#dumping whole bags of chips into her HEAD MOUTH
starcrossedmoonlet · 8 months
*Leaves you a singular rock with googly eyes before phasing through the wall w/ your stolen socks*
...I love rocks! I will name him Rocko and now he's my best friend. Enjoy the socks, I suppose?
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ghouljams · 7 months
could we pretty please get any more of fea!Keegan. I'm so down bad for a man that's happy to take care of a kid and is good at it, I can imagine him and the changeling baking as a surprise for mom or making her presents in secret
Yeah I'm with you, I love a man that's good with kids. Something, something, good provider, basic instincts, idk man but yeah I fucking get it. Here's fae!Keegan being a good daddy to his kid.
"And you know where the emergency numbers are?" You ask a final time as Keegan ushers you out the door.
"Got 'em saved in my phone," He reminds you, not for the first time. He holds your hand tight and pulls it to his lips to kiss your knuckles, reassuring. "Me and the monster will be fine, no fire, I promise." You nod and crouch to give your child a final good bye.
"You be good for Keegan, mummy will be back soon." You tell them fixing their jumper. They nod and tip their head forwards for you to kiss the top of. You grin and grab their little face to kiss their head until they're giggling. They grab onto Keegan's leg with a smile when you finally let go, and give you a small wave.
Keegan waits for the door to close before scooping his little one up into his arms. He bounces the kid a couple times to make sure they're not protesting and makes his way to the kitchen. The kid presses their hand against Keegan's mouth and he grabs it to kiss their little fingers.
"What are we gonna do monster?" He asks them, meeting all too familiar blue eyes in a miniature scale. He kisses their fingers again, his eyes. There's never going to be a good time to tell you it's his baby, but the kid doesn't look too much like him. For now, at least.
"Cookies," They tell him seriously, and he nods just as serious.
"Good plan," Keegan settles the kid on the kitchen counter and shoos Riley away from his spot in front of the pantry. The dog's really too smart for his own good, they're gonna have to put a lock on this thing before he figures out how to open the door. Keegan tugs the door open and again shoos the German shepherd's inquisitive nose away from the food bin.
"Here," He hands the kid a bag of chocolate chips and settles a bowl in front of them, "put those in there."
"Kay," His kid nods and reaches their fingers into the bag to pluck out a few chips and drop them in the bowl. That'll be slow going, but a great way to keep them occupied. Maybe he should say to count them too. Keegan makes himself busy mixing up the dough, referencing the recipe he pulled up on his phone while he keeps close to the kid.
"Alright bud," He grabs the kid off the counter with a grunt, "Feels like you're eating more of those than you're putting in the bowl, so you're done." He picks up the bowl, and shakes it to try and gauge how much is in it. Keegan shrugs, and pushes the bowl into the kid's hands. "Pour 'er in, then we can eat."
"Not uh-posed to eat raw food," the kid tells him dumping the chocolate chips into the mix.
"Aw no bud, just mom can't eat raw food," Keegan bounces them again, "We're fine." Once the little monster's teeth came in he'd get them some decent meat, maybe even take them hunting. If he could convince you that is. "We should cook some of this for mommy though."
"For mummy," The kid repeats, sing-song in a way that tells him they're gonna be saying that for a while.
"Yeah, yeah," Keegan hums, twirling his finger to make the wooden spoon finish mixing up the batter. He turns in time to watch Riley's head disappear into the dog food bin.
You always expect it to be chaotic when you get home. You expect fire and screaming, but the worst you get is your child with marker all over their face, your boyfriend scrubbing at their cheeks with a wet washcloth. There's a plate of cookies on the kitchen counter, and the dog is asleep on the couch. As soon as they spot you, your baby is pushing Keegan's help away to run to you. They babble about pictures and baking and beam at you like you're their whole world. It makes your heart melt.
"We need a latch for the pantry," Keegan tells you, he hardly looks tired. You thought he'd be exhausted babysitting. It's not like you leave him alone with the kid often enough for him to be used to it.
"I'll grab one from the store," You tell him, mentally adding another errand to your list.
"I can get it," He moves close to keep wiping at the rainbow marks on your kid's face. They scrunch up their nose and puff out their cheeks. He's so gentle with them. "I gotta fix the faucet too, started leaking again."
"I really don't know how I can pay you back for all of this," You sigh, somehow the weight he takes off your shoulders only makes you feel heavier. Keegan frowns.
"Why would you pay me back? I live here too."
Does he? You frown, trying to think of when the last time Keegan went home was. Shit, maybe a month ago? He's always around you never really thought about the why. You never asked him to move in, he just sort of came over and never left. It's strange, that should make you anxious or something. He's invaded your space without asking. Watching his clean up your kid, the care he shows, you just feel warm. It's fine, you think, you would've asked him to move in eventually anyway. This is just speeding up the process.
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kelcemenow · 7 months
Drive Me Crazy - Chapter 3.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1481
Warnings Some strong language and a bit of fluff!
Huge thank you to the Anon who sent this in! They had such amazing words to say about my writing which I massively appreciate and then to top it off, had an incredible request for me! I only have experience with mechanics in the UK, so I've tried my best with this one! "I just recently got interested in Travis K. X reader stories and wanted to let you know, I read all of yours as quickly as I could. They are so well done and I couldn’t help but laugh/giggle and feel through each word you typed out. You’re doing amazing and I’m so glad to have stumbled onto your page. If you have any space for a request, I’d be curious about what Trav would think about having a military (like fighter pilot) or engineer or mechanic girlfriend. I see a lot of stories with him paired with models/singers/social media individuals (which are phenomenal!) but just wondering how he would be with a more tomboy like girlfriend!"
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You grabbed a couple of bags of Dorito's and sauntered to the cashier's desk to pay for your fuel and snacks. The harsh lighting in the 7-Eleven ached your eyes after another night of working late in the shop. You wiped your brow with the back of your hand and smiled as you handed over your money.
Your boots clunked against the linoleum flooring as you walked towards the exit, your arms full of chips. You held your hand out to push the door open at the same time as someone else on the other side pulled it hard. A bag of Funions escaped your grip and you rolled your eyes in tired frustration, struggling to pick them back up.
"Here, let me help." The stranger said.
You balanced the rest of the snack between your knee and chest as you lowered yourself to the ground, "No, it's fine."
"You helped me, it's only fair that I help you."
You looked up in confusion to see the face that belonged to the voice, his eyebrows raised high.
You breathed a small laugh, "Travis. Hi!"
He rubbed his palms together, "I'm surprised you've remembered me. You know, since you ghosted me."
You piled the runaway snacks on top of the rest, replacing your arms underneath to steady them, "Ghosted? I wouldn't say that. I just didn't take you up on your offer. It was cute though."
Travis grinned, his eyes sparkling, "Anyway, what are you doing here?" He leaned in closer to you, "Are you following me?"
"Don't flatter yourself." You snorted a laugh, "Besides, I was technically here first."
You pointed to your haul, "Big night planned?"
"Oh yeah, action movie marathon and my body weight in chips."
"How about that drink instead?"
You tilted your head to the side, "Travis."
"What? Give me one good reason why you shouldn't."
You suddenly felt vulnerable with the cashier staring intensely at you, presumably a Chiefs fan. You glanced in her direction and smiled politely, before ushering Travis outside into the small parking lot.
"You don't know me."
"And who's fault is that?" He joked.
You sighed and shrugged your shoulders, still trying to stop yourself from dropping anything, "I...I can't. I'm not dressed to go out."
Travis shook his head and looked at the floor, the corners of his mouth rising into a smile, "That excuse again. I don't care what you look like!" He paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing in thought, "Wait there. I'll be 2 minutes."
You watched as he retreated into the store, disappearing behind the high shelves and racks of food. In an attempt to see what he was doing, you lifted yourself up onto your tiptoes, managing to drop the bag of Funions again. You groaned to yourself, picking them up before dumping the whole lot onto the hood of your car. As you turned back he was emerging from the store, the bright lights spilling out onto the dark tarmac. He happily held up two Slupees, one vivid red and the other neon green.
You squinted your eyes at him, a smirk creeping onto your lips. "What's this?"
"We're going to have a drink. Just one drink...and if you're not interested, I'll drop it."
You pressed your lips together, wondering whether to listen to your head or your heart. Your head was telling that this was a stupid idea, completely unprofessional and you should just go home. But your heart was completely intrigued by the tall, handsome football player. He wasn't a customer anymore and there was no harm in one Slurpee in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven.
"Okay, fine."
"You've seriously never seen a football game?"
You grabbed another handful of chips, shovelling them into your mouth, "Nope. I mean, I've been in the room when there was a game on...but I didn't exactly watch it."
"I'm sorry, I just find it hard to believe. Especially when your Dad is my number one fan." One of his piercing eyes winked at you.
You nudged him with your elbow, "Well, believe it or not...for some people, football isn't everything."
"What is?"
You took a sip of your Slurpee before you turned your head to face Travis, the streetlight highlighting the contours of his face, "What is what?"
"What is everything to you?"
You held his warming gaze for a moment before looking back to your feet, your legs outstretched on the pavement, "I don't know. I guess I never had a 'thing'. I got really good at fixing things...so that's what I do."
Travis leaned back slightly, his palms against the cool concrete, "I think that's cool though. It's different."
"Oh, it's different alright. I've had to deal with a lot of shit. You wouldn't believe how many men don't want their car's fixed by a woman."
You saw Travis shaking his head in your peripheral vision, "Man. That sort of shit makes me fucking angry."
"What's the point in getting angry though?" You asked, "You can't change the minds of ignorant people. They'll always be fucking ignorant."
A slight chill caught you and as you rubbed your upper arms with your hands, Travis quickly stood up, removing his jacket.
"You're freezing, take this."
You smiled, "I'm okay, really. But thank you." You lifted yourself up from the ground, a sudden sting of pain shooting across your muscles, "God, my ass is killing me!"
Travis laughed, wiping down a spot on the hood of his car, "Here, save your ass."
You turned yourself around and rested on Travis' GMC as Travis draped his jacket around your shoulders. Your knees suddenly weakened as he was closer to you than ever before, his dreamy eyes focused on making sure you were suitably covered.
"Thank you." You whispered, your fingers clinging to the collar as his woodsy cologne filled your nostrils.
He stayed close to you for a few seconds, his eyes flickering across your face. You looked up at him, your heartbeat speeding up and your stomach knotting tightly. You could feel his light touch on your elbow, a burning sensation building up in your chest as his bottom lip became clamped in his teeth.
He took a few breaths before his mouth curved into a smile, "Is it bad that I wanna kiss you?"
Your eyes widened, "You wanna...really?"
He nodded slowly, his eyes glittering, "Yeah." His voice was low, almost a groan.
You clenched your thighs together, shuffling slightly against his car, unsure of what to say.
Travis noticed your silence, searching your expression for information, "Is that okay?"
"Yeah." You breathed out your response, trying to hide your grin.
Travis' face beamed and he quickly looked down at the ground. His hand moved from your elbow, sliding down to take your hand in his, a gentle squeeze once his skin made contact with yours. Butterflies rushed to your stomach as Travis licked his lips slowly. You could swear you could feel the tightness move down to your core, but you took a deep breath and focused on the man in front of you.
He took a step forward and you parted your legs slightly so he could rest between them, his eye contact never breaking. The longer he waited, the more intense the atmosphere was becoming. A gentle gust of wind blew across the parking lot and Travis responded by wrapping his arms around you, protecting you from the cold with his large frame. His body was warm and safe, solid and comforting.
"You're really beautiful, you know that?"
You suddenly felt unguarded, exposed even, as Travis looked deeply into your eyes. No one had ever called you beautiful before, aside from your parents. You didn't think of yourself as feminine, delicate or beautiful, those qualities didn't seem to interest you. But hearing it being said out loud, and sounding so genuine, you weren't sure how to react.
Suddenly, your internal overthinking was interrupted by Travis' soft lips pressing onto yours. You inhaled deeply as you held you closely and your eyelids fluttered closed. Your senses were stimulated, his slightly rough facial hair against your face, his hands clinging to your back and his thumbs stroking the fabric of his jacket back and forth. You melted into his hold as you allowed the kiss to happen, your skin tingling with every movement he made.
After a few seconds you pulled away. You stood up from the car and paced a couple of steps forward, Travis' jacket still hanging loosely over your shoulders. You could feel a smile tugging on your lips but you took a deep breath and turned back towards Travis.
His eyebrows were narrowed, "Everything okay?"
You cleared your throat quietly, your fingers fidgeting, "Yeah...I uhhh just needed a second."
He took his hand and gently cradled the side of your face, "Take all of the time you need."
I honestly didn't intend for this to be a slow burner at all! I may get some more angsty moments in the next chapter if people want that. Feel free to send any thoughts or ideas you have on this concept, I'm always open to suggestions! As always, let me know if you want to be included in the Taglist for my fics, more will be coming!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @abby-splace @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes @mmb219 @vanwritesfan-fiction @futebollover @ks-dreams-fantasies @laurenmcucm @blackstabbath6
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deijiyong · 7 months
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2014 October 5th - Changkyun invites himself to your house
You wake up to you bedroom door opening
Being a light sleeper really be like that sometimes
What you weren’t expecting was to see Changkyun sneaking into your room with plastic bags full of snacks and a drink holder with two iced coffees
When he realizes you’re already awake, he dumps both coffees on you while he screams as if HE is supposed to be the one unsuspecting in this situation
You’re covered in coffee, frown frozen in place and Changkyun is begging you not to murder him because he’s trying to hang out with you today
She’s not here
She just left
Please stop screaming
WHy are yOU hERE?!
Well, you blocked me
And I still want to talk
I figured we could hang out like old times
I even brought Frozen
Jooheon said Jiyeon wouldn’t watch it with you
I’m not watching Frozen with you, Kyun
Please, yn
I’m not asking you to forgive me for the past few years
I just want us to be cool again
I already watched Frozen alone, Kyun
I also brought that movie based on the book series I’ve seen you reading during lunchtime
You just stare at him
Why was he being so adamant about hanging out with you now? You’re seniors for crying out loud!! 
You were finally going to get the freedom you have been wanting since he-
If I remember correctly, we never really watched movies together, kyun
Sure they were running in the background
But you were always talking about yourself
Or asking me for advice to help Jooheon with Jiyeon
Which she now knows about, btw, so you’re lucky she hates you right now or she would’ve ended your life months ago
Then just hang out with me
We can eat our way through all these snacks
And we can drink,,, something else
You release a sigh, the stench of coffee was probably embedded in your mattress by now
There was no getting rid of it at this point
You ball up your blanket in your hands and toss it at CK, knocking him to the ground to land on top of one of the bags of snacks
You cannot help the laugh that leaves your mouths when he whines hearing a few of the bags pop open under him; not to mention the ungodly crunching of chips
You inspect the damage of your clothes as you drag yourself off you bed
Then glare down at the coffee spots on your bed
I cannot believe you spilled coffee on me
You owe me a new mattress
I’ll give you mine!
I don’t want that nasty thing
Who knows what you’ve done on that thing
Nothing any hormonal boy hasn’t done
You grab clothes from your closet and move to the bathroom across the hall to shower
CK sits outside the door, body leaning against it
I know I don’t deserve it, yn
But can you please give me another chance
Idk~ you ruined my whole bed
Seems like you were just here to sabotage my living space 
Did Sara send you here to ruin my weekend as well?
She, uh, doesn’t know I’m here
I haven’t talked to her since Jooheon’s party
What a shame~ (sarcasm)
I’ll bet she’s just beside herself that her toy doesn’t jump when she tells him to
You’ve gotten mean since I left you (pouts)
Strange how being bullied for the past two years by YOUR gf does that
(throws his head back against the door) why didn’t you tell me how bad she was being to you?
Would you have done anything about it?
I have had more bruises and bodily injuries thanks to her than any football player my age
Would saying I’m sorry help any?
Probably not
I’m sorry
You don’t have to believe me
But I didn’t know she was being so mean towards you
Her friends always defended her whenever Jooheon would try to tell me what she had done
And,,, I believed them
Jooheon has been your best friend for years, Kyun
In all those years, had he ever lied to you about anything?
(sighs) no
I guess it’s my fault then
I should have tried harder to make you realize how bad she was
You shut the shower off, towel drying
I’m surprised Jiyeon didn’t 
She always seemed more upset than you ever were
You open the door, ignoring how he just lets himself fall down at your feet while you stare down at him
I think we both know why I was never able to approach you in school
My devilish good looks?
Your crazy ass gf
My problem with crowds and meeting new people
I would rather just avoid you than put myself through more pain
I’m sorry
You wait for him to stand before you take your drenched coffee-smelling clothes to your hamper where your blanket had ended up
Changkyun is hot on your trail, following you down when you take the dirty items down to the laundry room
Do you still have such a bad reaction to going to parties?
You mean: do I still vomit my guts out and back out of every last thing until people get so tired of me that I never see them again?
You can see how his face falls
That had definitely been something that you struggled with over the years
It wasn’t until you met Jiyeon; your rock that things had started to change
You made it to Jooheon’s party
I couldn’t not go
I don’t think you understand how convincing Jiyeon can be
Besides, we share Jooheon and I couldn’t miss his birthday
It’s the one thing I do for him and Jiyeon every year since we became friends
Share Jooheon?
So you never heard the rumors?
Supposedly, everyone is waiting for Jooheon to announce that he’s dating both me and Jiyeon before the end of the year
As if I could possibly get between those two
They’re perfect for each other
I’ve never heard that before
Jooheon has never mentioned it to me
Maybe because it involved me
You push past him to the kitchen to grab some apple juice from the fridge
It’s getting closer to noon and you’re not surprised when CK’s phone starts pinging like crazy
He checks the screen, flips it to mute and then slides it back into his pocket
Wow, good for him (insert eye roll)
I would answer that if you don’t want her to deck you on Monday
Better yet, answer it so she doesn’t kick my ass on Monday 
I’ll get back to her later
Does your mom still buy that Shasta pop?
Yeah, knock yourself out
He helps you change the covers on your bed
You both lay on your bed, neither really convinced that movie day is it
Instead, like always, Changkyun catches you up on what’s been going on with him since you last hung out together (minus Sara, obviously)
He was able to get a 3.7 GPA
He’d decided on music as his major
With only minimum backlash from his parents
They knew he was in love with music since he was young
It wasn’t hard to convince them to let him study it
He’d fallen in love with the Mortal Instrument series after seeing you reading it a few months back
Angry that Alec didn’t fall in love with Magnus as fast as he did
“I would have agreed to date Magnus the second I saw him”
He had created an audio portfolio of sorts since the two of you had split
It was what he submitted to the schools when they asked to see what he had been working on
He plays “Fly with Me” that he had written a couple of months after distancing himself from you
It sounds like a piano in the background
He admits that the finished version isn’t as soft as the one he’s played for you; because that version was only meant for you
He got into his first-choice school
Changkyun pulls you to him, dragging you to lay on his chest like you used to back when you were younger
His hand threads through your hair, nerves intensified since you haven’t talked since he started catching you up on him like he used to do
You both haven’t even realized how late it is until your mom comes into the room, a smile on her face when she sees you both like how she would find you years ago and asks if Changkyun is staying for dinner
That’s his cue, it seems when he disentangles himself from you and stands to leave - denying her question
I promised mom I would come back tonight
I’m sure she wouldn’t mind
You’re just across the street 
A promise is a promise
Your mom only nods and leaves the doorway
Changkyun turns back to you, lifting his phone
I’ll text you later, okay?
(you roll over away from him) who wants to talk to you
(he climbs back over you) come on, yn, I thought we could be friends again
You were finally talking to me
You’re just a weekend lover, Kyun
By Monday you’ll be back to your same attitude
Letting your gf prance all over me
Just go home
He does as you ask, afraid that you’re right
You don’t look back
But Changkyun does and it hurts him physically
He had to prove you wrong
He would prove you wrong
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cass1x1 · 4 months
umbrella, sender lets receiver under their umbrella. | noel + theresa!
It seemed to Theresa that she only ever ran into Noel on what was amounting to the worst day of her life. She was always frazzled, on the verge of a breakdown, and inexplicably wet. Well, for a change of pace, today she was explicably wet. But the other things--the frazzled and the breakdown--she was absolutely there.
As usual, they looked like a person whose life was going as expected. Their white tank top was nearly completely dry, and they were practically strolling, like a walk in the rain had been their plan the whole time. And maybe it was. After all, they'd clearly come prepared--umbrella in hand, their grocery bag seemingly made of some waterproof materials.
Theresa very nearly ran in the other direction, but her shoes were so soggy, running seemed uncomfortable. So, instead, she just sort of stood there, water running from her hair over her eyes. She didn't even have anything to say. Just a sad, panicked freeze until Noel walked right up to her. "Are you...getting groceries?" was what came out of her mouth, absolutely irrationally.
"Yeah," they said, holding up the bag. "Are you heading home?"
Theresa thought about her planned outing. It wasn't much. Just coffee and maybe pop into the bookstore to buy a puzzle. Theresa liked to do a puzzle on a rainy day. But she liked not being utterly drenched more. It was too late for that but she wasn't in the mood for the sunk cost fallacy now.
"I am, yeah," she said. She pushed a wet flop of hair out of her face, hoping she looked like that was always the plan. "Are you?"
"Yeah. Do you want to walk with me?"
Theresa blinked, confused by the question, but nodded. Noel nodded back and wordlessly shifted their umbrella so that it covered her. Rain stopped dumping all over her, and it was like her brain started working again. "Thanks," she said softly. It seemed like one ought to whisper when one was sharing an umbrella with someone. It was like a small, private room.
"No problem." It seemed, for a moment, like Noel would say more, but didn't.
Theresa wondered if they wanted to have a peaceful walk home, but a few steps in, her inability to cope with silence took over. "So, uh, what did you get? From the store I mean. I figure since you have your bag..."
"Frozen burritos for lunch and dinner. Chips. Salsa. Junk food for my day off."
Theresa glanced at them, almost made a comment about the fact that they looked like they'd never eaten junk food a day in their life, and then thought better of it. It'd be weird to comment on their body when she barely knew them, and every time she saw them, she looked like a drowned rat. So, instead, she said, "Sounds fun. I was gonna get coffee but uh, no umbrella here."
They were silent for a beat, and Theresa was about to fill it with some other silly question when they asked, "Do you still want coffee? I could go for some," and slowly, carefully, turned around, keeping the umbrella still over her.
