#c: brandon
owenstark · 3 months
who: @wintervsuns what: the king of the north sends another letter to brandon karstark.
You are missed at court. I know you will not return. Your quarters remained undisturbed should you wish to come back. Should you ever choose to return you are always welcomed at my side when the hatred in your heart leaves you I will be here.
Forgive me for this failure. Forgive for making this choice that has caused such a rift between us. The North has taken sides. You should know, they're calling you the son of winter and I must say, they are not wrong.
I don't expect to hear from you. Don't expect me to stop writing. Perhaps it's good for the fire.
King Owen 1 Stark
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briannabrackens · 10 months
who: @benblackwood / (brandon blackwood, first blackwood lord of raventree hall) age: the age of heroes - following the exile of house blackwood from the wolfswood. roughly five hundred to a thousand years before the coming of the andals. this is a past life thread, based on notions of reincarnation. where: hunting woods on the outskirts of the village of blackbuckle. what: a seventeen year old princess briar bracken of the red fork meets the talk of all the land of rivers - the blackwoods of the north.
the cold came in waves, the beams of sunlight breaking through the darkness of the trees basking in nothing but deceit and falsehood - for despite the rays that illuminated her path and her surroundings, they did nothing to protect from the biting chill of the wind. the sounds of the forest were alive and quiet all at the very once, the momentary snapping of a twig beneath the pressure of her leather sole and the subsequent scuttle of an animal scarpering for freedom. for it's very life, as it would have had to do it's whole entire life being raised amongst these towering trees.
they conditioned to run at the slightest of sounds, living a life on the brink of instinct and survival: were they very much that different from humans then?
perhaps that had always been the intention of the gods; to fill each of their creation with spirits that were akin, and continued to watch over them by being present within each and every thing. the sound of the wind and the rustling were the safest of all sounds she could have wished for.
she should have been hunting, and hunting she had done; her arrow had been washed from the blood of large pheasants, tied onto the back of her faithful horse; there was none accompanying the princess, who had recently turned seven and ten - for it were customs that within the lands of the red fork, one's first hunt needed to be done entirely alone. without involvement. and so, some of her closest guards remain at the mouth of the dense forest: and it was there they had been ordered to remain. pheasants were not what she had been tasked with, and whilst she had used their blood to mark upon the trees in gratitude to the gods for her bounty, there was something greater she wished to draw the string of her bow on.
a great stag found within these valleys, majestic; whose head would be within the great hall of stone hedge to commemorate her first hunt.
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she took to slipping from the her horse, where she had always rode astride; holding the reins wrapped around her hand, which grew pink with the cold. a a line of house bracken's early origins were in horse breeding, specifically horses for battle: it was where they had dabbled, and when their lines had crossed with the royal line, it were as though those of stone hedge were able to temper the most wild of spirits.
and it was in a clearing where she spotted them through the darkness of the hedge; not merely a stag, but a doe and fawn too. the sight made her pause in her tracks, dark, thick brows furrowing together in momentary confusion; for she had never seen a stag remain with his family so. she hated how she saw her own eyes each time she looked upon them, and whilst she continued to silently step forward and avoid all twigs, her string drawing and her arrow aimed, she found herself hesitating again upon seeing the fawns drink the milk from their mother. did the love of a mother cross all boundaries too?
it was then she turned, and suddenly found another figure beside her; in a dark cloak, with slight curls as red as fire coming from underneath the way his hood was pulled to protect him from the cold. her own thick hair had been pulled into a side plait, her hood falling from her head only moments before. there was clear surprise in her facial expression, but upon glancing over him, she noted he too was hunting. and was looking toward the very same clearing. something in her seemingly shifted, violently, and she impulsively stepped on a twig, alerting the sound to the deer. something in her could not be the death of this scene: and she did not want another to be either.
"tá i bhfad níos mó sna coillte seo. ní gá dúinn a leithéid a dhéanamh chun na neamhchiontachta chomh soiléir sin. le do thoil." (there are far more in these woods. we need not do such a thing to innocence so clear.) her words, were seemingly ignored: for he sent an arrow forwards anyway as the deer began to make their retreat, and she heard one of them let out a cry and fall. her face changed entirely. had he ignored her, so openly? "an bhfuil tú bodhar, a dhuine phóg trí thine?" (do you not hear me? i say, where is your mercy?)
he did not understand her. it were obvious by the way he looked at her, his hand gesture making it clear he did not understand what it was she was trying to say to him. and slowly but surely her mind seemingly spun as the pieces all fell into perfect place; there is only one who would not yet know the language they had spoken for thousands of years. "blackwood." she asked, her voice half hesitant but still it sounded more of a statement than a question; he seemed not a monster. he seemed another hunter in these lands. but what could he and his family have done to be banished from the north? she would need to speak the common tongue. "that is you, yes?"
