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AUTHOR’S NOTE: I am sorry it took me for a week to update because I have other things to do and this is my first smut fanfiction for MJ and I hope you will all like it my beloved readers!
Characters: Reader - Y/N (female) x MJ/ Kim Myungjun
L/N (insert your last name/surname)
 Y/N is an office worker together with her friend named Jerin. In their company, every fifth month of the year they always awarded who is the best employee in every department then Y/N and Jerin decided to check in their bulletin board outside their department office and they saw it was…
“Kim Myungjun a.k.a MJ is the awardee again? I am tired of seeing his photo every fifth month in our bulletin board!” Y/N said as she sighed and Jerin slightly laughed at her.
“Why? Do you also expect that you will receive that award and beat MJ?” Jerin asked.
“To be honest, I am still expecting because I know that I didn’t make any mistakes in our work and I am always early going to work. I don’t know why I am still not receiving that kind of award,” Y/N said.
"We all know that you are a great employee but I bet you didn't know that much about MJ, right? He is the most sociable employee in our department. Probably the other superiors kept voting him as the best employee is that aside from MJ being excellent in doing his job he is very sociable and he kept helping the others too because he has so much expertise," Jerin said and Y/N just sighed.
“Gosh! I wish I could have those kinds of attributes like him. You know, It’s hard for me to mingle and talk to other people if you don’t know them at all,” Y/N said.
"I know! But I am impressed that it's really easy for him to communicate with other people that quickly. Also, I heard MJ is very popular with other departments too and even the CEO said he is so happy to have him in the company," Jerin said.
"Oh well! I will not be surprised that he will have a quick promotion to be in the higher position," Y/N said.
“I think so! Let’s go back to work,” Jerin said and Y/N nodded. As they went inside their office, suddenly MJ is about to go out there office and…
“Hi Y/N and Jerin!” MJ said as he suddenly winked at Y/N and she was surprised but then Y/N and Jerin just smiled at him and he left the office.
“Oh! How did he know my name? We even don’t talk to each other,” Y/N thought and Jerin noticed she stopped walking and…
“Is there are problem Y/N? or are you just thinking why he winked at you?” Jerin said as she slightly teased her and Y/N glared at her.
"No, I am not! Also, I never talked to him and I am just surprised that he knows my name," Y/N said and Jerin laughed at her.
“Probably he just saw your name somewhere like in the documents or he just overheard it. As for my case, he knows my name because I kept giving some documents to him,” Jerin said as she smiled.
“Well, I think so! We really should get going and finish our work,” Y/N said and Jerin nodded as they just went back to their working stations. As for MJ who also checked the bulletin board, he smiled brightly because he is again the best employee then someone approached him and it’s his friend named Cha Eunwoo who is in another department and…
“Congrats again MJ!” Eunwoo said as he smiled at him.
“Thanks, bro!” MJ said as he smiled back.
“You really deserve a promotion in that case because you were always the best employee of the department,” Eunwoo said and MJ chuckled.
“I still have many things to learn, okay? Also, I am just doing my best too,” MJ said.
"Oh! I see! Did you hear that someone tried to beat you for being the best employee?" Eunwoo asked and MJ was surprised.
"Nope! But I don't mind if that person will be the next best employee since I think also some other people deserve to be the best employee because all of us here are doing our best to get recognition," MJ said.
“Oh! I agree with you! The name of that person that was also nominated for being the best employee is L/N Y/N,” Eunwoo said.
“Oh! The beautiful lady in our department,” MJ said and Eunwoo just smirked.
“I am so surprised at your words MJ. But does it mean you already like her?” Eunwoo asked and MJ smiled.
"To be honest, I liked her since I was in college but at that time, I am in my senior year and Y/N is in her junior year," MJ said.
“Oh! I see! That’s why she didn’t really know you at all,” Eunwoo said.
“You’re right! I am just happy that I got to work with her in the same department,” MJ said as he smiled brightly.
“But why didn’t you make a move already to her?” Eunwoo asked.
“I am just waiting for the right time and also, I don’t want her to be uncomfortable because I still didn’t talk to her at all too,” MJ said.
“Oh! I see! Good luck bro! I have to go and congratulations again!” Eunwoo said.
“Okay! Thanks again! Have a nice day!” MJ said as he smiled and Eunwoo nodded and he left him then MJ just went back to his working station. While Y/N is working she suddenly remembered something and she approached Jerin.
"Jerin, I wanted to ask you if you have already had a roommate in your place?" Y/N asked.
“Yes! I live with my older sister. Why?” Jerin asked.
"Oh! Okay! I just think I should look for a place to rent that is near our working place because I am easily getting tired of being home at late night in my place," Y/N said.
