#at least... to the extent that i understand wtf the buttons and the menu mean!! 😭
rmorde ¡ 6 months
I barely understand what is going on. I only get the following:
The game story kinda follows the episodes (?). Don't see any extra stuff in the narrative yet.
The graphics and music are good. Tho I know, by experience, I will eventually start hating the bg music whenever I roll the gacha.
I think the dialogues are unique (?). If so, no wonder this took a while to be released. The transitions, loading screens, and idle/battle animations are amazing too!
The starter units are R versions of Ita-Kugi-Fushi.
The "Shopkeeper/Rewards (?)" is Gojo while the "Inventory Guy (?)" is Ijichi. I think...
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The units I got so far:
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Silver Borders = R Gold Borders = SR Rainbow Borders = SSR
There is a one (1) free guarantee SSR ticket that you can actually re-roll again and again as long as the red button isn't clicked. If the white button is used instead, it will roll the gacha again.
I just learned it by accident when the guarantee gave me SSR Panda and I accidentally clicked on the white button. It rolled again and gave me Nanami. That's when I realized it but... I had to say goodbye to Nanami. I have a different target unit.
So, I rolled again the gacha. It gave me a 3rd copy of Gojo. Rolled again and got Todo. Rolled again and finally... I GOT SSR NOBARA!!!
It was worth it... WORTH IT.... Holding back the urge to re-start the entire game just to get Nanami again.
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s2he-gamewalkthrough ¡ 6 years
Part 7: Visiting Genshitenson
Talking about the attack upgrade system, and furthering the plot. This post is a little bit image-heavy.
If you don’t know what this is about, please refer to this previous post.
[Any new comments by me will be designated by brackets.]
I might as well talk about attack upgrades now, even though it's going to be a pain...
Going back to the 2nd floor, Taiitsu's lab opens up now! Take the door in the center of the room.
If you talk to him two times, Nataku will get an upgrade here. Only Nataku's upgrades are completely "free"--mostly because Taiitsu is Nataku's master. That and the fact that Nataku constantly bullies Taiitsu to make him stronger.
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Yay, two stars now! [The highest level you can upgrade attacks to is five stars, but (from my own experience) you are usually only able to upgrade attacks from four to five stars under special conditions.]
You'll get more upgrades for Nataku later on in the story/when he levels up more. Upgrading attacks is highly recommended. It allows you to do more damage, and the attack animation changes too! Which is really pretty cool, considering that this is all on the Wonderswan.
Upgrading Tensho's attacks especially are a must. Trust me, it will make the later boss fights much easier.
Okay, now on to how you can get upgrades for the rest of the characters. Talk to Taiitsu. (As a note, there are times when he won't be in his lab on the 2nd floor--like during plot points.)
Choose the first option when this screen appears:
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You'll be led to a screen that looks like this:
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[Alright, let me clarify things a bit more here. You’re not actually upgrading a character’s attacks/moves itself--you’re actually upgrading their weapons/paopei... which then upgrades the attacks they use in battle. So I assume that Taiitsu is “upgrading” Hitou (Tensho’s sword) here]
You can only upgrade the weapons/paopei of characters that are currently in your party. Since Nataku already got an upgrade, the only characters we can do upgrades for now is Tensho and Youzen. We'll worry about Youzen in a bit--let's focus on Tensho first, since he's the most important.
Pressing the "a" button while on Tensho's screen (it will always be the first one you are shown when upgrading weapons/paopei), you'll be directed to this screen:
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Yeah... you'll need to create a three-code combination before you can upgrade anything. Remember those things I was talking about earlier? The things found in chests and stuff that seemed to serve no purpose? Well, as "payment" for the upgrades, you'll need to use those to make the combinations. From what I can puzzle out, these are essentially different types of “elements”. The numbers on the right indicate how many of each "element” you have. Each of these "elements” (indicated to the left of the numbers) are designated by different Japanese characters--what characters they are, are shown in the first character of the "word." Did... did that make sense?
Here's an example to help you understand what I'm trying to say:
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Whenever you select a "element/word" on the big box on the right, the first character will be shown in the small box on the left, and you'll use up one of them each time you make a combination. (I selected the first "element", and you can see the first character of that "word" being used in the little combo box.) Each combination you make uses up three "elements". Even if you get a wrong combination. Yes, that is probably the most annoying feature they put in this game. This is why I suggest you SAVE every time you go to try this out. Otherwise, you'll waste a lot of these trying out combos.
[I’ll try to list as many combos that I know of here, but there appears to be a limited supply of them that you can get easily in the game. So I will only bother to upgrade weapons/paopei for a small pool of characters that I will be using for this particular walkthrough.]
Now you're probably wondering at this point, "How the heck am I supposed to know what combinations to use?!"
