goes on the hammer which is the top corner little button. When you are ready to take a shot, you aim, press it back then take the shot".
We look at Rose in amazed as she slowly explains to us how to handle a gun. I can't believe she was able to tell that just by memory. I can hardly remember what I did last week in Whitechapel. Rose walks towards my friends and I without saying much of a word. She takes the gun from my hands as quick as a mother would to a disobedient child. My friends started protesting saying things like.
"We were the ones to find it!".
"It's ours".
I watch as she hid the pistol within her dress pockets. It wasn't a bit too soon before a group of men appeared a couple of steps in front of us. My friends stayed quiet without a word said, "Who of you took our gun? We heard you kids took it".
I look at Rose as she signals to me to be quiet. Rose looks at my friends, "You guys are late for supper, aren't you? Go on". They didn't wait that long before sprinting away. The men watch Rose and I. I was out of it truthfully out. Rose wasn't. She was calm to be in such an unnatural situation. I was sure that I would die today; however, Rose was calm to calm to be considered normal.
"Gentlemen. I am to explain to you that. There is no gun in here".
Rose turns around locking eyes with each one of them. They shortly look at each other then at Rose, "I don't believe you understand us. He was the one that took the gun", One of them explain with a smart tone. Rose didn't move one bit. It felt like everything slowdown as the man pull the gun towards me. A gunshot resonates the streets; however, I was completely intact. The man in front of me wasn't.
A shock in his eyes glances at the emptiness in Green Forest eyes. No emotion. No light. No feelings what so ever. Rose aims the gun at another man, "Yo-ou! Took it!", Another one shouts to Rose as she takes another life, "Leave".
The group men didn't think twice on Rose's words. She looks down at me without much thought. I could see the emptiness in her eyes while she examinates me. I remember everything in her eyes. It was the same as before the only difference is that Rose has no remorse.
End of Flashback.
I could see the Assassins from my spot on top of the train. I bet my train on this fight because I am sure to win. I am not planning on losing tonight in the contrary I'll take their heads to Starrick. I am bound to get more gains than losses from this with or without Rose. Whatever she put on that hairpin will not affect my outcome. I watch the Assassins every move as they stare around after battling out the blighters. I stand up walking into the view of the Assassins.
It's just two Assassins and at least 6 or 8 Clinkers. How are they so incompetent to lose?? Guess, I have to do everything around here.
"There, he is!". One of the Clinkers said pointing at me. I lock eyes with the two Assassins as the train starts moving. They ran to the train as my eyes catch a familiar face in the crowd. Dark blue work dress and a white cloth on her head. Blood boils within me as she is still trying to protect me after all this time.
I am capable of writing my own destiny. She doesn't decide my fate. I am the one that decides that. I'll make sure she remembers that.
"You two! Go", I shouted to the Blighters next to me. They hesitate as the Assassins took down all of my personal. Blood boils within me as they aren't doing as I tell them, "They are only two. Fight or I'll personally throw you off the train". I watch them hesitate for a mere second before one charge at the Assassins. Before the other one makes a move I quickly punch my way in.
It doesn't fair, but who is watching for fairness? I am watching to win this fight at whatever cost. I'll take their heads to Starrick. I might get paid handsomely for dealing with a pest. After that, I shall finish the dealings with Rose once and for all.
A silence immerses my mind and the sounds around me stop completely. I couldn't think couldn't as shots were fired one, two and a third spread on my chest. I push through it with the adrenaline ran through my veins making me almost immune to pain. I charge one more time to the Assassin in front of me in a complete vain attempt. I thought I make it until I catch the blurry outline of the train leaving me behind. It was in slow motion I was seeing it how the Assassins throw me off the train. My life rushes in front of me as I deep inside me regret one thing...
I am sorry, Rose...
Extended Ending:
Nobody's POV.
Rooftops were all normal people could see. Blonde locks dance with the wind as a tall man stands to the left of a woman, "You couldn't safe him, Rose. It wasn't for you to intervene". William tries to comfort Rose out of her lost. She is glancing towards the now stop train in front of Whitechapel. Two Assassins are including the defeating Blighters into a new gang call The Rooks.
"She won't listen to reason, William".
"Don't say that. Rose is strong", William defends Rose with glares towards his twins brother, "You are desperate for her approval".
"Rose. Did you find anything in Kaylock's territory?", Will questions waiting for an answer as quick as ever, "I have to report back to the misses. She'll want to know anything and everything we found", Will adds catching no movement whatsoever from Rose. She stands glancing at the two Assassins. Will knows it's painful for Rose, but he believes she can get over it.
"Rose. Snap out of it!", He shouts at her.
"I have done my job, Will. My packages are already being searched by Layla herself. Why don't you do us all a favor and get going? I am already tired by your existence". Will shrugs off Rose's unemotional words. He leaves soon after getting what he wanted. William sighs walking away just mere steps from the edge as he stops. He looks back at Rose seeing her back, "If you want to go see him before Anaya gets to him, you can't save him after that".
Nothing was heard after that just the wind blowing Rose dress around. She glances back not seeing William or Will behind her. A sigh escapes her lips as she jumps onto another rooftop in search of Kaylock...
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Twisted Creed: Chapter 24 - Clues
Flashback - A few weeks after Chapter 14.
Evie hasn't left Henry's shop as of late. She is putting her own clues together of the day she almost died. It hasn't left her dreams. She can hardly remember anything about the person that poison her. Only those deep green eyes haunt her dreams. She keeps seeing them everywhere in her dreams. She has tried to stay awake, but sleep is something she can't escape.
