#astrology nct
lacoonawalk · 2 years
— nct (127) fame indicators + success factors
because it was requested🥳🎉
idols with confirmed, approximate and for taeyong possible birth times (© to nugustrology on twitter):
johnny: 19:30 (7:30 pm) cst - chicago, il, usa
taeyong: 23:00 (11:00 pm) kst - seoul, south korea ! he might be born at earlier/later time
doyoung: 02:00 (am) kst - guri, south korea
jaehyun: 08:13 (am) kst - seoul, south korea
idols with possible birth times, in this case they’re unspecified if they’re born in the first 12 hours in the day or in the second half of the day:
mark: born in toronto, canada at (what he thinks since he allegedly don’t know) 11:00 et, either libra (for am) or aries (for pm/23:00). assuming his mbti (which is it really infj????), i would assume his rising might be aries, although i will check both alleged times with risk.
haechan: born in seoul, south korea at 10:00 kst, either leo (for am), or capricorn (for pm/22:00). assuming his mbti (enfp?), i would say he’s leo rising, although i will check both times.
i assume mark and haechan with these risings because of me being capricorn rising and also my experience with people with aries, libra and leo rising.
although winwin is inactive in the sub-unit, i will count him as member of nct 127 here.
i won’t count moon and mars’ degrees. i will count moon’s sign and both sun and venus’ alleged degrees.
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aah, yes. leo moon. as a person whose moon is in leo, they're very emotional too. strongly fame indicator because it's in leo.
sun at 22/23 degrees
long-term fame (22 degree) or internet fame with him being trendsetter (23rd degree).
hm.. both are valid.
mercury rx at 8 degrees
mass of people watching him bc of obvious reasons.
venus at 28/29 degrees
his fame is fated. idk if someone from his family is famous, so 29th degree for now.
jupiter rx at 5 degrees
hm. maybe he wasn't ready for the fame? i doubt that the 5th degree is for short-term fame/fame since young age.
saturn (not in retrograde) at 12 degrees
he'll be relatable, lol
neptune rx in 22 degrees
long-term fame. see??
true node in scorpio, in 23 degrees
internet fame with him being trendsetter :D
grand water trine (mercury, jupiter, saturn)
deeply emotional, he has strong intuition. it can help his moon, his neptune and the planets in his grand trine.
scorpio stellium-ish
helps his water trine xd
taurus stellium-ish? (i would call it influence; stellium-ish because there’s more asteroids rather than planets…)
hm.. interests in fashion/art? he could have specific aesthetic in his wardrobe
(edit: 7th nov 2022, 15:10 eet) well, aries? capricorn? i have no idea….
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sun in 20 degrees
oh :)
anyway, uhm, mass of people watching him. yeah.
misunderstanding scandals, like the one he had last year.
mercury rx in 8 degrees as oriental planet
same as taeil's, although as oriental planet he has to learn to be himself. i know how hard it is to have mercury rx as oriental planet.. personal experience.
venus in 5 degrees
basically, his trainee life since young age.
mars rx IN LEO in 23 degrees
internet fame with him being trendsetter. possible hardships for when he has to act and/or say whatever he wants.
jupiter in sagittarius in 11 degrees
internet fame with him being trendsetter. his jupiter being in sagittarius, means his fame/glory/abundance/etc. is coming to him easily.
saturn in 12 degrees
he'll be relatable.
uranus in 27 degrees
success is coming to him with his freedom (and hard work).
neptune in 24 degrees
he'll be idolized. (if not now, then in the future)
pluto in 0 degrees
CRITICAL DEGREE! um, fame is coming to him in its pure way and it can be shocking.
5th house stellium
so, johnny in acting industry when? (asking this because it's great, great indicator for acting fame)
capricorn stellium
like jisoo from blackpink, he could give to his audience ceo vibes. he can have his own business in the future.
moon in 10th house
fame indicator by itself.
virgo rising in 17 degrees
the degree is fame indicator by itself. long-term fame.
medium coeli (mc) in gemini
yeah...ceo vibe. he might create company, or will be involved with something that involves talking/creativity in the future.
fire signs in the houses (sagittarius in IC/4th, aries in 8th and leo in 12th)
- sagittarius in the fourth house
with sagittarius in 4th house, he can feel that everywhere is his home
- aries in the eighth house
yeah.. mars rx, it makes sense he has hardships with his way of acting.
- leo in the twelfth house
johnny is unpredictable and even mysterious.
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same as taeil's. literally.
mercury in gemini in 17 degrees
his mercury being in gemini is great (because the planet is in its comfortable sign alongside virgo)! although his degree is in fame (and critical degree), whatever and whenever he talks, everyone will talk about him and if he doesn't want/have to talk, ehm.. taeyong has to be careful/cautious.
jupiter rx in sagittarius
although rx jupiter is hard placement, it's good placement for taeyong to speak out when he has to. since he's in industry where these days has fans in the whole world, beliefs/social issues/etc. are important. this placement is great for that. although jupiter being in retrograde might slower the things, it can happen and if taeyong wants to, he should! + it being in the 9th house speaks to that even more. in conclusion: jupiter in sagittarius/9th house = great influencer placement.
saturn (IT ISN’T RETROGRADE) in 24 degrees (in first house)
look. i know his saturn is great indicator for his musician career, but i do think there's more than him being idealized..
maybe, perhaps, there could be possible movement? similar to free britney? i don't know..
uranus rx in 29 degrees (in 11th house)
karmic degree (it’s obvious it’s also long-term glory too). possible hardships with people who are more important than him, like boss(es)/friends/close people/etc. (more likely boss(es), colleagues). he has original, even shocking, one-of-a-kind ideas. can possibly help his saturn…
neptune rx in 24 degrees (in 11th house)
idolized, can be also relatable. hardships with putting himself in the first place (he could prefer to help others more rather than himself). emotionally he might have elements of mercury rx (his mbti is similar to mine…or the same).
possible controversial indicator personally to him, not sure. i could do a research on that actually but i don’t quite know from where i can start. there has to be 20 degree somewhere in his natal chart…
pluto rx in 28 degrees (in 9th house)
fame degree as well as perfect house indicator about media and entertainment. pluto rx strengths his neptune rx (about the elements of mercury rx).
pisces rising in allegedly 7 degrees
yes, i said allegedly. possibly from there we can sense he’s an introvert (infp mbti..)? i don’t know people who i know they’re pisces rising so that’s why i assume that.
we can sense he’s interested in music even from his rising.
fire signs in houses
- aries in the cusp of the second house, 22 degrees
success in military/sport/entertainment in some cases. long-term career (doesn’t matter if he has it rn or will have it in the future).
- leo in the cusp of 6th house in 3 degrees
great indicators for him in the entertainment/music/tv industry. he can use more communication in the future though.
- mc in sagittarius in 17 degrees
great influencer indicator! helps his saturn and jupiter imo.
in my opinion, the degrees on his natal houses aren’t these.
i won’t count mercury, venus, mars and lilith’s degrees as well as moon as whole, although i will count sun’s degree.
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scorpio stellium
he'd do (almost) anything to achieve what he wants. possible interests in mysterious things, spiritual life, similar things.
libra stellium-ish (influence i would say)
appreciates art and beauty in life. possible interests in fashion, art, even things that include fairness.
sun in 1/2 degrees
yuta's sun is more like "you are going to be successful" rather than "FAME". although if his sun is in the second degree, he'll see the fame in unexcepted things, in the mysterious for example.
mars and jupiter in sagittarius
i see yuta loves freedom in what he does career-wise so much..
his jupiter seems the same as taeyong's with the difference it isn't retrograde.
pluto in 29 degrees
karmic as hell. literally.
long-term fame, with heavy mark in the k-pop industry. either there, or in the future with whatever he decides to do.
hm. capricorn rising? maybe 22/23 degrees? having in mind his planets by degrees, it's very possible to have 20-degree planet, like moon (slim chance to none) or venus (small chance but not big, maybe like 40%; having in mind that he once? twice? wore questionable? controversial? shirt). if not, 20th degree house. 100%.
if his scorpio stellium isn't that influental to him.. i don't know.. sagittarius? pisces? not quite sure...
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stellium in the 3rd house
his mbti (isfj?) really shows up here.
realistic for sure. communicative, hard-worker.
aquarius stellium
interests in everything that makes him free. fashion, art, technology, inventions, astronomy/astrology..
capricorn stellium
100% helps his 3rd house. can give ceo vibes (if he wants to). interests in anything secure.
saturn as dominant planet and in 22 degrees
how funny. long story short, his capricorn stellium (& aquarius). slowly, steady career.
his saturn in the 4th house, though... :( can relate. he's lucky his chiron is in 11th house.
sun in 11 degrees
internet fame. great indicator for social media fame.
moon in 27 degrees
i have that. success degree !!!
it's obvious he's introvert though, lol
uranus in 1 degree
success degree.
pluto in 2 degrees, 1st house
crazy, crazy fame. famous for what he is, as individual. he can shake the k-pop industry.
true node in libra, in 20 degrees, in 11th house
aah, the 20th degree. everyone is drooling over him, though the degree gives me similar vibes to saturn in 20 degrees. they could be fated too...
chiron rx in 11th house
there could be some hardships because of his (past/future) scandals. he has to be careful because he has 20 degrees more than once...
scorpio rising in 20 degrees
the degree :') can relate.
well, he can say something and later will realise his mistake and will apologize. he means it every single time. he could not change that though, he's introvert after all and sometimes whatever he says, he can meant it differently. i understand him too well..
mc in virgo in 0 degrees
everything involving communication/health/education/exploring (either one or more).
fire signs in houses
- sagittarius in the cusp of 2nd house, 20 degrees
flexible career-wise. could be misunderstood about his ideas at first. there's also possibility of people underestimating him.
