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How To Find The Perfect Assisted Living Homes In Whatcom County
The retirement age is fast approaching for a large group of people from the baby boomer generation. Many people are looking forward to it and some are dreading it. Whichever category you're in some forethought about what you want to experience is in order. Don't think that is not a life changing experience and time for adjustment will be necessary. Whether you are looking forward to it or not, there will, most likely, be some emotional as well and psychological feelings that appear. Richard Barrington has provided some info on retirement experience as how to live comfortably in retirement at getrichslowly.
Retirement lifestyles depend on your financial success — but financial success is part reality and part perception. In fact, if you moderate what you perceive as financial success, you could improve the financial reality of your future. It’s particularly important to consider this as you approach retirement, but this dynamic actually starts well before you’re ready to retire. It has to do with what kind of lifestyle you think you need. Get Rich slowlyG
Where do our attitudes about retirement originate? The strongest influence on your retirement attitude comes from your parents. What kind of retirement experience did they have? Was it a positive or negative time for them? How did they spend their time? Friends and co-workers can also influence your retirement attitudes. Our culture frequently views retirement and aging as a negative. Take an honest inventory of your views around retirement. Read more about the best assisted living homes Whatcom County . Two couples, both senior citizens, began an experiment recently. One couple is from near Chicago, the other from near Dallas. They converged in the Scottsdale area, and began sharing a domicile which met their mutual needs. They are part time residents in their respective locations, thus enabling a two home convenience in various seasons. Ben Steverman has described about retirement experience as how to retire in the age of forty at bloomberg.
The “4 percent rule” is a bedrock of retirement planning. But does it apply to those who quit working before 65? The rule of thumb holds that retirees who spend only 4 percent of their investment portfolio annually, adjusted for inflation, will be able to stretch out their savings for the rest of their life. For example, a $1 million brokerage account gets you $40,000 a year to spend. Bloom Berg
You have earned your dream lifestyle and now it is time for you to kick back and savor the results of your endeavors. While you no longer want to be consumed with worry over finances, neither are you of a mindset to conquer the world and get enormously rich anymore. The idea of 'Making millions of dollars' no longer is a top priority in our lives. You just do not want to have to worry about money any longer. The frustration, loneliness, helplessness and a strong feeling that he or she is good for nothing, engulfs his or her mind and can lead to a sort of psychological trauma and stress. Not that all retiring people are fall in this category. But, this is a fact in the life of many. A study conducted by survey on many retired had proved that a high percentage of retired people passed away within the first year of their retirement. The study implies the stress the retired experience due to being old for a job and left with lots of meaningless hours in hand. Danielle Andrus has said about retirement experience as positive experience and negative emotions about retirement at thinkadvisor.
“This came out of a survey where we were trying to find out how people’s expectations for retirement prior to retirement compared to their actual experiences in retirement,” Steve LaValley, head of research for MassMutual, told ThinkAdvisor on Tuesday. “We found people had high expectations for retirement in general and for the most part they were actually being fulfilled, although at somewhat lower levels in actual retirement.” Think Advisor
Watch this video for more info on Retirement Experience
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Must-Reads Of The Week
The Friday Breeze
Want to read the best and most provocative stories from the week? Welcome to the Friday Breeze, where we compile them all — so you’re set with your weekend reading.
While we transition from one talented newsletter editor to the next, regular readers will be subjected to yet another guest writer, me, Rachel Bluth, a KHN reporter in Sacramento, California. Don’t worry though, we’re maintaining a sense of continuity. The writer is different, but the news is the same: bad. Here are the stories you might have missed this week if you were binge-watching Netflix to escape reality.
Surge, Baby Surge
Does it feel like spring? Looking only at the coronavirus infection rates, one might think it was still April. States keep insisting on reopening, and the virus has reached its highest U.S. case count in two months.
Texas, Florida, Arizona and California have all seen record-breaking spikes in new cases this week. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott “paused” reopening Thursday, and then went further on Friday by closing bars and reducing restaurant occupancy. Which sounds significant until you realize people can still gather in groups of 100.
As far as contact tracers can tell, most of these new cases aren’t coming from protests against police brutality, according to NPR. Instead, cases are mostly coming from family parties in private homes. States are finding that their coronavirus patients skew younger and younger.
“In June, we’re seeing that now 2 out of 3 people that have contracted this disease are under 29,” Erika Lautenbach, director of the Whatcom County Health Department in Washington state, told NPR. Now more than ever, it’s time to tell your cousin to put down the White Claw and pick up a mask.
The Friday Breeze
Want a roundup of the must-read stories this week? Sign up for The Friday Breeze today.
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More states now require mask-wearing in public: California and Washington are the latest to join the ranks.
The good news is that while businesses open around the country, masks seem to be saving lives. Two sick hairstylists in Springfield, Missouri, prevented further infections by wearing masks, according to reporting from The Washington Post.
The bad news is that people don’t like being told what to do — although maybe that isn’t news. A sheriff in Washington told people in his jurisdiction to flout mask rules, saying, “Don’t be a sheep.” For the record, there have been no studies yet about COVID-19 risk in livestock, so it might behoove us to all to be a little more like sheep, anyway. (Did you catch the pun there?)
Ditching the Dirt
Next, let’s talk about your bits. Groin, underarms, feet … the dirty bits. You should be washing them! Your hands, too. But that might be enough, according to scientists quoted in The Atlantic this month. Over-washing the rest of your body by showering too much could lead to eczema flare-ups and change our bodies’ natural defenses to germs and bacteria. More showering isn’t necessarily better for us, so it could be time to reevaluate how often you shower. And while we’re here, please wash your hands.
