#astro - a bb story
tinyhousegirl · 2 years
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ASTRO - A B.B. Story Master List [COMPLETE]
A story by @allyxstebo
Word Count: 20.1k
Pairings: existing Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x OC! Taylor 'Astro' Mitchell, Mav!Dad, Ice!Godfather, Hangman as a weirdly effective wingman
Synopsis: Taylor 'Astro' Mitchell is a fiery Naval aerobatics instructor in Fightertown, USA. She is a graduate of the Top Gun program, following much like her father, Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell. As she rose through the ranks, so did her boyfriend, Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw. Being called back to Top Gun to face her father, the couple deals with their past trauma, love and life, and learn how to fly a suicide mission.
TW: lots of swearing, dangerous missions, implied sex scenes, major character death, angst
Read on Tumblr below. AO3 Link Here!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Beta’d by my favorite human and bff: @robertcallsignbobfloyd
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topconfessions · 2 years
About the whole TOP dating young girls thing, I’m completely on board with you. Reading his natal chart, I can see partly why he has that preference. He’s an Aries moon and a Libra mercury big time. Most fans seem to perceive him as this mature, experienced and thoughtful man from his appearance and stage image. But if you follow him for more than 10 years you can tell that he’s the complete opposite. Not to say that he’s a bad guy who has little to no regard to his own actions and just acts as he’s pleased. He’s just not the type to plan ahead and prefer to live in the moment. He can be very impulsive and prioritizes his own needs that often leads to confrontation isssue if he were to deal with more emotionally mature people. It’s that thinking “why deal with it if you can just avoid it”. In a way I think he just tends to act from an emotional place until when things (accidentally) crash and burn he’s just lack the socially emotional capacity to deal with them. Fuck around and find out lol. It’s nothing new with wealthy, in-power, 30s men, let alone someone who has the advantage of being one of the most good looking kpop idols. Men like him wouldn’t go for women the same age because let’s face it, they can see right through these men’s antics. I’ve seen too many stories like this play out irl that often involve infidelity so I guess I’m glad he’s still taking time to enjoy and explore himself, maybe doing some emotional maturing before putting a ring on anyone’s finger.
Regarding his childhood, I believe it’s a huge contributed factor here. I have no doubt he faced a lots of body shaming in his teenage years. When something like that happened to you it shaped your self esteem and how you view yourself for a long time. This man needs validations and guides more than people think.
as for fans, top knew what he was doing as well as YG and BB members. TOP promoted an image to protect his real self so fans would never be able to catch up with him and how he operates (he may not have did this intentionally but it worked in that favor) so we wouldnt ever think he's out doing xyz or hanging with so & so cause he swears he is ___ type of person. He literally told us for years he wants the literal opposite of what he truly leans to. I think truly his ideal types and all he ever said was him speaking of what T.O.P would want if his entire stage image was a real person or 2nd personality. like forgive me, I'm not trying to be that person to stereotype mental illness cause BPD disorder is serious and not always the way hollywood glamourizes it to be, but like if top had multiple personality disorder and TOP was a real personality, I could see him embodying everything he said and dating older sophisticated mild mannered rich women. It's either that or he was speaking ideally of what he thought would make him look good and what he could benefit from clout wise. And yeah that aries makes sense.
I won't be in over my head but I once comapred my compatibility with him on that astro theme site and it's like to accurate go to for celebrity, public figure and historian birth charts & romantic compatibility, baby....me and top were 0% bitch, I had better compatibility with fucking ted bundy, jesus and the anti christ than TOP lmfaooooo I was BLOWN back then! but I don't match well with YG artists but my scores were high with SM artists. they come off more sentimental and meaningful in their relationships and relations that YG people in my own opinion. so thats just random plug but that was enough for me to know top is total opposite like you are saying. cause a good majority of my chart leans to what he said but aries x cancer placements dont go together lol.
Only mature young fans i.e kids who maybe had a rough life and were wiser beyond their years or just naturally mature ate tops image as fact. I won't lie, a part of me believed him but I was caught in the mix of idolizing other groups aside from BB, making friends and love through bb and the fandom wars so that clouded my judgement keeping me preoccupied enough to not look deeper. But I could always tell as time went on and I got older that he was not that person. It's an image. just like how beyonce acts like she's a badass legend but keeps pushing the PR machine to ruin Michael Jackson image by having media & his own childern on PR payroll through mj estate say she's on MJ level and surpassing it. Even more so with ehr acting like she's the ultimate woman but she stayed with a cheater her sister wanted to beat up physically and she popped out 3 kids for this man plus jay z has a criminal record and dead side hoes in his past but it's ok cause he's a mogul now. terrible. but fans who are young or obsessed won't use common sense to see she's very or used to be very soft spoken and introverted she is not about the demon time baddie life she promotes in music. Its the same for top, he's not the guy he portrays in interviews, varities, reality programs and on music shows.
I'll give top credit, the image cultivated or was given was great but he himself has a lot going on so he couldn't carry that forever. I still think that before recent 3 years, top saw himself as if he was where kim woobin is but he isn't there. I think KWB has something, just something top is lacking and likes to believe he has but doesnt. but TOP has that durability to comeback in a way I don't see KWB coming back if he was under harsh conditions like top etc.
SORRY I STARTED RANTING LOL. This is why I didn't let up on those insane bts and few crazy VIP fans in the arguments here months ago. you tink you know BTS but all it takes is one top style scandal and leaks to show they are different people.
He's...I don't want to be mean or like too blunt I won't say mentally stunted or emotionally stunted, but it gives slight MJ syndrome, like he has that need for that stimulation that young people provide positive or negative plus let's cut bs: most men of all ages want YOUNG girls unless they are in that phase of their life they want family and strictly to focus on serious relationship, even then if every other male in society american or korea could have a young decently fit / attractive side piece or secret sex buddy with nobody finding out? it'd be a jungle cause everyone would do it - which I'm bot even shaming cause I can separate my morals from just the reality of how complex relationships can be and say that some relationships probably do feel like they need an escape or a vacation with someone else, but at that point - just be single.
Young people just suit him being cause like you said he's not the pragmatic type to plan ahead and really be that responsible. he operates on whims and of the moment. that matches with young people. they're concerned about the now and not making a deep literal fuss about things in life like older 20s to 30 something people are. His scorpio sun makes him come off more stable than he is and yeah, I could see all of that really. I wouldn't mind meeting top but I wouldn't rush to date him now or put responsbility on him if we were friends cause he is not that dependable friend in that manner. he's dependable long term wise in loyalty and emotions with listening but dont depend on him to pull through something planned that places weight on him LOL. just don't. Yeah he is ironically doing the right thing by just taking this time in his 30s to fuck around and have fun. if this was america he wouldn't be able to do that, like literally he'd have the freedom to but his reputation would be in the toliet and he'd have to navigate his pool of girls cause women in america are tough and like you said they see through these antics. girls would be airing his ass out like how adam levine got aired out or he'd be talked about Leo Dicaprio. In a way there is no such thing as single in american hollywood cause you'll always be pigeon hold unless you are like keanu reeves level of loved. Like I've seen people trash zac efron calling him easy cause he doesn't seem to have serious standards when he dates casually although he isn't a super easy to date guy if that makes sense, but he's a libra so LOL.
yeah. I really agree with the last you said. he does need the validation and older women will give that sparingly in ways that aren't the instant gratification or ways he may want it. GOOD TALK THOUGH!
none of this makes him a bad person but he's not the stereotypical guy like the others in dating. he's gonna mary some young woman in his late 30s or mid 40s and she'll traditional very serene etc.
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hyuckles-chuckles · 5 years
i love cha eunwoo good night
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rosie-moons · 3 years
Beauty and the Beast 1 {} Tale as Old as Time || myg
~Pairing: worstboyfriendever!yoongi x travelenthusiast!reader
~Genre: Angst with a sprinkle of fluff
~Word Count: 3.4k
~Warnings: yoongi being the worst boyfriend 😥😥😥, reader crying 😔😔😔, very cliche scenes, a breakup (not the major part though), yoongi crying 😢😢😢, yoongi cheating on reader (YOONGI I SWORE IF YOU HURT OUR OC LIKE THIS I WOULD PUNCH YOU TILL YOU BLEED but you’re saved for the sake of this story 😡😡😡), reader being too forgiving, swearing
~A/N: well. i just had to give you guys angst after dp, didn't i? i know yoongi's stupid in here but pls don't get mad at him bc he's my bb and i love him too much 🥺. also HOMOPHOBES STAY AWAY, CHOHEE AND NARI ARE MY BABES AND I'LL PROTECT THEM NO MATTER WHAT!
In your relationship, Yoongi had always been the beast.
Missing dates, drinking at the bar and getting wasted almost every night, overall just fucking around… it was common sense that this was what boyfriends were supposed to do, right?
“Right.” was what you always thought- that boys were uncaring and stupid and undeserving of any love.
Well, any love except for yours.
Somehow, Yoongi always thought that you didn't deserve him, that you were the ugly, cold-hearted beast, that you were supposed to love him without anything in return.
And you always thought he was right; forgiving him after his sobbing apologies again and again, taking care of him after drunken nights again and again, convincing yourself that he really did love you again and again- until you decided this couldn’t go on.
No, you had a life outside of Yoongi.
You had dreams.
You had friends, a good social life, a whole group of boys who’d give you the universe if it meant you could be with them.
Why did you choose Yoongi though?
Why not any of those boys, some of whom were more attractive, more caring, treated you better?
“Soulmates,” your best friend Nari huffed, turning her head to look at you. You were having a long-anticipated spa night together, cool cucumber slices resting on your tired eyes and some sort of coconut scented oatmeal mush plastered over your face. “You gotta stop believing in that shit, Y/N.”
You sighed.
“I’m trying, okay? It’s just that… I think… I think believing that one day someone will love you for eternity is better than living every day in heartache. At least it gives you hope, a reason to smile, I guess. Don’t you think so too?”
Nari paused for a minute, nodding subtly as she chowed on a cucumber slice. “Now that I think about it, I guess you’re right…”
You smiled, proud that you’d convinced her.