- aries in the cusps of 5th (2 degrees) and 6th (28 degrees) houses
[5th house] success in entertaiment/sport industry.
[6th house] success in sport industry (including military). feeling like home... probably it'll be the military.
- leo in the whole 9th house
same as 5th house.
well, he could love the military when he has to go to serve..
he's lucky his mercury is in the 19th degree.
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aquarius stellium
interests in fashion/art/computers..
12th house stellium
interests in anything spiritual/mysterious.
11th house stellium
massive fame. many, many fans. he probably loves being in nct (or having group work in general).
uranus as dominant planet, uranus in 5 degrees
he wants to do anything that makes him happy and free.
5th degree - either fame since young age, or he wasn't ready for his fame. ik he was in smrookies but just wanted to say that.
saturn as dominant planet, saturn in 1st house
slowly but steady career. in 1st house, this will be even more influental.
moon in 20 degrees
owch. he has intense emotions. possible scandals because of them?
mars rx in 5 degrees
hardships with his willpower.
5th degree.. well, he probably wasn't ready for his fame.
jupiter in 5 degrees
fame since young age/him not ready for his fame.
neptune in 28 degrees
his dreams are BIG. the fame is his home? he might've visualized it years ago without realising.
pluto in 5 degrees
ah, the 5th degree is everywhere...
true node in virgo, in 29 degrees
same as virgo mc: everything involving communication/health/education/exploring (either one or more).
lilith in LEO
just him having strong ego... or him not having that at all.
chiron (not retrograde) in 2 degrees
crazy, crazy fame. obssessive even.
pisces rising in 12 degrees
definite indicator (in my opinion) for his career in the industry.
mc sagittarius in 20 degrees
great influence indicator! though, the 20th degree..i do believe it has similar vibe to saturn in 20 degrees.
other fire signs in houses:
- aries in the cusp of the 2nd house
success in sports/entertaiment in some cases
- leo in the cusp of the 6th house
workaholics, success in the entertaiment industry (specifically acting/singing)
well, i had to manual write the coordinations since i cannot find GUNPO :) so i had to search sanbon-dong’s coordinates somehow
i won’t count sun in signs and moon as whole as well as mercury’s degrees. although, i will count sun’s degrees.
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sun at 29/0 degrees
karmic/critical degree. the fame is fate.
saturn in aries, in 17 degrees
long-term fame. great leaders.
neptune in 0 degrees
critical degree. dreams comes into his head purely.
true node in 11 degrees
success in the internet. possible influence indicator imo.
aquarius stellium
interests in computers/fashion/art.
hm. water rising?
i won’t count sun and moon’s degrees.
and here comes my magic of editing:
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mercury rx in 29 degrees
introvert vibe. karmic degree. long-term fame.
both houses seem realistic, although i am not nctzen and since i don’t watch mark to that extent i wouldn’t assume based on his natal chart which one seems more in place.
mars in 12 degrees
great willpower, acts when he has to.
assuming his mars is in scorpio, in dominant sign for the planet, and assuming that the degree is pisces one, both houses seem realistic too to my opinion.
neptune rx in 2 degrees
he could have (had) hardships with his dreams/illusions. massive fame, many, many fans.
since neptune is all about illusions.. ugh.
based on “child”, 11th house. he REMEMBERS his childhood (based on some facts i read randomly while doing my research). he’s not that dumb to not remember what his past was. he PRIORITISE his family, he doesn’t want to let them down. he puts that in the first place and he doesn’t forget.
on the other hand, i do see some water degrees in the aries rising chart, and there are asteroids and pluto in 8th house. there is definitely spiritual meaning to his neptune in some way.
neptune in the fourth house - no. big no.
true node in LEO in 12 degrees
him in entertaiment industry - yeah yeah it's too obvious yeah, he will be relatable somehow.
well, according to the true node in the 5th house, it’s about reclaiming his individuality, it’s about finding ourselves. it makes sense to the true node to be in the fifth house because of both his mercury and venus retrograde. mercury is about communication, way of thinking, knoweledge. venus is about creativity, art, beautiful things in general. as soon as i learned that his brother pushed him to try for the sm audition, i understood it makes sense.
in 11th house though, it makes sense too! he knows that he is worthy as person, though he gets sad and can find everything harder when he is alone, no matter if it’s literally or it is feeling.
both placements make sense.
lilith in sagittarius
influental for how he grow up or another secret(s). cou;d be relatable about that.
since lilith is about secrets and these dark things, i do believe it’s 8th house because of his true node. mercury rx and venus rx appear here as my reasonings for that too.
i do think it makes no sense for his lilith to be in the third house just because of his retrograde mercury, it’ll be hard placement if his rising is actually libra….
chiron in 27 degrees
helps his lilith!
imo chiron is in his 8th house because of his moving to south korea when he was 6 (that's what i read so if i am wrong, correct me).
my magic of editing also comes here (without lilith; i am too lazy to fix that sorry):
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so yeah, very emotional. very expressive.
both houses makes sense imo, i don't stan nct so i wouldn't know to that extent.
mars in 22/23 degrees
long impact or internet fame, both degrees and houses make sense.
jupiter in 23 degrees
internet fame. both houses make sense imo.
saturn in 24 degrees
he is and will be idealized. both houses make sense imo too.
uranus rx in 20 degrees
oh.. is it about that scnadal when it was reported he was friends with saesangs? if yes, uranus in 20 degrees might mean scandals when he has free time, when he does whatever he wants..
both houses make sense imo too, lol
pluto rx in 11 degrees
internet fame, he might've accepted it hard at some point.
probably 4th house, pluto in 11th house is harder placement imo. i know from personal experience.
true node in cancer
he listens to his heart! great indicator for musicians. both houses make sense imo. again.
and, i know, he's inactive in this unit, but WINWIN
i won't count sun, moon, mercury, venus and mars' degrees, though i do think his sun might be in the 5th degree.
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jupiter in 12 degrees
he is and will be relatable.
neptune in 27 degrees
success degree.
lilith in 24 degrees
he is and will be idolized.
i dunno which rising... i bet leo. libra. idk. scorpio. NO IDEA.
so yeah, the nct members are definitely interesting. i can relate the most with doyoung by degrees and signs. like, i felt myself somehow at least a bit (and i’m not nctzen).
click for nct dream here
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plutoyoni · 3 months
Astro Observations #1 -
Virgo Venus: Beauty & Desirability
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I've noticed in virgo venus people (celebrities mostly), they're usually highly desirable or desirability is a big part of their image/career despite their venus being in a debilitated sign.
for example: vinnie hacker, bella hadid, nct jaemin, kim kardashian, kylie jenner, charlize theron, i could go on but my point is on some level their fame is tied to their looks for better or worse.
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virgo's general attention to detail/reliance on routine/tendency to prioritise bodily health, in a planet like venus usually makes the native acutely aware of your appearance and how it may/may not match up conventionally.
and therefore leads to knowing exactly which details to tweak to look better, paired with rigorous upkeep/routine, usually leads to an enhanced appearance that comes through effort, rather than the effortless beauty that comes with a strong/well-placed venus.
this could be anything from an extreme beauty regimen to a strict gym routine or regularly getting procedures done or even just learning how to do makeup perfectly for your features.
in bella hadid for example, growing up as the undesirable sister and then becoming a supermodel, kim's history with plastic surgery procedures and using it to launch her empire, or kylie jenner getting lip filler and that being the start of her brand, or vinnie hacker mentioning he used thirst traps to kickstart his career, even jaemin's dramatic bodily transformation as a result of his extensive gym routine that he's upkept regularly even after doing 3 hour concerts.
this is like my first ever post in this tumblr so anyyyy feedback on posts like this would be really helpful moving forward. I've wanted to start an astrology blog for some time and im still tweaking the details but glad i could finally begin with it and share what i know :D
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sh0tanzz · 3 months
Hiii💞 i wonder how they act when they have a crush 👀 cant wait for delulu Wonbin 🤣
RIIZE WHEN CRUSHING~ based on their birth charts
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Authors Note: Im really scared I made this wayyy too long but enjoy everyone LOL
Stalks your socials once he gets them, but not in a creepy way ! Just to see the person you are outside of the settings he usually sees you in 😭. Tries to find out a lot about you..sometimes it’d -feel- likes he’s probing but it comes from a good place I swear. Would become your friend or at least well acquainted with you pretty fast and would be more forward with his interest. Super charming and would be pretty bold; would make a crazy amount of eye contact with you to where you can’t help but become flustered. Wouldn’t be too afraid of skinship tbsh.
You probably would barely know he liked you until you realize him bothering you was him having an excuse to be around you without raising suspicion; the fact every time you turn around he’s just..there 😭 even if he’s in the midst of hanging out/conversing with others he manages to be in the same place as you. Affectionate at the most random times like if you stubbed your toe he’d laugh at you till he cried but if you were upset about something so simple he’d be so empathetic. Would come at you with a mixture of teasing you whilst also trying to flirt with you at the same time ???
