#the observational skills of children are phenomenal
rockpapertheodore · 8 months
"You talk like a boy, but you're a girl!"
Young, precious, precious 6 year old child, I adore you. I couldn't help respond with, "oh yeah? Is that your official diagnosis, doctor?" in affectionate awe.
She, of course, was basing her observation upon my clean-shaven face, and BEAUTIFULLY GLOSSY, LUXURIOUS HAIR TAMED INTO A HUMBLE, OVER-THE-SHOULDER BRAID. Not sure how to explain that it's more complicated than that while her mother was right there waiting for her card to finish running through, I successfully deflected entirely with, "girl, I've had this braid longer than you've been alive," like... like I was some sort of boomer... but I at least kept it cheeky with how I said it so it was clear I was having fun.
Her mom was kind of embarrassed?? I think. Which she shouldn't be, because it was cute as shit. She also complimented my hair and then said it looked really good on me and not knowing on how to reply to that, I just did my patented THOUSAND-WATT GRIN OF DEFLECTION with a big "AWW, THANK YOU MA'AM. RECEIPT? NO? HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY" because I wasn't sure how to take the sudden change in tone of voice idk
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theroguequeen · 2 years
Things that are stuck in my head after watching the new episode:
Daemon being so excited over the three new eggs wanting to show them to rhaenyra so bad
The kids learning high valyrian
Daemon coming into the room without saying a word but rhaenyra knowing with one look that they need to talk alone
Daemon softly touching rhaenyras belly everytime he can
Them looking at each other being absolutely crazy in love
Daemon being ready to come with her, ready to stand at her side, ready to do whatever needs to be done
Rhaenyra calling daemon my love
Rhaenyra and daemon coming to viserys bed broke me, when they saw how bad he had gotten, in how much pain he was and that it was clear he wouldn't survive much longer. Daemon having trouble to look at viserys because the sight of him hurts his soul so deeply but viserys saying his name all over again because he was so relieved that his brother was there.
Daemon checking the cup from viserys wanting to know if there was something in it that could harm him.
Rhaenyra showing viserys his new grandchildren and viserys happiness about the names, knowing that his name will live on and that he was so important to her and daemon that they named a child after him.
Viserys calling rhaenyra his only child
Rhaenyra and daemon holding hands again, talking to alicent and daemon already having enough of her shit after just one sentence
Rheanyra coming to her father again at night, talking to him bare and openly, asking him for her help and showing how heavy the weight of being the heir but not being accepted as it lays on her shoulders, her crying desperately - Emmas and Paddy's acting was just phenomenal.
Otto sitting on the throne and everyone standing in the room, the green & the blacks here we go
Aemond observing absolutely everything, improving his skills, the anger inside him and the lust for blood and chaos
helaena being hugged by alicent and having to deal with the shit of a husband ageon is and dancing freely with Jacaerys
Viserys coming for rhaenyra and children, claiming the throne one last time, Daemon guiding him, putting the crown back on his head and saying "come on"
Viserys getting up again after vaemonds words and once again making clear that rhaenyra is his heir and that he wants her to become queen
Daemon waiting for vaemond velaryon to finally say it out loud and killing him with one strike of dark sister after he disrespected his kids and dared to call rhaenyra a whore - like how fucking stupid was this man what the hell did he except???
The dinner. Oh the dinner. I wanna make a whole post about it but I loved this scene and at the same time it broke my heart
But happy daemon and rhaenyra sitting so close to each other, holding hands the whole time, watching their kids, rhaenyras words to alicent, viserys looking around but the side with his eye being on the targaryen side, ottos mimic, the kids... God that was so much.
Aemonds speach and Aemond admiring daemon
Daemon doing hot daemon shit and having the situation under control with one gesture
Viserys dying with aemmas name on his lips, seeing her again and finally being free from the pain, the "my love" being his lasts words
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Why Kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Isn’t Something To Worry About for Parents
If you believe kids Brazilian Jiu-jitsu isn’t a martial art your kid should learn, then you are probably not aware of several benefits that come in with the training. In the following, we would try our best possible to cover those advantages of learning at a Brazilian JiuJitsu class.
Parents, being parents, will have opinions and observations hindering their kids’ progress into martial art training like Jiu-jitsu. Naturally, every parent has the right to decide on what their wards should pursue and what they shouldn’t. However, we just let you know that kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a rewarding experience for your child or children. Mark the advantages here:
Coordination skills:A child’s neuromuscular connections develop in the course of training, helping them increase hand-eye coordination, balance and motor skills.
Disciplinary skills: While most parents would love to do that, a few are just skeptical. Kids achieve better focus and disciplinary skills to improve their school work, relationships and overall quality of life.
Confidence: We are not talking some cheeky gestures or false sense of pride, but real development of confidence in them that doesn’t come from any random acts of winning a game or beating someone in a fist-fight.
Socialize: Kids in the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu class share common experiences like drilling techniques, live rolling and playing games. This improves communications with the instructor and co-learners, helping them grow phenomenally.
Self-defense: Indeed, an important point to remember. The kid becomes a confident child who can stand up to bullies and prevent any hurt they might incur. Trained in a safe and controlled environment, a kid learns how to keep a disciplined approach even at the times of distress.
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renzograciegarwood · 2 years
Why Kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Isn’t Something to Worry About for Parents
If you believe kids Brazilian Jiu-jitsu isn’t a martial art your kid should learn, then you are probably not aware of several benefits that come in with the training. In the following, we would try our best possible to cover those advantages of learning at a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class.
Parents, being parents, will have opinions and observations hindering their kids’ progress into martial art training like Jiu-jitsu. Naturally, every parent has the right to decide on what their wards should pursue and what they shouldn’t. However, we just let you know that kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a rewarding experience for your child or children. Mark the advantages here:
1. Coordination skills: A child’s neuromuscular connections develop in the course of training, helping them increase hand-eye coordination, balance and motor skills.
2. Disciplinary skills: While most parents would love to do that, a few are just skeptical. Kids achieve better focus and disciplinary skills to improve their school work, relationships and overall quality of life.
3. Confidence: We are not talking some cheeky gestures or false sense of pride, but real development of confidence in them that doesn’t come from any random acts of winning a game or beating someone in a fist-fight.
4. Socialize: Kids in the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu class share common experiences like drilling techniques, live rolling and playing games. This improves communications with the instructor and co-learners, helping them grow phenomenally.
5. Self-defense: Indeed, an important point to remember. The kid becomes a confident child who can stand up to bullies and prevent any hurt they might incur. Trained in a safe and controlled environment, a kid learns how to keep a disciplined approach even at the times of distress.
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reid’s anatomy
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summary: spencer gets a gunshot wound while working in the field and gets transported to the hospital you work in as a 4th year resident. 
word count: 2,325                                                                                             reading time aprox: 9 mins
Gurneys, lights, flying commands, and patients. The trauma room was my favorite place to be, other than the OR of course, it felt like a second home. But nothing compared to the home I had when I laid in Spencer’s arms. 
I was currently working in the trauma room, triaging the patients as I did my rounds. I dismissed a few individuals that had minor injuries, while discovering various accidents that required solutions as small as stitching up a patient to booking an OR for an emergent surgery. 
“Honey can you move your toes for me please?”
In front of me lay my latest patient, a 5 year old boy who had been pushed off of a swing set and had happened to land on his ankle. His cheeks were painted red from the crying he had previously done, a thumb cemented into his mouth as he continued to suck on it for comfort. His mother sat beside him, panic evident in her eyes, although she kept an amiable expression to reassure her son on his well being. 
The boy shook his head frantically, earning a break in composure from the mother. She reached out and folded her hand over her son’s and held on tight to it, with a tight-lipped smile on her face. 
“You’re going to be okay Timothee, mommy’s right here sweetie”. The mother squeezed her son’s hands continuously, looking to me for answers.
“Your son- well Timothee here seems to have sprained his ankle” I explained in layman's terms, lifting up the boys ankle to locate where the injury occurred.  “The issue here is that he seems to have an eversion ankle sprain and has fractured his deltoid ligament, which is more uncommon than a inversion ankle sprain, since the deltoid ligament is close to impossible to fracture”. 
As I finished my description, the mother returned her attention to her son, massaging his head to console him. “We-well it’s just a sprained ankle right? It can heal. My husband has had multiple sprained ankles from how much of a klutz he is” She joked in attempt to lighten the mood. Despite her attempts, there was more news to deliver.
“I wish it was much more simpler than that” I sighed, motioning for the on-call nurse to come over. “Due to Timothee’s young age, my biggest concerns are the development of his bones, considering the fracture he had suffered and that the nerves responsible for motor skills in his legs might have been severed. In most adult cases, the individual is able to recover because the durability of the bone had been fully realized from age. But, Timothee here is at risk of deformation of his osseous matter” I doefully confessed, a small pit forming in my stomach while delivering his diagnosis. 
As the mother’s face dropped, I turned to the nurse telling her to call Neuro and Peds, then asked her to file the paperwork. I looked back at the small family with a sigh, placing his chart at the end of the bed. 
It was moments like these that make me envision the life I’m going to have with Spencer if we ever decided to have children together. Despite our young age, I couldn’t help up configure an idealistic future than only composed of me, Spencer, and 2 or 3 little children running around us in glee. 
“The nurse will be back with the pape-” 
I was cut off by sirens and a magnitude of shrilling voices shouting commands. These were the indications of an incoming trauma. I turned around to peak for a second with the possibility of wanting to check on another case, but the interns and 2nd year residents had beat me to it. 
My focus remained on the child in front of me, checking his vitals from time to time, while eavesdropping on the commotion behind me. 
“We’ve got a caucasian ma...federal...with a GSW in the thoracic cavity, with intercostal tears”. Most of the sentence was muffled by the loud wheels of the crash cart, residents fumbling around, and the attendings yelling orders at the scene. I turned around to witness the chaotic scene, only to be meet with heads full of hair and some that didn’t actually have hair at all. 
Geez, I wouldn’t want to be the guy with the GSW to his chest
In emergent surgery, GSW’s were the most lethal in the clinic as most of the time the patient is either too late or the bullet had caused multiple complications in the patient, causing distress in the body. The tricky thing about GSWs were that they were different every time, it was almost always a different procedure depending on the location. 
I nodded goodbye to the perturbed mother, earning a tight lipped smile and a nod back. I turned to walk towards the nurses station when suddenly I was paged to trauma room 3. I rushed over to the area, sanitizing my hands before walking in. A privacy drape hung from the lower abdomen of the individual, with nurses and residents scrambling to keep his vitals stabilized.   
I faced the trauma nurse as she explained the patients situation. “We’ve got a caucasian male, seems to be 25-35 with a GSW in his thoracic cavity with no exit wound, the bullet is possibly lodged in the pericardial cavity” She spoke in haste. 
“Push 10 of Norepinephrine and call Cardio” I stressed, rushing out of the room to find another resident to scrub into the surgery as I wasn’t finished with my rounds yet. 
On my way around the nurse’s desk I noticed a familiar face that sat glum and slumped over in his chair, well it was more like a familiar group of faces. My steps slowed in order to get a better view to confirm my suspicions, then shuffled over to determine what the occasion was. 
“Hey Morgan-hey guys” I furrowed my eyebrows at the group, my worry peaked at the numerous melancholy expression that they wore on their faces. Despite my observations, there was one face I noticed was missing from the ensemble. 
A chill ran up my arm, which was usually an indication of something wrong. In spite of the unfavorable pit in my stomach, I was at my workplace where everything usually puts me on edge, so I pushed it aside. 
“Where’s Spenc-” 
My words faded out into an uncomfortable silence when Morgan lifted his head to face me and in his eyes were the deepest of browns, anguish pooled in his irises, similar to the look I gave to the mother of the patient I was treating previously. I glanced at the rest of the team, who wore a identical stares. 
My stomach had churned and twisted into knots. The chill that had ran up my arm traveled to my legs, all the way to the tips of my toes. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion, I could feel my heart still and my fingers twitch. The overhead lights of the clinic became overwhelmingly bright and a nauseating sensation began crawling up my throat. 
“Y/N-” Morgan began as I stared at him wide-eyed. He grabbed one of my hands and wrapped it in between his rough and sweaty palms, but I tensed in the midst of it, while adrenaline ran up my veins. 
“Reid, he’s...we-we were workin- I...he’s” 
Despite his attempts at an explanation, he wasn’t able to complete any of his phrases as I yanked my hand out of his grasp and bolted towards the trauma room. I heard my name being called in the background, although it became a voice of a phantom as my surroundings became impaired with the sounds of my heartbeat, the loud thuds my feet made as I raced towards the room, and the anxious thoughts that flooded my mind. 
I pushed into the room, only to see a bed was missing. I bee lined to where the residents were, pivoting around the various carts that decorated the room. “Where’s that patient with the GSW in his thoracic cavity? What resident was assigned on his case? What was his name?”. The words spewed out of my lips like a waterfall, earning alarmed looks from the residents. 
“Um, he was transported to OR 3″ One of them explained with naive looks on their faces. 
“Yeah, they’re in surgery right now with Dr. Burke and Dr. Montgomery” Another one added. 
“What’s the patient’s name? Do you remember?” I responded, prying them of all the information they knew. The residents peered at each other dumbfoundedly, looking at each other for answers as if they were taking their MLE exams again. 
“Dr. Y/L/N, no offense but you’re not on this case” One of the residents added with a condescending voice. 
“Dr. Mallory, if you don’t answer me in the matter of 10 seconds, I swear I will go to your senior resident and have you be doing scut for the rest of your medical career” I retorted. Fear was evident in all their eyes, I knew my eyes were brimming with multiple emotions, condensing into nothing but a fiery and aggressive tone.  
“Sp-spencer Reid, Ma’am” A quiet voice spoke up in the group. I nodded a small thank you to the individual and ran to the OR where they held Spencer. 
When I got into the prep room, I grabbed a face mask and entered the OR, witnessing a man’s body, the love of my life under heavy anesthesia and tubes wired up to his chest. Before I could speak, the attending spoke up and questioned me of my presence. 
“I-i was wondering if I could scrub in sir” I replied. “I-I, um, heard that there was in upc...incoming trauma for a GSW and I was wondering if I could scrub in” I repeated. 
“You already said that Dr. Y/L/N” 
“I understand sir, but I-” 
The attending than turned around exposing the sight of Spencer’s chest being retracted open. My entire body ached at the sight, the lifelessness of his body creating an image in my head that couldn’t compare to the images Spencer would see of his victims. I cringed and turned away, tears threatening to spill from my eyes, but I knew I couldn’t let myself go, especially if I wanted to be included in Spencer’s operation. 