“...but nah, I still think you should face reality more than your imagination, you really have your head up in the clouds too much. All those fairytales- you know why they’re called fairytales and not realistic tales or something? Because they’re just to lull kids to sleep, all that perfect romance doesn’t exist,” her expression softened. “Hey, I really didn't mean to upset you... I was just- are you thinking about him again?”
You shut your eyes tightly, trying to stop the overflow of tears threatening to spill out. “I… no, I’m not. I just… I don’t…”
“Hey, Y/N, it’s alright…” She immediately scrambled off her massage chair, coming over to yours and pulling you into her arms. “He’s a stupid fucker who doesn’t deserve you. There’s so many good guys who’ll die to be with you, Y/N, I’m sure even Seventeen’s Mingyu would date you if you gave him a chance. Really!”
You sniffled, burying your face in your friend’s chest. “Not everyone’s obsessed with Seventeen like you, Nari.”
“Well,” She hmph’ed. “Are there any K-pop groups you like, then?”
“How about TXT? Enhypen? Astro? You like none of them?”
“Enhypen’s okay, I guess…”
“There we go! Okay, okay, who’s your favorite member?”
“The one with the really nice smile.”
“All of them have nice smiles, Y/N. Do you know his name?”
“Uh… Sun-something. I think his last name is Kim.”
“Sunoo? You like Sunoo? OMG! OMG! MY BEST FRIEND LIKES SUNOO!” Nari jumps off the massage chair, making “whoop whoop” noises as she dances across the spa room.
A beautiful raven-haired spa attendant creaks open the door, stepping in. “Hello, ladies. I hope you’re enjoying your evening. I just heard… something, and was wondering if you’re doing okay.”
Nari freezes with her left foot still in the air, arms bent in an awkward position. She coughs, blushing as she scrambled to a standing position. “Yes, um, we’re doing fine. Thank you, er…” Her eyes flicker down to the attendant’s nametag, “Chohee ♥” scribbled in pretty cursive handwriting. “...Chohee.”
You flashed your signature wide smile, giving her a thumbs up. “Yep! Nari just gets excited easily, everything’s okay!”
She smiles back, pretty pink lips devoid of any lip gloss or lipstick. “Alright, then. Call me if you need anything!”
“Wait!” Nari calls after her as she proceeds to shut the door. “How are we supposed to call you if we don’t have your number?”
Chohee laughs awkwardly. “Oh… haha… I meant, like, physically call me, not, like, with a phone… haha… but… I mean… like...” She takes a page from the tiny notebook in her pocket, writing something on it. She hands it over to Nari. “Here’s my number, just don’t… spam me… or anything… um…” She clears her throat. “I hope we can… be… friends… or… something…”
Nari smiles shyly, accepting the paper. “Yeah… thanks, Chohee. Um, it was great meeting you…”
They giggle dumbly together before a shrill “CHOHEE! WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WAITING, YOU KNOW!” interrupts the glassy moment. Chohee immediately jumps back into professionalism, clearing her throat. “Sorry, uh… Nari…? Was that it?”
Nari nods.
“Yeah. Nari. Um, I have to go…”
“Oh, we shouldn’t be interrupting your work, should we?” She laughs. “Thanks for… uh… everything…”
“No problem.” They giggle again. “I really have to get going though… Bye.”
“Bye, Chohee.”
Chohee’s eyes widen. “Oop, gotta go. Bye!” She runs off, Nari yelling one last “BYE!” as she waves.
When she finally closes the door and meets your eyes, she’s practically jumping up and down, heated cheeks glowing a fiery red.
You quirk an eyebrow. “Now do you believe in fairytale love?”
She coughs, picking at a scratchy stud on her arm. “I… no… I mean… maybe…”
You clap your hands once, grinning as you watch your friend’s face burn hotter. “Well, would you look at that! For once, I’m not the one that’s crazily in love and stupidly giddy!”
“Stop, Y/N!” She whines, playfully hitting your arm. “And plus, um, our face masks are hardening. It’s time to wash them off. I’m going to the bathroom. Um. Bye!”
And she’s taking off towards the bathroom, the sound of running water jolting you from your thoughts about… him.
You bite your lip, wondering how pathetic you could possibly be. He doesn’t love you. He probably has a girlfriend and is about to get engaged. He probably doesn’t even remember you.
You look up at the blinding white ceiling, the soothing forest sounds playing from the speaker you forgot about now your only source of comfort.
Because the last two were “probably”’s, but the first one was a fact- Yoongi didn’t love you, and he never did.
“For the last time, Nari, I’m 100% sure she likes you back. Just text her, tell her to meet up with you, confess at some cute caf-”
“No, Y/N! You don’t get it, I’m, like, really, really sure she likes the coffee shop server we met the other day, they were practically making out and- oh god, don’t even remind me about the lovey dovey googly eyes!” Nari stomps her foot childishly as you sigh for the upteenth time.
“Nari, just-” Your eyes widen, a brilliant yet sneaky-ish idea popping into your head. “Actually, it’s okay if you don’t want to just yet. I advise you to go take a shower though, wouldn’t want to be stinky, right?”
“But I’m not going anywhere special-”
“HAHAHAHAHA it doesn’t matter HAHAHAHA just go, go take a shower, go go go right now!”
“You’re acting weird…”
“HAHAHAHA am I now?”
“Um. Yeah. Alright. I’ll go shower. Bye.”
“You’re being very enthusiastic.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah… bye though.”
It was an ordinary Saturday morning with Nari lounging at your place, complaining that Chohee wasn’t paying attention to her. So you’d tried to convince her to confess- which didn’t work, by the way.
Anyway, with Nari now in the shower and screaming along to “Chandelier” by Sia, you were ready to launch your plan into action.
Swiping her phone off the counter, you typed in the password (which she’d told you, as you told her yours as well) as fast as your glittery fake nailed thumbs could manage, plastic click-clacking against the oil-smudged screen. Nari had a habit of never washing her hands before texting, even after some good ol’ cheetos or fried chicken.
You click on the Textalk app and swipe down until you find Chohee’s contact (written “Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑").
10:42 am
Nari Lee said: hey chohee :) u there? Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: nari Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: r u ok Nari Lee said: of course im ok :D Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: O-o hmm but u never use emoticons Nari Lee said: oh i just found out that i like them haha
10:43 am
Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: *raises eyebrow* Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: ok yeah im here, wassup? Nari Lee said: so… i was just wondering if ur free today for lunch, i have something to say to u Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: oh yeah ofc! where?
10:44 am
Nari Lee said: um how about magnolia cafe? @12? Chohee baby ♥❦✶⭑ said: awesome! ill be there <3 Nari Lee said: sweet!
“So…” You say, casually sliding into Nari’s room. She’s in a fluffy white bathrobe, brushing her hair and singing to herself. “What do you say for lunch at the Magnolia Cafe today?”
She shrugs. “Why not? I just showered, anyway.”
You smirk evilly. “Great! Make sure to put on some makeup and wear something nice.”
“Got it!”
“Y/N!” Nari whisper-yells to you. “What in the name of my fuckin’ soggy underwear is Chohee doing here?!”
You hum, unbothered, as you skim over the menu. “How should I know? Anyway, I’m going to order some brunch. How about you?”
“Y/N! Ugh, shut the fuck up, I’m having a life threatening crisis right now! And why is she looking at me? And waving?”
You just smirk, shrugging. “Oops, gotta use the toilet. Bye!” You then dash off towards an empty table right behind theirs, wanting to laugh like a commando mad scientist. Your plan was done, and now it’s just time to see if it works.
Chohee walks over to Nari, and you see her visibly gulp. “Hey, Nari! You said there was something important you wanted to say to me?”
“Uh… I don’t… no? I don’t have anything to say?”
“Oh? Ah, I see. You’re making it suspenseful. Haha, I think I’ve had enough suspense. Spill!”
“Um… I like omelets?”
“I… I like plants?”
“Excuse me?”
“Uh, I like you- WHAT AM I SAYING?!” Nari’s hand flies up to cover her mouth. Chohee furrows her brows.
“You… like me? Like, like like me? As more than a friend?”
Chohee leans over the table and kisses her full on the lips, the sight so endearing you chuck out your phone and snap 18 photos. When they separate, Chohee’s grinning, Nari’s face a dark crimson and her bottom lip trembling. She touches it.
“You… kissed… me…”
“So does that mean-”
“I’d love to go out with you, Nari.”
And they’re giggling again.
“HAVE A SAFE TRIP!!” Nari and Chohee call after you for the 26th time, waving like maniacs. You smile.
This was going to be the most exciting 2 weeks of your lifetime- you were going to Italy.
The small coffee shop is cute, light Italian jazz music playing in the background. The wooden walls are adorned with pictures of the owner’s family, the sweet smell of coffee beans drifting in the air.
To put it simply, it’s perfect.
Perfect for an exhausted coffee lover like you.
“A latte, please-” You pause when the server furrows his brow.
“You… eh… wan’ coffee wit’ milk, no? Not jus’ milk?”
“I mean, um…” You immediately pull up your phone and type into Google Translate. “... caffe latte.”
He nods. “Non c’e problema!” And a minute later, your latte is in your hands, the delicious smell wafting up your nostrils.
You sit down on a cushioned seat, marveling at the decorations and how cozy and warm it makes you feel. Taking a sip of your drink, you smile.
The moment is peaceful and happy, the chatter of the other customers fading in your ears as you just smile. No one to interrupt your daydreaming, no one to come over and call your name-
Your eyes shoot up, a familiar pair of cat-like ones staring at you. His hair is black as night, swept carelessly against his perfect forehead. His cute pink lips are jutted out in a tiny pout, pale moonlight skin practically shining. He’s ethereal, and hasn’t changed one bit.
“Y/N?” He says again, tilting his head slightly.
“O-oh. Um. Hey, Y-Yoongi, um, didn’t expect to see you here…” You laugh nervously, scratching the back of your head.
He laughs too, sitting down in the seat opposite yours with a black espresso in his hands. “Yeah, I found a job here. You?”