Straightens his back and tries to stand out whenever you’re around. Oh you have a bag that’s hard to carry ? Isn’t it sooo crazy that he, Sungchan can carry it for you without breaking a sweat. Will ask for your input and opinion on his work/dancing/rapping even if he knows he did well just to hear your praises and compliments. Suddenly starts wearing a certain brand that you mentioned you liked more often. Reiterates the fact you can depend on him..if you need a listening ear he’s there if you need advice or someone around he’s there. Showersss you in compliments and small gifts until you collapse.
I’ve noticed a lot of people think Wonbin is some type of toxic fratboy when it comes to romance but…no, not really. I won’t lie he’s been around the block before 😭 but when it comes to someone he GENUINELY LIKES. A damn simp he is. Would text you more compared to talking to you in person in the beginning out of shyness. Tries to bond with you via things you’re both interested in. May use artistic details to express how he feels..example: playing a song you like on his guitar for you. His approach is more slow and hesitant once he understands this requires actual effort and has to be genuine.
A literal flirt bot ohmg. Tries his best to be on your good side and for you to see him as someone you can easily trust and get along with initially. Invites you to come with him whenever hes about to go out to a fun activity, trying something new or about to party/drink. Compliments you SO MUCH and is more outwardly affectionate. Make fun of you A LOT (rip if you’re sensitive) but luckily he’d dote on you like right after. His venusian influence makes him popular with women so he’d try super hard to swat them away so you don’t get the wrong idea of him. Boasts to people that he has more of a chance with you than anyone else 😭
Similary to Shotaro he’d get acquainted with you pretty easily. Ik a lot of briize view Sohee as soft and sweet but ngl his sag mercury makes him pretty blunt plus it’s square mars so he might talk a bit reckless 😭 He might mention liking you without MENTIONING liking you yk. He’d say it so plainly to where you think it’s a joke BUT ITS NOT HES VERY FR. Jokes his way into your heart and hangs out with you in fun locations. Definitely makes fun of other guys to ensure to you he’s the one for you LMFAOO. He’s typically the one being doted on but once he likes you he’d switch the role.
The biggest. Friends to lovers trope. Occurrence ever. Hed be introverted and keep his distance in the beginning but as soon as you were more closer he’d do small sweet things like spam your phone , give you snacks, have you tag along with him whenever he’s heading somewhere random. His aries influence makes him competitive and taurus venus slightly makes him possessive so he’d def try to get your attention more than others. There’d most def be a funny limbo of both you and him not knowing whether you two were friends, together or in some kind of in between 😭.
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theninthdoor · 7 months
pac || yes or no, and a message from Spirit
☁️ think of a question you need a Yes/No answer for, take 3 deep breaths and pick one of the piles below! this should give you a general idea of what the energy surrounding this matter is + what Spirit wants you to know and/or do. ☁️ take only what resonates and leave the rest! if you feel like the pile you've initially picked doesn't really apply to the situation you're thinking of, it's OK to pick another one. ☁️ remember that this is all for entertainment purposes and that free will still exists. don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to or to make a pile/answer fit you situation, ok? ☁️ enjoy, my friends!
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🍀 pile 1 || cards: five of pentacles, seven of cups rx, balance, magic.
Your answer, my dear pile 1, is No. Spirit wants you to know that there is something much better for you out there, and that you shouldn't keep yourself stuck to only this option (or the very few you've been considering). I can feel your sadness and frustration, but please trust that your Spirit Team is doing their best to help you navigate through & overcome this period, alright? Don't rush into a decision just because you want to get this over with. As soon as this moment of transition is over, you might realize that what you thought you wanted, isn't all that great after all; or, alternatively, that you were willing to settle for something that isn't in alignment with your greatest good and/or true desires. It might also happen that, if you give it time, Spirit could give you the green light to pursue this option - that's only for a few of you, though. For the majority, I see that this really isn't the best bet anyway.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): a white cat; Kat/Cat/Catherine/Katherine/Catarina; white socks and ballerina shoes; 29; dark blue walls; just painted or got your nails done by someone else; Andre/Andrew/Andres; low temperatures; slavic countries; pisces.]
🍀 pile 2 || cards: king of wands, page of pentacles, illumination, growth.
Goodness… this pile has such a strong and assertive energy, that there is no way you guys are still doubting yourselves! It's a clear Yes, my sweet pile 2. You already know what to do, where to go, what to leave behind and what to take with you on the journey ahead. You've seen the light already, and chances are that you are have already made some moves towards your goal, so just keep going! Don't be impulsive, though; always make sure to stay grounded and realistic. If you haven't made any moves, however, someone else might've OR the Universe has been preparing the stage for this to happen. You might soon realize that things just seem to be falling into place all around, and you're all of a sudden full with good luck. Finally, I feel like some of you might also need to hear this: stay informed! Do all of the research you think is necessary, and stay up date with all of the new details/updates regarding this matter.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): 1st year as a college student; taking the subway every day now; swimming as a hobby; dark green hoodie; Jen/Jennifer/Jerome; G initial; Grace or "with grace"; 19; a item of jewelry that you never take off, likely a necklace; Church; eating your meals in a rush or on the go; soccer/football.]
🍀 pile 3 || cards: ace of wands rx, eight of pentacles rx, love, flow.
Not yet. Something needs to be done or finished before you get that much desired green light from Spirit. If you felt pulled towards Pile 1 as well, feel free to check that out, by the way! - for some, those messages may also apply. Your energy isn't heavy, even though I still get a big sense of frustration here. Now, after struggling so much with this reality, you know that you are either not ready for such a change OR to receive this "thing" and be able to handle it. I feel like you guys have been doing a lot of inner-work lately, and have been putting a lot of effort into matters of self-worth, self-confidence, and so on; and this realization may have come from that. My dear pile 3, you are on the right path, alright? You just need to stay focused on yourself for now, so you can later receive all of the blessings you have been waiting & praying for.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): fidgeting with your fingers 24/7; daily warm, soft hugs from a family member or best friend; 29, again; 00; white bomber jacket; always making sure you have your gloves with you; a spike in humidity; geography or biology; lab coats; lost and/or got a new transit pass, passport or ID; significant earth placements.]
🍀 pile 4 || cards: eight of pentacles, the lovers, fear, abundance.
Some of you may have had to leave people, or even home, behind to pursue a dream, or may be considering it (and, by the way, it doesn't have to be literal or physical). You're afraid that you'll be alone and/or that those you're leaving behind will not miss you. However, Spirit wants you to know that none of that is true, and that things will turn out much better than you could've ever expected. You have big plans for your life but also a big heart; and instead of having these two parts of yourself work together as they should, they are fighting against each other. Sometimes, in order to achieve something major, we must make some sacrifices, you know, pile 4? And that might sound scary, yes, but when you are living through it, you'll see that it actually isn't. We make sacrifices every day without even realizing it… for example, when we sacrifice an extra hour of sleep to spend some more time texting that special someone; or when we sacrifice our precious feet just to show off our new favorite, yet insanely painful, pair of shoes. If you're on the other end of it, however, and you're the one being "left behind", make sure to use this time to work on your goals instead of focusing all of your energy on how much you miss that something or someone. So, your answer is neither a Yes nor a No, because I feel like most of you guys are wording your question wrong?? Just know that this is a time for you to prosper, my dear pile 4, and that you should move forward with your goals.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): spending a lot of time alone, sitting in the parking lot; your car's a mess; fidgeting with your earrings or rings; rubbing your eye until it hurts; Sanders/Sandra/Salome/Soumaya; north african countries; south east asian countries; stuffed teddy bear; 57; dad's or grandpa's birthday.]
decks used || Tarot of the New Vision & Prism Oracle
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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sherwees · 5 months
cw : obsession, manipulation, implications of domestic abuse and why does yangyang have a helicopter in his backyard?
side note : @ne0pearl and @teasteeper wanted me to drop this so here it is!!
side side note : yangyang beret?!
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best friend yangyang that'll try to prove that he's better than your boyfriend by buying you all types of luxuries ranging from dolce&gabbana, louis vuitton and rolex. Something else that adorned your neck besides the 1200 dollar necklaces was the hickies that he would leave just so he could hear you struggle trying to explain that they were just bruises; your best lie was saying that it was an allergic reaction.
he'll spend hours on his free days, just scrolling through clothing catalogs (sometimes with his sidekick, hendery) just to pick out his gifts for you. hendery always found something that was perfect and he was a little too exact about your interests but it wasn't that much of a big deal.
when he would looked up at you with his arms around your waist, doe eyes and all in your new outfit in the dressing room. you giggle then grab at the price tag and let out an honestly dramatic gasp with your hand covering your mouth and all. “oh my gosh! 5,000 for a coat?!” you squealed but he immediately shushed you as he stood up with a smug look, eyebrow raised. “don't worry about it.. let your best friend treat you well~” his voice low, smooth like his hands lowering to your ass, giving it a light squeeze before twirling you around.
your boyfriend, winwin which happens to be one of his closest friends always questions him about his gifts makes the happiness crawl up his neck in tingles. his scrunched eyebrows, the hurt in his voice and the looks he gives him just riles him on. deeper into you, deeper into his craze.
yangyang that loves scaring the truth out of you. he loves being all dry in your texts after you maybe say the wrong thing or he catches you hanging out with your boyfriend. sometimes, he would corner you and bombard you with questions that barely have an answer, just like the first day you both started dating.
