#astarion and yda
icescrabblerjerky · 9 months
Sometimes I just need two characters to scrape out each other's insides until they are hollow, to chip away at everything they think the other one stands for and pull it out through their skin and lay it out and set it on fire.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
Heading into Act II.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
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Yeah I'm dusting off my gif gloves, this is how you know I got it BAD.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
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icescrabblerjerky · 9 months
Post meeting Oblodra, Astarion has some things to say to Yda.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
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This is absolutely not something Yda would wear EVER but I had to put them in it and imagine this is a scenario post game at some point where they both have to dress up and pretend.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
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No brain, only drow freckles.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
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One more for the road because this is how it's going right now lol.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
This is a Barcus Wroot Fanblog
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
Duergar and Mushrooms and Gnomes Oh My.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
CW for Volo's Special Eye Stuff (the only spell he'll ever have named after him)
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
Into the Underdark
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
Custom Camp: BG3
I wanted to know what everyone's CAMPS look like - you know how each NPC has their own specific camp (Astarion with his mirror and Gale with his books and telescope and Lae'zel with her weapons and disturbing collection of severed heads).
Describe, or draw if you can (I wish) what your Tav's camp would look like.
Yda's tent is simple and pale blue, a table set up with various drying herbs and a bottle rack, another table with their alchemical equipment on it. They have a fairly large collection of books, stacked haphazardly near their bedroll, although not nearly as large as Gale's - with at least three copies of "The Curse of the Vampyr" which they have been gradually giving to Astarion every couple of days as a joke (You get SO MANY COPIES OF THAT BOOK in the ruins where you find Withers - Withers was deffo trying to tell us something). He burns them every time they give him one. Their one indulgence is a very fancy cushion, perfect size for Scratch, as he sleeps next to them.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
Chapter Two. I think this is all gonna be from Astarion's POV. He meets Yda. It's not smooth sailing :D.
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icescrabblerjerky · 9 months
7 and 9 for the writer asks <3
7. What characters captured your heart?
Oh man. Every single character I write captures my heart, but this year THIS YEAR, well.
Astarion. Of course. Larian said "What if we gave you a completely broken asshole and then WHAT IF YOU COULD ACTUALLY FIX HIM" and well, I was lost. I love him so much.
Grant Wilson from Dungeons and Daddies: Jesus Christ Anthony Burch haven't you hurt him enough? But also maybe I can hurt him more? That seems fun?
Lark Oak-Garcia from Dungeons and Daddies : SEE ABOVE.
9. What fic meant the most for you to write?
I haven't finished The Illusion of Choice yet but it's meant SO much to me to write it, it's the first time I've dared to make a character who is not a self insert, more a self... idealisation in my Tav, Yda. They're not me, not by a long shot, but I think when you're looking at a spectrum of OCs I've made Yda is the end game for me as a person, someone who HURTS, who can also hurt others, but who is mature enough to recognise that in themself and understand the consequences of their actions. They're an ideal version of me. Also having a character who has the same gender identity and sexuality as me is something I've not done before and I love writing it even though sometimes it's very difficult.
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icescrabblerjerky · 1 year
Yda shows Astarion his scars.
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