"Wait! I have some flyers of apartments that you can check out. I got these flyers because before I also search for a place to live but I didn't have a chance to check them out because my older sister let me live with her. I hope these flyers will help," Jerin said as she gave the flyers to her.
"Oh! Okay! Thanks, Jerin! I will check them out this weekend," Y/N said and Jerin nodded.
It was Saturday and she tried to call the numbers that were in the flyers but some of them told her that the apartment is already occupied and as for the last flyer, she tried to call it and finally, someone told her the apartment is still not occupied and it was just a few minutes away from her working place. Then on the same day, she decided to check out the apartment and…
“Good afternoon! Ms. Y/N, I am Jinwoo and I am one of the lessors of the apartment. Let’s go and I will show you the apartment you will move in,” Jinwoo said and Y/N nodded and she followed him. As they went to the apartment, Y/N checked the room and other parts of the apartment…
"Wow! I am surprised it's already fully furnished and yet the monthly price is cheap," Y/N said.
“So, Ms. Y/N are you going to occupy this apartment?” Jinwoo asked.
“Yes! I love the interior and I think I will don’t have any problems when I go to work,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“That’s great! Let’s go to my office now and you can transfer your advance payment via online bank transfer and I will let you signed the contract there,” Jinwoo said and Y/N nodded then both of them went to the office and signed the contract and after signing the contract, Y/N told him that she can move in tomorrow.
“Are you sure that you can move in tomorrow? But you told me earlier that your place from here is far. I can help you get your things,” Jinwoo said.
“Are you sure about that? You will really help me? But how much should I pay you?” Y/N asked.
“Yes! I am willing to help you and you don’t need to pay me for helping you. Just send me the address. I know it will be hard for you to find other people that can help you get your things from your place,” Jinwoo said as he smiled.
“Oh! Okay! Thank you very much Mr. Jinwoo!” Y/N said.
“Just call me Jinjin since you will be one of our tenants in this building and I can consider now you as a friend too,” Jinwoo said as he smiled and Y/N blushed.
“Okay! I will send you the address today. I have to go and thank you again, Jinjin! See you tomorrow!” Y/N said.
“Okay! No problem Y/N! Have a nice day and Take care! See you tomorrow!” Jinwoo said and Y/N smiled and nodded then left his office.
It was the day where Y/N will move into the apartment and as Jinjin promised her, he really helped get her things and went to the apartment. But as they arrived in the apartment, they suddenly saw someone loading their stuff and as they walked closer Y/N recognized and it was…
"MJ?" Y/N said and MJ turned around and looked at her with a surprised face and…
“Y/N? What are you doing here and who is he?” MJ asked.
"I should be the one to ask you that question because I am one of the lessors of that apartment and why are you here? Y/N signed the contract yesterday to move in this apartment," Jinwoo said.
“Why does he act likes he is Y/N’s boyfriend?” MJ thought and he smirked.
"Wait for a second! You are not the one who I talked to last week and I signed the contract first. Also, the name of the lessor that I talked to is, Rocky,” MJ said and Y/N was surprised.
“Are you serious?” Y/N asked and MJ nodded. Then Y/N can’t look at him.
“Oh! You mean you talked to my friend. We should check that out and settle these things first,” Jinwoo said then Y/N sighed and nodded. MJ is only looking at her but…
“I didn’t expect Y/N will be here,” MJ thought. But Y/N was just quiet and didn’t talk at all. As they went inside the office…
“Rocky, it’s great that you are here!” Jinwoo said. Then Rocky looked at MJ and…
"Good afternoon MJ! You are supposed to move into the apartment, right? Is there a problem?" Rocky asked.
"Ummm… Rocky, I want to talk to you first," Jinwoo said and Rocky nodded and they left MJ and Y/N for a moment and…
“Y/N, I know that we don’t talk to each other in the office but I wanted to ask you if you really need the apartment?” MJ asked and Y/N slightly looked at him.
“Yes, I am! Because my place is so far and I always reached my place already late at night and I am tired of it.” Y/N said.
“Oh! I see! To be honest, I don’t know what was going on between our signed contracts. Let’s just wait for them,” MJ said and Y/N nodded. Then in a few minutes, Rocky and Jinwoo went back to them and…
"I am sorry MJ and Y/N for the inconvenience. Rocky suddenly forgot to put your details in the system that made me think that it's still not occupied. But I can see that you two already know each other and I think it will not be bad that you two can live in that apartment since there are two rooms. But that was only my suggestion. I'll leave the two of you first so that you two can just talk about it for now," Jinwoo said and left them again to discuss about their decision. Then Y/N and MJ looked at each other and…
“Y/N, you can take the apartment. I will just find another place to live,” MJ said and Y/N was surprised but…
“I think there is a purpose that I met MJ today and that is, that he can help me to be the best employee and somehow make me turn into a sociable person,” Y/N thought and she suddenly shook her head and MJ was confused at her action.