“do you really love me?” he randomly blurted one morning, you turn on your heel with a confused look at his more angered look. he only walked closer and your ass uncomfortably pressed against the counter but he didn't stop until he stood only a few inches away from you but repeated the question slower as if you didn't already get it. “yeah, as a friend..” you shrugged nonchalantly before attempt to turn back to your cereal but there was suddenly a resounding bang from the cabinet by your ear and you shrieked. “what the fuck!” you whined, covering your ear with hopes to lull the ringing. yangyang muttered, “naïve little whore” before turning you around with a swift tug at your shoulder,
“so all those times together meant nothing to you”
“but I have a boyfri–”
“if you truly loved sicheng, you would've took a sign and left the dressing room that day.” His words spewed like a firework explosion. You cupped your palm around his mouth with a gasp, shaking your head slowly with a quick “Nuh uh!”, you could tell that he was smiling behind your palm. He then licked it with a chuckle, your hand slamming against the counter in the process which elicited a hard grunt from you.
“You're so pretty when you're mad~” he said whilst circling his hand around your neck to grasp and squeeze your nape before heading in for a kiss.
he scared you though. sometimes, he would shove himself in the crane of your neck to whisper belitting words and lies about your relationship; that'll only make you overthink. his persuasion was so good to the point where he convinced you to make him your ‘first time’ because winwin was inexperienced and “wouldn't understand you like he did.”
sometimes, he would even refuse to apologize or convince you that a situation never happened. that day he snuck into your room in the middle of the night. never happened. when he grasped your neck and nearly suffocated you unconscious. was the past and he “changed”. he wanted your relationship to be perfect.
everytime you and winwin had a simple misunderstanding, he would be the first to run to you about what winwin said supposedly:
“He was like, ‘she's too whiny about everything and I just don't fucking understand her! I just wished she understood me more!’” He mocked winwin's emotional state then bellowed a laugh before continuing to blow on his noir nails. A slick, sick grin raised at the corners of his lips once he noticed that your lips was distorted in held back laughter, his dried hand grabbed your cheek caressing it with his tongue peaked from his plump lips.
“But you know I love you more right?”
but when it came up to you both having a misunderstanding, it was different. when he could roughly cradle your balled up figure on the couch, he attempted to coo at you but his tone was urgent,scratchy and whiny as his hands sporadically quaked, patting to find his phone throughout the many pockets of his baggy pants. the only thing that could make you stay at least what he thought would make you stay was buying you things; his bank account locked one day when he was in a raging fit and nearly spent 3 bands just for you to forgive him.
“Look!” he attempted to shove his phone in your face, the high brightness of his phone making your sensitive orbs strain more caused you to wince and shield your face. He mumbled a fast apology, turning down the brightness and scrolled through the pandora website with unsteady fingers.. “I'll buy you something– please forgive me? I didn't mean to hit you.. I'll never put my hands on you ever again..” he lied vowed with you, his voice shook as the tears caked at his waterline nearly overflowing.
“yangyang, just leave me–” you looked over to him with slight surprise when you saw his expression, he seemed unfamiliar because he was actually crying?
“NO!” he yelled, his voice rasp. His black nails digging into your back and left knee, his cries only become louder; you could tell his esophagus was giving out because he started to hiccup.
yangyang was like a child, a snotty three year old. if you didn't give him what he wanted, he would make a tantrum. when he would try to make it up to you, he would finally give you what you wanted. you stared up at the ceiling and to yangyang's bloodshot red eyes, his lips agape; sore and chapped as he grunted and moaned. his hand pressed against your shoulder, his free hand travels to your wrist and his breath was hot&gruff against the top of your limp hand until he laid a chaste kiss on it. “I'll always make it up to you, alright?” he opens your fingers with his thumb before rubbing your palm against his cheek, the warmth of him causing you to slightly smile. “there's my girl..” His toothy smile made it's appearance finally, his thrusts only quickened through your slick channel.
he threw his head back, his hands finding leverage from the bottom of his your shirt as the tandems of pleasure coursed through his veins rapidly. Your high was approaching, quick and heavy but to your luck, yangyang stilled inside of you already. His uncomfortably warm seed pumped into your hole at a steady rate, he manages to lower himself down to mark your jaw and any open area of tan skin he saw. I mean.. at least he was happy, right?
it's been a month since you and winwin uttered a word to each other. His contact was simply back to “Sicheng 🙂”, nothing further. yangyang insisted on removing the emoji or just blocking him, yangyang was like your parent now. he monitored your phone, always looking over your shoulder and got snappy when he was suspicious on your relationships with people.
through your moments of uncertainty, his friend sidekick hendery was always there for you. yangyang would always glare at your closeness or whenever you two thought you were alone. shame started to lay in yangyang's soul heavily, his mind was clouded with regret.
his members were practically scared of him now, xiaojun accidentally slipped that ten was talking to someone and xiaojun only huffed through his nose as ten walked off with his head low, when kun snapped at yangyang about how winwin started to stress himself out from the several opportunities he had in china; even some he volunteered for just so he could stay away from them.
his thumb mindlessly exited all the shopping websites that he had opened, he looked over to you and hendery in the kitchen; you laughing as he swiped off the whipped cream from your nose. is this how winwin felt? worthless, just laying there as you just slipped through his fingers like jello until you melted into pieces.
I guess so.
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astroyongie · 3 months
Can you do the aftercare with nct 127 please ? Thank you
NCT 127 Aftercare
Taeyong and Haechan: they are the type to need space but also they like to talk about the deed. They would probably be on their phone, chatting with you about different topics depending on their relationship with you. The aftercare doesn’t really involve in physical contact
Jaehyun and Jungwoo: don’t really expect much aftercare with these man. They will talk to you about the session but they won’t be dwelling much about it. They doesn’t like to be touched during their post bliss
Mark: he is neat and thoughtful and usually before even doing the do he pendant has already prepared everything. Mark will get you whatever you need. He won’t be much into touching but he will provide any other thing you need
Doyoung: he is a romantic guy and despite all, he is the type to enjoy lots of sweet kisses, snuggles and little giggles after the session. Wants to hold you close and watch you
Taeil: a bit like Doyoung, affection is important to him after the session. He probably stays inside for some time, he holds your hand and caresses your body
Yuta: aftercare is equally important, since often that affection will mean second round. Yuta likes to kiss passionately, to hold you close and to bury his face on your neck
Johnny: he works things out. He isn’t very talkative after the deed but he listens and provides whatever you need from him
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403tarot · 6 months
Can you do How would nct dream members would want to be loved?
★ — how nct dream would want to be loved ?
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jaemin: he's such a hopeless romantic. i see that he wants to be loved exactly the way he's willing to love: embracing the mistakes and flaws of the person, adapting to them, and being a supportive presence if the other person feels the need to change. evolution together – jaemin wants someone to stay with him, not shy away from the intensity of his feelings, and not be afraid to form a bond with him.
jisung: these violent delights have violent ends / triumph, like fire and powder, / which, as they kiss, consume." this excerpt was the first thing that came to my mind reading his cards. jisung is somewhat disenchanted with love, so he's searching for someone who makes his heart burn: startling love at first sight, mutual seduction, and the feeling of being challenged not to fall in love easily.
jeno: desires a love that is calm and stable, making him feel secure and comfortable in a relationship. he can get anxious and insecure easily, so he needs someone mature with a future vision. jeno wants to be loved fully, facilitating healing from past wounds and promoting emotional growth.
renjun: is looking for a love that, above all, is solid. a relationship free of problems and easily manageable, where his and his partner's personalities are compatible but not in a way where they "merge" into one. he wants to be with someone who has originality and also respects his tastes and need for individuality at times.
chenle: wants to be loved passionately. someone with their head in the clouds enough to accept his imperfections and faults without running away – at least that's what he's looking for. he wants someone who can truly know and love him, even in his worst moments, and has patience with him as he strives to become a more confident and responsive person.
haechan: wants someone to take his breath away. he seeks someone who makes him feel out of orbit and elicits a sensation different from anything he has felt before. that's how he'll know he found "the one." someone who makes him laugh even when he wants to cry, warm, and with whom he envisions marrying. he doesn't want to waste time with just anyone; he wants someone he feels will be forever.
mark: is seeking a love that reflects maturity. i see that he's looking for someone who connects with him in a way that makes him feel they both have a purpose together. he wants someone who makes him think of family, dream of quieter times, someone whose company he truly appreciates, and who makes him admire all the little things that a stable and loving relationship can bring to his life. he wants someone willing to start an entirely new chapter in life with him through this relationship.
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sunmoonandstars127 · 4 months
Aries King
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sugaringcozy · 6 months
Donghyuck/Haechan Natal Chart Reading - Part 1: Personality, Mind and Identity
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☁️ I will mainly be referring to Haechan as Donghyuck in this reading as I am referring to the actual person, not his stage persona. However, elements of his career/stage persona do come in and I may refer to him as Haechan then!
☁️ This natal chart reading is for entertainment purposes and this is just my perspective. Take this with a grain of salt.
☁️ My intention from this reading is just to understand Donghyuck better and appreciate the person he is, where any troubling topics come up I do not claim to know them as fact or wish to speculate.
Please do not copy my work and credit me if referencing!
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Standout Traits: Intelligent, changeable, sensitive, intuitive, hardworking and creative.