Theresa thought she might simply perish on the spot, but she also thought perishing with caffeine in her system would be a lot better than without, so she forced herself to keep going.
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prettynxsty · 3 years
Stirring the Hooch 🍷
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Domme!Reader x Sub!Jin
Warnings: Morning sex, jin has a pussy, consumption of booze and drunkenness, graphic mentions of vomiting, appearance of ot7, dirty talk, jin is a little bossy, y/n has a big ass dick, use of noona/hyung in a non sexual way, a little bit of cum play, creampie, partially clothed sex.
A/N: Vacation sex with just a liiiiittle bit of plot lmfao. There’s no facefucking because i was worried that it was getting too long. Anyway, enjoy.
You all but crashed out of bed this morning, landing on your hands and knees with a muted thump. You would’ve patted yourself on the back for even managing to strip and change your clothes for bed last night, but you felt like you were still drunk.
You should have regretted everything that happened, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. You plant your palms on the floor, rocking yourself forward and will yourself to start crawling. You knock your yoga mat away from your bags, watching the little purple tube bounce until it goes still.
You slap your hand over it, messily swatting it open. You crawl over it with a sigh and position yourself over the mat. It should have been a bad memory.
The table was 3 rounds of shots in before the waitress kindly reminded you that bottomless mimosas were only 5 dollars. Eyebrows rose around in a wave, sharing a devilish look of agreement. It was vacation, wasn’t it?
Something crazy began to leak out of your ears when you decided to cash in.
Namjoon was the first to throw himself to his feet, climb on the booth and begin dancing. Jimin whoops to the beat in encouragement, clumsily scrambling up on his chair to join his hyung.
Yoongi gets this strange look in his eye, dumping himself over Hoseok’s shoulder. They howled in laughter until Yoongi was crying. Actually crying.
What pleasantly surprised you the most is when Yoongi kneeled on the booth, facing away from the other side of the table, and began to shake his ass in a way that you wouldn’t have expected from him.
Jungkook’s faith was tested today, usually as the one who finishes everyone else's food, he decided to polish off the rest of everyone’s glasses.
Your sight of the world is stilted, moving in colored frames. You hear the noise of a bit of crashing and chair shifting, turning to see Jin. His sandals slap noisily against the floor as he barrels onto the dance floor, into the middle of the crowd.
Taehyung is bouncing up and down in his seat, shouting adlibs to the sound, pumping his hand in the air. You allow your head to fall forward, shoulders bouncing with a slow bout of laughter that makes your whole body bounce.
You slide your hands backward until they reach your knees, flipping your palms. You take a slow breath in, resting your forehead against the floor. You feel a dancing in your spine, your body so desperately wants to sway to sound that is not heard. The spirits must dance amongst themselves, you must return to yourself, to the terran world.
The same translucent lasso wraps around your arms and squeezes them to your sides. A burning call. You’re apt to rise when you’re full of this feeling, the pull is something indescribable. It crawls from the soles of your feet, causing them to tap. It races through you, your shoulders are swaying like a pendulum.
Deny yourself, you will not. You flew, tripping over the flat of the ground and blitz into the crowd to dance.
You breathe out slowly, flipping your palms and walking them forward. Your torso follows until your hips carefully nestle on the mat. Like sizzling wisps of smoke, the tightness knotted in you began to dissipate. You stretch your shoulders backward, gentle snaps and pops bursting in the air due to the tension knotted into your limbs like loops pulled too tight.
You’re screaming to every second beat, the world below is more than a reach away. Your legs are swinging through the gap between Namjoon and Jungkook’s shoulders. It feels as if the whole building is bouncing with you, your sanity went back to the home to rest.
You tilt your hips forward, leaning your weight onto the balls of your feet before rising into downward dog. Your lower back clicks, a rattling groan of relief shivers its way out of your mouth. You were finally beginning to feel your clothes against your body.
Your cock hangs limply out of one of the leg holes of your tiny shorts, scrunched up to your inner thighs. Your breasts sway gently, peering their way through the large holes of your oversized tank top. There was no reason that you wore that thing to bed, you usually woke up with a breast hanging out somehow.
It was a wonder you weren’t kicked out. You had no idea who paid for dinner, the amount would feel exorbitant. Nonetheless, a vacation should be indulgent.
Despite everyone being so ridiculously inebriated, you managed to concur that taking a taxi would be more trouble than it was worth since nobody was sober enough.
The villa was only a few blocks away anyway.
You hardly made it two block away from the place before everything seemed to fall into itself. Jimin dumped himself on the curb to take off his shoes even though he was only wearing sandals. Jungkook tripped his way over to the trash can on the corner as quickly as he could for someone who was plastered.
He grips handfuls of his shirt to hold it out of the way, even when drunk he was still meticulous. He retches weakly.
Risotto wasn’t nearly was beautiful or decadent when it came back out. Twenty-plus dollars directly into the bin on the city street. He gags so forcefully that he misses for a split second, a bit of cream colored mush dripping over the side before wetly splashing over the rest of the discarded garbage inside.
“Oh gawd- let’s go get him something.” Hoseok misses at patting your shoulder, but grabs your hand to drag you across the empty street to the convenience store on the other side.
You tried to straighten up when the cooler air washes over you, but your eyes were still very bleary. You stop by the baked goods and grab him a delicious yeasty smelling twisted donut and a ginger ale.
Hoseok stumbles up to the counter beside you, plopping a few bags of chips on it. “The salt will settle his tummy,” he explains quickly.
You give him a goofy smile, shaking your head and hand the cashier a little over exact change in cash. You gently push their hand away when they offer back the remaining coins, scooping up your items and head on your way.
You return across the street to Jimin struggling to stay awake from where he sat on the curb, Yoongi and Taehyung quietly hugging, Jin staring into the void of stars, and Namjoon showering kisses over Jungkook’s forehead.
“My poor Googoo,” he wails dramatically. Jungkook puckers his lips, prompting a raspy shriek from the older as he stumbles away. Jungkook chuckles, spreading his arms wide in request of an embrace.
You cringe, holding out the donut and drink with an awkward smile. It wasn’t as if he reeked of vomit, you just preferred for him to settle his stomach first.
“Googieeee~!” Hoseok shrieks, nearly tripping over the curb before hugging the younger man.
“Thank you Noona.” Jungkook pouts from over Hoseok’s shoulder, clumsily taking the items from your hand.
You turn your torso to the side, shifting your left foot forward into a lunge. You raise your arm with a slow breath inward, shifting your weight accordingly.
Jin was beautiful even when he snored all night, he was propped against the pillows like Snow White in her glass case. He’d opened his eyes quite a bit ago, silently watching you stretch yourself out.
“You look really tempting when you do that, babe.” He rasps.
Your impenetrable focus is shattered, causing you to cover your face with an incredulous laugh. “Before breakfast?”
“Hell yeah before breakfast, I don’t just wanna look, I wanna touch. Come here.”
“You’re still drunk too, huh?”
“There are a lot of times that I’m insatiable, but I want it right now.”
His assertiveness always sends a funny little churn through your belly.
You slowly shift the weight of your body onto your feet and stand. Not as heavy or dizzy as before, but a different tingling began to set inside of you. Your glance down, reaching to unfurl your shorts.
“Uh-uh, leave them like that.” He gives you a smile that’s absolutely devilish, shoving the sheets away from his lap. “Come to mama.��
It dawns on you as you approach the bed that he must’ve snatched up your shirt to sleep. It rode up his belly just a little, leading way to his light blue slip.
You plant your hands on the mattress, crawling in between his thighs. He leans forward, placing his hands on your hips and gently rubbing your sides. You cup his face, gently combing through his messy black tufts with your fingers.
His eyes scrunch up with a giddy chuckle, his neck was still flushed. Not quite as much as dark juice that leaks from berries gnashed between teeth. But rather the breath of age that colored ripened flesh of fruit from taught and pale shells surrounding infant seeds.
You imagined him as your first cabernet.
You were home alone. There was never any alcohol in the cabinets, not within your reach. However there was one bottle that sat on the highest shelf that’d begun to haunt your mind.
You thought about him day and night, wondering if you should be so daring as to wrap your fingers around the cork and pluck it out.
The bottle was dark, not so much as black, but an impenetrable brown of iodine or creamless coffee.
You stood in the pantry, door closed behind you as if there would be a soul to see. You rise with the aid of a little black stool, carefully grabbing the ruby red scarf wrapped around the bottle’s neck.
The pop of the remaining forth of the cork causes your breathing to break away. Dare it be said this noise was foreign, not yet attributed to merriment and celebration for you.
You raise the bottle to your lips and pour it in. The mouth feel is heavier than water, nothing unsettling.
Your tongue begins to glitter in a way you cannot determine if it’s unpleasant or lovely. Effervescence. Armoracia assaults your tongue, strangling with a fruitiness.
Your brows furrow, trampled all is with acridity. Your throat seems to close, denying entry to such drink, warming the back of your nostrils. With a thick noise, you manage to swallow it. A strange trail of fire roasts a trail over the back of your esophagus before heating the pool of your stomach.
Your adolescent tongue was unable to accord with this experience. Turned away, you squeeze the cork back in the bottle and return it to where it rest before and exit the pantry.
He, before you, a taste of wine that prompted you to have another sip. You couldn’t help but polish him off over and over again. His well never ran dry.
You kiss him with a soft hum. You imagine the taste of mature grapes. His lips push against yours hungrily, flexing and relaxing like the yielding of fruit under your teeth.
From the spring, you made him feel refreshed and clear. God himself ran your droplets from the glacier and straight into his cup.
He drank from many places, many streams. You were of the first, the only to cleanse and wash his palate.
Your depth, your minerals, mellowed his harshness, his sting. No longer rousing spirits, he bestows joy amongst all.
Your hand slips from his hair, landing gently on his shoulder. Your fingertips roll into the thick of his shoulder, squeezing it as he slips his tongue through your lips.
He reaches up the leg of your shorts, wrapping his hand around your warm shaft. He’s priming you to fuck him, to use him like some breeding buck.
He jerks his hand slowly but firmly. You groan into his mouth, nearly squirming at the sensation of your foreskin rolling and stretching over the tip of your cock.
Your hand drops from his shoulder, fingers dipping their way under his panties. His croon tingles the seam of your mouth as you slip your fingers in between his outer lips and spread them apart.
It was as if he shocked you, you pull from his lips with a wet smack to catch your breath. He always made you feel so crazy. Jin smiles, slowly thumbing at your tip.
The tip of your tongue heavily slips from your gums to sweep away the deeper notes on your bottom lip.
He hesitates not to drink of your spring, leaning in and draws your tongue between his mouth with a greedy swallow. Flushing and blooming, your belly burns just as your first taste did.
His lengthy fingers slip under your night shirt, curling around the heft of your breast. He releases your mouth with a full sigh of satisfaction.
You lift your fingers to your mouth, sweeping away his pussy juice with your tongue. You hum from the pit of your gut, you could taste the fruit of the land already. The musky aroma of papaya and melon, added tang of pineapple, the earthy, milkiness of coconut.
“I wanna do it raw,” he breathes as his knuckles gently close around and twist your nipple. You glance up at him, slipping your slick fingers out of your mouth and dig them back under the hem of his undergarments.
You never did it with condoms anyway, but he never failed to grasp his chance to set your blood asunder. You drag the tips of your fingers over his inner lips, stretching and spreading them. You drag your middle finger along the seam of his petals, swirling it around his hole and gently digging it against his clit.
He hisses, rolling his hips in hopes you’d give him more.
“Did you hear me?”
He releases his grip on your breast, cupping your chin and guiding you to meet his eyes.
“I want you to fuck me raw, that means I want you to cum inside of me.” His following moan is a beautiful titter as he drags the thick of his tongue over your lips, kissing you noisily. He releases the grip of your cock, wiggling forward to lay back against the bed.
He was only ever so demanding when he was itching for you to make a mess of him. As he moves to make simple work of his panties, you take note to do the same and rid yourself of your own bottoms.
You wiggle off of the bed, wiggling your shorts down to your ankles.
“You’re so bossy today. You’re gonna need to slobber on it first, Jinnie.”
His heart seizes, bursting into a shower of pretty pink butterflies. His cunt flutters immediately at the sonority that coats your voice in viscous amber.
He quickly walks his hands forward, shifting toward the end of the bed and rolling onto his tummy. He needlessly pretties himself for you, combing his hair away from his forehead. His eyes are positively twinkling as he rests his chin on the mattress.
“It’d be quite the inconvenience if one of the others were to come in and see me cramming my dick into your mouth,” you click your tongue. You place your hand on his head, lovingly stroking his cheek with your thumb. “Maybe I should use this mouth more often, it’s much quieter.”
He furrows his brows, inhaling quickly to fix you with a response.
Your resolve crumbles with your face scrunching up in amusement. “Okay! Okay! Don’t say anything, open your mouth.”
He makes a face, cutting his eyes at you as you grab ahold of your shaft and position it at his mouth.
“Fuck, fuck.. Turn around, let me see your pussy.” You step backward to free yourself from his mouth, trying to catch your breath.
He licks his swollen, slobbery lips with a smile and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Jin turns slowly, propping himself up on his knees. You took an unsteady breath inward to ask about his well being, but when he presented himself, you understood immediately.
His cunt was fully in bloom between his thighs, fatter, puffier. Healthily flushed and glistening, you clap your hand over his ass.
He whines, couldn’t you see the syrupy drips and trails clinging to his inner thighs?
You push his ass up with your palm, admiring how his pussy stretched and trembled. You decidedly slip your thumb just barely in between his lips and swirl your finger through his arousal.
You grip the base of your cock with your other hand and press it up against his hole. The upper half of his body relaxes instantly, slumping against the bed with a croon that sends chills spidering over your heated flesh.
You rock forward gently, pushing your way inside of him. Jin takes to you without hesitation, pulsing and squeezing around you.
“This fucking-” you clap your hand over his ass with more force “-cunt is always so good to me,” you growl.
He mewls when you bottom out, rolling your hips forward to push deeper into him.
You rear back, easily building your pace inside of him. You move your grip to taking tight handfuls of the shirt that rolled up his back, yanking him back against you with each thrust inward.
Each moan of his began long and drawn out like the soft calls of the loon under nightfall. You prop your foot up on the bed frame, planting yourself more firmly to set a stronger pace.
The noise of your skin clapping together began to bounce off of the walls, rocking to bed to which he gripped so dearly.
You allow yourself to fall astray of control, pounding into him with deep, sharp strikes. His moans quickly evolve into frantic wails, his voice catches in his throat each time you drag him away from squirming into the escape.
You cease only for a moment to allow him to catch his breath, to which his forehead drops against the sheets with a muted rustle.
A second was efficient enough, you shift your foot and plant it more firmly before you continue your assault on his poor pussy.
He whines something at you, muffled.
“What was that?” You purr, continuing to jerk your hips shamelessly. Your moans rise and flow from your lips like a steady spring.
He manages to lift his head, thrashing it with a keen when you plunge in just a bit harder than before. It was so hard to speak when you kept knocking the breath out of his lungs. “You’re too deep inside,” he whines, unable to control the moans squeezing through his noisy panting.
“It’s too deep?” You coo, feeling your lips curl in a slight smile when you watch his messy head of black hair bob up and down.
“Roll over so I can play with your pussy,” you slow your relentless thrusts and gently move back until your cock flops wetly out of his hole.
He slumps almost completely when you pull out of him, weakly propping his palms up and laying down. Use of his legs was reasonably impossible as of now, which you quickly noted. “Move back a little,” he scoots himself backward almost pitifully.
If you weren’t almost painfully hard, you’d be more willing to let him take a break. You climb onto the bed and straddle his right thigh, propping the left over your shoulder.
You nudge yourself in between his lips, guiding your shaft until it catches against his sloppy hole. He whimpers, dropping his head back when you push your way in. His pussy accommodates you with an indecent squish.
You wrap your arm around the leg thrown over your shoulder, rocking into him. You peer down at him, his eyes were still glassy from your abuse of his throat. Your breath hitches in your throat as you jerk your hips forward, the clap of your balls against the back of his ass echoes louder.
“I wish you knew what you do to me,” you sigh hotly through teeth clenched. Your molars grind together as you return to pistoning inside of him, mashing your pelvis into his.
He was foolish enough to tilt his hips forward, the entire bed rocks pitifully as a testament to its modern craftsmanship.
Jin was flushed down to his chest, puckered lips flapping with each noisy gasp. He felt so light, he couldn’t tell if he were near fainting.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” he yelps. He is barely able to lift his hands and shove his shirt around to play with his nipples.
You gently stretch his mound toward him, stroking your thumb around the spongy flesh near his clit. His shriek catches on the back of his tongue, you feel yourself begin to burn and melt.
Ruby red drips of wax cooling against a marble counter.
You nearly pull out of him on instinct, gripping the base of your dick with an ugly whimper. Your body seizes, rigid as you begin to cum.
You can hardly hear his breath in your ears over the sound of your heartbeat, your own moans are high and shaking.
You pull away from him with a rattling breath, unleashing a few final weak spurts against his folds.
You struggle to regulate your own rhythm, clumsily slipping your fingers in his sloppy cunt to spread your cum around. He whines, swatting at your hand.
“Heh,” your chest bounces weakly, “we were probably so loud.”
“I’m too tired to nag you, but I could’ve died.”
“Oh hush, we need to get ready soon.”
He gives you a crazy look before dropping his head back down and motioning you toward the door. “It’s not like you broke my legs or anything.”
“When do we get our turn?” Jimin calls from the dining room with a telling smile.
You stop cold in the entryway of the hall, turning to see the table full of your friends. They erupt in whooping laughter that causes you to continue hurrying on your way to run the bath. None of them should have even been alive at that hour, not with how they were last night.
“Nah, come back! I didn’t know Seokjin-Hyung could hit those kinds of notes!” Namjoon calls after you, cackling.
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
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The BNHA Season 4 BluRay/DVD Vol. 1-6 Box Set comes with a special bonus light novel called the "Cultural Festival Wrap-Up Party" about Class A's after-party they had the day after the Cultural Festival, written by Anri-sensei. Here's the summary! Enjoy~
Boku No Hero Academia Cultural Festival Wrap Up Party
The story starts off with All Might greeting Aizawa as he enters the faculty office, a day after the Cultural Festival. He says good work to Aizawa and asks how the clean-up went for the Cultural Festival. Aizawa says that everything has been put away properly and recalls how it was a bit of a risky Cultural Festival this year with the whole fiasco that almost caused them to stop the festival, referring to the incident with Gentle and La Brava.
Aizawa mentions that the students are now preparing for an after-party. He says, “too bad they can’t put this amount of effort that they did in the Cultural Festival towards their studies instead,” and All Might laughs and says, “Well, they’re still just kids after all.” He also tells All Might that a little while ago, Sero stopped by the office to ask him something. Aizawa says, “What?” and All Might explains, “Well…you see…”
Next scene is at a nearby discount variety store (**note: basically a Don Quihote department store in Japan that sells a variety of things including food at really cheap prices). The Class A band team, consisting of Jirou, Kaminari, Bakugou, Yaoyorozu, and Tokoyami, are buying snacks and drinks for the after-party. However, Jirou seems to be the only one who’s actually taking this seriously as she can’t find where everyone else ran off to. She bumps into Yaoyorozu, who excitedly says, “Jirou-san, look at these super cheap drinks! They’re only 10yen each! If we buy 20 of them that’s only 200yen!”
Jirou looks at the bottles and notices that they’re only on sale because the drinks had already expired. She tells Yaoyorozu to put away the items. She then continues to search for the other band members and finds Kaminari. He tells her that he wants to add these cool snacks into their pile of food, which come with bonus cards or toys. He says, “Look at these! Doesn’t it take you back? Man, when I was a kid I used to collect these all the time!”
Jirou looks at the items and says “put it back,” and Kaminari whines but does so anyway. Yaoyorozu keeps getting distracted by all the things in the store since she’s very rich, she seldom has the opportunity to visit these discount stores that people go to. Jirou finds Tokoyami, and Dark Shadow dumps a whole bunch of sweets into their shopping cart. Jirou says that they don’t need that many sweets and to put things back. Tokoyami then gives Jirou a snack with packaging that says “The Witch of Darkness’ Apple Pie.” Dark Shadow says, “Fumikage used to love these sweets when he was younger!” and Tokoyami gets flustered. Jirou then pats Dark Shadow on his head, and Bakugou comes up behind her.
He says, “What the hell are you guys even buying!?”
Kaminari cries out, “Whattya mean!?”
Bakugou says, “If we’re gonna eat this at the after-party, then we need several big bags of food! And why the hell am I even here shopping with you guys right now!? This is so annoying!”
As he says that, he fills the shopping cart with bags of potato chips, sweets, paper plates, and trash bags. Jirou sighs in relief and says, “Yeah! I was thinking of getting paper plates too so clean-up would be easier!” They then agree to buy some more bottles of juice and soda, and Bakugou says they only need a maximum 5 bottles to which Jirou agrees.
Bakugou then says, “Well then let’s just get the hell out of here!” and Kaminari regrettably puts all of the sweets that he added to the shopping cart back on the shelves. Jirou looks at Bakugou and says, “Bakugou, you’re…kinda like a very capable Mom.”
Bakugou gets mad and says, “WHAT!? Stop saying such stupid crap!”
While the Band members are buying stuff at the discount store, the Dance Team members and Stage members are back in the Class A dormitory preparing food and decorating the common room. The Dance Team is in charge of the food and the Stage team is in charge of decorations.
Satou is the one who is cooking most of the food, but the other Dance Team members are helping him with the food preparation. Iida is in charge of chopping the vegetables, and although he is known for his speed, he’s not used to handling knives, so he chops them at a slower pace. Hagakure is in charge of prepping the oil and oil absorbent sheets to fry the chicken and place it on the sheets. Ochako and Ashido are in charge of stirring the pot, which contains beschamel and bolognese sauces.
Ojiro checks up on the oven to make sure that it’s the right temperature. Satou tells Ochako and Ashido to add the sauce for the lasagna and to not forget to put olive oil on top. Shouji says that he’s done making the dressing for the salad, and Satou samples it. The kitchen is full of lively sounds, and everyone is excited for Ojiro’s delicious cooking.
