#at some point this becomes osmobeast i know it does
kariachi · 2 years
A follow-up to last night’s pre-Osmobeast au!!
Gar has returned to the store with more company.
“Kev, fuckers are back.” It wasn’t hard to guess who he meant, and Kevin put on his work face as he set his tools aside. With a roll of his shoulders, he stepped out of the backroom just in time to see Logan and another of the local heroes reach the counter. Koriand’r, codename: Starfire, Tamaranean royal. Oh, they had planned for this sort’ve profit potential.
“We were hoping you’d have something Star’d recognize,” Logan was saying, friendly smile widening when he caught sight of Kevin’s welcoming grin from over Argit’s shoulder.
“We might,” Argit answered with a questioning lilt, focusing on the royal. “What specifically are you looking for?”
“I was hoping you would have some Tamaranean items,” the royal replied and he nodded.
“Okay, I think we’ve got a book or two on the shelf, and Kevin did a piece up, was inspired by…” He snapped his fingers in Kev’s direction. “What was it?”
“Some reef off, I think the Iranan Coast,” he said, rolling his eyes with his best ‘brothers, what can you do’ air. “Saw it on a program and just, had to make something.” Her eyes lit and Kevin let himself preen in response. The only thing better than having a plan come together was when it involved shit you built with your own two hands.
“I would love to give it a look!”
“Great!” Flashing a grin Argit slipped behind him and out from around the counter, heading for the statuary with the hero following after. "It’s just over here, then I’ll show you the books we’ve got. And if you want something specific, just say the word and we can get it in for you, though it may take a while to come in-"
Chuckling and shaking his head, Logan leaned on the counter, smiling at Kevin.
“You really make some of those yourself,” he asked, gesturing towards the statuary, and Kevin preened further.
“Made all of ‘em,” he said, “and all the tech, and one or two of the books might be my work.” Logan gaped for a moment, then burst out laughing.
“Do you leave anything for that guy to do, or is he just here to look pretty?”
“Watch it,” Kevin said with a snorting laugh, “that’s my brother. He’s the better salesman.” Also the better longterm planner, and keeper of the leash on Kevin’s temper.
“Well, he’s certainly winning Star’s business,” Logan said without a hint of question about the ‘brother’ thing. Kevin couldn’t help a twinge of fondness at that. Odds were the guy wouldn’t know an Osmosian or Erinaen from a hole in the dirt, and still he just accepted the statement? You didn’t find that often enough, especially not on Earth. “Hey, there’s a question I’ve been wondering since I saw all the stuff you guys have on our last visit. I’ve heard practically nothing about alien videogames like, ever, and…” Snorting again, Kevin grinned widely.
“Oh there is so much cool shit. We can’t legally stock the best stuff because the consoles are above Earth’s registered tech level” -this was true- “but I’ve been working on modding some Earth consoles to play some good ones.” This was semi-true. “If you want I can grab some stuff out the back, you can have a couple test runs, see if there’s anything you’d like to buy?” The way Logan’s face lit up like it was his birthday was downright adorable and he began bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“That would be awesome, I’ve been wanting to try something new.” Oh yeah, hook, line, sinker.
“If you look over there, beneath the toys,” Kevin said, pointing as he backed towards the door, “there’s our full selection, and I’ll go grab a console and screen.”
“Great, thanks!” He slipped into the back as Logan headed for the games and pumped a fist in victory as soon as he knew there was no audience.
If they played their cards right this was going to be their most beneficial day since they’d moved out here.
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