#at least this isnt like Heaven standing in my doorway
starcrossedmoonlet · 7 months
*Leaves you a singular rock with googly eyes before phasing through the wall w/ your stolen socks*
...I love rocks! I will name him Rocko and now he's my best friend. Enjoy the socks, I suppose?
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waningheart · 1 year
💳 - Play strip poker with my muse  It's a party and Jester, Tenzou, Anvil, and Zephyr are all there - but Anvil is losing and Tenzou isnt far behind
I dont think any girls showed up... (or did they)
@dcviated || Lewd(?) Shenanigans
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It’s was a rigged game from the start,  now wasn’t it? Those two across the table were obviously leagues above their capabilities in terms of experience. Didn’t help that he was still confused on the basic ruling of the games and thought strip poker was.... well the name of the game, not that it was literal. Tenzou seems ahead but.... that funny hat of his. Everyone can see it’s weird expression so... why didn’t he take it off as the first article yet?
No. Steel himself alone. Tenzou has to go down on his own ship. A tie from Jester, nothing from Zephyr so far, and he’s down to pants and a bracer already. It’s a game of deceit and luck no doubt, an art that hasn’t been practiced in quite sometime for him. Breath is held, a moment of tension between the group. Cards revealed and.... ah crap! Another losing hand!?
     “Have I mentioned my growing dislike for this game?”
Bracer goes flying off into the clothes pile (which he swore was bigger a moment ago), leaving him with nothing but pants and the undergarments beneath. Cards shuffled back in and redistributed again. He’d like to think they’re cheating somehow and someway, but there’s a lack of proof for that claim. At least that he’s caught thus far. The prospect of being naked among his peers didn’t bother him but...
Well he can hear the door unlocking? Was... Was their meant to be someone else playing with them. An awkward pause, a slowly blink from the liberi (and a wave of the Sarkaz to the side) as a female vixen stands at the doorway. Oh dear heavens, his Tenzou even here at the moment or did he vanish somehow when a girl arrived?
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     “Oh! More people than I had expected but the more the merrier I suppose! Sorry I’m late, was busy out in the medical ward when I got the text and... and...”
An brief silence as her eyes remain fixed on something in the background, causing the group to all fixate their attention to where the pile of clothes had been. Emphasis on the had been part, in now what seems to be a sparse pile in that moment of interruption. Arms wrapping around the remainder of clothes, facial features appearing in the wall.
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An eerie smile from the figure, slowly slipping back into the wall as all the their (Tenzou and Anvil’s) clothes vanish without a trace. Silence hovers briefly before Anvil slowly slides across the table in aggravation, realizing he won’t be seeing that pair of clothes again. A grumble, head tilting towards the other two still dressed individuals.
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 “Have I mentioned my growing dislike for this game!?”
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the-jade-cross · 4 years
Over the Mountains - Chapter 4
"We're about to step over the edge of the wild," THorin announced. "Balin, you know these paths, lead on."
Thorin stopped in his tracks to watch Bilbo who had stopped to watch Rivendell. The others kept walking, including Sepha. She was walking between FIli and Kili who had been practically inseparable from her since the night before. She didn't know if it was out of protectiveness because of what happened with Thorin, or because they were grateful for her singing to them... or just because they had begun to see her as like a mother figure to them.
Thorin's eyes wavered from Bilbo a moment when he saw Sepha climbing the mountain towards him. Her head was down and her hood up, even though it was lovely weather out. As she passed, Thorin opened his mouth to speak but she didn't even look up. She walked past and then chuckled at something that Kili said.
Thorin felt his heart clench. He knew that Sepha considered his nephews as like little brothers or sons but it hurt him when she found them more interesting than him. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he turned to Bilbo, "Mister Baggins! I suggest you keep up!"
Soon they were climbing higher and THorin found with dismay that he was about eighth in line and there was no one one could pass another for the pass was too narrow. Also, Sepha was at least five dwarves ahead and talking happily with his nephews.
Occasionally Dwalin would look back at THorin (From two dwarves up), as if asking when he was going to try and apologize but THorin could only sigh, knowing that he couldn't when Sepha was practically ten meters ahead and he knew that she was in no mood to hear him.
Soon the rain began to pour and vision became horrible. The pass got slightly wider, enabling Thorin to push to the front with Balin and Dwalin to try and find a safe route.
"We must find shelter!" THorin yelled over the rain.
"LOOK OUT!" Bofur yelled.
All eyes turned to see a giant rock come sailing near them, crashing the mountain above them. They cowered against the rock face to avoid getting hit.
"This is no thunderstorm!" Balin cried. "It's a thunder battle!"
"Well bless me!" Bofur gasped. "The legends are true! Giants! Stone Giants!"
Sepha leapt forward and pulled Bofur away from the edge as another rock struck the mountain above them.
Suddenly, the mountain began to jolt and soon they found that they were on the legs of a giant! The company got split in two, Fili and Sepha on one side while Kili got stuck with Balin and Thorin and the others.
"Hold on!" Fili cried.
Sepha gripped her boots into the wet stone and gripped onto the dwarf and the mountain. She could see the other half of the company jump from the leg onto a ledge, safely getting off but the head of the giant came off, causing the leg they were on to dip... a little too fast towards the mountain.
"Hold on!" Dwalin cried.
Fili cringed and Sepha gripped his hand in a comforting manner as they collided with the rock.
Thorin felt his heart stop when he saw half the company and Sepha slam into the mountain. The leg pulled away and fell off... no sign of any of the company.