“I’m on vacation.”
You stare at each other, having nothing to say. It’s like you want to stretch this moment out forever, stretch it until it erases all the horrible things he said and did to you.
He speaks again. “How long has it been?”
He closes his eyes, clasping the mug between his hands tightly. “How-how long has it been- since I last saw you?”
You look down at your lap. “2 years.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Your eyes start to wet, a lone tear slipping past your eyelids. There was no barrier now, more droplets following the first one’s lead and cascading down your cheek. “Stop.”
He doesn’t stop, instead choosing to nab at your heartstrings with more words. “I’m so sorry, I only realized how bad I fucked up when you left… I never stopped thinking about you, Y/N, I thought about you every fucking day-”
“Stop it now-”
“And I realized that I love you more than anything, that you were the treasure I held onto without even knowing I valued you that much. Why do you think I chose to come to Italy? Because I knew it was always your dream to visit here, and I hoped I would run into you somehow. I lived like that, in heartbreak and hope and desperate love and whatever the fuck else every single day, just praying you’d forgive me, praying that you’d come here and tell me that you still love me-”
“Yoongi.” You stand up, slamming the table. Your chest is heaving, breathing heavily as you try to take in everything that he said. “Stop. It. Stop saying sorry. “Sorry.” So what? Sorry won’t help anything, I don’t love you and we are over. In fact, there is not even a “we” anymore. You are you and I am me, completely separate, all ties cut, whatever you want to call it.”
“Y/N-” Yoongi’s voice is desperate, those forlorn eyes swimming with melancholy. You cut him off.
“Shut up, Yoongi!” His lip trembles, looking up at you. You feel a pang of guilt, but throw it away along with all your other feelings. Everyone at the coffee shop is looking at you two, the server mumbling something.
You don’t care.
No, you don’t care about anything.
Not about how much you missed him, how much your heart ached, how much you wanted to just fling yourself into his arms and kiss him- convinced he was a changed man.
Not about how he was pleading you right now, fat droplets rolling down his blanched cheeks as he whispered “I love you”’s over and over again.
Not about how the coffee shop server was hurriedly jogging towards you, incomprehensible Italian filling the air.
This was supposed to be a safe place.
The sweet scent and lulling conversations you fell in love with just moments ago, replaced with bitter words and the sound of tears.
You don't care.
You don't care.
You don't care.
Why are you crying, then? Why are those salty droplets cascading down your face? Why are you fighting so hard between your heart and your brain, trying to decide which to listen to?
Should you take him back, act like nothing has happened like your heart tells you to? Or should you give him the ignorance he deserves, leave the coffee shop and try to forget about this whole catastrophe like your brain says?
"Do you love him? Yes, you do. So choose me, your heart."
"Choose me, Y/N, your brain. I'm telling you to be rational."
You shut your heart out, brain taking over control. Yoongi deserves this. This of indifference, apatheticness, maybe even hatred.
“I don't love you, Yoongi.”
And you were out.
That night in your hotel room, you cry and cry and cry until the familiar “ding a ling ding a ling ding a ling ding dong” of a Textalk video call wakes you up from your thoughts.
You pick up, wiping all your tears until there is no trace of them left. “H-hey, Nari,” You hiccuped.
“Y/N, what is going on?” Nari’s eyebrows are furrowed as she tries to read your face. “It’s the first day of your dream vacation and you’re crying? Tell me what happened, please.”
“Yeah, you don’t look too good…” Chohee chimes in, sticking her head into the screen. “Don’t tell me you were robbed or something? Oh, no. No no no no. Please let it not be that.”
You smile halfheartedly, trying to change the subject. “Hey, Chohee. Staying the night?”
She nods, concern still painted over her face. “Mhm. But that’s not important, can you please just tell us what happened? It’s okay if it’s something small or stupid, we’re your friends and we’ll be here for you no matter what. We’re just… really concerned, and-”
“Yoongi.” Nari says suddenly, eyes wide.
“W-what? Y-Yoongi? What- what about him? I-I mean, I d-didn’t run into him, I-I’m just a-asking…” Your eyes are wider than cantaloupes, praying she wasn’t some psychic and had mystical powers or whatever.
She sits up from her previous lying-on-her-stomach position abruptly, looking at your stunned state. “Yoongi… do you remember he said he always wanted to visit Italy? He… was he there? Did you run into him?”
You are unable to speak, stuttering as your lip trembles. “Y-yes.”
Chohee and Nari both scream.
“Guys!” You yell, trying to somewhat calm them down (although you needed calming down yourself, too). “Stop! It wasn’t much, okay? Just- just some… talking, and then I left! That’s all!”
They look at each other, not sure whether to believe your explanation or not. Chohee opens her mouth a few times, as though pondering if she should speak or not- and no words come out.
“Really!” You exclaim, trying to convince them. You throw your hands up into the air for exaggeration, trying your hardest to look like you’re telling the truth. “We were like, um, best friends! Like nothing happened! And the coffee server didn’t come and shoo us out! He didn’t! And Yoongi didn’t cry or apologize or anything!”
Nari sighs. “Look, Y/N. I’m only saying I believe you because if I don’t you’ll bug me forever. But seriously, as your best friends, Chohee and I hereby promise to smack Yoongi in the face and shove skunk poop up his pretty nose. Right?” she looks at Chohee expectantly.
Chohee nods. “Yep. And don’t forget about the eating facial cream and drowning in turnip juice part. Y/N, I don’t care who it is, but if they dare to hurt you I will not hesitate to knock their teeth out.”
“If they even dare to insult you in any way, I’ll help Chohee knock their teeth out. I'll do most of the work, obviously, since... actually…” Nari pauses, biting her lip as she thinks. “Maybe, if it’s Mingyu that insults you, I’ll let him go…”
Chohee smacks her arm, rolling her eyes as Nari yelling a loud “what was that for?”. “For heaven’s sake, Nari! That totally ruined the moment.”
Nari shrugs, shooting Chohee a glare. “What, are we shooting a drama or something?”
You smile, looking down into your lap as your two friends bicker and give each other friendly smacks.
Maybe, just maybe, this world wasn’t unfair to you after all- you found happiness outside of Yoongi and the world of romance.
Okay. I did okay with the ending, right???? I did okay with the plot, right???? I didn't make Yoongi too horrible, right????
Welp, anyway, remember to check my blog for updates on when part 2 is coming!
-*+ Rose +*-
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
There are also a lot of real Epic Story Moments in Home Out In The Wind &sequels, like, Poe's mess hall concert, and the scene when he finds out he went viral- "play it another million times, I meant every word"- and the entire conversation when Poe finds the middie cruise, and the RETURN OF THE LITTLE BEEP SONG oh my gosh.
I was SO pleased with myself when I managed to get the Little Beep song to be plot-significant in the end. I was so delighted. I can’t do outlines of stories at all, I really have to just sort of go for it and see where things take me, and that can sometimes mean you get a chaotic mess. But that-- the whole Star Wars epic was notable for several things, firstly that I actually got some of it beta-read before publishing which I’d never done before, and probably more importantly that I FINISHED IT, it’s a completed series, and maybe I had a few more extras I was thinking of tacking on the end but I actually completed all of the bits of plot and it has a defined structure and I clearly planned the whole thing.
Some of this was accomplished by very clearly shunting the resolution of some of the plot points off to a never-to-be-made sequel-- the battle ends unresolved, the villains flee, but Our Heroes have a plan, and meanwhile are safe. Past epics of mine had floundered from this because I felt like a story had to encompass every possible plot point, so this was pretty significant writerly growth for me too.
I haven’t reread the whole series lately but I was looking for the Little Beep Reprise and found, instead, my favorite dialogue exchange of BB-8 ever:
“Kill them all,” BB-8 said, vibrating slightly in eir intensity.
“Sick,” R2-D2 said approvingly.
oh but the little beep reprise is just after that! oh gosh. well, one of them.
“Little Beep,” several of the droids murmured, and the only way to describe their tone was  reverent.
“That was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen in my  life ,” Rey said fiercely, shocked at how protective it made her feel..
“I made up that song when BB-8 was new,” Dameron said, his expression a jumbled mixture of pained, embarrassed, and incredulous. “Ey liked it when I gave em a pep talk before recharging. And the other droids got jealous so I’d sing to them too. And I didn’t have time to do it all the time so I had em record it.” He shook his head slightly, rolling it a little side to side before quickly and obviously deciding that the motion was too much, squeezing his eyes shut tightly and grimacing. “I figured ey’d share it with some other droids but I never thought about them making  copies .”
“We all listen to the Little Beep song when we recharge,” the power droid said, something hushed and reverent in his tones.
“It’s terrible,” Dameron said, “it doesn’t rhyme, I’m like, twelve years old, the guitar’s not even in tune properly, I recorded that for my astro like fifteen years ago--”
“No one else has ever sung to these droids,” Rey said, looking at the way they were all staring, all of them with their sensors pointed at Dameron, all of them perfectly motionless.
ahhhh the droid rebellion! I really should reread these whole stories.
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astro-break · 4 years
Quick first thoughts on the first ep of the Hypmic Anime. Spoilers beware (and im writing this as I watch so :p)
Otome’s speech is.... questionable from a persuasive point of view. Manga did a great job of introducing her (which you can read here) but they really cut out the more terrifying parts of her speech and how she uses force to show people that she's not to be messed with
Its cool seeing everyone in their respective environments though. thats cool. Though they could have added Sasara and Kuuko (shhh i know why they didn’t let me dream)
I love how poppy the typography is. Its amazing how the visuals just leap out at you. The OP does a great job of this. The first few seconds before the title really gives me Persona 4 OG OP vibes with the influx of information given. The rest is a clear concise and streamlined way that still gives character. Animation is sparse but still carries across a general idea of each character and shows off each character object. Rendering is really nice and pays a bit of homage to the posing artwork thats done for the MVs. They also do their division hand signals and thats cute
Love how the OP has blatant HifuDoppo and DRB matchup foreshadowing
so far I really like what theyre going for. BB is about brotherly familial bonds and they show the goods and the bads. Jiro and Saburo bickering right out the gate really cements the fact that they get along like cats and dogs but you can still see that they love each other, working together when the situation calls for it
Now the 3d models. Theyre... not great but usable if you don’t look too hard. They serve their purpose and don’t actively detract from the viewing experience.
