#astra and behrad just arent it
incurable-nerdism · 2 years
Spooner and Behrad had more conversation in that last episode than Astra and Behrad have had in the whole show like cmon they're not meant for each other. Give us what we want! Astra and spooner are so much better and its infuriating to see Astra get pushed with someone she is so incompatible with. Like just let her be single then if that's the only other option. Smh
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
ok gonna write my post about legends of tomorrow 6.08 “stressed western” SO quick bc i wanna get to sleep early. this episode is a decompression episode which allows the characters to process stuff from the previous episodes while setting up stuff for later episodes. these decompression episodes arent usually my favorites but theyre necessary and since its a legends of tomorrow episode of course its gonna be enjoyable no matter what. this one isnt like a standout episode or anything but i liked it alright and it was cool to see david ramsey in a silly mustache :) 
the sara ava stuff felt a little bit um not the best? it’s very sweet how sara blurts out that shes a clone alien hybrid, of course she cant keep anything from ava. but their agreement to not tell the team for now bc they wanna try to be “normal” felt obviously doomed to fail, and this whole “normal” idea is something we’ve already seen before in the episode where they have their first date. so i feel like they should have learned that lesson by now. still it’s very nice to see ava being so supportive and even a little bit nervous about making sara feel welcome bc she cares about her so much. ava’s anxieties over sara being part alien now and therefore different was something that did work for me. it just felt very real. because its one thing to say you’ll love her no matter how she’s changed but it’s another thing to see those changes in action. it’s just very human of ava. i like how it sort of escalates from seeing sara eat too many cherries to seeing sara survive being shot in the head. it was a very badass scene of sara taking all those bullets. i just know keto shimizu or someone in the writers room took inspiration from wolverine weapon x bc not only was sara kidnapped and experimented on to give her new abilities but also now she has a healing factor and can survive all these bullets!!! i liked that ava was so horrified at seeing sara maimed in that way even though sara was fine. again yknow thats something i can emotionally connect with. but then at the end when they were like well i guess we shouldnt have tried to be normal i was like yeah no duh you already knew this!!!!!! i just wish that part had been framed in another way. 
i like how nate is like lets do a nice regular classic kind of legends mission to get sara back in the groove and they do a wild west mission. because to us the viewers it does evoke the past wild west episodes and so it does have a classic feeling. i think that’s fun. i also enjoyed how nate expressed his frustration and how he felt like he wasn’t getting enough respect or recognition for keeping the team together when everything had been falling apart. even though it was a ruse to lure the alien it still was how he felt and i had been wondering if the show was ever gonna recognize just how taxing it must have been for nate to be everybody’s rock for that stretch of episodes. so it was nice to see. hes still not my fave but i can appreciate him. i also enjoyed the zari behrad sibling bickering, so cute. i dont really care for this behrad astra flirtation but we’ll see how it goes. 
the spooner astra stuff was nice. kind of funny how nate calls out the trope-iness of putting the 2 characters who dont like each other on a mission and by the end they will be friends. since spooner and astra are the 2 newest characters it was a little tricky for me to totally grasp everything that was going on with them, just because i don’t know either of them that well, but i enjoyed their sniping at each other and i really loved when astra finds out spooner lost her mom and her whole demeanor kind of changes. i love when astra is kind of being hard on spooner and judging her because she sees herself in spooner and she’s hard on herself. and spooner reminds astra that shes not in hell anymore and she shouldnt be acting like she is. i like that they bonded, it’s kind of a fun contrast since their personalities and aesthetics are so different. i think they should be besties. 
okay thats all last thing i wanna say is i bet sara is one of those girls who can tie a cherry stem in a knot with her tongue
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