Sepha... FIli... Dwalin....
"NO!" he cried, rushing around the corner. "Fili! Sepha!"
Just as he rounded the corner, he saw Dwalin slowly rising to his feet, helping Bombur. He caught sight of Fili groaning as Sepha pulled him up, both of them groaning from the impact. He let out a. breath he didn't know he was holding and with a sigh, he walked over to help Dwalin up.
"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur cried. "Where's the Hobbit?"
They were at the edge instantly, seeing the hobbit too far out of reach. Sepha tore forward, rushing to the edge. In a single movement she had drive a dagger into the stone and had swung down, using the dagger as a grip. Grabbing the top of Bilbo's jacket, she hauled him up towards Bofur who pulled him back up.
She felt her grip on her wet dagger weakening and her hood had fallen off, getting water in her eyes.
"Don't worry Seph," Kili's voice said from above as his hands gripped her wrist. "I've got you."
The dwarf pulled her back up and the girl sighed as arms encircled her. She could tell it was Fili because he muttered words in her ear, most of them 'you scared me!'
"I thought we had lost our burglar," Bofur sighed.
"he's been lost ever since he left home," Thorin spat. "He should never have come."
Sepha made a move to snap back at THorin but Fili held her back, "Hey. This is between Thorin and Bilbo. I know you have your problems with Thorin, but don't make the tension between you worse. Worry about your own argument and let Bilbo handle his."
Sepha sighed and nodded, knowing he was right. Soon they slipped into a cave and began to lay down their bedding for the night. When THorin told Gloin not to make a fire, the girl at once warmed the room, using her wizard powers and the dwarves all settled down.
"I'll take the first watch," Sepha said, interrupting Thorin who had just about told Bofur to.
"You need rest lass," Bofur pointed out.
The girl shook her head, "You forget that I'm part elf and we don't need to sleep as much. If you forgot, ask Thorin. He always seems to remember his enemies better than his friends."
The girl shot Thorin a glare, most of it because of how he had treated Bilbo before heading to the entrance. She sat down near the entrance, away from the warmth of the cave and sat down.
Thorin stood there a moment, just staring at her form. Oh he had messed up bad. He sat down and began to unroll his things when he saw Oin approach the girl.
"Lassie, mind if I check your shoulder?"
Sepha glanced at her shoulder. She would have objected but she was a healer just like Oin and she knew how much healers wanted to heal. Obliging, she slid the shoulder of her shirt down just enough to reveal her shoulder. THorin felt his breathing hitch when he saw her bare neck and part of her bare shoulder. How could one person be so perfect... so beautiful.... so graceful and fragile and yet so strong?
"It's healing nicely," the healer pointed out. "But what is that?
Sepha quickly pulled her sleeve back on, "it's nothing."
"It's not nothing," the healer observed. "Where did you get those?"
Sepha shook her head, "It's not the time or place."
The healer sighed and nodded, knowing that Sepha had already revealed enough for a few days, "You're right. Just rouse Bofur in an hour to releave you. Let me know if you ever need help."
Sepha smiled and gave the dwarf a hug, "Thank you OIn."
With that she sat back and stared out at the raining world outside. As Oin passed, THorin stood up and leant over, "What did you see?"
Oin looked at Sepha, making sure she wasn't listening before whispering back, "Scars. And lots of them THorin... like someone had whipped her or tortured here. I couldn't see the extent but... her arms and shoulders are covered in them... and some of them look like they were deep."
The healer left THorin standing there, taking in what he had said. He wasn't upset that Sepha had kept this from them... he was angry at whoever had dared to touch such a wonderful, beautiful, pure creature. If he ever found out who, heaven helped them if THorin ever found them!
was about twenty minutes later and all the dwarves were asleep. Or that's what Thorin thought. Balin and Dwalin were actually both awake but were faking sleep. Thorin found it impossible to sleep, even though he could see Sepha if he opened his eyes.... he still was writhing inside from knowing that he had caused her so much pain.
Opening his eyes at one point, he saw the girl rise to her feet and step out of the cave. When she didn't return for a full five minutes, THorin got worried and slipped out of his bedroll. Of course, Balin and Dwalin followed and they three stopped in the doorway of the cave, shocked at what they saw.
Sepha was standing on the ledge. it was no longer raining but it was dark outside except for the full moon. Her face was a light with the moon and she was looking up at what appeared to be a boulder.... but was really the head of a stone giant! It was gigantic and it's hole of a eye was as large as Sepha herself.
She obviously didn't sense their presence for she seemed to be talking to the beast who would groan or mumble in some language that the girl understood.
"I know it's been so long Cliff," the girl said, chuckling at the name she had given him years ago. "I just haven't had the need to pass through here."
There was a groan and she smiled, "Yeah you did kinda scare us earlier. Thanks for not killing us! So, I saw that you decapitated Brick. Did you help him back together?"
Suddenly, another stone Giant walked slowly over and crouched in front of Sepha by the mountain, his head level with her. The girl smiled.
"Hey Brick! Nasty blow you got on the head!" she remarked. "I'm surprised that you managed to put all the pieces together!"
the first giant, Cliff groaned and Sepha's smiled faded, "Pro isnt with me... he... he's not coming back...."
There was another moan and she nodded, "Yeah he died... I'm sorry. He really wanted to see you fellas again."
Brick lifted one giant stone hand and extended one finger to the girl. The tip of his finger was about the size of her body. She placed her hand on it and smiled, "Thanks Brick. I'm sure he misses you too."