Visual typography in the rap itself are fun and poppy but they dont.... speak to me? like theyre there yes and I appreciate them but the only ones that got me excited were from Ichiro’s rap
I take my words back the group portion was kickass and I apologize
I love how they interpret the Hypnosis Speakers though. Esp. Saburo’s organs. That was super creative and I love it! If there was one thing that I felt was missing from the franchise was a deeper exploration of the speakers but the anime puts a new and fresh spin on it! Love it, especially with their attack patterns!
If the production team ever feels inclined to, Id love to see those info sheets on Otome’s desk released. There seems to be very interesting info and stats written out about each member (like capabilities, personal status etc.) They all seem unique too so I really really really hope they release images of those sheets
OOOOOOOOKAY MTC. I have such a big biased for them so Im very torn to see what unfolds
Rio striking out on his own is interesting. Out of everyone in MTC hes the biggest team player yet here he trusts his teammates to go ahead. This either displays Rio’s willingness to trust his teammates or it becomes very OOC if the anime wants to set him up as a lone wolf like character
I love how they specify its a drug deal. It means that Jyuto surely will show up and it also shows that Samatoki knows Jyuto’s motives and willingly gives black market info that he knows aligns with Jyuto’s goal. Thats A+ detail writing there and a great establishing characteristic for both of them
OOohhhhhhhhhhhhh man Asunama-san’s voice acting is god tier his work as Samatoki is phenomenal. He pulls of Samatoki’s threatening voice so well with those almost calm words before his voice becomes loud and confrontational. Those rolling syllables in contrast to Komada-san’s almost lyrical and airy speech and Kamio-san’s strict and enunciated words is such a delight to hear. It just speaks to how amazing and great these Seiyuu’s are in order to pull of such amazing work
Im so biased but MTC has such a better rap than BB im so sorry. Just by watching Samatoki’s part, the imagery is amazing. Even the arrival of his Hypnosis Speaker was awesome and sent a shiver down my spine. using the lyrics to form blades and blood was such a great thing to do. Theres so much more variety that just him standing there and shots of his hypnosis speaker. The old fashioned vignette shots, the four panel spread, the nods to old Kurosawa era films are great and I love these small details. Even the typography looks better.
Again, the interpretations with the speakers is fresh and new. Its great and I love the different imagery and attack patterns. Each one is so unique but carries across each different style of rap.
The 3d modles aren’t any better tho lol
(Hi this is Astro who is reading over their assessment again and making a note. Yeah I’m a bit harsh on BB’s rap. I’m not going to change it since I still stand by it and this post is supposed to be a documentation of my first impressions. I think one of the reasons why I’m so harsh on BB is because of their dynamic as a trio of brothers. They Have to have a more uniform approach than the other divisions. Which in of itself isn’t a terrible thing, it just doesn’t catch my eye as much as MTC did. Thats all! I definitely don’t hate BB, they’re maybe my 3rd favorite division out of the current lineup [not including TDD era teams like Kujaku Posse, MCD, and Naughty Busters] its just that their rap was pretty meh)
Samatoki crouching like a real gangstar and the cigarette kiss killed me
sadjkhfjkasdghsadjkcsdjhsdfsjhf im dying i love these trio of dumbasses so uch oh y fod someone save me aaaaaaaa (Astro note here! yeah i died when the jyuto and samatoki’s stomach growled im weak please. Samatoki’s face is just so precious and funny I might set it as a profile pic somewhere)
But also my initial assessment of Rio possibly being characterized as a lone wolf is very much jossed and im very thankful for that. It seems that Rio was simply trusting his teammates to carry out their part of the plan while he carried out his own. I like that, it really shows how much of a team these three are and that they genuinely trust each other. He’s also comfortable enough around them to invite them to dinners after work casually and not just for special occasions.
I really love MTC guys
Oooh! we get Ramuda on his design process which is really cute. the inside of his studio is super cute and retro and i love it. the poppy old music you would hear in a cafe or 90′s resturaunt is also really cute (astro note: yeah i know that in ARB you see the interior of Ramuda’s office but its kinda different seeing it animated)
the translation i have has gentaro speaking in early modern english (Shakespearian english for those who aren’t english nerds like me) but from what I can hear, he doesn’t speak in a particularly old fashioned way? Its more formal than old? and hes speaking without any of his character persona lying thing that he likes to do (as he refers to himself as “Shousei” throughout the segment where hes in Ramuda’s office which is kind of his default pronoun of choice). so its kinda odd for the translation to go in that direction but im not complaining
Gendice banter is gold but it feels... flat? a little? it doesn’t have the same impact as in the drama cds or in the manga? i feel? Also Ramuda using gratuitous english is??? idk how to feel about that
kjshf thats against the rules Ramuda omgggg,,,,,,,, (astro note again: while watching i was under the assumption that using your hypmic for monetary gain such a as buskering [which is what FP is doing] is against the rules. May not be the case but whatever)
FP’s rap might be my favorite in terms of tune and lyrics though. It’s a nice laid back bop and really gives of chill vibes. the integration of 3d and 2d is really nice and i love how they play off each other in the rap. The wordplay is so fun with little nods here and there and the beat is poppy too so it really energizes me.
Ramuda’s rap concerns me slightly since he makes very subtle and small nods towards his past (being created in a laboratory, warfare, and his overall very unpleasant life experiences) but spins it into something cutesy. It could be a coping mechanism, it could be me overthinking it. But it does make me worry a bit. Gentaro and Dice’s rap really play off each other with Gentaro sticking to stories and Dice taking up the baton by carrying on that same imagery but putting his own spin on it.
the self awareness of how scattered they are as a team is interesting though. It doesn’t seem like something you’d speak about in a rap? but i guess since its not really a do or die situation they can afford to be looser on things like this.
Right off the bat, i don’t like how they handled Hifumi and Doppo in relation to Hifumi’s fear of women. Slug made a post once talking about this and I echo many of his sentiments. Hypmic has never been very tactful about tackling this particular issue and while I didn’t have high hopes that the anime would be any better it hurts to see Doppo take away the one thing that allows Hifumi to function within society.
Doppo’s breakdown mirrors a lot of my own mental state when I spiral though its shown a lot quicker than what happens to me oof. that hits close to home. though Jakurai’s advice is. Questionable. Its not the best advice to give to someone but we have no idea what kind of doctor Jakurai is so ill let it slide
Jakurai’s pose looks like hes going to do a mahou shoujou transformation lmao
I don’t have many thoughts about the rap though again. How they visualize the rap is interesting. the different imagery is quite interesting for each of them and the typography is nice a distinct but im still on the fence about the visuals here
The sound is in the same boat. The sound effects either drown out the rap or are too quet but some parts are nice at least. When they talk about Tokyo’s beating heart, the heartbeat sound is a but distracting especially since its only played once. But the imagery is at least nice
I wonder if for the eds they’re going to take a similar approach to what Enstars did and have a four different endings, one for each division. I love the blend of styles here and it really accentuates that although they’re different they mesh well together.
Ramuda’s silhouette though is hilarious. Love it.
:p and thats it. Uh not bad for a first episode. Established all 12 characters really nicely and their dynamics. I had some problems with it but then again nothing is perfect. I look forward to what they show us next week
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wannableahgase · 3 years
Ship Guidelines
This account is now closed
 You can give me feedback on my ships here  🌌
I will post here every kpop/anime ship I do, for which groups and how to submit a request for them^^ 
⭐️ If requests are closed but you send one it WON’T be deleted but it’ll probably take me a bit of time to get to it. If you’re patient then it’s no problem to send requests even if they’re closed ✨
⭐️ If the group has units you can specify which unit/s, you can also request separate ships for more than one unit or you can request the whole group.
⭐️FOR ANIME SHIPS (idk about this but) Haikyuu, Fullmetal alchemist are the only anime I have seen that I can actually ship you with lol All the other ones I have watched I feel like I wouldn’t be able to think of ships ( e.g. When they cry, future diary etc.) sorryyy...
🌙 every ship can be private and by private I mean : Pictures not shown, username not shown, information you have given me not shown. 
🌙  Submit an ask ( They can be anonymous ) if there are no pictures and you don’t mind the information you have given to be shown
🌙 Submissions are for when your request has a picture and/or you want the information and/or username private.
🌙 Please specify which things you want to be private. ^^
Selca ships : Open
🌙 Submit a picture(or a few) of yourself, filters are fine just nothing that hides your face too much.
🌙 Specify which groups you would like
🌙 I ship based on pictures. I could add some comments om why but no long descriptions
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Exo(all units), Nct (all units+wayv), ACE, Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit), ikon, Winner, MCND, The boyz, Oneus,The rose, Pentagon, TXT, YDPP, Nex7 (not  groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, Everglow, Oh my girl (all units), Dreamcatcher, CLC, Twice, Itzy, IOI(+ot7 sub unit), Pristin(+ Pristin V sub unit), Hinapia, Loona(all units)
Personalty ships : Open
🌙 Give a description of yourself^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, hogwarts house, mbti, pets or anything you can think of that makes you who you are.
🌙 No picture needed for this one I will ship you based on personality 
🌙 I will also give a short description on why I chose that person 
🌙 Up to 3 groups per request but you may request as many times as you want!
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Exo(all units), Nct (all units + wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line) 
⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC; Dreamcatcher, Pristin(only Pristin V sub unit)
Picture +personality ships : Open
🌙 I will ship you based on both your description and picture
🌙 Submit a picture/s of yourself
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Exo(all units), Nct (all units+wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
🌙 Give me a description of yourself ^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, hogwarts house, mbti, pets or anything you can think of that makes you who you are.
🌙 3 groups per request but you can request as many times as you want!
⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC; Dreamcatcher, Pristin(only Pristin V sub unit)
BBS/GBS ships : Open
🌙 I will give you a boyfriend/ girlfriend, best friend and a sibling like member (who will act like you’re their sibling). 
