#astral x yubel… <3
cheesepuffet · 1 month
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seqka711 · 3 years
Ranking the six main boy/girl ships in Yu-Gi-Oh from best to worst!
Not all main girl ships are created equally, I'm afraid. Let's take a look at each ship and see what's up! (Except Sevens because as I mentioned in a previous post, I am way too far behind to comment on anything in that show.)
First up is Anzu and Yugi! And YES I do ship them! However, I don't ship Atem and Anzu. Anzu was friends with Yugi, and started to see him in a different light when Atem started showing up. However, those changing feelings also started to influence her feelings about Yugi as well. We saw that in Duelist Kingdom. Then in season 2 when she realizes they're two separate people, she gets really confused! Anzu doesn't know how to feel anymore! Then Atem and Yugi are both playing wingman for each other, so that's not helping matters. I don't really ship Atem and Anzu because Atem just doesn't seem super interested in their date. I know he had other things on his mind, but if they wanted me to ship it, now was the time to show off some chemistry and they didn't.
We saw in GX that Yugi grows up to look just like Atem and he also grows more confident over the course of the series. After the end of Duel Monsters, I think they're both too hurt by Atem's passing to be digging on each other. But, distance makes the heart grow fonder, and I feel like she's gonna come back from the states and have some heart-pounding feelings when she sees him again. And Yugi's feelings didn't change, they were just put on the back burner. So hopefully when they meet back up, sparks are gonna fly! At least, I hope so. <3
Next up is Asuka and Judai! When I watched their first duel, I was 100% on board with this ship. They were cute, they had great banter, it was a fair fight. I loved it! But over the course of the series, I started losing interest in their relationship, fast. By the end of season 2 I was pretty convinced they had abandoned Asuka x Judai for Asuka x Manjoume, and honestly, I was 100% on board with that, I love a good romcom couple and those two have dysfunctional romcom energy. Plus they had evil power couple vibes when they were running the Society of Light together, so I thought for sure they were gonna have Manjoume and Asuka be better friends post possession.
Then season 3 came a long and I was like "woah, they DID do that on purpose! I was right!" when we saw the Judai x Johan x Yubel love triangle they spent the entire season on. Asuka and Manjoume were of course relegated to background characters, as was everyone who wasn't a transfer student. And then the series ended with a pretty definitive Judai x Yubel ending and I was like "cool I like it".
But then season 4 made me question everything by making it clear that Asuka was still crushing on Judai?!?! Uhhh.... what? You haven't mentioned this crush in OVER TWO YEARS ASUKA. You've both changed so much! I thought the whole point was "she had a fleeting crush on him in year 1, but people change and so do our feelings"! I thought they had her fall out of love with him on purpose!! You're telling me the writers just wanted us to ASSUME she was still in love with him this whole time?!
I honestly love the whole "had a crush on him, now that I know him better, he's an amazing friend but I don't like him that way anymore" dynamic and they RUINED IT so bad. And for what? To say "well they fought the whole time, but now look! They can tag duel together!" Well, jokes on them, because a few episodes later Judai and Johan will show off some of the tightest teamwork in the show and I'll have to throw Asuka x Judai in the trash. </3`
Yusei x Aki!!!!!! AHHHHHH I LOVE THEM. Their first duel is very romantic in my opinion. Yusei lives to help people, and it's actually a flaw of his that he'll help people no matter the cost. Usually that's sort of a "who cares" flaw in a protagonist, but for Yusei, it adds a lot of depth to his character. The reason he helps people even at the cost of himself is because he feels enormously guilty due to his parents' involvement in Zero Reverse, and he feels like he owes the world (but especially Satellite) everything. Yusei tried to go to jail in Kiryu's stead, but failed, and I think that only compounded his guilt even more.