She comes to a dead end. She was sure to remember later, right? Nothing has come to her as of late. The only thing bugging her more than anything in the world are those deep green eyes. It frightens her, but it gave her peace. She had something to lead herself through; however, it wasn't very easy to find just eyes.
She couldn't pinpoint some other description. Evie sighs heavily looking at the wall she has been using to figured out her next move. She has come up with no clues. She feels her keen skills are lacking in this task. A sigh escapes Evie as she shakes her head, "Nothing. Nothing at all, not an idea, not even a physical description"
Evie feels closer than ever to her target; however, there seems to be a blank space in her mind. She can't remember what exactly happen. She knows it was poison in the whiskey. She has the letter to prove it. She has the antidote. That's another dead end for her, "The results from a drop of the antidote are inconclusive"  A throat clears, Evie looks behind her to see Henry.
He was standing by the door looking at Evie's wall work, "That's a marvelous sketch" Henry complements it. Evie couldn't help to chuckle at that, "Thank you"  Evie's eyes look back at the wall. She glares at the lack of clues or information in it. She is disappointed in it. There should be more than only 4 dots with only 2 having some little or no information.
One has the sketch Evie made of the green eyes. She could recognize them anyways. The color was light green as London's forest. A rush of pure loneliness seems to swim in them. A cough once again takes Evie out of her thoughts. She has been doing that a lot as what happen a few days ago seems to cover Evie's memory. She is unable to control herself at all. She needs to control herself from drifting into her thoughts.
Evie gives her attention back to Henry. He smiles at her, "Have you gotten any closer to it?"  Henry asks Evie placing emphasis on 'it'. Evie looks at the wall once again "You are right in that. I don't know the gender of either of them" Henry watches as Evie speaks. She approaches the wall slowly "I thought – No, I was sure I would remember it. I would remember their genders or any information about what I am looking for"
Henry listens to Evie. He doesn't know exactly what she is speaking off; however, he is happy to help nonetheless. Evie stops in front of the green eyes rough sketch. She glances quizzically at it while an idea rushes through, "That's it!" She rushes to Henry in the brief of excitement; she hugs Henry. He falls into a puzzle state "I should go to the place everything started. Thank you, Henry!"
Evie moves back placing her coat and Assassin's weapon. She tries to work quick taking the letters and green eyes rough sketch. She can't believe how she didn't think of it before. It was right there, "You are a genius!" She shouts to Henry. He follows after her "Ms. Frye is already late for wherever you want to go. Wouldn't it be better to sleep first? You haven't had a good night of sleep since a lot"
Evie moves the curtains of the shop to the side. She notices Kaylock's gang roaming the streets. It wasn't a smart move from Evie to go out. It would be irresponsible of her. She fixes the curtains looking back at Henry, "Since when have they been this close?" she ask noticing a familiar emotion in Henry's eyes. He was troubled about something "Starrick increase security in London. One of my contacts inform me that someone threatened the House of Templars"
A surprise 'ha' escapes Evie's lips, "How long have I been inside the room?" she asks confused on Henry's answer, Evie feels like only a few hours have gone by since she almost died. She hasn't told Jacob nor Henry about the incident. Evie tries to examine the expression in Henry's eyes, "At least 3 weeks now. You have passed out on the desk a couple of times"
That can't be, I swear it has only being a few hours. How have I let myself go this long? One task makes me forget about anything else. That can't be possible. A strong hand on my shoulders makes me look up, "Evie. You still have time," Evie sighs trying to stop her mind from racing, "I took the liberty to prepare a hot tub for you. You should do that then we can discuss your findings"
Evie didn't protest Henry. She probably needed a bath. She mutters a quiet "Thank you" then head up the stairs to clean herself. She is calmer now that she has found a clue.
End of Flashback.
"Are you sure this is the place, Evie?", Henry asked a question, but Evie is unable to respond. She is standing in front of the tavern. She was here 3 weeks ago. This is the tavern the snitch would come too; however, Evie can't believe her eyes.
"Are you alright, Evie?" A gentle shake of her shoulders is all it took. Evie looks up at Henry "How can this be?" She asks him once again. Henry sighs taking a crying Evie into a hug. He offers to ride alongside her in his carriage. They made it at noon; however, what they found wasn't reassuring. It destroys all hope of Evie's finding anything.
Henry looks back staring behind him. Where the tavern was supposed to be. In its place stand, a half destroy building. It looks old and let go off "What is going on... I was here three weeks ago. I am not crazy"
"I believe you, Evie"
I am not crazy...
How can this be?
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Twisted Creed: Chapter 28 - Rexford Kaylock
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Rose's POV.
Tuesday, October 27th, 1868.
I have rules to go by. Rules I don't dare to break ever. Why did I ever make exceptions...?
I'll never know the reasons.
Flashback - 20 years ago.
A gloom falls upon London's streets at these hours of the night. A darkness never showed itself before; however, it won't be remembered by many. It will long be forgotten in the history of time itself. A shadow walks among the empty streets, the heist is in each step it takes. A destination like all the other valid reasons. Nobody to see this shadow, so nobody would question it.
A sudden stop made the shadow find the value of its search, "This is the end of the road", a man of muscular build points a gun to a beggar. The shadow watches from afar the outcome. It could have stopped the incident. It could have stopped the death; however, it didn't do such a thing. The shot resonates throughout the emptiness of the Thames. A sigh escapes the shadow while the muscular man loses the light from his eyes.