Removing his finger, Brick stepped forward and placed his head close to the ledge, Sepha approached the giant and pressed her hand and forehead against the giant's huge forehead, "I promise to keep my promise. Even though I don't know why you made me promise it in the first place!"
Brick seemed to chuckle and Cliff said something as Sepha looked up at them, "Yeah yeah I remember the whole oath: Travel the world for adventure and help, find the ones that need your help the most and should you ever happen upon the ancient dwarf kingdom of Erabor, remember my childhood and from there, find a place to belong. What if I never find a place to belong?"
Cliff reached over and pressed his finger to Sepha's cheek that was beginning to get damp with tears. He moaned and Sepha smiled.
"Thanks. I know there are hundreds of places I could find a place to live but...I haven't found a place where I feel like I belong. Would the promise be kept if I just come back and stay with you guys after we reclaim the mountain?"
The two giants shook their heads and Sepha chuckled, "Yeah, that would be kinda strange."
Finally, the girl pressed her head to the giants' again before heading back to the cave. the three dwarves scurried to their beds and faked sleep before Sepha returned and began to rouse Bofur. When Bofur took over, Sepha grabbed her bedroll and curled up next to Fili before drifting immediately to sleep.
Thorin looked at Bofur who was out of earshot and Balin and Dwalin were now snoring. He slowly got up and approaching the girl, laid his cloak on top of her and smiled as she curled up into it, not waking up. Sitting down beside her, he traced her face with his fingers and pushed her hair out of her face.
"I promise Sepha. No matter what happens I will never hurt you ever again... and you will find a place to belong... with us."
With that he got up and went back to sleep. Hours later he woke to hear Bofur and Bilbo sleeping. Just when Bilbo seemed to be leaving, he noticed Bilbo's glowing sword and he jumped up.
It was too late.... all the company was awake now... and falling.
Sepha groaned as she was jostled around with the rest of the dwarves as the goblins pushed them through their town. it was a disgusting place and Sepha couldn't believe she was there, yet again. it wasn't the first time she had been and it was so going to be the last time! The familiar stench was horrible and the screeches brought back memories.
Finally, they were brought forward to the goblin king and Sepha glared. She was glad that FIli and Kili were standing in front of her or the goblin king would have recognized her instantly.
Clap, snap, the black crack Grip, grab, pinch, and nab Batter and beat Make 'em stammer and squeak! Pound pound, far underground Down, down, down in Goblin Town With a swish and smack And a whip and a crack Everybody talks when they're on my rack Pound pound, far underground Down, down, down in Goblin Town Hammer and tongs, get out your knockers and gongs You won't last long on the end of my prongs Clash, crash, crush and smish Bang, break, shiver and shake You can yammer and yelp But there ain't no help Pound pound, far underground Down, down, down in Goblin Town
Sepha rolled her eyes at the ridiculous song. He still sang it out of tune. Soon, they were searched and all their weapons laid before the king. Sepha hoped dearly that her swords didn't stick out too much.
"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom?" the goblin king insisted. "Dwarves? Theives? Assassins?"
"Dwarves your malevolence," a goblin replied.
"Found them on the front porch," the goblin replied.
Sepha sighed. They must have changed the front door because last time, it was a small cave concealed behind a waterfall. Things definitely changed over the course of twenty years.
"Well don't just stand there! Search them!" the king demanded. "Every crack! Every Crevice!"
Just when Sepha thought that her presence would go unnoticed, a goblin grabbed her wrist and yelled to the king, "There's a girl!"
"A girl?" the goblin king inquired, "Bring her here!"
All the dwarves at once began to object and even Fili and Kili were about to do something stupid but Sepha shook her head, "I've got this."
She took a few steps forward and stood before the dwarves, looking up at the horrid king. The goblin at once began to laugh till it almost broke their ears.
"Persephone Amatello! What a surprise! The last time I saw you, you were leaving with at least a thousand dead goblins litering the place behind you... all single handedly. I must say, if that was how you were twenty years ago, I would like to see what you're capable of now!"
Sepha glared and crossed her arms, "You've sure got a nerve. Didn't you learn anything from my last visit?"
"Oh yes indeed my dear!" the goblin chuckled. "Never ever underestimate a quarter breed."
At once, most of the dwarves, except Fili, began whispering, not sure what he meant by that.
"You would think that someone with so many different races in her blood would be weak... useless... a good for nothing wench. A miserable misbegotten wretch."
Thorin felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. those were the same words he used with Sepha and he could tell from the way her knuckles turned white that it hurt her too.
"Quite the contrary," the goblin king remarked. "pretty little lass with four different Races at her feet... is probably one of the most powerful people in the world!"
The goblin king approached Sepha and lifting his staff, poked her chest. The girl didn't move and then he moved down and placed it below her legs, poking at her private places.
"Though I have to say, this time I'm rather enjoying your visit! You are actually being civil with me.... and you've quite grown up from the little scrawny girl who trampsed out of here with her head held high."
Thorin felt his hands clench when the goblin king prodded her feminine parts as if she was an object. It got practically unbearable when he reached a hand towards her face.
"Maybe we can come to a little arrangement," he remarked. "I can tell... that fire in your eyes.... you're not take yet. You're still a maid. Such an honor!"
Right then, all the dwarves knew what he was getting at and they began to roar with anger. Sepha just stood there, pushing the goblin's hand away lazily. Wha there plan was, no one else saw it.