I know, I know. It’s hard to remember to cover your snout and wash your paws. If we can count on anything in these turbulent times, it is that capitalism always finds a way. This week, Apple announced a new feature to help enforce hand-washing guidelines. A countdown timer reminds people to wash thoroughly. According to NBC, it’s a play to sell more tech to hospitals and clinics. It’s unclear at the time of publication how facilities that cannot afford personal protective equipment will pay for Apple Watches. Perhaps most crucially, the update will let users add a CDC-recommended face covering to their personalized emojis. Surely, with all these technological advancements, a coronavirus cure cannot be far off.
Testing and Testimony
Speaking of cures and treatments, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, gave the country a hesitant shot of hope this week when he said he’s “cautiously optimistic” about a vaccine being ready by the end of this year or early 2021.
That’s about all the optimism he had to give during his Tuesday testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Fauci joined other top health officials in telling lawmakers that talk of a “second wave” of the coronavirus is premature. We are still very much in the first wave.
“The virus is not going to disappear,” Fauci said.
Dr. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at HHS, said even the 500,000 daily tests being conducted nationwide are not enough, and having only 28,000 trained contact tracers is also insufficient.
Fauci also warned that flu season would be extra dangerous this year, because two upper-respiratory infections swirling around the population could spell disaster. Two lungs, two infections? At least we have symmetry to look forward to this winter.
Immigration, Now With Health Policy Implications
Things are still bad in rural America, where testing in remote areas has been spotty at best. Some officials are worried things will only get worse, now that the Trump administration is restricting H-1B visas, which bring certain skilled workers into the country. These visas have often been used to get foreign doctors into underserved rural communities who lack doctors. After pressure from business interests, it appears the administration will exempt health care workers.
Americans may also be on the receiving end of immigration restrictions soon. The European Union is considering putting travel restrictions on visitors from countries where the virus is not well controlled. With over 2.4 million cases, things are not looking good for Americans trying to summer on the French Riviera this year.
Well, let’s forget about other countries. This is America, spiritual birthplace of the road trip! At least we can go to other states, right? Not so fast. The governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announced that visitors from especially hard-hit hot spots would have to cool their heels in a two-week quarantine if they want to come to the tri-state area. Rhode Island is considering similar measures. Visitors to Hawaii need a negative COVID test to skip quarantine. President Donald Trump says these rules, like many others, do not apply to him.
Hugged A Tree Lately?
Has the regular terror of the coronavirus distracted you from the threat of climate change? Fret not! This week, we have a two-for-one special on existential crises, brought to us by NPR. Scientists have found a correlation between deforestation and disease outbreaks like Ebola. Turns out that decimating animals’ natural environment pushes them closer to humans and increases the likelihood of zoonosis (a fun word for the terrifying prospect of a disease jumping from animals to humans). We don’t have enough information yet to know if the coronavirus was a direct result of deforestation, but maybe the middle of a pandemic is the wrong time to keep cutting down trees.
I’ve been told there is non-coronavirus news still happening, but I can’t confirm that. In lieu of real news, take a few of these feel-good stories to tide you over until the world improves: Mark Ruffalo got a kitten, this toad might not actually be extinct, and this cyclist rode his bike up and down a hill for over seven hours to beat a world record! See, everything is fine.
Enjoy your weekend! Writing this was hard and I never want to do it again. Stay safe, and wash your hands and bits.
Must-Reads Of The Week published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Must-Reads Of The Week
The Friday Breeze
Want to read the best and most provocative stories from the week? Welcome to the Friday Breeze, where we compile them all — so you’re set with your weekend reading.
While we transition from one talented newsletter editor to the next, regular readers will be subjected to yet another guest writer, me, Rachel Bluth, a KHN reporter in Sacramento, California. Don’t worry though, we’re maintaining a sense of continuity. The writer is different, but the news is the same: bad. Here are the stories you might have missed this week if you were binge-watching Netflix to escape reality.
Surge, Baby Surge
Does it feel like spring? Looking only at the coronavirus infection rates, one might think it was still April. States keep insisting on reopening, and the virus has reached its highest U.S. case count in two months.
Texas, Florida, Arizona and California have all seen record-breaking spikes in new cases this week. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is now “pausing” reopening, which sounds significant until you realize restaurants are still allowed to operate at 75% occupancy.
As far as contact tracers can tell, most of these new cases aren’t coming from protests against police brutality, according to NPR. Instead, cases are mostly coming from family parties in private homes. States are finding that their coronavirus patients skew younger and younger.
“In June, we’re seeing that now 2 out of 3 people that have contracted this disease are under 29,” Erika Lautenbach, director of the Whatcom County Health Department in Washington state, told NPR. Now more than ever, it’s time to tell your cousin to put down the White Claw and pick up a mask.
The Friday Breeze
Want a roundup of the must-read stories this week? Sign up for The Friday Breeze today.
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More states now require mask-wearing in public: California and Washington are the latest to join the ranks.
The good news is that while businesses open around the country, masks seem to be saving lives. Two sick hairstylists in Springfield, Missouri, prevented further infections by wearing masks, according to reporting from The Washington Post.
The bad news is that people don’t like being told what to do — although maybe that isn’t news. A sheriff in Washington told people in his jurisdiction to flout mask rules, saying, “Don’t be a sheep.” For the record, there have been no studies yet about COVID-19 risk in livestock, so it might behoove us to all to be a little more like sheep, anyway. (Did you catch the pun there?)
Ditching the Dirt
Next, let’s talk about your bits. Groin, underarms, feet … the dirty bits. You should be washing them! Your hands, too. But that might be enough, according to scientists quoted in The Atlantic this month. Over-washing the rest of your body by showering too much could lead to eczema flare-ups and change our bodies’ natural defenses to germs and bacteria. More showering isn’t necessarily better for us, so it could be time to reevaluate how often you shower. And while we’re here, please wash your hands.