“It’s really okay that you can have the apartment. I can really find another place,” MJ said.
“No! You can live with me because I want you to help me on something I wanted to achieve to," Y/N said and MJ was shocked.
“What? You will let me live with you? Also, what do you want to achieve?” MJ asked.
“Yes! I will let you live with me. I wanted to be also the best employee in our department,” Y/N said and MJ chuckled.
“I see! Okay! But I will try to help you okay?” MJ said as he smiled at her.
“Okay! Thanks, MJ!” Y/N said and MJ suddenly winked at her and Y/N blushed. Then that time, Jinwoo and Rocky went back to them and…
“We already decided that both of us will be living in that apartment,” MJ said.
"Gosh! I hope things will turn out to be okay and I will achieve being the best employee," Y/N thought as both of them smiled.
“Okay! That’s great! There will be no problem at all,” Jinwoo said and all of them agreed. As Y/N and MJ helped each other to place their things inside the apartment…
"Y/N, do you have food preferences you like? I will treat you for dinner tonight," MJ said. When Y/N looked at him, she saw that he is shirtless and she blushed madly but MJ didn’t notice that she stared at him for a long time because he keeps scrolling and searching something in his phone and…
"Damn! I didn't expect MJ will have a perfect upper body!" Y/N thought as she suddenly bites her lip but she suddenly stopped thinking lewd thoughts about him and…
“I just don’t like spicy food and the rest will be okay for me,” Y/N said as she smiled.
"Okay! I will order now," MJ said as he smiled back and Y/N blushed and gulped. As time goes by, their food for dinner arrived and Y/N helped MJ to get the food and set it on the dining table and when they are about to have dinner, Y/N can't continue eating her food because…
“Umm… MJ, I think you should put on clothes first. It’s kinda distracting,” Y/N said and MJ smirked.
“Really? Are you distracted at my body?” MJ asked bluntly and Y/N gulped.
“You’re right! because to be honest, I haven’t lived in yet with a guy. You know what I mean, right?” Y/N asked.
“Oh! Okay! I understand, Y/N! Wait for a second!” MJ said and Y/N nodded. Then after few seconds, he went back and Y/N was still kinda distracted because…
"Gosh! He is in a sleeveless shirt and his arms are really muscular! I should just continue to eat my food he might get the wrong idea," Y/N thought. After they finished their dinner, Y/N volunteered to wash the dishes but…
“Y/N you should relax now. I will wash the dishes tonight,” MJ said as he smiled and Y/N blushed.
“Are you sure about that? You already treated me for dinner then you will also wash the dishes?” Y/N asked.
“It’s okay! I insist! You can relax now,” MJ said and both of them smiled at each other. Then Y/N just went to the living room and started to watch her favorite shows. But as time goes by, when MJ was already finished washing the dishes he already saw that Y/N already fell asleep and he slowly looked at her while still sleeping and…
“It seems she is really tired. I should just carry her into her room,” MJ thought and he just carried her bridal style and placed her in the bed and put a blanket on top of her.
"Good night Y/N! You are really beautiful!" MJ said in low voice and he slightly smiled. Then he just turns off the lights of her room. The next day, both of them went together in the office and some of their officemates are looking at them confused then when Y/N was about to go straight to her working station, MJ suddenly held her hand that made Y/N blushed at his action and…
"We will go back home together too, okay?" MJ asked as he smiled at her and Y/N nodded and smiled back. Then as soon as MJ already went to his working station many of his teammates went to him immediately and asked questions about Y/N. As for Y/N who is also in her working station, Jerin and another colleague named Sanha approached her and…
“Did we just see it right now that you and MJ come to the office together?” Jerin asked.
“You should just share to us that you are already dating him,” Sanha said and Y/N just can’t stop blushing.
“We aren’t dating and we are just friends,” Y/N said and Jerin smirked and Sanha slightly laughed.
"Are you sure? But why did he hold your hand? and suddenly he tells you something. Also, Sanha is right you should share it with us," Jerin said and Y/N sighed.
“I am telling the truth that we are just friends and I know you two will get the wrong idea if I say that we actually living in an apartment,” Y/N said then Sanha and Jerin were surprised.
“What? How did that happen?” Sanha asked.
“I will make the long story short, okay?” Y/N said then Sanha and Jerin nodded.
