#assembly speaker
lesbianralzarek · 8 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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rightnewshindi · 22 days
विधानसभा अध्यक्ष के खिलाफ अविश्वास प्रस्ताव लाने पर भड़के सीएम सुक्खू, कहा, बिखरा हुआ है विपक्ष, बंद करें ड्रामेबाजी
Himachal Politics: हिमाचल प्रदेश विधानसभा के मानसून सत्र की कार्यवाही दोपहर दो बजे शुरू हुई। कार्यवाही शुरू होने से पहले ही विपक्ष आक्रामक नजर आया। विपक्ष ने विधानसभा अध्यक्ष कुलदीप सिंह पठानिया के खिलाफ अविश्वास प्रस्ताव लाने के लिए विधानसभा सचिव यशपाल शर्मा को नोटिस सौंपा। इसके बाद प्रश्नकाल शुरू होने से पहले ही विपक्ष ने प्वाइंट ऑफ ऑर्डर की मांग की। इस पर विधानसभा अध्यक्ष ने कहा कि वह…
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townpostin · 2 months
Jharkhand Assembly Suspends 18 BJP MLAs Amid Uproar
MLAs suspended until August 2 for post-session disruption in the House. The Jharkhand Assembly has suspended all 18 BJP MLAs amid ongoing uproar, escalating tensions within the House. RANCHI – The Jharkhand Assembly witnessed a major disruption leading to the suspension of all 18 BJP MLAs until August 2, 2024. Assembly Speaker Rabindranath Mahato ordered the suspension due to the continued ruckus…
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nationalistbharat · 8 months
नीतीश कुमार विधानसभा भंग करने की सिफारिश कर सकते हैं?
पटना:बिहार में मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार के महागठबंधन से अलग होकर एनडीए के साथ सरकार बनाने के बाद 12 फरवरी को सरकार को विश्वास मत हासिल करना है। विश्वास मत हासिल करने से पहले बिहार में जारी और राजनीतिक ड्रामेबाजी अपने शबाब पर हैं। ताज़ा बयान बाजी में राजद के नेता भाई वीरेंद्र ने अपने एक बयान से राजनीतिक हल्का में इस बात को बोल दे दिया है कि संभव है कि मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार 12 फरवरी को बिहार…
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random-fandom-ramble · 10 months
I was informed by @no-cinnamon-for-synonym that we two are not the only (quasi) italian speakers in this fandom, and that one of them is even a fellow German-and-italian speaker (like me :D)
So in honor of this new revelation, I believe a continuation of the “draw the mutuals as a dnd/adventuring party” is in order!
Shoutout to @sthormiii @redr0sewrites @localeggdealer and @no-cinnamon-for-synonym
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We have
An (half) Elf (red)
A dwarf (green)
A Tiefling/half-demon (purple)
A human (yellow)
Someone big and buff (blue)
A baby dragon mascot
Let me know me which you wanna be!
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Roland: Master taught that whoever rules is righteous by virtue of their station alone.
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wish-i-were-heather · 1 month
Good morning
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mirmeat · 26 days
there was an anti suicide speaker at my high school today
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Inspire and Engage Your Students with Top School Speakers
Students think that the best thing about getting to go to school assemblies is GETTING OUT OF CLASS! Yes, they are mandatory, sort of, and are for the large student body. But when students get close to the gym or auditorium and they hear the type of music they like, they start to wonder if they might just like it this time!
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I don’t mean to sound partial, but our SCHOOL SPEAKERS truly are the very best in the nation! They are relevant, exciting and interactive. But it’s so much more than that.
Those who do not have oral disabilities use oral language to communicate ideas and feelings to other people. In general, they use the language to converse at home or in the office, but on occasions they must speak formally before a certain audience, often without having the necessary fluency to do it well; An example of this is when students have to make a presentation in the classroom. In this article we explain what public speaking is, what it is for and what a high school public speaking course is about.
Even if it is a small intervention in the class, it is always necessary to have a training that allows the development of the necessary skills to express each word fluently, this provides security and strengthens self-esteem at a stage of life when we are full of insecurities and complexes. For this reason, it is important that Language teachers develop public speaking activities and dynamics for secondary schools as part of their teaching process.
In fact, public speaking for secondary school is part of the contents of this signature; but we really know what oratory is and what is its importance.
