jessiedesign-blog · 6 years
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Above Images: Experiment Six Documentation, Jessie Sucker-Walton, 2018 (1/3)
Experiment 6 - In Class Chance Score Generator
This week we were challenged to create a random score generator with links to assessment two. I wanted to continue off from my last experimentation of placing my physically cut photographs in front of different patterns and images.
I had continued research and found a young artist, Ben Stainton, who edited pictures with patterns and images beneath. These yielded similar results to some of my stacking of images in my last experiment although not physically stacked but rather edited. I was particularly interested in his works of older images with bright contrasting images below. Examples are below
I wanted to use this experiment to attempt to recreate this in a way with the resources available in class. My laptop, phone and the cut out photos from my experiment 2.
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Above Image: Superma-rilyn, Ben Stainton, 2018
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Above Image: Consumption, Ben Stainton, 2018 
I created a rule that I would photograph each cut photo a total of 5 times sitting atop of a random image from google search. These images behind the photos are the results from ‘landscape’ search and I selected every 9th photo. I chose landscape as I thought it was a very vibrant but neutral topic to utilise that would add no other conceptual layer to my piece.
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Above Image: Experiment Six Examples of Landscapes (screenshot), Jessie Sucker-Walton, 2018
Surprisingly a lot of  the 9th images were blue (skies or water) and greenery. This reflected well through majority of the photographs with an exception to the one of the child on a merry-go-round. The combination of multiple colours in the photograph paired with similar colours beneath creates a poor quality contrast for the cutout.
Interestingly I think by placing images behind the photographs it can add an additional layer to the story but still does not make up for the loss of the figure from the image. If I were to continue this method of presenting the images, I believe a random image generator would not be effective all the time but could become a method for selecting the images behind. By going through a process of random images and selecting those that work well, could produce a well developed result. Also there would need to be a more effective method of capturing the results, or perhaps just editing images in. 
Although this was a fun task, Filling in the space of the figures draws away from my purpose of removing them. However I liked the attention placed on the background in this experiment. I think utilising the remaining context after the people have been removed could create a solid final work idea.
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maryventuraisadad · 7 years
final statement
I always find myself reflecting about my past, present, and future. I always found that time had a very cyclical nature, especially due to clocks having a circular rhythm that moulds us to follow a routine day after day. I always question as to whether it is possible to escape the constraints it places on our being, if there is a dimension where we can be somewhere rather than here? Is there a possibility where we can move freely between periods of time and space?
I always found that dreaming has been an escape, where our bodies and our brain rest to allow our subconscious run wild to explore and reveal things we knew, didn’t, and maybe someday will. In my final piece, I wanted to explore time through a means of hallucinations. 
In my pieces, I wanted to explore the depths of time, nightmares, daydreaming, and lucid dreaming. With depths of time, I wanted to interpret how the idea of free falling in a dream can transcend a moment where we feel the rush of the drop come quick, or move slow. Nightmares become a haunting for our being, sometimes we are afraid to sleep knowing that we might perhaps dream of something we try to repress from ever coming up. When it comes to daydreaming, we are completely zoned out, unknowingly drifting into another time and place, exploring fantasies, scenarios that we always wishfully could happen. With lucid dreaming, I wanted to depict the idea of being half awake and half asleep, having the ability to create and fabricate our deepest and wildest imaginations without any consequences. 
Mixed media was used in the entire composition of my final piece, to explore the tactility and senses that occur throughout our dreaming. When it comes to these hallucinations, we are given the ability of knowing that there’s an escape to another dimension, fracturing our understanding of the constraints of time, moving freely between other worlds.
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shell-w-blog · 8 years
We are evoking a sense of nostalgia through the theme of ‘then and now’ by taking our older artworks and redeveloping them. Through the use of different mediums, technologies and perspectives, we show an evolution of our individual artistic styles. “How do we as artists recognize we are in the ‘now’?” Our answer was the reflection of the past and moving towards possible futures. 
By revamping an old artwork, we are reflecting on our past skills, and how we have developed as artists. It indicates where we are now with our artistic practice and leads to consider how we may progress further in the future. Having each artwork titled by the year it was created further emphasises the idea of ‘then and now’. 