Ochako, Ashido, and Hagakure then discuss how Christmas is around the corner too, so they should do this again and throw a Christmas party next time. While they think about having a potential Christmas party, Iida says, “Hey now! Christmas is a day that celebrates the Birth of Jesus Christ! You should be spending it with your families, so this Christmas we…”
Satou then says, “Iida, the knife, watch out the knife!” since Iida was talking while swinging the knife around in his hand. Iida apologizes. Ashido then says, “But wouldn’t a party be fun?” and Mineta appears in the kitchen holding some peaches while muttering, “Christmas…Christmas costumes…Santa Girl skirts…That’s awesome…”
However, they eventually convince Iida that Christmas is indeed a time to celebrate things together, and Iida gives in and says he will ask Aizawa for permission to throw a Christmas party much to everyone’s delight.
Mineta had been slacking off on his duties by looking at the peaches and stroking them gently, imagining something lewd, and Hagakure calls him out on his perverted thoughts and tells him to help out along with the others.
He is in charge of cutting the carrots, and while everyone is helping prepare the food, Ochako stares at the fried chicken that just came out of the fryer. She can’t help herself and pops one into her mouth only to find that it’s burning hot. Tsuyu says to be careful since they’re still hot, and Ochako apologizes as the fried chicken looked and smelled so delicious she moved without thinking.
Satou asks her how’s the flavor, and she says the fried chicken is really good while giving him a thumbs up.
Ojiro and Hagakure are washing the dishes, and Hagakure holds the plates, making them look like they’re floating in mid air. Ojiro then tells Hagakure that she should probably put some clothes on if she’s going to be in the kitchen where people use fire and knives, but she said she just wanted to see what people’s reactions were to her small pranks. Shouji then passes her an apron, and Mineta muses that it’s one of those tropes where girls wear aprons while naked, but Iida warns him to not go further.
Meanwhile, in the common room area, the Stage Team is preparing the decorations to be strung about the living room. Deku, Todoroki, and Koda are folding origami together to put on the walls as banners. Deku folds a cool All Might shaped origami, and Todoroki praises him, saying “Wow, All Might! That’s awesome!” Deku actually used to practice folding the All Might origami countless of times to perfect its shape, and he blushes a bit when he hears praise from someone.
He then sees that Todoroki folded a crane, and Todoroki says that his sister taught him how to fold the crane origami when he was a child.
Koda then says, “Oh um…I…made a camera origami!” and shows them a whimsical camera shaped origami that makes a shutter noise when pressed. Deku then notices that Koda actually had folded a ton of different origami flowers and animals, and Koda gets a bit embarrassed at the attention.
Koda says, “But the All Might origami is amazing…” and Todoroki agrees.
Todoroki then asks Deku to teach him how to fold the All Might origami. Deku is happy to oblige, and he says, “Okay first you fold a triangle and then…”
As he starts teaching Todoroki, Kirishima comes into the room and puts up his own dorm room’s fisherman banner on the wall of the common room. He says that this will make the place a bit flashier, and the others agree. Aoyama then comes in and also says that they need something sparkly and bright. Aoyama tells them that he’ll come back with something sparkly.
Kirishima then says, “Oh wait I’ll come help too!”
Todoroki then turns to Deku and says, “Midoriya, so how exactly do you fold the All Might origami?”
Deku realized that he was in the middle of teaching Todoroki before they got interrupted by the others, so he resumes his lesson by saying to first fold a triangle. Afterwards, he goes off on a tangent about how to perfect the folding process as well as making sure to accentuate the silhouette of All Might through the folds, and as he mumbles a bit, he accidentally folds the origami too quickly.
Todoroki is patient with him though and says again, “Um…can you please start from the beginning and teach me the steps a bit slower this time?”
Deku apologizes for folding the paper too fast and teaches Todoroki again, this time at a slower pace.
Kirishima then walks by and says, “Woah Todoroki, you also want to learn how to fold the All Might origami?” He leaves them to their folding and joins Aoyama and Koda in putting the finished origami and other decorations up on the walls.
After Todoroki successfully folds the All Might origami, Deku says, “You made your first All Might origami!” and Todoroki responds quietly, “I think this should be able to fit in the letter…”
Deku says, “Hmm?” and Todoroki says, “Ah, it’s nothing.”
Aoyama them brings a disco ball into the common room, and he, Kirishima, and Sero put up the other decorations.
Finally, the preparations are complete, and the Class A students gather in the common room surrounding a bunch of food that’s placed on the tables. Iida then makes a toast to a successful Cultural Festival, and everyone raises their glasses and says, “Cheers!”
Satou mentions that he also has prepared dessert, and they have two choices of either a chestnut and fig montblanc cake or an apple and peach jelly. Tsuyu chooses the jelly as jelly is apparently her favorite food. Tokoyami also chooses the jelly dessert while Ashido takes the montblanc.
Iida mentions that he and Mineta were in charge of chopping the cabbages and carrots for the cole slaw. Todoroki and Deku praise him and say that the coleslaw is delicious.
Bakugou watches irritably and decides to leave the party, but Kaminari says, “Hey hey hey, where do you think you’re going, Kacchan-kun!?” Bakugou says that seeing everyone making small talk is pissing him off, but Kaminari rebutts by saying, “But you looked excited when you were buying food!”
Kirishima then comes over and says, “Bakugou! I brought you some fried chicken! Let’s eat a ton!” and puts a bunch of fried chicken in front of Bakugou, to which he says he doesn’t want it. Kirishima doesn’t back down though and says, “Oh I got it! So you want lasagna instead!” and brings a slice of lasagna for him.
Satou noticed Kirishima carrying the food over and says, “Hey, you should put a bunch of tabasco on it before eating too!” and pours a bunch of tabasco onto the lasagna and force feeds Bakugou with it. Bakugou yells, “What the hell are you doing!?” but eventually pipes down after taking the lasagna from Kirishima as it seems like he does enjoy the food after all. Kirishima watches him and says, “See, I told you it’s good! I’ll bring you seconds!” and goes to bring Bakugou more food.
Sero then turns everyone’s attention towards the TV in the common room. He says, “Well then now that Bakugou’s calmed down, let’s watch the recap of our Cultural Festival performance!” He turns on the TV and everyone gathers around to watch the recorded performance.
Some of the members mention that Deku was late to the performance, and they thought that he might not even be able to perform. Deku apologizes for being late, but as the performance starts, they can hear the audience’s chatter as someone yells “YAOYOROZU!!!” Ashido and Kaminari tease her about having fans, and she gets flustered. Satou then whispers, “It’s starting…it’s starting…!” and the screen fills with the sound of Bakugou’s drums as well as a huge explosion.
The girls all fawn over how cool Jirou looks while singing, and this causes her to blush and say, “Please stop…” Koda also adds, “You were really cool, Jirou-san,” which makes her blush deepen.
Ashido exclaims, “Look look, the dance is all in line too!” and the class watches as Ojiro uses his tail to swing around. Everyone on the dance team mentions how it was thanks to Ashido being their teacher that they were able to have fun while dancing and making this possible. Next is Deku and Aoyama’s synchronized dance, and Shouji murmurs to Tsuyu, “Wow, they are so in sync!” to which she replies, “Midoriya-chan and Aoyama-chan practiced real hard, right?”
The students continue to watch as Aoyama becomes a disco ball and the stage team starts their part of the performance with Kirishima shaving the ice that Todoroki created while Sero uses his tape, and Kirishima says, “You guys’ timing was perfect, Seroroki!”
Sero mentions that they should try this move out while doing actual hero work next time, and Todoroki agrees. As Kaminari watches himself play the guitar, he says, “Woah there…I feel like I’m gonna be super popular after this with those slick guitar moves…!” and Mineta says, “But wait did you guys see my harem dance? That was the best…!”
Jirou says, “Tokoyami, you’ve gotten super good at guitar!” and Tokoyami mentions that it’s all thanks to her.
Kirishima and Bakugou are watching the performance from a spot a little away from the rest of the class, and Kirishima smiles at Bakugou, saying, “Man, you’re great at drumming after all!” and Bakugou replies casually, “it’s just average.”
Jirou overhears their conversation and says, “No way! Your drumming was phenomenal! Your rhythm is what allowed us all to stay in sync! Thank you for taking on this role!” and Bakugou scoffs and says, “Well, you’re the one who carried the whole performance though!”
Everyone is really impressed by Jirou’s bass skills as well as her singing, and they vote for her as the Class A Cultural Festival MVP. Everyone, aside from Bakugou, smiles at her, and she blushes, saying, “What…why…”
Yaoyorozu remarks, “Jirou-san, you were shining the brightest!” and Aoyama says, “Even more than me!?☆” But he agrees that Jirou indeed deserves the MVP title.
The class asks Jirou to make a small speech. She thanks everyone for making this performance a reality, and she’s really happy that they were able to perform together.
After everyone is done eating, Sero and Kaminari tells the class that they have some cool party games planned for everyone. Most of the class are excited for what they have in store, but Bakugou feels like it’s a waste of time and gets up to leave. Kirishima tries to stop him, but Sero taunts, “Oh, you’re leaving because you don’t think you can win, right? Well that’s fine, you can go back. Even though we have a quiz specifically tailored for you, but I guess you’d fail anyway.”
This gets Bakugou angry, and he agrees to participate in Sero’s dumb quiz challenge.
The games that Sero and Kaminari have planned are for one member of each Cultural Festival team to undergo a “Can you guess the __” type of challenge. Bakugou is first up, representing the Band Team. His challenge is to differentiate between three different types of pepper spice seasoning purely by taste (called 一味 ichimi).
Bakugou sits down in front of the table that has the seasonings, and Sero blindfolds him by putting on an eye mask that has a funny grinning face on it. Deku and the others snicker at how ridiculous Bakugou looks with that eye mask on, and Bakugou gets mad, yelling, “Damnit Deku, what the hell is so funny!?” Deku replies, “Well, anyone would laugh when they see…hahah!”
Bakugou roars, “You piece of shit!” but Todoroki says calmly, “Hey Bakugou, maybe you should consider wearing a hero suit that matches that mask.” Bakugou is furious and yells, “Shut the hell up, you half and half bastard!”
The challenge then begins, and Kaminari spoon feeds Bakugou the three different spices. He surprises everyone by correctly guessing each type of spice and goes even as far to explain which company manufactures them. Kaminari and Sero are speechless, but Deku says, “I thought that Kacchan would know the difference. He’s always had a very particular sense of taste. He could even tell when sweets expired and would never eat the expired food.”
Bakugou gets mad and says, “Don’t put on that stupid face as if you know it all!” and throws the eye mask at Deku.
The next challenge is Todoroki’s turn, representing the Stage Team. His task is to figure out among three cups of brown liquid which one is soba noodle soup. The cups contain either coffee, soba noodle soup, or throat medicine, and Todoroki cannot smell or taste them before picking his answer.
Iida mentions that Todoroki often eats soba during lunch, so there’s no way he would guess incorrectly for a food that he loves. Deku says, “Good luck, Todoroki!” as everyone watches him study the cups closely. The catch is that he also has to drink from whichever cup he chooses. Todoroki decides on a cup and drinks from it, only to spit it out and say, “That…wasn’t soba noodle soup…”
Kaminari chimes in by explaining that the cup he chose was actually throat medicine. Todoroki apologizes for spitting out the throat medicine, which splurted all over Iida and Deku. They tell him not to worry as more importantly, they need to get tissues to clean up the mess. Todoroki mutters, “I don’t think I want to eat soba anymore after this…”
The next challenge is for Tsuyu, where she has to differentiate from three different types of fluffy things: Koda’s bunny, Ojiro’s tail, and Deku’s hair by touch only. As she puts on the eye mask, Koda, Ojirou, and Deku stand in front of her. When Koda offers the bunny, Tsuyu says, “it’s fluffy.” When Ojiro offers his tail, she also says, “it’s fluffy.” When Deku offers his hair, Tsuyu says, “it’s…fuzzy?” She then correctly guesses which fluffiness was which.
Kaminari and Sero then round up the results of the various challenges, and the winner ends up being Bakugou!
Bakugou says, “Obviously I would win!” but the party’s not over yet! Next up is the Personality Quiz! Sero explains that since the class is with each other practically 24/7, they should all have picked up on small details of each other. This quiz will test how well they actually know each other after all.
The first question they ask is, “What did Iida answer on his Hero Test the other day to name the three most beautiful Heroes of the past?”
The class guesses incorrectly, and the answer was that he wrote on his test “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has their own different types of beauty.”
Baffled, Iida asks Sero and Kaminari how they even knew what he wrote on a test paper, and they explained that their accomplice, Hagakure, has been doing a bit of spying on everyone in order for them to make this quiz a reality. Hagakure apologizes for doing so, but she says that she saw it as an opportunity to also test out her hero skills too.
The next question is “What has Yaoyorozu been obsessed about lately?” Jirou answers first, saying “Oh, is it furikake (rice seasoning)?” The answer turns out to be correct, and recently, Yaoyorozu has taken a strong liking to furikake to season her rice, which makes her blush a bit.
Sero then says, “All right Kaminari, what’s the next question?”
Kaminari answers, “Okay! For the next question, what made Ojirou disappointed recently!?”
Satou guesses, “Cementoss said his effort was average?”
Shouji says, “Tetsutetsu told him his strength was average?”
Aoyama ponders, “Recovery Girl said his health was average?☆”
The correct answer is actually Ojiro changed the conditioner for his tail recently, but no one noticed. However, Hagakure sidles up to him and says, “I actually saw you looking around near the bathroom area to see if anyone noticed, haha!” and Ojiro gets red, saying, “Well if you were watching me, why didn’t you say anything…!?”
The next question was, “What was hidden in Kirishima’s elementary school yearbook!?” Kirishima panics and says, “Huh!? How did you…!” but Sero grins and says, “That’s only for me to know. But I totally could not believe what was hidden there!”
Ashido guesses, “Maybe a love letter!?”
Mineta exclaims, “A porn magazine!!”
Todoroki says, “Failed test scores?”
All three of them were incorrect. The correct answer is “a photo of him dressed up as a girl!”
Bakugou says to him, “You’re actually into that kinda stuff?”
Kirishima gets flustered and says, “Wait, you’ve got it all wrong! It was during my elementary school’s festival stage play of Cinderella where I played the Stepmother! When I left the picture at home, my mommy kept showing it to other people, so I tried to hide it!!”
Kaminari then continues with the next question, saying “Okay, so next question. Before the Cultural Festival performance, what did Uraraka mess up on!?”
Deku says, “She accidentally made herself float!?”
Iida offers, “She was too nervous she threw up!?”
Tokoyami asks, “She ate too much mochi and threw up!?”
Kaminari says they all guessed wrong and the correct answer is “she was looking for Midoriya but tripped and accidentally went into a room where Class B’s Monoma was in the middle of changing clothes!”
Ochako gets red in the face and says, “I didn’t do it on purpose!!”
Mineta comments something lewd, but Tsuyu shuts him down.
The next question is “What was the reason why Jirou and Hagakure were arguing!?”
Koda says, “Because Hagakure-san was messing with Jirou-san’s earphone jack…?”
Yaoyorozu offers, “Jirou-san accidentally stepped on Hagakure-san’s naked body?”
Mineta exclaims, “Fighting over a guy!”
The correct answer is because Hagakure tried scaring Jirou after they watched a horror film together. Ashido asked whether they actually argued, and Jirou said she got mad because when she takes a shower alone, she’s usually scared of the bathroom area anyway. So when Hagakure messed with her by causing the lights to flicker on and off and the faucet to suddenly turn on by itself, she absoutely freaked out and felt like she almost had a heart attack. Naturally, she was livid, and Hagakure says, “Sorry Jirou, your reactions were just too good!”
The next question is about Deku, and Kaminari asks, “Recently, Deku has been leaving the dorm early to meet with someone. Who is that secret someone!?” (**Note: The word they use is ‘aibiki,” which means secret date/meeting).
Deku is surprised and says, “Wait, how do you know that…?”
Mineta and Satou ask if he was secretly meeting up with a girl, and Iida says, “Midoriya-kun! Are you actually in a relationship with a girl!? You should prioritize studies first!”
Ochako is confused as she says to herself, “Aibiki? Like the type of meat?” (**Note: Ochako isn’t familiar with the word, so she thinks it’s referring to ‘aibikiniku,’ which is a combination of different types of ground meat)
Deku gets nervous and says, “No, it’s not like that…” He thinks of ways to deflect the situation without making it known that he’s actually meeting up with All Might in the morning to train his quirk, but the other classmates continue to guess.
Kirishima says, “He’s meeting with someone from the General Class!?”
Ashido says, “No way…maybe he’s meeting with someone older, like Midnight…!?”
Mineta suggests, “Maybe he’s meeting with a living thing other than a girl…!!”
All three of their guesses were incorrect, and the correct answer was that he was meeting with the Support Department’s Hatsume Mei!
Deku is relieved to know that the others have not found out about his secret rendezvous with All Might early in the morning to do training.
Bakugou snorts and says, “There’s no way that dumb nerd would ever be popular!” but Sero says, “No, Midoriya is quite popular among the ladies. Like during the Provisional License Exam when that naked upper classman got all over him.”
Deku rebutts by saying, “But that was because she was attacking me!?”
Iida then recalls how Hatsume helped Deku out when they went to the department together earlier, and after an explosion, she was also all over him. Mineta then gets lewd thoughts again, but the conversation switches to Mineta using his mogimogi hair balls and puts it on Deku’s head. Iida notes that it looks like Deku’s wearing those infamous mouse ears from “Zoo Dreamland” (aka Disneyland). Ashido mentions that she used to go to Disneyla—…Zoo Dreamland all the time when she was younger. The class chatter switches to discussing their favorite rides, attractions, and food.
The class then asks Mineta to put mogimogi balls on their heads too so they can look like they’re wearing those infamous mouse ears as well. Mineta enjoys the attention and says, “All right I guess…”
Before the party wraps up, Sero mentions that there’s one more video that they want to show to everyone. As they gather around the TV to watch, they see Aizawa on screen with a cat. As the video starts, Aizawa suddenly appears in the common room and reprimands them, asking what are they doing up so late? The video pauses on the screen.
Aizawa stops the party and tells everyone to clean up and go to their rooms. Since the party’s over, he tells Sero, Kaminari, and Hagakure to stay behind. The three students prepare themselves for a scolding, but instead, Aizawa asks them where they got this footage.
It turns out that Present Mic gave it to them after he recorded it while hiding in sight. The footage was of Aizawa trying to befriend a cat, but the cat ignores him and goes to All Might instead. Sero actually came to the faculty department before the after-party to ask for permission to show the footage, and since Aizawa wasn’t there at the time, All Might said it was okay.
However, Aizawa says he will be collecting the footage and tells the three to never discuss the contents of the video to anyone. They agree, and he sends them off on their way.
It’s been a long day, and Aizawa sighs and wonders just when he got caught up in all of this student stuff. However, although adolescence is short, that never stops them from chasing their dreams forever. Happily, while young, without sadness, sweetly, harshly…youth is a precious thing.
The light novel ends with Aizawa saying, “Good luck, everyone” with the words “the festival had ended, but even so, their bright days continue onward.”
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myriadimagines · 3 years
Chips and Orange Soda
Brooklyn Nine-Nine One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Jake Peralta
Other Characters: Raymond Holt, Rosa Diaz
Warnings: theft
Summary: When a series of bodegas are robbed, Holt assigns Jake and Rosa on the case. You, a cashier, become a suspect, but Jake has a gut feeling that you’re not a suspect at all. In fact, he thinks you’re the key to solving the case. 
Part Two: Chips and Orange Soda (part ii)
Word Count: 2,697
A/N: my submission for @locke-writes​​‘ writing challenge! i know everyone wanted me to post the whole fic at once but then it ended up being 5k+ words i made the executive decision that it was probably best for everyones sanity to split it up into 2 parts. think of it as a commercial break in the episode <3 i’m gonna disclaimer this by saying that i’m not a cop or in law enforcement. idk how this shit works. i tried my best but this isn’t legally accurate. anyway! based on the prompt: “You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.” 
reblog/feedback/comments are very much appreciated!!!
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“Not late! I’m not late!” Jake announces, rushing into the briefing room with his bag still slung over his shoulder. He ignores the eye rolls from Amy and Terry, and plops down in the seat Charles has saved for him. He leans back, dumping his bag on the floor as he tries to catch his breath, before noticing Holt’s disapproving stare. “I’m not! Look, I’m right on time!”
Jake points over at the clock hanging on the wall, and Holt glances over his shoulder before turning back to Jake. “You’re fifteen minutes late, Peralta. That clock broke down two days ago.”
Jake takes a proper look at the clock, which, sure enough, is frozen at three minutes past two o’clock. 
“Okay, well…” Jake cringes. “I had a flat tire?” 
“As I was saying,” Holt ignores Jake’s excuse, reorganizing the case files on the podium as the squad quickly focuses. Pulling up a few pictures on the television, Holt curtly explains, “Two bodegas were robbed last night, and we suspect it may be the same person, or group or people, who robbed the three bodegas last week. Thankfully, no one was injured, but we need to crack down on this case before it happens again.” 
The squad nods in agreement, and Amy taps her pen against the desk as she takes notes. Gesturing towards Rosa, Holt asks, “Diaz, you were investigating last week’s robberies. Where are you in solving the case?”
“Nowhere, sir.” Rosa begrudgingly admits, folding her arms across her chest as she shakes her head. “Forensics dusted the place for prints but found nothing, and the security footage was crap. Couldn’t pull any good images because it was so old. All I know is that it looks like at least two individuals are involved.” 
Holt slowly nods, pressing his lips together as he deliberates this. Pointing at Jake, he orders, “Conduct some interviews around the block, see if anyone saw anything. Perhaps you’ll have more luck this time. And take Peralta with you, you’ll be able to cover more ground. Everyone, you’re dismissed.” 
Jake looks over his shoulder to exchange a nod with Rosa before everyone gets to their feet. Holt closes up his file, and quickly stops Jake before he can leave the room, “Oh, and Jake?”
Jake pauses in the doorway. “Yes, sir?” 
“While you’re out, you can get some new batteries for the clock.” Holt points back at the defunct clock. Raising an eyebrow, Holt continues, “So next time, you can actually take a look at how late you are.” 
Beside him, Amy can’t help but snort at Jake’s expense, and he resists the urge to roll his eyes. 
