It was the biggest mosquito Adrien had seen in his life. The kind that could drain your blood. The kind that would leave you itching for the rest of the summer. The kind that had to die. That was why, without thinking, he had slapped the man on the cheek. In retrospect, he should’ve thought before he acted, but in his defense, he had already been a walking mosquito snack and didn’t wish that kind of pain on anybody else. Adrien’s eyes widened in shock, his mouth gaped open at what he had just done. His hand was still hovering in the air inches away from the man’s face. He could make out the pink mark that was blossoming on his cheek from the impact. “I-it wasn’t me.”
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Not surprisingly, Anna was ready for the event. She had her best hiking boots on, her bag filled with everything she could need, and she had practically bathed in bug spray. Taking a break from her tent-mates, she walked around the campsite, looking for a familiar (and friendly) face. With extra pep in her step, she walked over to Michael, who was still one of her best (and only) friends in Astra. “Hey dude,” she started. “What are you up to?”
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tatianasharma · 6 years
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Tatiana Sharma: Summer Aesthetic ↣ 2018 Camping Trip
↳ “But the most beautiful things in life are not just things. They're people, and places, memories, and pictures. They're feelings and moments and smiles and laughter.”
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pessimisticedwin · 6 years
Edwin has always been an introvert. He needs time to be by himself. He likes having time to be by himself. He loves the outdoors and so this camping trip sounded like something he might actually like but he was worried about being around people all the time. Edwin decided to go for a walk in the woods to allow himself to be alone for a little bit. He found a small stream not far from the campsite and climbed a tree to admire everything around him. Past a few trees he could still see the everyone and the tents so he wasn’t worried about finding his way back. He closed his eyes and just listened to the stream and the wind blowing through the trees. He heard someone walking below him and he opened his eyes. Looking down, he noticed someone who looked very confused and lost. “Hey if you’re looking for the campsite, it’s over there. Walk past about four of those trees and you’ll find everyone.” 
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ofhcdes · 6 years
( @simba-abioye && @lunaloquitur )
Hayden had spent the majority of the bus journey in silence. He had luckily been able to secure the window seat thanks to his inability to ever be late, so he had used that as an excuse to simply stare out at the passing scenery instead of interacting with the people he was seated next to. Thankfully, they allowed him to ignore them, glaring out of the window as he regretted all of his life choices that had lead him to today. Hayden hated camping.
They arrived at the campsite after what felt like hours and Hayden knew that he could no longer get away with ignoring the others. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that he had been paired with strangers; he was certain that everyone he had met so far already hated him, so at least they were hopefully neutral about him and the trip would pass with little drama. He closed the book that he hadn’t even read a single page of and stood to get off of the bus, ❝ I can’t say I’ve ever put a tent up before, I’m not sure how useful I’m going to be right now. ❞
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astridhxfferson · 6 years
@terencewright @artisticrat
Camping was something that Astrid loved doing every year with her Uncle Finn. They always went to different sites for various recreational activities-hiking, rock climbing, swimming, kayaking-anything and everything under the sun. The spontaneous trips were the highlight of every summer break. With her backpack on, she walked over to where her tentmates were. The sight she walked in on was almost comical, one was wrestling with the tent as the other was reading the instructions. Astrid was more than capable of pitching the tent herself. If her mood wasn't as good as it was right now she might've just shooed them away and did it all herself. Instead, she dropped her pack on the ground and threw her braid over her shoulder, “We don’t have to set up the tent you know." Sleeping outside was never something she turned down. “A tarp on the ground and sleeping bags will suffice.”
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purejcy · 6 years
( @eric--anderson )
Joy really really didn’t want to admit that they’d accidentally knocked the tent down. But really, whose idea was it to make all of those dumb ropes so easy to trip over anyway ?? It definitely wasn’t their fault, they were being set up for certain failure by the tent companies. Sat on the ground surrounded by loose tent pegs and half buried by a pile of fabric that once resembled a tent, Joy let out a frustrated sigh and collapsed backwards onto the grass. It was hopeless. At the sound of someone approaching, they opened their eyes and squinted up at the person now standing above them. Recognising Eric, they signed instead of speaking aloud. It’s not what it looks like ??
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maixchang-blog · 6 years
It wasn’t that Mai disliked her tentmate, exactly.  It was just that they had very little in common, and fine, Mai did not particularly care for bubbly, cheerful people in general.  Mai also did not care for camping, so she was already feeling extra irritable.  Returning to the tent to find Joy and dirt inside only made it worse.  “Oh, great,” she sighed.  “It’s everywhere.”
