#astro thanks for enabling me im love you lol
pyrofleurs · 6 years
for characters Bella and Marian, and for ships.... also Bella and Marian (lmao)
ahahaha you know me so well
i’ll start with....
How I feel about this character: honestly. tbh to be honest. she’s my favorite character LOL it used to be marian for so long but the more we get to know bella like.... i love her lmfao she is also somewhat relatable to me and i’m so glad we’re getting to see more of her now!! i remember when we used to get like one drawing of her every few months or so i was so thirsty for new content lol
All the people I ship romantically with this character: marian... even tho i feel like their relationship before was probably more conflicted than we know now... but atm i still ship them way too much for a ship that we know is no longer canon FLKDSJ. and cyanthia too!! although i kinda feel like they wouldn’t work out in the long run (tammy said cyanthia hates kids so... rip. but i still like them together a lot). those are the only two i seriously ship with her but i also just like the idea that everyone on toxink just kind of casually flirts w each other ahaha
My non-romantic OTP for this character: the rest of toxink aka arnick and tetrox, i love their team dynamic so much. i could read a whole comic of all of them just hanging out
My unpopular opinion about this character: i feel like people have so many conflicting opinions about her at this point idk whats unpopular. i’m probably too biased in her favor tho tbh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: REDEMPTION ARC LET HER BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE
My OTP: its still maribella as of now but it could change in the future
My OT3: bella/marian/cyanthia. bella and her grumpy girls 
How I feel about this character: honestly i dont think i’ve ever found a character i relate to more in any piece of media i have ever watched/read etc ever.. i love her so much and honestly this recent chapter has helped me think critically abt myself and how i handle conflict and my own relationships. i know its dramatique but its true lol
All the people I ship romantically with this character: so many lmfao uhh bella still first probably bc im a sucker for friends to lovers and ALSO enemies to lovers and and their dynamic is so interesting and im gay and sad. i do still like marian/vadelma but atm i feel like i need more info on vadelma’s whole role in their breakup because it does seem like vadelma was p influential in marian’s choice to kick bella off the team and break up with her and. well. i’m sure we will get more info abt this tho i feel like tammy loves the drama fjdskfh. also i love marian/clem lol (less seriously obvs but still) ever since that page in first match where clem was like “i think the winner deserves a kiss..” and marian really thought clem was referring to her LMFAO like. i need to know their History
My non-romantic OTP for this character:  i want her to be friends with cyanthia so bad lol i want them to be useless lesbians together. also arnick i feel like they would bicker a lot but could also bond over strategy and being nerds
My unpopular opinion about this character: i think most people would agree that she handled the conflict with bella and clem badly in the flashback as a captain but tbh i think she’s still handling it badly. if she really went two years not talking to bella at all, not reaching out to her former best friend/girlfriend even just to talk abt what happened and try and resolve things a bit, it seems like she still waits till things escalate to the point of inevitability (in this case the final match happening) to address problems. BUT the whole thing was never her fault. she was like 16 when this happened and probably was too young and irrational to be handling a situation like that on her own
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: TALK TO BELLA LIKE MATURE ADULTS PLS AND THANK YOU i want them to at least be friends again soo bad. Let Them Interact
My OTP: marian/bella as friends or more... i think realistically their relationship works better as friends, and i do still like marian/vadelma but i would also like to see that vadelma was actually not quite as blatant in her preference towards marian and her dislike towards bella in this whole conflict tho
My OT3: still bella/marian/cyanthia lol
ok for the ship now. this is so long im sorry lol
when or if I started shipping it. literally when toxink was introduced and bella’s bio said she had a “history with a certain blue inkling with glasses” i know im garbage lmfao ive been here for the long haul
my thoughts: ok. look. theyre not gonna get back together. but that doesn’t mean it wont make me sad (unless we get more canon info that changes my mind). it seems like their differences are too great and theyre too stubborn to truly have a healthy romantic relationship but i think they would still be able to be good friends after this whole thing is over. and it would be better for the both of them! they miss each other let’s be real
What makes me happy about them: friends to lovers and enemies to lovers are my two favorite tropes along with like.. morally ambiguous characters with complicated pasts. and they’re gay. how could i not like them
What makes me sad about them: they seem like the kind of couple that no matter how hard they try, it’s just not meant to be. if they were each other’s first love and they were best friends since they were kids i wonder if they ever thought they would get married and that only made the breakup that much worse
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: the only fanfic ive ever read of them was written by me lmfao. it annoys me that i don’t write more of them
Things I look for in fanfic: see above
My kinks: shhhhh this is a sfw zone. shhhhhhhhhh
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: bella/cyanthia and marian/vadelma (i already talked abt that above tho)
My happily ever after for them: realistically in canon they talk things out, learn to communicate better and eventually grow out of their romantic feelings for each other but stay really good friends for ever and ever. in my mushy unrealistic AU in my head they resolve their differences now that theyre older and have had space to grow without each other and they get gay married and adopt like 6 kids and 3 cats and a dog and i cry
if you read all of this i love you 
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babyleclerc · 6 years
The end of 2017
I have a tendency to ramble and be very sentimental - so I’m going to try to keep this as short as possible. 2017, you were a fucking bitch of a year. I don’t think I’ve cried more or felt more empty than I have this year over the past 24 of my life. But in the same breath, I also made some incredible memories. Disneyland last Spring with my best friend being the absolute highlight of the year. 