“On the day when I will move in the apartment, the lessor didn’t know that MJ signed first the contract and suddenly we had a discussion if one of us will take the apartment or just live together but we just decided to live together instead,” Y/N said.
“Oh! But who suggested that you two live together?” Jerin asked.
“The lessor suggested it and I also thought that it will not be a bad idea because I can seek help from him to be the best employee,” Y/N said.
“Oh! That’s a good decision though. But we can feel you two will be very close to each other,” Sanha said and smiled at her.
“Not only be close to each other. Also, we will not be surprised that they will fall in love with each other and they will be in a relationship,” Jerin said and Sanha agreed but Y/N blushed at her words.
“We should just start working and someone might scold us,” Y/N said then Jerin and Sanha nodded and went back to their working stations. As for MJ who is busily working, someone sends a message to him in their web portal and it’s Eunwoo.
Eunwoo: Hey! I saw that you are with Y/N. Are you two already dating?
MJ: No! We are just friends and to be honest, I am so sick of that question because many of my teammates keep asking me about that.
Eunwoo: Oh! I see! So, why the two of you are together going to the office?
MJ: We live in the same apartment.
Eunwoo: What? Are you serious? I thought you two are not dating but living in one apartment? I am confused.
MJ: Eunwoo, it doesn't mean that if I live with a woman I am already dating her, okay? There was just a little problem that happened yesterday when I moved in. But both of us just decided to live in the same apartment.
Eunwoo: Oh! Okay! But it means you are happy that you will see her every day?
MJ: Of course, I am! I will always take care of her too and I will try to help her achieve to be the next best employee.
Eunwoo: Wow! You really have good helping hands.
MJ: Yup! Since she’s with me now and I will help her as much as I can.
Eunwoo: I hope Y/N will fall in love with you.
MJ: I hope so! But let’s see what will happen to both of us.
Eunwoo: Okay! I have to work now! Have a nice day!
MJ: Have a nice day too, Eunwoo!
After MJ had a conversation with Eunwoo, he just smiled and…
“I will make Y/N mine no matter what happens!” MJ thought and he just went back to work. As time goes by, it was already their lunch break and both of them just had lunch with their friends instead.
While they are in the pantry, Jerin and Sanha saw MJ that…
"Y/N, MJ keeps looking at you and it seems he is going to give something to you. Here he comes!" Jerin said and Y/N was surprised when MJ approached their table and he smiled at her and her friends.
“I wanted to give this to you,” MJ said as he gave her a bottle of cold coffee and Y/N blushed.
“How did he know it’s my favorite? Oh well, I think it's only a coincidence that it's my favorite coffee,” Y/N thought and she just smiled at him.
“You shouldn’t have bought me this coffee because you already treated me for dinner last night,” Y/N said then while they are still talking to each other, Sanha and Jerin got giddy.
“It’s no biggie, Y/N! I hope that coffee will energize you for working today,” MJ said.
“Thanks, MJ!” Y/N said as both of them smiled.
“I have to go and probably my friends are waiting for me,” MJ said and Y/N nodded and MJ just left them.
"MJ treated you for dinner last night, huh? That's so sweet on the first day of you and him living in the same apartment," Jerin said.
“I didn’t expect that even though you two don’t talk here in the office at all. You two will be close to each other quickly,” Sanha said as he smiled.
“He treated me for dinner last night because he insists and also, I think because of the problem between our signed contracts,” Y/N said.
“I doubt that was only his reason that he treated you for dinner,” Jerin said as she and Sanha teased Y/N.
“Just stop it you two! Let’s just finish our lunch and we should finish things up,” Y/N said then Jerin and Sanha just laughed at her. As time goes by, it was time for them to go home and someone approached Y/N’s working station and it’s MJ.
“Are you ready to go home?” MJ asked.
“Yup! Let’s go! By the way, Jerin and Sanha, I have to go now! Bye guys!” Y/N said.
"Okay! MJ, take care of Y/N, okay?" Jerin asked and MJ slightly laughed.
“Don’t worry I will take care and protect Y/N,” MJ said as he suddenly wrapped his arms around Y/N’s shoulder and she was surprised at his action then Sanha and Jerin were surprised too but just smiled at them.
“Why do you sound like you are Y/N’s boyfriend? Is there something that we don’t know about the two of you?” Sanha asked and Y/N suddenly glared at Sanha but MJ didn’t notice her but when he was about to answer Sanha’s question.
"We really should get going MJ. You can talk to them some time," Y/N said.
“Oh! Okay! We have to go bye!” MJ said then Jerin and Sanha nodded and they waved goodbye to them.
"I can really feel that MJ has already feelings for her and he will not play with Y/N's heart," Jerin said.