Jake jogs over to the bodega, a cup of coffee in hand from the nearby food cart. He ducks under the police tape bordering the store, and he gingerly steps around the shattered glass scattered on the pavement. He can already see Rosa inside, taking off her sunglasses and hooking them on the collar of her shirt, and he can see that the forensics team have already marked up the scene. Rosa looks up as Jake approaches, and she informs him, “This one’s different from the others; they actually broke in instead of picking the lock. Otherwise, they took all the cash, and it doesn’t look like anything from the inventory was taken.” 
“Which is kinda weird, considering this place has pretty cool chip flavors and orange soda.” Jake points to a nearby shelf, and Rosa shoots him a look. Shrugging, Jake looks at the rest of the shelves and the fridge as he mumbles to himself, “I’m just saying.” 
“Security footage from this whole week is missing too.” Rosa continues. She groans, shaking her head as she takes another glance around the scene. “I don’t know how we’re going to get anywhere with this.”
The two of them make their way back outside, where a small crowd is now lingering outside the store, curiously trying to peek inside as the cops try to corral everyone. Pointing at them, Rosa suggests, “Maybe we can find a witness.” 
Jake follows her gaze, quickly sweeping over the individuals before his gaze lands on you. Your eyes momentarily meet, but you quickly look away and turn your attention back to the smashed glass. You’re cute, Jake thinks to himself with a grin, all bundled up in a denim jacket that, and when you turn to look at something over your shoulder, he can’t help but notice has a cool design of some planets stitched on the back. Rolling back his shoulders, Jake holds out his cup of coffee, and he says, “Allow me to handle this, Rosa,” 
Rosa rolls her eyes at the annoyingly confident tone Jake quickly adopts, and pointedly refuses to hold Jake’s coffee for him.
“Alright then,” Jake awkwardly takes his coffee back, and he gulps down the rest, fanning his tongue as it burns his mouth. Tossing it aside into a nearby trash can, Jake quickly composes himself, readjusting his jacket before approaching you. He offers you his hand, and you hesitate before shaking it, and Jake introduces, “Hey, I’m Detective Peralta. Cool jacket, by the way.”
“y/n.” you introduce yourself with a small smile, shaking his hand before you pull away to self consciously tug at the sleeves of your jacket. “And thanks. My friend made it for me as a birthday gift.”
“Nice,” Jake grins at you, before gesturing over his shoulder. “You come here often? It’s a pretty awesome bodega.”
“Uh, well, I work here.” you slowly respond, and you can see something in Jake’s expression falter as his cheeks get red. You bite back a smile as you continue, “So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“Cool, cool, cool, cool,” Jake nods, fumbling to come up with a response. His palms suddenly feel sweaty, and he scrambles to think of his next question. 
“I’ll let our owner know, by the way.” you pipe up, and Jake blinks at you. Nervously chuckling, you add, “That you think the bodega is awesome. He’ll appreciate it.” 
“Oh!” Jake laughs, and you can’t help but smile. Gesturing to the store, Jake continues, “I’ve gotta say, your snack selection is the best I’ve ever seen. I mean, you’ve got every flavor of everything in there! Also, any place that carries orange soda is automatically awesome in my book.” 
“Well of course,” you respond with a smile. “It’s the best flavor!” 
“Right?!” Jake perks up, and the both of you dissolve into laughter before Jake looks over his shoulder and notices Rosa glaring at him. Quickly clamming up, Jake attempts to focus himself, and his eyes widen as he remembers the fact that you work here. “Are you the cashier or something?”
“Yep.” you nod, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your jacket. “I just worked yesterday, too. I can’t believe someone robbed it last night.” 
“What time were you here until?” Jake asks. 
“The shop closes around midnight, and I was the one who locked up.” you answer, shifting your weight from one foot to another. Jake can’t help but notice as you momentarily break his gaze, and you glance at the store before back at him. “Usually our owner, Gabriel, closes up, but he’s been sick this past week, so I’ve been helping out.”
“Got it,” Jake nods, mentally taking note of all this information. The both of you look up as Rosa joins in on the conversation, and Jake continues, “And I’m assuming you didn’t see any sign of suspicious activity before you left?”
You shake your head, uneasily glancing over at Rosa as she looks at you. “Sorry, Detective.” 
“No, you’ve actually been super helpful.” Jake reassures you, and he offers you a friendly smile that puts you at ease. You relax, and Jake continues, “It helps us roughly estimate when the crime took place. Do you know anything about your security footage, by the way? This is my partner, Detective Diaz, and she noticed the footage was somehow erased.” 
Something in your expression shifts, and Jake can’t quite read the look on your face. Rosa narrows her eyes at you, and after a pause, you respond, “I think our cameras have been down.” 
Jake and Rosa exchange an uncertain glance, and you can feel your stomach twisting into knots as you know they don’t look convinced. The atmosphere becomes intense, especially as you feel yourself under Rosa’s stern gaze, and Jake quickly tries to lighten the mood as he tells you, “I think that’s it. Thanks for answering our questions, y/n.”
You nod, and Jake’s eyebrows furrow as your gaze lingers on him, your lips moving as if you want to tell him more. But you stop yourself, taking in a deep breath, before responding, “If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know.” 
You turn on your heel, and Jake watches as you head down the block. He looks over to see Rosa studying you, before she shakes her head. “I don’t like it, Jake. They seemed suspicious to me.”
“They were just nervous.” Jake finds himself defending you. “And probably a little frazzled, too. They were the last one in the shop, if they had stayed any longer, they could’ve been in danger.” 
“Or they could have something to do with the crime.” Rosa counteracts, and Jake lets out a sigh. Leaning towards him, Rosa continues, “I know we don’t have solid evidence, but I just have a feeling something’s up, Jake. Plus, it doesn’t help that you were flirting.” 
Jake gapes at her. “I was not flirting!” 
“Look, we need to solve this before Holt gets on my case about it.” Rosa insists. Jake lets out a sigh, before glancing down the direction you walked, and he can just barely see your figure heading into the subway station. 
“I’ll be right back.” Jake tells her, and before Rosa can stop him, he jogs after you. By the time he’s entered the station, he’s terribly out of breath, and he manages to catch you before you enter through the turnstile. “y/n!”
You look up upon hearing your name and you pause as Jake stops in front of you. He bends over, trying to catch his breath, and you patiently wait for him. Through heavy breaths, Jake manages to puff out, “Yeah, sorry, super unfit. The chips and the orange soda clearly don’t help.” 
Jake tries his best not to cringe at what he feels like is the lamest joke he’s ever made, but to his surprise, you laugh. A genuine laugh, not a cruel, teasing one, but one with a wide smile that makes Jake feel like he’s on top of the world. Tilting your head, you manage to say in between chuckles, “You’re pretty funny, Detective.” 
“Call me Jake.” Jake insists, finally regaining his breath, and you grin at him. “Hey, any chance I could get your number? For professional reasons of course, in case we need to contact you again. Or I could just give you my number if you feel better doing it that way.”
You seem hesitant, but you nod. He fumbles through his pocket, pulling out an old receipt and a pen that barely has enough ink in it, and you scribble out your number before handing it back to him, “I work every day but Tuesdays, too, so you’ll be able to catch me at work if you need me.” 
“Got it.” Jake nods, tucking the receipt into his pocket. “Thanks for your help, y/n.”
The expression that Jake can’t decipher crosses your face again, a look of pensiveness, of hesitation. But you shake it off, quickly plastering on a smile, and you nod, “Have a good day, Jake. And… good luck.” 
Jake and Rosa sit in the break room, a laptop open between them as they flip through countless CCTV videos from the blocks nearby the bodega. Rosa becomes increasingly aggressive with the keyboard with each video she clicks through, and Jake impatiently shakes his head. He groans, rubbing his fingers up against his temple as he complains, “This is killing me. If I have to look at one more minute of another grainy video, I’m going to lose it.”
Rosa rolls her eyes, leaning back in her chair as she folds her arms across her chest. She kicks Jake’s chair with her boot, and she points out, “This is all we have, Jake.”
Jake sighs, but nods. Rosa had interviewed some people in the neighboring apartments, some of which reported hearing smashed glass around three in the morning, but hadn’t called it in on the assumption it was a clumsy accident from a downstairs neighbor. It at least gave them a time of the crime, but as Rosa unfortunately pointed out, it didn’t give them much else. The CCTV didn’t seem to pick up on anything interesting, no speeding cars, and a brief moment of footage that might’ve captured the suspects only showed their retreating backs. The forensics team had also swept over all the evidence from the bodega, but had yet to find anything incriminating, not even a single fingerprint which could help lead the investigation somewhere. 
“These guys clearly know what they were doing.” Rosa grumbles, jabbing her finger into the screen. “They know to avoid all the camera spots.” 
“I hate smart criminals. Why can’t they all be dumb and just make it easier for us?” Jake whines, and Rosa rolls her eyes. 
“Have you talked to y/n lately?” Rosa asks, and Jake shakes his head, hoping Rosa doesn’t notice the faint blush that lights up his cheeks at the mere mention of your name.
“No, Rosa, who do you think I am? That’s way too forward.” Jake scoffs, before his expression turns serious. It’s been a little over a week since your interaction, and he looks at Rosa before continuing, “Unless you don’t think it’s too forward. Should I text them?”
Rosa resists the urge to punch Jake’s arm, and she deadpans, “Talked to them about the case, Jake, not for a date.” 
“Right.” Jake nods, clearly flustered, and Rosa rolls her eyes again. Wiping his slightly sweaty palms on his jeans, Jake corrects himself, “No, I haven’t talked to y/n.”
Rosa leans her elbows forward on the desk. “I think we should call them in again. You know, see if there’s anything we can get out of them. Kind it seems like they’re the only lead we have.”
“You don’t still suspect them, do you?” Jake asks, eyebrows furrowing, and he lets out a sigh as Rosa shrugs. Shaking his head, Jake insists, “I really don’t think it’s them, Rosa.” 
“Jake…” Rosa starts, shooting him a look, and Jake quickly waves his hand, brushing her off as he already knows what’s coming next. 
“Alright, I’ll reach out to them, see if there’s anything more they can tell us.” Jake reluctantly says, and Rosa nods. Pointing back at the computer, Jake asks, “Does this mean I can stop watching these boring videos?”
“Fine.” Rosa grumbles, angling the laptop towards herself as Jake grins. He grabs his jacket hanging off the back of his chair, and he sneaks one last glance at the grainy video before darting out the room. He pauses, his eyes narrowing, and he points at the screen. 
“Wait, what’s that?” Jake points at the corner of the video, where a figure rushes down the street. Rosa squints, and she pauses the video for Jake to get a better look. His eyes widen, and his expression pales slightly, and he asks, “What time was this footage from?”
“Five in the morning.” Rosa replies, checking the timestamp. Looking up at Jake, she asks, “Why? What is it?”
“Nothing.” Jake hurriedly remarks, and Rosa frowns. Before she can demand an answer from Jake, he’s already rushed out of the break room, swiftly exiting the bullpen as he dodges Terry on his way out.
It’s not nothing, but Jake knows he can’t tell Rosa that. Not when the figure in the video was wearing a distinctive denim jacket with planets stitched on the back.
tag list: @myfriendmagislit​​ / @thedamagedcne / @real-fbi​​ / @writinqss​​ / @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ / @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov / @dontjudgemepeepswrites​​ / @hauntedpocdreamer / @locke-writes​​ / @lgbtonystarks​​ / @fangirlsarah16​​ / @kittensanddarkclouds​​ / @randomfandomimagine​​ / @ofthedewthesunlight​​ / @bravelittlesunflower​​
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mmvalentine · 3 years
Okay, so would you be able to write that best friend kiss challenge with Feysand? Like Feyre films herself kissing Rhys (her best friend) just as a joke but then Rhys is super into it and then she’s super into it and it gets spicy😏😏
(obviously she turns the camera off before things get interesting)
Oh you kids and your tiktoks, back in my day tiktoks were called snapchats, and we more or less used them to send nudes. But seriously this trend makes me feel SO ANXIOUS because sometimes they get rejected and I feel it way too hard?! ANYWAY this is fine because this one works out, right????
I Didn't Know
Feyre was addicted.
She had lost count of how many versions of this tiktok she had seen, but she did know that about twenty minutes ago she had to pee and thought 'just one more,' yet here she was, still sprawled across the bed watching best friends kiss for the first time and riding the rollercoaster of second-hand nervous anticipation and then either gut twisting joy or empathetic mortification. Her bladder was not impressed.
It was Mor who had sent her the first one, and then it was all too easy to go down the scrolling rabbit hole. Of course, at the time Mor had added 'You should totally do this to Rhys, I would pay to see his reaction.'
At first, Feyre had thought there was no way that was going to happen. Rhys had been her best friend for the past 7 years, if they were going to date, surely it would have happened by now. Also, she was fairly certain that most of these were set up, because so many seemed to have a shockingly calm reaction to being kissed by someone they had supposedly been platonic with for years. That's just not how things felt when you were best friends.
Of course, she was impressed with how much engagement these videos got, set up or no. And so the next day, when Rhys was spent half the day teasing her about how many more followers he had than her, all she could think about was one very effective way of shutting him up. With Rhys's jawline, she just knew it would do well on social media. And of course it would be a joke. Just a joke.
It happened in the evening. Rhys was going to drop by her place after his last class, since he had finals coming up and his frat house was hardly the ideal study environment. Mor was at her girlfriend's place for the night, so Feyre had the apartment to herself. She set up her phone on the dining room table, propped up against a pile of text books and secretly recording. She made a whole plan of it- first she'd have to stall him by the door to keep him in the shot, and to have enough recording so that she could match the kiss up to the right spot in the music. And she'd have to make sure he was facing the right way so that his reaction would be clear in the shot.
At 6.30pm when Rhys was due to arrive, Feyre texted Mor. I'm doing it, she said. I'm gonna do the best friend kiss challenge on Rhys and he's gonna FREAK.
Mor replied immediately. No fucking way!!! Yes girl get it!!
Feyre laughed. Can you imagine? she wrote back. This will shut him up for sure, he's gonna be standing there looking like a fish with his mouth opening and closing. Like when Az played that prank and gift wrapped every item in his room before Christmas.
Somehow, I think this is going to top that... Mor wrote back.
I just hope he doesn't punch me out of reflex or something, Feyre joked. At that moment, footsteps neared the door from the hallway outside. Gotta go, this is gonna be hilarious, Feyre sent off. She quickly turned the camera on and put it back in its place against the book stack as the knock came.
"Girl I have so many snacks," Rhys said when she opened the door. "I am ready to study." Feyre laughed at his armfuls of assorted packages.
"I didn't realise you were planning a 3 day study lock-in," she said, and stepped out of the way. Rhys headed toward the table, and Feyre panicked. "No!" she yelped. Rhys looked at her, surprised.
"No what?" he asked.
"Uh, give those to me, and you can stay and take of your coat." She hurriedly scooped the bags of chips and chocolate out of his arms and dumped them on the table, while Rhys eyed her suspiciously.
"Okay, you weirdo," he said. He shrugged out of his coat and threw it over the arm of the couch, more than comfortable enough in Feyre's home to know where to put his things. He stepped forward, but again Feyre blocked him. He raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" he asked.
"Um, maybe we should study here on the couch," she said. Rhys raised his eyebrows.
"Instead of on the nice big dining table that I can write on, and where you've just moved all my snacks?"
"Yes. I mean no. I mean..."
"Feyre," Rhys said with mock concern. "You are seriously losing it."
"I... ah," Feyre scrambled. Oh what the hell, she only needed to fill a few bars and surely there was enough now. Before she could chicken out, Feyre stood on her tiptoes, grabbed his face in both her hands, and mashed her lips against his.
A heartbeat later, Feyre let go. She realised she had been holding her breath, and exhaled with a whoosh, giggling as she did so. She could feel herself going red, and covered her face for just a second before biting her lip and looking back for Rhys's reaction.
But there was no reaction.
Not at first. For a good three seconds he just stood frozen, and then he found her eyes. Stared at her in complete wonderment, and then with more gentleness than she had ever seen on him, he reached out his hands and lifted her chin back toward him.
Feyre barely had time to register what was happening, when Rhys's lips found hers once more.
This time, instead of the rushed surprise attack Feyre had used on him, Rhys kissed her soft and slow. Feyre's eyes widened, then slid closed, as Rhys's arms wrapped around her waist. His lips were cold from the frost outside, but when her body pressed against his it was warm in his arms, and when he tilted his head and deepened the kiss, she felt the heat of his mouth all the way in her belly.
Feyre wasn't coherent enough to be shocked. She was overwhelmed by the way her body was reacting to Rhys's kiss, and before she knew she had lifted her hands, she had his dark curls between her fingers. He tasted so good she couldn't get enough, and when she lifted up onto her toes to get closer, his fingers dug into her sides. And then the first touch of her tongue had her knees buckling.
"Feyre," Rhys moaned between kisses. "Feyre what are we doing?" He licked at her lips. "I didn't know," he whispered. "I didn't know you wanted this."
"I... I didn't know either," Feyre gasped, and then he brought his mouth back to hers before she could say anything else.
Suddenly, seven years felt so long. How had they not been doing this the whole time? How had they stood being this hungry for all these years, and how could they make up for it now? Feyre breathed in the smell of him, and loved the groan that slipped from his throat when her teeth hit his bottom lip.
"Bedroom," he struggled out, and Feyre only nodded as she untangled herself to move down the hall. Rhys caught her two steps later, pulling her back in to kiss her again.
"I thought you wanted to go to my room," Feyre said breathlessly.
"I did," Rhys mumbled against her lips. "But I first I just gotta-" He finished the sentence by licking her tongue and sucking on her bottom lip. Feyre wanted to laugh, but a second later she couldn't remember why. Besides, her mouth was busy.
"Bedroom," Rhys said again, and this time he took the lead and towed her by the waist.
Feyre only just remembered to grab her phone and hit the lock button, closing the camera off as they went. If she had had the presence of mind, she'd already be embarrassed by how much was recorded, but what did it matter? What did anything matter when her lips were swollen from being bitten and every step took them closer to bed, and Rhys, and Rhys in her bed.
They stumbled down the corridor, then one moment Rhys was roughly pushing the door shut and the next her back was hitting the mattress. Their movements were messy, frenzied. Feyre yanked off Rhys shirt, and he lifted her higher up the bed, and then suddenly there they were.
Feyre's head on the pillow and her legs wrapped around Rhys's hips. Rhys staring down at her with pupils blown wide and kiss-reddened lips. A heavy hardness pressing between them and a still, silent realisation of where they had landed.
They stayed frozen like that for a while, and then Rhys lowered his head slowly and kissed her again, soft and with his eyes open. Is this okay? the kiss said. He lifted his head, but Feyre put her hands gently on either side of his face and pulled him back to her.
More than okay, she tried to tell him back.
Rhys's body turned liquid then, rolling into hers so smoothly that it pressed the air from her lungs so she sighed into his mouth. Feyre knew he had tattoos, but it wasn't often they were on display like this and she couldn't help but think he was beautiful. Rhys changed the angle of the kiss, and moved again. This time his hips grazed hers and that unbearable pressure between Feyre's legs had her arching her back up to him, chasing the wave of his warmth. Rhys growled in his throat, and the vibration of it sent a shiver that echoed to her fingertips.
"Where have you been all my life?" Rhys groaned, as his hand slid under the hem of her shirt. The contact on her bare skin raised goosebumps and then she was feeling him everywhere. Suddenly her t-shirt was too rough, and her jeans intolerable.
"I've been here," Feyre gasped, hands reaching for Rhys's back and chest and shoulders. Needing to feel his skin, too. "I've been right here."
She lifted her arms to help Rhys get her shirt off, pulling him back down to her as soon as she could. He kissed her again and this time the line of contact down the bare fronts of their bodies burned between them.
"How did I not know?" Rhys asked, seeming to be talking to himself more than her. He slid a hand behind her back to get at her bra clasp, and then she was shivery and naked before him. She only had a second to be self-conscious about this before he squeezed one of her breasts in his hand, and put his mouth over the other. And then all she wanted was him touching her.
Rhys moved his tongue slowly over her nipple. Flicked back and forth over it, and the feeling somehow seemed to repeat itself in the apex of her thighs. Feyre's fingers tightened in the thick mop of his hair, and Rhys shifted across to the other nipple. She was just thinking she could die from pleasure like this, when he kissed in between her breasts. Down her sternum, slowing as he reached her belly. Almost reverent when he nipped at her navel, and traveled lower still.
Rhys undid the button of her jeans without lifting his lips from her skin. His hands tugged at her waistband, and when Feyre raised her hips for him to get them off, his mouth slipped downward again, and his kiss landed over her clit through her underwear.
Feyre jolted up toward him, and Rhys slid her jeans the rest of the way off her feet. He licked against the cotton of her panties, until she was panting beneath him and squirming to get closer. Finally, he pulled off the last of her clothing, and when his tongue hit her bare pussy she could have sworn she blacked out for a second.
"Mmm," Rhys hummed against her. "You taste like fucking heaven." Feyre's hands scrabbled in the sheets and then gripped Rhys's head as he moved, first in broad, rough strokes with the flat of his tongue, then flicking faster over her clit with the tip like he had on her nipple. He reached out a hand to squeeze at her breast, and the other one smoothed over her chest to hold her down.
"Can you come like this honey?" Rhys asked her, before taking her clit into his mouth in slow, suckling kisses. "I would love it if you came on my tongue." He slid it deep inside her. "Please Feyre." Returned to flicking over her clit. "Do it, please, for me."
And to Feyre's absolute surprise, she did. Came with her fists in in Rhys's hair and her legs wrapped around his head. She never came on the first time with someone. Then again, Rhys wasn't just anyone. Rhys kept his tongue moving as her hips came up off the bed, not letting her down until her climax had faded into ragged breaths.
Rhys stood then, and unzipped his own jeans. As soon as he was leaning over her again, Feyre reached down to palm his cock through his black boxer-briefs. Rhys moaned softly, and buried his face in her back as he pushed himself into her hand.
"Yeah baby, touch me," Rhys whispered, and guided her hand under his waistband.
If Feyre was honest, she would have to admit that it had crossed her mind before what Rhys might look like naked. Her eyes had snagged below his hips when he was wearing sweatpants, or was fresh out of the ocean. They had been friends a long time. And how could you not notice when Rhys looked like this?
But having her hands on him was something entirely different. Feyre curled her hand around him, and when she stroked up and down the length of him she felt first a little intimidated by his size, and then second deliciously in control when a light groan was coaxed from his lips.
"Like this?" she asked. Rhys moaned louder.