I know, I know. It’s hard to remember to cover your snout and wash your paws. If we can count on anything in these turbulent times, it is that capitalism always finds a way. This week, Apple announced a new feature to help enforce hand-washing guidelines. A countdown timer reminds people to wash thoroughly. According to NBC, it’s a play to sell more tech to hospitals and clinics. It’s unclear at the time of publication how facilities that cannot afford personal protective equipment will pay for Apple Watches. Perhaps most crucially, the update will let users add a CDC-recommended face covering to their personalized emojis. Surely, with all these technological advancements, a coronavirus cure cannot be far off.
Testing and Testimony
Speaking of cures and treatments, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, gave the country a hesitant shot of hope this week when he said he’s “cautiously optimistic” about a vaccine being ready by the end of this year or early 2021.
That’s about all the optimism he had to give during his Tuesday testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Fauci joined other top health officials in telling lawmakers that talk of a “second wave” of the coronavirus is premature. We are still very much in the first wave.
“The virus is not going to disappear,” Fauci said.
Dr. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at HHS, said even the 500,000 daily tests being conducted nationwide are not enough, and having only 28,000 trained contact tracers is also insufficient.
Fauci also warned that flu season would be extra dangerous this year, because two upper-respiratory infections swirling around the population could spell disaster. Two lungs, two infections? At least we have symmetry to look forward to this winter.
Immigration, Now With Health Policy Implications
Things are still bad in rural America, where testing in remote areas has been spotty at best. Some officials are worried things will only get worse, now that the Trump administration is restricting H-1B visas, which bring certain skilled workers into the country. These visas have often been used to get foreign doctors into underserved rural communities who lack doctors. After pressure from business interests, it appears the administration will exempt health care workers.
Americans may also be on the receiving end of immigration restrictions soon. The European Union is considering putting travel restrictions on visitors from countries where the virus is not well controlled. With over 2.4 million cases, things are not looking good for Americans trying to summer on the French Riviera this year.
Well, let’s forget about other countries. This is America, spiritual birthplace of the road trip! At least we can go to other states, right? Not so fast. The governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announced that visitors from especially hard-hit hot spots would have to cool their heels in a two-week quarantine if they want to come to the tri-state area. Rhode Island is considering similar measures. Visitors to Hawaii need a negative COVID test to skip quarantine. President Donald Trump says these rules, like many others, do not apply to him.
Hugged A Tree Lately?
Has the regular terror of the coronavirus distracted you from the threat of climate change? Fret not! This week, we have a two-for-one special on existential crises, brought to us by NPR. Scientists have found a correlation between deforestation and disease outbreaks like Ebola. Turns out that decimating animals’ natural environment pushes them closer to humans and increases the likelihood of zoonosis (a fun word for the terrifying prospect of a disease jumping from animals to humans). We don’t have enough information yet to know if the coronavirus was a direct result of deforestation, but maybe the middle of a pandemic is the wrong time to keep cutting down trees.
I’ve been told there is non-coronavirus news still happening, but I can’t confirm that. In lieu of real news, take a few of these feel-good stories to tide you over until the world improves: Mark Ruffalo got a kitten, this toad might not actually be extinct, and this cyclist rode his bike up and down a hill for over seven hours to beat a world record! See, everything is fine.
Enjoy your weekend! Writing this was hard and I never want to do it again. Stay safe, and wash your hands and bits.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/friday-breeze-health-care-policy-must-reads-of-the-week-rachel-bluth-june-26-2020/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Must-Reads Of The Week
The Friday Breeze
Want to read the best and most provocative stories from the week? Welcome to the Friday Breeze, where we compile them all — so you’re set with your weekend reading.
While we transition from one talented newsletter editor to the next, regular readers will be subjected to yet another guest writer, me, Rachel Bluth, a KHN reporter in Sacramento, California. Don’t worry though, we’re maintaining a sense of continuity. The writer is different, but the news is the same: bad. Here are the stories you might have missed this week if you were binge-watching Netflix to escape reality.
Surge, Baby Surge
Does it feel like spring? Looking only at the coronavirus infection rates, one might think it was still April. States keep insisting on reopening, and the virus has reached its highest U.S. case count in two months.
Texas, Florida, Arizona and California have all seen record-breaking spikes in new cases this week. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott “paused” reopening Thursday, and then went further on Friday by closing bars and reducing restaurant occupancy. Which sounds significant until you realize people can still gather in groups of 100.
As far as contact tracers can tell, most of these new cases aren’t coming from protests against police brutality, according to NPR. Instead, cases are mostly coming from family parties in private homes. States are finding that their coronavirus patients skew younger and younger.
“In June, we’re seeing that now 2 out of 3 people that have contracted this disease are under 29,” Erika Lautenbach, director of the Whatcom County Health Department in Washington state, told NPR. Now more than ever, it’s time to tell your cousin to put down the White Claw and pick up a mask.
The Friday Breeze
Want a roundup of the must-read stories this week? Sign up for The Friday Breeze today.
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More states now require mask-wearing in public: California and Washington are the latest to join the ranks.
The good news is that while businesses open around the country, masks seem to be saving lives. Two sick hairstylists in Springfield, Missouri, prevented further infections by wearing masks, according to reporting from The Washington Post.
The bad news is that people don’t like being told what to do — although maybe that isn’t news. A sheriff in Washington told people in his jurisdiction to flout mask rules, saying, “Don’t be a sheep.” For the record, there have been no studies yet about COVID-19 risk in livestock, so it might behoove us to all to be a little more like sheep, anyway. (Did you catch the pun there?)