“Dr. Y/L/N, with all respect, I know you’re one of the best residents we have in this hospital and I know you’re a phenomenal doctor” The attending explained, letting one of the other senior residents take over for a moment. “But, I also know who this is laying on my table. For this case, you’re not his doctor, you’re family, and I need you to trust that I am able to do my job, as you do yours” He concluded, signaling to one of the nurses to take me out of the OR. 
I nodded hesitantly, following the nurse out of the room, my eyes still locked on the individual that lay on the table. After the nurse had went back inside, I sat on the ground with my hands on my lap, staring at the abyss of the hallway. 
Our future depends on if a single man can maneuver his scalpel with enough wisdom and efficiency. The father of my future children lay on the cold metal table, where I used to find comfort and power in when saving someone else’s loved one. Who knew there would be a time where the roles were switched. 
Who knew that no matter how many years you’ve trained, how many books you’ve read, and the degrees you’ve obtained to save people’s lives, you could still be powerless against what life throws at you. The worst part is the irony that comes with tragedies. I spent a quarter of my life learning how to save people, yet I sit here purposeless when someone that I live for is struggling to stay alive. How malicious is that. 
Tears began streaming down my cheeks, although my expression hasn’t changed. The wetness that enveloped half of my face was the only thing that reminded me of the reality that I was in, keeping my consciousness grounded momentarily. 
I swear my heart pauses, everytime I hear a change in the monitor that indicated Spencer’s vitals or a command that the attending would spew out to the helping resident. I was completely fixated on everything that was happening in the room adjacent to me, disregarding the entire atmosphere that lay in my vision. 
It wasn’t until large legs halted in front of where I was crouched down. I didn’t bother looking up as my thoughts clouded my sensibility. The figure then sat down to my level, I could feel the individual’s eyes boring at my blank visage. I felt a large arm pull me closer to the individual, only this time I realized it was Morgan who had come to console me. 
Awaiting a pursuance of some sort of speech that’s supposed to bring me clarity or amenity. But to my dismay, only the loud presence of silence filled the gap of our exchange. That’s when my emotions began to seep into my skin, filling my heart with heavy matter, making it close to impossible to keep up my facade. 
A whimper escaped my lips while I laid on Morgan’s shoulder for the time being, only for the rest of my somber to follow. I cried in defeat, holding onto the clutches of Morgan’s shirt as he gripped onto the back of my head, massaging it in the process. 
I felt droplets hit the top of my head and a wetness forming rapidly. Weak sniffles emitted from the man above me, betraying his collected composure. We both sat here together with heavy hearts, waiting for what seemed like an eternity. 
We both sat in silence waiting to see if his colleague was alive and if my everything was still breathing. 
Pt. 2
Pt. 2 coming soon! most likely tomorrow. I was going to write the whole thing today, but frankly, I just need a fresh mind.  
Part 2 out now
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I’ll Meet You There (Part 1)
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Pairing: Marcus Moreno/ Wife!Reader (AFAB, no y/n)
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Mentions child loss, loss of a spouse, survivor’s guilt, vague references to suicide/suicidal thoughts after loss of child (all located in the first 500 words, so it’s brief and not too dark, but please take care) and violence, swearing, and action/fighting.
Summary: What if Marcus’s wife didn’t actually die? What if she and a few others were kidnapped during an attack on Heroics’ HQ, and then held captive for years without realizing? If the only thing you “remember” from your past is that your husband and daughter were killed, well, you surely wouldn’t want to go back to the people who you believe did it. But maybe, with the help of a tenacious child and some re-awaking parental instincts, you’ll be able to break through the brainwashing and forced amnesia, and find your way home.
Tags: Hurt/No comfort (for now), ANGST, eventual happy ending, one really sad man for whom I just keep making things worse, #sorrynotsorry
A/N: This is my first We Can Be Heroes fic, and first reader fic, so please be gentle. I’ve got the rest of the story outlined, so I hope I can get down to writing and posting it soonish, but my RL is busy and doesn’t leave much time/energy for quick updates. If you like it and want me to do a taglist, let me know so you can know when I update again. Also a big thank you to the amazing Jay @disgruntledspacedad​ and her fic The Right Thing for inspiring this one, and for allowing me to use her wife!reader idea. Please go check her blog out, and give her some love <3
AO3 Masterlist
“You’ve been in a terrible accident, Doctor, and I regret to inform you of your husband’s and daughter’s passing. Our rescue and recovery efforts after the incident were unfortunately unsuccessful, and you have our deepest sympathies.”
It took months for those words to even sink into you; months before you even remembered anything about who you were... the accident, or the attack, as it was more commonly known by you and the other victims, took your entire life away in an instant. You survived, physically, but at the cost of your partner? Your child? All the memories of your life together? How could you be worth it?
“Your transcripts and accomplishments are phenomenal, Doctor, and I’m in need of talented and capable individuals such as yourself to help right the wrongs, and demand justice, from those who have committed such heinous acts against us. The Heroics are murderers, destroyers of peace, and they have gotten away with their crimes for far too long. They’ve been praised and applauded and worshipped as gods while all they truly are, are terrorists. How many more innocent lives can we allow to be lost to their carelessness? ‘For the greater good’ is quite the insult when the people saying such things aren’t the ones losing their families to the chaos, wouldn’t you agree? Join me, Doctor, and we can make a difference.”
It was easy decision for you, even in the early days of your recovery. From the distant and foggy memories of your past, your anguish in what you could recall, you knew that if you could stop someone else from having to feel the loss and pain that comes from losing their spouse and children, you would do so in a heartbeat.
Your husband had been an incredible man, your Everything, you would imagine, going by the ache in your heart when you thought of being without him. His name, his appearance; that was all lost to you when you lost him. His existence in what could be healed of your memories was just a shadow, a shade, the vague impression of the man you loved. You remembered his warmth, his kindness and gentleness, his love and devotion to you and the child you created together.
And your beautiful baby girl... if thoughts of your husband left your heart aching, then thoughts of your daughter left you in unparalleled agony, completely inconsolable. You tried to avoid thinking of her, if you were being honest, tried to leave all what-ifs and could’ve/should’ve/would‘ve’s behind... you had worked with people, mothers, who had lost children before, had seen them tear themselves apart in their grief, taking the blame for something that was in no way their fault; you had seen them destroy their lives with their hoarded guilt and perceived crimes... you couldn’t allow yourself to fall for that, those falsehoods, you had to be alive if you wanted to honour your child and husband’s sacrifice.  
“We will make them pay for what they’ve done to us, Doctor, I promise you that. Together, we can get justice for your husband, for your little Missy.”
Marcus knew something was wrong as soon as his commlink started transmitting static instead of his teammates’ conversations. The Heroics had been deployed to stop a hoard of rogue security androids that were infected by a virus or something (he couldn’t usually follow the technobabble), which had led them to escape their testing facility and target nearby civilians with their advanced weapons technology.
Evacuating the citizens trapped in the line of fire was the team’s first objective, and once the area was cleared of potential victims, they moved onto the containment and neutralization of the enemy combatants. The Heroics team was decently cohesive; they could work together to ensure the protection of innocent lives while in a firefight, but once the civilians were in the clear and the stakes not so high, the supersized egos of the members emerged with a fiery passion. This particular firefight was no different.
“Hey ‘Legend, bet you a week of incident reports that my count is higher!” Miracle Guy’s voice broke out over the ‘link, as eager to show-boat as ever, from where he was steadily piling up his deactivated attackers.
“I’ll take that action, Miracle, easy. It’ll be like taking candy from a baby!” Crimson Legend wasn’t the type of person who could ignore a bet, especially one issued from Miracle.  “You’re probably so behind already that you don’t even stand a chance, ha!”
Of course, they just had to make it a game, keep the superiority contest going; like a single mistake couldn’t cost them a life or a limb. And just to further prove how amazingly mature the rest of Marcus’s team of Adult Superheroes were, they all started in on the bet too.  
“If I beat your totals, I want a week off from training!”
“Ha! Like any of you have a chance of winning against me! I want my on-call weekend, off”
“If I win, you’re all my personal slaves for the rest of the day!”
Did Marcus say Adult Superheroes? He meant infants.  
And they had started the mission so well, communicating and strategizing, actual teamwork instead of bickering and joking around like children. Hell, even their children didn’t get into as much trouble as their parents could.  
“Guys, it’s really not the best time to be playing around. We need to focus on-” He was cut off by the loud static burst of an out-of-range radio. Shit. That’s not good. If his comms unit was fried, he couldn’t direct his teammates, couldn’t keep track of them, couldn’t help them.
They were pretty spread out by now, giving everyone room to use their powers without worrying about another Heroic getting caught in the blast zone. He knew from their most recent locational sound off that Crushing Low and Invisi Girl were working together near the intersection two streets over from him, and if he could make his way over to them, he could figure out what was going on.
Marcus needed to know if it was just his commlink that was out of commission, or if their entire network had gone down. The former scenario was a minor inconvenience, the latter was a major issue. Either he’d have to lead his team by correspondence, or he’d have to worry about them being completely alone in the field, without support from HQ, and without any chance of backup or rescue.  
He couldn’t worry about the details now, he had to keep focused on finishing off the seemingly endless wave of androids. Androids with guns. Androids with guns that he was trying to kill with a pair of katanas... Maybe he hadn’t thought his primary weapon for this mission out very well... It was just something that he’d have to come back to later. For now: sword, robot, teammates.
They didn’t pay him enough for this. He should have gone into acting like he had planned before his powers manifested. This sort of shit didn’t happen to actors.  
Marcus had destroyed all the androids delaying him from reaching his nearest teammates and was finally able to move to their location with relative ease and only minor distraction. He could see Crushing Low laying waste to the few remaining functional robots in the area, and could assume that Invisi Girl was around somewhere, disabling any downed but not dead enemies while protecting ‘Low’s back.  
He was proven right when he heard a feminine voice call for him to “hit the deck, Moreno!”.
“Thanks Vis! You two doing alright? What’s your comms sitch?” He stood back up straight, just missing being nailed in the head by a flying metal limb had it not been for her heads-up.
“We’re a-okay! Comms are out though. No known damage to them, no knocks or surges, might be the tech, or it might be the channel. We’ll have to see what Tech-No thinks.” She was still invisible, but Marcus could imagine her animated expressions and movements. She was one of the most... normal... of the Heroics, if normal could ever be used to describe any of the team. Reliable and observant, with a good sense of battle strategy. He greatly appreciated her skills and efficiency in the field; she and Tech-No being the most down-to-earth of the Heroics, most willing to help him keep the peace between the rest of them.
“I’ll watch Low’s back if you can go find Tech. We need to know what’s going on, ASAP. If all the comms are down, and Tech can’t get them back up, I need you to find everyone and tell them to meet back at the robotics facility. Get Miracle and Fast to help if you can. If anyone’s injured, they’re your first priority, okay? Thanks, Vis.”
Getting every member of the Heroics team back together took nearly an hour, all coming fresh from the fight but thankfully not too banged up or bruised. They set up a perimeter once enough of the team had arrived to their meeting spot, allowing Tech-No to deep-dive into  investigating their communications malfunction.
“It’s the network, not our comms. We’re dealing with a drop either from HQ’s side, or a forced drop here from RFI. But considering the standard distance and all the buildings and stuff around us, a radio frequency jammer wouldn’t be able to block our communications network as far out as we were. We must assume that the problem comes from HQ. which presents further concerns, obviously. I designed most of the technology there myself, so I know exactly how much work it would be to take down the whole system. We need to consider this as part of a bigger plot, and plan accordingly.” Tech-No’s eventual explanation hang heavy in the air, no one willing to break the silence following it... If something had happened to HQ… Their co-workers were there, their friends, their children…  
Marcus thought of his daughter and wife. They were both there today. His wife worked in the medical centre, and they brought their daughter there for daycare. If something happened there... shit. If he was panicking about his family already, his teammates were doing the same. He had to head this off. He couldn’t let this get out of control. He took a breath and squared his shoulders. It was time to be Marcus Moreno the leader of the Heroics, not Marcus the husband and father. Lead by example, they’re all counting on you.
“We have no proof that anything is actually wrong, and until we know for sure why we can’t reach them, we need to do our jobs. Finish the mission. We’ve always trusted our people to hold down the fort at home so we can help people out here, and they’ve never let us down before. We are not going to doubt them now, understood? Whatever happened? We know HQ is doing their best to keep our loved ones safe. So, we finish up here, quickly and thoroughly, and then we head back to base. Let’s get moving,” He met his teammates’ eyes, allowed them to witness his own fears, but also his stubborn determination. He wasn’t asking them to ignore or dismiss their worries, but rather, put it into finishing the mission so they could go home sooner.  
No one fought him; thankfully just picked their tasks and headed out.  
“Tech, we need transport. Now. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done, alright?” Marcus refused to acknowledge the slight tremble in his voice, tried to breathe around the lump in his throat and the dread sinking in his stomach. He desperately stopped himself from thinking about coincidences and probabilities. This was all a fluke, a random string of events that didn’t mean anything more was going on. They’d be able to laugh about it when they got home and saw everything was just as they’d left it. He had to believe that. He didn’t have any other choice.
Transport home turned out to be a military helicopter big enough to fit the whole team, in addition to the fully outfitted squad of soldiers already inside.
“According to the press release your director gave, there was small but powerful group of gifted individuals who invaded Heroics’ Headquarters, intending to either kidnap or kill certain “important personnel” within the building. Didn’t specify much more than that, other than that your organization would be dedicating as much manpower as they could to bring “those who would cause such destruction and terror” to justice. The address was filmed in the parking lot, but there were a lot of emergency responders and vehicle in the background. I’m sorry we can’t tell you anything more, but well, we were scrambled to your location ASAP, barely had time for the news we got...” The staff sergeant sitting across from Marcus briefed the team about what the intel they had on the HQ attack. And that was what it was. An attack. The thing they all feared most.
“Thank you for the information, and for the ride back home; we lost communication in the middle of a battle, with no clue as to why. Now, at least, we have an idea of what we should expect when we arrive.” The mention of “important personnel” jump-started Marcus’s heart into overdrive. That was the code phrase they used when describing their most vulnerable people to the public, non-combatants and injured persons usually; a smokescreen meant to dissuade targeted attacks, and shift attention away from those who couldn’t protect themselves in the case of an emergency. It was also the code that frequently represented their children.  
The families of the Heroics were classified as high-risk targets; villains and enemies of their organization didn’t often have the moral decency to leave their loved ones out of the fight. So, to afford as much anonymity and protection possible, any time the team had to reference their partners and children in physical records and documentation, it was under that code phrase.  
This attack was centred on their kids.  
What kind of monster do you have to be to go after a bunch of kindergarten and primary school children?
The only good news was that there was no mention of the attack being a success.  