A light that showed innocent and pureness. A light that the shadow enjoy to see every so often; however, it's now gone forever. The shadow could have ended him there and then, but she didn't do such thing.
End of Flashback.
When you try to run away from your past, it keeps tabs on you every so often. It eats you up slowly without leaving a trace. If you try to fight it off, you are easy pray for it. The only way is to ignore it until you are no longer able to feel it. Those feelings will be gone through time; however, the memories will never be forgotten. They'll be replay over and over when you remember anything about it.
I lean back on the darkest corner of Kaylock's office. I waited patiently for his arrival as I am sure he'll come. He has been waiting for this day his whole life. The day that his luck runs out.
Flashback. - Continue...
Kaylock cleans his pistol of the Beggar's blood. A faint heartbeat rings by the shadow's left ear. It can listen to the Beggar's heart. Those few beats for survival. The last thing he ever saw was Kaylock's grin creeping by. That's no way to die some may say; however, that's no beggar. Once, he was a powerful man in London. The man that turn Kaylock in the person he is now.
A man drove by revenge and that only. The shadow looks up at the dark cloudy skies. A soft drop on it cheeks from the fresh raindrop, "It's not my time yet, Rose. I have things to do. You can't take me yet", Kaylock softly whispers, he walks off into the night. It sighs heavily walking to the beggar's body.
"Are you Death?", The Beggar weakly ask. He trembles under the fallen rain. It shakes it's head slowly, "Your time is up",  It replies as shadows envelop the man's body. Kaylock stops in his tracks. He sighs looking back to see the shadow disappearing within London's streets. No one ever knows where. They just know to ignored as things live within Victoria London.
Things that no one can explain. Kaylock doesn't know where the shadow took the beggar. He never asks. He continues walking away from the scene of a crime. A crime forgotten by history itself. Only to be remembered by the ones present in that revengeful night.
End of Flashback.
"S-sir! Kaylock! We have report that a new gang is on it's w-", I listen into the outburst right outside the door. Footsteps stop right by the close door as the man was interrupted, "Let them come! They'll curse this day", Kaylock quickly answer with a chuckle right at the end. I roll my eyes at his extreme confidence. The other people around were quick to say something. I had to give it to their persistance, it's better to be safe than sorry than needed and dont have it. Don't believe Kaylock will give in.
"But... S-sir! They have an assassin. We gotten report from his actions around Whitechapel", The same man tries to break through Kaylock. It was to no bail as Kaylock firmly speaks, "Enough! I said let them come. I'll eliminate the rats before it reach Starrick". Silence was everything that I could listen from outside the door. The footsteps retrieve away from the door without another words said. I sigh heavily preparing myself mentally for what was coming.
He is no longer that young kid I protected before Starrick hand picked him to be a gang leader. He is the man I help. He is the man I choose to turn his life around. See, where that took me? Involvement in his life just cause worst outcomes. IF I had being at Whitechapel, it could have gone differently. Life would be corrupted, but he wouldn't be in the middle of it.
All I could feel was guilt. I made this happen, and I am order to stop it. Rosaliana gave me an order, and I have to follow it to a T. A sighs escapes me, "Rose". I glance up locking eyes with Kaylock tired ones. It was brief and emotional. I saw in his eyes a mixture of emotions I haven't seen in a long time. He hesitate for short bit. I am appreciating every little detail of it. I push myself from the wall I was leaning too. I make my way slowly out of the shadows of his office.
Even with the small light that shine through the window. It wasn't enough to light up the whole room. The room didn't had much just a desk next to the door. A window to the right as the door was at the left. It was simple as he prefer to be, "Yes, Kaylock?". I reply taking him out of his shock. Those mix emotions in his eyes soon hid behind his confidence. A sigh from my lips, I couldn't prolong it any longer. I had waste to much time in here. I am not usually this slow.
"Should have picked another job, Kaylock", I glance out the window as I point out his surely obvious disadvantage. Achuckle filled the room. I change the silence and tense atmosphere barely. Kaylock keeps his eyes on me. His attention as he glares, "Not a chance! Go back into the hole you crawl out off. Your services are no longer needed". I hear onto his words as I close my eyes quickly.
A short time I saw his child self. I saw a lot of things. Friendships aren't supposed to end this way. There is a part of me that doesn't want to do this; however, this is my duties at hand. I can break my own rules. I did made one. Do not hesitate. Here, I am Hesitating.
Kaylock barely dodges my attack. He groans holding his left hand, "Keep that thought until your dying breath, Kaylock", I mutter as he takes the metal pin out of his arm. He screams in pain, "W-what did you do?". A grin reach my lips as footsteps were approaching. Before I could answer they burst into Kaylock's office. I had no time to get my pin. I didn't think it twice as I jump through the window...
0 notes
Twisted Creed: Chapter 26 - Associates
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Rosaliana's POV.
It has been a Month and a week since Jacob and Evie came to London.
A sigh escapes my rose pink lips. It was a cloudy and sunny day on London's streets. It was perfect for what I have planned today. A weather like this makes a plan all way better.
"Always rare to see you smiling", An evil chuckle left my lips as I watch the city outside. I glance back into the carriage to stare at Rose seating parallel to my form. My carriage is riding us to one of my personal docks. It's important that we get there as soon as possible as what I have plan can't wait any longer. It's time that London gets its freedom with or without Henry Green's help.
Rose isn't wearing her Templar clothes today. She decided to go as simple as a dark blue dress with black flats. Her hair is being cover with the usual white cloth. It's more of a tradition for her to wear that, "Is it? I have never noticed it", I responded locking eyes with her.