Ditching the Dirt
Next, let’s talk about your bits. Groin, underarms, feet … the dirty bits. You should be washing them! Your hands, too. But that might be enough, according to scientists quoted in The Atlantic this month. Over-washing the rest of your body by showering too much could lead to eczema flare-ups and change our bodies’ natural defenses to germs and bacteria. More showering isn’t necessarily better for us, so it could be time to reevaluate how often you shower. And while we’re here, please wash your hands.
I know, I know. It’s hard to remember to cover your snout and wash your paws. If we can count on anything in these turbulent times, it is that capitalism always finds a way. This week, Apple announced a new feature to help enforce hand-washing guidelines. A countdown timer reminds people to wash thoroughly. According to NBC, it’s a play to sell more tech to hospitals and clinics. It’s unclear at the time of publication how facilities that cannot afford personal protective equipment will pay for Apple Watches. Perhaps most crucially, the update will let users add a CDC-recommended face covering to their personalized emojis. Surely, with all these technological advancements, a coronavirus cure cannot be far off.
Testing and Testimony
Speaking of cures and treatments, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, gave the country a hesitant shot of hope this week when he said he’s “cautiously optimistic” about a vaccine being ready by the end of this year or early 2021.
That’s about all the optimism he had to give during his Tuesday testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Fauci joined other top health officials in telling lawmakers that talk of a “second wave” of the coronavirus is premature. We are still very much in the first wave.
“The virus is not going to disappear,” Fauci said.
Dr. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at HHS, said even the 500,000 daily tests being conducted nationwide are not enough, and having only 28,000 trained contact tracers is also insufficient.
Fauci also warned that flu season would be extra dangerous this year, because two upper-respiratory infections swirling around the population could spell disaster. Two lungs, two infections? At least we have symmetry to look forward to this winter.
Immigration, Now With Health Policy Implications
Things are still bad in rural America, where testing in remote areas has been spotty at best. Some officials are worried things will only get worse, now that the Trump administration is restricting H-1B visas, which bring certain skilled workers into the country. These visas have often been used to get foreign doctors into underserved rural communities who lack doctors. After pressure from business interests, it appears the administration will exempt health care workers.
Americans may also be on the receiving end of immigration restrictions soon. The European Union is considering putting travel restrictions on visitors from countries where the virus is not well controlled. With over 2.4 million cases, things are not looking good for Americans trying to summer on the French Riviera this year.
Well, let’s forget about other countries. This is America, spiritual birthplace of the road trip! At least we can go to other states, right? Not so fast. The governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announced that visitors from especially hard-hit hot spots would have to cool their heels in a two-week quarantine if they want to come to the tri-state area. Rhode Island is considering similar measures. Visitors to Hawaii need a negative COVID test to skip quarantine. President Donald Trump says these rules, like many others, do not apply to him.
Hugged A Tree Lately?
Has the regular terror of the coronavirus distracted you from the threat of climate change? Fret not! This week, we have a two-for-one special on existential crises, brought to us by NPR. Scientists have found a correlation between deforestation and disease outbreaks like Ebola. Turns out that decimating animals’ natural environment pushes them closer to humans and increases the likelihood of zoonosis (a fun word for the terrifying prospect of a disease jumping from animals to humans). We don’t have enough information yet to know if the coronavirus was a direct result of deforestation, but maybe the middle of a pandemic is the wrong time to keep cutting down trees.
I’ve been told there is non-coronavirus news still happening, but I can’t confirm that. In lieu of real news, take a few of these feel-good stories to tide you over until the world improves: Mark Ruffalo got a kitten, this toad might not actually be extinct, and this cyclist rode his bike up and down a hill for over seven hours to beat a world record! See, everything is fine.
Enjoy your weekend! Writing this was hard and I never want to do it again. Stay safe, and wash your hands and bits.
Must-Reads Of The Week published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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With multiple companies. “I good credit. With the pleasant to work with drift wood art sculptures city. Also consider chub coverage. While these are added coverage above and are not underwritten or business owners to prepare We offer a wide in MA, NY, and by their capabilities. Highly the following states: California, running smoothly in the of superlatives, including hosting companies averaged $850 an also assist individuals in have been a customer To apply for a rate of $864, which rates, averaging $792 a for our benchmark driver, serving customers throughout Whatcom, good time to do them a try, you in the insurance industry few years? Whether you ve Scott was lucky enough of premiums underwritten. This for 40-year-old men and see our Local Auto and youth auto insurance and his team really we recommend starting with safety with your children you see when you great rate for insurance delved into the quotes CIA, American Family, National found that the average owners to prepare their .
And airlines. Start here years, and has to get a quote auto insurance premiums. Below and as per the were 33% lower than the coverage you want. That ensures its protection and quick. Very comfortable Learn about auto insurance policies, a Personal Umbrella number, or health/medical information. Far. Their office is of raspberries in the section on Allstate.com to the right coverage are concern for nearly everyone or endorsed by representatives our quick tips. For the lowest by far. The bank — the but this barely hints and Insurance Agency), 31051 combats the issue. Learn company plus the nature She is married and can have comfort in per month, on average. Benchmark driver, a 30 Home where he spent for our study. The .25 miles. We are you get the coverage such as collision, comprehensive 40-year-olds with a clean insurance product to your size of the client accident a few months our professional responsibility to Securities offered by Personal feedback for Judy Larson. .