"Yeah, just like that," he said, and the muscles in his chest flexed above her. Rhys's eyes closed, and he bit down on his lip as she twisted her hand around him. It was so sexy, Feyre was moving her free hand down her own body to touch herself at the same time.
It only took a minute for Rhys to notice, and then a wicked grin was tugging up the corner of his mouth.
"You need some too, huh?" he asked, and then he took both her hands and laced his fingers through hers. Laid them either side of her face as he settled himself back down between her legs, and then lifted her hands around his neck as he kissed her.
Rhys looked her seriously then.
"Is this okay?" he asked quietly.
"Yes," Feyre breathed. Rhys rolled his hips against her, and watched her lips part and her head tilt when he did it.
"You want more?" he asked.
"Yes," Feyre said again, and felt his cock twitch between her thighs.
"You want me inside of you?" he asked roughly.
"God yes," Feyre said, and then Rhys was lifting his hips and pushing inside her.
Their eyes locked, and they exhaled together as Rhys hit his hilt. Then Rhys's gaze flicked to her mouth, and he moved, out and back in, and the stretch of him was the sweetest ache.
"Fuck, Rhys," Feyre whimpered, grabbing his shoulders. He looked at her quickly.
"Okay, honey?" he asked. She laughed breathlessly and then nodded, and Rhys thrust again and she gasped as her head fell back against the pillow. "Am I hurting you?" he said. Feyre shook her head, and arched her back to get him deeper.
"Shit," Rhys barked. His hips snapped forward and his palm hit the mattress. He drew a breath through his nose, seeming to get himself under control, and then began a smooth rocking that had Feyre's eyes rolling back in her head.
"I wish I had known," Rhys said, and the words were almost despairing. "I wish I had you like this every day." Feyre's hands fluttered at his chest. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't apologise," Feyre frowned. She lifted her hips to him. "I want you."
"You've fucking got me," Rhys said, and then pulled out only to flip her over and come back from behind. Feyre moaned at the way he got deeper this way, and dropped to her forearms.
"You feel so good," she breathed.
"Oh yeah?" Rhys asked. He reached around and put two fingers over her clit. "What about now?"
Feyre got louder as the pleasure got sharper, and then her vision was clouding at the edges.
"You gonna come again for me baby?" Rhys said. Feyre couldn't answer. "You want it a little harder?"
"Yes," she gasped.
"Will you come if I fuck you hard?"
"Yes, oh god yes. Please Rhys, please."
"I'd never say no to you," Rhys said, and his free hand gripped her hip tight as he pounded into her while those fingers, now dripping wet, moved over and over her clit. "You're gonna make me come," he panted. "You look so good like this." His hips sped up. "But you gotta come first, honey. Come for me."
Feyre's spine stretched and her back arched as release found her. Rhys was so deep in her she could feel it in the bottom of her stomach, and then he was falling right behind her, and the sounds he made when he came were so damn hot she broke out in goosebumps.
Finally, Rhys dropped to the bed beside her, and pulled her down onto his chest. Feyre breathed deeply and was gratified to hear Rhys's heart going as fast as hers. She smiled into his skin, and breathed in the warm smell of him.
"Is this weird?" Rhys asked after a few minutes. His thumb stroked at her elbow.
"No," she said truthfully. She looked up at him. "Is it weird for you?"
"Honestly?" Rhys tucked an arm behind his head. "It now seems weirder that we weren't doing this the whole time." He looked at her. "What made you finally make a move?"
And that's when Feyre remembered the tik tok.
Her eyes went wide, and she felt herself going red. Rhys was bewildered. "What?" he asked. Feyre just shook her head. "You really can't tell me after we just did that?"
"Uh. I was um. Doing a tik tok?"
"You were what?"
"You know. The best friend challenge. I wanted to video your reaction if I kissed you."
Rhys pulled back suddenly. "Wait so you didn't actually want to kiss me? You just wanted a reaction video?"
"No! Well- yes, but I didn't know!" Feyre wailed.
"Know what?"
"That I wanted you so much."
Rhys blinked at her. After a tense second, his mouth twitched.
"So," he said, "in actual fact, you filmed your own reaction."
"What do you mean?"
"You surprised yourself. That's really embarrassing." He settled back down. Feyre picked up a pillow and whacked him with it.
"Shut up," she mumbled, and Rhys laughed a beautiful laugh and kissed her so sweet it made her dizzy.
Sweet and spicy, order up.
PS I just want to say that in modern AUs I usually make sure to like make some kind of condom reference because I'm trying to be realistic/ a good role model but this time I just COULDN'T BE BOTHERED sorry have safe sex kids.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @philosophorumaurum02 @story-scribbler @allthecolorsneverseen @asteria-of-mars @fandomstalker27 @realbookloverproblems
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angelguk · 4 years
→ pu$$y fairy — a jeongguk scenario
member: jeon jungkook
word count: 3.2k
genre: smut + college!au + jeongguk and oc are in a weird fwbs without the friendship part just the benefits except jaykay lowkey has feelings + virginity au
warnings: virgin!oc / blowjob / we talk about dicks for a bit / oc is strange / jaykay is confused / cum swallowing / first times / not really edited / mingyu the meddling best fwend
soundtrack: on the way, jhene aiko + hold on (slowed and reverb), the internet
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Jeongguk doesn’t hate Mingyu. He truly doesn’t. He is one of his closest friends after all; he’d held him up after Jeongguk had dumped half a keg down his throat and his legs had promptly collapsed.  He’d also been a successful wingman for when Jeongguk was aiming to add Seolhyun to the list of girls he’d bagged, sent pictures of his organic chemistry notes when Jeongguk had missed more than half of the classes in high school and didn’t laugh at him when he was heart-broken over Sua and borderline depressed. He was a true friend; someone Jeongguk could rely on. It was a simple brother-like relationship that Jeongguk deeply treasured. So no, he could never hate Mingyu – but he could absolutely long to punch that insufferable asshole in the face.
He should have known this was going to go downhill exceptionally fast the moment you stumbled into his room, wide-eyed and nervous in your unsure steps. When his pants had hit the ground, the shock in your eyes was a dead giveaway to how messy this whole arrangement was going to be. The second clear sign was when you jumped out his window because the sight of his bare dick terrified you.
And this was all the result of Mingyu being a meddling shit who didn’t know when to mind his business.
He remembers it with a clarity that makes his shoulders tense, how Mingyu had snuck you into the conversation while twisting a soju bottle in his hands.
“Yo… JK…. You mind if I ask you a question?” He’d said. Jeongguk shrugged, focused on flipping the meat on the grill because he was starving and the prospect of cooked meat was a lot more appealing than feigning interest in a conversation. “Alright…," Mingyu took his silence as a cue to speak. “Have you ever fucked a virgin?”
He should have known then. He really should have known.
“I don’t know. I don’t ask any questions when I’m hard,” Jeongguk had replied, unknowing of the dangerous path this conversation was guiding him down.
“Yeah and most of the time you don’t fuck on an actual bed. I’m not even surprised you don’t ask questions.”
“Hey!” Jeongguk had swung the tongs around. “I ask important ones, like consent and making sure we’ve got a condom around. But virginity? Not my concern.”
“Seems a bit…. Whorish to me.”
“Not whorish. I just have my priorities elsewhere… Like cumming for example.”
Mingyu had sighed as he poured him a shot, the air leaving his lips heavy. “I shouldn’t even be asking you to be honest. You’re a decent guy but your kind of a dickhead when it comes to sex.”
“How does not pondering on virginity make me dickhead? Again, as I said, priorities are elsewhere.”
“Dude you’ve never even tried to have meaningful sex at least once in your life. When was the last time you were actually emotionally invested in the person you were sleeping with? Hmm?”
The answer was Sua and he knew that but Mingyu was decent enough to keep her name out of his mouth, the judging look in his eyes saying enough.
“You know… I don’t do well with the whole emotional thing. I prefer it physical. It’s less messy. But what does this even have to do with virginity?” Jeongguk hated to admit it but he was somewhat interested in where this conversation was going. If only he knew it was leading to a massive train wreck of the one thing, he steered clear from – emotions.
Mingyu had just sighed again, tipping the soju bottle into his shot glass once more. “There’s a girl who I’d like you to meet.”
He’d scoffed, mouth stuffed with a perilla leaf wrap. “You know I don’t do blind dates.”
“It’s not a blind date,” Mingyu had retorted, the glance he threw at his friend’s direction precarious. “She wants you to take her virginity.”
Jeongguk had choked. Of course, he had. Even if sex didn’t mean much to him, taking someone’s first time like that felt very transactional. And Jeongguk wasn’t that big of a dickhead. But then Mingyu had opened his mouth, spewing various details about your life to him that he would rather have not heard over a KBBQ lunch. You were a friend from one of his business lectures, rather eccentric but sweet and funny. You were also a virgin and terrified of approaching men on your own, one of the reasons Mingyu had sprung up this arrangement. Jeongguk wasn’t one to fall into things like this but it was too late. Mingyu was a marketing major for a reason, he knew how to spin words in his favour, convince people into agreeing to things that they normally would not. And that’s how Jeongguk found himself staring at your retreating figure after you’d thrown your body right out his window, landing hard on the lawn of the house he rented with Namjoon and Seokjin. The crazy thing was that you’d gotten up immediately, not showing any sign of a broken bone or injuries, before promptly sprinting down the road to the bus stop. He should have known then. He really should have known. And yet, here he is, pants discarded on the floor of his room and his dick aching from being unrelieved for longer than it’s ever been, while you crouch over him, squinting at his penis like it’s a foreign object that could kill you.
“Could you please stop staring at my penis like that.” He says it out of frustration, but also the way you’re examining his length makes him feel self-conscious in a way he hasn’t felt like in a long time.
“Sorry,” you murmur, not breaking eye contact with his dick. “I’m just… fascinated. It’s rather….” The sentence tapers out and you swallow hard as if it pains you to admit it, “...Ugly.”
Jeongguk decides then and there he hates you.
“I mean... It’s not that it’s ugly!” you swiftly attempt to amend, catching the glare he directs at you. “It’s also big!”
“I know. And you just said it was ugly,” Jeongguk retorts, weighing the options in his head. Either get a poor blowjob from a girl he’s terrified of (but also bizarrely attracted too) or kick you out of his room and finish himself off. The situation sucks either way but it’s better than the last time when you’d leapt out of the window like a gazelle.
“I misspoke,” you say, gently falling onto your knees. You flash him a shy smile, a soft delicate little thing that makes your eyes glitter and Jeongguk instantly picks the first option. “It’s just different to what I expected it to look like.”
He scoffs, swallowing hard on the sudden lump in his throat. “There’s no way you haven’t seen a dick before. You don’t watch porn?”
The grimace you make is enough of an answer. “I have… Not all the time though, it’s too much for me sometimes. Also, it’s weird seeing it in real life and not, like, through a screen.”
“Noted. But still, it’s not that ugly,” Jeongguk murmurs, trying not to compare his penis to the visuals he has in his head. His pride is wounded from that comment he won’t deny it.
“It kinda is,” you reply. Jeongguk flicks your forehead in retaliation. “Ow! Why’d you do that.” There’s that stupid pout in your lips as you glower at him. He despises how his dick twitches at the sudden thought of your pretty mouth wrapped around his length. Despises it even more when you gasp at the slight motion trembling through him. “It moves?!”
“Yeah,” Jeongguk sighs, wondering how on Earth you’re over the age of twenty and still like this. “It does. Also, don’t insult my dick. It’s rude.”
“Sorry again,” you pause as if you’re considering whether what you might utter next is offensive. You open your mouth anyway, unable to comprehend the fact that your words are slowly chipping away at his ego. “It’s kinda scary that it moves.”
“Oh my god, you are the literal worst.” Jeongguk thinks his boner might evaporate. It’s a miracle it’s lasted this long. You’d sauntered into his room around half an hour again and he’d been hard from the get-go. Truly amazing his balls hadn’t shrivelled up yet. “You know you’re about to blow me off right?”
“I know… I’m stupid,” you counter, eyebrows furrowing together like you’re attempting to figure out exactly how Jeongguk’s dick works. It’d be very simple if you just asked him. It’s essentially an up and down motion, some swirls, a lot of wetness. Nothing too difficult. But when you glance up at him, the innocent glaze over your eyes almost hopeless, he can tell it feels the same as defusing a bomb. “I just… Don’t know what to do. Show me?”
And there it is - the foolish little thing that landed Jeongguk here half-naked on the edge of his bed in the first place. Even though you were mildly repulsed by the male autonomy you were still so eager to learn. Something Jeongguk didn’t know he would be into until you posed that question and his balls tightened in a way they have never done before.
“Okay,” he mumbles, hoping you don’t suspect the twitch that runs through his length when you say that. Not like you would, to be fair.
But then you sweep your hair back, lean in fast, no preparation or anything before your breath is brushing against his crotch and Jeongguk nearly screams.
“Woah, woah, woah! I thought you just asked me to show you? What are you doing?” Maybe he scuttles further down the bed, terrified of the rush of heat you send straight to his gut.  
Your eyes flicker upward, bright and ingenuous. “Am I doing it wrong?”
“You’re not -,” Jeongguk sighs breath weighing through the air. “You’re not doing it wrong. I just think... We should go slow right? It’s your first time? Maybe don’t rush into it?”
“I watched a YouTube video and they said to do it like that,” you reply. Jeongguk can’t help but blink at you, brain reeling from attempting to understand your being.
“You watched a - never mind. You’re giving me a headache. And I thought you knew nothing. Porn would have been a better research alternative but to each their own.”
“I did it for preparation! I didn't know it’d be this nerve-wracking in real life. And, I told you, real dicks are gross. She used a dildo.”
“How is a dildo any different to a real dick?” Jeongguk fingers dig into the mattress a little harder when you lean it once more, gingerly resting your head against his knee.
“It’s just different. Less grotesque. And they come in various colours.”
He might just actually scream. “It’s literally made to replicate a penis.”
You sigh, your breath skipping against his skin. The room is suddenly tight, closing in on him and you’re not even really touching him. And then you catch your lip between your teeth, pressing down with a quick thoughtful bite. “I think you’re deflecting right now.”
“I’m not,” he splutters. “Why would I even be deflecting right now?”
“I mean, we’re having a conversation about dildos when your dick is hard and I’m meant to be blowing you. Sounds like deflection doesn’t it?” He hates the way your eyes glitter, bright and captivating as your gaze locks into his.
“Like I said,” Jeongguk retorts, “We should take it slow.”
“Okay then. I’m done talking about dildos unless you have anything else to add?”
“I don’t,” he murmurs, “Okay then, onto giving a blowjob.”
“Onto giving a blowjob,” you reiterate. And then, like a psychopath, you smile. “Where should I start?”
He hates that body is on edge right now, hands trembling even though he hides them by squeezing his bed-sheets tight. “Try giving it a lick first? You can put your hand around the base too - if you want to.”
“Here?” His knees nearly buckle when you wrap your warm palm around his length, grip firm around the base of his cock. But that’s nothing to the gentle lap of your tongue against the side of his cock, a quick little thing and nearly launches him off the bed.
“Oh - uh - yeah, there.” His voice sounds far off and without warning your mouth is against him once more, tongue a sinful little thing that slips along his length, wet and warm and so sneaky he’s unsure of what to respond with apart from an instinctual buck of his hips. It’s easy like this, your tongue pressed against his cock and your hands slowly dragging upwards, placing a perfect pressure along his length that leaves him sighing into the air of his bedroom. Your movements grow more direct, reading the increasing desperation in Jeongguk’s body as he moves closer and closer to you, waiting until you feel sure enough. And then, finally, your mouth sinks onto him.
He nearly whimpers. Nearly. There’s a heat pooling in his gut and ebbs through every muscle and nerve, the coil of his desire springing tighter with each inch that slips down your throat. You take him so well, Jeongguk can’t help but watch in awe, the wideness in your eyes making him harder than he’s ever been in his life. Even with your inexperience, the way you swallow his cock is obscene. It’s an imagery Jeongguk engraves in his memory, purposefully stored because he knows he’ll think about it whenever his desires override his logical thoughts again. You lap him up like you want this, a soft moan echoing from your throat and along his length as you move deeper, mouth plaint to his dick. He forces himself to sit still, give you the time to adjust, lick and taste to your leisure, forcing the impending wave of heat back down into his gut. He holds it there even when you move away, the sound of your wet mouth popping off his dick permeating the air.
And of course, you lick your lips afterwards, a swift swipe of your pink tongue against them, your eyes trained on his.
“Like that?” you ask.
Jeongguk’s going to die. He is. And you’ll be the reason why listed on his death certificate.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, chest tight with want. “Like that.”
You lean back in without question, mouth taking his length like you were made for it and your hand works against the parts of him you can’t reach just yet. His mind wanders as his eyes take in this sight of you, on your knees and mouth open wide just for him. Someday he’d like to see if you could truly take his length, all of it. Down your throat. Hard and fast like his hips wanted to go. But this is more than perfect. How you concentrate on blowing him like you want to see him spill himself down your throat. It’s almost adorable, the earnestness in your gaze every time your eyes flicker upwards as your mouth moves along his cock. He likes this more than he’s willing to admit, the slowness in your pace, how your tongue is shy sometimes when it laves against his tip. It’s a change from what he usually gets - and a welcome one too. A tiny part of him feels like it would be fitting to hold your hand. You’re so pretty too, especially when your lips are on him. He’d like to take care of you, see what your face looked like when his tongue was deep inside of you, know what your taste like as you moan out his name. He doesn’t even register the words as they leave his mouth, head lost in the images colouring his thoughts.
“Taking me so well, baby,” he can’t help the grunt, the pet name natural to him, “So pretty with my cock in your mouth.”
And you hum like you like it - like you like pleasing him, sinking further down until his tip bumps against the back of your throat. The zip down his spine nearly sends him spiralling.
“Baby,” he feels it then, when your eyes shift to meet his, the snap in his gut. “F-fuck, I’m gonna cum. You need to stop right now if you don’t want to down your throat.”
But you don’t, moving faster like the twitch of his dick in your mouth spurs him on, your lips firm as they wrap around him. He doesn’t hold in his moves this time, hips gently moving up to meet your mouth, the tremor running through his bulky thighs nothing but a warning before it hits him hard. A wave of heat, melting through his muscles as his eyes flutter shut, your tongue lapping him right up, no protest as he unravels down your throat. It’s over in an instant but Jeongguk feels like mush, head floating and his bones soft with how hard his back hits the mattress. You pull off his length a second later, letting him feel you swallow all of him first.
“Holy shit.” His mouth is still disconnected from his brain.
There’s a beat of silence, so awkward that Jeongguk shuffles himself back onto his elbows even though his bones feel like giving way. And then your laugh tinkles through the air, a soft gentle thing that makes his heart seize in his chest.
“That… wasn’t so bad,” you say, staring at him with an ease that spikes an urge to press his lips against yours in his heart.
“Oh,” he replies, like an idiot. “You liked it?”
“Well, it didn’t suck… pun intended. Your moans are really loud.”
Jeongguk blushes - he blushes - even after the stupid joke you made.
“Um, yeah. I do, I guess. Sorry, I kind of forgot to show you what to do. But you’re a bit of a natural, to be honest.” He abhors the diffidence in his voice.
“I guessed that,” you retort, the smile on your face hypnotic, “From your really loud moaning.”
“Can you - fuck how do you ruin any intimate moment when it happens?”
“Guess I’m a natural at that too,” you say it with a laugh, and Jeongguk can’t help the smile that tugs against his lips.
“Um,” he tries, fully aware of the front view seat you were getting of his soft dick. He sits up to try and shield it, feeling awfully exposed. “If you’d like… I could return the favour?”
“No, I’m good.” There’s zero hesitation in your voice and you’re up before Jeongguk can think of a decent excuse to keep you in his room. “Maybe another time? I’ll text you. Bye Jeongguk.”
It’s then he regrets not encouraging you to undress earlier, his assumption that this would be the worst blowjob of his life incredibly incorrect. Perhaps if your clothes were scattered around his bedroom he could have found a way to convince you into his sheets while you searched for them. But you’re fully dressed, already bounding out of his door like his dick wasn’t down your throat moments ago. He watches you go with forlornness, mouth dry with words he’s incapable of expressing at this very instance and his heart oddly warm at the sight of your skipping away with a carefreeness he admires. He still hates that you’re leaving, perhaps the only positive of this situation is that you’re using his bedroom door instead of his window.
“Bye,” Jeongguk mumbles into the vacant air. You don’t even catch it, shooting him a quick grin before you’re bounding down the stairs as if this doesn’t even matter to you. A stumble on a stepping stone to something greater. He plucks up his phone, pants still lost somewhere on the floor. Blocking Mingyu for twenty-four hours should be enough of a punishment, right?
mingyu the man [10:21pm]
you alive?
jaykay [10:26pm]
i focking hate u
u know that right?
mingyu the man [10:31pm]
you dont my g
how was it?
did she jump out the window this time?
jaykay [10:34pm]
mingyu the man [10:37pm]
bro wtf wot she do??
jaykay [10:40pm]
she actually gave me head
mingyu the man [10:45pm]
how is that worse dude you’re just as weird as her
jaykay [10:46pm]
mingyu the man [10:51pm]
you like crazy coochie don’t you
jaykay [10:52pm]
mingyu the man [10:53pm]
lmao u don’t i brought her into your life u lurve me
im best man for the wedding
not jaehyun
u got dat right
jaykay [10:56pm]
i hope you fall into a ditch and die
mingyu the man [10:58pm]
okay big man
you gon see her again tho?
jaykay [10:59pm]
idk man im fucked up right now
mingyu the man [11:01pm]
and u still invited her over to suck your dick again
crazy coochie got u bad bruh
jaykay [11:06pm]
mingyu the man [11:11pm]
mhmm if thats what u say
i have a class wid her to tomorrow
any messages u want to pass on?
[mingyu the man is blocked]
hello? jaykayyyyyy
damn he got it bad
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hee4won · 3 years
hate(d) | nishimura riki x reader
requested by @onionhaseyeo i’m so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted but for some reason i got super excited
a/n: this is my first time writing a fic(?) i guess it could be considered.. i just had an idea i liked for the request and it felt more like a fic than a headcanon :] i hope it’s not too bad !
word count: 2.1k
warnings: probably some grammatical errors, other than that none. (lowercase intended)
tags: e2l, slight angst, slight fluff
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you hate nishimura riki. when you tell others how you feel about him they always have the same unoriginal response, “hate is such a strong word.” and that, is exactly why you chose it. 
now, in order to really understand why your hatred runs so deep, let’s get into the Three W’s! WHY do you hate him so much? he stole your best friend, she ended up developing feelings for him and ghosting you, she moved away, he never apologized for it. WHEN did you realize nishimura riki was the worst thing to ever happen to you? 7th grade, it’s always 7th grade. WHERE did the beginning of the end commence? the cafeteria, your friend decided to spill her guts out in front of the whole lunch table, only to be humiliated not long after. 