So, all the Heroics knew for certain was that a group of villains had tried to get to their children, and while obviously causing significant damage to HQ, they had been stopped. Were unsuccessful. The Home Team had saved the day again.  
Marcus thanked every deity he could think of for keeping his and his friends’ kids safe.  
The rest of the flight home was quiet. Him and teammates finally able to get some rest after all the fighting and panic, and the soldiers conversing just loud enough to be heard over the headsets and hum of the chopper’s motors.  
He was pulled back from the edge of unconsciousness he had been drifting along for a while when the pilot gave them their five-minute ETA.
They were home at long last, and everything was going to be just fine.
[Next Part]
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scionofchaos · 4 years
Basic Types of Spiritual Being
Today, I would like to talk to you about the three basic types of spiritual creature I have identified, specifically referring to those which are not human. At least, not presently. These are the Seekers, the Blinding Light, and the Hungry Shade.
Type 0 will refer to any spiritual entity that does not match these descriptions: they are not defined by a simple quest for assimilation, they are not ruthless dominators, and they are not hungering destroyers.
Seekers, as I here refer to them, are fundamentally simple creatures. However intelligent, however benevolent or kind they may appear, and whatever their other traits may be, Seekers have one drive above all else in this world. They must seek out and assimilate one thing, which differs from one to the next. Perhaps their hunger is psychic, driving them to seek the unknown and make it known. They may not be scholars for the sake of advances the sciences or philosophies, but they hunt knowledge all the same. They will find it in books, in the speeches of the wise, in the deep lore of the material world, wherever it should appear. Seekers are rarely powerful enough to rip it from a mind without consent, but do not assume they can't. Perhaps their hunger is a hedonistic one: they desire all the enjoyable emotions this world has to offer. Being non-sadistic, they prefer only the naturally pleasant things: joy, peace, satisfaction, comfort, and so forth. Again, they are not typically capable of stealing these things from a person who has them, but that is not saying no Seeker exists who can. Perhaps their hunger IS a sadistic one, and they crave negativity. Such a Seeker is drawn to places tainted by sorrow, by rage, by fear, by malice and discontent.
Wherever there is lack, wherever there is suffering, this particular kind of Seeker will feed. Perhaps a Seeker may feed on vital essence instead. As most are too weak to take it from you, they will simply feed on those breathing their last, or on those expelling this essence for some mystic purpose. There are many ways we vent our vitality back into the world, and doing so draws the attention of these beings. I have even met Seekers who crave conversation, not to absorb the knowledge or the inherent emotions, but for the talk itself. I speculate they feed on the waves of Causality, on what is referred to as Karma. Only a powerful Seeker would be able to take the Karma you have accumulated, for good or ill, so most would be stuck snatching it out of the air; feeding off of the ripples made by actions and reactions. Or in this case, being part of a conversation, and thus a direct target for your Causal action of speech.
I have met very few Seekers who are deliberately malicious, seeking to harm or wrong someone in pursuit of their higher power, knowing that is what they do. However, they rarely align with anything resembling human morality, so this becomes a problem. If you are willing to harbor a Seeker, that is on you. I, however, am by my nature territorial. I will welcome a direct and courteous visitor who takes nothing until it is offered, or neglected. I cite for example my encounter with the Bookworm. Literally, a being that appeared to my senses as some kind of larva or worm, and which was drawn to the large collection of dusty books owned by my host family at that time. These books were going unread, gathering mildew and probably silverfish. So it is natural that a Seeker would come seeking to draw psychic essence of some kind, poured in by the author to the original manuscript and rendered through mass production. But when this Bookworm found me, it saw that I was a much stronger source of psychic essence than the room full of books. It swam for me, like a barracuda, and I rewarded it with swift punishment. I encapsulated it in a tessellated adamant ward, the dimensions of which I controlled completely, and I introduced myself. I told it that it had intruded into my territory, and if it was not willing or able to communicate, it would be swiftly removed. The Bookworm responded by trying to attack me through the impermeable barrier, to no success. I replied in kind by shrinking the barrier to an infinitesimal speck, and wishing it off to a distant corner of reality. This is one of many skills I possess; do not think you have heard the extent of my secrets.
The Blinding Light are quazi-angelic in nature, less resembling winged humanoids nor Biblical creatures, but an abstract form of peerless white or gold light. To make contact with this light is no different than running face-first into a concrete wall, and I have gotten physical nose-bleeds from my few encounters with them. They are phenomenally powerful, but I do not know if they claim connection to Yahweh or any other god. All I have seen them say is that they are "Children of Light" and that they do not tolerate malignance or unrighteous possession of human beings. Do not think them saintly. The only way I witnessed this conversation is that I was in the middle of confronting an entity harming my friend, primarily communicating in chat online, and the Blinding Light appeared from nowhere, seared my soul from my body, and used my vessel to communicate while it reached across space and time to wipe out the offender completely. The harm it caused was extreme, the repairs extensive and costly, and I have not forgiven it since. Do not consort with these entities thinking you are appealing to some spiritual guide, or some beacon of love and light. There is no love in them.
The Hungry Shade are many in form, but their countenance is always the same. You will feel them well before you see them. They bring a creeping sense of depression or dread, a wearing on your environment as if by desert winds or corrupting mold. It encroaches on you slowly, inexorably, and as its power becomes more present, physical signs appear. Creaks in the walls, flickering lights, disruption of technology, sheer cold. Most things you might identify with a "haunting" or ghost sighting, I have seen when encountering these creatures. Most often, they are not visible to the material eye, not without certain gifts or extraordinary circumstances, but when I have tried to behold them with my trained abilities, all that has appeared is a shapeless, meaningless dark. The edges raw and rasping, like flame or fangs. Sometimes carrying resemblance to whatever ills are nearby, or in the heart of the observer, such as cockroaches, fungus, or fire. They are no more kind than the Blinding Light, and viciously seek out sources of useful essence, not unlike the Seekers. However, their hunger is extreme and endless, and their power to rip apart living sources is great. The one power I have not seen them possess is the sheer physical force to harm a human body, to open wounds or break bones. The Physical shell remains a resolute obstacle, but not a proper armor, since they can easily get at your consciousness, your mind, and your vital essence. I have examined the body of someone who was brutalized by such a person, and found knots and bruises under the surface, signs of strain that were definitely not there in the moments before the attack.
If you lack the power to combat a Hungry Shade, do not try to fight them. Physically leave that location, and focus your intentions on leaving with all your essences. Consciously hone in on ever more distant surroundings, to distract yourself from where you were. Find something pure and hopeful to focus your mind upon. With all the power you may have, try to draw your vital essence in close and hide it from the enemy. Do not send Causal waves their way, do not send Causal waves to the place you just vacated. Do not look behind you.
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gibelwho · 4 years
Top 5: Directorial Debuts
This Top 5 reviews Directorial Debuts, considering the film that was the opening gambit in a director’s career. The requirements for this list are straightforward - the films considered must be full length and had a theatrical run, so short films (although oftentimes a way into the business for directors) were not counted and neither were made for TV movies. Additionally, this list is considering films that were directed by a single person, so first films with co-director’s were not considered (although some fantastic films fall into this category, such as On the Town or Monty Python and the Holy Grail). The final consideration, although not a firm requirement, was that this first film was an opening artistic achievement that became a launching point for a notable and long career to follow.
Gibelwho Productions Presents Directorial Debuts:
5. Spike Jonze / Being John Malkovich
4. Rob Reiner / This is Spinal Tap
3. Pete Doctor / Monsters, Inc.
2. Alex Garland / Ex Machina
Rob Marshall / Chicago
Spike Jonze / Being John Malkovich (1999): This film was not only the theatrical directorial debut for music video savant Spike Jonze, but was also the first feature penned by the now acclaimed screenwriter Charlie Kaufman. Their appreciation for bizarre storylines and unique artistic sensibilities combined to make a mark on the cinematic landscape of Hollywood and opened the doors for both to careers that continue to tell non-traditional stories. Jonze had to contend with a confounding script, but managed to keep the audiences engaged with the twists and turns, and also tuned into the emotional journeys of his main players, including a representation of real-life actor John Malkovich himself. The film is filled with memorable visual sequences, including an office floor with cramped ceilings, John Malkovich’s point of view shot when ordering bath towels, and the incredible mind-bending sequence when John Malkovich enters the portal into his own mind, encountering a world filled with multiple John Malkovichs.
Rob Reiner / This is Spinal Tap (1984): Not only is Rob Reiner’s first feature a hilarious mixture of conceits with a generous helping of improvisation from comedic actors, but it also launched an entirely new genre - the mockumentary. To keep the documentary feel, Reiner produced a mix of shooting styles, including hand-held cinema-verite style, titles to introduce band members, creating black and white faux television “archival” footage, traditional documentary interview footage, and also capturing onstage theatrics. While most of the humor is in the actor’s improvised lines, the camera is not just silently observing, but also gets into the jokes and elevates the gags with visual commentary. With this film, Reiner transitioned from an actor to an established director and continued into a fabulous career that dipped into a multitude of different genres, producing several films now considered modern classics.
Pete Doctor / Monsters, Inc. (2001): While Toy Story was the original revolutionary release from the new animation studio Pixar (also with a first time director), Monsters, Inc. earns its place on this list because of the genius of Pete Doctor. The film was the fourth feature from Pixar, and the first to be helmed by a director other than John Lasseter. Pixar’s legacy (and now future, as he has assumed the role of Chief Creative Officer at Pixar following Lasseter’s exit for inappropriate behavior), was in safe hands with Doctor, who has consistently produced the Pixar films with the most unique conceits and beloved characters. This all started with his story development and leadership on Monsters, Inc., a film that achieved technical advancement with the realistic rendering of monster Sulley’s fur, but also one of the most breathtaking action sequences Pixar has ever envisioned, involving the hunt for little Boo’s bedroom door amongst a cavalcade of children’s doors, all swirling around madly in the warehouse storage space. Doctor’s first effort at Pixar produced a delightful tale, proving that Pixar could still herald the magic when the reigns were handed to other directors, and setting him up for more delightful classics to be directed.
Alex Garland / Ex Machina (2014): Alex Garland transitioned from a successful screenwriting career to directing with this astonishing piece of art - intellectual, challenging, visually stunning, and with a twisting plot that ensures the audience is on the edge of their seat throughout the film’s runtime. The screenplay was especially tight, as to be expected from a writer of Garland’s quality, but his work behind the camera was also incredibly solid, playing with the various textures of the setting’s remote mansion’s stone, wood, metal, and glass and also with the robot Ava’s combination of machine metal and human flesh. Garland expertly uncoils a new element in each conversation, scene, and session, slowly expanding the audience's understanding of the world and motivations of each character, until an explosive ending that revels in a woman taking control of her own destiny.
Rob Marshall / Chicago (2002): What are the odds that a directorial debut revitalizes the musical genre for a modern audience - and then goes on to win the Academy Award? Rob Marshall’s background as a dancer and choreographer masterly transferred to the filmmaking space - expertly conceiving the musical numbers (and entire film!), using all the tools at a filmmaker's disposal that a live theatrical experience cannot - camera composition such as close ups, crafting pacing through editing cuts, and matching sound to image. In the best tradition of Bob Fosse, newly minted director Rob Marshall set his mark upon the filmmaking landscape and brought back musicals as a viable avenue for the industry - a popular success at both the box office and amongst critical circles. Plus the film is so damn fun, with inspired performances by Renee Zellweger and Catherine Zeta-Jones as the two murderers on death’s row that just want to make it in show business. Each number tops the next and (with the small exception of Richerd Gere’s tepid singing and dancing skills) are executed with such spirit and razzle dazzle. And all that jazz!
Honorable Mentions:
Orson Welles / Citizen Kane (1941): For the movie that is consistently hailed as the greatest cinematic film ever to be made, it is quite amazing that it was created by a first time director who also cast himself as the lead role. After Orson Welles notorious stunt with the radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds (which caused mayhem as many in the public believed the play was in fact news outlets reporting actual happenings), Hollywood courted this untried director, giving him immense freedom inside the usually structured studio system. The result was a film that experimented with cinematography, editing, writing and narrative structure - all which have since been hailed as innovative leaps forward in the conception and construction of filmmaking. While the film at the time was a box office flop, Welles left his indelible mark on the industry after the promotion of his efforts by the celebrated French film critic and auteur theory supporter Andre Bazan in Cahiers du Cinema. The film can be a bit rough to the tastes of modern audiences, including the exaggerated performance style, but its technical achievements are not to be missed.
Frank Darabont / The Shawshank Redemption (1994): Another film that did middling during its initial box office run, but has since achieved the status of cult and critical favorite, came from the creative spirit of Frank Darabont, who adapted a Stephen King novella and, by sticking to his resolution to lead the film, was eventually given the chance to direct the feature. With a tight screenplay, phenomenal performances by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, and cinematography by the masterful Roger Deakins - it flourished in the rental market and endured to become one of the highest rated films across many critical lists.  
Andrew Niccol / Gattaca (1997): Another writer / new director’s debut contains provocative ideas and powerful imagery paired with striking production design. It is incredible what Andrew Niccol accomplished on a smaller budget, all in service of the story’s dystopian future that feels as though it could be only a few generations away from our own time, where genetics determine a human’s entire future and those who were conceived naturally are condemned to live as a lower caste. The human’s desire to improve their lot in life and explore the universe comes in direct conflict with how science can be used to create fissures in society, enabling human expansion to space, but also limiting a single human’s rights and liberties. Grand ideas and grand design are the drapery for a compelling human story. 
Lin-Manuel Miranda /  tick, tick...Boom! (TBD): Based on the first stage musical by Jonathan Larson, this will be Lin-Manuel Miranda’s first foray into the directorial seat. Since the debut of the smash hit Hamilton, his career has been expanding by leaps and bounds, but he has taken a studied, measured approach to stepping into the director’s role. Miranda cited one reason for signing on to the Mary Poppins Returns movie as a chance to study under the masterful Rob Marshall, receiving a front row seat to a masterclass from one of the best filmmakers to capture musical theater in the cinematic format. Miranda himself was part of a theatrical production of tick, tick...Boom! earlier in his career, so he is very familiar with the material (although the screenplay will need to significantly expand the set of characters from a modest three to include the many roles that have been cast). Unfortunately, at the time of writing, due to the pandemic, filming has shut down; but once they have resumed and the film has a chance to see the light of day on Netflix, I will be eagerly awaiting one of my most beloved musicals to come to life through Miranda’s nascent directorial vision.
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polar-stars · 4 years
Shokugeki no Kimiko à la carte Series - Reminiscence
Summary: Subaru gets to meet Ayano’s first friend on Totsuki. (Wanted to write this for quite some time, inspired by how much shade the anime showed between Subaru and Eizan in Season 4. Might rewrite it someday, when my skills are better ; 7 ;)
The summer holidays were close and the weather was fantastic. No single cloud could be seen quite the sky, the familiar sound of the cicadas filled the air and there were occasional refreshing breezes of wind. All in all, Subaru Mimasaka decided that today was a perfect day to pick his three children up from school and treat them to ice cream.