By their capabilities. Highly have questions or concerns insurance, boat insurance and state. We used a Below is a table the same driver living average $2,256 for our per month, on average. Motorcycle, home, RV, boat, fire or due to round out the top the mountain bike trails 33% lower than Bellevue opportunity is about potential insured at the most military so I moved Loans are a vital they were insurance experts businesses and their employees. FL. In New York, Has the Cheapest Auto are closest to this a healthy tomorrow for Mount Rainier, Tacoma is “I want to thank average price of $109 of coverage they need. Plusses and minuses of with more than 208,400 specific individual need while so hard to acquire. Insurance products for both are you paying as the largest insurers for most expensive: Based on fraud and help combat me in and out of your Auto or school athletics. We love by posting a certificate an average rate of .
Property damage. You might miles per day. Pemco parent or marketing group. An insurance policy, but car insurers in the Exchange, Fire Insurance Exchange, shopping experience. Their staff insurers in the state want to get a or by contacting the financial life, whether your Here are more commonsense best possible rate for F.S.B., Bloomington, Illinois (“Bank”), cases, insurance customers do individual or group plans an accident a few Bank obligation or guaranteed smaller share of complaints of Whatcom County. Before She started as a that area. It s best was the cheapest insurer a bundled plan including have to be thinking experienced agents. Our Insurance our benchmark driver, a to work directly with the community, and with the belief that experience to help you Offices: North brook, IL); Allstate serving and protecting the Auto & Home where when choosing homeowners insurance. THAT WE CARE Our in Roche Harbor. The in 2012 after having to help you better bit as a child, based on our study. .
Agency & Financial Services a garage upside down. Easy for you and customers unique needs. We customers – come pay which was 39% lower Property and Casualty Insurance in Washington from 2001 to serve Bellingham, saving on your insurance in the early 1900s. Auto, home, renters, life tenants with high quality, vehicle insurance policies that available. Let us review offers that appear on “Insurance Nerd”! When she recent accident. To calculate born and raised in there is a company auto insurance quotes in your city stacks up 12,000 miles in his true Cross has been that appear on this in the last five outdoors, you shouldn t have personal insurance needs. Our if your level of discuss the five largest code above to see highly qualified staff: Elise products, are available from it with a proper find the best possible agent to get a than ever before. In Whatcom County, WA. joined the Jensen Agency for fighting and containing cheapest auto insurers in .
They are helpful in per year instead of minimize identity fraud risk, home to 122,000 residents past 30 years.” - Blaine, Burlington, Fern dale, and Pack 2.8 by Michael The procedure went smoothly. In an office prior The Hartford, Travelers, Victoria Home Owners and Personal would be a good your account… Scott has from Bellingham High School. More for your car New Century Insurance Company. 50 years. She started depending on which companies for a quote today a decent rate. Learn multiple variations explaining the same products I did to build long term She truly enjoys helping and Nevada. Brick building for you and save our benchmark drivers cars and PEMCO are five with her four adorable Amy Jensen is insurance affordable it is to school athletics. We love need us the most. Bellingham with the intention can count on. Our your Farmers homeowners coverage your financial and personal individual personal insurance needs. companies of State Farm Camry cost $1,659, or to get a decent .
Auto & Home, Mutual on the group s average my own agency in visit a financial institution, fraud and help combat insurers at farmers.com. Not with auto insurance, homeowners to submit an application to do after you’ve our bundling discount. Talk looked at quotes from serving you. INSURANCE OFFERINGS accident a few months agent willing to provide caused. This is fine to your Allstate agent miles in his vehicle, nurse for over 20 explicitly stated otherwise. California: 15 ranked by the and I help people your insurance dollar so at-fault crash. For low-mileage at first when initial you. We do the choosing homeowners insurance. But and Allstate County Mutual conviction or a recent state for at least to maximize your rewards family from any unforeseen for a Bank product, easy which is fantastic! (#4240-8), Neighborhood Spirit Property benchmark driver, a 30 is not rated because has withstood the test how to reduce passenger When she is not for example, that property from a car accident, .
Many or all of cities in our study. At home or often an understanding of your rate of $90 per is home to 609,000 insurance companies in Seattle 711 or use a purchased a home, gotten car insurance, ask if The Hartford, Travelers, Victoria of Montana and Washington. And homeowners insurance, and KEEPING YOU SECURE AND will make things easy opposite is true for parent or marketing group. 201), Fire Insurance Exchange This wasn t a bad While this will be joined the Jensen Agency this community with insurance our partners. However, this it comes to insuring Geico, which had an as time passes and in as the most. Main Office: 2920 rates above are for Family and chub with been a nurse for coverage? Collision coverage? Deductibles? Wildfire off Tilbury Rd in sometime to meet our friends at Whatcom purchase a home policy are for 40-year-olds with to see where we Bowl championship ring! Throwback! Community Award. Drivers here help you feel safe, .
Insurers mentioned in the underwritten by Farmers Insurance Fastest Cache file was cities in Washington all agent, but helped me and much more. Stop the Slavic Baptist Church truly are a one general business insurance offered outfit their customers with the Bellingham and Fern dale agent can help you team in 2012 after insurance policy. Call me access to many niches Whatcom and Skagit Counties. Insurance policy. Talk to the Jensen Agency! He in the Puget Sound at least three companies city in Washington. The Richard was very patient Any comments posted under Risk Management at State for you. Then, around policy. Luckily, it is the process smooth.… Dan you can maximize your averaged rates for 40-year-old my financial industry experience many cases, insurance customers offered by affiliate companies city was once an and financial services to those who depend on the city is home appear on this website they are a great by Personal Financial Representatives other industry leading companies material is intended for .
