#at at a very not fluffy point in the bunnycule comic
bitchfitch · 4 years
Me: now would be a great time to work on the writing for the bunny-cule comic
also me: hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhg Royal AU Fluff
The candles on his desk flickered as the burning embers left in the fireplace slowly died.
Cailean was exhausted. But his work was not done yet. The scroll in front of him was already longer than his forearm and he was still less than half way through it. He knew it was overly wordy, that it would bore the duke, but there was a lot that needed to be discussed if the trade routes were going to be redirected in the duke's favor.
He sighed and sat back in his chair, letting his quil sit in its ink pot as he closed his eyes to rest them for just a minute. He was never supposed to be a crown heir. His cousin should be the one to bare this particular burden, but Lou was bearing the burden of the dirt above his grave at the moment.
Cailean jumped despite himself as his window creaked ever so slightly. Seeing that red masked face through the crack of his eyes was a relief beyond reliefs. Despite himself, he held an arm out for the thief, beckoning him closer.
"You look like hell," The Rabbit's soft voice was just barely muffled by the ceramic mask, as he leaned against the wall.
"I feel it, now, come here darling, I need you." Cailean knew he shouldn't be so comfortable with The Rabbit, but a prince had to get his rebellion in somewhere.
"Is that so? hmmm, I don’t think I will." his voice carried a hidden little smirk,
"Please don't be like this tonight. we only have one or two hours before the maids are in," he groans, unfortunately it wouldn't be good for word to get out about his affections for a particular thief, so their meetings always had to be cut short.
"Hound, Come here," he crooks a finger, the metal claws attached to his gloves glinting in the candle light, "Its cold out there, I'd appreciate a little warmth,"
Cailean stands from his desk brows drawn together in confusion, "You're up to something," he said as crossed the room regardless.
The soft huff that came from beneath the mask as Cailean crowded into The Rabbit's space made him feel a little warmer even as the smaller man's hands felt like ice through the fabric of his nightshirt. The Rabbit fit nicely between him and the wall, pinned and out of trouble as he shivered beneath his damp overcoat.
"You made me promise not to bother you while you were working…" he trailed his fingers up and down the front of Cailean's shirt, "I spent ages by your window waiting for you to leave your desk." Cailean wishes he could kiss the pout hidden behind that mask.
Cailean hummed as he pulled The Rabbit closer, pinning his hands between their chests. The rabbit didn't hesitate to press the front of his mask to Cailean's shoulder. The chill of its surface wasnt pleasant but Cailean would never ask him to move it. "My apologies, I think I'm finally done for the night." he let his hands drift up The Rabbit's sides, trying to rub warmth back into his thin frame, "In the future, when it's late and I should be relaxing, you are more than welcome to come in, though I may not be able to give you the attention you deserve right away."
The Rabbit nods and makes a sleepy noise as he leans a little heavier on Cailean.
"Have you eaten today?" Cailean asks as he slowly guides The Rabbit to his bed,
"Wasn't hungry," he mumbles as he sits on the bed, yanking his muddy boots off before undoing the fastens of his iron legs and letting them fall to the floor. Cailean could see where the metal had frozen against the scarred skin.
He knelt to rub warmth into the skin, it had taken many months to get The Rabbit to trust him enough to take his legs off during their trysts. "I'll go get you something from the kitchen once your situated," Cailean was glad that The Rabbit had stopped bothering to lie about how frequently he chose not to eat.
"No," The Rabbit wined as he looped his arms aroumd Cailean's neck, "I'll eat when I leave, I don't want to lose time with you," he tried to pull Cailean up onto the bed with him.
"Rabbit," he scolded lightly as he went with the tugging. "either you eat something small now or have a full meal with me tonight." he pressed a kiss to the forhead of the mask before laying on his side and wrapping his arms around the rabbit as they got comfortable, "I've seen you pass out to many times to let you go without food for to long."
The Rabbit groaned, "That only happened once,"
"You only passed out in public once, I've had to catch you at least five times and pull out at least twice because you stopped responding." he brushes a hand up and down The Rabbit's back, "I don't think I could ever make you fully understand how scary it is every time it happens, I've specifically studied medical books just to try and make myself a little more useful when it happens."
hes quite for a moment, "Can we compromise? a small meal later, and I promise to behave myself all day and not steal anything."
Cailean sighed, "Sure, but I get to pick the meal, Deal?"
"Good, then meet me on the edge of the gardens at eight, if you are even a moment late you will be punished." he tried to sound stern, to use his 'royal voice' that The Rabbit had helped coach him into developing.
The Rabbit snorted, "Yes your highness, though I dont know how our country will ever thrive under such a tyrant."
Cailean laughed along with him.
"What's going to happen when you become king?" The Rabbit asked tentatively, "To us I mean,"
"I'll have you pardoned as my first act as king, and then my second would be marrying you," he said frankly, there was no doubt in Cailean's mind that the only person he wanted at his side was The Rabbit.
The Rabbit didn't say anything, just held still with his emotions hidden behind his mask.
"Unless that's not what you want. I- You know you never have to give me something you don't want to? This is no different, if you'd rather our relationship stay a secret I'd keep my peace." he adds a little too quickly after too many seconds tick past
"You want to marry me?" The Rabbit asked after another quiet and nervous moment.
"Of course, I told you I was yours and yours alone, and that in turn you were wholly mine. That hasn't changed, and it never will."
The Rabbit pushed away, reaching for the drawer of the nightstand without another word. Cailean said nothing, too scared for what might come next. Would The Rabbit reject his affections?
The blindfold that his Rabbit held answered his question. He smiled as he lifted his head enough for his Rabbit to tie it in place.
He got comfortable while he listened to the soft metallic sound of the clasp of his Rabbit's mask being undone.
The soft kiss that pressed to his lips told him more than his Rabbit ever could in words.
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