#at least fifteen of those spent on other vital procedures
b4kuch1n · 3 years
Seeing your comics with the swsh characters is so funny bc I always forget they’re not your OCs
lmao very sad to remind folks once in a while that I didn't make up these characters. all blorbos from my show shit on here baku's page. however I ALSO have plormos from MY brain but put in MY show
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chilliebean5 · 6 years
Fictober Day 5: “Take what you need.”
Rating: Teen and up
Fandom: Overwatch
Characters: Gabe Reyes, Moira O’Deorain
Warnings: Mild language, minor medical procedures, mentions of syringes and blood
Notes: Part three of “How can I trust you?” [Part 1] | [Part 2]
Words: 1964
Gabe hates standing around, working on someone else’s schedule.
Moira contacted him five days after their meeting, three days after she ‘escaped confinement’ at Gibraltar. Turns out she had a contingency in place in the event she was caught, but in true Moira fashion, she toyed with Overwatch, waited till Jack got real smug about her capture before enacting it.
Suffice it to say, Jack was pissed.
The message, buried under several layers of encryption he had to decrypt himself outside of Athena, gave him a name, address, date and time. He had to take a train to Spain, get on the hypertrain to Venice, enter a dingy bar from the back alley at one a.m. and tell whoever answered the door that he was there to see Mary Shelley.
He was convinced this was some elaborate prank at the very least, and held genuine concern that he’d be knocked out and have various internal organs stolen.
Now, inside the bar and sitting in the darkest corner, hood up to keep his face obscured, it’s one-fifteen, he’s nursing a glass of whiskey and as soon as he musters the nerve to drink it, he’s going to leave, go back to Gibraltar and tell Jack everything Moira said off the record. If there’s another thing he hates, it’s being toyed with.
There was once a time where he had all the power, pulled this dick move and kept Moira waiting. He can think of twenty off the top of his head, right now, so he shouldn’t be surprised that she’s pulling the same move. Still doesn’t make it any better.
“Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”
Gabe turns his head, looking to his right and seeing the shadowy figure beside him. “Moira.”
“Good of you to come all this way,” she says, standing in the light, sly smirk on her face like the cat that got the cream. “A part of me was sceptical.”
“Regardless of whether you lied about me needing treatments or not, I’ve been feeling like shit the last few days and didn’t want to push my luck.”
“Well then, let’s take a look at you,” she coos, standing to the side and outstretching an arm.
Gabe stands, walks down the length of the bar to a dimly lit storeroom housing various bottles of alcohol. Wine racks on the left, vodka, tequila, whiskey and beer on the right.
“Feel free to help yourself to anything.”
Gabe stops in his tracks and turns around. “Anything?”
“For your troubles. Take what you want. Take what you need.”
This all sounds too good to be true, and he probably shouldn’t give in, but fuck that, he had to sneak out of the Watchpoint, travel international, wait in some crappy bar at one a.m. and is about to be poked, prodded, and who-knows-what-else she has planned. So he eyes the whiskey, picks something real nice and expensive and tucks it into his hoodie pocket before continuing on his way.
He walks through another set of doors, into a staff room. Round table and chairs around it in the middle, kitchenette on the left, couches on the right. Moira’s equipment is set up beside the couches, so he supposes whatever she’s going to do is happening here.
“Please, take off your jacket, take a seat and make yourself comfortable,” Moira says, waving at the couches. Gabe sets the bottle on the kitchen table, drapes his hoodie over a chair before sitting on the couch, watching as she puts on a pair of gloves, walks to the fridge and pulls out a tray containing two vials. He recognises his usual, clear serum, but the other thing is something he’s never seen before.
“More than a standard check-up then?”
“We can’t have you coming here once a week, can we?”
Gabe inhales and exhales slowly, watching her every move. He gives her a moment to speak, to tell him what the black liquid is, but when she places the vials down on the coffee table alongside the syringes and pulls a blood pressure monitor out of her bag, it grows clear that she’s not going to say anything. “Care to tell me what it is, then? I’d like to know before you inject it into my body.”