He informed them beforehand via text and based on their replies he knew in which order the three would arrive: Ran, still busy in an Elite 10 meeting, would come last, Kazuo, occupied with taste-testing Takayuki’s newest creation, would be there closely before Ran and the first one to arrive would be Ayano. Her reply to Subaru’s text had said that she just finished her last class and, and this was much more important, that she would use this chance to introduce her father to “her new best friend”.
Subaru had not been able to keep the smile off his face ever since reading his youngest child’s text.
Friend. Ayano made a friend. And Subaru couldn’t wait to meet them.
Whoever they were, they were deserving of his time and attention. Ayano struggled so much in her still so young life and the thought that someone had finally reached out to her was probably the best news Subaru could have heard this month.
As he waited in front of his daughter in front of Totsuki’s gates, he even found himself occasionally fixing his collar or straightening his pants. Afterwards smirking over how childish it was, yet repeating the circle a few minutes later.
Finally his daughter appeared, smiling widely as always and waving enthusiastically.
But now as the moment had come at last, there was stiltedness in his hand wave and a slight hesitance in his smile.
Ayano’s new friend walked close to her, hands in his pockets and gaze averted to the side. But to Subaru he didn’t look as new as he expected him to.
The messy bangs that fell into the young boy’s face were certainly inherited from the boy’s mother: Nene Eizan, formerly Kinokuni. Why was Subaru able to identify the kid’s mother on first glance, you might ask? Well, it was because everything else about the child indicated that he was the son of Nene’s husband and, given the bangs, Nene being the mother was the only logical deduction.
Subaru knew many, many people well but Nene’s husband was one he knew especially well due to having been a former underling to him, back when Subaru didn’t quite knew what he was doing and how to use his talents appropriately.
The child had Etsuya’s dirty blonde hair and his dull, yellow eyes. While Subaru was thankful that at least he didn’t wore the school uniform in the exact manner Etsuya had, their tastes in clothing seemed to be rather similar on first glance. Finally, the youth had much of the same kind off walk as his father had: hands dug deep into the pockets of his pants and slightly crouched.
Of all the people his little baby could have befriended in school, it ended up being the son of the Boss Subaru had in his darker, unruly days he wasn’t all too proud off. A man who was not exactly known for shrugging off his grudges. And a grudge he held indeed.
Subaru was almost startled by the sound of his most beloved youngest daughter. Having been too caught up into his thoughts, he barely noticed how the two middle schoolers had come closer and closer in the meantime.
Ayano smiled for a majority of the time but today her face practically radiated. Every two seconds she’d excitedly look at Eizan Jr., clearly overjoyed that he was here with her.
Subaru reminded himself that his daughter had no friends her age, at least none that were out of flesh and blood, and that she had the ability to read people well, a given as the daughter of two phenomenal observes.
There had to be redeeming qualities to this child for Ayano to be so fond of him already. And these two ultimately had nothing to do with the past that Subaru had with Etsuya and he decided it shouldn’t get into the way of their blooming friendship. He could only hope that the guy who resided in one of the noble districts, overlooking half of Tokyo, felt the same.
“Hello, mushroom!” Subaru therefore exclaimed and a second later, Ayano had already crashed into him, while her short arms tried to hug a much of her muscular, huge father as possible.
Once Ayano decided that she cuddled enough, she backed off again and placed herself next to her companion. “Kei-kun, this is my father Mimasaka Subaru.” She smiles while pointing at the person she’d just been named.
Kei took one of his hands out of pockets - and gee, were those rings Subaru saw on his fingers? - to adjust his glasses real quick before he made a slight bow. “It’s....uh, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mimasaka.”
Ayano beamed. “He is my new best friend, daddy! Eizan Kei.”
A light blush appeared on Kei’s cheeks as Ayano had said the words “best friend” and at the sight of that, Subaru did not even have to force himself to smile and sound friendly as he held out his hand to Kei. “Hey Kei-kun. I’m more than glad to meet you.”
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garageglamourpuss · 5 years
Phenomenal (EXO Demon Hunter!AU)
EXO/Xiumin-based Demon Hunter!AU; I’m trying to keep this equally balanced between just detailed enough! but not too detailed; it’s based entirely off a dream I had a while ago. My dreams are generally fairly vivid and weird, especially since I’ve started taking to writing them down in my journal.
Also, I blame any possible parallels with certain book/tv series on inscrutable dream logic. This was just a thing I wanted to toy with to keep myself writing.  Ahem, anyway! Enjoy!
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Summary: It’s hard to enjoy your sister’s wedding when people seem determined to already start planning yours. You make a quick getaway that quickly turns into a comedy of errors. (I’m borrowing one of @xiudaengerous ’s lovely gifs from here for my header.
Word Count: 994
You are a child of a long line of demon hunters blessed and descended the gods. Your family isn’t the only one, of course. The ranks of the blessed aren’t numerous, but there are enough of you to have an entire culture hiding alongside the plain human world. How better to fight creatures that most people would never even begin to think were real?
The hunters see themselves as in the world but not quite a part of it. Your people live in secluded areas, with children often sent away to very private schools that have demonology and weapon skills as part of the rigorous curriculum.
It’s not uncommon for families and communities to keep extensive records of ancestry and bloodlines to track those who would be best suited to the hunt.
Those who track lineage often also serve as matchmakers, and it is common for families to take steps toward arranging marriages between young adults.
Which brings you here, now, surrounded by far too many family friends in a gorgeous temple. You thought your sister was mad for agreeing to be married so young, but now you could admit that she seemed happy and radiant, and her fianc- err, husband, now, was a decent enough man.
She’d insisted you simply had to be her maid of honor, which explained the glimmering green, low-backed dress you wore. The small train had seemed just the perfect touch when you tried it on, but now, walking around the reception, you were sure it was determined to get caught up in your heels.
You could run across rooftops fighting demons determined to claw you to death; surely you could walk around a fancy, crowded room in a fancy dress and a ridiculous pair of shoes that would probably end up giving you blisters before the end of the night.
And as if your clothing didn’t make you uncomfortable enough, you couldn’t quite duck around or avoid the speculative glances. The “jokes” voiced just loud enough for you to hear, about when it would be your turn.
(Your people generally got married young, just in case. You knew that from your family’s long history of law-keeping and some talent for making matches. It didn’t mean, though, that you were ready.)
Finally, one of your parents’ oldest friends tapped your shoulder and made some little laughing remark about how lovely you would look with– You didn’t even hear whose name he said over the panicked pounding of your heart.
Somehow, thankfully, your feet didn’t fail you as you fled the room without another word. You didn’t know where you were going, you just needed to be… away. Away from the prying eyes, the stifling weight of expectations.
You turned a corner and another blindly, finding yourself in the back rooms of the church, where the clinic was kept, along with simple rooms for people to bed down if they needed.
Maybe you weren’t physically sick, but the feelings churning in you were awful enough that you needed some space to recover. Your hand closed around the knob of the first door you saw, and as soon as it was open, you flung yourself inside.
You start to breathe a sigh of relief at the blessed solitude when you notice that, no, you aren’t alone.
Someone already lies sprawled and sleeping on the narrow bed. You only get a vague impression of, Oh, shit, a person!, before you start to flee this room, too.
Your feet, of course, have other plans as the useless train of your uselessly lovely dress gets caught once more in the useless heels of your shoes. Honestly, solitude aside, getting the chance to take those off the damned things would have been one of the highlights of being alone.
You struggle to free your feet – which, naturally, only makes things much worse. Your motions only build up enough momentum to  carry you down, down, until it’s like you’re watching a bad comedy sketch, and you tumble onto the bed… You land atop the person already occupying the space, your face pressing itself into the warm curve of a neck.
They jerk awake beneath you, and with that simple motion, you find yourself face to face with a, well, face pretty enough to leave you breathless even if the collision hadn’t…
Intense dark eyes, unclouded by sleep and sharpened with irritation, observe you from underneath a wealth of dark lashes. You take in the rest of his face – strong brows, sharp cheekbones, mouth scrunched in irritation; as he makes a sound of tired annoyance, you recall his name: Kim Minseok. It’s hard to not recognize him, as he’s something of a evil-killing legend, in your small corner of the world.
His voice is roughened by the elements of the nap that hadn’t touched his gaze: “What, are you here to kick me out?” But his words snap you out of whatever daze you’d been in. “Um, no?”
You didn’t quite know the entirety of his family history, but his parents had died in such infamy decades ago that the specter of it still hung over their children. Even after being taken in by another branch of the Kim family, whispers followed Minseok and his sister.
So it wasn’t like your family was super-chummy with his, but… as part of the demon-hunting world, he was technically not unwelcome at formal events, like weddings. However, the grudging half-acceptance made his attitude easy to understand. “Um, I, um, I fell?” You started to gesture with your hands as you stuttered, which made you realize you were somehow still lying on top of him.
His scowl lengthened into a smirk that almost echoed in your head as, Yeah, sure you did, but before you could explain any further, the door flew open. “There you are!” a voice sharply cut the awkward air, and you turned to see Kim Jongdae. Well, at least it wasn’t someone who’d come looking for you?
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scotianostra · 5 years
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On July 12th 1803 Rev Thomas Guthrie, founder of the Ragged Schools, was born in Brechin.
The 12th child and sixth son of David Guthrie and Clementina Cay, his father was a merchant and banker in Arbroath, and  Provost in the town of Brechin for many years. His grandfather, a farmer, was a devout man, who lived till eighty seven years of age. The grandparents` house was something akin to a church shaped as it was by the fervour  in which grandfather conducted family worship and the saying of grace at meal times. He was a very kindly man and spoilt his grandchildren, contrasting somewhat with the grandmother who was a disciplinarian and had a stern regard for what she perceived as her religious duty.
The young Thomas was a precocious child and preferred reading his books rather than playing with other children. He went to Edinburgh University at the age of 12 where he spent his time in literary and philosophic studies for four years, four as a divinity student, and a further two years on surgery and anatomy. He completed the eight year divinity curriculum by 1825 - two years before he could be licensed as a minister, and was able to spend the time at the Sorbonne in Paris.
For a while he managed a  savings bank (previously operated by his father and a brother) for his parishioners as had the Rev. Henry Duncan of Ruthwell who started the savings bank movement in 1810. In 1829 he was appointed to the Parish of Arbirlot near Forfar where he introduced a special church service for children every Sunday afternoon. He soon became a “pictorial” preacher, illustrating his sermons with events in common life that were familiar to the people.
He also started a village library, all of which enhanced his growing reputation.  The Rev Thomas McCrie spent a day with Guthrie and is said to have observed that “he will not be long there”, meaning men of talent were soon called upon by others. So it was for the Rev Thomas  Guthrie..
In 1837, Guthrie was invited to be minister at the Old Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh where he saw at first hand the “ragged children”  who lived by begging and stealing amongst the poverty and squalor of the Old Town in which his church was set. He had probably heard of “Ragged Schools” which had been set up in England in 1820 and around the same time, Sheriff Watson in Aberdeen had formed his “Industrial Feeding School” in 1841. Guthrie converted a room  beneath the church for the making of  soup and porridge and he soon had his first class. Within a year there were three Ragged Schools in Edinburgh with an attendance of two hundred and sixty five  children.
In 1847, Rev. Guthrie began his campaign with a pamphlet entitled “Plea for Ragged Schools” which spoke of
“bloated and brutal figures, fierce looking women, and many a half clad mother, shivering in cold winter, her naked feet on the frozen pavement, a skeleton infant in her arms.”  The pamphlet went on to say,
“Dashing in and out of the closes careering over the open ground engaged in rude games, arrayed in flying drapery here a leg out and their an arm, are crowds of children; their faces tell how ill they are fed; their fearful oaths tell how ill they are reared.”
“These Arabs of the city are as those of the desert, and must be broken in to three habits - those of discipline, learning and industry, not to speak of cleanliness.”
Ragged Public subscriptions raised over £2000. and he was able to take seven boys as pupils at the Ragged School in Free St. Johns Church. Further premises were opened in Ramsay Lane, where over the entrance is a carved bible with the text “Search the Scriptures”.
The prime rule of the schools was to reclaim the children from destitution and train them to earn an honest living. They were well fed and educated about cleanliness, godliness, reading, writing and taught skills including cobbling, tailoring, and cooking. By doing jobs for local shops the children were able to earn a small wage and were instilled with “the value of a penny earned.”
Over 500 children passed through the schools in their first year. The effect of his efforts, it is said, was to clear the streets of young beggars and reduce the number of children held in prison by three-quarters - a phenomenal success story.  Guthrie was also involved with other good works including the Board of the Royal Infirmary; a Home for Fallen Women, the Blind Asylum and a House of Refuge. He was also involved with the Temperance legislation and produced a booklet “ The City, its Sins and its Sorrows” that ran to 50,000 copies when published. His efforts led to changes in 1853 to the licensing hours for public houses and closed them completely on Sunday.
In 1862 he was elected Moderator of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, for whom he worked most diligently on behalf of the Manse Fund, and saw the provision of very many manses throughout the country.
Guthrie retired in 1864 and died on February 23, 1873, in St. Leonards on Sea, in Sussex, surrounded by his wife and eight of their ten children. He was interred in Edinburgh on Friday February 28, 1873, with his funeral procession watched by 30,000 bystanders. 230 children from the Original Ragged Schools attended the graveside and sang “There is a happy land, far, far away”.
A fitting epitaph surely are the words of a little girl from one of the schools:
“He was all the father I ever knew.”