Finally, thorin couldn't take it anymore and stepped forward, "Wait."
"Well well well," the goblin taunted. "look who it is? THorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. King under the mountain."
Sepha turned and looked at THorin for the first time in two days. Her face was serious but her eyes were full of confusion as to why Thorin stood up for her. THorin wanted dearly to pull her away from the king but he knew that Sepha was still mad at him.
"Oh but I'm forgetting you don't have a mountain and you're not a king. Which makes you, nobody really."
There was a painful silence in which everyone noticed Sepha's knuckles turn while and her eyes flash in fury.
"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for you head," the king continued. "just a head. Nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours. A pale orc, astride a white warg."
"Azog the defiler was destroyed," Thorin spat. "he was slain in battle long ago!"
"SO you think his defiling days are done do you?" the king asked turning to say something to another goblin.
When he turned back, the goblin king waved his hands and thorin was pulled back to the rest of the company. He then turned and considered Sepha a moment.
"So, what do you say my dear?"
Sepha raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.
"I say. You're still the blundering idiot you were twenty years ago!"
The king chuckled and turned to his men, "Very well. Let's see how much more pain we can inflict on her."
Sepha tried to fight them but without a sword and her fears not allowing her to use magic, she was pushed to her stomach by the goblins. Grabbing a knife, one of the goblins cut the back of her shirt, not revealing anything but her bare back. Thorin and the whole company gasped when they saw that indeed her back was covered in horrible scars that were evidently whipping scars... many of them had been incredibly deep.
"Let me hear her scream again," the goblin king demanded.
A goblin raised a piked whip and brought it down on the girl's back. She let out a blood curdling scream at the pain that drowned out the protests and yells of fear from the dwarves. The goblin continued to whip her, opening up more and more wounds.
Finally, THorin couldn't bear it anymore and pushed out of the goblins reach. However there were more of them and soon they had him held back and the whipping goblin approached him. He raised the whip, about to strike Thorin in the face when the strangest thing happened.
Sepha lifted her green eyes, blinded from the pain but she could make out Thorin facing the whip. She felt a deep fire within her. She wasn't going to let the goblins hurt anyone else... they already hurt her... she wasn't going to let anyone she cared about get hurt again. Closing her eyes, she felt her eyes change and her hair turned violet, starting the goblins.
"SIRE!" the screamed, recognizing the signs.
As the goblins and dwarves turned, they saw something they had never seen before. Sepha leapt from the ground and as she did, she morphed into a giant gray wolf. In a single bound she reached the goblin with the whip and ripped his head off, pushing him off the platform.
She knocked all the goblins away from her friends and turned, facing the king. She began to pace back and forth, keeping the dwarves away from the king. She ignored the shocked stares from everyone but Fili.
"Kill her!" the king demanded. "Kill her this time! Kill them all! Cut off his head!"
The moment the king said that, Sepha backed up towards THorin and planted her warm, strong body in front of him and her hair stood up straight on end. A growl broke from her body, surprising everyone with her defensiveness.
Just when the goblins began to charge at them, a bright light lit up the place and everyone was knocked over.
When Thorin sat up, he realized that Sepha was still standing on all fours, standing over him protectively.
"Take up arms!" Gandalf called. "Fight!"
Within seconds the dwarves grabbed their weapons and began to fight. Thorin brought Orcrist around and pushed the dwarf king off the platform. While he was doing that, Sepha noticed several orcs coming at him from behind. Bounding forward, she killed three of them but one managed to give her a sizable wound on her side.
The girl let out a whimper and fell to her side. THorin turned and stared as he saw the girl in wolf form curl up. Her wounds were not as noticeable when she was a wolf but he could see the blood... the wounds...
"Come on Seph," Kili said, rushing to her side.
Sepha morphed back to human and let out a scream of pain. Her wounds were bad, "Get out of here.... now!"
THorin shook his head but FIli spoke for him, "We're not leaving you!"
Without hesitation, the two picked her up and Dwalin hauled the girl onto his back. Soon they were off, trying to find a way out of the goblin town.
en Persephone finally lifted her head, she saw that they were crossing a bridge.
"Cut the ropes!" she heard THorin yell.
Suddenly, Dwalin lurched and Persephone fell from his back.
"Seph!" She heard several voices cry.
The girl quickly reached out and Kili's hand gripped hers, holding her up. As they swung back a second time, Sepha groaned from the pain in her body and morphed into a wolf. Kili's eyes widened but he was surprised at how much lighter Sepha was in her wolf form.
Gripping onto Kili's hand with her paw, she leapt up and landed on the bridge with the other dwarves. She stumbled but Fili and Kili's arms were at once wrapped around her bushy neck and Kili buried his face in her neck.
"Come on Sepha. Don't die on us now," he whispered.
Sepha sighed and nuzzled his face with her damp nose, "Come on..."
With that, she slowly rose to her feet, wincing at the pain but putting on a brave face, "Climb on."
"you're too weak," Fili protested.
Sepha rolled her violet eyes and fake bared her teeth, "if we want to catch up to the others, we need to hurry."
The two young dwarves wanted to protest but the idea of riding on the back of a giant wolf got the better of them and they climbed on. Fili knew that Sepha whined at the weight but she kept her noble head high and took off.
Kili's fingers curled into her fur and held on while FIli held onto his shoulders.
As they came surging towards the others, the goblin king jumped up and knocked Gandalf over. Kili noticed that the hair on Sepha's back stood up erect and her muscles tensed in anger.