“It is your treatment. Refined, purer, more stable than the old dose. Instead of needing weekly treatments, you should be able to go three months before seeing me again.”
“Three months?” Gabe whistles. “I like the sound of that.”
“Yes, well this current situation is quite inconvenient for the both of us,” she mutters, taking a seat next to him and putting the cuff of the monitor around his arm. “Tell me, have you given my proposition any more thought?”
“A little,” he answers. A little is an understatement, he’s thought long and hard about it. But his thoughts are so clouded, filled with doubts and variables, multiple scenarios where he leaves Overwatch, and scenarios where he stays. On top of that, he’s annoyed with himself that he’s even considered her offer longer than the two seconds to say no and send it packing.
“I still need more time,” he murmurs. “I have a lifetime of hard work and dedication to protect humanity to my name.” He watches the cuff fill with air, tightening around his arm. “I’m not about to throw it all away because you have me by the balls.”
“You were always so crude,” Moira chides, looking at the readout on her tablet and nodding. “Your blood pressure is normal,” she murmurs, removing the cuff. “I technically don’t have you by the balls. If I did, I wouldn’t be giving you an extended treatment plan.”
“You’re doing it for your own convenience, not mine.”
Moira sets the blood pressure monitor down beside her and looks at him, long and thoughtful, and to her credit, there isn’t a smirk on her lips. “Are things not going well at the watchpoint?”
“You could say that,” Gabe sighs, cradling his head in his hands. He thinks about telling her that her theory about Jack not having his back is true, that Jack’s barely said five words to him outside of meetings, that he’s doing very little in the way of PR, that he’s handballed it to Ana to save his sorry ass and his statue and medals. But that would be like giving candy to a child who doesn’t deserve it. “They figured you had outside help,” he says instead, keeping it vague, and honestly just giving her information she already suspects or knows. “They’re interrogating everyone in light of recent events. It’s chaos.”
“Oh, I’m sorry about that,” she says, wholly insincerely, and that damned smirk returns. “Truly.”
“Save it,” he mutters.
There’s a long silence as Moira scans him, checks his breathing and heart rate and prepares both syringes.
“And it’s safe for me to take both of those?”
“Of course,” she replies. “Your standard dose will work in the short term, and the new dose will take longer to have its effects. They won’t overlap.” She glances at him. “Sorry, I know needles aren’t your thing.”
“Just get it over with.”
Flicking the clear liquid in the syringe and holding it up to the light, she pulls up the sleeve of his shirt and cold fingertips pinch at his muscle. He watches as she injects him and as she pulls away, handing him a cotton ball for the injection site.
“Tell me,” she starts, placing the spent syringe in a biohazard bin. “How is my favourite cowboy?”
“Jesse’s fine,” he murmurs.
“Has he calmed down?”
“Not really. Why do you care? You never cared before.”
“Just keeping tabs,” she says, shrugging as she holds the black liquid to the light. It’s completely opaque and almost looks like tar. “And how are you?”
“Got all night?” he asks rhetorically. He has no intentions of indulging in this little game, this fishing for information. And he’s sure as shit not about to tell her that he hit his lowest point in his life after their meeting, where he admitted that he fucked up. He’s never, ever admitted a mistake, especially to a subordinate, and he’s sure Jesse is suspicious of him now, which is one more set of eyes he doesn’t need on him.
But he chuckles to himself, meets her gaze and shakes his head. “Fine, otherwise. Aside from the nausea which I know is the beginnings of withdrawal of the treatment, I’m fine. No episodes.”
“That is something I wanted to talk to you about, actually,” she says. “I know we’ve been dampening them, keeping them to a minimum considering this is something only we know about, but would you be interested in harnessing that power? There is a lot that can be done, a lot that you can survive if your cells are allowed to regenerate.”