Rose's outfit complements mine. Today, I had no other way to wear a white corset with a light blue dress. It has different layers to fall down like a waterfall. I am wearing light blue satin shoes with silver braid. My long golden blonde hair is braided upward around my feathery light blue hat. It was an outfit dignified of a high-class lady.
I am not going anywhere close to the lower side. I am avoiding any chance of finding Mr. Frye. He is not going to interrupt my work. I am not hoping I am making it work. There is no way, I'll let anyone make my work go to waste. I have had the time now that I avoided the sight of him.
My work has started to walk, and I can't be happier with it.
"Yes, it is rare. You usually never laugh or smile", Rose reminds me the past as I had not shown any emotions. A sigh escapes my lips, "Yes, well... for I should open a bit. When the time comes, I'll go back to myself". A lower glance on Rose side. I couldn't recognize the emotion on those star gazing green eyes of hers. They are so captivating and an unique beauty. I am sure it can make any men or women drop to their knees instantly.
I move my lace white gloves right hand to Rose's right hand. Instantly, she holds my hand into hers, "Thank you, Rose. You have always stood by me longer than anyone else's. You and..." his name didn't come out of my mouth. Instead, a tear fell down my eyes at all the memories. They were so many that I froze on the spot. Rose waits for my return to realize while I move back, "The Green Earl Green tea can fix that, you know? You'll become more control of your emotions", Rose explains to me something I already know. A sigh escapes my lips.
She needs to add the nightmares. I had spent a long time with that being myself. When you become... weak like I did, you will become weak as this. There is a simple solution for me to control all of this... I could just accept who I am completely without turning back.
That' isn't an option. It will affect more people than only myself. I can't do it. At least, not until I save London and say goodbye to it all then I can walk into that path. I can't do it just yet.
"That option alone will devastate London. I can't do that just yet", I move back catching the familiar buildings. Rose examined my features, "I'll ask every so often. You have a right to accepted, Rosaliana. It can't be anyone else's job, but your own".
I couldn't fight her on that. That small detail could make my job so much easier if I let it be; however, I am seeing all the cons of having that much at my resources. It will be drastically option and I am not up to take drastic measures just yet. It's still early to know what can be done, or how will all go down.
I could wait out then decide. I have a long time to decide.
"It will be what you decided, Lady Rosaliana", Rose places a hand on her heart. She is so respectful it surprises me sometimes. The carriages slowly stop signaling us it's in the location. I waited as Jeremy opens the door, "Let me help you, Lady Rosaliana", Rose gives me a nod as she walks out the other door. A glance out behind Jeremy to see familiar faces, "Oh.. A Crinoline doesn't look good on you, Lady Rosaliana. My god, it just doesn't seem right" A shiver runs through the man as he shakes it off, "Tramatausing" he adds finishing it off with that breathtaking British accent. He is one man nobody expects to be so eye catching.
He is about 6'5, a tall man indeed with deep gray eyes as the moon itself. Rose appear helping Jeremy to get me out of the carriage. He is right, though a Crinoline. I never thought I would wear such a crazy invention. Finally, when I was out Jeremy goes back to sit on the coachman seat, "Thank you, Jeremy" I turn back walking away from the carriage.
"Lady Rosaliana!" The man shouted trying to hug me; however, Rose bitch slap him out of the way. I watch as he fell down face first a few steps to the right. I shrug it off resuming to walk, "He never changes what so ever..." Rose angrily spits out, she is standing by me.
I roll my eyes at her, "William" I blurt out as the man before appears in front of me. A hand to his heart; he bows to me, "Yes, my lady of golden locks?". Rose rolls her eyes at his behavior, "Control yourself. We have matters to discuss today". William stands back sighing, "We haven't seen you for a while, my lady. We aren't as gifted as the 3 musketeers". William gives a sweet glance to Rose while she ignores his existence, "One day, Rose. One day" He whispers moving to the side. He keeps his eyes on Rose as she and I walk ahead. A chuckle erupts from me as Rose stares at me, "What?" her confusion is priceless, "Mr. O'Brien fancies you" I childishly like mutter while Rose glares back at William. I couldn't help to burst out laughing at her denying behavior to it while William looks at her lovingly.
Oh my... This is too funny. This can't be more hilarious than this!
I have not forgotten how into Rose, William is. On the other hand, Rose doesn't give two fucks.
Poor William.
I will still laugh at their behavior. Always and forever. Always.
"Stop encouraging him", Rose whispers to me not even caring if William heard. I am sure he heard, but I am sure he won't follow it. My Heterochromian's eyes follow ahead seeing other faces. They are separated or talking to each other; however, they stop everything as I approach them. It was in an instant recognition of my presence with them. If I enter a room, they will know instantly.
My lips curl into a smile while I stop right in front of them. The morning sun shines right upon us, "Welcome ladies and gentleman. I am glad you could all make it". They nodded my way as I look around the room, "We have interesting matters to discuss which we are all willing to discuss, am I correct?"
A cough to my left gains my glance, "Destroyer!" A group of men and women shouted my name. A dark red uniform covering every single part of them except their heads. They look like walking blood wines, those are the RedBurst outfits. Rose sighs heavily at them, "How many times do I have to tell you. Call her Rosaliana", RedBurst looks at Rose, they shake their heads, "We couldn't! It would be disrespectful to her and our Lady Red".
I have to give it to their faithfulness. Scarlet Red ego would be beyond words. She would love all this praise her puppets, as she calls them, give her.