🫧 Eighth house in Gemini - Starting off with this because it is a perfect summary of everything I’m about to cover. Donghyuck is a really magnetic person, a brilliant mind and naturally draws attention to himself.  However, he has many sides to him and is a complex, interesting person and much more sensitive than people realise.
♋️ As you can see, Donghyuck has a LOT of Gemini on his chart lol. As such, there is a lot of Gemini energy. His Gemini chart stellium and Ruler show how well he can fit in with different groups of people, he’s a master at ‘fitting in’ - and he understands exactly what the public are thinking and want from him.
🪩 However, while some people like this are natural chameleons, you will never forget when Donghyuck is present. He is a ‘life of the party’ type as we know… but has a tendency to shock or contradict the normal way of thinking. He is a natural contrarian and doesn't have a filter. Combined with his impulsivity, he has a tendency to say things which are too blunt or taboo. These natives tend to love dirty jokes and I think Donghyuck does too lol
🔥 Gemini Sun and Mars Conjunction - gifts him incredible will-power and passion. Hyuck’s warrior self wants to work with his sun self, which is positive - he is fiery and brave, and this is what makes him SO competitive and ambitious.
💢 Scorpio Ascendant - Scorpios are seen as very mysterious and complex people, but they are actually incredibly honest and funny people. This makes sense for Donghyuck as he is sometimes a little too honest with his thoughts lmao.
🧸 Something else which really stood out is how sensitive he is. I will get into this more a later on, but just having a Cancer Mercury (with his Gemini stellium emphasising Mercury traits anyway) AND Pluto in 1st House makes him very expressive, sensitive, and reactive. Hyuck is someone whose feelings are always on their face. Unfortunately a tendency for mood swings can come with these signs, exacerbated by a Gemini stellium and other water signs...
🤹‍♂️ Leo Moon - At his core, Hyuck just loves to be creative and entertain others. He has a great sense of humour, but likes to tease and get on people’s nerves. This is his love language! BUT it also comes from a need to create fun for himself if there is no entertainment around him.  However, when he winds people up and gets into arguments he is forgiven just as easily. Leo Moons are very lovable people!!
🦁 A fixed Moon makes him incredibly loyal, determined and hard-working - this is brought out even more by the Leo placement. He has incredible stamina at work.
🩹 His Leo Moon self can be a little uncareful, and he has a tendency to sulk when his pride is hurt. Hyuck will also have a tendency to be emotionally dramatic and really perform his feelings (no surprise to anyone lol). Pride is a big thing for Leos and this is both good and bad, he can be a little bossy, petty, and will sit and sulk if he doesn't get his way. In terms of Hyuck as a person, having a Leo Moon in the 9th house is  wonderful. He is extremely intelligent, open-minded and able to read others very well.
🎭 People with a Leo Moon house placement are almost always naturally gifted with acting, dance and performance. A Leo Moon in general is the perfect placement for a life in the arts.
🏆 Aries in Donghyuck’s fifth house compliments his Leo moon perfectly - as a person, Hyuck is playful, athletic and competitive. Takes pleasure from perfectionism - wants to be the best, keep improving himself and be the first to do things. He has an incredibly youthful and boisterous - playful energy.
☁️ Uranus in Aquarius - Free-spirited, very unique personality. Creative and very intelligent. Intuitive and empathetic, but sometimes over-opinionated. Having Aquarius in Uranus (the house of change) suggests Donghyuck loves change and excitement - really fits with his other signs and placements. In fact, Donghyuck needs change and excitement in all areas of his life. Aquarius’ (myself included) are known for being lovably weird - we just do things which other people can't make sense of. I think this sign is quite fitting for Donghyuck because he definitely does some strange, hilarious and unexplainable things sometimes. It’s the embodiment of giving in to your impulses, and when combined with the flippant nature of his Gemini stellium it explains some of the crazy things he says so casually.
💫 Something which will keep coming up in this reading is just how forward-thinking Hyuck is. The Trine between Gemini Sun and Aquarius Uranus really demonstrates Hyuck does NOT like old-fashioned and stuffy views and wants to talk about taboos - which is a big deal in a deeply Confucian society like South Korea.
🪖 Jupiter Saturn Conjunction - Makes Donghyuck strong-willed, proud, brave and prosperous. Willing to work for his goals and has patience in achieving them - this is especially true in the context that he became a trainee as a child, with odds stacked against him and has worked his butt off to get where he is today. A mix of incredible luck and being a profoundly hard-worker.
🃏 Opposition between Jupiter and Ascendant/ ‘Jupiter Setting’ - Always very bold people with something quirky about them - usually a larger than life presence and good sense of humour - likes to play ‘the fool’.
🐂 Capricorn in the third house - Donghyuck has grown to be an incredibly resilient and resourceful adult. Very hardworking and will withstand pain to achieve what he wants - he understands sacrifice very well. Fits well with his Saturn in 6th House making him very dedicated and reliable.
🦚 Neptune in Aquarius means someone with a lot of unique inspiration who likes to be bold and daring. Hyuck is also genuinely compassionate and wants to fix problems for the sake of harmony - harmony is really important to him.
🎨 Moon and Neptune Opposition - Donghyuck’s imagination and creativity is really a gift - he will be able to come up with such unique concepts and authentic ideas if he can harness his imagination and his emotions properly.
🗣️ Mars in Gemini - A gemini speciality - king of debating!! Hyuck can and will debate anything, especially if bored or wanting to get his way… as we know lol
🌊 Trine between Venus and Uranus - Creative and experimental person, good with his hands and has very good fluidity of movement - I think this references his talent for dance and general creativity. Naturally talented with musical instruments too.
🫂 Going back to his sensitivity, this can be a very positive trait as it is also where he gets his empathy. Donghyuck’s empathy is something to be admired and he isn't given enough credit for it - he is actually very affected by seeing people hurt and feels a great deal of compassion for them, because he has the ability to feel others' feelings.
🎭 Virgo Midheaven - Virgos love to help people and to make things, I think Donghyuck would have always gone into a creative profession. He can struggle to express his feelings verbally but he will always express his gratitude to fans through his performances and devotion to his craft. Knowing his music makes people happy during hard times will also be very touching for him, and it truly makes the hard days worthwhile. 
👀 Virgo Midheaven also shows him to be a lover of the taboo and unexpected - if all his friends got tattoos, he wouldn’t. If no one in kpop had a tattoo, he would be the first to get one. He’s just naturally a contrarian because he enjoys thinking for himself and making his own rules lmao (probably why he cheats in games too).
🌟🦂 Midheaven in Virgo - 10th House cusp, Scorpio Rising/Ascendant - Intense but captivating personality, you can’t look away from Donghyuck. Again, keeps his insecurities and deep emotional thoughts to himself despite being a very honest person. He will always express his feelings rather than say them outright, and he censors what he does share with everyone. Craves privacy and control, might be why he hates showing his tummy/bare skin to fans - Hyuck has set a boundary here that no one is allowed to cross - though the Virgo aspect could also show it also stems from a place of self-consciousness and doesn't trust others not to compare his body with other idols.
👤✨ Pluto in Sagittarius - Hyuck understands his subconscious truth and has a sense of identity separate from the society. Modern and open-minded views. Pluto being in the 1st house is interesting though, it shows this huge intensity in his personality and I think this really fits him, he’s just all-in.
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Section 2: Mind & Emotions
♊️ Typical to Gemini nature Hyuck is restless and he has such a busy mind. This is supported by his Sun in 7th house too - the inside of his mind must be a very loud place, and all this energy inside him tends to spill out as hyperactivity.
☀️✨ Gemini Stellium - There is a sense of alienation Donghyuck feels often, both in life experiences and in personality. He feels judged for being honest, and his Gemini Sun in 7th House alludes that he gets along with many people but truly ‘clicks’ with few. This Gemini Sun in 7th House can become very negative if he is not surrounded by encouragement and stable relationships. It is heightened by his Gemini Sun-Venus conjunction in 11th house, opposite a Sagittarius Pluto-Chiron conjunction in 4th house which will make him place a huge amount of importance on whether he is socially accepted and loved. It gives him an edge of determination as an idol, to become ‘the best’, ‘the most loved’, BUT he will also have felt very depressed about himself at times and comments about his appearance as a kid will have really stuck with him. His self-esteem is actually quite low. These two aspects at the same time often manifest as someone thinking they are unloveable or ugly, and being afraid of emotional intimacy. ☹️
⚖️🙇🏻‍♂️ Neptune in Aquarius - this is a fixed sign so again Donghyuck is very fixed in his values although his mind and interests change often. He’s a rebel who can't make his mind up on a cause. Can sometimes feel a bit alien or like he has a hard time understanding others. These natives tend to be deep thinkers underneath their flashy exteriors and Donghyuck probably thinks a lot about the deeper stuff and issues he cannot find answers to. Might be why he finds religion grounding and helpful (will go into that in Identity). Again very stubborn in his ideas, but his mind will change so quickly (esp. with all his water signs) that he will suddenly lose interest in arguing his case!! ❤️‍🩹 Along with his Neptune in third House - Hyuck is also really sensitive to people around him, and really needs supportive friends and encouragement.
🌑⚔️ Leo Moon - Again a duality here where Hyuck is intensely self-critical, never thinking he has done enough or being satisfied with his performances, but is very prideful about his opinions and his singing and dancing talents. Moon in the 9th house can show insecurity about emotional intimacy and suggests Donghyuck copes with this by acting out his emotions. By making everything a big performance, he doesn't have to admit to his real vulnerabilities and fears. He also does this to avoid rejection, because as mentioned, he can feel misunderstood and judged.
