#astrup fearnley
gregdotorg · 3 months
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I was just gonna make a general fanpost about Rachel Harrison's 2023 exhibition catalogue for Sitting in a Room, a show at the Astrup Fearnley Museet in Oslo, and a bit about her references to other artist's work, like the Robert Morris sculpture she made in green and used as a pedestal. But then I found a reference to my blog in the footnotes, and now I have decided to make stickers for every owner of the catalogue.
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mentaltimetraveller · 1 month
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Josh Kline, Antibodies, 2020 (detail), Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo
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abwwia · 1 month
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Nicole Eisenman, Destiny Riding Her Bike, 2020 Art work courtesy Thomas Widerberg / Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, Norway
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thunderstruck9 · 2 years
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Peter Blake (British, 1932), Tarzan, Jane, Boy and Cheeta, 1966 & 1975. Acrylic on canvas, 140 x 111 cm. Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo
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royal-hair · 8 months
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Queen Sonja of Norway at the opening of the exhibition "Between construction and collapse" by the artist Leonard Rickhard at the Astrup Fearnley Museet in Oslo - 25.01.24
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semtituloh · 7 months
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The Murder of Andreas Baader
Odd Nerdrum
Fecha: 1977 - 1978
Estilo: Realismo Contemporáneo, Neo Baroque
Género: pintura de historia, escena de género
Localización: Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo, Norway
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ifreakingloveroyals · 3 months
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27 September 2012 | Queen Sonja of Norway opens the new Astrup Fearnley Museum in Oslo, Norway. (c) Ragnar Singsaas/Getty Images
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zou-san · 1 year
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Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, Norway
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prettylonelys · 1 year
Ok I hope you are ready for this mammoth. I am going to start off by telling you some cafes to visit. Eckers in Frogner is a really pretty and does nice coffee and food. Pust, which is just across the road from Majorstuen station is another cafe with a very cool atmsophere. As I have already said before if you are looking for a chain coffee shop I would pick Kaffebrenneriet. My favorite is the one by Nationaltheatre but you will probably want to go to the one from Skam which is on Skovveien. They do the best reasonably priced coffee and you must try the pastries. It is good to know you are staying in Gamle because then I will recommend a tiny brunch place called Kumi. It has the most beautiful interior and vegetarian food but I warn you it is on the pricier side. You absolutley must go to Hotel Bristol to get hot chocolate. Inside is absolutely breathtaking and has major dark academia vibes. This is quite popular so I would recommend booking a table in advance on their website. Do not let them fool you into getting two pots of hot chocolate, one is enough for two people to have two cups each. For places to eat, I would first recommend a burrito bar called Freddy Fuego. They have a vegetarian option and lots of options which are all delicious and not badly priced. For pizza go to Villa Paradiso, there are a few of these over the city. If you want a more general Italian restaurant I would try Olivia by the fjord. Great food but more expensive. If you like Japanese food I can tell you about a tiny, tucked away restaurant called Izakaya on Olavs Plass. If you just want to buy snacks or something to cook at your airbnb I can tell you again the cheapest supermarket by far is Kiwi. Now for the thrift shops! Oslo has some amazing thrift stores and Grünnerløkka is the place you want to be. You absoltuely have to go to Robot! This is the coolest thrift shop of all in my opinion. Lots of good finds and a huge shelf of second hand sunglasses. There's also Velouria and Good Vibes Vintage. UFF is worth a look in Løkka but they have a much bigger, I think better store across the city in Prinsens Gate you should check out. The best budget friendly thrift store is Fretex. They are linked with the Salvation Army and you can get items as low as 50nok, which I looked up is about the equivilant of 7 aussie dollars. Next I've got a list of other things nice things you might like to do if you have the time. I saw you like art from your blog so I thought I'd recommend you some galleries. I mentioned before the National Gallery and Museum are free on Thursdays and the Munch Museum is free on Wednesdays from 6pm to 9pm. Astrup Fearnley is the only one without a free day. But I also have some smaller, lesser known galleries for you. It is worth checking out whether Peder Lund, Galleri Riis or Galleri Golsa have any exhibitons on while you are there. They are all free and very small, only a few rooms each. Galleri Golsa seems confusing to find but it is opposite a gym carpark and the door is heavy to open but I promise you're in the right place. They are well worth visitng. I would also recommend visiting a huge lake outside the city called Songsvaan. I know it looks far on a map but it only takes 20 minutes on one line and is still within your zone 1 ticket. There is something so magical about walking round the lake on a winter evening with it frozen over and snow covering the trees. They even have a little cafe. You will notice the increase in cold so you definitely want to your wool innersoles and tights under trousers here, I would recommend that if you venture out of the city anywhere or when it gets dark. If you like hiking and it's not too icy walk up Grefsenkollen and you will get a view over the entire city. In my opinion this is better than the view from Holmenkollen. Since you are staying in Gamle I will also recommend visiting Ekerberg woods which is a ten minute tram ride away and has a scultpure park and also the Botanisk Hage at Tøyen. It is small but pretty inside and guaranteed to be warm. I hope this is a help to you!