🌙 Give me a description of yourself ^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, hogwarts house, mbti, pets or anything you can think of that makes you who you are.
🌙  Pictures are optional
🌙 Up to 3 groups per request but you may request as many times as you want! 
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Nct (all units+wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit I can just choose what both of them fit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
  ⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC, Dreamcatcher, Pristin(+ Pristin V sub unit)
Hogwarts ships : Open
🌙 Pictures are optional
🌙 Give me a description of yourself ^^ It doesn’t matter how long it is. It can have whatever you would like^^ Be creative no need to add just basic stuff like age etc. Tell me about your favourite books, movies, mbti, favourite hogwarts class, if you would like to be in the quidditch team etc.
🌙 Tell me your Hogwarts house or I can try to sort you based on the description you give me ^^ 
🌙You can decide what you would like or I can choose from boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend/s(friend group works too if the groups you gave me have a lot of members), magical pet, Blood status, first person who befriends you, Yule ball date, enemy, enemy to friends and if you think of something you would like just tell me^^ If I like it I may even add it to this list.
🌙 up to one story per request which can contain as many groups as you would like. For example if you say two groups I will use members from both groups for one ship. You can always request multiple times with different groups.
⭐️ Boy groups for this ship : BTS, Got7, Stray kids, Wanna one(all units), Ab6ix, CIX, Monsta X, Nct (all units+wayv), Day6(+ even of day unit), Ateez, Seventeen (all units), Astro (+  MOONBIN & SANHA unit I can just choose what both of them fit), The boyz, (not groups but I can do 97line and 00 line)
 ⭐️ Girl groups for this ship : Blackpink, Mamamoo, Red velvet, (G)-Idle, CLC, Dreamcatcher, Pristin(+ Pristin V sub unit)
I will probably add more ships in the future so please stay tuned^^^If you have any ideas or ships you would like me to do feel free to text or send me an ask any time^^
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moonha · 7 years
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astro’s winning performance for the men’s aerobics dance ♡
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whirlybirbs · 5 years
“Shit!” with Poe?
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summary: cadet!reader & poe dameron run into some technical problems day one into the mission. neither of you can catch a break. 3/5. companion piece to risks. a/n: i put this story up on ao3 so you can read there if you’d like! click here!
Neither of you speak a word to each another for an entire day.
And -- listen, that’s hard work, because the Corellian VCX-100 light freighter is not meant to be operated nor inhabited by two stubborn, reckless pilots trying to ignore one another completely. The cockpit is small and the hallways are even smaller -- the two bunks in the back of the cabin sit adjacent and unused. You’d opted to dozing in the swivel gun’s reclined seat in the belly of the freighter while Poe claimed the captain’s seat.
It’s also hard to not speak a word to your co-pilot when the Corellian VCX-100 light freighter is essentially falling apart. 
On the second day of travel towards Voss, you’re startled awake by Poe’s loud exclamation followed by a dangerous tremor that rocks the entire freighter. 
You spring up immediately, eyes pulled wide as you vault up the steep stairs, two at a time, to the second level of the ship -- another hard shake vibrates through the cabin and you lose your balance, hands hitting the wall as your try to regain your balance. You curse.
He’s in the cockpit, eyes wide as he tries the trigger switch for the gears -- the hyper-drive is locked up, power readings escalating fast; the Resistance Commander flicks the switch up and down and up and down and then drives his fist into the dashboard. He hears you call his name. Pushing a hand through his curls, Poe shoulders raise as he throws his hands.
“I didn’t do anything!”
“What is going on?!”
Another mournful wail. And, then, the light freighter falls out of hyper-space with three jagged stalls. CHUG, CHUNG CHUG. You fall forward again, throwing yourself through the threshold of the cockpit and catching yourself on Poe’s captain’s chair.
The back boosters make this horrible sound, tied between a choke and a cough, before cutting completely. Poe’s frozen, hands raised from the controls in the cockpit.
There’s a single beat of a moment where you both exhale, thinking maybe that was the end of it. Just a faulty hyper-drive. An easy fix. As long as you don’t lose power, then it’s probably nothing --
And then the entire ship goes dark and you’re bathed in the dim glow of the emergency lights. 
“Son of a bitch.”
And then the alarms start. 
Part of you wonder if this was part of Leia’s plan.
You both throw yourselves down the catwalk, boots clamoring against the metal grates and skidding into the engine room with BB-8 and A3-C8 in tow.
The power-conductor is cracked, high-grade battery acid leaking from the container and creating a sparking concoction all along the hyper-drive’s transmission. Essentially, it’s eating away at the container making sure you and Poe don’t get stuck in a never-ending quantum leap. 
(Honestly, you’d rather throw yourself out the airlock than get stuck on this ship with him for the rest of eternity.)
So, yeah, you’re panicking.
And the AANG AANG AANG of the alarms over-head aren’t helping. 
“I need rags,” you say from underneath the engine’s main component, eyes wide as the hyper-drive whines and shakes, core glowing at white blue. Not good. Not good at all. Your voice is strained, “Like now, Poe --”
“Where the pit do I find rags?!” he yells, tearing through the toolboxes scattered along the far wall. He’s no better, panic biting at his nerves as he curses and trips over the piping for the exhaust port.
“I don’t know,” you snap, fingers moving fast to detach the wiring to the corroded battery. A drop of acid sizzle hot on the transmission, “But, could you just hurry up?”
“Ah!” he cheers, securing a rag from one of the far bins. He slides to his knees by your side, offering the tattered fabric covered in grease, “Here, take this --”
You’re fast to snatch and cover the battery in said rag, proceeding to unceremoniously yank it from it’s spot above the now burning hyper-drive transmission. You chuck the engine battery across the room, ignoring the wide-eyed look Poe gives you as it flies by his head. You then proceed to jam your hand in the new opening between the belt mechanisms and manually cut the hyper-drive off with a hard yank of a bundle of wires. 
The hot blue glow dies nearly instantly and so do the alarms overhead. 
You deflate. 
And then Poe speaks slowly.
“Did... you just throw our engine battery across the room...?”
From your spot on the floor, you raise your head and give him an incredulous look.
“What, did you want me to let it eat away at the hyper-drive?”
“We... oh my god... we needed that!” 
“It was corroded, Poe -- maybe if you’d done a pre-flight check, then you would have noticed --”
“Oh, so this is my fault now?”
You ungracefully wiggle out from under the engine then, huffing and ignoring how your hair goes wild. You’re sweating, grease smeared across your forehead. He watches from his spot on his knees, brows set in annoyance. Despite the circumstances, he’s still typical Poe.
“I’m just saying,” you chirp, “This whole thing could have been avoided --”
Oh, god, you grind his gears. And press his buttons... jam his buttons. Punch them. And just... kriff, you’re so irritating -- his jaw sets back in annoyance, arms crossing as he tries to ignore the grease smear across your jaw. 
“Why didn’t you do the pre-flight check, then, huh?”
"That’s the commanding officer’s job, Poe!”
A pause.
“... It is?”
“Yes!” you throw your hands, “Oh my god! You didn’t... you didn’t know that?”
“I don’t fly freighters --”
“Do you even do pre-flight checks?”
“Yes!” he cries, “Sometimes!”
“Oh my god.”
You’re standing then, moving across the engine room and wiping your hands on the fabric of your pants. Your boots rattle the grate underfoot. Poe follows as you begin to rummage through the supply cabinets surrounded the dimly lit engine room. There isn’t much here, but with a little luck, maybe there’s enough to hop you to the next planet and get you surface-side for some repairs. 
“Alright, Miss I can fix anything, what’s your plan now?”
“I’ve never said that --”
“Yeah, well, whatever,” Poe yelps, throwing his hands. By his foot, BB-8 gives and affirmative whir, “I mean, you just lobbed half our engine across the room -- you gunna just... tape it back together?”
Poe scoffs, jamming his thumb your way. “Maybe, hear her BB-8 -- ‘maybe’. Yeah, okay --”
You shove a roll of electrical tape his way, face screwed in annoyance as you lean into the deep set locker and rummage with a set of wires and wire cutters. Poe’s eyes narrow under thick lashes.
“Poe,” you chirp, “Keep talking and I will tape your mouth shut.”
“Not gunna deck me?”
“No,” you bite back, “My knuckles hurt.”
He gives you a look -- if you weren’t so annoyed, you might have laughed.
“Your... right. Your knuckles hurt... What about my face?!”
The bundle of here-and-there’s in your arms drags his attention to the astro-droid by your ankles. A3-C8 rolls back and forth, beeping happily as you side step around Poe and move towards the engine. You plop the repair parts down and Poe is actually a bit impressed -- tape and wires and a bundle of putty? 
You move, tugging a pair of gloves from your pile and wiggling them on. You pick up a small wrench and flip it once, eyes trained on the pile around you. 
“If we get this thing working,” you pause, motioning between you and your purple and yellow droid. Your wrench taps the discarded battery, “Can you fly it?”
In a second, his irritation melts away.
“I can fly anything.”
Utapau, from above, doesn’t look like much.
The age old Separatist hide-out hadn’t changed much since the final days of the war; it now operates mostly as a go-between from the mid-rim to the outer-rim. 
Lucky for you and Poe and your two little astro-droids, it’s the perfect place to land and try and square away repairs.
That is, until a little Utai named Grol, laughs in your face when you ask if they have any spare Corellian VCX-100 light freighter parts laying around for purchase.
“He’s laughing,” Poe deadpans, “Why is he laughing?”
You lean, muttering a quick: “I don’t think they make VCX-100′s anymore.”
“Stopped making 30 years ago,” Grol points, shoulders shaking, “Better off buying new ship! Grol give you good price, yes? Trade in -- give us parts. Grol and Grog give you good price.”
"What’s the catch, pal?” Poe jumps in, “You and your brother gunna rip us off?”
“Grog not brother.”
Your eyes wide, mouth snapping shut. You reach, grip digging into Poe’s arm through his flight jacket. You whisper. “I think that’s --”
Grog, beside Grol, crosses her arms. 