I had a lot of ups and downs - mostly downs (didn’t get the promotion I was supposed to, my ED reared its ugly head for the worst, family relationships were in h e l l), and even though I could name many more horrible things, this year also had a lot of very bright spots. Disneyland, Texas (go Astros!), two trips to Calirfornia, Christmas this year was one of the best I’ve had ever in my life. 
However, one of the biggest happy spots in my life was that I got back into writing for the first time in years :’) and reactivated this blog enabled me to bring those writings to you. Bringing this back to life has been one of the most fun things I’ve done in 2017 and has brought some incredible people into my life. Thank you to each and everyone of you who has read, commented, liked, reblogged, or requested an imagine from me. You have made the tail end of this year so much better for me. Thank you, truly.
So with that said, cheers to you and to the special people below! I hope you all have an incredible 2018 filled with joy, laughter & many blessings. Even if we don’t talk at all or only talk a little, I am so thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you for putting up with my crazy. Make this year your bitch.
Tumblr media
@spider--bae You were my first mutual and real ‘friend’ on Tumblr when I resurrected this blog. Katie, you are so incredibly kind, thoughtful, and hilarious. I have really appreciated our friendship over the past few weeks and love that we can talk about anything and everything (mostly how hot Seb and Tom are, but I digress). I hope you have an absolutely amazing and wonderful 2018.<3 You deserve it!
@dolangram: My sweet Zara. My Zaroo Paroo. My marshmallow/peanut. I don’t know what all I can say about you without bursting into tears. You are my absolute light, my love, and I am so incredibly blessed to have found your friendship this year. You are, hands down, one of the best things to have come out of 2017. I am so thankful for your friendship - for all of our laughs, are stupid conversations, our ridiculous imagines, your hilarious snaps, waking up to texts from you on WhatsApp... I just, man, I just love ya. I really feel like you are one of the few people in this world who actually gets me. I can say anything to you and never be afraid of you judging me or thinking that I’m weird. You are an AMAZING person, who has an incredible way with words (everyone go read her masterlist ASAP) and you deserve to have the most incredible new year. This blog and Tumblr would not be half the place it is without you. Ily so much. <3
@solartchalla Bee, I know we don’t talk that much, but finding your blog has been such a light in my life. You are a wonderful person who is so sensible, ,mature, kind, and hilarious. I always appreciate our IMs about stupid anons and anytime we talk, you always make me smile. :’) I hope you have an amazing 2018.
@existentialmalaises Natasja! We’ve only just begun talking but I can tell this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship. :’) I love how our timezones are so out of whack that I send you 34829483902 messages and in the morning you have a bunch to reply to, and when I wake up I have 48329483920 messages from you lol. They are totally making my day and I just love reading what you have to say! I hope that you have a prosperous and wonderful 2018, you are such a talented writer and I hope you realize what an amazing person you are. :)
Other people whom I love and adore (even though we don’t talk that much, or aren’t mutuals, you are absolutely a bright spot in my dashboard, and I wish you all the happiness in 2018):
@beautifullybarnes, @invinitywar, @bucksies, @tchallaaa, @sebsticles, @hazohazahazbro, @scream-for-help, @elissab3lle, @ballyhoobarnes, @buckylicious, @sadsmilesforstyles, @nightcrawler0213, @tonystarkz.
29 notes · View notes
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I'm a 17 year old female that will drive a Vauxhall Corsa but it's kind of old like this one: http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg Does the amount of lessons/make of car/pass score change the price of insurance? All the insurance sites want me to enter my details, which I don't want to do. Is there a big difference between cost when I'm 17 compared with 18? Sorry for all the questions but thanks (:""
Can i use my financial aid money for my car insurance?
I heard that the money can be used for transportation expenses. thats what they told me during my orientation at school. is this true cause i really need to pay my car insurance
HELP! Car & Insurance for 17 year old.?