"Jump," she whispered.
the two jumped off her back, landing on either side of Thorin was Sepha took a running leap and slammed her large wolf body into the goblin king. She stared into his horrid eyes for a second before grinning and baring her teeth, she morphed to a human and drove her sword deep into his chest.
Suddenly, the weight of the king's dead body began to destroy the platform and soon they were falling far and fast. Sepha grabbed onto Ori who was about to fall and they tumbled onto the ground while the others got stuck beneath the platform.
"Well that could have been worse," Bofur remarked just before the king's body slammed on top of them.
Sepha cringed as she heard the dwarves groan and mutter curses under their breath. She carefully began to help the dwarves out when kili's shocked voice rang out.
They turned to see a host of goblins running towards them.
"There's too many, we can't fight them," Dwalin said, helping Nori up.
"only one thing will save us," Gandalf said. "Daylight. RUN!"
when they finally stopped outside the goblin caves Gandalf counted heads while Sepha leant against a tree for support.
"Where's Bilbo?" Gandalf asked. "Where is our hobbit?"
Sepha looked around while the dwarves began to bicker about who had seen him.
"I think I saw him slip away when they first collared us," Nori said.
"What happened exactly?" Gandalf insisted. "Tell me!"
"I'll tell you what happened," Thorin snapped. "Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it. He's thought nothing of his soft bed and his warm hearth since he first stepped out of his door. We wont be seeing our hobbit again. He is long gone."
Sepha's green eyes flared in fury. She caught sight of Fili meet her gaze and shake his head, telling her to not object but Sepha had just about enough.
Pushing herself away from the tree, she ignored the pain in her body and grabbed her sword.
"Sepha what are you doing?" Kili asked.
the girl ignored him and began to limp back the way they had come. She was about five feet away when a strong hand gripped her wrist gently. She spun around to see Thorin standing there, a soft look in his eyes.
"Where are you going?"
"What do you care?" she spat, "You care for no one but your own kin. And barely them!"
Thorin frowned, "What are you talking about? If you go back there you'll be killed?"
"Then it will obviously be an improvement in this world," Sepha remarked sarcastically, "I would think you would agree that it would be for everyone's benefit if there was one less elf in the world."
she turned and began to walk off but Thorin gripped her wrist. she wrenched her hand away from his grip and brought the back of her hand across his cheek, remarking his cheek exactly where she had struck him two days prior. Thorin's head snapped back but it didn't hurt as much as what she said next.
"I told you to not touch me!" she hissed. "You obviously have no care as to what happens to a helpless hobbit, so I will. I don't care if I'm killed, at least my life wont be complicated anymore and I wont feel like I'm upsetting other people with my presence!"
"Sepha," Fili and Kili pleaded. "Please don't go."
Sepha smiled at them but shook her head, "IT's best if I do."
she gave Thorin a glare and turning on her heel, stormed off. Thorin stood there, staring at where Sepha had been standing not five minutes ago. She was really gone.... when suddenly... Bilbo came tearing through the woods.
"Sorry.... I got held up..."
"Bilbo Baggins!" Gandalf remarked. "I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life."
"Bilbo! We'd given you up!" Kili cried.
"how on earth did you get past the goblins?"
"How indeed?" Dwalin inquired, curious.
Bilbo grinned innocently and just chuckled.
"Well what does it matter?" Gandalf asked. "he's back."
"it matters," Thorin replied. "I want to know. Why did you come back?"
"Look I know you doubt me. I know you always have. And you're right I often think of Baggend. I miss my books and my armchair and my garden. See that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came back because... you don't have one... a home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can."
There was a long silence before Ori broke it.
"But Sepha went looking for you.... where is she?"
"Sepha left?" Bilbo asked, horrified. "But she was hurt!"
Before anyone could say anything else, a loud howl split the air.
"out of the frying pan," Thorin muttered.
"And into the fire," Gandalf finished.
As the others began to run, Dwalin noticed that Thorin was standing still, looking at where Sepha had run off, "What have I done?"
Dwalin gripped the prince's shoulder, "Nothing you cannot fix. We must run laddie."
Why is it that we are always getting cornered?" Bilbo complained as he gripped the trunk of the tree.
They were stuck at the top of a tree, staring down at the orcs beneath them. Suddenly, a huge white warg stepped forward and atop him, the pale orc. Thorin pushed a branch aside and stared in horror.
Azog sniffed the air and petted his warg, "Do you smell it? the scent of fear. I remember your grandfather reeked of it. THorin son of Thrain."
"it cannot be," Thorin whispered, feeling his throat clench.
Azog lifted his mace and pointed at THorin, "That one is mine.... kill the re..."
he never finished for a whole warg was thrown straight at him, causing the white warg and the pale orc to stumble back. Two orcs were torn from their wargs and thrown at least twenty feet away. the wargs all growled and crowded around Azog to protect him.
Just when the dwarves had no idea what was happening, several arrow shot from nowhere and struck three wargs down at the same time.
"SHOW YOURSELF!" Azog growled.
The petite, slender figure rose from her hiding position behind a rock and slowly approached Azog.
"Sepha," THorin heard Kili whisper above him.
The girl's hood was down, her brown hair billowing behind her. She had pulled her torn jacket back on, covering her bleeding back. Her side was bleeding, covering the side of her pant and dripping onto the ground. In one hand she held her bow that Kili had given her, three arrows loaded on it already.