“Wife and I give you good deal --” Grol sneers, “And Grol not kick your ass.”
Poe just freezes before speaking quickly.
“...Yeah, you know, I think that’s fair. Totally fair.”
The Allanar N3 light freighter you trade for has a ghastly paint-job but it’s in good enough condition that you’re not afraid it’s going to fall apart on take off. 
While Poe exchanges credits with Grol and Grog, you venture through the cab and into the underside of the ship -- you’re mid-way through the flight pre-check, humming contently, when Poe clears his throat and scares the living daylights out of you.
You jump half a mile in the air, yelp strangled when your forehead collides hard with the plating under the engine belt. You roll then, gloved hands flying to grip the site of impact as your curse.
From your spot under the engine, you can hear Poe laughing. 
If you weren’t busy worrying over a potential concussion you might have enjoyed the sound of it.
“Sorry -- sorry, I just...” he snorts, smothering it with the back of his hand, “Sorry, I was going to say we’re all set to roll, but I think what just happened is called karma, Punchy.”
“Yeah,” you grit out, “Yeah, I think so.”
Rolling out from under the engine, you huff. You rub the spot with your palm, blinking up at him with squinted eyes. You’re honestly surprised the transaction went so quickly. And Poe came out unscathed. 
“Grog didn’t castrate you?” 
There’s only a hint of surprise in your voice.
“No,” Poe says, offering a hand. You accept it, leveraging your weight and pulling yourself up, “She’s really at the perfect height, though --”
“Shame,” you chirp, pulling your hand from your head and blinking at your palm, “Am I bleeding?”
“No,” Poe says, eyeing you over his shoulder as he ascends the engine room steps, “Only wounded your pride, Punchy, I promise.”
You huff, trying to shake the laugh that’s creeping up your chest.
Poe freezes.
“You’re laughing --”
“I’m not --” you sneer, pushing past him and moving through the -- thankfully -- wider hallway to the cockpit.
“You are,” Poe grins, hands in the air as he widens his strides to catch up, “It’s okay. Go ahead, laugh it up --”
“Shut up.”
“Was it the castration joke? Or the wounded pride that got you? Combo hit?”
You don’t even try to smother the smile on your face. Instead, you drop into the co-pilot’s seat and chuck your gloves his way when he follows suit. 
“C’mon, flyboy,” you jab, “Prove it that you can fly anything.”
“Is that a challenge I hear?”
You lean back, kicking your boots up on the dash. You motion across the dash, brows pulled upwards. “You’re the one who said it... My name’s Poe Dameron, I can fly anything.”
You imitate him on the last part. It’s not very good. You make a mental note to practice that a bit more.
His eyes don’t break from yours when he flicks the ignition on, happily priming the hyper-drive and leaning back into the Captain’s seat. “One, I don’t sound like that --”
You shrug.
“Two, I did, didn’t I?”
And he can fly it. Take off is a little rough, but after only hitting one platform on the way up -- “Oh, jeez, yeah, BB-8, I see it now. Sorry! Sorry.” -- Poe gets you both into the sky with relative ease. 
You won’t lie when you say you’re a little thankful to leave that rust bucket behind on Utapau -- the vomit colored Allanar N3 you’d traded it in for not only smells better, but it’s a bit lighter on it’s boosters. There’s no immediate defensive precautions and even though you will miss your little gunner position a bit, your happy to be cruising a bit faster. Nothing sucks like a slow freighter, especially when you’re used to speed runs in an X-Wing.
And, I mean, all of that aside, you were barely a day away from Voss.
No one would want to jack this ship. You didn’t even have any cargo.
Once out of the atmosphere, you’re fast to doze off -- Poe doesn’t say anything, just silently wonders if maybe you are concussed. He can’t remember the last time you two sat closer than three feet and didn’t wanna kill each other the entire time. It’s nice, he thinks. 
Within the hour, he too is clocking out; BB-8 and autopilot take over and for a cycle or two, you both actually get some decent sleep.
And then. you wake up to the warning wail of another set of alarms.
This time, the shadow that looms over takes the cockpit tells you that you spoke too soon.
No one would want to jack this ship, your ass.
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tinyhousegirl · 2 years
Astro - Chapter Two
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TW: mentions of sex, cursing, etc. DNI if under 18!
Read the synopsis and master list here!
Like what you're reading? Buy me a brick to help me save for a house!
Read on Tumblr below. Coming to AO3 soon!
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Bradley’s phone alarm blared into the darkness, causing the pilot to shoot up out of bed. He hadn’t slept well at all, the jetlag of being overseas for so long hitting like a train. He shut off the alarm and leaned over to turn the bedside lamp on, wincing at the sudden brightness. 
He was preparing to get out of bed when a familiar pair of arms wrapped around his torso. He felt her warm skin against his bare back as she kissed in between his shoulder blades softly. 
“Good morning, I made coffee.” He turned slightly, the barely visible morning light glowing on Taylor’s face as she smiled at him. She was still in his shirt from the late night before, but she was a lot more awake than he was. He noticed her hair was wet. “Bradley?”
He shook the tiredness out and smiled back. “Hi baby, you’re up early.”
“Couldn’t sleep. Didn’t want to wake you up. I know how exhausted you are the first few days home.” 
Home. He was home. 
“You want coffee or nah?” He nodded slowly. “Okay, I’ll be back.” She planted a kiss on his cheek and skipped off. He would never get over her cheery morning personality. 
Bradley finally got up and beelined to the bathroom, knowing a shower would be just what he needed to kickstart his body. He was in and out in a few minutes, toweling off as Taylor appeared with a cup of coffee for him. He quietly took it as she disappeared into her closet to change. 
The morning routine came like second nature to them as if they hadn’t spent the last few months apart. The pair had both mastered the art of dressing at this point in their careers, working in tandem to make sure no piece was out of place. He loved helping her pin her hair back with bobby pins while she finished her makeup. She loved tucking his shirt in and buttoning it up, making sure it was pressed tight against his body so his abs would poke through so she could trace them lightly. They always seemed to get ready much faster together, and today was no different. Neither would complain about the extra makeout time they got before heading out to base. 
The ride to base was quiet. It was early enough that most sane people were sound asleep or crawling home from the bars, and the peace was just what Taylor needed to calm her nerves before they walked into the hangar at Fightertown. A classroom setup had been built, and she could already recognize a few faces that beat them there.
More faces showed up before each seat was taken in the makeshift classroom. The California sun had risen and the sound of fighter jet engines rang throughout the large hangar. Phoenix leaned over as they awaited instruction.
“Did the Admiral let you in on any insider secrets for this mission?” She asked.
“For once, Iceman didn’t blab to me.” Astro cheesed at her friend, but deep down she knew who was coming. Her father’s appearance at The Hard Deck last night had knocked her off her axis a little bit. She wanted to warn Rooster, but knew that would be above her rank. She’d just have to see how this played out. They hadn’t seen each other in two years, even longer since they exchanged words past simple greetings. She just wanted to ride the little bubble of ignorant bliss that her and Bradley had as long as possible. 
“Attention.” A voice called, and all twelve pilots stood up immediately. Two officers walked in. 
Taylor recognized them as Cyclone and Warlock, two men she worked with sporadically in her years as an instructor for the new recruits. They introduced themselves to the group, then introduced their own instructor.
“Captain Pete Mitchell, callsign: Maverick.” 
Rooster tensed next to her as the pilots followed their instructor’s walk from the back row of seats to the podium at the front. Phoenix turned to Astro with a confused look, switching between the father/daughter duo. Astro shook her head slowly and kept her gaze forward as they were instructed to sit. 
“Good morning aviators,” Rooster’s hand found her thigh, tightening his grip with every word Maverick spoke. She tried to ignore it, focused only on the instruction. Maverick held up a book. “The F-18 manual. I’m sure you all know everything about your aircraft without it.” A few of the pilots acknowledged him with whoops, which were immediately shut down as he tossed the book into the trash can next to the podium. “So does your enemy.”
“Your target…” 
Maverick explained the mission parameters - a low entry, tight-turning terrain with a nuclear site hidden between two steep mountains at the bottom of a valley. Then a high G climb that no pilot had ever conquered in an F-18 before, with dogfighting inevitable against 5th generation fighter jets and surface-to-air missiles. They had just two and a half minutes to target and two miracle bombs to land in those 150 seconds. Taylor finally understood why they needed the best of the best on this op. The look Ice gave her before she left his house a few nights ago finally made sense.
“Today we’ll be pushing your limits. Suit up.”
The group of pilots stood up and filtered out of the hangar to the locker rooms. Taylor stayed back a moment, locking eyes with her father. The older Mitchell nodded at her solemnly as he walked to suit up himself. 
Taylor lagged behind her fellow aviators into the barracks where their lockers were located, but a hand pulled her aside before she could reach the women’s door.
Bradley pulled her into an alcove, eyes angry. “Did you know?”
“Don’t ‘Bradley’ me, did you know he was part of this?” He whispered angrily, head on a swivel to keep an eye out for anybody else in the hallway. 
Taylor sighed. “Yeah, I had a feeling.” Rooster let her go forcefully, a hand coming up to run through his curly hair. “I wasn’t supposed to know, Bradley.”
“You should’ve warned me.” 
“How am I supposed to do that when I didn’t even know if you were alive 24 hours ago? Would you have come if you knew?” She snapped and that shut him up. “You had orders, so did I.”
She stalked into the women’s lockers, Natasha already stepping into her flight suit. 
“I didn’t realize your father was teaching us, Astro.”
Taylor opened her locker and began to pull her uniform off forcefully. “There’s no one else as insane as he is to teach this. This is a suicide mission, Phe.” 
“Maybe. But to pull that many Gs in an F-18, how cool!” Taylor laughed. Nat’s semi-sadistic humor would never fail to lighten the mood. “I mean, I know the plane may not be handle it, but-”
A loud thud pounded against the entry door, causing both women to jump. “C’mon ladies, let’s see the show!” Hangman’s cocky voice echoed around the lockers.