7 notes · View notes
fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection - 20
129: Nov 30
MM ANON ……… “Darling’ please pass the Wrinkle cream” ………”she’s on this blog I read”💜……… “ we’ve been invited to the Boxing Day shoot” …… WoW ‘ that’s a beautiful photo Kate …… “he’s to young ‘ good grief William!!”…… ‘This cobra has no fangs ……… “The service, maybe bring C&G.” ……… “ The spring diary ma’am’ was thinking they could do The America’s and Canada” ……… “ the Children too”…… “what say you Philip?” …… “indubitable , old thing” …… “ Settled!!”……” Sidney’ more refreshments”
November 30/2019 Riddle #128
1325 hrs CST
“Darling’ please pass the Wrinkle cream” “she’s on this blog I read”💜
I AM SQUEALING WITH EXCITEMENT OMG!! Catherine is doing her skin care, which every woman of beauty, style and substance MUST DO REPEATEDLY, “” Don’t cha know!” (sorry MM ANON l had to pilfer those last three words from a riddle few days back because they are so unbelievably exciting and significant!). She asks William to hand her the wrinkle cream. William looks dumbfounded because there are about 35 jars on the counter, wondering which one she wants and asks, Catherine why do you have all these? She replies, the woman recommending the creams is on the blog she reads! PURPLE HEART!!💜💜💜💜💜 KIDS I HAVE MADE IT, I AM A CLUE IN AN MM ANON RIDDLE WHICH MEANS CATHERINE AND THE GANG READ THIS BLOG AND READ OUR CONTRIBUTIONS! From the 💜 lady on the blog you read, Catherine, whatever you’re doing, it’s working, but if you ever do want to talk skin wrinkle cream, you know where to find me💜💜💜💜😁😁😁😁
“ we’ve been invited to the Boxing Day shoot”
Lots of us have surmised for quite sometime now that Harry has a lovely partner, and a few of us are dead certain on who it is. He completed his tour of duty at the culmination of the SA trip and RS services. She is now fully out of his life, the public just doesn’t know yet. I am certain an annulment will occur. Anyhow it sounds like they have been invited for Boxing Day. She will be perfect and everyone has always wanted Harry happy, after all he and the family has been through, 2020, at least for him will bring a brand new start!
WoW ‘ that’s a beautiful photo Kate”
I can hardly wait for the Christmas photos, Catherine is such a phenomenal photographer, and as l said the other day, she snaps her children through the loving eyes of a mother. Someone is complementing her one of her photographs. It’s not William because he calls her Catherine. I think those in the field have really taken note of yet another skill she has. Sounding like a public exhibition of her photographic works is in the works!
“he’s to young ‘ good grief William!!”
Back to the shooting day on Boxing Day, Catherine is aghast that William even entertains the idea of him coming along. He’s a big boy, but not that big, yet! The way time flies, time will be here soon enough. Might this be the time for me to once again place ,y request for #4.☺️☺️💜
‘This cobra has no fangs
Madam, wherever on this planet she is, has been defanged. Whatever she held is being held no more. She is in a world/whirled of trouble, just the IRS back taxes alone! Plus any other alleged charges, l won’t go into because we are all singing from the same hymn sheet you know the words!🤣🤣😂😂
“The service, maybe bring C&G.”
YES PLEASE! I would LOVE to see them do the morning walk to and from church with all the other family members! THAT would most certainly be a Christmas gift for me!!!
“ The spring diary ma’am’ was thinking they could do The America’s and Canada” “ the Children too””what say you Philip?” “indubitable , old thing” “ Settled!!””Sidney’ more refreshments”
Saturday afternoon, morning of riding and now just having tea ☕️, refreshments and a good talk. The next few days will bring some major events, The NATO greeting and the banquet on December 3/2019, that has all been fully organized, arranged, menu, seating plan etc etc. LG speaking regarding the official Diary for 2020. Oh MM ANON , this riddle just keeps on giving and giving, it’s like Christmas morning! Sounds like an official Royal tour of America, and Canada with the entire Cambridge family!! If l were a 🐕 dog, my tail would be wagging so fast right now!!! This is very very exciting!!! HMTQ asks PP his opinion, and he very much concurs, then that’s that , it’s settled!! Cord pulled, and as usual he is there almost simultaneously,Sidney, a Boddingtons for himself and a Gin and DuBonnet for HMTQ!! Are you guys getting tired of my scenes of HMTQ, PP, the cord pulling and drinks??Or is it enjoyed? Because l LOVE it, they’re human!!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦. 1410 hrs CST
After the horror of yesterday, thank you MM ANON for a fun riddle. I enjoy them all, but this might just be my favourite, for OBVIOUS REASONS☺️😁😁
Thank you dear PG! What a delight….such fun! And look at you! Known for your wrinkle cream! This was great! We love your stories….😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
130: Dec 2
MM ANON ……… the king in waiting ……… “Mmmmm , not many diversions left”……… in need of some TLC. ……… financial scrutiny ……… financial mutiny !!! ………… “ Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining!!!!!!”………… “Catherine ‘ it’s HM” ……… “ Catherine, I want your discretion”………… “ it would be my privilege ma’am”……… “ That’s a tough one, old thing” ……… “she can do it!! “…… “makes you proud old thing, he looks the part” ……… “backseat ,a Philip?” ………… “ dot The Is…………”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 2/2019 0045 hrs CST RIDDLE #128
the king in waiting
This phrase has been used in regards to the Prince of Wales, for decades now. Since PP stepped down from official duties, HMTQ has been steadily handing over various patronages , to PC, The Duchess of Cornwall, William and Catherine, Harry, gosh even madam got the British Theatre patronage! Lots were delighted about that, NOT! Yet that one was part of the prolonged game of charades the Royal family has been forced to play, even though it’s a game they live, certainly not this variation of the game! PC has been successfully voted in as Head of the Commonwealth, that role does not automatically be bestowed on him. PC will continue to take on more and more responsibilities. In that, we shall observe some of that during the NATO visit, as well as decision making regarding several impending crises situations, which in all likelihood are made and done, we just have not been officially informed of as yet!
“Mmmmm , not many diversions left”
Madam has hardly been a peep heard from, her PR used to have 10-15 articles a day in the DM alone, it’s almost like she is contained somewhere? She used the rare old uncle cards a week or so back. She does not have a whole lot more to pull out of that giant rabbits hat/fedora she often wore! The will she won’t she et al about going to America thanksgiving game is over. The IRS is waiting!
in need of some TLC.
TLC, is a tv channel here with oddest shows, pimple popping doctors, married fiancés overseas, guy with five wives etc. We don’t need ,THAT, TLC. TLC is what nurses excel at, good ones anyhow, Tender Loving Care. Whose in need of that? PP is recovering from flu/cold? However he doesn’t strike me as a man that would like to be fussed and clucked around! HMTQ is strong as they come. I wonder if this is our Harry. Adjusting to life without madam, l wonder when and how this will all be made official? I know the surrogate baby is not Harry’s and l have no doubt the child is being lovingly anonymously looked after. Harry, whom,l think l was correct about him being on the bridge the other day, would have had his first active duty incident. He may need not described as TLC but rather debriefing as would the entire team. This is always done after a major incident, first to review protocol, was it carried out, do any changes need done. Then it’s the emotional debriefing, THATS THE ESSENTIAL part of keep a critical response team functional, make sure to debrief the emotions! I imagine , the debriefings, the formal ones are done, 72hours is the golden time window. I have led and been involved with quite a few debriefings, the mental health end of it. Often team members are assigned a mentor especially if they are new to the unit! Great work Harry! I have never ever given up on you, nor will l ever!! Notice they all wore balaclavas, for security! It’s what we wear here in winter to not have our face freeze off, if cross country skiing, snowmobiling etc etc.
financial scrutiny ……… financial mutiny !!!
This is what is keeping madam in the UK! I cannot even fathom how much money she owes her government since she last filed taxes, has she been honest in all her previous tax filings? Seriously? You think she has? The amount of money made in a zillion ways over her lifetime, and what has all transpired since she entered the orbit of the BRF , we are talking millions and millions! I am quite certain, given the fact Americans are still due to pay taxes even if a non resident and given her status and the wealth she married into, l have no doubt the IRS is auditing her, hence the word scrutiny. Mutiny , that a seafarers word for disobeying the captain and the crew takes over, is also a criminal conspiracy among a group of people to openly oppose, change, or overthrow a lawful authority to which they are subject. Now does this sound like a group of individuals we might know? Madam, MA, JM, etc, the families,in America, Mexico, all allegedly working in tandem.
“ Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining!!!!!!”
I love this phrase, my uncle used to say this, the horse rancher, whose son now runs it. In other words, Pissing on, means doing something bad to someone. Don’t piss on my boots and tell me its raining is a response to someone dressing up a bad situation — usually for their own benefit — by telling them to knock it off and stop lying. In other words madam has been doing this her entire life and using the raining excuse to explain her way out of everything! Well LG is having none of that, no more using that as an excuse or exit strategy. The game is over, in fact it never was a game to those she was pi**ing all over!
“Catherine ‘ it’s HM” “ Catherine, I want your discretion”“ it would be my privilege ma’am”
HMTQ rings Catherine, rather than a visit. I would assume, like , in movies, especially High Society with Grace Kelly and Bing Crosby, huge mansions/palaces, their phones have no dials, just labelled whose line it is, how old am I?🤣🤣🤣😂😂. But l am quite certain HMTQ would use a landline phone, because l do😁😁😁. After squidgygate, and other similar ghastly phone calls that were recorded, and then made public, plus intelligence and needs for security in today’s world, l have no doubt that everything is encrypted, and they likely have blocking technology so none of those fancy devices you can, it’s like a clear plastic umbrella, it gathers sound from a distance and you can listen in, you need a jamming device to block the signal, muddying it, if you like. I am sure technology is way way way advanced of that already.
William is away, is she asking her to sit with Harry at the NATO banquet and used discretion when others ask where madam is? I hardly think that would require a big private ask. I wonder if she is needed to witness and sign some legal papers referencing divorce or annulment. Giving her statement or witness to some madam has said or done.
Does this have something to do with the Marchioness of Cholmondeley????????
“ That’s a tough one, old thing” ……… “she can do it!! “…… “makes you proud old thing, he looks the part” ……… “backseat ,a Philip?”
HMTQ and PP, spending time near the great hearth, so warm , cozy, absolutely nothing like the feel of, sight of, smell if and sound of a crackling wood fire. Weather has a definite chill, time for wooden sweaters, and warm family time. Himself , a Boddingtons, 🍺,HMTQ gin and DuBonnet 🍸 . Discussing the next few days and what has happened in the last few. Pondering the decision HMTQ to call Catherine, tough decision, tough thing to ask. PP is reassuring HMTQ that Catherine is very capable, can be trusted and relied upon in any and all circumstances.
More changes in the offing so they can spend more time together. Makes them proud, PC has done, and with increased responsibility he very much looks the part of a King in waiting. If HMTQ does decide to make PC Regent, this conversation would be very much the same, trust and he looks every bit the Regent! Last abbreviated line, HMTQ says is rhetorical, meaning not expecting an answer but rather stating her intent, she is going to be taking a backseat for Charles to be Regent!
“ dot The Is…………”
Is it annulment as l hope? Or divorce? When one says, ESPECIALLY in legal matters, dot the letter i and cross the t, it means make sure everything is done 109% correctly, no way anyone can back out, Sue or twist it. So we shall very soon be hearing a press release of either an annulment or a divorce final between Harry and madam!!
0205 hrs CST. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 🥂 🍾
Thank you dear PG! Fascinating read….much seems to be going on…..much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
131: Dec 2
MM ANON … “when we are born, we cry , that we are come”…… “your RH. that’s why you didn’t go” ……… “Four” ……… ahhhhhrrr , I hate mornings!! ……… “give a dog a bone …” ………… “ yes , we’re all watching it! It’s very addictive “ ……… “ How the f***did they know that!!!”………… “ I told them Philip!!” ……… “bloody snoops” …… At the last count sir , all was Ticketyboo.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 2/2019 Riddle #129
1700 hrs CST
“when we are born, we cry , that we are come”.
Dear MM ANON returneth us to the bard, William Shakespeare’s King Lear.
Babies do not automatically cry at birth, some do, but some need a slap on the bum, holding upside down rubbing on chest to loosen any fluids that may have been aspirated(inhaled) during the traumatic birth process. It’s a physical trauma for mum to be sure but also babe. Going from, dark, warm, safe environment of dark, echoey sounds, to bright theatre lights, many staff, beeping of machines, it’s parents noise of joy, and than itself own crying noises.
The entire play, uses one similar stance as (Macbeth, Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. )
Lear is full of cons and duplicity.
This whole life and the world madam moved in , nonstop using people to climb up the ladder, obtaining information and using that and on and on. This will be very shortly end and l truly believe Christmas will be enjoyed! BY ALL!!! Those who serve their dark master do not truly celebrate Christmas anyways!
“your RH. that’s why you didn’t go”
I think this is Catherine explaining to someone why she didn’t attend the TUSK Awards, for “childcare reasons “, was what we were told. l think, in light of the above news, it was childcare, just feeling unwell, and taking cate of her baby bump. Now l hope MM ANON you haven’t teased us or l over reading into the clues! If in fact, Catherine is expecting, this , if all her children would be her ‘easiest first trimester’ because previously her hyperemesis gravidarum, has required hospitalization and then that care at home for subsequent pregnancies. This would be marvellous news anytime but ESPECIALLY NOW!!! I can just the smile across the persons she is speaking with face, as they realize oh THATS why you didn’t attend!!
“Four” ahhhhhrrr , I hate mornings!!
William is awoken by a sound, one he knows all too well. He looks at the clock and makes the comments groaning. He gets up to go tend to Catherine in the bathroom. They look at one another, smiling! BABY NUMBER FOUR IS ON HER WAY!! Thank you ever so much for granting my repeated requests and congratulations!💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
Harry continues his training, and duty, early morning, VERY early mornings are part and parcel of that.
“give a dog a bone …”
When you give a dog a bone, you not only give him a treat but something to tease him with, and dogs love that so much! The media has been giving us bits of flesh but no major bone, YET! It’s coming! I wonder what tomorrow’s headlines will read after the Panorama tonight. I wonder the next day after the NATO reception/dinner. There is so much neat, on the bone that is ‘madam%’, her lost years, her connections, behaviours you could cater 100 Royal receptions and still have plenty!!
“ yes , we’re all watching it! It’s very addictive “ ……… “ How the f***did they know that!!!”………… “ I told them Philip!!” ……… “bloody snoops” Royal family discussion night and blog reading time. They get on the topic of the Netflix show, The Crown. It sounds like they are enjoying it and find it addictive even, that’s high praise, l hope Netflix producers read Skippy blog!! PP is wondering how they knew something and HMTQ states unequivocally that she told them! Is she the unwritten/uncredited official Consultant? PP chimes in again, calling the press and it’s investigators bloody snoops.This is a good fun, conversation, not the invasive, boundaries crossed angry time.
At the last count sir , all was Ticketyboo.
LG receiving reports for tomorrow’s NATO events, dinner/reception. Ticket boo, means everything is perfect, just as it was planned to be, no anticipated issue! The capitalization of Ticketyboo, means Ticket, an actual invitation , likely numb and signed with allow entrance to the event. There will be zero gate crashes, if for some reason madam or anyone might try!
