rawashley · 10 years
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I’m calling this 70% raw 100% of the time. As evidenced by my Whole Foods mini haul today. THE RAW: lots of fresh produce, raw chocolate, sprouted granola, Suja cold-pressed juice. THE NOT RAW: almond milk (alllllllways Califia Farms), Larabars (raw-ish), gum and toothpaste, peanut butter, avocado oil-roasted potato chips.  
Mostly healthy (those potato chips are a healthified treat), somewhat raw, what works for me right now. Working on being more and more raw, but I love me some black beans and homemade sweet potato hash too much to give them up. 
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rawashley · 10 years
Going Back to Raw?
I've been having some stomach issues lately, so I'm really wanting to go back to mostly raw. I ended up with some stomach problems towards the end of my raw challenge in February but I realized it was from the mixed nuts I was eating from the bulk section and they were probably rancid. So this time I'm going to include more soaked beans for protein (not fully raw but whatevs) and stick with mostly seeds and avocados and coconut stuff for fats. And of course lots and lots of fruits and veggies! I'm excited to clean up my diet again and feel refreshed and energized. 
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rawashley · 11 years
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Papaya lovin'. Would you believe this was my FIRST time ever trying papaya? Frickin love this fruit. It reminds me of a melon but sweeter. So much less intimidating than it looks. And not that expensive (~$1.79/pound), even at Whole Foods. 
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rawashley · 11 years
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Who says raw vegans can't eat pancakes? None of that Bisquick shit, just some flax+cacao+date paste, all topped off with strawberries, coconut manna and raw protein powder sauce. Breakfast of champions!
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rawashley · 11 years
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These jicama chili 'fries' were my last food for the next 12+ hours. Can't believe I don't get to eat banana softserve tonight or my breakfast tomorrow morning. Have to do a fasted blood test in the A.M. boo :( These were really good though...I think I like jicama a lot even though I'd never tried it before. Anything is good with tons of homemade guac obvs.
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rawashley · 11 years
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This stuff. I've been wanting to try Suja juices since I first saw them at Whole Foods BUT they cost like a million $$$ (okay more like $9). Now their new ones are half the price, were on sale at my WF AND I had a coupon so this baby was $2. And for a healthy, raw vegan take on a Frappuccino, I say hell ya!
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rawashley · 11 years
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Finally restocked my produce and bulk bin stuff! All this (plus a few things my mom bought for the rest of the fam) was under $80 and will last me the whole week. Gotta love eating healthy...and especially when it doesn't cost a fortune!
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rawashley · 11 years
i need to go to the store!
who else hates when you run low on produce? i still have some veggies but no more fruit gah. and no more fat sources other than coconut manna. looks like i'll be making a whole foods run tomorrow which i'm excited about. i've always loved grocery shopping and even more now that i'm raw. it's fun stocking up on fresh produce, raw nuts and dried fruit. i love how simply i'm eating now, but that it never gets boring. i seriously look forward to all my meals and trying new things. 
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rawashley · 11 years
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Probably not totally raw, but I can't give up my Starbucks completely! I always stick with UNSWEETENED iced tea or iced coffee so I get the health benefits of tea/coffee without crappy sugar or ingredients, 
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rawashley · 11 years
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These are a few of my favorite things...
Chia pudding
Frozen cherries
Garden of Life Marley coffee RAW protein powder
Coconut manna
Homemade raw brownie bites
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rawashley · 11 years
Raw > Cooked
Getting back on track with eating raw after eating a cooked meal of artisan vegan pizza (just thin crust, marinara sauce, olives and zucchini) and a little red wine last night. Not feeling too awful, but I missed my light, raw dinners. Feeling a cold coming on so I'm gonna eat plenty of greens and citrus today to fight it off! 
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rawashley · 11 years
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Dinner on raw. No restriction, plants in abundance. I love this way of eating!
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rawashley · 11 years
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The best Valentine there is. 
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rawashley · 11 years
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This is REAL food. Why wouldn't you want to nourish yourself with the very best? 
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