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nasirofmanderlys · 1 year
who: @wintervsuns​ where: the chambers of the hand of the king within winterfell, shortly after the body of meera reed came through winterfell’s courtyard.
relief, was the first thing the lord of white harbor felt upon the revelation of who it was that had been rolled through the gates of winterfell. relief, to know that somewhere, his sister remained alive and breathing thanks to the will of the gods; as far as he knew so far. that somewhere, the fact she remained unmarried, was worth something; it was also her biggest threat. the next feeling was immense feelings of guilt, considering they were within the courtyard when the hand of the king realised it was the corpse of his wife that had been rolled publicly through the gates of winterfell, as though she were nothing. 
she was his everything. the whole winter court knew of the way he adored his wife.
there had been something more to the marriage of the sun of winter and the lady of greywater watch. not entirely arranged, a history of her strange presence enjoying the warmth he emitted to those around him. nasir noticed over a course of many years how she would go from lingering in corners, too strange and on edge to take a seat in the great hall, unaware of who to sit with - and time after time she would end up at the same table as brandon karstark, by his own calling. the only one who closely associated with the strange woman, bellowing her name over the chattering crowds.
the thought made him want to be sick, that his instant reaction was relief. relief it was not his sister. but that did not mean he was relieved to know it was brandon’s wife - or was he? “you’ll get yourself killed if you leave now.” nasir’s voice came through the hand of the king’s chambers, as he stood before the door. 
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still, now he heard news of his departure. his wish to encrypt his wife within the crypts of karhold, which remained surrounded. karhold had been cut off, and even by sea, there was the risk of being attacked upon by the isle of skagos and whatever support they had gathered from the three sisters of the vale. another matter for the lord of white harbor to deal with, ontop of the pushing threat of the boltons on the borders of his lands. nasir thought brandon would die if he left now, even with combined karstark and reed soldiers.
“reed men included, you will make yourself a prime target. your men will tire from constant attacks as you push through enemy land. even the seas are not safe, but if you’ll take the risk, i’ll provide you ships. id wager it safer than pushing through by land, even with skagos and the three sisters.” 
almost as though her final gift to him was to give him the resources to help him survive. it made him want to look upon his own wife, to wrap his arms around her from behind as he always did. 
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void-botanist · 2 years
🖊 for anyone in the fourth android? :0
Oh boy that's so many options. I changed my mind at least five times about who to talk about, because I'm thinking about at least five of them at every moment. But I finally settled on Anni.
As I'm restructuring the beginning of TFA I'm adding in more scenes with her, which I'm happy about, even though I keep second guessing how good I am at writing from her POV. But I enjoy writing about her putting on her headphones (they're cool headphones with light-up stripes) and one of her like twenty curated playlists and getting in the coding zone. Approaching fictional android problems with the same kinds of strategies and frustrations that I have when I code. And having an excellent dynamic with her primary coworker at the bookstore, Urma (they/them), who is a (human) cryptid with a taste for this world's equivalent of any peach-flavored alcohol and the daily newspaper crossword (for solving, not imbibing). Anni spends a lot of time with Zel in this book, obviously, and I'm slowly figuring out how to show what their dynamic is, partly by showing everything around it (family, friends, jobs, etc.). And I am so excited for when I eventually get to the point of writing Anni having "gossip hour" with her older sister Halli (she/her) and younger brother Brandon (he/they) when she goes home for solstice. After a day's happenings they can all pile into someone's bedroom and speak of their dark secrets, such as "do you know where they store the solstice lights the rest of the season???" (Bran knows. He works for the city) and "I think I'm getting serious about Zel. should I be getting serious about Zel? is Zel getting serious about me?? is it too soon to ask??? Halli you're engaged please advise me how to gay correctly????" (Halli is engaged. in a beautiful t4t sapphic romance. and betrothed too I guess).