What is oratory?
According to the Spanish Royal Academy, the word oratory is a Latin term that refers to the "art of speaking eloquently", it refers to the ability to express the message that you want to convey in the correct way, clearly and fluently before others. people, whether family or not. Clarifying this is the first thing that is explained in the texts on public speaking for high school youth , which are used by Language teachers.
It is worth noting that public speaking as an area of ​​language is not a new subject, since it was Socrates, the Greek philosopher, who created one of the first schools of public speaking for his young students in Athens, where being an orator was considered essential for everything . educated citizen. Thus arises the need to generate experiences to teach this art to adolescents.
The importance of studying public speaking in high school
People live in a world where communication is part of all our activities , for this reason, during the performance of daily life and work, there are always spaces where people must present their ideas. In the workplace, speaking is part of our day to day, since at some point we have to present a report, attend a conference, present a project or address a group of clients.
In this case, we must show serenity and security, speak appropriately, accentuate the words that are worth highlighting, look into the eyes of the listeners and apply the techniques of a good speaker to make the best impression.
For this reason, it is important to study public speaking and a good time to do so is through group dynamics planned by teachers in secondary public speaking courses . This is an activity that is very relevant if we consider that high school graduates are being trained to practice a profession where they will have to present their ideas or opinions when presenting a project or discussing a business idea.
Just to give examples of how important it is to teach high school public speaking , we will refer to the professions in which it is required to speak properly.
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currently living on the edge (not going to a school assembly)
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great-and-small · 3 months
When I was in vet school I went to this one lecture that I will never forget. Various clubs would have different guest lecturers come in to talk about relevant topics and since I was in the Wildlife Disease Association club I naturally attended all the wildlife and conservation discussions. Well on this particular occasion, the speakers started off telling us they had been working on a project involving the conservation of lemurs in Madagascar. Lemurs exist only in Madagascar, and they are in real trouble; they’re considered the most endangered group of mammals on Earth. This team of veterinarians was initially assembled to address threats to lemur health and work on conservation solutions to try and save as many lemur species from extinction as possible. As they explored the most present dangers to lemurs they found that although habitat loss was the primary problem for these vulnerable animals, predation by humans was a significant cause of losses as well. The vets realized it was crucial for the hunting of lemurs by native people to stop, but of course this is not so simple a problem.
The local Malagasy people are dealing with extreme poverty and food insecurity, with nearly half of children under five years old suffering from chronic malnutrition. The local people have always subsisted on hunting wildlife for food, and as Madagascar’s wildlife population declines, the people who rely on so-called bushmeat to survive are struggling more and more. People are literally starving.
Our conservation team thought about this a lot. They had initially intended to focus efforts on education but came to understand that this is not an issue arising from a lack of knowledge. For these people it is a question of survival. It doesn’t matter how many times a foreigner tells you not to eat an animal you’ve hunted your entire life, if your child is starving you are going to do everything in your power to keep your family alive.
So the vets changed course. Rather than focus efforts on simply teaching people about lemurs, they decided to try and use veterinary medicine to reduce the underlying issue of food insecurity. They supposed that if a reliable protein source could be introduced for the people who needed it, the dependence on meat from wildlife would greatly decrease. So they got to work establishing new flocks of chickens in the most at-risk communities, and also initiated an aggressive vaccination program for Newcastle disease (an infectious illness of poultry that is of particular concern in this area). They worked with over 600 households to ensure appropriate husbandry and vaccination for every flock, and soon found these communities were being transformed by the introduction of a steady protein source. Families with a healthy flock of chickens were far less likely to hunt wild animals like lemurs, and fewer kids went hungry. Thats what we call a win-win situation.
This chicken vaccine program became just one small part of an amazing conservation outreach initiative in Madagascar that puts local people at the center of everything they do. Helping these vulnerable communities of people helps similarly vulnerable wildlife, always. If we go into a country guns-blazing with that fire for conservation in our hearts and a plan to save native animals, we simply cannot ignore the humans who live around them. Doing so is counterintuitive to creating an effective plan because whether we recognize it or not, humans and animals are inextricably linked in many ways. A true conservation success story is one that doesn’t leave needy humans in its wake, and that is why I think this particular story has stuck with me for so long.