"I think so too! Also, he can make Y/N be the next best employee of our department," Sanha said and Jerin agreed with his statement. As for Y/N and MJ who already got home and already changed into comfortable clothes they had dinner and watched their favorite shows and…
“I suddenly remember that you wanted me to help you become the best employee, right?” MJ asked.
“Yup! I will be honest with you that I envy you so much because you keep getting the recognition and I think that I also deserve it because I have perfect attendance, I am a punctual person, and don’t have any mistakes in doing my job until now,” Y/N said as she sighed and can’t look at him and MJ was kinda surprised how Y/N being so honest to him.
“I understand how you feel Y/N. But I don’t know if you will be able to do the things that I do to be the best employee because I can see that you are not sociable at all and you are an introvert, right?” MJ asked.
"Yup! I am an introverted person," Y/N said.
“But if you will give a try to be more sociable in many ways you can also gain more friends too and also, aside from being punctual, having a perfect attendance and not having mistakes in work you should try to mingle with other people but of course, you should mingle with those people who are just good influence to you so that, when you needed help in work they will be able to share their knowledge to you and you will be able to improve on your job and also, you will be more confident be a helping hand to others,” MJ said as he smiled brightly at her and Y/N blushed.
“It means you are now included to my list who are the people that gives me good influence,” Y/N said as she smiled back.
"Of course, I am! Also, I will never put you in danger. Just be careful always. Because not all people are the same. But I suggest sometimes you should try also going with your teammates like when they planned a get together so that they will know that somehow you aren’t hard to talk to and they will discover that you are friendly. But!” MJ said.
“But what?” Y/N asked as she looked at him.
“But still, it doesn’t mean that you should always follow them on what they want. You can always say “NO” if you already know that it’s out of your limit because if you keep saying "YES" but you are already out of your limits it can put you in danger. Remember that okay?" MJ said as he looked at her seriously.
“Okay! No worries I will put that into my mind and thanks for all of your advice. I am glad that I had the chance to have this kind of conversation with you,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Me too! I really hope you will be able to gain more friends,” MJ said.
“Don’t worry I will try my best to communicate with others too,” Y/N said.
“That’s great! We should go to sleep and we still have work tomorrow,” MJ said.
“Okay! Good night MJ!” Y/N said.
“Good night and sweet dreams Y/N!” MJ said as both of them smiled at each other and went inside their rooms.
It’s been one month since Y/N and MJ live in the same apartment and somehow Y/N starting to be more sociable that made MJ happy for her because Y/N is becoming more confident to approach other people and also, thanks to MJ's advice to her. It was already Friday and at that time, Y/N sent a message to MJ and it says…
“MJ you can go home first, I will join later my teammates for a drink in the bar, - Y/N”
When MJ saw it he chuckled and replied…
"Okay, Y/N! Just don't drink too much, okay? I will just wait for you in our place- MJ"
“Don’t worry I will go back home safely and I will not drink too much - Y/N”
“Okay! Have fun later with them! - MJ”
“Thanks! Take care and be safe when you go home later - Y/N”
After exchanging messages with MJ, Y/N didn’t know Jerin is looking at her and…
“Just don’t drink too much, okay?” Jerin said as she read one of MJ’s messages and Y/N was startled at her sudden appearance behind her and Jerin laughed at her.
“You know, I will not be surprised that you two will be dating and he’s very caring about you,” Jerin said.
“It’s normal that both of us taking care of each other since we are living in the same apartment and also, you know he is helping me to be the best employee. Did you already forgot?” Y/N asked.
“Well, you’re right! But as I can see whenever both of you going home together it’s like you two are very sweet to each other and sometimes, the look of your eyes to each other have spark and MJ looks like your boyfriend rather your friend only,” Jerin said as she smiled at her and Y/N blushed.
“Let’s just not assume things, shall we? Let’s just go back to work and have some fun later, okay?” Y/N said and Jerin nodded and smiled at her. As time goes by, it was already time for Y/N and their teammates to have some fun in the bar and MJ went home first. As Y/N already in the bar…
“You should have made MJ join us tonight,” Jerin said.
“He can’t because he’s kinda busy too,” Y/N said.
“Are you sure about that?” Jerin asked.
“Yup! Also, I forgot to tell you that I won’t be staying here for a long time because I don’t want to get drunk and I will be going home alone and it’s dangerous,” Y/N said.
“Why don’t MJ pick you up here?” one of Y/N’s teammates asked and Y/N chuckled.
“I don’t want to bother him and he just went home and probably he is now resting in our apartment,” Y/N said.