Also, I remembered that in an earlier draft of TFA it was important to the plot that Anni used to be really into cosplay, because Dez swiped some of her stuff to attempt to pass as human while he ran away. I kinda want to explore that side of her even though I don't think it's super directly relevant to this draft of TFA. Did the cosplay stuff just sort of fade into the background because she got into other stuff? Did she get frustrated with it for some reason? Did Bran do duo costumes with her all the time and were they always extremely cute? (That one is obviously a yes.) I also wonder what kinds of cosplays she would do. It's probably the one area of her life where she dresses in colors that are not primarily blue. Maybe she got into cosplay because of Bran, who got into it because he wanted an excuse to dress up and look cool, and Halli could connect him with her community theatre friends for sharing/making costume pieces. Anni and Bran used to play her favorite MMO together, but while Anni wants to play the game more or less as intended, with all the grinding and gearing and guilds that entails, Bran just wants to take in the world, find some shiny rocks, and do every possible sidequest (thinking about it in Breath of the Wild terms: "yeah it would be tough but I bet I could do a no Beasts speedrun" vs. "the Stone Talus on the Great Plateau is the most breathtaking and terrifying thing I've ever seen in my life. What do you mean there's 29 more"). So it was fun until he started being chronically underleveled and kind of lost interest in the game. So then they started cosplaying to have something related to do together? (I should clearly write more of these character rambles because I'm figuring stuff out.)
Anyway, Anni is fun, and I need to get her talking to Julian more and figure out what she knows about sailboats.
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sam-reid · 2 months
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I've been calling to you for some time. From every bad fix, from the unnamed malaise you feel Sunday afternoons. And now here I am, and you can rest.
Assad Zaman and Luke Brandon Field as Armand and Daniel Molloy INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.05: DON'T BE AFRAID, JUST START THE TAPE.
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campbenji · 4 months
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it's so hard being a BowmanKon brothers enthusiast in this economy
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superiorstr8men · 1 month
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theangrycomet-art · 1 year
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The Glamrocks
Minor redesigns, but basically how the Glamrocks look for each kid for the various routes.
I wanted the Glamrocks to have a bit more of a kids-attraction vibe then they do in canon, while still keeping their asthetics/core features.
I imagine Freddy and Chica tend draw in more younger kids while Roxy and Monty tend to draw in the older groups and wanted their designs to reflect that as well.
Edit: Here is Glamrock Bonnie and the Daycare Attendant with each of their kids and here is Glamrock Foxy with his Crew
Edit 2: hey I do commissions
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jerswayman · 5 months
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i think we all know it's you who never wants to leave brando
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eliseliedl · 24 days
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More Stormlight Archive (The Cosmere RPG) by the amazing Petar Penev
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drksanctuary · 2 months
Part 4 @titan-army-week
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Poof! Marina appears from across the deck. “Tada!” Marina preens
“Congrats kiddo, that’s a whole 3 feet farther than you mist traveled last time! When we get to New York I’ll have to take you out on the town to celebrate.”
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The protection wards that Al has on Marina himself suddenly burst.
Something’s wrong.
Al senses it almost a second too late. Greek fire.
“Marina! Avert your eyes!”
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He grabs her and a flotation ring and mist travels them off of the boat just before the explosion.
Marina looks up at the ship. It’s only her and Al. She looks around frantically.
“Al, Tanu! Tanu is still in there! And so are Brandon, Shreya, Eva, Celina…Al?”
Alabasters gaze is fixed.
“Al!…” Marina starts tearing up “Al?” she sobs
“I’m sorry” Alabaster says “I…I had no time”
Day 3 post:
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aarontveit · 3 months
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GRACELAND, S03E07: Bon Voyage
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nato-obenkrieger · 1 month
i made little timelines of the black suits post canon and my headcanons for them because i am in fact joe iconis and they are in fact my ocs
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epellucid · 2 years
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campbenji · 8 months
ok you know what i need the motivation. if this post gets 300 notes before january 31st then i'll be legally obligated to post my bowman brothers fic before febraury ends.
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theangrycomet-art · 1 year
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Glamrock Kids
Decided to revamp my kid designs for an old idea where you got to pick which animatronic helps the kid through out the game, with Cassie taking Roxy's kid's place.
Gregory-> Freddy Brandon-> Chica Cassie-> Roxy Naomi-> Monty
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