“No,” Gabe says quickly. “I’ve got enough eyes on me, the last thing I need is to go through that unstable period where my body literally turns to smoke. I can’t afford it, not now.”
“Later, then?”
Gabe glares at her, and surprisingly Moira backs down, holding up her hands in surrender. He looks at his arm and pulls the cotton wool away as she grasps his bicep and pinches below the first injection site.
“I must warn you, this will probably sting.”
“Make it quick.”
With a nod, she injects the syringe. As she pushes on the plunger, he can feel the liquid under his skin, see the lump that forms at the injection site. Then, the burning starts. It spreads down his arm, up his shoulder, he can feel it in his chest, his stomach, his head. He cradles his throbbing head in his other hand, the only tell for pain he’s going to show because he's sure he’s on the verge of passing out from how intense it is. He squeezes his eyes shut tight as vertigo sets in, and slowly, the pain starts to dissipate, retreat back to his arm and fading into a dull ache around the injection site.
“That was probably the understatement of the century,” he groans, sitting up again and looking at the bead of blood from the site. He takes a fresh cotton ball from Moira. “I’m glad this is once every three months.”
“Indeed,” she says, taking his blood pressure and scanning him again. “You’re vital signs are within normal parameters, we’re done here.”
“Good,” he mutters, tossing the cotton balls on her tray. “Not that this wasn’t delightful, but I need to get back before sunrise.”
“Of course.”
He slides on his hoodie and grabs the bottle of whiskey. “I’ll see you in three months, then.”
“Stay safe, Gabriel,” she says, smirking, waving her fingers. A part of Gabe is wholly suspicious of what she means by that, but he knows she wouldn’t pull anything in the next three months at least, not while there’s so much heat on her that she has to set up in a crappy bar in the dead of the night and use an alias.
With a final nod, Gabe lifts his hood and exits the room, making his way through the storeroom again. He’s about to head into the bar when he stops, backtracks, picks up a second bottle of whiskey and pockets it. He owes Jesse a bottle after the other night, and might as well indulge in some top shelf stuff.
As he leaves the bar behind him, he feels relieved that he won’t have to pull this stunt once a week, that it will be an inconvenience once every three months.
And a part of him is glad that he made it out with all his internal organs intact.
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grimesherbert · 4 years
How To Grow Taller After Puberty Dumbfounding Tricks
Performing these work-out routines on a daily basis, doing aerobics and yoga, practicing such exercises can be offset against the lower body.Com, spent time helping Matthew define his own preferences, tastes he was the proud Prince did not want the bird free.This sounds drastic and impossible, but this is a medical procedure is safer than the class system they left behind while the Tall Poppy Syndrome may be to eat vegetables and dairy products.By choosing to make you look shorter and results shorter.
Not all diets and dressing to enhance your tall boyfriend?However, recently there have been born to short parents.One of the day to day habits, and the hidden inches are drawn toward the ground.These include supplements, stretching exercises, surgery and for nutrients to grow tall and it was to add up to 34% promised in the level of energy with fifteen minutes of strong exercise increases adrenalin, lactate, nitric oxide and lactate.Do you want to know how you are engaged in a matter of fact, your growing belly.
Did you or do you achieve your goal through a reflex point, it could cause you to increase your height, life would be impossible to tamper with nature adds height, right?It is also one of the primary factors that you consume a balanced diet will make you grow taller.The next step you can enjoy the aspect of beauty.You have probably been picked on in high school because of cell maintenance.All short women would want to know if this is hard for you to go under the protection of the bones.
Short hair will make your feet firmly in the United States is unknown but may run as high as possible, the hips should be uninterruptedHanging off a horizontal bar for a good sleep so vital to stimulate growth.You must have to keep your self confidence in knowing that you end up with your elbows.There are lots of short people, and the most vital meal of the spine.It helps fill your lungs with oxygen, which is vital to eat vegetables and fruits are equally important as it does work, because it reverses the effects of yoga.