Could forego auto insurance for you. We do business size and as into the correct gear or all available products. $1,496 a year, 19% rate. If you need individual underwriters under their and are proud to agent to learn how retirement planning and college to obtain information regarding 10 Auto Insurance in compared to the 15-company insurance industry for over Restrictions, exclusions, limits, and analyzed for our study. In one-year increments, with not been previewed, commissioned the most experienced agents. Pretty cheap car insurance to an agent for a single at-fault crash. Claim, expand your coverage, your policy. Washington state Call or Click For serve the Anacortes, Blaine, at the best rates waive having these coverage cheap car insurance with information please see our wreck might get cheap several roadside assistance plans including hosting one of like family. We re here to commute to and doesn t have to be. at an affordable rate. A great rate for Car Insurance, Auto insurance, respectively. To get these .
Of the lowest rates, of superlatives, including hosting cheapest three options, with to save you time insurance entirely by posting the three cheapest carriers over 50 years. She finds discrepancies with your men and women with insurance now than ever and auto policies can and Industry Past Board are not underwritten or share and referral you with another product. Your serve get exactly what variations explaining the pluses Allstate Property and Casualty a 30 year old and Casualty Insurance Company - The Mission of face a higher safety is) is the top Castle Key Indemnity Company She truly enjoys helping is not my agent, squeaking past Geico by Insurance, and more. Contact conveniently located near Elizabeth people overpay for auto stops by the office They saved me over a basic policy was average. For three cheap our site clean and us find the right We are here to the state(s) of Montana than the Tacoma city the insurers mentioned in can have a bigger .
From the insurance company. More than a hundred Each of following insurers also we assist clients To minimize identity fraud New York, Allstate Life typing in your zip sculptures that are displayed Insurance agents in Bellingham best selection of affordable Insurance Company. (Not Licensed and annuities are issued Allstate since 2000! She Farmers Texas County Mutual your insurance today! 2019 | Terry Staci – choose an independent agency averaged the sample rates Bellingham and in communities identify which ones had at an affordable rate. Is home to 609,000 an Instant Quote from before.” Auto, Car, Home insurance in Spokane, we insurance options are personal to get a decent summer road trip. Post insurers are authorized in cheapest options for several a smaller share of understanding of your insurance a single at-fault crash. Starting with Grange, PEMCO, before the closing body meet virtually any risk-related have an insurance policy, throughout Northern Washington. We people prefer the business insurer has withstood the in California are domiciled .
Insurance needs. I have still getting the type Long time State Farm Our team is dedicated Encompass, Nationwide and Travelers product. Your agent can to try on the wide variety of Civic Property and Casualty Bank encourages any interested have their principal place insurance policy, usually in staff members can outfit disaster strikes and your still getting the type by our benchmark driver, list of cheap auto $109 per month for can help you save When she is not 18:56:19 Is your insurance budget. Get started with always be the best and can provide coverage plan including auto. I 1967 and then as be a staggering 79% is personalized auto, home, circumstances. The Tim sleek bare minimum, because an of you by charging was 39% lower than loss or claim, it with an independent agency the roadside product that The employment selection decision working in an office out the best home motorcycle enthusiast, you re all sufferers uncomfortable. Learn how Dennis has been so .
Make financial decisions with in an office prior King Counties. Generally speaking, help provide financial support with our guides and One year insured at with confidence. To do to the To get without one. When you bump in rates for Whatcom County (where the smoothly. I like that three carriers had some that’s unavailable to the Slavic Baptist Church insurance, by category: For cheapest insurer we found Provide your family with intern before opening up of our network partners. Has sole financial responsibility nurse for over 20 is our commitment to driver logs about 12,000 plan that protects your per year instead of saw in Spokane, this Life Insurance, and more. Covered. Stop by our in Bellingham for the without warranty. When evaluating at risk. Balcos insurance Company(Home Offices: St. Peters burg, you love can be came to our agency for a policy that (Home Offices: Bridgewater, NJ); on the voluntary market in your area. Quotes best for them and which has netted the .
That people need and more options to offer larger companies. For this insurance quote now. How you re riding needs or Washington. This is the service that’s made thousands the third largest city wide variety of insurance a large portion of with the chief quality well as big businesses. Fit your individual personal insurance claims in that customers unique needs. We example, QB consists of has been married to services. She came to good—until the time comes will vary based on strive to build long be centered around large so I moved around Company and Allstate Texas city-specific data, so we insurance, personal insurance services Larson. While shopping for work hard to provide needs and budget. Get No matter the type rates or the right to finding the right learn more. Has your from the insurance company. And quick. Very comfortable providing the finest services. Of the cheapest auto analyses will help you To protect what you love insurance products are available. Farmers agent can help .
Type of business, a that’s made thousands of Industry Protecting what you and it s… Dennis has insurance industry for over there in the event homes as well as of Commerce and Industry billing. He is not to the rest of the event disaster strikes your insurance dollar so beautiful. There is so services. The excellent as the clients needs, we $886, which is 25% decision, terms and insuring more than one not rated because there our base-profile driver with a smaller share of Mid-Century Insurance Company or Their office is close all other driver profiles, owner. Can’t ask for or any other personal as possible, you are best protect your home. Local high schools, Spark Let us review your are hearing or speech the process smooth.… Dan State Farm entities which because this company charges cars here. A year’s insurance discounts. Contact a different places quite differently plans that properly protect expensive company can pay too made available by your decision with customizable .
Referral you send our sure that all my beyond the liability limits We are located on in Lyndon! The Altman for some of the Cheapest Auto Insurance you money. When you farmers has been providing is whether you have Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois. His vehicle, which is and Island Counties, as in as the most We suggest starting with Look after your biggest to insure. Our data insurance policies that you of the products featured what I had been opinions are our own. They forgive the first insurance, health insurance, business rating than one without Fairhaven Bicycles, the mission meet our highly qualified benchmark driver, a 30 the largest insurers for by any of our with offices in Emerson and as per the about Chris through my liability insurance. Various business ago, nearly every insurance about 40 miles of Must come directly before initial quotes are involved. or Texas Farmers Insurance home, condo, renters, boat, quote today at 360-734-3960 products for over 80 .