Then, when Yusei sees the chance to help Aki, he does it. He's scared of her, but he rallies his courage to face her so that he can help her. And it's only natural that Aki would fall hopelessly in love with him after he continually put himself at risk over and over again JUST to help her. I love the episode where she rescues him from being kidnapped and then accompanies him on a riding duel. I think it hits me harder because it reminds me of how much I want to drive a motorcycle but can't because of reasons I won't go into. But part of her desire to learn to riding duel is because she wants to feel the same things Yusei feels. And that's so cute!
Unfortunately, I do have a certain headcanon that gets in the way of my shipping desires. I won't get into the whole headcanon, but I think Yusei might have ended up time travelling back in time to fix Zero Reverse and prevent Zone's future. And Aki wouldn't have come with him because we see her in the flashforward. Yusei is still giving her strength though. And I like to think that maybe a much older Yusei was able to help a much younger Aki control her powers and not enter a cult in the new timeline. And if my headcanon isn't true, then GET MARRIED AND HAVE BABIES GUYS. <3
On the one hand, I love Kotori x Yuma. They’re so adorable! Not only is Kotori surprisingly self-aware of her crush (usually the YGO girls love to deny it) but Yuma clearly treats her differently from the rest of his friends, even though he doesn’t know why (yet). Kotori’s confession at the end of the show is SO CUTE AND ADORABLE and Yuma accepts and I love it!
But… I can’t love it as much as I WANT to love it. Kotori’s character, especially in Zexal II is kind of boring. I liked her a lot in Zexal I actually. I thought it was fine to have a character not duel as long as she was doing something else. In season 1 she occasionally gets shit done. Or she’s there for comic relief like when she’s riding the duel coaster. Or arguing with Orbital 7. It wasn’t much, but it was something. In season 2, she’s a total non-entity. I thought the duel where she gets possessed was very funny, but I almost wish that her getting possessed by a Barian was played for drama rather than laughs.
I think what could have been cool is either a) after she can hear Astral, her and Astral team up for a duel or b) when watching Yuma she started to memorize his strategies. Or both. Or neither, just get this girl something to do BESIDES watch Yuma! In the end, my love for how adorable these two are is always somewhat soured by Kotori’s squandered potential. <3
Speaking of squandered potential, Yuzu and Yuya are next on the list. I love these two A TON! I’ll be perfectly honest and admit my biases here, I am NOT the biggest fan of Arc-V. The show had a lot of problems, and I’m harsher on it than most.
But one thing I really did like about the beginning of the show was Yuzu! She was independent, driven and her dueling was getting better as the show progressed. Just like Kotori, she became a non-entity in the latter seasons. However, I ship Yuya x Yuzu more than I ship Yuma x Kotori because Yuya was always keeping Yuzu in mind during the latter seasons. So it still felt like the ship was in focus, whereas with Kotori x Yuma, the ship kind of disappeared since more important things were going on. For Yuya, nothing was more important than getting Yuzu back, so really I had no choice BUT to ship it. How could I not? It was so sweet! She was his whole world! I wish we got more scenes with the two of them together though. Them never tag dueling is a crime against humanity. Also its total BS that only Yuya and Yuzu got to come back, but whatever, I guess. I was happy that the two of them reunited and even HAPPIER that the show was finally over. <3
Last and basically least, Yusaku x Aoi. Or Playmaker x Blue Maiden. I’ll be honest, I don’t ship this at all. The show doesn’t go through any effort to get us invested in their so-called “relationship” and if I had watched this show on its own, unaware of the series’ tropes, I wouldn’t have assumed they were a “ship” at all. With Judai x Asuka, I actually liked the fake out (at least until S4 when I wondered whether or not the fake out was actually on purpose or if the writers are just morons) but with Yusaku x Aoi I get frustrated because it wouldn’t have been that hard to GIVE them some chemistry. They’re both interesting characters, and I think Aoi and Yusaku could have had an interesting dynamic if Aoi had learned Playmaker’s identity a lot sooner.