“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days, before you’ve actually left them.” – The Office
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gemmaleeadad2016 · 8 years
Assessment 3 Statement
For assessment 2 my group and I decided to experiment with vagueness which we did through video and digital mediums. In this assessment I started using iMovie which I had no previous experience with. Everything was completely new to me and I soon discovered how enjoyable I found it. Not so much the software itself but just making little films, playing with image and audio, there were endless possibilities with it. So of course I decided to continue with this medium. I first started with filming from which I created a short vague video which I really ended up loving the imagery. I then took close up photos of the reflections in the paint palette that was the subject of my short video which I then printed. Through experimentation I then decided to focus on the physical forms of the prints and how I could manipulate them. I first started with brightly coloured tape which I just happened to pick up from big w the previous week because I thought it was pretty. I created lines on each print as a sort of summary of the image, reducing the image to those bands of colour. From here I experimented with various liquids to disfigure the surfaces of the prints, creating a greater vagueness and making the prints more individual to each other. As a link to the previous assessment I focused on vagueness through image distortion and erasure which was the main focus of our group assessment.
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process of this experiment and I’m so happy with the mediums I chose to experiment with. I think the combination of both digital and physical resulted in this highly vague and experimental final work. If I continued with these experiments and this final work I would love to do it on a larger scale and use a wider range of mediums and materials. As for documentation I wish I had a higher quality camera but I think as the concept I chose was vagueness, it almost tied in perfectly. But overall I’m happy with my documentation, presentation and the execution of my experiments as well as my final work.
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vfxaesthetics-blog · 9 years
Final Assessment
The contents of this post works in conjunction with that of the last.  I left off with a to do list, most of which did not change in the week following it.  The only minor changes were to the sound fx and my style frames.  In regards to the latter - I only managed to get two complete due to timing.  For the former, I decided to axe the heavy passing noises for one very large reason - they stood out like sore thumbs.  Even when only subtly present, they sounded like blights on the audio track.  So they were removed.  Gone!
In addition to my research, synopsis, treatment, mood board, storyboard and style frames from last week, I have for you today one animatic and two motion test sequences!
Motion Test
These are examples of the most active states that the camera could be in across the clip.  Whilst the animatic gives you a basic sense of motion, it predominately deals with timing.   These motion tests will give you an idea of the kind of camera movements that are involved in the scene, bar static cameras.  
Again, password is 3D. 
And now, for the animatic. Drum roll please. 
That’s all.
~ Natalia
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isobel1002-blog · 9 years
Artist Statement
The way we perceive the world is based on preconceived ideas on what everything we see, hear, touch, taste is suppose to be like. Our brain automatically tries to form connects between what we are “seeing” and a memory of what that thing is. Because of this, we often go through life without seeing the full potential, absurdity and strangeness of what is around us. Even the things we use everyday without question or second thought. For my final works i wanted highlight this potential, absurdity and strangeness. I wanted to try and distort some objects of mine that i personally use on an everyday basis and contrast them against these objects or by-products of these objects being used in the “normal” way. The end result is a a meshing of abstraction and realism. Where the perceived “normal” meets the “abnormal”. Where rationality meets absurdity. Highlighting that nothing around us is ever absolutely as we are trained to believe. 
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lydiasmorgan-blog · 9 years
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FINAL EXPERIMENT THREE -- Portrait of my Mother
After experimenting with all the various ways humans communicate through signs in my first experiment and how one might escape from this unrelenting process in my second experiment, I decided to try and escape it further by removing the ‘universal’ nature of facial cues.
To do this, I returned to my iteration process that I experimented with at the beginning and again began to break down a portrait into shapes and lines and change the form. I did this by way of drawing, digital illustration, and finally boxboard model-making.
To anyone viewing the final object, it is a simply an abstract collection of shapes, whereas to me it is a portrait of my Mum. The original photograph or drawing is instantly recognisable as a person, and the details allow the viewer to analyse, define and speculate endlessly about her expression, relation to me etc. 
As the model is only clearly a portrait to me, it is no longer relatable to the rest of the world, and is thus a completely singular portrait/viewer experience. The singularity of this is appealing in a world in which analysis of others is subconscious, universal and constant.
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maryventuraisadad · 7 years
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isobel1002-blog · 9 years
Assessment Three - #3
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maryventuraisadad · 7 years
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Experiment 4 - A really rough composition of a collage, I knew I wanted a focal point and wanted clouds in the final piece.
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isobel1002-blog · 9 years
Assessment Three - #2
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jessiedesign-blog · 6 years
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Above Images: Experiment Six Documentation, Jessie Sucker-Walton, 2018 (2/3)
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maryventuraisadad · 7 years
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Experiment 3 - I also experimented using embroidery, using straight stitches on aida cloth instead of paper. I understood from my previous experiment that I would be able to use embroidery in my final piece, knowing that I would have to invest in a thicker material, such as cardboard.
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