1750 hrs CST GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Thank you dear PG….sounds like so much news coming! Can’t wait….I hardly doubt NetFlix is reading here though….I love your stories! Much appreciated….😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
132: Dec 3
MM ANON … email shemail ……this hole is getting deeper …… Christmas service treat🦄🦎…… “keep hold!! he’s a runner”…… a welcoming absence …… “ you can leave your scarf at home darling”…… “ Chaz & Don”…… Megan come Beggin…… “hope she stays for New Years”……Emmanuel & Don🎭]……… NATO,HATE-O…… “Philip, You’ll miss the banquet!!” ……… “bloody good!!”………” it’s your night old thing”………” Mmm , Catherine’s Tiara?” ………” Emeralds, would do the trick”……… “Sydney’ strong refreshments!!”…… “the Crown old thing?”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 3/2019 Riddle #130
1110 hrs CST
email shemail
Email has been made public between from PA toGM, with the topic being VRG, asking questions. It kind of confuses him saying he never met her nor knew her, however he may have heard her name. If l am correct the email was sent January 3/2015. 0550 hrs so that’s early, sense of urgency? Or just a disciplined military man who rises early?
this hole is getting deeper
There is a focused multifaceted attack on the BRF! The more information, rather PR/media and interviews come out, instead of letting the legal system address any issues is further poisoning the water! Again, NOT DEFENDING ANYONE, but of all the high placed men WHY IS PA BEING BURNED AT THE STAKE? With high powered wealthy men, why is she so unafraid for her family?? Photos put buying beer and cigs? Who or whom are/is paying from this continued assault on the Monrachy!!??
Christmas service treat🦄🦎”keep hold!! he’s a runner”
Christmas pageant at Battersea, if Nanny Anon, is to be believed it’s tonight, l thought NATO reception was tonight, for weeks l thought it was the 4 th, l honestly cannot keep track. However, they each hVe a role of that l am certain, however Nanny says Charlotte is an angel, with a line to speak and George is rehearsing the role of his future, one of the three kings, NOT of Orient are🤣🤣🤣😂. Louis must a going concern, as we say here, constantly on the move. They best keep him firm in hand or he will do a runner through the audience and steal the show🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. There would be one shriekingly ticked off Princess if that happened!
a welcoming absence “ you can leave your scarf at home darling”
Madam will not join the family at Sandringham, the first Christmas in two years without her. Catherine joking with William he need not bring his scarf🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. His passive aggressive, sorry William but it was 🤣🤣😂😂, fiddling with his scarf whilst leaving the chapel on madams first unmarried Christmas , she was trying to engage him but he fiddled with his scarf . This went nuclear all over the internet and social media! I believe there is an actual official listing of the word scarfing!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Oh man, and l had bought him the loveliest purple scarf, what shall l do with it ?🥺🥺😩😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
“ Chaz & Don”
PC and DT , abbreviated as Chaz for a Charles and Don for Donald, will spend time together today at this evenings reception. I firmly am thinking l was right all along and the banquet is tomorrow. I am sure PC role is expanding they will have plenty to talk about. PC is the consummate host.
Megan come Beggin
Madam begged pleaded shrieked, until she finally got her wish to not be forced anywhere near the person she hates , the President of HER country. MM ANON , l hate to ask, is this a typo, Megan, not Meghan? If it’s not a typo, who is Megan???
“hope she stays for New Years”
This is the general consensus, that madam can stay wherever she is until AFTER New Years.
However, if this is the special friend, this may be leaning in a
positive vibe of hoping she will STAY until the New Years Eve.
Emmanuel & Don🎭]……… NATO,HATE-O
Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump have had an extremely dramatic almost theatrical relationship. When they first met, Macron was so huggy , touchy feely, the word bromance was used. They have had some cracks with the U.S. pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. President Trump has issues regarding NATO, paying funds etc, there is much changing on the worlds stage politically, the U.S./NATO/BREXIT/EU etc etc etc. Not the least of which has been the double barrel attacking of the British Monarchy!
“Philip, You’ll miss the banquet!!” “bloody good!!”” it’s your night old thing”” Mmm , Catherine’s Tiara?” ” Emeralds, would do the trick”
HMTQ and PP conversing, less pressure on the agenda, with the words done by LG and his team, yet he is not up to attending the banquet, plus he has retired from the world stage. Which sounds TRUT H be told, he has had his fill during the many decades attending them!🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Just reassuring her it’s most important that she, HMTQ, is there, she is so amazing as a hostess, she is involved with every little single detail! Well, well, well madams hair will be on fire!! Catherine will be wear the Vladimir Kokoshnik, l think that’s the one, it’s most certainly the one with huge Emeralds,tiara😁😁😁😁. I can hardly wait to see those photos!
“Sydney’ strong refreshments!!”…… “the Crown old thing?”
To end of conversation, the pulled cord, and again, as always, Sydney arrives, smiling, anticipating their request, Boddingtons for Himself and gin and DuBonnet for HMTQ.CHEERS YOUR MAJESTY, SIR!!
1150 hrs CST
Thank you PG…interesting stuff today…I can’t wait to see which tiara Kate will wear…could it be that one! Oh my! Much appreciated dear PG!😊💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
133: DEC 5
MM ANON ……… lovers not-on or emerald??…… Alexander McQueen green machine??……… Clean sweep!!!……………Trump wants his ball back…… Banquetiquette ……… “ One has to watch the hot mike Donald!!”……… Meanwhile’ crying in a corner……” a clash of Wills”……… “come on old thing,tell me all the gossip”………” Sydney ‘ gin and Du……” “ Ones a tad exhausted “…… “ you looked stunning Catherine “……… “yes ‘ I saw your killer 👀side eye “…… 👑👑💕💕And so to bed Zebedee!!……… “ Lottie ‘turn your pad off!!”…George’ sleep!!
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December. 5/2019 0020 hrs CST
lovers not-on or emerald??
I was sooooo certain l had read months ago that December4/2019 there was to be a formal NATO Banquet. Maybe l was wrong , unlikely it was changed. Nonetheless there is a Diplomats Banquet next week, l could be wrong too😏😒😂. Catherine, for a number of such occasions has worn the Lovers Knot Tiara and done so brilliantly, l might add! There has been rampant rumblings of her wearing the Vlad Emerald Tiara!! It’s gorgeous, all those emeralds, imagine with her gorgeous eyes?? 👀 👀 👸🏻 Allegdly(ha ha) a certain someone demanded this for a gathering of very VERY unhappy people! HMTQ ABSOLUTELY PUT HER FOOT DOWN NO!NO! The banshee was heard screaming all the way up in Balmedie!!!🤣🤣🤣😂😂. So l will firmly say, whether it the Diplomats banquet or not, whatever the next black tie/formal event, Catherine will be wearing the Vlad Emerald Tiara!!! No ifs ands or buts!!!
Alexander McQueen green machine??
Did she not look stunning at the reception? Green or any colour she wears so beautifully! Even a red puffer and skinny jeans!! She slays! As the kids say now! The papers should get their designers right, they had it wrong on RS as well, that was a McQueen military inspired gorgeous piece she wore, one paper saint Caroline Walker. No offence but that was not her style. Last night dress was said to be Emilia Wickstead. So is it now McQueen? Either way that was the colour of envy for sure, did she purposely wear it? OF COURSE SHE DID!! I cannot WAIT for the Diplomats banquet or next formal/black tie event. The gown she will wear , and Of COURSE SARAH BURTON, from the House of McQueen, who designed her wedding gown, will have designed it, bespoke to go with the Emerald Tiara! Put your ear plugs in kids, madam will be flying her 🧹 broomstick over London screaming 🙀 at the heavens!!! Jealous much!OH YES JEALOUSY THE GREEN EYED MONSTER HAS BERN OBVIOUS SINCE SHE CAME ONTO THE SCENE!
Clean sweep!!!
This immediately makes thing if curling! Hurry hard! Hurry! Sweep Sweep! If you’re Canadian or Scottish you will be laughing now🤣🤣😂😂. A clean sweep in a game is winning the game with the opposing side having a score of zero, or Ina finals winning the games needed to take the Stanley Cup, example, to win the series. A clean sweep can also, and here l believe is MM ANON meaning, to sweep out the dust, filth, unwanted or unsavoury things when cleaning house. So the cleaning house, clean sweep metaphor may be related to a clash of wills in when to release the hounds on madam and what on earth to do about the VRG issues!!!
Trump wants his ball back. Banquetiquette. “ One has to watch the hot mike Donald!!”
This is a childish reference to PT leaving before the final press conference after our PM, BOJO, Macron and Princess Anne were on ‘ hot mic’ which is the news means you’re microphone isn’t live , that’s how the ABC reporter Amy Robach got caught out saying ABC quashed her interview with VRG years ago. So l guess DT , l have to be very care here to not upset my American friends whilst defending my PM. I will just lay facts no subjective opinion ok? They must be VERY VERY VERY careful what they say, when they say it, because sorry JT but even without the hot mic, with my poor hearing l am used to lip reading and using closed captioning on the tv, l could read your lips! DT was upset, called him two faced. You can all opine about them now.
It was a reception, not a banquet, however etiquette is etiquette and the rules still apply. Good manners, carry oneself well and be above reproach. I am afraid some , have your own opinions ok, but there was some etiquette not taken. See above clue please.
A short time later, DT himself was caught on hot mic, congratulating himself for calling our PM what he called him and for leaving without the last presser, press conferences are called pressers in America. Saying that was funny that he said that name. It happens to everyone, hot mic, in politics or celebrities, they have to be careful unless they just don’t care.
Meanwhile’ crying in a corner
Madam, just go back to your corner, you have misbehaved so much, get used to the corner! Oh she must be spitting bullets of jealousy, if she saw Catherine, just wait till she sees the Christmas photos!😄😄😄😄🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
“a clash of Wills”
William in back, he has proven himself a force of nature in becoming too. Dealing with family issues, is there disagreement regarding PA. There have been calls for him to lose his HRH status , is that on the docket? And great clashing of that? Wills was Diana’s name for William, wills is also ones determination to do or not do something
“come on old thing,tell me all the gossip”………” Sydney ‘ gin and Du……” “ Ones a tad exhausted “
HMTQ and PP again, indulge me, l know he’s at Wood Farm and she’s in London but indulge me, l love this, so do you, and so do some others. HMTQ finally out of her dress clothes, wearing comfortable nightdress, gorgeous purple velvet slippers and completely bespoke housecoat of the finest PUR velvet with silver seaming and luxurious embroidered collar with ER on the breast plate. PP in his nightclothes, grey slippers and matching bespoke grey robe with dark stitching along the seams barely there but if you look closely the beauty of each stitch is breathtaking. THANK YOU MM ANON FOR ADDING THE DRINKS I HAVE BEEN HAND TYPING FOR QUITE SOME TIME NOW!! PP already has his Boddingtons , cord was pulled just as she sat down, Sidney arrives, and PP orders her favourite cocktail, gin and a DuBonnet. She , you know it’s HMTQ when she speaks in third person, l do that a lot too😄😄😄😄😁😁, says she is a tad bit exhausted which means she is more tired than any of us have ever been! She is a force of nature! Majestic, strong, beautiful and tender when the needs be. They proceed to discuss all the goings on, at the reception and there was plenty!
“ you looked stunning Catherine “……… “yes ‘ I saw your killer 👀side eye “…… 👑👑💕💕And so to bed Zebedee!!……… “ Lottie ‘turn your pad off!!”…George’ sleep!!
William has returned from another successful solo Royal tour to the Middle East. I though the photos of him with the fisherman fixing their nets and then him giving it a go was amazing. He really , like his wife, has come into his own. Telling Catherine how stunning she looked last night and teasing her about her side eye, which she does very well! Remember the stolen pencil incident a few weeks ago? Louis long ago asleep, George and Charlotte keen to see daddy, imagine what did you bring me? A million times over and at a maximum volume!😂😂😂🤣🤣Zebedee, Zebedii, that was often what l heard or said for bedtime. A jovial memory of television and a cute sweet way to colour the word bedtime by making it fun because the word kids HATE is bedtime. Then when you reach adulthood and parenthood one prays for bedtime.🤣🤣🤣😂😂 l have never been a parent but l know many, enough to prove that statement!
Charlotte ever the controller of wifi and devices😂😂😂🤣🤣,we have read this in other riddles! Time for bed a George!!
0125 hrs CST
Thank you so much, especially doing this when feeling unwell. You are greatly appreciated. The Diplomatic dinner is December 11th. This is sounding good…😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
134: Dec 5
MM ANON …… “ no, not the service”……… Strip and rip…… IRSt in peace……” I think you’ll find it best ma’am”…… “ exactly ‘ peace and quiet”…… Distant thunder ……… “On Her Majesty’s secret service”…… No!! Not the whole enchilada………… The dossier, almost complete!!…… “Yes!! It certainly is personal”……… “she lived by the sor-did…… “gather thee rosebuds …………”…… “ not a word,old boy”. …��… “ Mmmm, unfortunate name for a club”……… “a sticky wicket,what!
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 5/2019 1040 hrs CST
“no, not the service”
Prince Andrew has had virtually everything but his HRH ripped away. Papers saying now this morning that not only Prince Charles dressed him down, but Prince Philip did as well. He may be 98 and retired but a massive alpha male who can throw down with the best of them. Sounding like PA will NOT be permitted to attend church Christmas 🎄 morning as per usual. The Royal family walks and greets the public coming and leaving, HMTQ is driven.
Strip and rip
This sounds like a bikini wax or a back waxing . More like a search for drugs, substances, paraphernalia or weapons at a prison or psychiatric hospital, believe me, l have done many such searches, for those needing hospitalization. This clue could be twofold, firstly, reportedly three blackened windows Discoveries were seen high speed driving near Banbury, a day or so ago, evening l think actually, madam is rumoured to be near at SoHo or perhaps in Banbury, the hometown of a certain sycophantic royal reporter. Me oh my oh!! Has she been taken into custody by the Americans??? Did she fly back with the President?
Secondly this may refer to Prince Andrew, strip and rip him of everything including his HRH. Is that what is being ripped? The public and many are demanding it including his fellow military members! Might l again say, he has NOT BEEN INTERVIEWED NOR CHARGED! Just a fact, l hate sexual abuse and human trafficking it’s loathsome. But there seems to be a direct torpedo, pardon the wordage, directly at him.Why no one else? Whose agenda is this??
IRSt in peace
Madam is in a world/whirled of hurt with the IRS, America’s tax division. I have no idea her last filing, or how accurate she has ever been. Since joining the Royal family, although never really did, she has had a myriad of income sources and likely many we don’t know. Might it be not the literal death of her but in terms of finances, she will be if not already in process,be audited and may be garnisheed for the rest of her life to,pay what is owed?
“I think you’ll find it best ma’am”“ exactly ‘ peace and quiet”
I think LG is suggesting HMTQ head for Sandringham early, to be out of London when the walls come tumbling down so to speak. Peace and quiet, readying for family Christmas, although that too brings its own pains!