“Okay! If you said so!” one of Y/N’s teammates said and smiled at her. As the drinks arrived at their table, one by one took their drinks, and sometimes, they play games but there was one time, Y/N keep losing where the consequence that she should drink her alcoholic drink in one shot that made her drunk and Jerin kept telling her to stop but Y/N was really stubborn and suddenly Jerin had an idea of calling MJ. As for MJ who is still waiting for Y/N to come home, he suddenly received a call and he answered it.
MJ: Y/N! Are you going home now?
Jerin: I am sorry. This is Jerin, Y/N’s friend. I think you should pick her up here in the bar.
MJ: Huh? Why? Is she drunk?
Jerin: Umm… Yes! I didn’t expect that Y/N will be very stubborn when she is drunk and it’s her first time to drink with our teammates.
MJ: Oh! Okay! Give me the name and address of the bar then I will pick her up.
Jerin: Okay! Thanks, MJ!
MJ: Okay! I will be there few minutes.
Then as soon as Jerin sent the address of the bar to MJ he went there as soon as possible and as MJ reached the bar and he saw that Y/N is now asleep near Jerin and he sighed.
“I am sorry if we made Y/N drunk and I think she really had fun joining us for tonight,” Jerin said.
“It’s okay I understand. I will carry her in my back instead,” MJ said and Jerin nodded while the other teammates are getting giddy because of MJ being sweet to Y/N and…
“I envy Y/N so much because she has already a sweet boyfriend,” one of Y/N’s teammates said and MJ just chuckled.
"We should get going now, guys! Bye!" MJ said while he was still carrying Y/N in his back.
“Okay! Take care of Y/N!” Jerin said and MJ nodded as he smiled at them. Then MJ placed her in the front seat and he slightly inclined the chair and when he was about to drive he looked at her and…
"You had too much fun, Y/N!" MJ said as he slightly laughed at her. As they reached their apartment, he carried her going to her room and laid her in the bed, removed her shoes, and just put a blanket over her but when he was about to leave her, Y/N suddenly pulled MJ close to her that made MJ surprised and…
“Don’t leave me please!” Y/N said as she still in a drunken state and MJ blushed but when he was trying to get rid of Y/N’s hands to him, Y/N suddenly hugged him more and wrapped her legs around him and MJ was so shocked.
“Shit! It seems I will not be able to get out of her side tonight but the sleeping position is kinda weird,” MJ thought as he just tried to sleep with her but as time goes by, it was already 1 am and MJ can’t still sleep beside her because her legs are wrapped around him and he suddenly realized Y/N’s top was unbuttoned that made MJ gulped at the sight of her breast and he can feel that he is getting hard and…
“Shit! I shouldn’t have seen that!” MJ thought but as Y/N suddenly moved against him…
“Fuck! Stop that Y/N!” MJ said in a loud voice and Y/N woke up because of his voice and that time she was already sober up and she was surprised that she actually hugged MJ tightly and pulled out from him.
“Shit! I am so sorry MJ! I just sober up now,” Y/N said as she gulped when she saw that MJ was now already hard against his pants and MJ noticed her reaction.
“See what you did to me?” MJ asked as he smirked and he suddenly kissed her hungrily and Y/N just responded to his kiss and while they making out, MJ went above her and kissed her neck then MJ’s hands went to unbutton her top and cupped her clothed breast that made Y/N moan into the kiss and he successfully slipped his tongue inside her mouth and dominated the kiss. Then suddenly they stopped and MJ's eyes stared at Y/N full of lust and Y/N just blushed.
“Strip now, Y/N!” MJ said and Y/N just obeyed him and MJ continued to stare at her in every move she made and he is just becoming more turned on and when Y/N was already naked he licked his lips and…
"Shit! You are so hot and sexy, Y/N!" MJ said and Y/N just blushed at his remark. Then MJ suddenly removed all of his clothes and when MJ was now the naked one…
“Oh shit! He has a perfect body!” Y/N thought and suddenly bite her lips.
“Like what you see?” MJ asked as he smirked and he suddenly pushed her back in the bed and attacked her neck again that made Y/N moaned his name softly and MJ bit and sucked her neck harshly that made a visible hickey on it.
"You are now mine Y/N!" MJ said as he whispered in her ears and licked her earlobe and Y/N just moaned. Then MJ's lips went to her breast as he licks and bites her nipple that made one of Y/N's hands went to his head and caressed it and slightly pushing more to her breast and MJ just smirked at her action. Then MJ ran his tongue between her breast and he left wet kisses on her stomach, belly button, and to her thighs. MJ suddenly spread her legs widely that made Y/N conscious and MJ felt it.