“Fuck off, Bagman!”
“Hangman!” He corrected, and Taylor could see the cocky smile he probably had on his stupid face. “I’ll see y’all out there.”
Both ladies laughed to themselves as they finished suiting up.
As the sun set over the California sky each night, The Hard Deck became their relief off base. The last few days had consisted of basic maneuvering and light dogfighting against one another, but tomorrow was a new day. They would be showing their skills against Maverick, in a two-versus-one showdown in the sky. 
Taylor sat at a high top near the bar, nursing a drink as she buried her head in her laptop. Amelia tapped her pencil against her homework across from her. Penny smiled lightly at the pair from the kitchen doorway, watching and waiting for their nacho plate to be finished. This little tradition of working side by side stuck with Amelia and Taylor, finding comfort in the quiet presence of one another as they hashed out homework assignments and Naval projects. Despite the rocky relationship she had with Pete, the Mitchell girl remained close friends with the Benjamin family, becoming something akin to an older sister to Amelia over the years. Amelia did much better in school when Taylor was home, and the older girl made sure her presence was still there while she was away on missions. One year, she bought a life-size cardboard cutout of herself for Amelia to use as a stand-in, and the younger girl was so embarrassed. She still used that cutout to this day.
Taylor finished sending her email before Penny walked up with the plate of food, setting it in front of the girls. “Thanks, Pen. These look amazing.”
“They’re the same ones you get every week.” Penny remarked with a smile as she sat down next to them. 
“Yes, but imagine,” Taylor shoved a chip full of queso in her face, “imagine how amazing these taste after flying fighter jets with your insane father all day.”
Penny laughed as she pinched Amelia’s nose teasingly, who shooed her mother’s hand away with a smile. “I’ve flown with your father, I don’t think I could eat for days afterwards.” 
Taylor shook her head as her phone buzzed. “Not this girl. I crave the air.” She shook the crumbs off of her hands and grabbed the phone. “Oops, the boss man must be checking his email. It’s Ice.”
From: Ice Ice Baby
I thought I told you not to worry about the exhibition while you’re at Top Gun?
To: Ice Ice Baby
These emails aren’t gonna write themselves. And I don’t see you volunteering to call news outlets for promotional pieces.
From: Ice Ice Baby
Ha ha, very funny. Make fun of the man who can’t talk. I can have you demoted, you know.
To: Ice Ice Baby
Then who would bother you all the time? You already sent your boyfriend to the Mojave Desert, you can’t send me anywhere worse, what kind of Godfather would you be??
From: Ice Ice Baby
Alright fine, I wouldn’t demote you. Only cause you’re more tolerable than my ‘boyfriend.’ Thought he and Penny were getting back together?
To: Ice Ice Baby
Jury’s still out on that one. Will report back when I know more. Astro, out.
She sat her phone back down and continued to dig into the nacho plate until the door burst open and a bumbling mess of aviators stumbled through the door. The rowdy crowd had arrived, interrupting her peace and quiet with the Benjamin ladies and the few patrons at the bar for dinner service. 
“Astro! We’re doing shots!”
Oh boy. So much for staying on track with her exhibition to-do list. 
“You buying, Coyote?” She teased, closing the laptop for the evening, winking at Amelia as she laughed to herself and packed her school work up. 
“Only if you beat me at pool.” The gang slowly filtered to the pool tables with drinks as Coyote racked the balls. 
Taylor leaned down to break, a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. “Here’s where you’re in trouble, Coyote. You’re in Astro's home turf.” Hangman laughed when she broke, sinking two balls in the back pockets much to her opponent’s dismay. A couple of shots later, and Coyote was buying the first round of booze. 
Taylor hung with Fanboy, Phoenix, and Bob as the next pool game began, Coyote now finding purchase in Hangman as his next target. 
“So, how did you and Rooster meet?” Bob yelled over the music. He was one shot and a drink in, and it was adorable how tipsy he was getting already. 
“Childhood best friend.” Taylor responded shortly. Once the rest of the pilots found out the two were a couple, the teasing and joking remarks were relentless. Taylor didn’t mind, and it usually got Bradley more riled up which meant she got more fun out of him at night in the comfort of their bed.
“Isn’t he like five years older than you? How did that work out?” Fanboy piggybacked off of her response. 
“Only three years, geez, Fanboy! He’s not that old!” Astro shoved him playfully. “I guess for us we were just destined to be stuck together forever.” She winked with a dramatic tone.
She didn’t need to bring up the fourteen months he didn’t talk to her after the fallout with Maverick. How she begged and begged for her best friend to please let her in, to separate her from her father’s horrible decision when she was just sixteen. How, at seventeen, she was wooed by a boy from school into taking a romantic weekend trip to Los Angeles only to be left stranded in the city. Bradley would never forget her name popping up on his phone at 3 AM, and knowing something was wrong. His instincts were correct as he answered, and could only hear her sobbing on the other end. He had never driven so fast in his life, making the two hour drive in just over an hour to get to her. It was the first time they had talked in over a year, but he couldn’t find it in his heart to leave her home alone in San Diego while Maverick was overseas. He had stayed the weekend and they awkwardly rekindled, but that fleeting attempt went out the window as soon as he was sent overseas three days later.
A few months later, she was so terrified to tell him she got accepted into the academy at eighteen while he was still trying so desperately to get in at twenty-one. They only leveled out after he was finally accepted, and she could finally breathe around her best friend again. A couple of years of rebuilding, even more years of pining in between deployments and missions, and one very aggressive yet effective aviator named Jake Seresin led them to the almost four years of dating they were quickly approaching, minus a few months when they would take their extended breaks courtesy of Bradley’s inability to commit. 
“Anyways, enough about me. What about the rest of you? Any special lovers back home?”
Bob raised his hand with a drunken smile. “Ooh! Me! She’s the most beautiful thing.” He was quick to pull his phone out, showing them a photo of the most stunning couple. Bob was dressed in a tan suit, and the woman on his arm had the most gorgeous wedding dress on. 
“Holy shit, Bob. She’s stunning!” Taylor and Nat grabbed the phone, almost drooling over the details in the picture. 
“You’re married?” Fanboy exclaimed, peering over Taylor’s shoulder to see the couple, too.
“Last June.” Bob smiled proudly, pulling a wedding ring on a necklace out. “She’s the love of my life.” 
“Yeah, we’re gonna have to meet her someday.” Phoenix teased lightly, handing the phone back to him. “Rumor has it that Hangman has a girl in town now, too.” 
“Oh god, that poor girl.” Taylor joked before she felt a hand slide into her back pocket. She turned her neck slightly to meet the eyes of her own dreamy aviator. “Hey Roo.”
“You guys talking about me?” He smirked.
“Only because you’re Astro’s arm candy.” Fanboy joked, causing the rest of the aviators to ooh under their breaths. 
Bradley shrugged. “I’ll take what I can get.” The rest of them continued talking as he leaned into her ear. “Arm candy is requesting we get out of here.” He said lowly, causing a chill to run down her spine. 
She bumped her butt into him, causing him to stumble backwards slightly. “One more drink then I’m all yours, Lieutenant.” Bradley smiled, running to grab another round.
A few more drinks and over an hour later, the couple snuck out to Bradley’s Bronco, speeding off in the heat of the night. They could barely keep their hands off one another. He kept her hand laced tight in his as they drove out towards the mountains, finding escape from the city with one another. Before Rooster could fully remove the keys from the ignition, she was flipping on him, straddling his lap as she planted a rum-flavored kiss on his lips.
“Mmm, baby, mmm.” Bradley mumbled as her hands slipped under his shirt to trace his abs. He could already feel himself getting hard as he scrambled to move them to the backseat. “C’mon, you know it’s so much better back there.” 
He didn’t even realize he had zoned out, unable to take his eyes off of how stunning and beautiful she looked as she huffed playfully with an eye roll. She pulled her hair out the ponytail and draped it over his shoulder as she climbed into the backseat, knowing exactly what she was doing to him. He was so in love with this woman, it hurt. She knew exactly how to push his buttons, how to get him riled up, but also how to make him feel safe and comfortable. He was going to spend forever with this woman if he had anything to say about it.
“Rooster, if you don’t fuck me right now, I swear to God.” Bradley pushed the thoughts out of his head and climbed on top of her, laying his lips on hers happily as she laughed. 
The Bronco rocked in the quiet peace of the mountains until the early light of morning.
Tag List: @alanadetigy
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kingdomblade · 5 years
I ended up playing KH3 for far, far too long yesterday and got through three Disney worlds + Twilight Town, thought I’d post some thoughts while they’re still fresh! Mostly broad strokes but spoilers under the cut.
For better or worse the game really hasn’t been too hard considering I’m playing on hard. The only time I’ve come close to dying was an early boss before I had cure, and that was because I forgot to equip more potions. Doesn’t bother me though, I’m glad it’s not as punishing as early critical mode BBS was.
The most exciting thing for me in this game was seeing the original traveling trio finally reunited. Sora, Donald and Goofy’s relationships in this game really highlight everything I love about them. They’re constantly riffing on each other, frequently worry about each other, while a main scene is going on Sora and Donald are messing around in the background. I love how open they’ve been about how much their friendship means to them, it’s been 14 years since they last ventured together and they feel closer than ever. I’ve and smiled so much while just watching them do their thing.
I’ve also taken an absurd amount of pictures with them.
Absolutely love how lively everything feels, the dialogue is snappier, there’s citizens in all the towns talking to each other, the animations aren’t limited by PS2 engine graphics. The cutscenes seem to generally have music tailored specifically to the scenes now, which is great. Im excited for the OST down the road.
The fact that Olympus has been in every KH game and that this map is still bigger than all of the others combined is baffling, even when you consider Olympus is generally the smallest world anyway.
Herc thinks that the best way to save a child from a fire is to throw a gigantic statue at her.
The whole point of coming here is that Sora has lost all his powers and yet he inexplicably has the power to summon any ride at Disneyland at will. “We have to protect the world order!“ Donald says as I summon Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters in front of Hercules.
I didn’t think we’d get to spend so much time in the land of the Gods, pretty cool!