oh my god thank you so much, i know this must have taken a lot of time and effort to put together so i hope you know i really appreciate it!!!! these all sound wonderful i am about to start making notes literally right after i finish typing this xx
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adritatu · 2 years
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‘Tom Sandberg - Photographs’, installation view, Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, 2000
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resortill · 8 months
Oslo – Norges pulserande hjärta
Oslo, den norska huvudstaden, är en stad som harmoniskt sammanväver naturskönhet med urbant liv. Inbäddad mellan de majestätiska Oslofjorden och de frodiga skogarna i Marka, erbjuder staden en unik blandning av avkopplande naturupplevelser och pulserande stadsliv. Oslo är inte bara Norges politiska centrum utan också en smältdegel av kultur och historia, en plats där både tradition och modernitet existerar sida vid sida.
Stadens hjärta slår starkt i områden som Aker Brygge och Tjuvholmen, där modern arkitektur möter det glittrande vattnet i fjorden. Här kan besökare njuta av en kaffe på en solig uteservering eller utforska några av Oslos mest imponerande museer, som Astrup Fearnley-museet för modern konst. För de som är intresserade av historia erbjuder Akershus fästning, med sina medeltida murar, en inblick i landets förflutna, medan det ikoniska operahuset, med sin isbergsliknande struktur, framhäver stadens fram��tblickande anda.
Naturen i och omkring Oslo är en stor del av stadens identitet. Frognerseteren erbjuder storslagna utsikter över staden och fjorden, och är en perfekt startpunkt för vandringar i Nordmarka, där skogarna och sjöarna bjuder in till äventyr året om. På vintern förvandlas dessa skogar till ett paradis för skidåkare, medan somrarna lockar med möjligheter till vandring, cykling och till och med bad i de många rena sjöarna.
Kulinariskt sett är Oslo en stad som ständigt förnyar sig. Från traditionella norska rätter som fångar essensen av det nordiska köket till innovativa restauranger som kontinuerligt belönas med Michelin-stjärnor, finns det smaker som tillfredsställer varje gom. Stadens kaffekultur är också något att uppmärksamma, med mysiga kaféer och rostningshus som erbjuder noggrant utvalda bönor och mästerligt bryggd kaffe.
Men Oslos verkliga skönhet ligger inte bara i dess landskap eller kultur, utan i dess folk. Osloborna är kända för sin vänlighet och öppenhet, vilket gör staden till en varm och inbjudande plats för alla som besöker den.
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mentaltimetraveller · 1 month
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Josh Kline, Antibodies, 2020 (detail), Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo
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abwwia · 1 month
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Every Nicole Eisenman Picture Tells a Story
During the pandemic, the celebrated artist has created some of the most ambitious works of her career—large, figurative paintings filled with angst, jokes, and romance. | By Ian Parker Feb 22, 2021
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Eisenman called this painting, “Destiny Riding Her Bike” (2020), “very romantic—a Douglas Sirk film still.” Yet both figures, she noted, are “potentially hurt—this could be the second his head hits the ground before it cracks open.”Art work courtesy Thomas Widerberg / Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, Norway
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charlesbryan · 10 months
Before Tomorrow at Astrup Fearnley Museet
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royal-hair · 1 year
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Queen Sonja of Norway at the opening of The Astrup Fearnley Museum 30th anniversary exhibition "Before Tomorrow" - 22.06.23
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