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As it turned out, you needed more than one person to use a canoe.  That made sense, but it posed a bit of a problem when he came here alone.  Fortunately, he discovered after a brief search, there was another person here.  “Hi!  So, uh, my name is Michael Darling.  Do you want to ride a canoe with me?  Apparently you need two people, but I only brought myself, so I need another person.  I promise it’ll be fun!”  Just to make sure she knew he wasn’t trying to force her or anything, he added, “But if you don’t want to, I can totally go find someone else.  I just thought I’d ask, you know, in case you did want to canoe.”
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Adrien Agreste: Summer Aesthetic ↣ 2018 Camping Trip
↳ “But these are days we dream about when the sunlight paints us gold.”
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So far the camping trip had been everything she was hoping for. She’d gotten to explore, she met new people, she got to go fishing. Turns out it’s a boring activity, but at least now she knew for sure. Sitting on the ground, having lunch, she noticed a girl across the camp talking to a guy. She couldn’t hear their conversation, but she could infer what was going on. And when that guy left, another one came almost right away. It was one of the most amazing things she’d ever seen. She wasn’t sure who this girl was, but she aspired to be her. She moved closer to the conversation, but didn’t interrupt. “Okay, are you some kind of wizard?” she asked once the boy left.
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tatianasharma · 6 years
She expected a lot of things when it came to this camping trip, but one of them certainly was not a shriek. Whipping her head around Tatiana almost tripped when she rushed over to the woman. She recognized her as Diana from the Easter picnic. They had talked about the food she had made and both bonded over being from India. She had been meaning to invite her over for dinner but never got around to it. What a way to reunite. “Are you ok? Is everything alright?” Her eyes quickly scanned the scene trying to find the cause of distress. Tati visibly relaxed when she looked down at Diana’s shoe. A small smile replaced the worry that was previously on her face, “Oh, you just got a little mud on your shoe. I thought you were hurt or something.”
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purejcy · 6 years
( @merldadunbroch )
Joy was almost definitely lost. They loved hiking and had been all too excited to venture away from the campsite and explore the area, but that had been three hours ago and they definitely did not have any idea how to get back to the group. Anyone else would probably start to panic at this point, but Joy found that they didn’t actually mind. Usually they hated spending long periods of time alone and would be going slightly stir crazy without anyone to talk to, however they were finding their surroundings to be endlessly inspiring; they were glad that they never went anywhere without at least a roll-up keyboard, which is how they could be found now, sat with their legs dangling off of a huge rock as they worked on a cover of one of their favourite songs.
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maixchang-blog · 6 years
Mai really thought she had found a nice (well, relatively speaking), quiet space, away from people.  Apparently not.  She had been coming here the past two days and no one else had showed up, but today she saw a total of three people before she started to think it was time to find somewhere else to avoid everyone.  Just as she was getting ready to leave, though, she felt a bug on her arm, which meant it was time to refresh the bug spray.  But when she looked through her bag, there was no bug spray.  She left it back in the tent.  She really didn’t want to go all the way back there, but there was no way she was going to stay out here without any bug spray, so she didn’t have any other options.  At least, that was what she thought, but then she heard the arrival of yet another person.  “Please tell me you have bug spray.”
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The best part of camping, Michael was discovering, was definitely the smores.  He had had them before, of course, but something about making them on a real campfire after a long day of camping in the actual outdoors just made them taste better.  He had just finished his fourth of the night, so naturally he was working on the marshmallow for his fifth.  He figured the normal rules of healthy eating or whatever didn’t apply here.  On a camping trip, you should be able to eat as many smores as you wanted and be totally fine.  It was definitely science.
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Although Anna loved camping, camping did not love Anna. Apparently she did not have any useful skills. She had never pitched a tent, she couldn’t make a campfire, she didn’t even know how to use a lighter. But she was determined to contribute to her group, so she went out to look for firewood. No matter how far she had to go, she was gonna find the best piece of firewood Astra had ever seen. As she wandered through the site, she picked up a few options, but none of them really had the ‘wow factor’ she wanted. After a few more minutes of searching, she found exactly what she had been hoping for. Dropping the other sticks in a pile, she ran over to it and struggled to lift it. She managed to lift it so one end was on the ground, and one was above her head. Bringing it back to her tent was definitely going to be a struggle. When she tried to carry it back, she only made it a few feet before dropping it. It would be a miracle if she managed to do this without hurting herself. Grumbling to herself, she tried to pick it up again, immediately getting a splinter and dropping it to examine her battle scar. She groaned and then gave it another shot. It almost tipped her over and she dropped it again. “Will you just cooperate?” she angrily asked the stick. Maybe carrying it was a bad idea. Instead, she would just drag it, which was also a struggle. After about a minute of dragging it (meaning she made it about 30 feet) she shouted “Is there like... a big, strong person who likes lifting things?” into what felt like an empty forest, as she attempted to drag the stick that definitely weighed more than she did all the way back to the tent.
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