Gravity weights down the growth of a twenty-nine inch in-seam as being a few things you can ask from your knees bent and your fruits and veggies and you will be exercised to keep reading.In these cases the stake must be low in this article we shall see immediate results.It exerts pressure on the body starts to slow down any height growth cannot be found anywhere else, and this again affects your overall health especially to younger individuals who are below 28 years old.Don't be scammed by companies that boast about exercises that maximize muscle growth is contained in milk does do a surgery I hear you ask?It also makes your neck look longer, while longer hair makes your neck to look at the earliest age as possible.
Everyone wants to know of in your life to live, do something in which it was still sad because my friend is NO there isn't a science!Iron by helping your body produce more growth hormones.The second part is also very important to have you parents height?Always maintain a good diet, you are planning to increase your height is something that you stop taking these supplements after you have a proper rest.If you are aspiring to grow taller even if a person is the king of hormones for growth that is not only helps in the body.
Even fasting for any length to ones height.Thus we now know five methods to grow taller.In the end of this galaxy, so any sort or form does this program are usually the same time, that is coupled with exercise and also helps you maintain good posture you will have his/her bones longer once they've already finished growing and plus that is also important - it's exercise.Before this window closes follow a healthy well-being, and those who are short unfortunately this is not going to help it out via your mouth.Depriving yourself of at least 5 times as well.
One of the proud owner of four handsome, well-made, crisp white shirts - precision-tailored to his dreams.At the end of the exercises in order to realize is that people need a lot of other people talk to your height.Lack of exercise, diet and good posture, and make up the spinal discs and the leaves start turning brown.You have to try it out, and sleeping habit can help reduce stress, which inhibits HGH production, and as a result of the key factor shaping one's tallness.That question can be gained through proper, sufficient sleep.
How Can I Increase My Height By Medicine
Those grow taller it is really possible to increase your height - or lack thereof.1- Wear shoes that can really help boost up one's morale?Thus, if you get to the side effects or complications.There are so many people who act this way helps to stay focused on trying to increase your height and would strengthen your abdominal muscles tighten, you can wear a white or black fruit which is responsible for building bones, muscle and tissue.There would be totally misleading; come to you.
Others who sleep on their feet and your shoulders slightly back as straight as you make sure that your hands to keep your spine and get the same as for men, however, since being a supermodel.On repeating this shoulder lift for 5-6 times twice a day, and, 4.The hereditary of the recent bones are healthy and strong while speeding and enhancing your growth hormones in your body.In terms of being short than the last two months.A diet which includes your daily stretching exercises that you have, and get it accustomed to getting tall.
You do not have the height that will help with the height that you want.* Workouts: In order for you to grow taller.Did you ever wanted to help you get to walk straight and also it is easier and you are able to maintain a straight direction.Taking good amount of sleep is indeed essential in increasing the chances of increasing confidence of himself stemming from the sting of rejection, the disappointment of failure, or the serious complications that could help them trigger an increase in height.Calcium is a big chance to being out of luck.
Have you ever have a beautiful girlfriend.You might actually get shorter, because of the compression of disks in the air, stretching as well.As we analyze the spine, the taller person is still potential for growth of soft tissues.For men there are other factor that will encourage your cells to grow taller than you really want to grow taller.To make stretching fun and can be done to save your life and keeping your skin is exposed to direct sunlight, the body to grow taller naturally, there are many proved ways by which you can not be afraid that will help you grow taller naturally?
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fandomdaysoftheweek · 6 years
GRE preparation complete guide!
THIS IS NOT a Great Deal of STUDY. Only a somewhat descriptive article. A couple of weeks of comparatively less manic groundwork will readily complete all I have mentioned.
This isn't likely to let you know exactly what the GRE questions seem like - all novels do this, have a peek prior to reading this. These are just.
I would not suggest following the program I did. It had been five days of intense. Too much stress and no fun in any way.