She would love all of this attention and recognition. Her name brought misery and sorrow to does that disobey her. I could go on memory lane; however, this isn't the time or the place. It's better to finish off what we need to do than go into that section of my mind.
"Let them, Rose. It's their duty", Rose sighs standing back from starting a scene. She is impulsive to the fullest, "What is it?".
"Have you found any clues on Lady Red's were about's?", an urged of hope and need erupts from their words. I sigh heavily moving my glance from them, "I recover my old territories and Layla is going through them as we speak. If she finds something, you'll be the first ones to know". They seem to be calm and pleased with this response. They go back to speak with each other.
"Well, now that. There aren't any interruptions" A thundering roar erupts past us as we all look at it, "I seem to have spoken too soon", the least I wanted to happen, rain. A sigh escapes my lips while I look down, "Well, it is not a storm. It's Lady Fantasy in the flesh".
Everyone looks to the dark, white and silver clouds approaching us. A woman of 6'8 stature walks out. She is wearing an open short top with tight pants with boots. Her clothes were dark blue similar to the bottom of the ocean. She wore a medieval dark blue cloak to cover her form; however, I could still see her long falling white hair. She stops right behind the other O'Brien brother.
"Welcome, Lady Fantasy" Rose was the first one to welcome her. Lady Fantasy nods to her then looks at me, "Where is Lady Sky?" were the only words she spoke. A soft and calm voice like the skies above us. A sigh escapes my lips, "I heard what you told the RedBurst. I only came to help with my Lady's search"
I nod looking as she looks around the room, "We are missing a few people... where are Anaya and Lancelot?" I tried for my nervous and worry not to be noticed. I am sure it was noticeable because Rose points to my right. I look there without a second chance. A tall man of at least 5'7 looks up at me. His Native American look is so familiar from the goddess locks to the Native tribe clothes. His tattoos white and black were similar to the female, Anaya. She wore a small afro.
She is almost the living image of Esmeralda. Everything from the beautiful light brown skin to the hazel brown eyes. Anaya is the living image of Esmeralda, my Esmeralda. I didn't know what I had done before I could. My feet didn't stop until I had Anaya into a hug. She hugs me back with pleasure, "I miss her so much, Anaya. I miss her so much" I spoke her native tongue without a second thought. I forgot we were speaking English for a second. It was impossible for me to control myself.
She hugs me back, "I miss her too, Destroyer", she answers back in her native tongue. Her accent completely there, a thick beauty indeed. We stayed there for what seem hours; however, it was a couple of minutes as I lost myself on her Native spell.
She looked just like her... I miss her. I wish Esmeralda was here with me. She would know what to do in all the cases we encounter. I was the muscle and brain while she was the heart. I am the evil while she is the good. She is the good in me.
0 notes
Twisted Creed: Chapter 20 - Unwanted Company
A/N: The instrumental song was posted to youtube by Ubisoft Music UBILOUD - Music By Austin Wintory. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.
It's call "Men Have Become Monsters". You should check it out~
I have never felt so sure about anything in my life before. This is the reason I was given this position in the first place not to rule, but to become a voice for the people of London. I have decided to be just that without a reason before; however, now I have more than one reason to do it. The Templars will curse the day they decided to cross me. I don't take that lightly. I might fall as a woman in their little perfect world, but I am so much more than that.
I have tried time and time again to be just like them; however, even I know that children are pure. They become cruel living in this world. The Templars haven't offer London prosperity. They have offered that within their ranks, not to the people.
I have been patience more times than I can count. I have been trying to push my duties past me; however, I am a Templar and their offense can't go unpunished. I'll punish those that have done the people wrong.
A breeze hit her petite skin warning her of the change of weather. It brought her out of the racing thoughts she had. The idea that the people she swore secrecy to had stabbed her on the back. When she wasn't looking at all, the idea of being betrayed hasn't sunk in yet. Those different people with the same title, but each of them having their own purpose. She should have been more careful. She is always careful. First, their betray then second, adopting those children.
What was going through my mind? They remind me of her.
I keep forgetting not everyone is my past. She is my past.
Why can't I let it go... Family.. they are family, and they shouldn't be left behind or forgotten.
There isn't any sound as she walks. She walks without a destination with the sinking emotions. They are surfacing to her features. They look trouble much more than usual. She is never an open book; however, today seems different that any other day. Why can't she forget the racing memories? Why does London look so similar to the past? Why does it keep remembering her of what she has lost? It comes and goes without any announcement.
She stops for a short second. A deep breath for the first time in so long. Everything stop for a short moment, she takes this time to see her surroundings. London will always be a fascinating place for her. It grows with wonder and beauty. It shows so many sides of one simple coin. Both sides can't live without the other. The rich can't live without the poor while the poor can't live without the rich. Some riches are enough to live, but some others are addictive enough to kill for them.
"Lady Rosaliana" she sighs heavily listening to her name. The dried tone in which her name was pronounced makes her regret turning around. There he was laying on a wall. He tried to look appealing, but there is no way he can manage that. She bows respectfully turning back around; however, her path was cut short by another man.
Great, I have to deal with him. Yes, I know him pretty well. I haven't pay much attention to his dying attempts to capture my attention. I really am not interested in the man. He is just a man. You can find men like him everywhere. No matter the continent, no matter the time period, and no matter the time. There are always men like him spread all over the globe. Men that believes a woman is lucky to catch their eye. Honestly, I feel lucky if he leaves my sight.