Well, if you remember what I said in the first chapter...
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[Under the “books” section (sixth item listed on the start menu), you’ll see this screen:]
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[If I recall correctly, you collect these hints at possible weapon/paopei combinations as you progress through the game, from treasure chests and events. But unless you know Japanese, putting together combinations can still be pretty hit or miss... so remember to save before every attempt at a weapon upgrade.]
For now, we only have one page, but we'll get more as we go through the game.
Anyway, the LV1 --> 2 indicated at the top show that these will upgrade a character's weapon/paopei from level 1 to level 2.
So let's go and upgrade Hitou, shall we?
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The above screencap is the combination needed to upgrade Tensho’s weapon (Hitou).
Also, random English! Select Yes, obviously.
If you get it right, you'll hear a sound and see this sentence:
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To stop upgrading, just select the second choice when given the chance:
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Yay, now all of Tensho's attacks have two stars!
Youzen is in our group currently, but while his attacks can be upgraded, they can't be upgraded at this point in time. This is because we don't have the right combination listed on the “books” page to use. But anyway, let me just talk about Youzen's upgrades for a bit:
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[You’ll notice that he has TWO things to upgrade. That’s because Youzen uses two paopei at this point in the game: Sansentou (the trident thing) and Koutenkun (the white dog thing). Yes, you will need to upgrade different paopei separately. Since different paopei are tied to different attacks, this means that if you only upgrade the Sansentou, only Youzen’s attacks using that paopei will be upgraded. Yes, it can get very tedious and frustrating to upgrade weapons/paopei, especially if a character uses multiple paopei.]
Since we can’t upgrade anymore at this point, I guess we'll have to come back here later... What were we going to do again? Oh yeah! Visiting Genshitenson!
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It seems he now lives in some kind of mountain? Before you even get through the entrance of the "dungeon," you're treated to another convo.
When you actually get inside, you'll be treated to this:
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Gaaaah, what's with this?! This dungeon is basically one big puzzle... the first one being the most annoying. See, there are tiles all over the floor with numbers. If you've seen this type of gimmick before, then you'll realize that you can only walk on tiles that are either one above or below the current number you're standing on. For example, say you're on a tile that says "4". You'll only be able to go onto a tile that says "5" or "3"... Easy enough, right? Well, it's not so easy when there are this many tiles:
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And about half of them are hidden at all times due to the WonderSwan’s small screen size.
My explanation that follows might be a bit confusing, but I’ll try my best. I usually take the left side, but you can take the right side also. (Each side has a stair going down at the end of it, leading to the same floor.)
Also, forgive my crappily drawn arrows. I drew them up a long time ago in Paint.
From the entrance, go up until you come to the split path. Take the left. (I'll only detail the left side--for the sake of my sanity.) Go left two spaces and go down until you're on the "3" tile.
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Go left one, and then go all the way down until you touch the wall. Then go as far as you can to the left.
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Go up as far as you can, then go right as far as you can.
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Go up as far as you can, then take one tile left, one tile up, and one tile to the right. (You'll be on the "5" tile) Go up one, and right one. Then go all the way up to the top wall.
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Go left until you land on the second "7" tile, then go down seven tiles. (You should be on the "4" tile)
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Go left as far as you can, down one, and left again. From there, just go all the way up and you should reach the stairs.
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Take the stairs down.
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You'll find yourself in a room FULL of stairs... Tenshou will have a "WTF?!" moment here.
Compared to the last puzzle, this one's a piece of cake. (And a lot less annoying.)
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Since the whole room is full of stairs, just go the spaces without them. Those are the exits. Easy as pie.
Feel free to collect any chests on the way. Also, you can encounter monsters here! At least the game producers were kind enough not to have monster encounters in the room with all the numbers... That would have made it about 5x more annoying.
Since you're in a place with new monsters, you should definitely level up your party. I think getting Tensho up to 14-15 is good. Oh yeah, I probably forgot to mention this before, but you can heal with Tensho's healing move outside of battle too. Just beware of the EP it uses!
There's a whole section of the dungeon which you can sidestep here... Just go straight to this exit:
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However, in doing so, you'll miss a lot of goodies. So I'll just take the other exit on the floor to show you what you'll see.
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Egads, another number room...
This one is much, much, easier than the first floor puzzle, so I won't bother drawing out the solution. It’s a very small room so even through trial-and-error it shouldn’t take too long to figure out.
After solving the mini-number puzzle, you’ll be shoved into this room:
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...Kidding. You can go through the walls in this "puzzle."
There are two stairs here, one that leads back to the first floor, on the right side of the room:
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And one that leads to this room:
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More goodies!
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...Huh? Who's that guy?