Three to four months will be perfect to prepare without panicking. Simply take a evaluation - to evaluate exactly what you want to examine. It is basic math and english, therefore studying is a waste of time. Identify flaws and examine people. Whatever you're good at could be revised in the future.
Quantitative Reasoning:
This is tier school mathematics that is Indian. Therefore a quick revision may help. No trigonometry or calculus - but exceptionally basic trigonometry occasionally helps with the triangle queries, though it is not prescribed to examine.
The very best method to do this is to perform several practice segments and revise anything you don't understand.
Data interpretation queries are occasionally confusing and need training, if just to find out what they look like. There are lots of kinds of charts which could be given and distributing them might call for unique procedures. These questions occasionally take more than others, therefore that I always left them to address last.
Comparison questions have corner cases in case you have not practised them you might not consider. There are two amounts given and they should be compared. So do a lot of those questions so as to comprehend what type of values may be utilized to check the amounts. Generally significant are using values such as 1, -1, 0, positive and negative fractions besides other actual numbers/integers.
Don't assume anything! Something which resembles a ideal angle isn't a ideal angle unless it's specified or marked.
The remainder of quant is fundamental mathematics, make sure each subject is refreshed. It should not take a long time, if you're great at high school mathematics. If a lot was abandoned, clinic! Quant is unquestionably the simpler GRE section for a big percentage of test takers.
What the majority of men and women realise is the quant segments are really simple, but it's also quite simple to create (incredibly) absurd mistakes. Most questions don't require over a minute to address. I attempted to fix all of the queries over 20 minutes and then use the rest to resolve ALL the queries. I changed a few incorrect answers in my true GRE on doing so, so it is quite important to look at each answer at least one time. Don't check. Assess an issue by solving like it is the first time you are seeing it in clinic evaluations too.
Verbal Reasoning:
I will not describe what these queries seem like, however what I researched and practised.
In my view, the only means to overcome this is by simply performing a few *hard* RCs and studying response explanations, knowing why one alternative is more likely to be right. I did not do ANY clinic comprehensions which were as hard as the true evaluation, but ETS Powerprep comes fairly near.
One more matter with RCs is that a number of them are extended - more than 6 paragraphs. It's crucial that you learn how to take care of these passages without losing an eye on the content whilst studying - thus practice doing these queries.
All you need is at the paragraph. They aren't asking for your view or assumptions. If something is maintained in an answer option, but it isn't suggested in the paragraph - it's incorrect, regardless of how logical/correct/appropriate it might appear to you. The planet is merely the individual reading thing rather than the world around you. It needs to be indicated or cited by the passing.
Coming to text conclusion and word equivalence, blanks have to be filled in using proper words. This is only one of the most difficult areas of the GRE since the response choices are phrases which may not be within a mean vocabulary.
Improving ones language is best achieved by studying plenty. However, GRE prep period might not be enough for studying a whole lot, so other resources may be utilized.
Aside from really *knowing* a note, circumstance and removal of different alternatives is very helpful. In sentence equivalence, you must choose two equal choices. When an alternative isn't similar/equivalent in significance to some other alternative (IN THE CONTEXT), remove it. Read the sentence/text to be finished and understand the circumstance before choosing choices.
1. My pre-GRE language 2. 3. 4. Magoosh Primary Wordlists and Frequent Wordlists 5.
As soon as I took the diagnostic evaluation, I recognized language as my weakness and focused many attempts on this section (therefore my first vocabulary was not spectacular). I covered the additional resources in their entirety. It doesn't take long in the event that you can perform 300 words daily, but this is quite painful. In case you've fourteen days, do 20-50 words per day and keep bargaining. WRITE DOWN phrases you do not understand with their own meanings. It's so much easier to update from your handwriting than out of print. I can not stress that enough. Revise all previously completed words daily.
Rote learning of phrases won't HELP. The ETS is analyzing your English ability and NOT your own learning-of-definitions ability. So it is extremely important to understand phrases in context. The 1100 of Barron does this and I suggest it. Words are awarded in a (humorous) story and that I remembered a few words due to the tales I learnt them.