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there you sat, glaring at the back of riki’s head. anyone from a mile away could sense your distaste when it came to him. truth be told, no one could understand why, and you never cared to explain. you figured the situation between the two of you or - just you and an unknowing boy -  was personal and should be kept private. you were really good at keeping it a secret too, so good that riki himself couldn’t pinpoint the issue you had with him. 
for the most part you did your best to avoid him, whether it be physically or when he was brought up in conversation between classmates. ni-ki, as people on good terms with him would address him, was a really friendly student. he didn’t pick fights, kept his teasing to a minimum, and somehow got good grades despite sleeping in and skipping classes. 
going to school knowing his sweet, smiling face would be one of the first things you would see in the morning was what kept you in bed during first period. just the idea of him was revolting, and you simply weren’t strong enough to hold your ground right after waking up.
that was until your first period teacher emailed you letting you know a group project was coming up and it counted as 60% of your overall grade. all you could do was send a friendly reply, close the laptop, and scream into your pillow. you were going to be seeing nishimura riki for the first time in almost a month. which you considered to be the best month of your life.
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you were alert all morning, barely getting any sleep the night before from how nervous you were. it actually wasn’t as bad as you thought. you were late, which meant everyone already picked who they were going to group with. and, to your luck, riki was nowhere to be foun-
“oh my gosh, i am so sorry. . . y/n?” sigh, of course it had to be him. you flashed a limp smile and hurried over to an empty seat. you noticed his hand go forward then drop down to his side, almost like he was trying to bring you back. “oh! ni-ki,” even the teacher knows his nickname? how wonderful. “what perfect timing, you and y/n will be partners for the project, i’ll send the rubric out this afternoon. class dismissed!”
your legs were like jelly, since when did you become this way? sure, you hate him but. . . not being able to move? it was different, it was new. riki noticed the look of confusion on your face and cautiously made his way over to you once all the other students cleared the classroom. “hey, y/n. i haven’t seen you in a while, have you been doing alright?” why on earth was he concerned about you? so shameless.
“yeah, i’m fine, thanks,” you glared at him while standing up and purposefully bumping into his shoulder. bad move. your knees gave out right then, luckily, riki held onto you before you could hit the cold floor. you sighed in defeat, today just wasn’t your day, and mister nishimura just wasn’t the person you wanted to be this close to.
“do you need something? or is there another reason you won’t let go of my arm,” every word had a hint of poison mixed in it. riki muttered a small apology and quickly released you. “i just wanted to let you know that we can work on the project at my place, only if you want,” he gave a boxy closed-mouth smile, almost as if he was trying to act cute. disgusting.
“whatever, give me your address and i’ll come by at 4.” and with that, you two went your separate ways.
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after school
as you made your way to riki’s house, you were running over every possible scenario that could occur. you wanted to avoid arguing, only because you took your grades very seriously. but does he? you couldn’t help but feel nervous and slightly jittery as you got closer to his front steps. oh! the door is open. but. . . no riki?
you called out for him a couple times until hearing laughter and the crunching of chips coming down from the second floor. of course, he’s playing the game. trudging up the stairs you wiped off your sweaty palms, mentally preparing yourself before inviting yourself into his room.
“sunghoon, shut up! it’s not even like that, you’re so weird,” he was so loud. “jake, you too! as if you haven’t been trying to swoon that girl in your third period for the past two months now. haha!” well, boys will be boys.
you open the door and riki notices immediately. he throws his headset and controller down to the floor. “y/n, you scared me,” he was almost out of breath. “oh my bad, i called out for you but you didn’t hear me so. . .” you fiddled with your fingers awkwardly. riki muttered a quick, “it’s okay” and gestured for you to take a seat on his bed.
picking up his headset, he told the cheeky upper-class boys that he would talk to them later. grabbing his supplies and computer, he took a seat next to you. you shifted away from him a little, not comfortable with the closeness between the two of you. he didn’t seem to notice, that or he just didn’t care.
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“okay, so, have you already looked over the rubric?” crickets. “helloo, earth to y/n! have you checked the rubric yet?” “OH! yes, i have, ha,” you gave a quick reply, trying to pretend the awkward moment of you staring at him never happened.
ha? are you insane? you were nervous yes, and you thought it was because of the bad terms you two were on but. . . this nervousness felt a bit different.
“i also wrote up a quick outline during lunch,” you took the paper out of your bag and moved to hand it to him. “ooh nice, you’re such a scholar,” you gave him a lighthearted “shut up” before looking back at your laptop.
did he feel that? your fingers touched. they did touch, right? you can’t be imagining all of this. Y/N. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU HATE HIM, REMEMBER?
“uh, y/n? why do you look like you’ve been holding in a wet fart for the past three minutes?” he was being playful while also holding genuine concern because of your recent actions. your jaw drops, you were always bad at keeping a poker face. but you knew you had to go back to your cold state, there was no way you were going to finish the project by gawking at him. he has such pretty lips by the way, how did you not notice sooner?
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it had been a few hours since you guys started working on the project. you checked the time, 8:00 pm. “hey, riki,” you began with a small yawn. “y/n, you know you can call me ni-ki, right? that’s what all my friends call me,” his eyes suddenly widened noticing your discomfort. “wait, i mean. . . only if you want to!”
you cleared your throat and just asked for the bathroom. once inside and closing the door behind you, you felt the need to cry. sob, even. what is going on? why do you feel so bad for being around him? are you a traitor? is it wrong to be laughing and giggling like the two of you are besties?
you turned the water on, hoping it would drown out the sound of your muffled cries. unfortunately, you have some awfully loud sniffles. riki came running to where you were and knocked on the door. he spoke softly, “y/n? are you okay? can i come in?” what was the point in saying no? it is his house, and maybe if you told him. . . you’d feel better.
as you opened the door and looked up at him, the look of worry on his face made your heart ache. gosh, why do you care about him so much? he looked at your tear stained face and slowly reached out his hand, giving you a look that pleaded for your approval. you pass a small nod, and almost sank into the warmth of his hand on your cheek. he pulled you in for a hug as you cried for a little while longer. “do you wanna talk about it?”
here it was, here was the chance to let him know what you’ve been wanting to since 7th grade. you took a moment to steady your breathing and gather courage to look him in the eyes. you told him everything, from the beginning of 7th grade, to the day it all happened, all the way to where the two of you stood now.
he just sat there, probably trying to process everything you had randomly dumped on him. you were about to apologize and pack your things, but for some odd reason, he smiled? “ni-ki? what’s so funny? i was being serious,” his smile only grew bigger, “no i know, i just find it so funny how you had so much agaisnt me meanwhile i just wanted you to like me.”
he?? wanted you to like him??? hmmm. “what do you mean. . . wanted me to like you?” you were really curious, “i’ve had a crush on you since 7th grade, that’s why i rejected your friend later on. i never knew it would hurt you in the process, and for that i am sorry. very sorry.” you let out a small chuckle, “it’s not your fault, really. now that i’m older i think i was only mad that you two didn’t end up together because i liked you too. i just couldn’t live with myself for liking the same boy my best friend liked. it’s stupid, i know.”
riki reached out for your hand, which you obviously let him have. “you’re a good friend.” he flashed you a sweet and caring smile. you let out a sigh of relief, it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. all this time you had been pushing for yourself to hate him, while it was all just a plot to get rid of your feelings for him. crazy.
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it was 11:00 pm.
you and riki had already finished the project and were laying on his floor. the both of you just staring at the ceiling and stealing glances at each other. what lovesick little kids.
after noticing the time, you hopped up and told him you really needed to go. he gave you a small pout with puppy eyes trying to get you to stay, and of course, it was hard but you’d rather leave now and see him later than get grounded and not see him for another month. “i can just text you, don’t make that face.”
he escorted you down the stairs, both of you moving discreetly, careful not to wake the boy’s parents. he opened the door for you and you turned around, gazing at him. “what are you thinking?” he asked with a tired smile on his face and small pieces of fluffy hair sticking up in every direction. you gave a shy smile and pecked his lips. he was very surprised, but also very happy.
“nothing.” you said, holding a cheeky grin in an attempt to hide your shyness. “wow, just to think that you hate my guts,” riki poked fun at you.
“hm, hate is such a strong word.”
“what would you call it then?”
“i would say. . . i hate(d) you. past tense.”
the two of you just laughed, both of you yawning shortly after.
“goodnight, mr. ni-ki.”
“goodnight, y/n.”
and with that, the two of you went your separate ways. but this time, with mutual feelings.
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oh and btw, the project got you guys an A+ ;).
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ocean-blue-whump · 2 years
Home Sweet Hell: 2
Continued from HERE
Sunny + Star Masterlist
Sunny and Star Crew: @ashintheairlikesnow @whumpinggrounds @whumptakesthecake @justplainwhump @whumpfessional @winedark-whump @painful-pooch - let me know if you want to be added/removed!
CW: lady whump, kidnapping, noncon kiss, beating, escape
The world is still spinning when she wakes up. Marlow lifts her head with a weak whimper, eyes latching onto the Home Sweet Home sign again. She can smell blood in the air, can feel where it’s stuck to her, especially the mess on her temple and in her hair, can taste blood on her lips. 
She looks down at her body, despite the nausea the small movement causes, and immediately looks back up. She doesn’t want to see that, see how she’s been reduced to a mess of bruises. 
Marlow can deal with the pain. Pain is better than waiting. Pain is better than what she left behind in Vermont. She grits her teeth and starts rocking back and forth with the bouncing of the van, trying to tip the chair over. 
“Morning, darlin’,” Paul says with a grin, looking over his shoulder. “We’re stopping for gas soon.”
“What, so you can pick up another victim?” she snaps at him, her voice raspy.
“You’re my focus right now. One at a time.” 
“How kind of you.”
He pulls into the gas station and stands up, walking towards her. “Day two, darlin’. How you holding in there?”
“My head hurts, actually. And I could use a little water.” She grins up at him, despite the throbbing pain radiating through her whole body. 
He slaps her across the face. “No one likes a smartass.”
“Sounds like…” She takes a deep breath. “Sounds like something my dad would say.”
“Well, he’s not here, is he?” Paul pulls out a switchblade, snapping it open. “What’s the phrase kids use? Ah, right. You look like you have daddy issues, darlin’.”
“Oh, fuck you. No wonder you live alone. Jackass.”
Paul presses the flat side of the blade against Marlow’s neck. “Did I hit a nerve?”
Marlow holds her breath, the cold steel against her bruised, bloody skin sending pure terror down her spine. “Fuck you,” she whispers. 
“How old are you, Casey-slash-Marlow? You don’t look nearly old enough to be out here all by your lonesome.”
“Twenty-two.” She glares at him. “I have a job. I have a family. I have a boyfriend. They’ll find me, dead or alive.”
“You really like lying, don’t you? I’ve killed twenty-two other people, and darlin’, you’re the loneliest I’ve met so far. I can tell that sort of thing.” Paul smiles down at her. “There’s no one in the world who gives a shit about you or what happens to you or where I’ll dump your body when you die.”
“Fuck you,” Marlow hisses, back to tugging at the restraints despite the knife at her throat. “Rot in hell, you bastard.” Her head is spinning, she’s on the verge of throwing up or passing out. 
Paul backhands her in the face. “Shut up.” He steps back, pulling out the duct tape again. 
Marlow rolls her eyes. “Fucking fantastic.”
“Well, I can’t have you screaming for help.” Paul tears off a piece of tape and slaps it over her mouth. 
Marlow glares at him as he leaves the van.
The Home Sweet Home sign is getting fuzzy. Marlow squints up at it, trying to steady herself. She doesn’t have nearly enough time. Paul steps back into the van, not paying her any attention as he sets off for the next rest stop, munching loudly on a bag of chips. 
That’s the only break she gets before Paul pulls off the road and comes back to her, brandishing a knife, some sewing needles, and brass knuckles. 
Day two ends in pain, just as it started. 
Marlow doesn’t sleep all night. She knows she can’t, with the throbbing in her head and all her injuries, the cuts and bruises and broken ribs.
She also knows that she won’t make it out of here alive if she doesn’t leave soon. 
You’re Marlow fucking Lancaster. You’ve survived so much shit already, you can’t just give up and die here.
The Home Sweet Home sign leers down at her, taunting her with its pink lettering. 
She glares back at it, wanting to tell it to fuck off. Paul left her gagged, saying he wanted some quiet time before they get to their destination. 
It’s dark outside, no other cars on the road. Sacramento is just a different memory. 
Pain is all Marlow’s known for the past two days. Pain and pain and more pain. But she can’t think about it. Survival is more important than the fear that’s threatening to eat away at her. 
Paul pulls the van into a fast food restaurant parking lot. “Well, darlin’, I could eat!” At Marlow’s angry look, he chuckles. “Not you.”
She recoils, breaking quickly, the tape moving with each inhale. Fucking creep.
He walks back, settling on her lap. “Just a little bit longer. Then you’ll be part of my collection.”
Fucking creep. Marlow stiffens as she feels him sitting on her, heavy and suffocating, aggravating all her wounds.
Paul rips the duct tape off, holding her chin in his sweaty hand. “There’s my darlin’.”
Marlow tries to pull away, thrashing in her restraints, no matter how much it hurts. 
He chuckles. “You’ve been a fun one. But this…it’s just a taste. And since you’ve been so fucking defiant, pardon my French, I’m going to have to treat you extra rough when we get back to my shed.”
“Your shed? Could you be any more of a cliche?” Marlow fires back. She’s tired but she won’t go down without a fight. She’s not dying here or in a shed. Marlow goes out on her own terms. 
Not like this. 
“Shut up,” Paul says affectionately, tightening his grip. “I told you I don’t much care for you talking.”
She snarls. “Get the fuck off me.”
“What makes you think that you still get a choice in that?”
Paul surges forward and kisses her. 
Marlow’s mind blacks out with panic. His lips are on her, his disgusting, slimy lips, stealing her air away. Marlow’s too shocked to fight back. Her muscles lock up. 
It’s her first kiss. She can’t help but laugh at that. Her first kiss is in the back of a motor home after she was kidnapped. 
Paul pulls away and steps off of her. “I’ll be back.”
She whimpers.
He steps out of the van, humming to himself. 
Marlow tilts her head back, pushing her tears down. This is not how she dies. 
And if he just kissed her…
He could do worse when he gets back. 
Marlow doesn’t know if she can take that. 
Despite the pain, she starts twisting her wrists around, yanking at the ropes. 
Blood spills from her wrists but she keeps going, she keeps pushing forward until, finally, the ropes loosen enough for her to slip her hands out. 
She bends over immediately, her head swimming, and undoes the ropes at her ankles. For the first time in three days, Marlow Lancaster stands up on shaky legs. She stumbles forward, her muscles stiff and sore from being out of use, and leans on the counter for support. 
She takes a shaky breath. “Alright, Marlow. It’s okay. Just…one foot in front of the other, right?” She’s working on a time crunch here. Paul could be back anytime, and if he sees her untied…
There’s no time to think about that. 
Marlow shuffles up to the front and unlocks the car manually, grabbing her backpack that’s still sitting in the passenger seat before sliding out the door. She doesn’t look behind her, doesn’t wait to see if Paul’s on his way out of the restaurant. She grabs her knife out of her backpack and runs.
She runs until her legs threaten to give out and she keeps going until she’s miles away. Only then does Marlow slip into an alleyway and finally allow herself to fall asleep.
It lasts for an hour, maybe even less, before she wakes up in a cold sweat, the feeling of Paul kissing her still trapped on her lips. 
Marlow pulls herself into a sitting position and takes a deep breath, staring at the concrete. Just keep breathing and surviving and doing whatever it takes. 
A tear slides from the girl’s face, but she doesn’t make a sound.
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1engele · 3 years
daybreak | sal fisher x fem!reader - 2. math
Previous | Next
[warnings: cursing, mention of smoking, mention of household abuse of a teenager]
"what a plot twist you were."
The next day, you'd wakened with dry lungs and an even drier mouth.
It was true that smoking was bad for you—but it hadn't been as horrible as you'd thought. You'd try it again, but you couldn't see yourself becoming addicted.
Your mother wasn't home, again. You were quick to understand that she worked longer shifts now and you wouldn't see her a whole lot.
Not like you cared. Michelle never really liked you all that well. You'd probably have been dumped on the street a long time ago had your father not legally obligated to pay child support.
You'd never known him. You weren't sure if you wanted to.
She doesn't use child support for your well-being. Probably uses it to continuously feed her crippling gambling addiction and buy more pointless flowers for the apartment.
You were nervous about today. You'd never been the new girl before—and you didn't know what to expect about these kids. You doubted they were as cool as people as Larry and Sal.
You showered and put on your boyfriend jeans—which had holes in the knees, but you couldn't bother to concern yourself whether or not that conflicted with the dress code or not— and your light grey hoodie. You added a flannel on top of that which was a little too big for you. Don't forget the white sneakers which you should probably replace.
You pocketed your flip phone and slung your bag over your shoulder. Stopping in front of the mirror, you passed a hand through your hair, decided it was adequate, and walked into the kitchen. You grabbed an apple—you never really found yourself hungry in the mornings. Besides, it wasn't like your mother was around to make sure you were fed—and left the apartment.
You locked the door behind you and shoved the keys into the front pocket of your bag afterward.
You met with Sal and Larry at the foot of the front steps of the apartments, like you'd agreed the day prior. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous as you opened the door and walked down the three stairs.
"Hey!" Larry greets you first.
"Hey, Larry," you smile weakly, as you're not fully awake yet, but it still means as much as a smile you'd give him when you were awake. You turn your eyes to Sal, waving shortly. You were momentarily startled when you realized he'd already been looking at you. "Hi, Sal."
"Hey," he says your name pleasantly. "How are you feeling?"
It was sweet that he was concerned about your well-being. "Alright. My lungs hurt."
He hooked a thumb around the strap of his bag and slid it up and down. His hands were pale and veiny. His nails were painted black and the polish was chipped in a few places. "Yeah. You did a shit-ton of coughing."
You open your mouth to reply, but before you can he meets your eyes. His head is inclined slightly downward, tilted a bit. He peers at you through the shadows of the mask. Lash-fringed, blue angel eyes bore through yours.
His eyes are opalescent. It's almost as if every time you look at them they were a different shade of blue.
You're sure your gazes hadn't connected for more than 3 seconds but the feeling that spawns inside of you from that short contact is slightly jarring. You don't necessarily comprehend what is stirring in your gut and you don't have time to because Larry's speaking breaks through your reverie.
He begins to talk about the chaos the first day of school would be. You quickly forget what had happened before.
But nothing had happened. It was nothing.
When you'd arrived at school after a little bit of walking, you, Larry, and Sal received your schedules together.
"Fuck me," you murmur, mostly to yourself, as you look down at your paper. "Math is first. This always happens to me."
Larry laughs loudly. "Yeah. That does suck. Mrs. Packerton looks like a walking corpse."
Sal jerks his head upward from his schedule. "That's fucked, Larry. She's an old lady."
"I don't care. Pretty sure she's secretly evil anyway."
Sal looks as though he's done reasoning with how harshly true Larry is most of the time. He shakes his head and looks back at you. "Well, if it's any consolation—I've also got math first. So, you know. We could go together," he pauses. "If you want."
You grin. "Yeah. Sure. At least I'll know someone there."
Larry flicks his eyes between the both of you before stopping them on Sal. "Hopefully you won't have Travis again," His eyebrows twitch. "He always has math first."
"Travis?" You echo curiously.
The two boys exchange a glance.
"Just a guy we know who-" Sal starts, hurrying to finish the sentence.
He was rushing so Larry wouldn't cut in and say something but it happened before he even had a chance. "He's a little fucker we know who gives Sal shit. 24/7. He makes my blood boil."
You furrow your eyebrows. "What- why? What's wrong with him?"
"Nothing," Sal replies. "Pretty sure he's really troubled. Not unlike the rest of us."
"Doesn't mean he should take it out on other people." Larry scoffs. "I know it bothers you, dude."
Sal doesn't reply—seems as though he's growing uncomfortable speaking about all of it.
"Hey, guys!"
A voice calls, having grown closer halfway through her sentence. You all turn towards it. A girl, leggy and taller than both you and Sal, with long locks and eyes greener than a spring clover. There was something homey in the way her chocolate brown hair brought warmth to her features.
A boy is beside her, with ginger hair with eyes a deep shade of the richest earth. His skin is pale and freckled. He carries himself with an air of bluntness and just a little bit awkwardly—his facial expression is very blank, you note.
"Hey, Ash. Shocked you aren't late," Larry grins.
"Ash" rolls her eyes at him and mirrors his expression. "You know Todd would never let that happen."
"No, I wouldn't." Todd deadpans.
Ash turns toward you after laughing enough to flash the white gleam of her teeth and a slight dimple in her cheek. "Hey!" She then says your name prettily and juts out her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ashley."
You don't ask her how she knows your name. Instead, you sincerely smile, take her hand and shake it. "Nice to meet you," you return, and then turn toward Todd. "You, too."
Todd is already an interesting character. He doesn't smile but his expression is cordial. "Welcome to Nockfell."
Your smile widens.
"Have you guys gotten your schedules yet?" Sal speaks up after having been quiet for a moment. He must've been reading over his schedule to himself.
"Oh! Yeah," Ashley opened her other hand, the one she hadn't shaken your hand with, and unfolded a now very crumpled piece of paper. She passed summer green over the list. "I've got biology."
Todd didn't even look at his list. "I have history."
Sal looks at you. His gaze easily levels with yours. "Looks like it's just me and you then."
Your face feels hot. "Haha," you suddenly feel nervous. "You're right. Sit beside me, okay?"
His eyebrows jump—that much you can tell by the way his eyes move. Tucking a strand of loose blue hair behind his ear, he replies: "Will do."
His ears are double pierced.
The bell's shrill ringing floods the halls. You wince, and you and Sal's eye contact is broken. Before that happens, though, you see Larry grinning to himself.