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[Looks like one of the Yin’s former soldiers...] I think he says something along the lines of "this is a dead end," or, "I've been lost here for many years,"  or something to that extent. The only thing we can do now is backtrack. (Of course, if you decided to just skip this whole section, then you don't have to worry about backtracking.)
Okay, getting back to the room with all the stairs, and taking the correct exit, you'll get to this room:
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(More treasure! Also... this room and the one before with the dead end seem to make some kind of word if you look at the way the walls are structured. Of course, I don't understand Japanese, so I'm no help there...)
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More Youkai-senin?!
Let's talk to them and find out who they are/what they're doing here.
(My current party is: Tensho at lv 15, Youzen at lv 20, and Nataku at lv 18. Didn't even bother to go back out to heal, because these guys are pretty easy.)
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I remember you! (His name's Ryonou for anyone that cares)
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And you! (Kousou)
These were the guys that Kou Hiko and Tenka defeated easily in the anime/manga. Really, really minor characters. Heck, they're so minor, they don't even get their own unique sprites on the overworld!
Anyway, you're quickly shoved into a triple boss fight. (As in, fighting three "bosses" at the same time.) Kohei (the big panda youkai) fights alongside Ryonou and Kousou. Luckily, the boss fights where you have to fight multiple characters are arguably less annoying than ones where you have to fight one single boss... but I'm getting ahead of myself again.
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Like I said before, these guys are easy. Just use Tensho's multi-hit attack, Youzen's standard attack, and Nataku's multi-hit attack. Do team /combo attacks if you want, though it's not necessary.
Try killing off Ryonou (the guy in the middle) first, since he tends to heal his other party members like crazy.
Health isn't really that big an issue in this fight... Mainly because Ryonou will mostly be healing his friends, and the other two have pretty bad accuracy. But of course, heal with Tensho or potions when you need to.
After taking those three down, the way to the stairs will be clear. Take it down to see this place:
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Hmm, a hidden underground village... It's a pretty nice looking place actually--
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Annnnnd this guy crashes straight into you.
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ARGH, I remember you!
It's Ryogaku, the freaky doctor guy that Taikoubou and co. (well, more accurately just Nataku) had to fight when going through Cho Koumei's Queen Joker ship.
Ryogaku shoves you aside and rushes past you... rude! Unfortunately, you can't chase after him, but you know that when a guy like that appears anywhere, it's never a good sign...
Going down, you can talk to the two villagers wandering around here. Talk to the second guy a bit farther down.
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Keep choosing the second option. I think the guy tries to tell you about his history or something. If you keep choosing the second option, then he'll eventually get fed up and give you an item to make you stop bothering him.
The house near the bottom belongs to this guy:
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He appears to be the “mayor” of this village.
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Hitou appears to recognize this man, though.
[I initially suspected this man was an older Bukichi, but he appears to be an original character made solely for this game.]
Well, anyway, the next hut thing is a shop where you can buy power up items to equip onto your characters. They increase certain stats, and possibly other things that I haven’t figured out.
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Wow, that's pricey... I usually don't bother buying anything here at this point. (You can go back here to buy stuff later, when you have more cash.)
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Going left... Hey there, Hakutsuru Doji! Go over and talk to him.
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Something seems to have happened to Genshitenson, as hinted in the convo. Hakutsuru moves over so you can enter the hut.
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Oh no, Genshitenson's sick in bed! Grrr, it must be the work of that quack scientist Ryogaku...
There's a rather lenghty convo between Genshitenson and Youzen. I think Youzen asks Genshitenson why random youkai-senin that have been houshined already are reappearing again. (Since at the end of the HE manga, Genshitenson was in charge of the houshined souls...)
The convo is suddenly interrupted by one of Dakki's sisters, Ou Kijin.
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How'd she get past security?! (And does all of Dakki's sisters just suddenly have magical teleportation powers in this game or something? I don't recall them being able to teleport in the manga...)
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Tensho puts on his angry face.
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And Nataku actually looks surprised for once!
Well, there's a reason why Tensho looks so angry and Nataku looks so surprised; because this
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She looks mighty pleased with herself... Though I wouldn't exactly call killing someone who's already bedridden something that you should be proud of.
Yes, if you haven't figured it out already, Kijin delivers a fatal blow to Genshitenson.
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Genshitenson's body vanishes (as per the HE series), so one can only guess that his soul flew to the houshindai... If that thing is still even in use.
And Shinkyohyou enters the scene. Dammit, why do you always have to appear at the worst moments?
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He mentions something important and then promptly leaves. (As usual...)
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Hey, it's the inside of the houshindai!
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And it's Kou Hiko!
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Then Kibi appears to kidnap Hiko or something.
Anyway, there's another cutscene after this one, but I'll save that for the next chapter, because this one is long enough. 
R.I.P. Genshitenson...
To be continued.
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