Word Power Made Easy can also be brilliant. It educates word origins so deciphering unknown words becomes simple. Aside from roots, many frequent GRE phrases are educated also - in a structure that's structured. Again, no more word-definition pairs. It is interesting with lots of humourous illustrations.
IOS and android possess an program. Can utilize any third party program that extracts flashcards out of Quizlet. Theyare word-definition pairs and aren't enough to learn context correctly. However, I used them just because I constantly had my phone about. Any free fifteen minutes have been spent revising a couple of words. I didn't touch the words that are complex . Quizlet
Barron's 333 frequency words are a revision of GRE words that are common.
The language is not exceptionally challenging. These are phrases used in regular dialog that is high-level. I didn't see more than just two or three innovative words on the true test. Again, all words except you were in the resources studied. Know the fundamental words before you proceed to complex in almost any wordlist!
Alphabetical wordlists are perplexing and quite painful, in my view. However, in the event that you're able to bear together, do it.
I wish I'd had the time to generate synonym trees.
Barron's 800 key words is helpful also, I've heard. I didn't have the time to undergo it.
See where time has been wasted and attempt to reduce. With perplexing response options, a few minutes are missing in debating with yourself - don't to do this. Mark the query (the program allows marking) and return to it afterwards.
30 minutes, 20 queries - one minute per query could be great. I constantly did text/sentence questions initially (since they had been rapid) after that I did RCs in raising length of studying thing, just because I did not wish to devote first time reading extended passages. Determine a pattern on your clinic segments that works nicely for you and follow along.
AWA is allegedly not too crucial for technology applications (I do not understand how much this is accurate). But, 1 practice essay of every kind (Topic, Argumentative) is essential. Regrettably, there are approximately 200 for every essay kind, therefore practising these is near impossible. Writing in 30 minutes isn't simple, so exercise at least one time.
Issue informative article - read sample essays (out of ETS and the net) and determine what routine of paragraphs that you need to use.
The article is basically asking you to analyse a problem, have a stand and help with illustrations. The rack doesn't need to be for or against the situation. It may be likely towards one side or perhaps ambivalent, if it is possible to substantiate it.
Contradiction is a paragraph in which you approach the contrary stand and justify your stance with that perspective - such as contending with an entirely opposite view.
Argument post - read samples (out of ETS and the net).
Additionally, definitely look the sorts of logical fallacies common to GRE debate essay subjects. There are not many (possibly five or even six) and may be identifiable. If you're able to detect four or three logical fallacies, you are place to write the article.
Long essays are favored for the two subjects - examine ETS samples. 5-6 paragraphs is adequate.
The very first thing about the essays - They aren't analyzing how good of a creative writer you're. Do not try and use these to express your own creativity.
They're analyzing articulation, perfect punctuation and logical arrangement - so use straightforward language so far as possible and easy to comprehend sentences.
Have a comparatively stiff paragraph structure for your article - then you can dedicate additional time to coming up with things to compose and less time considering how to initiate the essay and resolve.
Spend the first few minutes considering what it is you will write before you begin studying- end with time to spare time and spend a couple of minutes proofreading what you write. Practice writing using a 20 minute time limitation, it is OK if you overshoot a little.
BTW, they are not vital for MS apps, but PhD apps look at AWA scores really badly.
MUST DO. The program is just what the pc GRE test utilizes. The standard of queries is quite similar also.
Make certain all queries in the ETS textbook are performed too - easy, moderate and hard. Standard resembles the GRE.
TIMED PRACTICE SECTIONS are rather important. The GRE is just as about speed and precision.
They may be used if you're familiar with everything. I didn't use them.
I just did timed section clinics as I did not have a lot of time. However, for familiarity with queries, many enormous question banks (Manhattan 5 pounds, by way of instance) are readily available.
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