Hi, I'm 17 in a week & will be starting my driving lessons. I have my theory booked for a few days after & aim to pass in around 6 weeks, depending on the waiting list for the test, having 3-4 lessons a week. Driving a car isn't a problem for me, have had plenty of practise on tracks in my dads weapon ;) & have for the last 8 weeks or so been going to an empty industrial estate one or twice a week, driving my mums cooper S or occasionally my uncles M3. Just need practice with the ways of public roads from my instructor. Anyway, as you can probably tell I've had a fair bit of experience driving fairly fast cars, so thats where i need advice - can anybody suggest any fairly fast cars that are reasonable to insure? or any cheap insurance company's, or any ways to get insurance down, as long as they aren't completely ridiculous lies, I want to keep it as legit as possibly ideally. So far I've been quoted 1600-ish on a standard golf on my mums insurance, but ideally want something a bit quicker then that. My budget for a car + insurance overall is 4-5k. My ideal car would be a GTI, anybody know where i can insure one cheap-ish? ALSO, *PLEEEEASE* no do-gooder's telling me it is 'fronting' to go on my mums insurance, I am well aware of this, however I am also aware that if the car is registered in my mums name with the DVLA, then they don't have a leg to stand on. I have checked this with one of my mums friends, a solicitor. Also, nobody telling me that I 'wouldn't be able to handle the power' or that I'd 'kill myself', believe me, I'd smoke you ;). Sorry its a bit long, please help! :-)""
How do i get health insurance?
im 19 years old, im not pregnant, i have no children... im really clueless to the whats and hows im in college, im not no disabled, or blind or anything.. i just dont have health insurance.. i do have a summer job, but its not steady & once i go to school in the fall i wont be working anymore. i know medicaid is good but idk if im eligible, & idk who will accept me... i really dk anything lol. i do know i need health insurance! please help?""
Which are the Best Car Insurance comparism websites?
Hi Yahooers, I need to re-new my car Insurance and like everyone else I want the cheapest on offer. Deatils are:- I live in the UK, have 10 years NCB, never had any claims and the car is 10 years old. Full licence held for 22years and no points on licence. Thank you for all help given. xx""
Can an insurance company cancel the insurance after they found out that there is something wrong?
hi! we just bought a house and got insurances but then after a month in our new house, we got a notice from the insurance saying that our insurance will be cancelled by the next month coz they found out in the inspection that there is a rott on the garage roof and told us to fix it first then they will continue our insurance?? i just wanna know if they can do that or if that is allowed to cancel our insurance after they accepted us?? what can we do ?""
How to catch more insurance clients???
I am Life Insurance Agent. I am just trying to find out more clients to develop my insurance business.
What would insurance be on a brand new car for a first time driver?
I'm 21, and have been looking at the new 1.2 litre corsas. I've been looking at used cars, but I've done a few checks on the ones I'm interested in and they came back cat c, or high mileage, and if I had a new car ide get warranty and added extras. Just seems alot less hassle and having to worry if anything goes wrong with the car... But, would the insurance be really high with it being a brand new car and my first car? Thank you x""
Lowest priced car insurance for under 25's?
I am currently due to renew my car insurance, I am 23, and have been driving for 2 years. I have been looking on some comparison sites, however I know some companies are not on the sites and could be cheaper - any tips based on experience? thanks""
Are VW Polos quite cheap to insure?
I'm looking for my first car, and I know which cars are cheap to insure, but was wondering whether VW polos are cheap to insure, as I seem to be getting quotes ovr 2000 for majority of the cars I'm browsing. I know that polo's are fairly cheap and reliable and I love them :) Thanks.""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductable do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
I am learning to drive and want to buy a car. What should I buy and what will the insurance be like?
I am learning to drive and want to buy a car. What should I buy and what will the insurance be like?
Car Insurance?
I want to cancel my insurance or rather freeze it until the 3 November. Would i get into trouble though if i took it to the garage when i had cancelled my insurance or eve froze it..
What is the best rated and least expensive car insurance for a female age 19 with a clean driving record ?t?
The car is an SUV 94 ford astro van in California.Know that only need collision coverage...Thanks for helping
How much on average is insurance on a 2005 chevy silverado 2500 or ford F-250?
Looking to buy one of these vehicles and wanted to see how much on average it is. Thanks!
How come different auto insurance agencies charge different prices for the same insurance company?
yes i went to three different insurance agencys to see what quotes theyll give me. one say said ill pay 50 a month and 140 down payment for access auto insurance . the other agency said ill pay 60 a month and 90 down payment for the same company. and the third agency said i would probably not qualify for access auto insuranc. im 20 year old male riverside ca 94 accord. why would three different agencys quote diferently for the same auto company ? whyyy is it a scam
Do you need to pay insurance on a 50cc scooter in utah?
I just bought a 50cc scooter and i was wondering if in Utah you have to pay insurance on it? also about how much is it to register it?