I’ve been really looking forward to finally fighting all four of the titans, fighting three at once was really unexpected!
Sora, Donald and Goofy are finally heroes!!
Twilight Town
Everyone acts like it was just yesterday that Sora was in Twilight Town but it was apparently long enough for Scrooge McDuck to entirely renovate part of the town and build a new restaurant so what’s the truth, Pence??
Hayner, Pence and Olette are the kind of kids that get told “Replicas of you were friends with this one kid, can you help us look for him?” and they’re just like yeah sure, that sounds fun. What good kids.
Why are all three of them wearing plaid too though. What did Yen Sid tell them?
Toy Story
The most unrealistic thing about the entire game so far is that Andy plays Final Fantasy.
Andy must live in New York or something because this toy store is absurdly huge! There’s also not a Buzz Lightyear section so I guess his franchise was in between seasons.
Buzz and Woody’s roles felt a little reversed? I’d expect Woody would be the one that would want to wait home for Andy and Buzz be the one that would want to go looking for answers and would trust Sora and the others more. But the story was overseen by people at Pixar so... what do I know, I guess?
The Org.13′s plan for this world is kind of a huge stretch.
Buzz: “What if I become controlled too?“ Woody: “That would never happen.�� Narrator voice: And then it happened.
Repltilus Maximus!!!!!
They missed a prime opportunity to end the Toy Box world with “You’ve got a friend in us“ because everyone was caught up in talking about hearts instead...
So far I feel like this one would be the most incomprehensible if you went into the world not knowing anything about Tangled, they omitted a lot and the movie characters suddenly know things that were omitted with no warning. They didn’t even explain Rapunzel’s hair until the tail end of the world! But it’s not exactly a mark against the world since who doesn’t know anything about Tangled, really.
I do like how they handled this world though, instead of following the movie exactly we got to see a lot of small moments with Rapunzel marveling at the outside. Her friendship was Sora was great, liked that he related to her wanting to see the outside world.
Love how Rapunzel spends absolute ages both agonizing and rejoicing over her choice to go outside while Sora and the others watch on before realizing "Wait, there are strangers here”.
I don’t know how much I actually trust SDG’s decision to let Rapunzel fight but honestly, going from a complete hermit to being willing and able to fight monsters in the span of a few hours? Good on you Rapunzel.
I’m pretty sure it was in this world that someone referred to the trio as ‘Sora, Goofy and Donald‘ in that order and it shook me to the core.
Marluxia waited until Mother Gothel was literally dead and disintegrated before deciding ‘Maybe leaving Rapunzel with her is actually a bad idea, better get rid of her‘  sure was uh. Hm.
Visually this is the world that impressed me the most so far, I can’t believe how close some of the shots look to the movie, especially near the end!
Flynn’s death was legitimately as sad as it was in the movie but I grinned like an idiot when Goofy comforted a choked up Sora because that was heckin adorable.
Also heckin adorable was Sora dancing at the festival. He was having so much fun that I enjoyed it myself even though I was awful at the minigame.
And it looks like Rapunzel permanently leaves your party after the end of the story. Kind of a bummer as I like having various party members in the Lucky Emblem shots and I think I only got a couple, if any.
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okreadyscenarios · 5 years
Mobile Guidelines!
Send in an ask with some kind of starter and add a sign-off/emoji (or a string of them) so we know which anon you are! You can send in multiple RPs/BiasTalks if you want, just use different emojis/sign-offs :D
i.e. Hey, Sanha, why you so cute for? >U< - 🎀
i.e Rocky… I… I need to tell you something… - 🎃
if you’d like an AU!RP, then pls send us an ask with your sign-off detailing what type of AU you’d like, important character relationships, and any other pertinent information, so that we can make your RP just how you want it~! <3
Once we’re all set, your AU!RP will then be assigned to an admin, who will be the primary responder to that AU!RP (just so that there’s less chance of continuity errors)~ <333
just a heads up that the more specific you are about your AU prompt, the easier it’ll be for us to start~!! <33
Send in an ask with a prompt, such as “could you write a scenario where Astro tries to make you happy after a rough day?” Can be specific or generic.
These will be for ALL members, meaning every scenario will have each members reaction! (We might open up drabbles at some point who knows~)
Ships (currently closed):
Send in as many ask parts as needed~ pls add a (1/5) type thing to the end along with your sign-off, so we know how many parts we should have received~!
anything. about. your. physical. appearance!!
this includes height, weight, hair color, eye color, skin tone, etc.
(Yup, we want to know about you! Who you are! Not what you look like, although we’re sure you’re gorgeous bb <333)
DO TELL US (these are just suggestions~)
what your favorite animal is
whether or not you believe in aliens
if you could talk to anyone in the world for 1 minute, who would it be?
what your favorite tv shows are
a funny story about yourself
what your hobbies are
how you want to change the world
what your dreams in life are
what your aesthetic is
whether or not you’re superstitious
what your talents are
how your best friend would describe you
if you’re a cat person or dog person
the three most important qualities for a person to have (in your opinion)
what music you like to listen to
the secret of life (subject to change)
how you approach making friends
anything else we didn’t include in this list that gives us a flavor of your wonderful personality <3
Everything Else:
We’re pretty open to other types of requests, so feel free to ask! ^u^
About Triggering Content
We don’t feel comfortable writing about triggering or potentially triggering topics, for the following reason:
We want this blog to be a safe, happy retreat for you guys~ <3 So we’d prefer to write about content and topics that are happier, so as not to make anyone feel uncomfortable.
Sorry, and thank you for your understanding~☆ ^-^;
About Inter-Member Shipping Content
We don’t feel comfortable writing about ships between members, since this blog’s purpose is to provide interactions between YOU and Astro, not Astro and each other~ <3
Thank you for your understanding~☆
We want this blog to be for everyone, so pls keep things PG-13!! <3
Please Go Easy On Us, haha
We are kind of new to this, so please forgive us if we goof up ^-^;; but we hope to make you smile as much as these dorks make us smile~
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hyuckles-chuckles · 5 years
when your mom makes you not watch the last episode of 'my id is gangnam beauty' because she doesn't want it to be over yet🙃🙃
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morkmywords · 6 years
morkmywords Masterlist
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Who I Write For
Exo | Nct | Bts | Seventeen | Astro | Vixx | Bap | Pentagon | ikon | Shinee | Monsta x | Wanna One | Got 7
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Black Umbrella - Mafia!au
Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
Not Really a Cinderella Story - Royalty!au [ON HIATUS]
When a strange string of not so great events somehow land you a job at the palace punching the wrong people can be not so great.
Masterlist - here
Living With an Idiot - Roommate!au - here
Cat sitting isn't meant to be hard right? Of course your best friend’s roommate makes it an entirely different experience. 
What’s Up With Weddings - Wedding!au - here
What could be worse than being the single maid of honour at your best friends wedding on valentines day?
Sales - here
Shopping sucks especially when there’s a sale 
Peaches - Werewolf!au - here - epilogue
Wolves are pack animals but when you aren't recognized as part of the pack and you get tangled up with the next alpha your life can be turned upside down in an instant
Teaser, The Alpha - Moodboard, The Omega - Moodboard, 
Christmas in Lights - Christmas!au - Part 1, Part 2
Kim Junmyeon has been your sworn enemy ever since he beat you in the annual town Halloween decorating competition and now you will stop at nothing to beat him in the Christmas decorating competition.
Do You Know How to Grow Blueberries? - Historical!au - here
You stumbled upon a man asleep in your fields and little did you know that he would completely change your life.
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The Real Dad - here
A Confession With Toast - College!au - here
When you needed a roommate he came to your rescue
Sk8 Bb - Highschool!au - here
Skateboarding was never really your thing until you met a certain someone.
From Your Point of View - Soulmate!au - here
Forest Whispers - Magic!au - here - moodboard
Winding Ivy - Magic!au - here - moodboard 
No Regrets - Runaway/Dystopian!au - here
If you had never met him you would never have known what love or freedom felt like.
Coffee Beans - Coffee Shop!au - here
Sometimes your worst days can turn into the best, especially when you meet a barista a coffee shop with a kind smile.
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Strawberries and Cream - Soulmate!au - here
Imagine living life with everything in grayscale, no colours at all. The only way you can ever see colour is if you make eye contact with your soulmate but things don’t always go as they’re supposed to.
On the Wings of Darkness - Demon!au - teaser
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astroboyart · 6 years
spaceduckthe64th replied to your photo:
Atom: The Beginning Chapter 46 cover
So is this a cover for a existing story or what? I can’t find new issue’s anywhere!
This is Atom: The Beginning, a prequel manga to Astro Boy! Here’s a link to the official website for it: https://www.heros-web.com/works/atom-tb/comics/ You can buy issues of Atom: The Beginning here: https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%88%E3%83%A0-%E3%82%B6%E3%83%BB%E3%83%93%E3%82%AE%E3%83%8B%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%EF%BC%88%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%89-%E3%83%92%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA%E3%82%B3%E3%83%9F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9-%E6%89%8B%E5%A1%9A-%E6%B2%BB%E8%99%AB/dp/4864684170 Keep in mind that there is no official English translation for Atom: The Beginning at this time. And you can read previews of the latest Atom: The Beginning chapters here, as well as the whole first chapter: https://viewer.heros-web.com/episode/10834108156634444304
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 3 years
Hi 👋🏻 I saw your post announcement about making drabble :) Can you please make drabble for Astro Mj with the prompt: "Bite your lip once more, I dare you" and "what you gonna about it, stud?" It's so hard to find Mj smut story tbh :( And I really wanna see it bcs he sunshine but I know he has some dark side. Thank you. Have a good day <3
Heyo! I've posted this request ♡
I changed the 'bite your lip once more, I dare you' to 'keep going, I dare you' to fit in with the vibe of the story and because I had another request with the same prompt. I hope you don't mind!
I hope you enjoy this drabble bb 🥺 and I hope I gave him enough of a dark, wild side for ya ahsjdjg ♡
Have a wonderful week, anon! Thanks for requesting.
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