"Well look who it is!" Azog taunted. "Persephone Anatello. It has been a long time! The last time I saw you, you were just a little girl screaming your brother's name."
Persephone's body tensed which didn't help the bleeding but THorin knew her face was twisted in anger. "you murdered my brother," she spat in black speech. "You killed THror. I will not let you touch anyone else!"
Azog chuckled loudly, "You cannot protect everyone in the world stupid quarterbreed!"
Sepha smiled knowingly, "Maybe not. But I can most certainly protect the ones I love."
"Well this is a sad day for you then," Azog taunted, circling Sepha on his warg, "Because all of those dwarves, the wizard and that handling... they're all going to die."
Sepha smiled and instead, she spoke in perfect Kuzdul, "Not while I have breath in my body they wont.'
With that she fired the three arrows, taking out three more orcs with them. She then threw her bow onto her back and drew her two swords. Azog charged at her and she brought them above her head, leaving a decent gash in the beast's belly.
Just when the dwarves were about to cheer, the tree began to tip till it was dangling over the side of the cliff! Fili pulled Kili back up who barely had a grip on the tree.
"Sepha," they both muttered.
All the dwarves turned to look at the girl who was crouching in a fighting stance. When the warg came charging at her again, two wargs went at her from both sides, reaching her first. While she drove her sword into one, the other one grabbed her around the waist and bit down hard.
THorin felt tears prick his eyes at the sound of her painful scream that split the air. Azog then chuckled as he glared down at the girl. The warg threw her against a tree and Thorin was sure he heard a snap. The girl fell to the ground, slowly pushing herself up. she was bleeding far to much and her face pale with pain.
"What makes you think that anyone would love you?" Azog taunted. "Your brother didn't love you. That's why he allowed himself to die. No one will ever love you."
Sepha lifted her head and forced a brave look on her face, "It's the ones who love you the most who hurt you. not because they don't love you... but because they love you so much that it hurts." she said in Kuzdul. "My brother didn't die because he wanted to. He died because I wasn't fast enough to save him. People may not love me now... or never... but I will always love them."
With that, her eyes flitted towards the dwarves and for a split second, green met blue before Azog's warg bit into her body again and she passed out from the pain. THorin had had enough and standing up, he drew out Orcrist.
"Thorin no," Dwalin warned but he ignored him.
Charging across the field, he lifted his sword and pulled out his oaken shield. Azog's warg looked at him and threw Sepha against a nearby tree. Thorin bit his lip when he heard another crunch, but went charging at Azog.
Before he knew it, the warg had bitten him and he cried in pain. he was thrown across the clearing and his blacked out just before he saw Bilbo jump at Azog.
The last thing he remembered was seeing red when Sepha's body was bitten... whipped... prodded by goblins... thrown against a tree... her last words....
hen Thorin came to, the first thing he thought of was Bilbo for he was the last person he saw before he blacked out, "The halfling."
Gandalf sighed, glad he was alright, "it's alright. Bilbo is here. He's quite safe."
Kili and Dwalin helped THorin to his feet but he pushed them off, turning to face Bilbo, "You! What were you doing? Didn't you know you just got yourself killed? Didn't I say that you would be a burden? That you had no place amongst us?"
There was a long dreadful silence. A thousand things were running through Thorin's head. He remembered Sepha's words. Even though she had known that Bilbo had contemplated leaving, she remained strong to him... because she cared. She didn't just care about her kin... she cared about everyone.
"I have never been so wrong in my life," he sighed, drawing the hobbit in for a big hug.
There were cheers behind him and he smiled as Bilbo hugged him back. When he released him, he patted the hobbit's shoulder, "And I'm sorry I doubted you."
"no I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior. Or even a burglar."
The others chuckled at that but it was cut short when Kili's horrified voice cut out, "SEPHA!"
All eyes snapped around just in time to see the last eagle land, carrying gently in its claws, the injured girl. He set her down and cawed sadly at the sight of the unconscious girl.
Kili and Fili were at her side in an instant with Thorin, Gandalf, Dwalin, Balin and Oin next.
"Sepha pleased wake up," Fili whispered, gripping one of her hands.
Kill drew the girl's head into his lap and pushed her hair out of her face which was battered and bruised, her lip was busted and there was a small scratch on her cheek, just across the cheekbone.
"let me through," Oin instructed, Dwalin moving back for him. "let me see the lass."
Kneeling down, he felt her pulse, listened to her breathing and began to inspect her wounds, not letting anyone else get a good look at the wounds, "It's bad. We need to get to a place that has fresh water and linens. my supplies were lost in Goblin Town. I need to stitch her up or it'll open again and she'll bleed to death or die of infection. I can bandage her up but someone will have to carry her."
"We can take turns," Dwalin, Fili and Kili said all together.
"What do you need Oin?" Thorin asked, trying to bite back the worry in his tone.
"I need someone to hold her shoulders down. Kili, keep her head still. Fili, hold her hands down and Balin, would you mind pinning her knees? I have an ointment that will keep infection down but it will burn."
Everyone nodded and began to get into their positions. Kili moved so that he was looking down at Sepha's face and placed his hands on either side of her face, running his thumbs over her cheek gently. Fili gripped both of her wrists to her sides while Thorin knelt across from him, placing a hand on her shoulders and holding her down. Considering that he had to reach over to hold down both her shoulders, Thorin's face was looking down at hers and he felt his heart stop.