Best Car Insurance for 17 year old.?
I'm a 17 year old male. My GPA is just below 3.0 last time I checked it. I think its somewhere around 2.5. I've had my license for almost 10 months now. I've been driving for a year and a half, no accidents. Nothing like that I'm a good driver than most crazed kids my age. With my job I currently make about 150 every two weeks I hope that goes up once summer comes around. My grandmother wants to put me on her car insurance and she told me that the car I plan on buying would have to be in her name, and I'm ok with that. When I buy it do I get both our names on the title. She has metlife and my mom has gieco which is the better of the two. And how can I work it out so they dont have to worry about it if i was on there insurance i would pay my part but i want the cheapest possible and im wondering what to expect for a down payment and monthly rates. Thank you If it helps I plan on buying a 2001 Chevy Cavalier and yes its a 2 door so my rates will probably be higher.""
Babies insurance please answer?
I have medicare (pregnancy) and I was wondering how does it cover the baby when he is born and what do I do to get his insurance and all that? Thank you.
Where can I find car insurance for my situation?
I've been without insurance for almost a year now. I canceled my old policy because I do not drive my car anymore and I'm selling it. So I finally bought a new car, and I am currently looking for insurance. But I haven't had any insurance the past year. Where can I get insurance?""
Car insurance for learner driver UK?
I am considering to buy a car before I pass my test. Without buying the car first I can't get a quote online. I understand insurance is not much differenet for a learner driver and someone that just passed their test. Anyone knows how much roughly insurance cost for a learner driver? Thinking of getting a 2002-2003 ford focus, and I am a female 27 years of age if that makes any difference.""
Car insurance to help disabled grandparents?
My grandfather is ill in hospital and my nan is finding it difficult to drive to the hospital and back on a daily basis. Aunt has MS so she cares for her too, thus I was wondering if anyone knows of a type of car insurance that will enable me to help out with their daily living. I obviously know that standard insurance would work, but I'm a 21 yo male and don't have the funds to get full independent insurance. Thanks for any help.""
""Why buy license plates, register car, and car insurance when I saved $3,000?""
Only suckers buy license plates, register car, and car insurance ( which I canceled :) after I got my license ) which I save over $3,000 a year on. I could careless if I crash my car I bought for $350 it is a junker ( which will probably die in the next three months ) and I could just run away without paying a thing. I already have saved over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE UNLESS YOU CAN'T DRIVE.""
Why are some people's health insurance rates going up?
I've heard a lot of stories about people's insurance rates doubling or tripling. My wife's insurance just went up. What's going on? I thought Obamacare was supposed to make insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
Hi thanks for taking your time to answer this question... I have geico right now, but dont think its the cheapest insurance company I have... I dont really care if customer service is bad, as long as its cheap!!! so please tell me... WHATS A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? lol""
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progressive car insurance auto quote
Do I need auto insurance if I don't have a car or plan on driving?
I want to get my license because it is something that I need to get out of the way now. I don't have a car or plan on driving until I can even afford auto insurance but this summer is the only time I have free to get my license. I'm 20 and in college.
My insurance company will not change car details?
I have been thinking of purchasing a brand new car this year and today went ahead with the purchase, well at least put a deposit down with a 12 week wait. I have been driving now for a year and a half. and at aged 28 thought I would be out of the range of a silly driver by now. However, after phoning my insurance company to ask for a new/updated quote for the insurance they are telling me that they will not insure me on a new car due to my lack of experience. I am of course going to still have the new car as most other insurance companies will insure me on the new car at a fairly reasonable rate. infact only 100 pounds a year more than my current car. They are still howver going to charge me a 30 cancellation fee and will obviously lose my no-claims for the six months. Does anybody have any idea as to a way to approach the company or make a complaint or should I just forget about it and move on?""
Question about delaying the individual mandate portion of the Affordable Healthcare act.?
Since the Affordable Healthcare Act is based primarily on the individual mandate, if the mandate is delayed by 1 year, what happens to those who have already lost their current health ...show more""
Which auto insurance company will NOT check my credit?
I saw an advertisement for one, but forget which one it is. I have pretty good credit, but I do not believe in their correlation between credit & driving skills. I also do not believe that they should penalize people with bad credit under the assumption that these people will file a false claim. These insurance companies have all the incentive to damage people's credit files so they charge more for their products. I also pay in full, so they will not be extending credit to me. Even if the policy costs more, I do not wish to reward bad behavior by doing business with the big insurance companies.""
How much would you estimate a 16 year old driver would pay for insurance on a G35 coupe?