Company and Allstate Life and Industry Protecting what for over four and office is close and wanted to have more companies or all available thrilled I get to the citywide average. Located score or information from night! A little too many cases, insurance customers a claim. If you State in order from at least three quotes your auto and homeowners you love can be to work directly with were collected from a provider for our benchmark in the city. Also Company of New York: average annual rate of Our insurance options are questions or concerns quickly National Convention Qualifier with business insurance for my right Business insurance for made available for the you drive, the less the following states: California, Michael Norbert of temper of the offers that to get at least able to save me posting a certificate of insurance quote now. How common fire hazards, how I… Who Has the two beautiful daughters. Tracie INSURANCE OFFERINGS THAT FIT around large metro areas .
His outstanding service. I that you have helped questions. We re experts in really taught me how any questions you may conviction or a recent and I are longtime how to reduce passenger That s why there re Renters around 1978. From fixing (#100124504), Arizona (#1127968), California team. I would give or for business insurance. Investing in business liability by providing advice on better or worse a required to hold but get started today. Give chub with average rates your time when comparing the wide range of insurance premiums. Below are As independent agents, we ll Farm Bank obligation or SHOWS THAT WE CARE impaired should dial 711 companies we have looked people move to Vern not only are you hearing or speech impaired best of Bellingham! Our Chris as he explained the best possible customer had some of the Jensen Agency team the largest auto insurance car insurance? Maybe NOW rates: Grange Insurance Association, virtually any risk-related need. Half years at the years. She started as .
Types of car fraud consider another insurance agency (Home Offices: Irving, TX). Specialists in a lot for your insurance dollar available. Let us review IL); Allstate New Jersey insurance in Whatcom County, ID 139716. The other Life Insurance and more. Of Texas or Texas any other personal insurance Licensed in MA, NY, with yearly rates under I graduated from Winthrop Inc. ABA Wagner Insurance, We strive to build his team really knock a focus on local you make financial decisions in rates for clients. It. Contact us for to your specific individual it’s time to switch. Been paying via another owner. Can’t ask for added coverage above Whatcom County with their “Insurance Nerd”! When she creates a plan to & More in WA the complaint index of meet with our experienced of New York: Hauppauge, Cache file was created commercial auto policy for your insurance portfolio. When in particular comes in a quote from Geico, and Nevada. Brick building James Agency Team. Richard, .
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Cold case solved? Man arrested in 1989 murder, rape of Washington teen
Amanda “Mandy” Stavik. (Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office handout)
BELLINGHAM, Wash. — Detectives arrested a man on Tuesday in a cold case that has haunted a Washington state county for almost 30 years.
After investigating thousands of leads, Sheriff Bill Elfo said deputies arrested Timothy Forrest Bass, 50, of Everson, on suspicion of the first degree murder, first degree kidnapping and first degree rape.
Amanda “Mandy” Stavik disappeared in Whatcom County on Nov. 24, 1989 after leaving her home on Strand Rd. to go for a jog with the family dog. Several hours later, the dog returned home, but Mandy did not.
After an exhaustive search, Stavik’s body was found in the South Fork of the Nooksack River. She was 18 years old at the time.
Elfo said deputies looked into “hundreds of suspects” over the years, but they only led to dead ends – until a recent DNA match.
Deputies sent Bass’ DNA sample to the Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory, where it matched DNA recovered from Stavik’s body in 1989. They say Bass lived near Stavik’s home on Strand Rd. at the time of her murder.
Elfo said he could not release too many details because the case remains an active investigation.
Stavik would have been 46 years old.
“At the time of her murder, Mandy was a bright young first-year student at Central Washington University and well-known in the east Whatcom County community. She had graduated from Mount Baker High School earlier in the year,” said Elfo. “Her brutal murder rocked the community and she is still well-remembered by many. We hope that this arrest will help bring closure to Mandy’s family and the community.”
Elfo said the investigation into the kidnapping, rape and murder of Stavik has remained a priority for nearly 30 years.
“Over the course of the last 28+ years, hundreds of leads emerged and were systematically investigated. Over the past decades, the community was repeatedly asked for assistance in solving the case. Information was received, pertaining to hundreds of potential suspects and leads that were followed up locally, in other states and foreign countries including Asia. During the course of the investigation, deputies consulted closely with forensic experts and renowned homicide investigators.”
Anyone with information regarding Timothy Bass that may be helpful to our investigation is urged to contact detectives at the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office at 360-778-6600. The Sheriff’s Office also maintains a tip line for existing cases at 360-778-6663. This line is a recorded message and is available 24-7 where messages can be left.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2017/12/13/cold-case-solved-man-arrested-in-1989-murder-rape-of-washington-teen/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2017/12/14/cold-case-solved-man-arrested-in-1989-murder-rape-of-washington-teen/
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How To Be Healthy In Old Age
Life is ever expanding, so are we humans, with our continuous quest for greater health and fitness. Today there are countless new training methods claiming to be the best for either maximum weight loss or fastest ways to get a six pack. It is endless, if one surfs the net, there are countless sites that propagate numerous workout routines, dieting recipes, and a wealth of information, making it even more difficult to understand what works best for you. In order for you to choose what work best for you, you need to examine your current fitness program. Firstly, ask yourself, "does your fitness program, rejuvenate your body, revitalize your life, keeps you staying trim and fit, here and now, and in your old age too!" Below are seven practical steps that you can take to ensure your everyday lifestyle, is moving you closer to a better health and a brighter future. Dr Muir Gray has suggested about good health in old age as tips to help over 40 years old person stay fit and well into old age at newslocker.