Even covered in blood and dirt from battle, she amazed him at how beautiful she was. She looked so peaceful lying there unconscious... but not for long. The moment Oin poured the ointment on her side, the girl let out a loud, ear piercing scream and her body tensed. the dwarves held her down and Kili pressed his forehead to hers, whispering words of comfort.
"It's okay Seph," he whispered. "We're almost done... we're almost there."
Soon, she stopped and she passed out from the pain. The dwarves all relaxed and stepped back while Oin quickly wrapped the wound with what he had. When he was done, he turned to Dwalin, "If you carry her first, try to be careful of her back. I still haven't tended to her lashes yet."
Dwalin obeyed. He knelt down and carefully scooped the girl up into his arms. Everyone could tell that Sepha was petite, barely reaching Kili's height but being carried by Dwalin dwarfed her even more. Her face lolled back over Dwalin's arm.
"Can someone prop her head?" he asked. "Her neck will be sore."
Before Fili or Kili could move to do so, Thorin walked over and gently taking the girl's head in his hands, moved it so that her head was lying against Dwalin's chest. Dwalin nodded, shifting the girl in his arms so that it was easier to carry her.
"That's better."
"How long do you think you can carry her?" Fili asked.
Thorin looked at his nephew and realized that both Fili and Kili's faces were twisted into looks of fear and there were tears appearing in their eyes. They were afraid for the girl and he was too, but he didn't realize that until now... the two had never been so afraid.
"About an hour," Dwalin said. "Then you can take turns."
The two nodded and followed. By the time they stopped for the night, almost all the dwarves had taken turns carrying the girl. First Dwalin, then Fili, kili, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur and even Gandalf. Thorin had wanted to carry her after Dwalin but Fili had beaten him to it. His two nephews had literally trailed after Dwalin like shadows just to make sure he didn't need help with the girl. After  Kili he was going to ask but something had made him doubt. He had already hurt Sepha too much and he was afraid to do it again. In that case, his hesitation meant that the others beat him to it.
When they stopped for the night, Dwalin laid his cloak on the ground for the girl and they laid her on her stomach so as to aggravate her lashes. Fili and Kili then slept on either side of her, both on their sides, facing her so that they would be able to see if she needed help in the night. she had still not woken up from her unconscious state since Oin had put that ointment on her and the dwarf was beginning to worry.
While everyone else laid around, all whispering worried things about the girl, Thorin found he couldn't sleep and neither could Dwalin. Both stayed up on watch together, their backs to each other. However, both knew that the other was occasionally looking in the girl's direction for any sign of awareness.
At one point, Thorin heard his nephews whispering and listened in on their conversation.
"You can sleep for a while Ki," Fili whispered. "I'll keep an eye on her."
Kili shook his head, "I couldn't sleep if I wanted to. You know... when we left home.... I found it almost impossible to fall asleep if Sepha didn't sing something.... it reminded me of home and made me feel like I was back home in my own bed... now... with Sepha hurt... it's like I know that we really aren't back home."
There was a silence in which Thorin bit his lip. He had let the company down... all of them. He had let Bilbo down in not trusting him. he had left Sepha down by hurting her in a way that was out of turn.... and he hurt the company by not being there for Persephone. He had hurt her in more ways than one. If he hadn't said those things to her, she might have not gotten whipped in Goblin town or stabbed. If he hadn't snapped about Bilbo she wouldn't have left and the warg wouldn't have bit her and broken her ribs... he had let them down.
"Don't you think that Sepha is like mom?" Kili whispered.
Dwalin and Thorin's heads both snapped around at this, surprised at the remark.
FIli smiled, "Yeah she is.... stubborn... brave... strong.... kind, thoughtful... and gosh she gives Uncle a run for his money!"
Kili chuckled softly, "I just cannot believe what she did back in Goblin town! Did you know about her being a skin changer?"
Fili nodded, "Yeah... I saw her morph one night while she went on patrol. I asked her about it and she swore me to secrecy. she said she didn't want anyone to know until it was absolutely necessary."
"So the first time she morphed was in front of a bunch of goblins," Kili mused.
"Well I think the goblins already knew. But, it was necessary. She saved uncle in the process."
Thorin felt his heart stop. She had saved him.... only ending in her getting hurt further. He hadn't realized that. after everything she had done to him... she had saved him. Why?
He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Dwalin smiling sadly at him, "She saved you because she felt that you were worth saving."
How close is the pack?" thorin asked of Bilbo.
"Too close. Couple of leagues, no more but that is not the worst of it."
"The wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin asked.
Dwalin was on his knees while Fili and Kili were carefully lifting Sepha onto his back. Oin said it would be best to not carry her bridal style since it strained her back. In that case they were tying her arms and legs around Dwalin's shoulders so he could use his arms to move.
"no but they will," Bilbo replied. "We have another problem."
"DID they see you?" Gandalf asked. "They saw you!"
"No that's not it."
"What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse," Gandalf said proudly, "Excellent burglar material."
"Will you just listen!?" Bilbo cried. "I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there."
There was a pause before Gandalf spoke. "What form did it take? Like a bear?"
Bilbo began to reply but stopped, "Ye... but bigger much bigger."
"You knew about this beast?" Bofur demanded.
"He's a friend," A small voice whispered.
The dwarves all snapped around to see that Sepha was the one who had spoken. Her eyes were still closed and her head lying against the nape of Dwalin's neck but she had spoken.
"Sepha!" Kili cried, "You're awake."
"Barely," the girl whispered. "And Kili... your voice sounds like a girl."