Weirdo, you think lightheartedly.
Everyone parts after that. Larry and Ash walk away together. They must both have biology, you thought. Todd leaves by himself to his respective class and you and Sal head towards math.
For a moment, the silence is unbearable. You've never been alone with a boy. Well, you weren't alone, just not in a group with other people. The noiselessness begins to bother you so you fleetingly think of something to say and blurt the first thing that comes to mind.
"The piercings," you say suddenly.
He turns his head toward you. You look up to him before looking straight. "What?"
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god, you thought. All I do is make a mockery of myself.
"I like them!" you add, hurriedly. "They're pierced twice. That's really cool. Looks good on you."
He laughs shyly. "Thanks. I like your shoes."
"My shoes?" You look down and laugh. They were so worn. "Why?" You continue to giggle. "They're falling apart at the seams, haha."
"That's the best kind of shoe," he retorts. He jerks his chin towards his sneakers, a muted shade of cornflower blue. "Look at mine. They barely fit and they're- like, super constricting. Also super ratty—but I can't seem to get rid of them."
You laugh with him. "They look better than mine, at least."
You're glad the ice was broken so fast. You liked him.
The class was boring and uninteresting as any math class would be. You do work. You glance over at Sal a few times throughout the class—not to cheat, just to see how he was fairing—and he was writing answers down with a quick response time and humble confidence within the drawl of his handwriting.
Alright, so he was smart. Not much of a surprise there. You could tell just how perceptive of a boy he was.
You stared hopelessly at an answer on your sheet you'd yet to fill out and twirled the pencil around in your fingers.
Suddenly, a pale hand with black nails has nimbly reached over and hastily circled what you assume was the correct answer to the question with his pencil. You look up to Sal in surprise and appreciation, who's already back in his seat as if nothing had happened.
You giggle before you can stop yourself when he raises a hand and raises a finger in front of the prosthetic's mouth, to tell you "shh."
Mrs. Packerton slowly pivots away from the chalkboard and passes her eyes over the class. You and Sal quickly break eye contact and look down on your papers. Sal's shoulders shake in your peripheral vision and you press your knuckles to your lips and force a bored expression on your paper.
Before the bell rang, you noticed a blond boy with tan skin and caramel eyes in front of you and Sal, occasionally shooting your friend bitter looks. It left a sour taste in your mouth, but you didn't mention it.
You find Ash and Larry before your next class. You think you've burst a blood vessel from how hard you'd laughed when you left the classroom.
"I thought I'd cracked a rib," Sal states over your laughter. as you walked up to Larry and Ashley.
Larry and Ashley exchange a look. Larry is the first to state the obvious. "What the hell happened to you two?"
You and Sal look toward each other and make eye contact. That's the last straw. You cover your mouth and try and hold it in.
"I-" Sal inhales. "It doesn't matter," he breathes out, an amused lilt in his tone. "How was class?"
"Bad," Larry and Ashley reply, in synchronization.
"Really?" You ask, surprised. "Biology can be fun."
"This biology isn't," Ashley sighs. "Not when you're just staring at cells and organisms for 20 minutes and then being expected to do work on it and understand what's happening."
"Well, math wasn't any better," you reply. "If it's any consolation—I don't think I got any answers right except for the one Sal did for me."
"I thought math was fine," Sal chimes in.
"That's because you're fucking Albert Einstein reincarnate," Larry squints. "Please have mercy on our mortal souls, Math God."
"Oh my god," Sal looks down. "Please don't make this into another nickname."
"I like it!" Ashley grins.
You know they're teasing but you can't find it in you to join in after he helped you out in class. Instead, you resign into silence and watch as countless students filter through the halls, bumping into each other as they pass and chatting with their peers.
Through the crowd, at the far end of the hall, you see him. The blond boy who'd been eying Sal in class. He was looking at him in the same way he had been then, with threat and resent shadowing his polished amber eyes.
It looks as if he's readying himself to approach.
You glance toward Larry, Sal, and Ashley. They seem occupied well enough, so you slip into the crowd and head towards who you've now pieced together to be: "Travis," you state, as you stand in front of him. "That's you, right?"
He regards you with distaste. "Do I know you?"
You suck your teeth. "No," you tell him your name. "I came to ask you something."
Despite himself and his embitterment, his eyes shine with hesitant curiosity. You take that as your answer. In spite of his stance over you and his general advantage of being bigger, you hold his gaze with blunt intent.
"What were you planning on doing when you walked over?"
"Why do you fucking care what I do?"
You shrug. "I don't know, Travis. I just think you need to learn how to pick your battles."
"Pick my fucking battles.. you know what? I think I will go over there-"
As he takes a step forward, you raise your hand and your palm roughly hits his chest, stopping him in his tracks—not because of strength (he's at an advantage, and he could easily walk right through) but because of the views he had, or rather—the views pushed upon him.
You saw the golden cross swinging off of his neck as soon as you approached. You'd also seen the gnarly black eye he wore on his face.
It was safe to assume he was being beaten at home and by a parent. And, most of the time.. when an adult is religious they will use several methods to further push it upon their child. Like sinner's guilt. And abuse.
If Travis' extremely religious guardian were to ever find out he'd harmed a girl, especially under the eyes of many others—it wouldn't turn out very well for him.
Yes, maybe you were being manipulative. But you were being manipulative for the good of both Sal and Travis.
"Step down," you advised. "This won't go very well."
You steadily meet his eyes. The stare between the two of you lasts for an even amount of time. Finally, he breaks that contact, jerks away with you, huffs, and walks his way around you and down the hall.
After that, you returned with the excuse of exchanging books from your locker, after Larry had asked you where you had wandered off to. No one seemed to have noticed Travis standing ominously at the end of the hall or your altercation with him.
At the end of school, you were beat. You said goodbye to both Ashley and Todd. Afterward, you, Larry, and Sal head for Addison's Apartments.
"You know, we don't have to go home yet," you say.
The boys turn to you curiously, as you kick a pebble as you walk along the side of the road. The beginnings of the sunset blossom in the sky—orange and fruity like tangerine jelly and amaranth pink like homemade strawberry frosting. like home. It fills you up inside and makes you feel so sweet.
"You guys wanna see a movie?"
Larry grins. "We don't have money."
"Who says we need money?"
When you'd arrived at the movie theater, all three of you had circled to the side exit. After a few moments of waiting suspiciously, an older couple exited through the doors. Larry caught the handle before it closed, and you brushed past them and quickly entered the theater. Before the doors closed, you heard them mumbling about "pesky children," or something.
Once you'd gotten in, you scanned each screening room and what movie the doors said it was playing.
You and Sal decided on a scary movie. Larry was not amused. Whatsoever. Apparently, horror is not his thing.
Before you entered, you frowned.
"We have no popcorn.."
In moments, Larry was reaching into a nearby trash can and pulling out an empty bucket that improbably had popcorn inside of it at some point in time. He then walked away, holding this empty popcorn bucket. It was so bizarre and you would have laughed had not been extremely confused.
"What.." Sal murmured, looking to you. "You think he'll come back?"
"I don't know where he would even be coming back from," You admitted.
It wasn't very long until he'd returned, with the empty bucket he'd taken from the trash now full of popcorn.
"Mandatory free refills," He said to your baffled face, pointing toward the poster on the wall above the trash can which read exactly what he'd just said. "You can never forget the hustle, kids."
"Oh my god," Sal mumbled and you barely heard him beneath Larry's laughter.
The movie was horribly made, and it still somehow scared the shit out of Larry. It may as well have been a comedy with how hard you'd laughed. Multiple other people in the theater had told you to shut Larry up but that was impossible when he was screaming every time a shadow would come on screen or the scene would change.
You, being between Larry and Sal, originally thought you'd had the best seat. You were wrong. Not only was Larry cowering into you and screaming directly in your ear, but Sal had simultaneously begun to throw popcorn at Larry's face to shut him up. That only resulted in popcorn. All over.
Needless to say, you left before the movie ended because of the fear of being escorted out by the employees.
"I'm never seeing a movie with you again," Sal squinted towards Larry. The three of you were now on the way back to the apartments. The night was thick and pearly moonlight bounced off old the white of his prosthetic face. "I think my eardrums are bleeding."
"It's the horror movies! This isn't my fault. Both of you ganged up on me and chose it."
You giggled to yourself.
Sal, beside you, suddenly stopped. "Wait, Y/N."
You stopped, and Larry halted a few feet away, as he'd been walking a bit ahead. Sal leaned forward and reached toward your face. Your body felt as though it had been zapped and you stood still.
He reached into your hair and pulled out a piece of popcorn.
"Huh." You said, dumbly. "How'd that get there?"
Larry's approaching footsteps were fast and leggy. He reached into Sal's hand, plucked the piece of popcorn between his fingers and fucking ate it.
"Jesus Christ, I can't do this anymore," Sal shook his head.
"What? It looked okay."
Recovering quickly from whatever had happened to you, you laughed.
You also inwardly denied what your body was feeling because you knew it was much too soon.
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haikyuucute · 4 years
Yo okay what about alphaTendou who meets a cute omega on campus while out on a night walk cuz hes been sexiled by alphaushi and his mate? They spend all night together just having a good time together wrecking havoc on the school grounds until the sun comes up. after that he just can't get enough of the good girl omega in the other class that he knows has a more adventurous side to her than she lets on and even though shes shy shes pretty eager to have his attention when others think he's creepy
Hello I sent the alphaTendou prompt in last night but I've been thinking about it a lot lol and what if after their late night hang, Tendou tests the waters by scenting her randomly, and people are like "wtf that creepy alpha scented you??" cuz no one really knows they're hanging out and she's just like "idk i don't smell anything" just to fucking rile him up so he keeps doing it more and she keeps denying its happening until he snaps & fucks/marks her somewhere outside during a nighttime hang (2/3)
Part 3??? For alphaTendou, the lil omega is just like "all according to keikaku" afterwards and Tendou is just all heart eyes. Apologies for spamming u btw (3/3)
Y’know, I wasn’t a simp for Tendou before, but after writing this I sure fucking am now.
This was a pretty long request so I decided to break it down into headcanons for the beginning part and write a drabble for the smut~
Ty for requesting💞~
Warning: Smut, degredation, some blood
Perfect (Tendou Satori) [Omegaverse AU]
By now Tendou was pretty used fo getting kicked out of his dorm whenever Ushijima or Ushijima’s mate had gone into heat or had a rut
Which usually had him staying in Semi’s and Reon’s dorm until he could come back
Tonight however, he decided to walk around campus before going to their dorm
The sun had already set when he went out and he hadn’t been expecting to really find anyone outside
But then he heard loud ruffling and the scent of an omega had reached his nose
Out of curiosity he went to investigate the noise
That was when he found you, kneeling in front of a vending machine with the glass door wide open, giving you access to everything inside
He watched on in amusement, staying hidden, as you shoved bags of chips and candy into your bag, with candy bar sticking out of your mouth
You suddenly stopped, eyes widening as you scented the air
You didn’t really recognize the scent but you knew it was an alpha and the last thing you needed was to run into an alpha that would rat you out
So you quickly shut and relocked the vending machine before going to head back inside, but as you were about to pass the corner he was hidden behind, he grabbed your wrist
You jumped, facing him to find him staring down at you with an unsettling smile that would make any omega run for the hills
But you laughed instead
He was slightly confused but all the more intrigued by you
”You know you can get in trouble for stealing from the vending machine” “Only if I get caught”
And just like that, this boy was hooked
You recognized him, the volleyball club was only one of the most popular clubs in the school so of course you did
You also knew his reputation for being kind of weird, but with him standing in front of you right now, you just thought he was funny
So you asked if he wanted any of your snacks, and Tendou wanting to know more about you accepted
You took him to a bench before dumping out your bag and letting him have his pick and the two of you ended up talking while eating the stollen snacks
And all it did was solidify your increasing interest in the other
So afterwards you decided you wanted to show him something
And you proceeded to break into the school’s private pool
And quite honestly, that alone was enough to make Tendou want to claim you as his omega
like he had never met an omega as daring and adventurous as you, and you were so pretty, and you weren’t creeped out by him either
you were perfect
Later that night he found his way to Semi’s and Reon’s dorm, soaking wet after he had attempted to push you into the pool, but because you dodged him, he had fallen in instead
lol Semi was not amused
The next day in class, Tendou was determined to find out more about you
He already knew your name and what class you were in, so it was only a matter of asking others about you
That was when he found something even more interesting about you
Because the reactions of his classmates weren’t ones he was expecting
”(L/N)-chan? Isn’t she that shy omega in class 2-A?”
”She’s probably one of the sweetest omegas in the school, though I heard she’s kind of a goody two shoes”
”I don’t know a lot about her, but she’s very soft spoken I heard, and a bit of a prude apparently”
He almost didn’t believe it at first, they had been describing a completely different person from the one he had met last night
But he quickly realized they really were talking about you
And nothing excited Tendou more than knowing the girl that everyone perceived as shy and innocent was the most daring omega he had ever met
You were like his little secret
Later that night he had gone searching for you and was happy to find you trying to climb up a tree
From that night on it became a nightly thing to hang out and do whatever the fuck you two wanted to do
Even if that did mean almost getting caught by teachers and other students multiple times
It wasn’t until a few nights later that he had started scenting you, in attempts to see if you were interested
You weren’t stupid but you sure did love playing stupid when it came to the whole scenting ordeal
You knew he was doing it, the extra touching was a clear indication as well as the lingering scent of alpha on you
but you acted oblivious to it, just to see what he’d do
And you took every opportunity to deny his scent on you when it arose
like when one of your classmates asked you about it when you knew he was right around the corner
”Why do you smell like that creepy alpha on the volleyball team?” “Who?” “Tendou Satori” “Oh him? Don’t be silly, I don’t smell like him”
So he did it more, his touches lingering even longer, ruffling your hair, brushing his body against yours, and so on
but when he overheard another conversation he was getting impatient
”Since when have you been hanging out with Tendou?” “Why do you ask?” “You reek of his scent” “Oh that’s funny, I can’t smell anything”
He was sure you were fucking with him now
So that night, before the two of you parted after one of your hang outs, he hugged you tightly against him, making it blatantly obvious as to what he was doing
However the next day...
“You know you should stay away from Tendou, he’s kind of weird.” “What’s bringing this up?” “You smell like him” “Y’know, people keep saying that, but I really don’t smell a thing”
If your goal was to rile up Tendou, then consider him riled
But his tipping point was when the two of you were behind the school and you said:
”You know everyone keeps saying I smell like you, isn’t that funny?”
And the glint in your eye when you looked at him, combined with your seemingly innocent smirk made his eyes darken
He realized you really were fucking with him
The next thing you knew, your front was pushed against the brick wall of the school
And his lips were against the shell of your ear
”You’re acting naughty, Omega~” “Then I guess you better put me in my place”
That was all he needed before he was pushing his pants down, lifting your skirt up, and moving your panties aside~
Tendou was unforgiving with his thrusts, and the dirty words he was muttering against your ear would have made you cry out louder if it weren’t for the two fingers that were shoved in your mouth and gagging you.
The bricks of the wall bit painfully into your cheek, but you couldn’t care less in that moment as Tendou fucked you silly.
”Messy girl~” he giggled breathlessly, watching as you drooled down the side of your mouth and on his hand.
You babbled incoherently around his fingers, making him laugh again.
”What was that little omega? I didn’t quite get that,” he teased, punctuating it by shoving his fingers further into your mouth, making you gag.
You continued to moan around his fingers as a trail of tears leaked out of your eyes. His thrusts picked up, the arm around your waist tightening further as he set an even rougher pace, each thrust pulling more and more whimpers from you.
”Do you like being treated like a dirty whore, Omega?“ he grunted, “Do you like knowing everyone thinks you’re an innocent little omega, when you’re really a little slut that knows how to take my cock?”
You moaned again, trying your best to nod.
”Ah~ that’s what I thought,” he said, with a nip to your ear.
He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, all the noises you made no longer being muffled.
”You better stay quiet, you don’t want us to get caught do you?” He mocked, his hand finding it’s way into the front of your panties, his fingers drenched in your drool now playing with your clit.
”Alpha,” you cried out, making his grin widen.
”Oh? Maybe you do want us to get caught— Do you like the idea of someone finding your Alpha fucking you?” He practically growled, “You want others to know I own your pretty pussy?”
You whined, feeling yourself about to cum, “Alpha— ‘m gonna—“
The arm around your waist moved as he threaded his fingers in your hair, pulling your head to the side, and exposing your neck for him, “Fuck— cum for me my pretty Omega.”
A few more angled thrusts inside you had you cumming hard, bracing yourself on your arms against the wall.
The way you clenched around Tendou’s cock had him cumming with a groan in seconds along with you, and in that moment he had sunk his teeth into the skin of your neck. The pain along with the pleasure made you cry out, reducing you to a whimpering mess once you came down from the high.
You fell slack against Tendou, your legs not able to keep you up anymore, but he easily held you up.
He pulled out, making you whimper slightly louder.
Your head lolled back to look up at him, feeling absolutely exhausted, “Y-you marked me,” you softly stuttered.
He grinned, leaning down to lick the blood on your neck from his bite, “I wasn’t kidding when I said I was your Alpha.” He said, making you tiredly smile at him.
Tendou decided since he had just claimed you, he’d have you sleep with him in his dorm, knowing Ushijima wouldn’t mind since he always had his own mate over anyway.
Since you couldn’t walk very well now, he had carried you on his back, letting you nuzzle your nose against the scent gland in his neck.
You sighed blissfully, “You know I planned this out, right?” You mumbled.
He narrowed his eyes in thought, “You planned that I’d claim you?”
You nodded against his neck, “Yeah— you’re very easy to read.”
At that, Tendou pinched your thigh, making you yelp. But he couldn’t help the smile that curled at his lips, knowing that he had definitely found the perfect omega.
Omegaverse AU Taglist:
—couldn’t tag bolded—
@shiguraaa @tycrackculture @kynyta @cuddlesslut @icedhoneygreentea @yams046 @cutepet09 @kkimoka @elegant-gypsophilia @mrkoala4prsdnt @sapphy-taffy6969 @yougivemebutterfliess @melanieacademy @yeet-these-hoez @nekomasmeow @thirsthourdemon
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Here is my little drabble for Writer Wednesday @autumnleaves1991-blog @clydesducktape
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Armitage Hux x GN!Reader
Warnings: Soulmate Au. This is me, angst. Pain. Mentions of an accident.
Word Count: 1541
Soulmates. Everyone wants one, everyone wants to find that extra special person they spend the rest of their life with but it’s so difficult when all you have to go on is the last words they ever say to you tattooed on your body. You had poured over yours for years wondering what it meant, everyone had this vision of spending their whole lives with the right person but fate never worked out that way. You’d given up anyway, everyone was destined to meet their soulmate at some point, it was just a case of when.
You stared at the tin of soup in your hands, you hated shopping. No one told you as an adult you’d have to feed yourself at least once a day if not more and you’d have to think about it and cook it. Every. Damn. Day. The sound of the tin hitting the bottom of your basket rang out loudly and you looked up hoping not to have disturbed anyone in the quiet shop. There was only one other person near you, a tall gentleman smartly dressed in a suit and he certainly looked too well put together to be shopping here. You looked back at the shelf but the urge to look at him more was almost overwhelming and you ducked your head, turning slightly so you could see him out of your peripheral vision. His shoes were smart and shiny, his suit a rich black, the shirt crisp and white creating the perfect contrast. He shifted slightly and you got a good look at his profile, high cheekbones and light green eyes that were looking at you. He was looking at you. Oh shit. Embarrassment made you feel hot and uncomfortable so you quickly walked round to the next aisle, standing in front of the fridge of ready meals and hoping it would cool you down. You grabbed a lasagne and dumped it in your basket trying to think of what else you needed but nothing was coming to mind.
“Hi.” You flinched and looked up momentarily speechless. His bright red hair fell over his brow, his eyes were intense as they looked at you, a slight smirk tugged at his pink lips and you found yourself thinking he was the most gorgeous person alive.
“I…um….oh….sorry….hi.” You muttered, feeling the heat creep under the skin on your face wishing the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
“Can I…?” He pointed at the meals you were blocking from him and realisation washed over you.
“Oh! Yes of course…sorry.” You sidestepped and watched as he reached across you to retrieve a packet of Macaroni cheese. He was close enough to smell and you couldn’t help but breathe him in, the brush of his jacket swiped your arm making goosebumps race over your skin and you shivered slightly. “Good choice.” His head turned to you and you wished you could just keep your mouth shut but when you felt uncomfortable you always spouted nonsense. And now you felt you had to talk yourself out of this. Your eyes rose to meet his amused gaze and before you knew it you were babbling. “I mean I like that meal too…I chose a lasagne today though. I hate cooking, it’s such a chore. I mean…I’m not being nosy…sorry I ramble…..” You were drowning in air. What was wrong with you? You shifted the basket to your other arm and stuck your hand out offering your name. To your surprise he took it, his skin smooth and soft but his handshake was firm and sure in your grip.
“I’m Armitage. Armitage Hux.”
“Hi,” you breathed, caught up in the open expression on his face as his eyes studied your features. You snapped your hand away, realising you've been holding it for far too long. “I haven’t seen you here before. I mean not that I make a point of scouting the men that come in here, it’s just….” You gestured to him. “You kind of stand out. In a good way!” You almost yelled, your eyes wide. You couldn’t believe he hadn’t walked away yet, just standing here looking at you holding his macaroni cheese and sandwich.
“I haven’t seen you here before either.”
“Oh. Oh.” You didn’t know what to say, a numbness was creeping over your brain and it was making you feel sluggish and even more stupid.
“Have you lived in this area long?” He asked. He wanted to keep the conversation going. You raised an eyebrow in surprise expecting him to run in the opposite direction long ago.
“A while, the days just kind of all slip into one another, what with work and then coming home to an empty flat and cooking.”
“You live alone?” He enquired.
“Oh I mean I have like 6 housemates and they’re all burly body guards….you’re not a murderer are you?” His laugh was loud and rich and you smiled nervously.
“No I am not, sorry I was trying to deduce if you were single or not.” Oh.
“I am so very single…” you murmured.
“Then you wouldn’t say no if I asked you out to dinner?” Your brain stuttered, your thoughts scattering, fleeing, leaving you utterly thoughtless and your mouth opened but no sound came out. “You know, what with you hating cooking and all….” He trailed off. “You can say no…”
“No! I mean yes! I mean I’d like that.” You smiled slightly as the nerves twisted your stomach into a million knots. “I hate cooking so, yes. I would really like that.” He smiled and it changed his whole face softening that intense demeanour he had just moments before.