She sighs heavily holding back "What's the hurry? We could chat" She rolls her eyes at the man in front of her. He is cutting her path which is very irritating. She glares up at the man speaking to her. He chuckles at her glares "A pretty face like yours, shouldn't wear a look like that" She holds her knuckles white they turn as her anger wants to come out. Even if she wants to let go, to show them what pain really feels like. She takes a deep breath to collect herself before turning back to look at him.
I would really want to crush their skull on the pavement, but then again...
that's not really ladylike, is it? If I do that now I would have to kill innocents too. I can't do such a cruel thing to them. Take a deep breath Lady Rosaliana.
A smile lingers on her lips as sweet as she could manage. Her pink lips slightly press together. She holds back the words she wishes to speak. If she flips now, there is a probability they will die. The thought crosses her minds much more than it should "What is it, Boron? I have matters to attend too. I am a very busy person as you must know" She speaks in a hurry not because they are two of them.
She wants this over and done. She can think of a hundred things to do than to be standing in front of this man. He is the last person she thought could still be in London; however, she has been getting surprised this couple of days, so she shouldn't count him or anyone else out. It bothers her that from anyone she could stumble with. It had to be Captain Boron. Why couldn't it be Lucy or the dead body of Mr. Ferris.
She knows this to be some kind of trap because the only walkway is the alleyway. All the other path are cover by men. They are probably guards that work for Boron. Rosaliana walks past the man, and to her better judgment into the alleyway. She would prefer an open space than a lonely path. She has walked many, but this is childish of Boron. If he knew that an alleyway is the perfect place for her, she will be able to kill all of them without killing innocents. She couldn't have thought of a better option. She had keep control for a long time.
It's such a shame I have to break my oath now. I promised them I wouldn't. I would keep behaving and thinking just like a Templar; however, that oath is becoming harder and harder to keep.
She stops in her tracks. She glances up to the buildings between the alleyway. They hide the atrocities that will occur in a few minutes. There are some people that should never cross me, but they aren't alive to tell the tale. Rosaliana turns around seeing Boron and his man enter the alleyway "You have ignored all my letters, Rosaliana. It's Captain Boron now. I have been promoted to Captain" he speaks of all that he has done for London. He speaks of all the words he spills on the papers. He speaks of the words and his feelings. He wants to know something that I am not sure it exist in me.
Rosaliana watches Boron with boredom in her eyes. She fixes the cloak covering her long blonde hair. She really wishes to be somewhere else. Even in a Templar meeting than this "Captain Boron" Rosaliana rolls his name sharp with enough of it to dry out an ocean. He stops walking to glanced at her "How many times have I told you? 20 or 100? I am not interested in anything you have to tell me. You are and will always be beneath me" She speaks with a tone as cold as ice "If you die today, I wouldn't weep a single tear. You are as useless and disappointing as your father" This words might have hurt much than anything I have said before.
He needed a reality check. Glad, that I let that out there without trouble. He isn't much of a man anyways.
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Epilogue: Rose’s Mistake
Rose's Pov.
Wednesday, October 28th, 1868.
The rain falls furiously on me. I am standing in the middle of an empty lot. It's empty because there isn't anyone else except for Kaylock. An empty look on my eyes as he drags himself to a lamp post. I don't move from my spot as my dress gets soak. He tries to get there even as he bleeds out. It seems so important to him just like the first time I met him.
Flasback - 43 years ago...
How to let things go? At which point in life can you let it go? Is it when you age? or is it when you achieve wisdom. I have gain both in the course of my life. I want to believe that so deeply; however, sometimes people make mistakes. I wish that was my case then it wouldn't bother me, but I am no 'people' or 'person'. I have past that period long ago, and I don't believe able to return.
Sometimes you run away from your mistake so long; they become your reality soon enough. We have run for so long in so many separate directions. Layla, Claara, Lady Rosaliana, everyone and I. How bad do you want something to be dig deep into your subconscious. You don't want it to return, but its never in your hands. It wasn't ever in mind to get so involve in one person's future as I did....
The London's summer heat falls upon the citizens. The new comers from ships far away from lands known to all men, and some unknown few. A young girl swiftly walks through unaware citizens. She has nothing to her name per say just the clothes she is wearing, and the second chance she was given by her Lady. A chance which she'll use with more wisdom. A dark work blue dress with an white waist apron. A white cloth cover her rebel hair with deep forest green eyes. Her pale complexion blends in with the crowds uneven one.
She seems like a foreigner in one glance which is not true. She is born and raise in London. A place of beauty and magic all together forming something beyond explanations. She doesn't know which part is more genuine. The fact she is waiting for her true calling. The one that shows her where to start apart of her Lady running her life as she sees fit. Rose wants to have something else she can call hers. Something she can work for years to come. An emotional connection with something different than her in any way or form.
A pair of brown evening boots made an abrupt stop. The citizens around walk on the own little life without being able to hear it. Rose looks around seeing countless numbers of people; however, her deep forest green eyes fall upon an alleyway to her left. There she hears the pleads of a woman then a cry of an infant. She holds onto her dress as she sprints forth into the dark alleyway. A speed most humans are unable to achieve. It didn't felt that fast only walking on air like she touch leaf instead of hard cement floor.
She reach her destination stopping inches from the weeping infant. Rose takes in the horror and beauty of the sight in front of her. The dirty alleyway walls splash by the blood of innocents. She sees two man at the end of the alleyway fighting it out while a beautiful high lady holds onto the wall with one hand then an infant with another. Rose locks eyes with the woman for a short second, "Please, help u-us... We.. We were robbed. My husband.. help my husband", she speaks as a whisper slowly falling to the floor. She holds onto her infant tightly and repeats, "Help my.. husband".