A round of laughter rang through the group of dwarves at Kili's surprised face.
"How did you know this beast?" Balin inquired.
Sepha couldn't answer for she had passed out again but Gandalf answered, "There is a house not far from here where we can take refuge. it has clean water and the things we need to help Sepha. Besides that, it's shelter and it has food."
"Who's house?" Thorin insisted. "Is it friend or foe?"
"Neither," Gandalf replied. "He will help us or he will kill us."
"what choice do we have?" Thorin inquired/
Just then a loud roar split the air and everyone jumped.
When they came barreling into the house, the dwarves all turned to close the door when the bear's huge head poked through. It growled and the dwarves pushed against it. just when they thought that he would get through, the dwarves were gently pushed out of the way.
They all turned and their eyes nearly fell out of their heads. Sepha was standing behind them, in her wolf form, meaning that she came to about the dwarves's size. the bear stopped pushing against the door and the dwarves backed up.
Sepha approached the door and leant against it weakly. She began to growl softly and the bear growled gently back. Suddenly, the bear left and Sepha pushed the door closed, the latch closing.
"What is that?" Ori insisted.
"That is our host," Gandalf replied, getting everyone's attention. "his name is Beorn. He's a skin changer."
Right then, everyone understood how Sepha had managed to make him leave. The dwarves all turned back to the girl who had morphed back to human and was leaning against the door for support. She slowly slipped to the ground and THorin, being the closest one, didn't hesitate to jump forward and catch her bridal style.
"Bring her over here," the healer instructed.
Thorin carried the girl over to him, surprised at how light she was. Oin led him to an empty stall, shooing all the other dwarves except Balin, Dwalin, FIli and Kili out.
"This is going to be painful to watch lads," Oin said, "her injuries are bad... but she needs our help."
the dwarves all nodded, straightening their backs. Sepha had saved them numerous times... they would be strong for her this time.
Oin sent Dwalin for hot water, he instructed Fili to find two knives and to clean them in more hot water. He sent Kili to find clean bandages or clean sheets and Balin was sent to get several horse tail hairs for stitches and to clean them. Thorin couldn't do much except hold the limp girl. She was awake but barely.
"It's going to be alright lass," Oin assured her, patting her hand. "We're going to get you all fixed up."
"Oin, wont the pain be too much for her?" THorin asked with worry.
Oin shrugged, "I don't have anything for the pain."
"I'll be alright," Sepha whispered, "Just give me something to bite on."
Thorin shook his head, "No one should have to endure the pain you've gone through and going through more..."
"Thorin," Sepha whispered, finding it hard to talk for her mouth was dry. "Trust me... I'm a healer...pain is only temporary... I'll be fine."
Thorin bit his lip. He couldn't bear to see her in pain again but he didn't want her to strain while arguing so he decided to let her have her way. Soon the others returned with the supplies and Oin got to work. Finding a needle in his belt, he cleaned it and threaded a horse hair through it. Laying that aside, he grabbed one of Fili's clean daggers and turned to Thorin.
"Hold her flush against you.... I have to remove the spikes from the whips from her back."
THorin felt his heart stop at those words. There were spikes in her back from the whips? He felt tears prick his eyes at realizing how much pain the girl had endured. Obeying Oin, he got Dwalin to help him slowly set the girl on her feet but he wrapped his arms around the top of her shoulders, and the other he wrapped around her waist, keeping his arms from her wounds.
Balin grabbed a glove and held it to the girl's mouth and she bit into it. Balin gently opened the back of her shirt, exposing only her back and the dwarves took a step back. The whipping marks were much worse than they had imagined. There were at least a dozen open wounds on her back, all of them a thumb wide and at least an inch deep, oozing with blood and puss.
"Oh Seph," FIli whispered. "What have they done to you?"
"Obviously not enough," Sepha whispered. "I have no idea how I'm still alive right now."
Finally, Oin got to work and Thorin felt tears spring to his eyes at the sound of the girl's muffled screams. Even biting the glove didn't muffle her screams enough and Balin had to shoo the other dwarves who had rushed to see what was wrong. When Oin finished removing the spikes, he set to work stitching the wounds shut. That pain was just as bad and soon, Sepha pressed her face into THorin's chest, muffling her screams into his chest.
On any other time, Thorin would have gone red from their close proximity but now, he only felt a knife stab his heart at every scream. Suddenly, Oin stepped back and nodded.
"She's all done."
"What about her side?" Fili asked.
Oin nodded and instructed Thorin to turn the girl around. Lifting her shirt up just enough to expose the side wound, THorin bit his lip. the wound was almost bone deep and still bleeding horribly. Oin got it cleaned and stitched within seconds but by then, Sepha had stopped screaming.
"She passed out poor thing," Balin whispered.
Thorin turned the girl over and scooped her up, "Where should we put her Oin?"
"Somewhere warm and soft," Oin instructed. "She'll be awake tomorrow but incredibly sore. Keep as much distance between her and the ground as possible. We don't want her wounds getting infected."
The dwarves nodded and soon, Fili and Kili had laid down their cloaks on a pile of straw for her. THorin laid her down and before he could object, his two nephews laid down on either side of her protectively. He took the first watch.
About two hours later, he saw his two nephews asleep. Kili had his head resting against Sepha's shoulder. Fili was still lying on his side but was holding her hand in both of his. Smiling to himself, he walked over to the three and laid his cloak over all three of them. None of them moved from the gesture but he saw his two nephews relax. He wasnt going to let any of them down again.... never.
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