“Y/N, remember you are beautiful and sexy for me. Don’t be insecure and I will really prove it to you at this hour,” MJ said as he winked at her and Y/N tried to smile but she gulped the sight of MJ being between her legs and when she was also about to talk, MJ’s tongue suddenly dived into her core and he licked and sucked it harshly that made Y/N’s head laid back into the pillow and gripped the sheets and moan his name loudly.
"Keep moaning my name babe! You look so hot!" MJ said as he continued to eat her core wildly and he decided to put his hands around her thighs and pulled it more to his mouth and his tongue got more access inside her core and Y/N almost screamed his name because of MJ's tongue doing its magic into her core and…
“Shit! Like that MJ!” Y/N said and MJ just smirked. But as MJ continued to eat her wildly...
“Fuck! If you keep doing that you will make me cum!” Y/N said.
“You can cum anytime for me babe!” MJ said. Then after a few seconds, Y/N cum onto his mouth and he sucked all of her juices that made a slurping sound in the room. MJ suddenly stood up and…
"Wait for a while I will get a condom in my room. You can rest for a second," MJ said and Y/N just nodded and trying to breathe normally and MJ just went to his room and get a condom and went back to her room then he put the condom onto his cock and went above her.
“This is your first time, right?” MJ asked.
“Yes!” Y/N said as she blushed and can’t look at him and MJ cupped her face to look at him.
“Don’t worry I will be gentle to you. To be honest, I like you and I love you for a long time, Y/N,” MJ said and Y/N was surprised.
“I like you and I love you too MJ!” Y/N said as both of them smiled at each other.
“Are you ready? We can just take our time if you want,” MJ said.
“No! I am ready! I want you too so bad!” Y/N said and MJ smirked then he suddenly kissed her lips passionately and one of his hands went to his cock and inserted it into her core slowly that made Y/N moan loudly in the kiss and when they pulled out from the kiss MJ suddenly saw that Y/N’s face is in pain and…
"Did I hurt you that much?" MJ asked with a concerned voice.
"A little but don't worry I know I will handle it and will feel pleasure later," Y/N said as she bites her lips trying to bear the pain she felt and MJ suddenly sucked her breast again to make her distract from the pain. But when MJ was already fully into her core, Y/N already adjusted and suddenly stared at him.
“Move now MJ!” Y/N said and MJ smirked.
“Sure babe! You can tell me if you want me to harder and rougher!” MJ said as he suddenly gripped her waist and thrust his cock to her at a fast pace and Y/N eyes closed and gripped MJ’s arms.
"Fuck! You are so tight, babe!" MJ said as he suddenly changed the pace from fast to a harder and rougher pace that made Y/N arched her back violently and throw her head back and moaned his name loudly.
"Shit! You are so fucking hot seeing you like that being a moaning mess!" MJ said and he suddenly hugged her body close to him that made his cock go deeper to her and continued at a rougher pace that made Y/N screamed his name because his cock hit all the right places inside her and her hands were also on his broad back as she dug and raked her nails that will surely have red marks on it.
“Oh shit! Feel so good being deeper to you!” MJ said as he bit Y/N’s earlobe and he keeps whispering sweet and dirty things to her that made Y/N crazy. But as time goes by MJ still can’t stop being rough to her that made Y/N oversensitive at her core and…
“Oh gosh MJ! I am about to cum! Shit!” Y/N said.
"Cum with me, Y/N!" MJ said as he continued to ram his cock to her and in a few thrusts, both of them cum and MJ's body suddenly rested for few seconds above her and Y/N hugged his body that made MJ smiled and…
“I don’t want this to end,” Y/N said and when MJ was about to get out from the hug, Y/N hugged him more even though his body is still above her and…
“Me too, Y/N! I don’t want this to end but I don’t want to suffocate you underneath me. I should get up and remove the condom first from my cock,” MJ said and Y/N just laughed and she stopped hugging his body. Then MJ pulled out his cock that made Y/N slightly moan from his action and he removed the condom and threw it in the trash bin near the bed then he went back to lay beside her and looked at her.
“I am so happy that you are now mine because since college I already like you,” MJ said and Y/N was surprised.
"Since college? You didn't become my classmate that time in any subject," Y/N said.
"I know but that time I am in my senior year and you are in your junior year and also, I didn't have a chance to make a move to you that time because you know, senior year have so many things to do especially thesis and other requirements since I am already a graduating student that time and also, our class schedules are not on the same time," MJ said.
“Oh! Wait! I kinda remember you now because you are the one who keeps hosting events in the university, right?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! You’re right! They kept choosing me to host the events because they really know me that I am good at hosting and I am active in some extra co-curricular activities,” MJ said.