I'm currently 15 and, when I get my first car, would really like an Infiniti G35. I can find them in my set price range (>15000), but my parents are worried about the cost of insurance. My parents are covered .9under USAA currently with two vehicles. I have a 3.9 GPA, play sports, and, if given the opportunity, could use my natural wit and charisma to impress someone into lowering the price (I'm not sure if this is even a possibility, I'm just saying that if it is, I could do it). I wouldn't be getting the car until after my initial 6 months of restricted driving is finished. Once again, I'm not sure if this affects anything, but maybe you'd like to know. I appreciate any input.""
How does car insurance work?
I dont know much about car insurance. Do get it when we have a car only or if i sell the car i still have that insurance with me for a possible next car in future?
Insurance for my pregnant wife?
Hi all, My wife is 8 month pregnant now and i would like to know if i can apply for any insurance now were i can reimburse/claim the maternity charges if possible Location: India""
Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?
Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?
Which car company has the lowest amount of insurance to pay monthly?
im getting a car soon and i have to know which car company has the lowest monthly payment of insurance can anyone help me out??
""The most basic and cheapest insurance available, forget what it's called?""
There's a type of insurance for mostly minors or people who deal with used cars that are cheap etc, rarely driven, traded often, and it's called ______ I forget, and it only entitles you to be insured against law suits if the other person is injured. Real crappy insurance right? I'm starting to trade cars but some will need to be driven to shops and stuff like that. In my state MICHIGAN, you need to have insurance BEFORE you register, which sucks for me. For example, I am about to buy a piece of crap 500 dollar Chevy Cavalier and I need to most basic insurance, I just forget the term for this. I don't want to get a huge big policy for a car that will be driven probably less then 50 miles in it's time that I have it.""
Self employment health insurance?
I am self employed, my husband is not. His new employer does not offer health insurance. Can I obtain health insurance for my family and deduct it as a business expense? Is there a specific kind of insurance I would have to get? Links to any websites would be appreciated.""
Insurance: Get car fixed?
On Friday, I was rear-ended by a 2000 Mitsubishi Montero Sport. I got some minor damage done to my 2004 Mazda 3s. My bumper has scratches and a dimple-- which really isn't noticeable. The car has 100,000 and I'm debating whether or not to get it fixed. I am thinking of taking the insurance money to pay off debt. Should I or should I get the car fixed? Will I get into trouble if I use the money to pay off debt?""
Car inspection for insurance?
So I hit my friends car and he told me to tell the insurance company someone hit me in a parking lot. If I do that and the insurance company inspects it, will they be able to tell that I hit someone instead of someone hitting me?""
If i have liablility insurance on my car now and i am trying to get a new quote...?
it is asking for my old deductable but i don't have my insurance info with me. does having liability coverage mean i don't have a deductable? i don't want to put in a wrong answer and not get an accurate quote.
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a 01 Suzuki Katana 600 in Texas?
I am looking into getting one and want to know how much the insurance would cost.
Whats the best car insurance for teen boys (specific details)?
I am an 18 year old male, african american (if that matters), and i live in a 5 person home. My parents both have cars, my mom a 2000 cadillac deville, and my dad a dodge caravan van. i have straight a's in school and i heard some insurers reward that, so i was wondering what would be the best car insurance for a teen in my position? Thank you for your help :)""
Good car insurance 17 years old?
what car would be cheap to buy and cheap on insurance for a 17years.
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old male?
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old male?
Car insurance for learner driver UK?
I am considering to buy a car before I pass my test. Without buying the car first I can't get a quote online. I understand insurance is not much differenet for a learner driver and someone that just passed their test. Anyone knows how much roughly insurance cost for a learner driver? Thinking of getting a 2002-2003 ford focus, and I am a female 27 years of age if that makes any difference.""
Does anyone know the best/cheapest uk car insurance provider after an accident?
I have been driving for 17 years, have no points or bans etc and have 9+ years no claims bonus. For the past 4 years i have driven a 1990 honda prelude that i loved, it was broken into last year, and a few weeks ago got wrote off (insistent it was my fault grrr). My insurance has gone from 25 per month to 50 per month for moving house and now for exactly the same model of car they want to put it up to 96 per month, not because of the crash but because its a new car, even though its the same model???? This is with the green insurance company. does anyone know of a really good company that might give me similar to what I pay now? I thought the idea of protecting the no claims bonus was so that the premiums dont go through the roof??? thankyou for any help and sensible answers xx""
Can you drive someone else's car without your own insurance but their car is covered?
For example, if I drive my friend's insured car and she's in the passenger seat while I'm driving (without my own insurance), is it legal? Also, can I drive my parents' car occasionally without my own insurance but the car is insured? I'm 17 with a California driver's license. Thank you!""
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
""I am turning 16 years, and i really want to drive a moped, how much will my annual insurance cost?""
I am turning 16 years, and i really want to drive a moped, how much will my annual insurance cost?""