Distant thunder
Softly rolling distant, quiet, getting closer, more loud, and BABOOM CRASH!! The storm that has been brewing and slowly simmering in the background is coming, coming closer, when it arrives,it will be ELECTRIC!! The information and scandal will rock the globe. I am not just talking about when all about madam is revealed but her backers and their sordid dealings! BOOM CRASH FLASH! Winds howling! It’s going to be earth shattering.
“On Her Majesty’s secret service”
We have had several Bond references. This was the only Bond film that a George Lazenby ever starred in, did you know that? Connery or Moore?? The other actors don’t count! CONNERY LASS AM I , AYE TIS SO💜💜💜💜. I do believe our William has been on the intelligence gathering and l do wonder about our Harry. You kids remember me repeatedly talking about his wedding ring months and months ago and saying it’s no regular ring?Sure you do, one of you went hunting and posted a picture of a ring with GPS chip! It’s very unusual in the U.K. especially royalty, in my experience , for men to wear wedding bands yet Harry insisted, ask yourself why? Why? Why? By the way, great film, and great documentary l have pvr’ed , The Secrets of Her Majesty’s Secret Service. It was on PBS last week, an anon posted about it, so l pvr’ed it!
No!! Not the whole enchilada
So again, the whole enchilada is a metaphor for the entire sum of something, usually valuable. What and whom is this referencing? Again, is it PA, losing more? I doubt that, the phrase the whole enchilada , that is not a British expression it’s American. This must be regarding madam. Meaning, she has to give up everything, her HRH, every merching etc etc. She’s upset about it. What, to stay out of prison? Testify against someone? Tell the whole truth and nothing but? This woman cannot even spell truth. There are so many lies over so many decades allegedly, there is no way she knows who she was with when doing what.
The dossier, almost complete!!
Information is almost done, evidence, witnesses, intelligence, video, audio, photos, texts, emails, carrier pigeons and any other sort of stealth data to solidify alleged treason charges along with a boatload of other financial and Heaven only knows what from the past has raised its filth from the depth of those lost years! All the i dotted t crossed, airtight.
“Yes!! It certainly is personal”
Very personal, this attack was planned, guided, paid for, well planned, multipronged, family paid off, witnesses paid off or worse etc etc allegedly. So yeah it’s personal to HMTQ,PP, PC and PW.An attack on the thing HMTQ has spent her life serving! The very monarchy! Sordid plot to crumble the Monarchy! So hell yes ITS PERSONAL!!! To our a Royal family and TO ALL OF US!!
“she lived by the sor-did
Old saying live by the sword ⚔️, you die by the sword, you all know that one. Madam has allegedly lived a very sordid, deviant lifestyle for money and luxuries. This will be her downfall, any previous association with JE, l can only imagine what her role was and then became. This whole sick, satanic, house of cards is crumbling, the cockroaches are running for cover. Does she think the backers are going to pay for her attorneys or testify on her behalf? 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 She is crazier than l thought! ALLEGEDLY!
“gather thee rosebuds…
While ye may, love this .This beautiful piece of magic written by Robert Herrick hundreds of years ago but relevant now as then. Speaking how quickly time flies, make the most of each second, do not waste time on frivolous things or unsavoury things. Sadly, many lost souls here, and damaged ones, so evil. However we have HMTQ, PC , William and Catherine, the Monarchy, with them at the helm, is resilient, will cut the extras and forge a new Monarchy.
“ not a word,old boy”.
Someone is keeping schtum about something. I imagine there are many, likely most of the details will remain classified. The five eyes met at the NATO conference. I truly do wonder, although l love my little life, what intelligence was shared! PP likely speaking with Netty, and keeping things classified, most probably about when they plan to break and let loose! We all know who Netty is right? I have explained it in a few riddles!
“ Mmmm, unfortunate name for a club”
Tramp nightclub, the source of many stories VRG and PA. PA also was there many times with Fergie and that’s where he met Koo Stark way back when for those of us at a certain age! Horrible just horrible name for a club!
“a sticky wicket,what!
This is a croquet term, hitting the balls through the wickets. It’s also a cricket term! Jiminy 🦗 Crickets, that’s my new favourite saying😁. A sticky wicket in life refers to awkward, difficult, unexpectedly challenging time. Well doesn’t that just describe the last two years!! OR MORE! What detail is sticky still? Something needing sorting. I just cannot fathom what it is! But it’s important because it’s in the riddle!
1155 hrs CST GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Oh my! Not sounding good for MM! We are getting there it seems! Fantastic job dear PG! Thank you so much!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
135: Dec 6
MM ANON …… megbots in crisis …… megs spotted on ISS…… megs searchers internet for archificial upgrade …… megs still breastfeeding …… frogcott staff witness meg and Harry in screaming row 😱……… meg accused of bugging KP……… meg and archbishop in risqué photo shoot …… Archbishop denies clergy gossip …… meg ,VF interview ‘ I hate my chicken legs ‘…… Harry in GQ interview, I want a divorce ‘…… GQ, shock ‘horror, Harry’s OK’…… meg pens, ‘confessions of my yachting years’. … $20 million advance.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
December 6/2019 1150 hrs CST
Thanks to the wonderful 💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻fortheheavenssake 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜who is documenting all my riddle interpretations, l apparently have used two numbers twice🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 so this is RIDDLE #135
megbots in crisis
Madam has had zillions of ‘bots’ online to bolster or artificially , not archficially🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, boost her numbers and popularity on social media and PR. The well is running dry,no new storyline , last uncle pulled out of the woodwork weeks ago, bots, they cost $$$$$#£££££££€€€€€, she is in serious overload and underfunded. The bots are sputtering, spinning, electrical charges sparking, powering down, all the things 🤖 robots do when system failure, permanent fatal error blue screen, does not cooommmmmppppuuuutttteee………….
megs spotted on ISS
Oh now she’s an astronaut??? Really on the International Space Station??🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Yes, like l said last week Sasquatch and Elvis hang out in my back yard! Has she gone there to get another moonbump direct from the source??🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
megs searchers internet for archificial upgrade
Oh my Jiminy Crickets!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, l just typed that! Well not the internet part. Yes at some point she’s going to have to show a child, growing bigger, however Archficial was already a big boy, they used to call them huggy l think. She is madly trying to find the cheapest price for the new model of archficial. Maybe retailmenot or some other sites like Rakuten has coupon codes!!
megs still breastfeeding
Is she now? Is she a card carrying member of the La Leche League? Breastfeeding until the child is 18 or wed! Yes, it’s a great excuse for privacy, because despite what her PR says, she definitely wants privacy, no pictures, no one talking about or to her, yet yammers because no one asks if she is ok! Pathetic instagram post, photoshopped photos, one year anniversary of Hubb kitchen visit. Talk about grasping at straws for attention, and using year old photoshopped photos😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😩😩
frogcott staff witness meg and Harry in screaming row 😱
I do believe this was/is a story in one of the American gossip rags, could be wrong but everyone reads here so look for that headline next week if you’re into tabloids😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣.Interesting, there are no staff at FC, because NO ONE LIVES THERE! Perhaps an old spirit, but they take care of themselves! They have never lived there, every celebrity or article about who has visited there and held/fed/played with archficial are all liars, allegedly.
meg accused of bugging KP
Not surprised at that, taking a page right out of MA’s playbook at SoHo. Secretly record, gather intel, blackmail=$$$$$$$$€€€€€€€£££££. I wonder what secrets she gathered! Add that to the charges, LG and Netty, Sirs! Please! Allegedly! 🙄🙄
meg and archbishop in risqué photo shoot
There has been something odd about everything madam does/has done. One of the most bizarre is Justin Welby, the A of C, he allegedly privately baptized her. He allegedly christened archficial, with one wee issue, he was hours from London at that time at a Church conference. Now he has come out defending her. So there is no confusion these are his exact words.
💜💜Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, defended the Duchess of Sussex against what he called the “totally undeserved” criticism she has received.
“She’s a person of profound humanity and deep concern for people, seeking to carry out her role with every ounce of her being, and I think she’s a remarkable person💜💜.
What’s gone on here? Are you suggesting she has something on him so he has done these things under blackmail allegedly. Not a thing in this mess would surprise me one wit!
Archbishop denies clergy gossip
Parishioners talk, clergy members talk, they’re human, when things don’t add up, it makes for lots of speculation and questioning. Is the A of C denying that other bishops or members of the clergy have been speculating and questioning some of the issue l typed above? This is all too weird. If we had a whole wall with every single odd event, altered facts, stories comments etc etc, it would be like string art we used to do way back when. Better still twist like Christmas lights, and trying to figure out which bulb is causing the whole string to not light up. I know most of you remember that, the good old days before prelit trees in weird colours that make noises and flash so rapidly you get a migraine. Jiminy Crickets, l sound like one of those two grumpy men in the balcony on the Muppets Show😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣.
meg ,VF interview ‘ I hate my chicken legs
Harry in GQ interview, I want a divorce ‘GQ, shock ‘horror, Harry’s OK’
Madam did the VF, wild about Harry, was all PR lies! I think in terms of madams legs millions would agree! Now now, is this how this is going to roll? Tit for tat, pun intended🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, is Harry doing a GQ cover giving her the same treatment by shockingly wanting a divorce?? Oh please 🙄 JIMINY CRICKETS 🦗 l want ten copies!!!💜💜💜Please sir, l want some more! The first person who comments where that line is from gets a smile from me😁. 💜💜💜Imagine the worlds shock?! Oh MM ANON DON’T TEASE ME!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 LG your brilliance is only surpassed by your loyalty and dedication to HMTQ Tip hat 🎩 Sir!
meg pens, ‘confessions of my yachting years $20 million advance.
During the weekend when madam went to help her Bestie SW completely lose the U.S.Open, they didn’t want her there, she went anyhow, didn’t she do a great job? Flirting grossly with SW husband, ignored by SW’s mum and graciously using the ‘Markle effect’ and SW lost soundly! She was summoned there, post haste allegedly to meet with backers and take a meeting with publishers. There have been rumblings and rumours of a book. Good luck fact checking that one, the poor ghost writer and editor🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. I think she will have to forget a lot because the IRS apparently doesn’t like it if you do not declare income or not be truthful, allegedly. And also, law enforcement may have issues with some behaviours, in relation to those missing years. And a wee tiny issue of archficial fauxmegnancy, not of the body. Trying to pass off a surrogate baby, not Harry’s child, all allegedly of course! As a blood royal baby!! Just a minor treason charge. Then there is the SoHo issue…….bugging, recordings, blackmail, all from the plot of a juicy film! As far as a $20,000,000 advance, if that happens, l will eat my hat! I don’t have one, got toques, might have to eat one then!! Who in their right mind would give her that cash advance? Unless it was not the right but the left, the leftists globalists backers….yep that l can see!!! Help us oh Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻 please, the light needs to be shone on the horrors that have been happening. Our beloved HMTQ, it just is breaking my heart, she is so beloved.
1250 hrs CST
What fun! Loved this. Thank you MM Anon for the humorous riddle and PG your great interpretation! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
136: Dec 6
MM ANON …… Muffin the mule…… looby loo & Andy pandy …… 95 , time!!…… “no’ not chaz”’……… “ I’m Meghan Markle and I indorse this massage” ……” An American Christmas card”…… betrayal in B&W……… “ it’s HMTQ your talking about!!!”…… “ tell her to PO ‘ it’s the Boxing Day shoot”……… 🎼I’m dreaming of a right Christmas 🎼…… a shortie but goody
December 6/2019 1530 hrs CST RIDDLE #136
Muffin the mule
Muffin has a naughty meaning as well as the breakfast bit. Mule is a very stubborn animals or someone carrying something illegal across borders as in a drug mule. First thing l thought of was a Moscow mule, classic lovely drink. There was an article in the DM about madams Christmas decor ideas and menu, the Moscow mule in copper was her idea!🤣🤣🤣😂 Well, l can’t drink anymore, but to me l would have one anytime but they and the copper was all the rage about five years ago, so she seems to be a wee bit behind the trend! However in fairness, it was taken from the 2015 Tig.
looby loo & Andy pandy
I read in the DM and saw photos years ago, Prince Andrew dancing up a storm, with a Heidi Klum, didn’t look like her but she was in a wig, costume. Also another female. Apparently he liked to be massaged by two women simultaneously, not underage, or rude, fun. The loony loo is known here as the hokey pokey, a hand , leg, body action dance. Is this having a go at PA ‘skills’ on the dance floor?? The hokey pokey also has a naughty meaning too.
95 , time!! “no’ not chaz”
HMTQ will be 95 in 18 months. Double exclamation mark, someone or several are firm in her making PC Regent at that time! It sounds like a firm opinion that PC is not the choice for Regent. Might William be tapped to step up and put a whole new modern face on the Monarchy? My goodness, to quote London Scoop, up is down, down is up, the world is spinning too fast!! The winds of change are gusting stronger and stronger!
“ I’m Meghan Markle and I indorse this massage”
Ha ha. Is she doing adverts now for special yacht massages.🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 Oh dear imagine the oils and other items she would smear around!!! 😫😫😫😩😩😩🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢Just imagine the worst grossest thing you can muster!! Is she going into politics or has she massaged major politicians???? The end of every tv ad during election, l am so and so and l endorse this message. Yikes, crazy world!
“ An American Christmas card”betrayal in B&W
Of course the Christmas card will be in black and white, what else do we expect from madam? Likely have her back turned as well. Will Archficial be backwards too? Ultimate betrayal of wedding vows, to the public. A child not Harry’s, and not of her body! Will this be released and dealt with before Christmas? I pray so🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ it’s HMTQ your talking about!!!”…… “ tell her to PO ‘ it’s the Boxing Day shoot”
PP is angry and someone has been disrespectfully talking about HMTQ, PP is soundly bringing them about. PP is laying it down, madam has no input in the shooting day, she’s to be told to PO! PP talking to Harry, l am confused about why Harry would be still bring requests or demands from madam. I am wondering if it’s LG, because l am pretty certain Harry is far away from her and no interaction. It’s about Christmas, Sandringham and the annual family Boxing Day shooting party. Madam has been aggressively against it, allegedly previous years. So is madam still in a position to make demands? Well it sounds like she will be told what’s what!