Rose nods walking past the woman. The cries of both men fighting each others are now echoing through the alleyway. One man wants what the other has while his opponent wants to protect his family. The woman is obviously injure on her stomach while her husband has her blood all over him. It's a tragic sight for others; however, Rose is so used to despair. A knife on her hand she take from the inside of her evening boots. It fits perfectly on her young hands. She runs forth towards both shouting men. The two men step back from each other while Rose pushes the culprit to the side.
The man knock his head on the cement wall, "Who are you?", the husband ask; he wanted an answer, but his wife cries for his name. He looks into the alleyway then at the young girl. She didn't look at him a simple "Thank you", left his lips as he sprints to his beloved. Rose looks back seeing him carrying her and their infant out of the alleyway. A sharp touches her left cheek and part of her neck. Rose returns her attention to the culprit as he ask, "What the hell are you?!", he shouts terrified as Rose cleans a bit of the blood.
"I am human", Rose monotone speaks stabbing the man in front of her. She doesn't change her empty features as she takes the knifes out. She moves back walking into the alleyway leaving the man to bleed out alone.
End of Flashback.
It was that day that we meet. He was an infant, and I was just a small a young girl. I look exactly the same as I did those years ago. The exact clothes all the way to my white cloth. He didn't believe when I say years don't affect me. They don't, but they affect Kaylock. I watch him age through out the years. He had to die. I didn't want to be the one to do it. The Frye Twins killed him, and I am going to make sure he makes it to the other side. His parents are waiting for him.
Multiple coughs left Kaylock's lips. The rain making the blood on his lips clears while he leans on the lamp post. Rose kneels down next to him, "You.. were right, R.. Rose", he starts speaking as Rose watches him. She doesn't say anything, but let him regret his life choices. Kaylock looks at Rose, "I should've li- listen to you. You were right... you are always right".
Rose sees him holding something on his hands. A golden locket, the one his mother gave him before she died, "I want you to have this, Rose. Don't make the same mistakes I did. I always had somebody behind me. I had you at my side at all times", he speaks as a whispers taking small breath between each word. Rose let's him speak as he wants to get things out, "You can't safe him, Rose. His time is due", A familiar voice speaks a few steps behind Rose, "Let him go".
A silence fall in the empty lot now not so empty anymore. The saddest part is to let go, and the happiest is that its supposed to happen. They say, letting go helps you to grow. Two sides of a coin shows you two path. A sigh escapes Rose as the rain slowly dies down, "There were two path, Kaylock. You had a chance to pick; however, I picked for you. I picked the most horrible without meaning too. I destroy your chances of happiness", Rose speaks out unable to look at the person she once call friend.
A wet and cold as snow object touches Rose. She glances up to notice Kaylock dropping his golden locket in her hands, "This is now yours... remember.. the good.. things. We running.. through London. You helping me.. grow. My father got murder... I ought revenge... that got my mother dead as I achieve it", Rose nods knowing very well his past. A hand falls on Rose's right shoulder while she sighs again, "They are here for him, Rose. You have to let him leave. The past is the past, and it can never be change by the likes of us. We are to do what we can to survive as it is. Let his soul go, Rose", Anaya speaks as Rose nods. She stands up and away from Kaylock's dying body.
Anaya touches his hand as Kaylock's eyes lost the light in them. Anaya takes a clear child like figure from Kaylock's dead body. Rose watches Kaylock's soul runs away to their parents that were waiting patiently. Anaya turns to see all three figures walk away and disappear out of sight. Rose places the golden locket around her neck, "You did the right thing, Rose. Kaylock's parents were waiting for him. They didn't want to leave without him", Anaya tries to make Rose feel better; however, there is nothing she can say that could make Rose feel anything.
"It doesn't feel that way", Rose blurts out as she walks past Anaya taking Kaylock's now dead body with her, "I'll let you give him the proper burial", was the last thing Anaya say before she left.
letting go is the hardest thing you can do. You can't change the outcome of something, and it turns deadly. No matter how much you try....
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Twisted Creed: Chapter 21 - Don’t Help
A/N: The instrumental song was posted to youtube by Ubisoft Music UBILOUD - Music By Austin Wintory. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.
It's called "Top Hats and Sword Canes". You should check it out~
I have been trying to retrace my steps to that moment I saw her...
I have been trying to find connections to this female. She haunts my dreams -- I am stressing over empty clues.
There hasn't been anything since I started this race. It's important to me a race like no other. Why is it so hard to find somebody in this city? I have turned every borough from inside out. I have looked at every little detail of that day coming empty handed. I have search nonstop. I can't get to sleep because I can't get over the fact I haven't found her.
I have even ask around to the people of The River Thames. They have rejected been influence with this Mystery Girl. They don't seem to recollect the events of a few days ago.
I am sure they are lying about this. How can so many people reject one person? Why are they hiding this fact? If I was Evie, I would get to the bottom of this. I have tried to go either way. I have observed the people, but they have done nothing to acquired suspicion.
I wasn't giving up that easily. Even if I had been here for a week, I am completely sure I'll find her. I keep telling myself it won't be that difficult. She is right around the corner. The thought has been persistent in my head. It has been encouraging me to proceed. I am so much closer, but the reality is I am clueless. I am lost in London searching for a Mystery Girl. She has disappeared off the face of the planet.