Possible cancer without insurance?
My fiance has a visible tumor (it's visible--it was benign and removed before but came back). He lost his health insurance a couple years ago, and he seems to only be progressively be getting sicker (we don't know if it's because it's a cancerous tumor or his stress levels are insanely high). Either way, he obviously needs to see a doctor--but we have no insurance and we don't make enough to afford insurance (we might make little enough to qualify for medicaid--for this question, assume we do). My question is, what options does he have? We can't afford treatment. He doesn't want to go to a doctor w/o insurance because they won't help him since he can't pay and he will lose the job he has and what little he does make. Please, are there special programs? I know his condition does not qualify for the fast SSI claims as I looked into that already. Would medicaid be enough? Are there special cancer programs? Is there anything? Or is he really going to be left to die? He's only 26. Also, we live in Colorado (since that might make a difference).""
Is there a safe and accurate way to search online for auto insurance quotes...?
Don't want to enter social security number or actual home address for that matter. Using age, driving record, general home address (city and state) and of course the required car info...Is there a site that would give you an accurate range of what it would cost to insure a vehicle in NY state? Personal experience is best , but all knowledgeable info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
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progressive car insurance auto quote
Car Insurance? best option?
I recently have came back from a trip abroad, and well. I'm looking into car insurances and seeing if I can get any better deals and what other way than the internet! So here's a little about my Insurance right now. I'm paying about 761.82 every 6 months for just liability. I recently got into a small accident last year which raised it about 100$.00. Even though all that was repaired was his fender. it' whatever. I'm 19 and I drive an 01 PONTIAC Sunfire SE So you think this is enough or am I paying too much? Oh and I'm with GEICO""
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
Can anyone tell me about affordable life ins. after age 80?
I have a term policy that will expire in two months, and would like to find an insurance co. that has some ins. that is not priced so high that I can't pay the premiums. Thanks for not sending any SPAM !!""
What is the cheapest ADD/ADHD medication for the uninsured?
I take 20mg Vyvanse now, but they cost so much money (300 plus for 60 pills). I am working but wont get health insurance for another 2 months... Is there a substitute drug that is a bit cheaper? Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? Does anyone know where I could see a pricing chart.""
Health insurance premium just went up because i turned 60.?
Anyone know where I can get my own health insurance rather than through my employer?
What is the basic kind of insurance required by California Law?
What kind of insurance covers something like another driver hitting your car door, and then driving off before you could get their license plate # what is comprehensive , and what is collision, ?""
""Know any good, cheap restaurant insurance companies?""
My parents want to open up a restaurant, and so they need restaurant insurance. Would any of you happen to know any good, but cheap restaurant insurance companies? He's looking for a price around 2,600 to 2,800 dollars for the cost.""
Bankers home insurance in Florida dog question?
I currently have bankers home insurance for home insurance and wondered if there are any dogs that are not allowed or would cause my insurance bill to go up?
How to get under someone else's insurance policy?
I'm 22 so my insurance is double the price of my dad's. I want to get on his policy or have him on mine so that my insurance can be cheaper. Does he have to be part owner of my car? Do we have to use the same company?
""Insurance policy,,,,,,,,,,,?
I signed a life insurance policy on the spot. It was an error at some point. I realize that what i needed was a retirement insurance. Is it possible to request the insurance company to change my policy?
What is a car that will have low(er) insurance rates for a new 16 yr old driver??
So i just turned 16 and i didnt get my license yet but i am soon and my parents insurance agent said different cars have higher or lower prices on insurance, he said maybe a mid-size sedan or a small suv or minivan. but... i dont know. Anyone with experience with this cause i'm in need of a car!!""
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How much should I expect to pay for flood insurance in michigan?
I am purchasing a cottage for about $60k in Michigan. It is on an inland lake and is in an AE flood zone. How much should I expect to pay in flood insurance?
Can I buy a car without car insurance?
Hi, I am trying to purchase myself a Mazda, but after I checked the car insurance quote offered by RBC and other companies, things get ridiculous-the quote calculated my insurance to be more than 5000 per year-that's much more than my car! I am 19 years old and this is my first car. I just got my 5N license in Halifax. I didnt take the drivers course, so can I get my car without insurance? Or can you guys recommend a low-price insurance company? Thanks for helping!""
Will my dui affect my dad car insurance rate?
I got a dui and my licence is suspended and I currently don't have car insurance. Im not covered on my dads plan or any plan. When he gets new car insurance next month will this affect his insurance or no because im not on his anymore?
Do I have to have car insurance in wis?
I have a car that is old, ( a VW Fox to be exact) and i was wondering if i need to have car insurance for it? i use the car for nothing more than to drive to work and back, because of the amazing gas milage, but i was woundering if im going to get into trouble if im ever pulled over and dont have insurance. I live in WIS so keep that in mind. Any help would be welcome. thx ahead of time.""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old.?