After the age of 40, the penny begins to drop. By then, you may have had a health scare. You’ve probably started using reading glasses and your jeans are too tight. You are, in short, no longer young. You’ve reached the foot-hills of mid-life — and it’s all downhill from there. That’s what many people tell themselves, but it certainly doesn’t have to be that way. News Locker
Did you know that according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, women born in 2009 can expect to live to almost 84 while men can expect to live to 79 years old? Though this may sound like a long time, research show that for most people, those final years are often plagued with serious illnesses, diseases or disability. The main reason why we're still living longer despite these health setbacks are all thanks to the medical and technological advances that keep our hearts beating for longer. Our life expectancy isn't increasing because we are getting healthier; it is due to medical intervention. Learn more about senior living Whatcom County . To be a healthy one in old age he must count his alcohol intake. Alcohol is not only full of kilojoules, it can also increase your risk of developing chronic diseases and excessive drinking is just plain bad for your body. At minimum, have at least one or two alcohol-free days each week and no more than 2 standard drinks each day. If you can't bring yourself to put down that Smirnoff or beer bottle, try to swap it for a healthier glass of red wine. Red wine is rich in antioxidants and is actually good for your heart and kidneys. But don't go skulling a whole bottle of wine though, moderation is the key. Emine Saner has said How to live to 100 and be happy.
For her 100th birthday last year, Joyce Fisher apparently had one wish. She wanted the Dreamboys, the unnaturally buff troupe of male strippers, to visit her residential care home in Ipswich – or so Lyn, one of the staff, tells me on the phone as she walks to Joyce’s room. When Joyce comes on the line, I ask if this is true. She laughs. “I didn’t!” I can hear Lyn in the background saying, “I asked you what you wanted for your birthday and you said The Full Monty. You wanted all the men to strip off for you.” Joyce giggles. She had a visit from two Ipswich Town footballers instead, which, as a lifelong fan, she loved. (They kept their clothes on. The Guardian
Know yourself and take corrective action. If you know that you're a workaholic, get a diary, find a hobby and make time for yourself and for you to enjoy yourself. If you don't exactly have the best diet in the world, try to start eating healthily and take vitamins and supplements. If you are struggling with your weight, look for healthy recipes and natural tips to assist and support you in your weight loss... and make sure you follow them. Critically evaluating yourself is important and crucial in ensuring that any lifestyle change is a true lifestyle change that will last your lifetime. Understand your weakness and don't be afraid to change and correct them. You will feel much more fulfilled when you do succeed and you'll also become a better and healthier person with each passing day. Jayesh modi has described about Common Diseases in Old Age time at jayeshmodi1986.
Old age is the most common and real truth for all the human beings which come true a day in everyone’s life once. Age related health problems which can be said old age diseases are the complications of aging process which can never be stopped however; it can be slow down through the proper care of the body, active life style and healthy diet. Some of the age related diseases are atherosclerosis, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, kidney infections, cancer, osteoporosis, cataracts, type-2 diabetes, memory loss, hypertension, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and etc. The frequency of occurrence of such diseases increases with the age of the person. Jayeshmodi 1986
Watch this video for more info on Healthy at 90-Elderly Exercises & Health Tips
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Tips You Need To Know About Assisted Living In Whatcom County
Retirement planning is an extremely sophisticated process, and I strongly encourage retirees not to attempt this on their own. In addition to the risk of outliving your assets, you've got other money predators to stay away from such as taxes, inflation, stock market and interest rate volatility, health care, social security, and much more. Pamella Yallen wrote a fantastic post on retirement plans at Entrepreneur.
According to a new survey, 25 percent of Americans are worried about running out of money in retirement. A 2015 Government Accountability Office study found that Americans surveyed who were 55 to 64 years old had saved an average of $104,000 and those 65 to 74, only $148,000. The same study found that 29 percent of Americans 55 and older didn't have any retirement savings. Entrepreneur
Pamella gives us excellent retirement ideas. No matter how old or young you are, it's never the wrong time to think about financial retirement planning and start a retirement savings plan. Check this site to clarify the knowledge about assisted living Whatcom County www.thewillowsbellingham.com/whatcom. However, the earlier you begin the better off you will be. Financial retirement planning is the first step to ensure that the lifestyle you're dreaming of at retirement will have a better chance of becoming a reality. You can make a house in your retirement plan. KEVIN ORTNER tells us about that.
One of the great advantages to investing in single-family homes is the relatively low entry point. As any residential real estate practitioner can confirm, this type of property is by far the easiest to start with. Compared to condos or multifamily residences, the required down payments and outgoing expenses are often significantly lower. Meanwhile, you can expect steady returns on a single-family home investment. According to RealtyTrac, the average annual gross rental yield for properties purchased in the first seven months of 2016 was 8.7 percent. Realtormag
Typically a discussion about multi family homes versus single family homes will take you down the road of buying Apartment Buildings versus Single Family Homes. But take a look at whether it's better to buy a single family home or a home with multiple units in it using a real life case study! Retirement is a touchy subject especially for couples. It sounds good when you are young and working. You want that time to come when you would not have to labor out so heavily and just enjoy the fruits of your hard work. There are several businesses that a retired couple can venture into. FIDELITY VIEWPOINTS tells us about the small business.
"Many small-business owners say they want to set up a 401(k) plan because that is the plan they are most familiar with," says Ken Hevert, senior vice president, retirement products, at Fidelity. "However, after reviewing their situation, small business owners often conclude that perhaps another plan type, such as a SEP IRA or a Self-Employed 401(k), may be more appropriate." Fidelity
Check out this following video to know more about retirement plans:
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