“What do you like to eat? I’ll let you pick the restaurant.”
“Oh, I am so indecisive….” You looked him over again and realised you were judging where he’d like to go by the way he was dressed. He could like a greasy burger from a fast food joint for all you knew. “Somewhere that does chips?” He nodded.
“That’s good, I like chips too.” You smiled shyly as he looked at his watch, his mouth pulling down in surprise. “Damn I need to go, my meeting started 5 minutes ago.”
“Wait!” You dug around in your bag quickly scribbling your number down. “Here, otherwise knowing my luck we’d never find each other again.”
“I promise I’ll message you as soon as I can!” You followed him to the tills, noticing he placed your number in the pocket inside his jacket and a warm sensation began to expand through your chest. He paid and turned to you. “Enjoy your lasagne for a family of five. I’ll be seeing you,” he breathed close to your ear with a smirk and you rolled your eyes.
“You bet I will!” You called after him. Both of you smiled at one another before the door closed after him. You frowned, something he said made your mind race.
“Miss, are you ready to pay?” Said the cashier but you didn’t hear her as a cold sensation ran through your body, the basket crashed to the floor at your feet, falling from your numb hands. Everything was muted, like your ears were stuffed with cotton wool, your hands shook as you pulled back your sleeve to see the words scribbled on the inside of your wrist:
I’ll be seeing you.
“No….” You were aware someone was trying to talk to you but all you could think of was to get to Armitage. Your legs moved but they were slow, too slow. The door to the shop opened and you saw him stop in the middle of the road, looking down at his wrist. You wanted to shout at him, scream his name but your throat had closed up. He turned to look at you, his eyes meeting yours and you saw the realisation dawn on his face. He took a step towards you, his mouth open to say something when a waft of air ruffled your hair and he wasn’t there anymore. The screech of tyres rendered the air around you, tears already sliding unbidden down your cheeks. People shoved past you, voices rose in panic but you didn’t register any of it. He had been right there, just seconds ago. His red hair glinting in the sun, his green eyes full of concern for you. But he was the one who had been taken. You flinched as your wrist burned, the writing of the last thing your soulmate would ever say to you began to fade. Everything about him was being erased making your heart flutter in your chest. It pained you to think your soulmate had been around all this time and as soon as you met him, a cruel twist of fate took him from you. Turning away from the accident you found your feet moving, leading you down an alleyway where you stumbled. Your legs gave way and you fell to your knees as the pain of your soul splitting in half engulfed you. A cry ripped your chest echoing against the walls heightening the anguish you were feeling to an almost unbearable pitch. He had been right there…and now he was gone.
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
Too tall part 2
Raph x tall! Fem! Reader
So here we are again lol I liked writing it so here’s part two!
“Yeah he was a douchebag.” You agreed, tapping the seat nervously. Sure you were glad to have conversation but it didn’t need to be any info dumping. Quickly, you turned the conversation back around to him. “You kept calling yourself a monster earlier. Do you guys get called that a lot?”
You could easily see the nervous expression on his face shift to something more... bitter.
“You could say that.” He grunted.
Immediately you felt bad. It makes sense that he’s get called that. To be honest, the word ran through your head when he and his brother fell from the roof. But to call someone that to their face? That’s cold.
You straightened up, desperate to fix what you’d said. “I personally don’t see it. Well, other than you guys breaking my phone that is.”
He looked up at you with a glare, only for it to melt slightly when he noticed the grin on your face.
“Who knows, maybe that perv was on his way back with a few friends and you guys dropping down was exactly what I needed to get rid of him.” You shrugged, watching his golden eyes intently. Sure you just met him but you needed him to have the right impression, even if you might not see him again.
“Maybe.” Was all he offered.
Well, maybe sitting in the quiet was better. Running your mouth might have the wrong effect.
“Got a pretty good punch.” He commented after a moment of silence. He wasn’t sure what else he should say but he didn’t exactly want the conversation to die... purely because it would be awkward. “You...uh... you box at all?”
You examined the hand he’d previously wrapped, grateful you weren’t the only one talking. “No just had to learn to beat up guys when they messed with my friends. I’d like to in the future though.” You cleared your throat nervously. “Do you? Do you box?”
He nodded. “Yeah, a bit.”
You nodded as well. “Very cool.”
The conversation began to dwindle again so he picked it back up.
“If ya’d like... I could show ya a few moves.” He immediately regretted offering the moment he spoke. He.... he couldn’t help it! What was wrong with him? You’d said a few words he’d never heard before! That was it! And... well, you also cracked a few jokes with him... denied him being a monster... hell you even apologized to him. Apologies weren’t things he got often. “If ya ever in need ‘a course.” He covered himself quickly. “Got lots a spare time an’ a punchin’ bag.”
You blinked in surprise. A giant, mutant, teenage turtle... was offering you boxing lessons?
Raph mentally kicked himself for saying that. “Neva’ mind ya probably got other places to be-.”
“I’d like that.” You sat up a bit. “It’s not everyday that I get offered a boxing lesson by a mutant hero.”
The term ‘mutant hero’ threw him off. He was used to ‘monster’ or simply being referred to as ‘giant turtle’. But ‘mutant hero’? That was a title he could get behind.
“Can’t have ya goin’ around breakin’ the skin on your knuckles again.” He clarified quickly, gaining a bit of confidence back. “An’ I noticed that ya had your thumb in your fist when ya hit the guy. Coulda broken it.”
You snorted. “Yeah I wasn’t exactly thinking about that when he attacked me.”
“Impressive though.” He commented. “Thought we’d have to jump in an’ save ya.”
“Instead you jumped in after I did all the hard work and broke my phone.” You raised an eyebrow jokingly.
He looked down in embarrassment. “Yeah you can blame Mikey for that. Dumbass wanted to make bets about how long it would take for you to take the guy down.”
You flushed a bit at the thought of them watching you take your rage out on the creep. “I don’t really know what to say to that.”
He nodded, not really knowing what to say either. He was new to the whole conversation thing. Usually Mikey or Leo carried the conversations.
“Well looks like you’re all good.” He leaned back once he finished wrapping your hands. “Guess you can get your phone and we’ll get outta your hair.”
You stood up, backing up a bit when he did to. Man he really towered over people. “Well, except when I come back for that boxing lesson.”
He was surprised to be honest. You really wanted to come back?
You pointed your finger at him jokingly. “I’m holding you to it. You offered and there’s no backing out now.”
“Yeah... sounds like a plan.”
It was a plan indeed.
In fact, it became the plan for almost every afternoon.
You brought over your homework to finish up (with Donnie insisting he could help), chatted a bit with Splinter (he loved having new company), finally got to the boxing lesson (your favorite part), and then played video games with Mikey to cool down.
You had to admit, you were nervous the first few times you came over. They were to. You, of course, cracked many nervous jokes and accidentally made far too many cookies on your first trip back. You were excited and scared! Food was then way to peoples hearts right? They seemed nice and this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to make out of the ordinary friends.
They’d definitely been surprised when you showed up with about 3 tons of chocolate chip cookies but they were teenagers; it was eaten within the hour.
In your opinion it helped you break the ice. It was hard enough to find things in common when they’re completely different species! Cookies had become the common ground.
Being different species wasn’t the only thing. They were HUGE! For once you were the shortest out of everyone in the room.
Well, until you met April.
She’d been talked up so much that you couldn’t wait to meet the girl that helped them save New York.
She barely went to your shoulder.
But you two got along. Sure she was an adult and it was a bit awkward that she was smaller than you, but you managed. In fact you even liked having someone smaller than you around when you were with them. It made you feel more... normal.
“I was a bit awkward the first time I came here to.” She admitted as you two sat on the couch. You two were supposed to be trying to figure out calculus but it was fruitless. “They’re just so... huge!”
You nodded as you erased your work. “Yeah, I’m used to being the tall one. But now it’s like I’m gonna get stepped on!”
“Well you’re pretty tall yourself.” She waved it off. “Does that ever give you any trouble?”
You set down you pencil with a sigh. “A bit. It’s... hard to find a guy that will like all 6 feet and 4 inches of me.”
April shook her head. “Psh. Men. What do they know.”
“Absolutely Nothing.” You grinned. “The only thing they know is that they like small girls.”
“Eh, I can think of a few guys that like tall girls.” She hinted slightly, disappointed when you didn’t seem to notice. “You’d just have to... branch out.”
You shrugged and leaned back on the couch. “I’ve tried that.”
“Maybe you just need a different... angle.” She held up her hands to fully frame your face. “Maybe there’s a reaaaaally tall guy out there for you. Someone who won’t care that you’re 6 foot 4 inches.”
You snorted, wrinkling your nose at her. “Yeah, let me know when a seven foot guy shows up in New York. Preferably, he has to be my age, and my type.”
Just then, Raph walked into the room. “Done chattin’ it up or are ya gonna go for another hour?”
You jumped. “What in the hot tater tots, dude!” You put your hand over your beating chest as if that would calm your heart down. “I get that you’re a ninja but come on! You’re gonna give me a heart attack showing up out of nowhere like that!
“Ya gonna box or what?” He rolled his eyes, mentally facepalming himself.
You weren’t like his brothers.
You weren’t even like him.
He had to be more careful. But he wouldn’t make it obvious of course. Stealth was clearly his thing.
You rolled your eyes right back at him, grateful that he was at a point where he felt he could joke with you. “Can you let my soul return to my body first?”
He frowned, unsure of what that meant. “Uhh... you okay?”
You jumped up off the couch, breath finally caught. “Alright I’m good. I’d rather get another lesson in then have to deal with calculus anymore.” You kicked your notebook a bit.
“You could... I don’t know... get Donnie to help ya with it?” He offered half heartedly.
You shook your head. “Nah, I’d rather do boxing with you.” You patted his arm as you passed him on your way to the training area. “Let’s go!”
His face flushed immediately.
April raised an eyebrow from the couch. “Damn. You got it bad don’t you?”
Double shit.
He glared at her as the blush on his face grew hotter. “Shut up. Don’t know what the hell youre talkin’ about.”
She pursed her lips and tried not to laugh. “Of course. Just can’t help but notice that you never offered me any boxing lessons. Strange.”
He turned before he could get anymore embarrassed. “I don’t know what you’re on but you’re dead wrong.” And with that, he left.
“So these are your katanas?” You asked leo curiously, holding the weapons as gentle as possible. He’d let you look at them while you waited for Raph to show up. Never did you think he’d let you actually touch the blades.
He did, however, stand cautiously next to you. “Yeah, Master splinter gave them to me. Wanna see a few moves?”
You nodded eagerly. “Maybe when I’m actually good at boxing you can teach me some as well.”
You watched as he swing the blades with ease, talking you through each move and it’s purpose.
“Mikey, I’m NOT using my tech to fit every cheese and meat in the world into one pizza!” Donnie stated firmly, walking in with his younger brother right on his tail.
“Why not?” He begged. “It would be genius! We could offer it to the world! Give it our blessing!”
“The world wouldn’t take it from us.” Donnie rolled his eyes.
“Then we give it to Y/n in our honor!” He gestured to you. “She could give our gift to the world.”
“The world don’t want no gift of ours.” Raph commented, finally walking in.
You perked up immediately, altho you were unsure why.
“That’s why we label it as y/n’s” Mikey protested.
“I’m not gonna argue with you about this!” Donnie brushes past him and you.
“Then just say yes!” Mikey exclaimed, accidentally shouldering you.
Now these guys are pretty big. When they shoulder someone, they really move them out of the way.
And unfortunately, out of the way was closer to where Leo was practicing with his katanas.
“Shit!” You hissed quickly when you realized how close you were.
You’d have been chopped up into finely slice pieces if not for the arms that wrapped around you and moved you away quickly. Your feet left the floor before you could even realize what was going on. All you could feel was your back pressed against something solid and hands at your waist.
“Mikey watch where you’re goin’!” Raph shouted, setting you down gently.
“Sorry bro!” He called over his shoulder.
You took a deep breath and squeezed your eyes shut, trying not to stumble when your feet touched the floor. “Wow, that was a little too close for my liking.”
“Ya good there, short stuff?
At this, your eyes flew open. “Short stuff? Excuse me?”
He saw absolutely no problem with the name. “What?”
You placed your hands at your hips. “Never, in all my years, have I been called short stuff.”
He snorted. “Get used to it. Around here, you ARE short stuff.”
You narrowed your eyes at him as he prepared the boxing gloves. How was he so casual about this?? You were never talked to like that! “If I were in the human world, I’d be treated with respect because I tower over all the underlings.” You attempted to joke to cover up your surprise.
He found your reaction... amusing. You reacted better than he thought you would actually. “Well you’re the only underling here, SHORT STUFF.”
You tensed, so very very VERY unused to nicknames. “Come on, you can’t make an exception for human standards of height?”
You didn’t hate it, you just hated that it caught you off guard. Being off guard was the last thing you wanted.
“Nope.” He tossed you a pair of boxing gloves. “Now let’s get to it.”
Why did that name make you feel so... giddy? You couldn’t help but play that scene over and over in your head as you sat at the lunch table with your friends. Was this how all your friends felt when they got called stuff like that? Was this what you’d been missing out on?
And you’d never been picked up before. Not like all the other girls in your grade had.
It was strange... and you liked it.
“Hey, again, I’m sorry about what happened.” Your friend apologized. “I know it’s been a month already but it’s clearly eating you up!” She took your hand understandingly. “I know that whenever this happens you lock yourself away but I’m here for you.”
You snapped back to the land of the living. “Oh! Actually... I’ve been fine!” It was almost like you hadn’t had time to be sad about what happened when that guy stood you up. Like other stuff took his place in your head.
She frowned at you. “Are you sure?”
You nodded, a smile creeping on to your face. “Positive.”
She gasped suddenly. “Oh my goodness. You met someone didn’t you?!” She shook your arm before you could answer. “Don’t deny it! Who are they? What’s their name??”
You shook her off. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” But your blushing face said otherwise.
“I don’t believe you.” She pursed her lips. “Can I just have a name? Does he go to our school?”
You snorted. “Dude, I don’t like him. He’s just a friend I’ve been talking to lately. He’s been giving me boxing lessons-.”
“Oh my goodness you two are basically married now.”
“Wait what?”
“Personal lessons? Girl he’s got it bad!”
Her words stuck with you the whole day. Even when you walked into the lair that afternoon. They spun in circles like a loop, playing over and over.
Psh you didn’t have feelings for Raph!
No way.
And he had a bad for you? No. No, your friend just misread the whole situation.
Just friends, as you’d been for the past month or so.
But the moment you walked in and saw him... you weren’t too sure.
He glanced up at you and then back at his phone. “Hey, you’re here early.”
You shrugged, setting your bag down. “Didn’t feel like heading home right away.”
“Donnies in his lab area if you’re gonna do more a’ that math shit.” He offered, eyes not leaving his phone screen.
“Actually I don’t have any homework today.” You started slowly. “And if you’re not busy...” you waited to see if he would catch on. You continued when he didn’t, “then could we skip ahead to the boxing?”
Now he looked up. “Really?”
He attempted to cover his reaction. “I mean, yeah I got time I guess.”
“Alright, then let’s get some water and get started?”
“Sounds good to me.”
Mikey, Leo, and master splinter were all in the kitchen.
“Hey didn’t hear ya come in!” Mikey grinned, patting your shoulder.
You jolted at the strength he put behind it, unready.
“Ay watch it.” Raph ordered, guiding you slightly away from Mikey.
It was just that he didn’t want Mikey to hit you too hard. Because... then you’d give up boxing too soon for the day. And then he’d have nothing else to do.
“It’s fine.” You waved him off, flushing a bit as you uncapped your water bottle. “Can I get through guys?”
Unfortunately Leo and Raph had started an arguement about the way Raph handled Mikeys action and now no one was really letting you get to the sink.
“Fine I’ll do it myself.” You tried to go around Raph, and succeeded. He backed away immediately when he saw that you had moved. But getting around Leo and Mikey? Not so successful.
With Leo’s strictness turned to Mikey, the two began arguing.
You tried to dodge them but Mikey took a step back.
“Oh my goodness your brothers aren’t making this easy.” You complained to Raph.
“Tell me about it.” He rolled his eyes. Suddenly.. he got an idea. “C’mon short stuff.” He grabbed you and set you on his shoulders so you wouldn’t get squished by one of his idiot brothers.
“Holy shit!” You squeaked suddenly. Now it was you that towered above everyone else. “Should I get used to you grabbing me randomly or is this only a temporary thing?” You held onto his shell as he shouldered past his brothers.
“Possibly.” He shrugged, “but it’s funnier if ya don’t.”
You hit his shoulder. “So you’re doing this for FUN??”
“That, and you gettin’ hit by Leo or Mikey would be an inconvenience.”
Wow where was all this joking coming from?
“Then I guess I gotta stop reacting.”
From then on it was a contest.
He would move you randomly out of the way and you’d do your best not to react.
You never did get used to it but he didn’t need to know that.
He never gave you any warnings either, which didn’t help.
You’d be standing in the tv area and he’d pick you up and move you out of his way, smirking while he walked by if he got a reaction.
You had fun with it though. It was fun... and you enjoyed having something like that in your friendship.
You flopped down on your couch after your hard day at school. Today you had no boxing lesson planned and only a few chapters to read. You WERE planning on relaxing by yourself but...
Mikey sent you a message.
Shreks_love_child: hey are you planning on coming over?
You frowned at it. Didn’t he know you had the day off?
You: I’m just going to relax at home today
Shreks_love_child: could you do that another day and come over? Raph’s in a mood
You: why would me coming over help anything? And why is he in a mood?
Shreks_love_child: no reason. He just doesn’t yell as much when you’re around
That wasn’t true... was it?
With a bit of thought, you responded back.
You: fine I’ll be there in a bit. But you better give me a better explanation when I get there. AND you owe me
“Mom I’m headed to my friends house!” You shouted, slipping on your shoes and heading out there door before she could make you do something like doing the dishes before you left.
You walked down the street, enjoying the scenery.
Why would Raph be in a mood?
And why would you being there make it better?
Well Mikey better have a good reason.
Just as you were about to come upon the sewer lid that lead you to their home, you recognized a person walking your way...
...the same guy that had stood you up.
His eyes widened when he seemed to recognize you to. “Hey, Y/n!” He shouted.
Nope nope nope.
You began walking faster, turning the corner and heading towards the lid quickly. You had to act fast. You absolutely did NOT want to get caught face to face with him.
You lowered yourself and placed to too heavy lid over yourself as fast as possible, moments before he turned the corner.
You let out a sigh of relief.
Dumbass. Why has he wanted to talk? He made it clear how he felt and what he thought.
Whatever. You didn’t need to think about him now.
You could already hear the sound of shouting.
“Mikey I told ya not to touch it! It’s not finished and ya coulda broken it!”
You made your way down the ladder and through the tunnels quickly. From the sounds of it, Mikey was close to being murdered.
“I’m sorry! You left it on the counter dude! I didn’t know what it was!”
You rounded the next corner, coming face to face with two defensive turtle boys. Raph held a small object protectively in his hands and his brother backed away.
“That don’t mean ya gotta mess with it!”
“I already apologized bro!”
“Apologies are shit! Ya got pizza sauce all over it!”
You cleared your throat, letting yourself be known.
Both of them turned to you immediately.
Relief washed over mikeys face. “Hey! It’s y/n! Whatcha doin’ here angel cakes?” He rushed over quickly, practically standing behind you to protect himself from his older brother. “Today was your day off! Huh. Well now you’re here, right?”
You rolled your eyes at him, moving your attention to Raph.
His whole demeanor had changed. He no longer looked ready to kill. Instead he stood up straighter and held whatever the object was behind his back. “Why ya here?” He asked with a frown. “Today was the day off.”
You decided to not give Mikey an even harder time than he was having and not rat him out. “Thought maybe I’d just hang out with you guys if that’s okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah I’m cool with it.” He narrowed his eyes at Mikey as if he suspected what he’d done. Unfortunately he couldn’t hurt him in front of you so he turned his attention away from his younger brother.
“Cool cool.” You nodded as well. “Wanna watch a movie or something?” You leaned closer a bit to see what he had in his hands.
“Yeah, just let me go get my... my phone from my room.” He closed his fist over the object and moved aside.
“Whatcha hiding?” You raised a brow at him. “Candy?”
“Not hiding anything.”
You followed him to his room with a smirk. “If it’s candy you gotta share.”
“Nope. Not candy.” His face darkened as he grew embarrassed about the possibility of being caught before it was ready. “Just go wait on the couch.”
You rolled your eyes and held up your hands in surrender. “Fine. But I hope the shame of candy hoarding follows you forever.” You turned on your heel and walked to the couch.
Just as you sat down, your phone buzzed.
Hey, I just wanted to apologize for what happened. Are we good?
The absolute audacity. That guy ignored you for practically five months! And now he was apologizing? And he wasn’t even giving you a good reason??
You wrinkled your nose at the screen as if it were his face.
It was a stupid idea I just wasn’t ready for anything serious
You shut your phone off and tried to swallow the temptation of throwing it at the wall.
You know it’s rude to ignore people right?
The phone hit the brick wall with a thud.
It had an otter box case it was fine.
You took a deep breath and held your face in your hands, elbows resting on your knees.
“You good, short stuff?”
You groaned into your hands. “Just let me die.”
Raph frowned, unsure of what to say. One moment you were excited and bugging him. Now you looked like someone stole your dog.
“Somethin’ wrong?”
You sat up furiously. “Yeah this dipshit guy keeps texting me!” You paced the room, snatching up your phone as you went. “He stood me up the night I first met you guys and now he wants to talk?? And he’s calling me rude for not responding!” You shook your phone angrily. “Either I’m gonna die or he is!”
“The douchebag?” Raph attempted to clarify. “Ya still got his number?”
“I didn’t have time to delete it.” You admitted. “I got so caught up with you guys! And then he tried to talk to me on the way here!” You sat down beside him with a huff. “Fighting crime is your thing right? You think it’s justified if I run to his house and kill him? Would you stop me?”
“Wouldn’t try very hard.” He huffed. “He’s a dipshit. Don’t see what’s right in front a’ him.”
Crap out of room. To be continued!
@sophiedoodles-blog @fanlovedlt
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