Nissan 350z in florida. I heard that if you take drivers ed in school it lowers your insurance, is this true? To SLACKER286 (answers all of my car questions lol): how old are you and how much is your insurance each month for your 350z, thanks""
Insurance rate on 2010 camaro v6?
Hey ive jus finished drivers ed, and im turning 16 in the fall. Im planning on buying a v6 camaro in the spring and i want to know how much insurance would cost a month. (i live in canada)""
How to get my stolen car's value back from insurance?
Hi, my car was stolen from a repair shop that I had left overnight for maintenace work. I say they are negligent for not securing the keys. I filed a claim through their insurance and through my insurance thinking mine would go after them and give me a fair price for what I payed, not the current market value. I heard about the arbitration. Any suggestions on steps I can take to recover more money? plus why should I pay the deductible? Shouldn't I receive money from both insurances? I also incurred other expenses, I had to spend money on notaries, lost time from work, gas money making all these trips for the investigators etc. Thank you very much for any advice.""
How much does it cost to insure a first car in the UK?
I don't want a super fast car, just a banger to get me around, I was thinking Ford Ka or a 1960's mini, also if it's used does that effect insurance? And any hidden costs that I should know about? And does having an old car make it cheaper or more expensive to run? Also any hints tips or suggestions would be very welcome, thank you. :)""
My job doesn't offer me any insuance - what's the best affordable health insurance I can get?
My job doesn't offer me any insuance - what's the best affordable health insurance I can get?
How does car insurance work?
I got my driver's license last January when I turned 16. Our family only drives one car. My dad has insurance for our car under his name. Do I need insurance under MY name to drive the car too?
Should i get 20 year term or a 30 year term life insurance?
My husband and I currently have a 20 year term life insurance policy. We are switching companies because we were paying too much at State Farm. I'm 30 and he is 33 and we are both in very good health. We have a 9 month old baby boy and our policies are for $500,000 each. The rate I'm getting is $45 for both of us for the 20 year term and $70 for both of us for the 30 year term. Which one should I go with?""
""I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
""My parents are above 65 ,suggest any insurance plan?
suggest any insurance plan
progressive car insurance auto quote
progressive car insurance auto quote
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
If My Mom has insurance coverage can i still get insurance with her if i own my own car?
ok so my mom has car insurance on her car, but she was telling me she registers my car under her name that the insurance will cover me and the car. But if the car is under my name can i still get insurance with her??""
""Female, over 25, 9 years driving experience needs CHEAP CAR INSURANCE?""
Hi, my previous insurance was less than 350.00 for third party, fire and theft (in london). My new car is similar but I am getting quotes for 800+ for third party fire and theft. This is ridiculous. I am in my late twenties and have been driving almost 10 years. I would really appreciate names of small insurance brokers. 10 points.""
What car is the lowest cost for insurance for a 18 year old male driver (2 years Driving)?
Just curious what is the least expensive to cover for those of you in the insurance industry
Does anyone know where to get classic car insurance for under 25's?
I'm 21 years old I own an rs turbo that is 23 years old. I know you used to be able to get classic car insurance through Adrian flux but they've just changed there terms so you have to be over 25, but there must be a another insurance company that will take under 25's.""
""I got into a fender bender, will my insurance be contacted?""
Long story short, the light turned red, the car infront of me short-stopped, I did as well with about 6-8 inches to spare with the car in front, and i got rear-ended in the back causing my momentum to hit the car on the front. the car in front of me and behind me had no damage, while my front bumper has scuffs and the license plate is hanging off. the lady in front was in such a rush, she just left since she said her car was fine and left before i could get a name or her license plate, and the lady behind me claims she never even hit me and was planning to leave, until i forced her to stay by threatening that i'd call the police. She refused to exchange information with me. the police came, and wrote a report, but he was giving me a lot of attitude saying that her car suffered no damage, though my rear license plate was bent. he claimed, whether or not she hit you before or after you hit the front car, i find it hard to believe that her hitting you caused that much damage to your front bumper . I got a generic report on a piece of paper and he told me to pick up the report tomorrow. I'm pretty sure she's not going to file a claim, most likely because she can't speak english. i honestly don't want to deal with filing a report and i'm planning on just buying a new front bumper and installing it myself, but my question is, is my insurance company going to be contacted and will my rates rise? I've never been in an accident before so I don't know how this works. My insurance company is HighPoint and I live in New Jersey.""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
How do I become a 220/440 insurance agent in FL?
How do I become a 220/440 insurance agent in FL?