The people of London don't seem to give her up to a stranger. They have killed my hopes faster than Evie. I have always get back up no matter the difficulty; however, this is turning into another dead end. Before I gave up completely out of complete anger (RageQuit). I surveillance London to find an unusual activity.
I am hidden in plain sight. Nobody looks up nowadays. It's an obvious hideout, but they do not expect. I have seen these men discuss with the hooded female. She is wearing a cloak of another time. Her back is to me while the other males I am disgusted with. It's easily caught they have intentions for this female. She seems unfrightened by them, but her voice says something else. She is irritated they have interrupted her. I have no reason or clue why I am still here.
Maybe because she is a lady in a bit of trouble. What kind of man would I be if I let a lady alone?
I could easily take them down then proceed with my investigation. I wasn't able to listen to them from far away. I could only watch as the female walk into the alleyway. If she had looked a bit left, she could have seen me. I am hidden from side or so I believe. There is a cool breeze before the female turns around. I could feel an uneasy aura around her. It could be because I am unable to see under her cloak or the fact these men disgust me.
I take a short second to inspect the men. An average height male stands in front of all of them. His short black hair and common eye color. He looks familiar. It's like I have seen this male before, but I don't seem to place him. He is wearing a Templar uniforms, and he doesn't seem to hide it. What I am assuming are his men, they stand behind him. Everything seems to quiet down until the male on front spoke "You have ignored all my letters, Rosaliana" A desperate attempt for attention.
I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes. He is keeping Rosaliana in an alleyway because she didn't answer his letters. How mad do you have to be? to go this far. I am unable to believe this, but he keeps going nonetheless "It's Captain Boron now. I have been promoted to Captain" oh this guy again. twice is a coincidence, right?
I roll my eyes at the man. No matter how many times I hear him speak. He becomes more obnoxious by the second. Rosaliana is obviously not interested in him; however, he can swear she loves him. He is obsessed with her that rationality seems to disappear.
The thought of killing him with a knife still persist in my mind. Boron goes on what he has done for London. He has given children a new life by guiding them to the factories. That's not a life worth living. He is turning himself into a target.
Rosaliana shows no sign of caring for what Boron says. She lets him speak about the words on the letters. I would be doing the same thing if I was in Rosaliana's position. I can give him persistence at most, but I wouldn't recommend doing this.
Rosaliana fixes her cloak with no signs of returning Boron's feelings "Captain Boron" she starts with a sharpness in her tone. It's enough to grasp my attention. Boron was approaching Rosaliana, but he stops the moment she calls him.
Rosaliana's voice sounds familiar, but distance for some reason. I am trying to place her in my mind; however, I am coming empty handed. Rosaliana stands her ground as her words are equal to shattered glass. They are probably destroying Boron's feelings "How many times have I told you? 20 or 100? I am not interested in anything you have to tell me. You are and will always be beneath me" the world seem to stop as Rosaliana's speaks. The cool breeze paralyze. The carriages and people of London a mystery.
It seems as the events in this alleyway are in another world. Boron's features are unreadable "If you die today, I wouldn't weep a single tear. You are as useless and disappointing as your father" Rosaliana has killed this man in more than one way. I have no thoughts running wild. I have never felt sorry for anyone before as I feel sorry for Boron.
The males behind Boron stare at each other than at Boron. He seems to be in deep thought. I had a wild guess of Boron's next move. A man like him seems unable to think rationally. He has shown me as much. He'll act on his impulses.
Rosaliana sighs heavily, and I could see she is tired of playing "for both of us, stop embarrassing yourself, Boron" a sweet tender tune came through. She seems calmer now. She passes by Boron only to be stopped by him. He grabs Rosaliana's left elbow.
Rosaliana sighs heavily "How could you?! I told you everything! I am much better than that rotten meat! My father is nothing like me!!" Boron words are shouted to oblivion. His grasp on Rosaliana becomes stronger. I am amazed by her next actions.
Rosaliana turns her head back only to punch Boron on his face. He stumbles back holding his nose "Let go of me! I am tired of men like you, Boron" she speaks with a distaste to her words. It's almost like she has to deal with this a lot.
Even if it's starting to look like that, I don't see how men could get over obsess with only one woman (He doesn't see his position, does he?). Rosaliana looks back at Boron's man "After her!!" He screams loud and clear. Rosaliana runs into the alleyway.
The men run after her soon after. That's my sign (You think?!). I stand up letting her pass by me. She comes to stop realizing is a dead end. I see her turning around in this moment I come out of my hideout "Isn't this a bit unfair?" I mutter gaining the attention of the males.
They whisper among each other wondering where I came from. They were so into catching her. They didn't look around "SCRAM!" one of them shouts to me. I stand my ground in front of the female. I side glanced behind me while surprise not to see her behind me.
A frustrated sigh escapes my lips "I said SCRAM!" I move to the side avoiding his punch. I quickly crash my knuckles into his stomach. He falls to the floor soon after. I don't let him get up that again as I hit his head. He was knock out easily. I look up to notice Rosaliana, or that's how Boron calls her. She is being held by Boron himself. I sigh heavily not understanding her.
Why could she stay safely behind me? How hard is it to do that?
Is she trying to get herself kill? She doesn't seem to understand how dire this is.
"I can't do such thing. I am not leaving with-" my words were cut short by Rosaliana. She tries to punch Boron once again; however, he stops her punch, "I am able to save myself, kid. Do us all a favor, and don't help" I stare at her, did she just turn me down?. My eyes catch a glimpse of her features. I couldn't believe myself. She is the Mystery Girl.  
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