#assigned gemder at chekcout
rockpapertheodore · 8 months
"You talk like a boy, but you're a girl!"
Young, precious, precious 6 year old child, I adore you. I couldn't help respond with, "oh yeah? Is that your official diagnosis, doctor?" in affectionate awe.
She, of course, was basing her observation upon my clean-shaven face, and BEAUTIFULLY GLOSSY, LUXURIOUS HAIR TAMED INTO A HUMBLE, OVER-THE-SHOULDER BRAID. Not sure how to explain that it's more complicated than that while her mother was right there waiting for her card to finish running through, I successfully deflected entirely with, "girl, I've had this braid longer than you've been alive," like... like I was some sort of boomer... but I at least kept it cheeky with how I said it so it was clear I was having fun.
Her mom was kind of embarrassed?? I think. Which she shouldn't be, because it was cute as shit. She also complimented my hair and then said it looked really good on me and not knowing on how to reply to that, I just did my patented THOUSAND-WATT GRIN OF DEFLECTION with a big "AWW, THANK YOU MA'AM. RECEIPT? NO? HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY" because I wasn't sure how to take the sudden change in tone of voice idk
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