🔮☁️ Leo Moon and Sagittarius Pluto Trine - Donghyuck’s intuition and gut feelings can be really strong when not clouded by fear, so much that he could even be psychic. Has a lot of psychic protection, maybe from his ancestors.
💢🔥 Gemini Mars - Makes Donghyuck especially fiery in anger - he can have a temper and I see him as the type to get really mad, and then get over it quickly because Geminis are so changeable lmao. However, the Gemini Sun and Mars conjunction can also show Hyuck can be consumed by his feelings - definitely the type to rant, to argue or yell into his pillow - definitely swears a lot off camera. If really provoked, Hyuck has the potential to say things in the heat of the moment which are cruel and cold; forgetting his humility. But due to his empathetic nature, Donghyuck will then feel terrible about it once he calms down. Combined with self-criticism/self-doubt, he is likely to suffer from anxiety without grounding and support from loved ones. For Hyuck Mars is in the 7th house which is interesting as Mars is in the natural house of Venus, its polar opposite. Donghyuck has an incredible ability to channel his anger/frustrations into creativity if he doesn't let himself wallow in it.
🌪️ Mercury in Cancer - A deep thinker with a lot of mental energy and a VERY good memory. The inside of his mind is very loud though lol. Like many water signs, Hyuck is emotionally changeable and can experience mood swings and overwhelming feelings which he moves on from just as quickly. In the eighth house it gives Hyuck a very busy mind, especially with the emotionality of Cancer so Hyuck likely has problems switching his mind off. People with this placement often have insomnia or vivid dreams.
🧠⚡️ Uranus in Third House - Really rapid thinker, genius ideas just come to Haechan and he notices patterns easily. This is probably what gives him that scheming edge whenever he plays a game. Needs intellectual stimulation all the time & will have a wide range of hobbies (with his Gemini stellium I think his hobbies probably change often too) and a short attention span. In a lot of ways having such a busy and varied job as an idol really suits him. Donghyuck also has a very restless mind and thinks a lot. Again, puts a lot of value on his own ideas and beliefs which he has gained through challenging rules and authority. Hyuck knows he is different from most people and it can heighten a sense of ‘not-belonging.’
☔️ Trine between Venus and Uranus - Must be encouraged to share his deeper thoughts and feelings - again this could be his issue with being emotionally intimate. Hyuck is the type to try to demonstrate how he is feeling without having to tell you.
🥊 Square between Jupiter and Uranus - Some restlessness and anxiety can occur with this placement. Donghyuck has a strong urge to break free of tradition and to be free of ordinary routine - in this sense I think being an idol is actually an excellent career for him, as long as he doesn’t beat himself up over mistakes. Also makes Donghyuck a natural thrill-seeker and risk-taker. People with this placement tend to have very modern and open-minded views and a bold sense of humour.
💡 Opposition between Jupiter and Ascendant/’Jupiter Setting’ - A slightly negative aspect - Hyuck can fail to really consider the opinions of others because he places a very high value on his own beliefs/ideas, which could cause friction in relationships. Seeing how much Haechan has grown up over the years though, learning to be quiet and letting others believe what they want - I think he has an awareness of this behaviour and is trying to grow from it. For the most part it is something people just grow out of with maturity and experience 🫶
🌑🩹 Lilith in Capricorn - Lilith is where we hide our taboo sides, our trauma, shame, insecurities and hidden desires from the world. I read Haechan as a perfectionist (Capricorn) who is unable to ever feel fully satisfied with his achievements and skills. He is an insane workaholic as we know, but he nevers feels he has done well enough. There is also a part of him which is cynical or a little icy, as a result of trauma and disappointments in his life. Can be afraid of showing his delicate emotional side to people (goes back to the ‘funny loud guy’ front he puts up.) At times (off camera, as Lilith is a hidden side) Haechan probably comes across as quite serious or detached. This placement also suggests a deep inner fear of loss and can stem from feelings of abandonment. It really hurts him when he is rejected, and his pretending not to care or to have quickly moved on is a defense mechanism. However, Hyuck has an extraordinary stamina and resilience when it comes to times of hardship and conflict.
🖤🔒 Eighth house in Gemini - His privacy is something that bothers him. He wrestles with himself over what fans should and shouldn't know about him/his life. As an idol he likely also feels he cant fully be who he is inside, so there is a conscious mask - he loves to push boundaries but is afraid to push too far, so he moderates what he shows of himself even around the members. There are things even they don't know about him.  Along with his Scorpio Ascendant, Donghyuck feels a need to control what people see of him. A good example is his ‘customer service’/on-camera voice, which is a purposeful decision as he knows fans like Haechan to be cute. However it is also so that he can keep some of himself private and put a boundary between Haechan and Donghyuck.
🌀Twelfth house in Scorpio - Donghyuck is too good at burying his feelings and his secrets, which is unfortunate because then he has to carry the burden of them by himself. Donghyuck hates to talk about the low points of his past, his insecurities, fears and failures and this means he works through his issues in private, not wanting anyone to know. This can mean he suffers in silence, and that he needs to learn to process his feelings and let others in. This house can indicate someone who is almost unaware of their own psychological suffering or resists being vulnerable. I don't want to say I am worried about him - there is much positivity in his chart too, but I’m glad he has a supportive circle around him in NCT and I hope his family are the same.
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Section 3: Identity & Appearance
👑 Gemini is associated with Mercury, the androgynous planet, so having a Gemini Sun and Venus will mean Hyuck doesn’t feel the need to play into masculinity the way some male idols do - he is happy being seen as cute, having long hair and doesn’t look for validation in his masculinity the way a lot of men do. King shit!!
❓ With a Gemini Sun in 7th House, Donghyuck really struggles to find a sense of identity separate from what he is to others - his self-worth and identity is dependent on how others see him, quite likely because becoming an idol at such a young age has really restricted his social development and sense of personal identity. They say becoming famous as a kid is a type of trauma and so I imagine he is stuck - stunted - with his understanding of himself, and therefore most of what he knows about himself is related to how others see him. 
💫✨ Gemini Sun and Aquarius Uranus Trine - Hyuck is naturally very intuitive and in tune with the universe. In turn this makes him empathetic and able to really feel others' pain. This also means he probably dreams very vividly and has strong gut feelings. Because of this, he may be drawn to find answers to the unexplainable through religion or spirituality. This trine also shows an absolute hatred for routine - no matter how his life played out, Hyuck would need a varied and busy job. 
👣 Square between Aquarius Uranus &  Scorpio Ascendant - Haechan is the epitome of a self-made person, but I think he is conscious that he did not have a normal upbringing and this placement brings up the lack of self-identity and experiences that other people his age have.
🎙️ Uranus in Third House - Usually these natives have a distinctive voice - for Haechan and his angelic vocals this is absolutely true. Also a really expressive communicator.
🪐 Jupiter in Taurus - makes him broad-shouldered and attractive. Again shows an innate respect for religion/spirituality - interesting bc as we know he seems to be exploring his faith with Mark’s help. A Jupiter in Taurus native also has a tendency to indulge in his pleasures, but with his financial prosperity this shouldn't be an issue. Hyuck is sensible enough to know when to reign it in. 
🔮 Cancer Mercury in Eighth House - Donghyuck feels there must be a greater purpose to everything, and has a great hunger to learn the complexities of life and things we cannot understand through religion or the supernatural. This tracks well because I know he has been seen praying before concerts and Mark bought him a bible - so I guess faith is something they talk about.
⚔️ Opposition between Mercury and Lilith - Quite a hard placement, finds it hard to understand himself and there is a continuing theme of an inner conflict.
🎯 Mars & Uranus Trine means natural charisma is attractive and feels exhilarating to others - he’s bold and exciting and outrageous. It adds to his natural  competitiveness. 
🏴‍☠️  Aquarius Uranus in 3rd house - Hyuck has a rebellious streak and a dislike for authority and strictness. This tells us the way Donghyuck sees the world - he sees social norms as boring and is distrustful of authority figures. He is absolutely the type to HATE rich assholes & chaebols who act as if they are better than others. 
⚔️📝 Square between Saturn and Uranus - Describes some inner tension or unrest which gives a huge amount of creative energy and boldness. Combined with his other placements, I think this speaks of the conflict between Donghyuck and Haechan. Donghyuck is not a confident person and is actually pretty unsure of himself, so being Haechan on camera/stage allows him to become everything he is afraid he lacks - the unrest inside him creates a huge amount of creativity and boldness through his Haechan persona.
💸 Moon Sextile Venus - This placement attracts popularity, comfort and wealth. Can be a little over-indulgent in things he enjoys and likes to spend money.
Also such a cute placement, basically meaning Hyuck is naturally a very lovable, soft and endearing nature. People naturally want to take care of him. But, people with this placement are usually so good at being adorable that they can simply rely on this to get their way, so has a tendency to manipulate others with his cuteness.
💅 Venus in the 7th house also means Hyuck is naturally attractive and charming without needing to try. Along with his Venus & Mars Conjunction, Hyuck has what is referred to as a magnetic appeal. People are just drawn to him, and he would be a fascinating and attractive person in any career. Masculine Mars & feminine Venus conjunction is also interesting, I choose to see it as a balance of these energies within himself. Hyuck is confident in his masculinity!!