What I think the show should have done was have Aoi discover Playmaker and Soulburner’s identity at the same time they discovered each other. Then have Aqua come into the fold a lot earlier. Trios are popular in fiction for a reason, and I think Yusaku, Takeru and Aoi would have been an excellent trio. Specifically, with both Yusaku and Aoi being so reserved, their relationship would be very understated. But that’s not a bad thing. It just means that the writers would have to put more focus on the little things. Like, maybe after a while of being friends, Yusaku sits next to her in class. That would be a small thing for other people, but for those two, that’s huge! I could also see there being a fun episode where Ai tries to trick them into going on a date but fails spectacularly. The two of them end up spending time together to foil the plan. That could be really cute! LITERALLY ANYTHING is better than NOTHING.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t ship this because the writers thought they could get me to ship it just by having boy meets girl and then having them shake hands over a hundred episodes later. And no. I refuse. I need a LITTLE more than that, please and thank you. </3
That was a very long post! All in all, 4/6 ain’t bad at all! Or maybe it’s more like a 3.5 since I only gave Kotori and Yuma a small heart? It doesn’t really matter, I’m a multishipper. At my heart and soul, I’ll ship anything. Like I said I don’t ship Judai and Asuka, but I totally have shippy fanart of them on my phone, lol. It’s more like… which of these ships would I defend in court and which ships do I only like because I’m trash that’ll ship anything?
Oh, I guess I did title this as a ranking... Well, I'm sure you can figure out my most and least favourites by how much I used caps lock, so it should be fine.
Give me ANY Yu-Gi-Oh ship (straight, gay or in between) and I’ll dissect it like I did these six.
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shifuto · 4 years
Yugioh spinoffs separated by spirit/soulmate themes
DM: Yes (Atem, from the beginning, ancient/occult/afterlife) GX: No (Yes? King [ep 136], Yubel [ep 105], duel monsters/afterlife) 5Ds: No Zexal: Yes (Astral, from the beginning, aliens/split souls) Arc-V: No (Yes? Z-Arc [ep 126], alt. dimensions/afterlife) Vrains: Yes (Ai, from the beginning, technology/AI based on human) Sevens: No? ????: Yes??
me, having to wait another 2-3 years to get that Protag X Partner shit again:
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in a more serious note.. this recurrent theme in the YGO franchise is one of the best things about it, to be honest. Even if this trope is so overused and overhyped, it works very well for this series.. and it seems like they’re always cycling int and going back to that, while experimenting with other styles ー after all, this was one of the main things about the original Yugioh ー and it would be fool to not revisit a successful formula
yo some corrections here..
in GX, there’s some “afterlife” shenanigans with the Supreme King ( Yubel was mostly a past lover/love interest, but I’m pretty sure Yubel does that possession/fusion thing with Judai too???)
in Arc-V, Yuya was originally Z-Arc? (together with Yuto, Yugo and Yuri?) so that would also count as “afterlife” kind of thing, I guess?
the issue with adding these two spinoffs here with a “Yes” is that these themes only were revealed much later, while in the other shows, it happened as sooner as in... episode 1 or 2.. (and you can probably tell I don’t care much about GX and Arc-V enough to do my research XD)
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atlantis-prince · 6 years
001 Yu-Gi-Oh
Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Seto Kaiba/ Dartz / Astral!
Least Favorite character: Rebecca, Rio, Weevil x,x
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Prideshipping, AtlantisShipping, Polarshipping, Yuma x Astral, Astral x Dark mist! 
Character I find most attractive: Atemuuu/ Dartz >:3
Character I would marry: Pegasus
Character I would be best friends with: Yuma/ Judai! / Joey!
a random thought: This fandom... I always walk away sometimes.. then it just pulls me right back in >:3
An unpopular opinion: ?!?!?! I don’t know? Maybe something that Season 4 is one of the best even with it’s flaws
My Canon OTP: AtlantisShipping :3
My Non-canon OTP: Dartz x Kaiba >:3
Most Badass Character: Seto Kaiba, Kaito!