(Source 1)
(Source 2- cool video exploring this initiative from some folks involved)
(Source 3)
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rightnewshindi · 22 days
वित्तीय स्थिति पर चर्चा के लिए विधानसभा अध्यक्ष ने नहीं दी अनुमति, विपक्ष ने किया वॉकआउट
Himachal News: हिमाचल प्रदेश की वित्तीय स्थिति पर चर्चा के लिए स्थगन प्रस्ताव को अनुमति देने से विधानसभा अध्यक्ष के इनकार करने पर विपक्षी भाजपा ने सोमवार को सदन से बहिर्गमन किया। सदन की कार्यवाही शुरू होते ही भाजपा के विपिन परमार ने यह मुद्दा उठाना चाहा, लेकिन अध्यक्ष कुलदीप सिंह पठानिया ने इसकी अनुमति नहीं दी। उन्होंने कहा कि इस मामले पर नियम 130 के तहत प्रश्नकाल के ���ाद चर्चा की जा सकती…
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justnownews · 14 days
Breaking News: Speaker National Assembly Orders Release of Arrested PTI Members
Islamabad – September 10, 2024In a significant development, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, has ordered the immediate release of all arrested Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) members of the National Assembly (MNAs). The Speaker directed Inspector General (IG) Islamabad to release the detained MNAs and has demanded a detailed report on the entire situation surrounding their…
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anothermonikan · 21 days
Man high school was fucked up. You ever think about that. Thank fucking god I'm not in high school anymore
#Sorry I need to turn a distraction video on or smth because my mind came back to#The very first experience I had of high school#And like my father had just dropped me off right. Yknow. Big massive new place I hadn't been before#And we went into an assembly hall right and my father called me like 5 minutes after#My phone was on silent and I took it out of my pocket for what. 5 seconds to dismiss the call.#Yknow a call from my parent who probably just wanted to make sure I got in okay#And in that 5 seconds a teacher just came over and took the phone off me#And then later on in the assembly the speaker was like 'We have a strict phone policy.'#'You're not allowed to use them outside of break unless explicitly asked' and the fucking.#Teacher who practically snatched my damn phone of me was like#'I have caught 5 students on their phones already. This is unacceptable behaviour in high school and you should already know'#Like. Holy shit I got it out for 5 damn seconds to dismiss a call from a parent who just wanted to make sure I was okay :sob: I was 12 yknow#Just something so. Fucked up about that. That's not a fucking expectation in the real world#Yeah don't be distracted by your phone while doing work in class but it was nothing like that :sob:#I'm willing to bet that most of the people who got their phone confiscated in that assembly were of similar circumstances to me#Yknow. Worried parents who just dropped their 12 year old off to a big unfamiliar place for the first time calling#You could've taught that lesson in the classroom if someone was actually distracted on their phone. Come on now#What Is with some fucking primary school and high school teachers having absolute power trips over actual children#Awful. I was thinking about it because my younger sibling has just gone back school#And their in their last year of primary school and they where telling me about like all the bullshit they're pulling#And I guess I just. Worry a bit. Because high school is genuinely a little bit fucking traumatic#I tell them all the time that most of the rules they set up in primary school and high school are kinda bullshit anyways#And to follow them simply to not get in trouble. But don't let them dictate how you act forever#Because you go through the whole of high school being told what to do by people who usually view you as a lesser being to them#And then you get to college and everything changes and it's gonna be weird as fuck finally being viewed as an equal#...especially if you're like me and engrained rules way too seriously#Sorry this is breaking the no emotional posting after 10pm rule but I think I can stand by this one#Okay I've made 6 begillion grammar errors I'm on mobile I can't change em#To everyone currently in high school: please fucking survive. It get's better. I prommy you#android.txt
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townpostin · 2 months
Jharkhand Announces Support for Agniveer Martyrs' Families
CM Soren Pledges Jobs and Compensation Amidst Assembly Tensions Jharkhand government commits to aiding families of fallen Agniveers, while political tensions escalate in the Assembly. RANCHI – Jharkhand’s Chief Minister Hemant Soren announced support for Agniveer martyrs’ families during the final day of the Assembly’s Monsoon Session. Chief Minister Soren stated, "The state government will…
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Benedict: I do not think your plan a bad one, just not the best one given the circumstances.
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