😷 Square between Jupiter and Uranus - this is a slightly negative placement. I think Haechan feels confined and very conscious of the ways he has to moderate himself/hide his real self. If Haechan wasn’t an idol I think he would live an unusual lifestyle in some way and not pay much attention to social norms. However, we know what other people think really matters to him, so I believe this adds to this feeling of 'I can't show this side of me to the public'.
🩶 Chiron in Sagittarius 1st House in Retrograde - Suggests there is a disconnect with who Haechan is at his core and how he fits into the world. Again goes with this theme of a lack of self-identity or knowing things about himself and life for certain. I have this too and the best way I can describe it is just feeling… lost. It is hard to commit to decisions, and deep down it can be because you don't think you deserve success or the things you want most in life. It can be a fear of losing purpose once you actually have what you have worked for. This is part of his life path to overcome, and it will get easier for him.
🌟 Venus is a powerful planet in Donghyuck’s chart so it suggests he is in control of his actions (even if he cannot control his feelings). This is really positive and attracts wealth, respect and fame. A really good placement for a famous person.
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Section 4: Health
Venus in 7th House - Vulnerable to back problems. 💢
People with Saturn in 6th House tend to be obsessive workaholics. However, they have a tendency to be overworked for long periods which is good for nobody’s health and likely adds to the emotional exhaustion mentioned in Donghyuck's other placements. Health issues can occur due to stress (which would mean high blood pressure, fainting, heart problems etc.)
Sixth house in Taurus speaks of physical exertion - it is suggesting Donghyuck is overdoing himself physically and changes will have to come in the future as it will continue to impact his health.
Honestly I don't think Hyuck has a predisposition to heart issues, I think his illness occurred because he is so overworked and hasn’t treated himself with a lot of compassion 🙁 The good news is he seems to be doing better now, and this kindness for himself will grow with age. I will touch on this later but he will go through a huge emotional transformation in the next couple of years + will really come into his own. 🤍
Thank you for reading! ☁️ 💖
Next - Part 2: Career, Passions and Work Life
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trolagygirl2022 · 5 months
Hello, i hope im not too late.
can you do mark ideal type?
Let's look at his chart!
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His Virgo Venus scared me 😭. Yeah, he has high standards, but the truth is... can he even fit those standards? It's like with Mark he's always having a lot of idealizations about people. He feels kind of pathetic about it (I just tapped into his energy and it feels like he's sulking). Mark does have romance to give, it's just that he gets disappointed a lot by people and feels like he's not taken seriously. He wants someone who can understand him. He doesn't have the best view of himself, so he wants someone who can reassure him. He can get offended easily and has a bit of a sensitive side.
Mark wants someone who isn't all that clingy, he likes someone with fun and a burst of energy. It's like he would want someone to be all quiet and shy around others but with him, it's a different story. Someone who can be independent and doesn't need to rely on him. He really likes someone who can keep up with his speedy nature, he's always moving and getting stuff done. So a future partner of his needs to keep up with that.
Though he likes the bold aries energy, he wants them to be traditional and soft. Not someone that goes out and such. He likes someone who is caring and just "gets him" so he doesn't have to speak that much.
Like I said, he wants someone with duality so in looks he likes that too! Someone that isn't veryy feminine but isn't veryy masculine either. More so playful beauty. Natural and feminine.
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lacoonawalk · 2 years
— nct dream's fame and success indicators
ps. mark, haechan and johnny's natal charts are in my nct 127 fame and success analysis.
this was requested too!!!
so, let's start with RENJUN
i won't count sun, moon, mercury and neptune's degrees, although i will count his mars in general as well as his venus' degree. i do think his mercury is in the 5th degree.
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venus at 11/12 degrees
either internet fame or him being relatable. he could express himself with his fashion style.
mars in 29/0 degrees
both critical degrees, 29th is also karmic. he might be more known with his actions, with his willpower.
pluto in 12 degrees
him being relatable. literally. well though, pluto rx .. possible issues with expressing himself? there’s some hardships for sure
true node in leo, in 1 degree
in my opinion, fated fame. successful too.
lilith in 2 degrees
crazy fame, could use his secrets to his benefit. mysteriously creative in ways of freedom, organizing, destruction, secrets, these things.
taurus stellium?
if the stellium is fact, similar interests as karina (aespa). possible interests in anything secure as well as anything involving fashion and art.
i am not sure, he has mixed energy all over… maybe leo rising.
i won't count sun, moon, mercury, venus and lilith’s degrees. i do think his mercury could be in 17th degree. in this case, lilith in 5 degrees and venus in 20 degrees are possible indicators too.
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taurus stelium
interests in anything secure as well as anything involving fashion and/or art. hardworker.
mars in 22 degrees
long-term fame. impactful as hell.
uranus in 20 degrees
well.. same as haechan…
pluto rx in 12 degrees
same as renjun.
true node in cancer, in 28 degrees
great indicator for musicians! he’ll feel music like home.
leo/taurus/libra rising?
well. i won't count sun, venus and mars’ degrees, however i will count mercury's degrees. i also won't count moon as whole.
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mercury in 10/11/12 degrees
either “industry plant”, internet fame or that he’ll be relatable. all of them are possible, though i do think 12th degree is less likely imho. since he has chiron in 11 degrees, i am thinking that his mercury might be in 11 degrees.
saturn in 0 degrees
fame coming to him in its pure form, though the fame might’ve come slower than expected or he might’ve been not ready for the glory..
pluto rx in 10 degrees
industry plant, he can shake the k-pop industry.
true node in cancer, in 24 degrees
great indicator for musicians, though he could be idealized (doesn’t matter if now or in the future)
chiron (not rx) in 11 degrees
possible hard times with internet fame?
sun&mercury in leo
definite fame indicators.
maybe libra/scorpio rising, i am not sure.
i won't count moon, mercury, venus and mars’ degrees. i won't count sun's sign.
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saturn rx in 12 degrees
he could be relatable, though saturn retrograde could indicate hardships in general.
true node in 27 degrees
success degree!
lilith in 10 degrees
he could be good at keeping secrets. perfect idol vibe, industry plant 1000+%.
chiron in 27 degrees
success degree pt.2
scorpio stellium?
if the stellium is fact, possible interests in anything mysterious, i.e. like yuta.
aquarius stellium
possible interests in anything tv/media/computers/innovations/fashion/art related.
i’ll play random zodiac generator in my head and i’ll guess his rising might be virgo. there’s some gemini degrees and yeah, that’s why i assume that - scorpio will be in 3rd house. my other guess would be sagittarius - aquarius will be in 3rd house.
i won't count sun, moon and venus' degrees.
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mercury rx in 29 degrees
great acting indicator! karmic degree. possibly an introvert.
mars in 12 degrees
him being relatable. mars in aries though.. he could be impulsive at times.
saturn (not rx) in 8 degrees
he’ll be watched by many!
uranus in 24 degrees
another perfect idol…
neptune in 8 degrees
same as his saturn, lol
pluto in 17 degrees
karmic fame degree!
chiron in 5 degrees
he’s fucking lucky his chiron isn’t retrograde. possible hard times with his trainee life?
definitely not capricorn. gemini/libra rising?
so yeah that was it, i am sorry if somewhere isn’t enough, i just don’t want to write the same time all over again.
click here for nct 127
next are bts🤠🤠
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plutoyoni · 3 months
Astro Observations:
nct edition - vol. 1
jeno's hercules problem
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jeno's habit of accidentally breaking things with his physical strength can actually be attributed to his natal mars square uranus aspect.
physical strength is ruled by mars in the natal chart. as it represents all things physical such as stamina, endurance, strength, exercise, etc.
taurus mars specifically is a placement known for bringing herculean strength to the native due to taurus being represented by the ox in the zodiac (which is ironic since taurus is a debilitated sign for mars to be in lol).
jeno not only has a natal taurus mars, he has a taurus stellium that also rules over his sun, jupiter and saturn.
as shown below, addition to this his mars is in conjunction with both his taurus jupiter and his taurus saturn, leading to enhanced (jupiter) physical strength and endurance (saturn).
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now why does he accidentally break things so often? more so than any other nct members known for their strength as well?
because his mars aspects uranus in a very tight 2° square.
square aspects bring great tension, moreso if the orb is small, in his case, it's about 2° so it's quite tight.
uranus is a planet that rules over disruption, suddenness and unpredictability.
his uranus is also in a strong position as its in its natal sign of aquarius.
as a result he often accidentally breaks things (uranus) due to his physical strength (mars).
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sh0tanzz · 4 months
wonbin as your boyfriend based on astrology !
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of suggestive innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
Pisces Sun : Honestly I knew from the jump when I first started to stan Riize that Wonbin would be a water sign 😭, people claim that pisces men are toxic+manipulative etc. However EVERY sign is capable of toxicity/negative behaviors so I will not feed into those stereotypes. As a boyfriend he'd be pretty shy in the beginning, before you two even dated he would probably stalk your socials and eavesdrop in your convos to gather info before even actually talking to you. He's be pretty...delusional LMAO ! especially with his venus in pisces, you could post a song on your notes and he'll think to himself... "she wants me.." yet wont text you until his confidence was high enough. Ngl he might be slightly flakey, he'd take a min to respond at times and might not be super precise when planning things out for the two of you.