"Oh! I see! Also, I remember you are known to be the Mr. Sociable in the university too because I heard almost in every year level of the students you have some friends including professors in other departments. That time, I thought that you look like a politician or whatever public figure it is because you are very popular in the university," Y/N said and both of them laughed.
“To be honest, I never joined the student council because it’s not my cup of tea. I just really like entertaining other people. To be honest, I didn’t expect we will work in the same company and I will meet you again after few years I graduated and I am so happy that I have you now, Y/N,” MJ said as he smiled and Y/N blushed as she hugged him and MJ hugged her back.
”Me too! I think our decision to live in the same apartment is not a bad idea at all and also, I thought that my purpose for you to live with me is that only you can help me to be the best employee but…” Y/N suddenly was cut off when MJ kissed her lips quickly and…
“But instead it became a sweet and loving purpose to us,” MJ said as both of them smiled at each other.
“You’re right! We should sleep now. Good night and I love you MJ!” Y/N said.
“Good night and I love you too so much Y/N!” MJ said as hugged her close to him and kissed her forehead and both of them went to sleep. As they continued to be a loving couple, Y/N finally achieved to be the best employee but sometimes, MJ is really protective and he also joined Y/N whenever she joins a get together with her teammates to make sure that Y/N will not be drunk again but Y/N understands it and their relationship is a sweet and loving one that made her teammates more envious of them.
   끝 THE END
Thank you for reading my one-shot smut fanfiction
for Astro’s MJ!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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k-pyc6002 · 7 years
#Repost @moonbin_mooncakes with @get_repost ・・・ I love seeing them eat ;-;♡ buT BIN'S ARMS THO ByE • 180312 🌙 문빈 DDOCA: ASTROAD Japan • [#astro #아스트로 #moonbin #문빈 #eunwoo #sanha #kpop] #astro #astromj #astromoonbin #astrominhyuk #astromyungjun #astroaroha #astroandaroha #astroeunwoo #astrorocky #astroturkey #astrosanha #astrodongmin #astrojinjin #astrojinwoo #astrokpop #astroxaroha #astrochaeunwoo #astroparkjinwoo #astrokimmyungjoon #astrokimmyungjun #astroleedongmin #astroparkminhyuk #astroyoonsanha #moonbin #parkminhyuk #leedongmin #chaeunwoo #kimmyungjoon #kimmyungjun #yoonsanha #parkjinwoo #jinjin #jinwoo #minhyuk #rocky #dongmin #eunwoo #myungjun #myungjoon #mj #sanha #aroha🔯
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k-pyc6002 · 7 years
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#Repost @moonbin_mooncakes with @get_repost ・・・ Good morning/afternoon/night everyone ♡ I hope you have an amazing day/night ♡ • 180314🌙 문빈 요렇게 사진 찍는거 오랜만이다아 그쵸 ㅎㅎ 다 잘라나?? 아스트로 ❤️ 울로하 • It’s been a while since I took a picture like this right hehe are you all sleeping?? ASTRO ❤️ Our AROHA Trans © offclASTROeng • [#astro #아스트로 #moonbin #문빈 #jinjin #mj #eunwoo #rocky #sanha #kpop] #astro #astromj #astromoonbin #astrominhyuk #astromyungjun #astroaroha #astroandaroha #astroeunwoo #astrorocky #astroturkey #astrosanha #astrodongmin #astrojinjin #astrojinwoo #astrokpop #astroxaroha #astrochaeunwoo #astroparkjinwoo #astrokimmyungjoon #astrokimmyungjun #astroleedongmin #astroparkminhyuk #astroyoonsanha #moonbin #parkminhyuk #leedongmin #chaeunwoo #kimmyungjoon #kimmyungjun #yoonsanha #parkjinwoo #jinjin #jinwoo #minhyuk #rocky #dongmin #eunwoo #myungjun #myungjoon #mj #sanha #aroha🔯
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k-pyc6002 · 7 years
#astro #astromj #astromoonbin #astrominhyuk #astromyungjun #astroaroha #astroandaroha #astroeunwoo #astrorocky #astroturkey #astrosanha #astrodongmin #astrojinjin #astrojinwoo #astrokpop #astroxaroha #astrochaeunwoo #astroparkjinwoo #astrokimmyungjoon #astrokimmyungjun #astroleedongmin #astroparkminhyuk #astroyoonsanha #moonbin #parkminhyuk #leedongmin #chaeunwoo #kimmyungjoon #kimmyungjun #yoonsanha #parkjinwoo #jinjin #jinwoo #minhyuk #rocky #dongmin #eunwoo #myungjun #myungjoon #mj #sanha #aroha🔯
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