#astraveler writes
astraveler · 7 years
Last sentence meme
I was tagged by @kanafinwhy! I haven’t been writing much prose/continuous things recently (mostly poetry and assorted thoughts/fragments), so this sentence (whoops I guess it’s two) is fairly short. It’s from a collection of fragments with more of a plot than the others :P 
We’ll be a historian’s nightmare together, then - they’ll only be half wrong. I love her.
Not sure how many people to tag, so if you want: @clockworkspider and @insistent-dreams!
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clockworkspider · 7 years
Last Sentence Meme
I was tagged by @astraveler . Hey! So rules are to put in the more recent sentence you wrote for your writing without context... right? 
This happens to be...
Kija is just uncomfortable with this. 
Um... haha yeah this is really misleading sorry... And also probably not making to the final draft. 
I’ll tag @greymantleish and @romancedeldiablo
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astraveler · 7 years
Writer/WIP Meme
This was really fun to do! I was tagged by @kanafinwhy ;  I tag @insistent-dreams , if you want!
1) How many works in progress do you currently have?
Right now I have ~15 ideas ready to be written; most of them are short stories/poems (I usually write poetry and flash fiction in one sitting - it varies more for my long short stories - so they're never really "in progress.") I just finished a short play, and right now, I'm working on an original story about pacifism vs. justified war (I thought it would be a lot shorter, but it's already 6,000+ words and I'm only ~1/10 of the way through!)
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
I don't really, but I would write it as per request :D It's especially fun to write background characters (or for the Silmarillion, TOO MANY CHARACTERS >:| [jk, jk]) - the author only provides a few sentences to work with, and it's cool to look at how many interpretations of the character there are.
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
In general, I prefer paper, especially with old books or paperbacks/used books with writing on the title pages or margins - it's nice to see physically how the book has aged but the story hasn't, and sometimes the binding/covers are so beautiful <3 (and also the people writing on the book have hilarious commentary, sometimes.) For convenience, I prefer e-books.
4) When did you start writing?
I can't think of a time when I haven't been imagining stories, although I didn't write most of them down when I was younger (it hasn't improved over time; now, I just leave myself a few cryptic phrases for future me to interpret in a [probably] totally different way . . . ) One of the first things I remember writing was a Redwall fanfiction in first or second grade (for some reason a character was screaming, and I wrote 8 full pages of cursive "e"s and enlisted a few of my friends to fill the rest of the booklet.) In fourth grade, I wrote the "first book" in this really intense fantasy world that remained my longest piece (~9,000 words) for five years. I still have the plots of the next four books and some short stories regarding the mythos XD
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
I've posted some of my writing on this site, but I share/discuss it more often with a couple of friends. I'm open to sharing my writing or talking about writing in general with anyone who wants to, though!
6) Where is your favourite place to write?
According to my late-at-night-surviving-solely-to-finish-writing self, sitting on the floor by my bed (specifically when I've just finished cleaning my desk off.) When I'm more sane, I write at my desk, and sometimes in a green armchair with a few cushions by a window which lets the perfect amount of sun in. If I'm up early, I like to write outside on the front porch, where I can watch the sun rise.
7) Favourite childhood book(s)?
If I had to choose one, I'd say Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - otherwise, anything Tolkien (I read The Hobbit around kindergarten/first grade, somehow managing to skip the Battle of Five Armies; in fourth grade, I read Lord of the Rings and used to call myself Dernhelm among the small group of people who spoke "the secret language of randomness" - really more of a code, but I didn't know the difference at the time :P) , The Chronicles of Prydain (by Lloyd Alexander) , and the Divine Comedy (I entered a Dante/classics phase around eighth grade and haven't left, lol.)
8) Writing for fun or publication?
Mostly just for fun (or for my friends' birthday presents :P that sets quite a harsh deadline) but I hope to be published some day. 9) Pen and paper or computer?
i usually write/outline on my computer, but when I'm traveling, I write in a green mini-notebook and retype it later. I keep adding or re-arranging things in my writing, so if you read in page order, it probably won't be chronological (although most of my stories aren't linear, either XD)
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
11) What inspires you to write?
My friends and other people around me (in regards to relationships/dynamics/characteristics that are interesting and I want to try to write); other books/authors (thematically and in style/form), and my faith (both thematically and in dynamics/relationships between people.)  
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astraveler · 7 years
I’m looking up ancient epic poems as inspiration for a tale-within-a-tale in my current writing project and my search engine just went from 1 tab to ~20 (the Wikipedia “List of World Folk Epics” page is really helpful XD)
(also if you all have tips/favorite styles for spoken word/storytelling feel free to share!)
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