🎼I’m dreaming of a right Christmas 🎼
I watched the film White Christmas last night, gorgeous songs by a Irving a Berlin, fabulous, again movies when they were movies! I am thinking the wish is that Jeremy Corbyn loses and BoJo, the conservatives, oft referred to as the right. Corbyn is leaning left strongly and much upset about alleged anti-Semitic beliefs. I think all this crap with madam has to wait till after the election, December 12/2019.
a shortie but goody
Is this little Louis? He is toddling around, l recall the summer videos at the park garden Catherine designed, him running in the bridge arms wide to balance. I can hardly wait for the Christmas photos! I can only imagine running round now, he will be into anything and everything!Bless him🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻 l am exhausted, haven’t slept since Thursday morning. Two riddles, other posts sheesh JIMINY CRICKETS 🦗 I AM DONE💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
1605 hrs CST
Thank you PG…two in a day! MM Anon must know you love a great challenge….thank you for doing this…😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
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Throughout Corona emergency, educational mobile applications have played a significant role for students and educational institutions by keeping their educational activities in motion using customized mobile applications. These applications have helped students to learn from their homes and get connected to their teachers by attending virtual classes. This revolutionary phenomenon has helped teachers to address a huge mass of students at a single time, and also relaxed students' parents from any infection threat that could happen to their children, by attending classes through their physical presence at school.
Entertainment Applications:
It's been observed that entertainment has worked as the best stress buster remedy of all and helped human beings away and safe from getting themselves overwhelmed with unnecessary tensions during this Covid-19 pandemic. Many popular entertainment applications have changed the way of living life stress-free and keeping the majority of people getting busy in homes by investing their time doing activities like watching movies online, engaging themselves on social media platforms, improving skills by watching videos, and doing social gathering through virtual applications.
E-commerce Applications:
Mobile applications have boosted e-commerce transactions like never before in the history of the online shopping world. People have found it way easier to buy online than they used to practice by exploring products physically at the stores. Covid-19 pandemic has enforced many governments to impose lockdown to many of their countries areas to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
These are just a few examples we have shared, which have revolutionized the way of living life using Mobile applications and performing regular activities. Mobile applications have empowered human beings to survive in Corona Pandemic by keeping them safe and helping them avoiding unnecessary contact by going outside. On the other side preferring mobile application development to offer services, and products are again turned into something essential medium for businesses and companies to stay alive in the market, and keep the motion of growth by staying engaged with their destined audiences, and performing online transactions by satisfying their needs and also ensuring their safety at the same time.
We are RK WebTechnology company. We are a leading mobile application development company in India. We have been through an astonishing journey in designing and developing customized mobile applications which have addressed our clients' business needs. We are flexible to work with. We offer flexibility to choose our mobile application development resources according to your demands. We are ensuring quality work within the stipulated timeframe by walking an extra mile for turning your idea into a decent mobile application. We are offering customized services with an economic price range and provides impeccable development solutions within your budget boundaries.
If you are on LinkedIn, then please follow our official page at https://www.linkedin.com/company/rk-webtechnology/ we would appreciate your presence in our community.
Kindly get in touch for a free quote at [email protected]
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classinsessionto · 4 years
Personal Tutor - Excellent Learning with no miss! Class in Session
When it comes to your child’s education until they complete any higher education, every decision is supposed to be just Optimal and perfect and we at Classinsession put our hearts and minds together to culture it right!
Over the last few decades education channels and trends and even tutoring has seen a variety of changes and most of them have not helped in reinforcement and providing personal attention to students who are being tutored.
A child who needs complete personal attention to read, write or spell to a teen who needs tough problem solving skills and aptitude knowledge and all basics in place in order excel, they deserve individual attention to help them go miles and there cannot be a miss!
Also, we do not overburden them as we understand the Psychology of students and the science of listening attentively to a Tutor. Every child is different in their own way and we spot that to educate them in the right way to make their learning experience is great and they actually will to learn.
We as parents can not take trials in their education and hence we have classified techniques to adapt towards your children that are so refined and proven to be suiting to different kind of learners!
For sure all needs a one on one approach, in addition we use the phenomenal Orton Gillingham Approach to first help them understand the technique of word formation while we also support Dyslexic students and students with reading and writing challenges.
Most of us think choosing the best School and their tutoring module is sufficient but understanding the additional support that is highly essential we over 10 years ago resolved on this tutoring programme that fills the gap and moulds the Children well in their education journey which in their first 20 years of life is inevitable.
Check out our resource segment on our website for information on best recommended ultimate resources for Students as well as Parents!
Today’s working parents often find it very difficult to spend time with their Children and self tutoring can surely be difficult and often it also becomes a comfort zone for the children due to the same Parents we are to them and the home environment distraction factors!
That is why we take all that burden on us to create a whole new and effective worthwhile environment for your child with Tutors who actually could engage with them well to then help them listen and understand well voluntarily!
After observing the strong improvements in their child’s learning abilities, parents found us to be providing the best Tutoring Program in Toronto.
Learning with fun and friendly approach with fully involving tutors we take every step forward so carefully as it should only positively impact your children’s education.
Tutoring for Homeschool, reading and writing summer camps, initial assessment when applicable to understand the child well, educational counselling for appropriate guidance in planning what to study and even in achieving their academic goals are part of our Organization’s plan for your child.
Do feel free to make an inquiry today to let your child shine their light bright as they would be proud of your choice for Tutoring when they grow up!
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dogfinder2 · 4 years
Becoming the Best Society Entertainer Magician You Can Be
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
Any person may learn and also do a magical"trick", but to choose a hint and transform it in an remarkable performance is just one of those secrets to doing good magic. May I suggest many people DO NOT prefer to feel like they will have now already been"tricked" or even"fooled", alternatively they prefer to understand they've participate in good entertainment.
Maybe you have been curious about why you would like to complete"magic Tricks"? Is it to your own fame and luck because you might possess a fire to amuse?
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
As New York Based Master Society Entertainer Magician Simon Lovell says"Magicians worry about'How can I take action ' Instead of 'Why' do I do it? There in lies one of the biggest problems -- there has to be a reason. Magic intrinsically is an illogical thing, but you can do it at least in a logical way. You ask, what is more important to me -- an audience remembering me or the tricks I perform? I would rather them remember me than the tricks I perform. It is essential to create uniqueness about yourself - separate yourself from the masses"
Personal Case Study:
While at a cook out last summer I had been talking with the server and he desired for me to amuse my guests, even excluding himselfas he explained"I am not fond of'magical', I do not enjoy it". Such as this particular gentleman, you will find people who frankly do not delight in watching magical, however, maybe perhaps not enjoying magic isn't just a terrible thing.
At an incident similar to this DO NOT SAY"BUT, YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN ME PERFORM" (Unless of class in the exact identical sentence you've got the capability to generate a two ton wolf look within his swimmingpool and also result in a parade of camels to parade throughout the picnic space. Should you possess this capacity, I will caution, then he can call upon a native ministry to carry out an exorcism).
Inside this scenario as an example I inquired VERY un-aggressively"Have you ever seen a live licensed society entertainer close-up magician?" For the he explained,"Yes" (In a humorous, ''..."magic is only a good idea for children's birthday parties"... type of tone). His opinion didn't offend me since I have heard this earlier; I reacted to him having"So you have not seen an"impressive" sleight of hand artist?" For the he said"No, the magicians I have seen seemed OK for kid's but too cheesy and dated for me."
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
After a time travelling acting because of his picnic guests, then I approached him and inquired if he'd think about giving his frank opinion of some thing I have now already been focusing and when he'd believe it's all up to level to do because of his pals? He stated,"Sure, go ahead." Fastforward several hoursby the day's end he had been asking I work for"this individual and that one over there, oh and they would love the one you just did with me." Such as this particular individual, the majority of people have observed the"pick any card TRICK" and also"make six piles TRICK", etc.. Bear in mind, eventually become an entertainer, not simply a magician (trickster).
Inside my kids' birthday party shows I amuse the young adults just as far as the kiddies, section of my assurance! is ALL THEIR GUESTS WILL BE TRULY ENTERTAINED OR THEY PAY ME NOTHING! I've NEVER had some one take me up with this deal. . .EVER (Humbly Stated).
Ordinarily whilst the guests are coming (at a young child's birthday party) I shall do some walk round magical (A FREE BONUS), your customer adores this because there was certainly NO dead distance and you also have more chance to contact the adults and kiddies earlier"show" period. The parents in presence love to understand who's amusing their own children. While I do what I call"Maryland Style Close-Up Magic" to your young ones they be given a better peek into who I am and also they aren't"just" at a"child's birthday party" anymore.
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
Some times while achieving such a walk round I may have two or one of those laidback, trendy, brew drinking guys and their friends saying (because I attitude )"No, go show the tricks to the kids, I do not want to see any of that stuff it is for children." I can return with"Oh, you know I have been working on a few things for this show, for the kid's," (I shall often browse around as though I am sharing a romantic relationship using them) and indicate,"would you mind/ be so kind to allow me to show you something I may want to perform for the children, you be the judge. Let me know if you think the children will enjoy this or not."
Now I current Master Magic Creator John Kennedy's"Mystery Box", Blizzard Deck out of Master Magician Dean Dill of all Los Angeles California or perhaps some mentalism (Mind-Reading) / card sleights of Dai Vernon (AKA The Professor). The answer to those would be ALWAYS phenomenal!!! Why? I think being a entertainer, then being a magician". These guys always ask to see more and then to show more of this amazing magic to their friends. I also find they get better involved when it comes to the "kid's" part of the show! They are now the ones taking a front row seat.
You may go into a Baltimore, Maryland magic shop and purchase the newest, neatest, trick on the market. After you get it home, the package ripped open, you can hardly contain the excitement, you read the directions, go through the routine a couple times and then run out of your room showing your parents, husband, wife and/ or children. Showing off your "skills" you now possess with your T.T., Professors Nightmare, and a stripper deck.
Your friends encourage you and say..."wow"... that is neat, your parents tell you"You would be the most useful magician they've ever seen" and because you have a few weeks of"clinic" and have bought 15 of the"trendiest" tricks sold in a local magic studio today you believe you are"ready" to perform as a professional. You make business cards with your name stating you do kids birthday parties, etc.. Now you are going to be making money.
First, have you taken time to consider why you want to do "magic Tricks"? Is it for the fame and fortune? If I asked if you know who David Blaine and David Copperfield are, you would not hesitate to say"they have been wealthy and famous magicians." Right you would be. But if I were to ask you if you knew the name of Puck, Scott Alexander or Dennis Haney to name a few?
Your reply may be"whois Puck, Scott Alexander or even Dennis Haney? Why have not I heard about these " I say to you"They can be excellent magicians." You reply,"when they're so beautiful, I might have seen on TV." The answer to your last statement is simple -- they have been working, and practicing, taking advice, practicing, learning, creating, performing and practicing.
Scott Alexander has been a top pro for many years and one of the busiest professionals in the world. His credits include Denny & Lee, Malone's Bar in Boca, cruise ships all over the world, Caesar Magical Empire, and now he is starring in his own show at Fitzgerald's in Las Vegas. His style is simple -- comedy that goes right to the center of the audience's brain.
Master entertainer magician Puck headlines around the globe traveling from Orlando, FL one of the most sought after entertainers in the nation.
Dennis Haney is one of the most "famous" of all three named here. He owns two magic shops/ studios one is local in Baltimore, Maryland and the other in Las Vegas, Nevada - his tag line is:"Where the experts shop"; Mr. Haney is among the who's who in the world of magic / NaijaVibe (worldwide).
If you try and follow fame and fortune more than likely you will be as Client Eastwood so calmly said in one of his movies"You certainly really are a legend in your mind" Do not pursue fame and fortune, let it find you. Keep on practicing, rehearsing, reading and listening to those in the trenches, learn from their mistakes and their victories. Did David Copperfield"only appear" on the scene? (bad play on words, I know but hey. . .it is a free article what do you expect), no, he was practicing over and over again. Practice does not make perfect, as one individual told me some time ago,"perfect practice makes perfect"
"First think as an entertainer, then as a magician"
Practice, practice and practice some more. Once you've practiced a few instances, multiplied by 10 then move in your closest magic store, or into some community regular magician and suggest to them exactly what you have now already been doing work on, then you've got two ears and one mouth, then use the first two and never the previous one, tune in to exactly what they must say. Return straight back and clinic, oh, by how have I said that must clinic? (I state this having a curious smile ).
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About me
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Who Can Write My Essay For Me Starting At $10 ” and ending with “Have a wonderful Monday,” “Terrific Tuesday” or “Phenomenal Friday! ” My adjective-a-day keeps folks listening, offers me conversation starters with school, and solicits fun suggestions from my friends. On the outside, I look like any smart phone, but when you open my settings and discover my skills, you can see I have many unique features. For me, time isn’t just seconds ticking by on a clock, it’s how I measure what issues. ” The thought screams by way of my mind as I carry a sobbing girl on my again throughout campus in search of an ice pack and ankle wrap. She had just fallen while performing, and I could relate to the ache and fear in her eyes. I measured my self-value as my capability to outdo my friends academically, thinking my scores have been the only aspect that defined me; and they have been. I didn’t even make it previous the first spherical of cuts. I was statistically a sensible child with a good head on my shoulders, proper? Little did I know, this was my first exposure to that means beyond numbers. I’ll always remember the time when a visiting family and I had been so concerned in discussing ocean conservation that, earlier than I knew it, an hour had passed. Finding this mutual connection over the love of marine life and the desire to preserve the ocean surroundings keeps me returning each summer season. Now, I am the alarm clock for the 1,428 college students of Fox Lane High School. For the past three years, I actually have been beginning everyone’s morning with a bubbly, “Good morning, foxes! Singing backup for Barry Manilow with my choir. Making my teammate smile although he’s in ache. These are the moments I maintain onto, the ones that outline who I am, and who I need to be. The chaos of the present turns into distant, and I dedicate my time to bringing her aid, irrespective of how lengthy it could take. I discover what I must treat her injury within the sports activities drugs coaching room. I didn’t realize she could be the primary of many patients I would are inclined to on this coaching room. Since then, I’ve launched a sports activities medicine program to offer care to the five hundred-particular person choir program. The heavy scuba gear jerks me underneath the icy water, and exhilaration washes over me. However, there are moments the place the seconds stand nonetheless. The iTaylor’s best feature is its constructed-in optimism. Thanks to my positivity, I was chosen to provide the morning bulletins freshman year. Lost within the meditative rolling impact of the tide and the hum of the huge ocean, I really feel present. I dive deeper to examine a vibrant community of creatures, and we float together, carefree and synchronized. My fascination with marine life led me to volunteer as an exhibit interpreter for the Aquarium of the Pacific, the place I share my love for the ocean. Most of my time is spent rescuing animals from babies and, in flip, keeping small children from drowning in the tanks. I notice I choreograph not for recognition, but to assist sixty of my best friends find their footing. I hold onto my time as dearly as my Scottish granny holds onto her cash. I’m cautious about how I spend it and fearful of losing it. Laughter fills the present choir room as my teammates and I cross the time by telling unhealthy jokes and breaking out in random bursts of movement. Overtired, we don’t even notice we’re getting into the fourth hour of rehearsal. This similar sense of camaraderie follows us onstage, where we become so invested within the story we are portraying we lose observe of time.
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