Libra Moon: This makes me feel like he'd be pretty considerate and would thoroughly think out the pros and cons before doing anything just to avoid upsetting you and to ensure your comfort. He could be very observant on the reciprocity of the relationship so if he feels like things aren't even or fair he might retaliate, for example if he feels like you're distancing himself he might take a step back as well. Also do NOT make him question your feelings for him because he will FLEEE THE COUNTRY libra moons take their love and kindness seriously and will feel upset and even embarrassed when taken for granted .
Aquarius Mercury: This placement makes me giggle knowing he couldn't keep up with the whole "cold mysterious guy" persona SM tried giving him 😭. He'd be goofy especially in private and would use his wit to flirt. Would most definitely mess with you and rile you up just for jokes. In a recent vid I've seen he said he'd play/joke around since he's relatively shy to break the ice and it seems super true to me. Would also use music to communicate or send you songs pretty frequently.
Pisces Venus : Siri play Dangerously in love 2 by Beyonce !! Venus in pisces can be soo sweet. He'd love you unconditionally and for your authentic true essence. He could be pretty clingy, tagging a long as much as he can and will want your attention and this paired with his Libra moon points towards him wanting to impress you/get praised. Once again would love to bond over music. The gifts he'd give you would be things that make you feel special and customized to the info he knows about you. He'd be literally stuck and severely down bad once he fully develops feelings. Would plan dates with an aesthetic touch and would want romantic moments between you two to have a "straight out of a movie" feel to it. He would also fall very hard very fast. He'd also want to have a sense and feeling of being "taken care of" since there's sm venus influence in his chart and a lack of domineering energy. Downside he can be too lost in the glitz and glamour of the relationship that he ends up not acknowledging or downplaying the problems in the relationship or even his own red flags.
Taurus Mars : He may not be super direct or would want to take certain things slow during the beginning of the relationship since Taurus values its boundaries as well as comfort and hates to be rushed. Before the relationship even begins he might be a bit hesitant to even approach or out his feelings unless he was 100% confident or sure. Taurus rules the neck, throat/vocal cords, and shoulders. Sssooo he may enjoy receiving neck kisses/hickies, kisses along his shoulder or even massages along his neck and shoulder line or would try to do that to you. Similar to Gemini mars he also may find your voice as a sensual turn on and very attractive and would try to hear it often.
Other Aspects:
Moon/Mercury trine: Would most definitely remember facts about yourself that you've told him especially those he deems important to you. He'd also remember the nostalgic moments between you two
Mercury/Neptune conjunct: Generally sensitive and it can show in how he communicates especially in high tension or stressful moments in the relationship
Mars/Uranus sextile: Random moments where he's very spontaneous and will require a lot of freedom and could feel suffocated within the relationship if not given time to himself
Potential Toxicity: (reminder that any/everyone is capable of being toxic and everyone has negative traits these could be POTENTIALLY true)
Venus/Pluto square: His feelings can become quite intense and he can become extremely possessive as well as SUPER jealous to the point his partner might feel constricted and like he's their shadow. Can also be super sensitive and take things that you might not find as deep very personal.
Hope you enjoyed, I might do Sungchan or Anton next :P
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theninthdoor · 8 months
pac || what do they wanna tell you?
🕸 think of a specific person, take 3 deep breaths and pick one of the piles below to get a message from them! this should give you an idea of what's going through your person's mind right now & what they would like to tell you in this moment. 🕸 take only what resonates and leave the rest! if you feel like the pile you've initially picked doesn't really apply to the person/situation you're thinking of, it's OK to pick another one. 🕸 remember that this is all for entertainment purposes and that free will still exists. don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to, just because your person thinks this or that, ok? 🕸 enjoy, my friends!
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💭 pile 1 || cards: strength, two of cups, the hierophant, 2. Yin, 27. Exchanging Gifts
Before I even started shuffling, I kept feeling that the people who are picking pile 1 are the most introverted, quiet and/or sensitive of everyone who's coming across this post. I actually left this pile for last because it was so still and silent, while the others had so much information jumping out of them already (before I got their spreads, I mean).
So, my sweet pile 1, the person you're thinking of has a lot of appreciation and admiration for you. They have noticed how kind and charming you are, and see you as someone they would like to keep close going forward. Your person finds you truly, truly endearing… You're not only beautiful on the outside but your heart, too, is made of gold. If you haven't spoken to this person yet, they would love you to make that move towards them. You two fit very well into each other's lives and, regardless of the kind of relationship this would end up being, it would still be a solid, balanced and close connection. On the other hand, if they are someone you're already friendly with, they just want to let you know that you mean so, so much to them! This is a relationship they cherish a lot, and are hoping lasts for a lifetime. In this case, though, your person also wants you to know that they are always there for you and genuinely wish you the best life can offer. They will always support you no matter what; when you're happy, they are happy; when you're sad, they feel it too. Don't ever think you're alone, ok? They are right there, ready to help you and care for you. Lastly, if the person you're thinking of is someone you're romantically interested in, whenever you're ready, make the move, pile 1! They feel the same way as you! You may be lacking the confidence or certainty to approach them, which is likely due to what we saw early on - your introversion; you being naturally quiet and shy, and/or quite sensitive -, but this is a safe connection for you to invest in, pile 1, alright? The person you're thinking of won't judge or hurt you, and rest assured that their heart is in the right place. (The same applies for friendships, of course! It's OK for you to approach your person - they are honest, compassionate and reliable people.)
💭 pile 2 || cards: seven of cups rx, ten of swords, king of wands, 32. Here and Now, 39. New Life
For this pile, I feel like some of you might have recently moved to a new city, school or university, or workplace. You may be trying your best right now to romanticize your life, either because you feel like it's the only way you can bear the changes or because you're actually using this opportunity to build a whole new persona (without the flaws or embarassments of the past). Either way, the person you're think of, dear pile 2, is saying "You don't need to fake it. I know exactly what kind of person you are, and I like it a lot!". Your person is very, very aware of what is going on through you head right now, and they know exactly why you have been acting in a particular way as of late - not only because it is clearly unnatural, but also due to the fact that they are pretty intuitive people, too, and picked up on something that wasn't quite right here. Whether you have known them before or not, they want you to drop the act and show your truest self to them - not the perfect character you've built, not the person you think you should be; the real you! They want you to be present in the moment and to enjoy your real, daily life as it is. You're actually blocking a lot of blessings and good connections and experiences because you're too focused on the looks of things; on how it ideally should be. You're forcing yourself to do certain things, to look a certain way or to behave in a particular manner, and that shouldn't have to happen for you to enjoy how you are living or to be proud of what/who you have to show your new friends/colleagues/classmates. Go with the flow, accept the changes and stay positive about the whole thing. If this happened - if you were pulled away from what was familiar to you - it's because it was needed in order for you to grow and prosper! Getting used to it, growing into it, shouldn't be forced and neither should it be a struggle. It's OK to want to build a new life and persona that we desire, but we can't erase our whole selves and past life while at it. We live, grow and evolve; we're not a whiteboard that you can just sweep clean to write something new on there. Essentially, pile 2, your person wants you to embrace who you were before these changes, to share that with them, and to stop worrying so much about having the "ideal life" and being the "perfect person".
💭 pile 3 || cards: seven of swords, justice rx, seven of cups, 20. Imagine, 37. Never-ending Story, 32. Here and Now
My dear pile 3, we have a stalker in your hands… Either you are the stalker (which I think only applies to a very few of the people who picked this pile) or someone has been keeping tabs on your every move lately. The person you're thinking of has been keeping a very close watch on you; daydreaming about what could've been or what could still be. For some, this connection ended on a sour note, with you walking away from them after some sort of disagreement or situation that didn't sit right with you. If that's the case, your person is trying to find a way back into your life, for sure! They have been looking for every little door of opportunity that can excuse their comeback. Your social media is likely to be the means through which they are staying up to date with what you do and, if you're posting pics with some new people, they'll certainly go creep on their pages as well. If you are the stalker, however, they are already aware of you and are actually thinking of confronting you about it. I don't see them being upset or creeped out, at all, though! As I said before, your person does want to find a way into your life - in this case, it is because they are also curious about you or because they miss you. Whatever has happened in the past involving the two of you, my dear pile 3, the person you're thinking of wants to let you know that "things weren't exactly as it seemed". You got the wrong impression of them, somehow, or of the situation. I feel like this person, although they appear quite extroverted and open, they keep a lot to themselves and it takes a while for anyone to get to know the real them. The person you're seeing or thinking of, isn't exactly the person they truly are, deep down… there's so much more to it. And your understanding of what might've happened in the past isn't totally right, either. Finally, if you feel confident enough to do it, your person would be more than happy to have you approach them first; to have you reveal yourselves to them or open that door for them to come back into your life. Stay open to listen to their side of the story - it might surprise you.
decks used || Tarot of the New Vision & Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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kosmictales · 21 days
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happy gemini season from some of my fav geminis
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astroyongie · 1 month
pls pls pls nct 127 kissing types plz😭😭😭
NCT 127 Kissing Types
Taeyong: Chatty peck bitting kisser
Taeil: Wet tongue kisser
johnny: Chatty peck bitting kisser
Jaehyun: Chatty peck bitting kisser
doyoung: Technical good kisser
yuta: Chatty peck bitting kisser
jungwoo: Chatty peck bitting kisser
mark: Wet tongue kisser
haechan: Wet tongue kisser
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