COSECO Insurance Company?
does anybody know about COSECO Insurance Company I need a quote in auto insurance. i live in North York, is there any best rate insurance company""
""Car insurance, UK QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!?""
UK QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am researching car insurance at the moment, what do you think i can expect to pay? Whats a good insurance company to go with? heres my details... 18 year old female, New driver, Pass plus certificate, Insurance group 5 car, the cheapest ive found is 1246.00 is this a normal amount to have to pay??? Thanks :)""
Are insurance companies allowed to take skin colour into consideration when working out a cost?
If it is found that black people make more claims can the use this
Im pregnant and dont have health insurance.?
Recently my boyfriend lost his job and we lost our health insurance. What can i do to get insurance for myself and our two other kids, him? I live in california""
Which auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I disagree with the use of credit scores and auto insurance, and would like to find an auto insurance company that doesn't use the method when selling me their service. Does anyone know of companies that don't check your credit, and instead uses your driving record, age, etc....like it used to be?""
How much would insurance be on 96 tahoe?
i'm 19, and i'm about to get my licences. i always be eye balling this tahoe. how much would insurance be on it??""
How much my insurance be on a Lamborghini? ?
Hi I have looked at a few quotes online but I haven't found a site that will insure me or give me an accurate quote. I'm 21 been driving two years and the car is a Lamborghini Gallardo Sypder. Thanks
How much would insurance be for a road/offroad dirtbike?
I'm looking into buying a honda CRF 230 that has headlights, breaklights etc.. everything it needs to be road legal. I'm wanting it because I ride alot of trails that you need to get on the road for so long to get on the next trail and I'd figure id license it so I dont have to worry about outrunning the cops but if the insurance would be high, I'd just forget it so whats the cheapest you can get insurance for that and by the way I'm 19 and have my motorcycle permit.""
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if you can get like your life insurance lisence online and where?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if you can get like your life insurance lisence online and where?
HELP! Do I need car insurance if I don't own a car and don't drive much in the state of Florida?
I am 16 years old and State Farm is calling me and it is getting annoying. I don't own a car and I don't drive much. When I do drive I borrow the car that is under my sister's name. My parent's don't drive. My dad's license is expired and he doesn't drive anymore, and my mom doesn't know how to drive at all. I keep hearing conflicting things, some say that it is a law in the state of Florida (where I live) that anyone with a license needs to have insurance, while others say that it is not necessary to have insurance if you don't own a vehicle and don't drive much. My question is: Do I need car insurance in the state of Florida if I do not own a car and don't drive much? Thanks!""
""Need Jaw Surgery, No insurance. Low Income, [Best] advice please.?""
I need Jaw Surgery, and have no insurance. I'm from low income. From online readings, I heard you can get it done at UCSF for free, but there is a waiting line?? not sure about that. If have to pay, I heard 5k-7k with insurance. I don't have insurance, and if I were to get it, I don't want to pay kaiser $150/month. What is your [best] advice?? Thanks a lot!""
I got a no insurance ticket so I bought insurance less then an hour after.?
The date on the ticket is the same date my insurance started. Anybody know what the outcome might be?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
Is insurance high for a base acura rsx or just the s-type model?
I'm a 21 year old male with one speeding ticket. I like the design on the rsx, but I've heard insurance is ridiculous on them. Is this true for the both models, or is the insurance rate for the base model significantly less than the type-s model? Thanks for any help!""
Insurance for a Kit Car?
I am sixteen. I have just got my licence (around a week ago). I have a kit car. It is a lamborghini kit car. What type of insurance would i have to get. Do i have to pay a lamborghini kit car insurance, or do i have to pay a kit car insurance. My kit car was made to be as close to the real lamborghini as possible (just in case that makes a difference). BTW, I am in USA... I noticed that some people were in UK, and that doesn't help me much :(. My main questions - What type of insurance would i have to get? What would be the best company for that insurance? What would the pricing be like? Thanks Anyways""
Car insurance questions please help?
my husband's car has been in the shop for a week i have been driving him back and forth to work when i can and he has been asking friends for rides when i am working yesterday i was in a car accident, someone u-turned into me, i can no longer take him to work obviously because my car is now getting repaired, his friends are tired of making the drive (it is about 20 miles one way) they keep offering him their cars saying because he is an insured driver and their cars are insured that it is fine for him to drive it I don't buy this because when we were shopping for car insurance the people made it clear to me the only person aloud to drive his vehicle was him even though I was insured with a different company under my mother's name what is the truth concerning insured drivers on separate policies driving other insured vehicles that their name is not on the policy""
I need RV insurance! Who is the best RV insurance company out there?
I need RV insurance and currently live in California. Who provides the best priced RV insurance with good customer service?
progressive car insurance auto quote
progressive car insurance auto quote
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