Most Epic Villain: Well.. Apart from my obvious... Dartz ;) Pegasus, Dark Mist, Bakura, Marik, Sartorious, Amneal, Yubel, Vetrix,  Just every freaking villain.
Pairing I am not a fan of: I don’t think there is any ship i actively dislike? Currently. Still kind of new with what ships are a thing X3
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I feel like the messed around with Zane? Like i just felt they purposefully made him bad just to bring him back in and it’s like? meh... Still like the guy though!
Favourite Friendship: Joey and Honda! :3
Character I most identify with: Joey and Yuma! 
Character I wish I could be: Jesse anderson!
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maivalentine · 6 years
1. best anime you’ve watched
Trigun,Ygo,Slayers,Wolfs Rain,BSD,Mahou Tsukai no Yome, Utena, Mawaru Penguindrum, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, No. 6, Madoka, Digimon, Durarara,  AND MANY MORE I CANT KEEP LISTING THEM ALL BUT U GET THE PICTURE LOL 
2. worst anime you’ve watched
Hetalia, Ouran High SChool Host Club, Fruits Basket
3. favorite character from your favorite anime
YGO: basically the whole main DM cast (INCLUDING Otogi, Marik, Ryou, etc), Jun,Judai,Asuka, and Yubel from GX, Yusei and Aki from 5Ds, Astral from Zexal, Yuya from Arcv. And from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei --> Kiri Komori !!!
6. favorite opening sequence
Mahou Tsukai No Yome, Maria x Holic, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei OP1 , Wolfs Rain
7. top anime you plan to watch
ummmm idk rn i only plan to watch Castlevania lol
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maq-ygofan · 7 years
Hi! hope it's ok to ask for many of these: 4,5,8,9,10.15,20,24,26 and 31? (only the ones you like ofc)
Oh, my. That's a handful of questions. XD4) Favorite season/story arc: I'm gonna sound a bit masochistic here, but I am all for that story arc where Astral died for a longer period of time. That reunion scene was so worth it.5) Favorite opening/ending: I have recently gotten into listening to the Japanese OP/ED songs (but only for the last 3 series). My top 3 songs would be Believe in Magic, Longing Freesia, and Believe x Believe. (That last one, IMO, is the only catchy song I could find in Arc-V.)8) Favorite antagonist/villain: Vector. Who else?9) Favorite minor character: Does Mai Valentine count as a minor character?10) Favorite Duel Monster: I've always said that the Kuriboh family was an underrated family, so I'm gonna say every Kuriboh ever.15) How did you get into YGO?: I had a sneak peek of the original series through a neighbor's window back in 2002, but it really didn't cross my mind until about 3-4 years later when I was watching it while it was on Channel 11 (it was known as the WB11 at the time). Since then, I fell in love with the show. I've watched the spinoffs when they premiered and saw their finales when it aired (well, except for Arc-V; I quit that show after 20 episodes).20) Least favorite season/story arc: If we leave out Arc-V, my least favorite would have to be that Kaibaland arc. It's kinda useless IMO. 24) Unpopular opinion: Yuya is shitty as a protagonist and does not deserve to be alongside the other protagonists. I was actually glad when I saw someone's video where it showed Yuma passing the torch via hi-five to Yusaku. It was one hell of a burn. XD26) Favorite YGO music (aside from openings/endings): (I'm assuming soundtrack, then?) The Zexal soundtrack does have some nice, soothing music I could listen to help me go to sleep.31) Favorite duel: Let's go with Top 5.a. Revolver vs. Yusakub. Yuma's ceremonial duel against Astralc. Yugi's ceremonial duel against the Pharaohd. Jaden's duel against Yubele. Every time Akiza duels
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cheesepuffet · 1 month
Astral X Yubel sounds so cute!! What would their dynamic be? :3
Im thinking it would be a situation where Yubel would be very forward and flirty towards Astral all the time, and the second Astral does anything in return it makes Yubel short circut. Astral is fully aware of Yubels intentions and likes to tease them a little bit ^^
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