#ateez flufd
sparklingchan · 3 years
Phenomenal you are || Choi Jongho(Ateez)
Pairing : Reader(fem.) X Jongho
Word count : 2.1k+
Warnings : cuss words.
Genre : Fluff, angst if you look with a microscope, romance, rock band au.
Description: In which, a band practice for the Annual Winter Festival brings Jongho to finally face his true feelings for you. 
A/N : I wrote for ateez after soooo long. I’ve been pre occupied kinda but I’ve written a few drabbles to post from time to time. 
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In the quiet summer afternoon , while the sun is at its most cruel forms and the rest of the world is enjoying their holiday at the pool, the only sound that can be heard from Hongjoong's old car garage is the soft strumming of Jongho's acoustic guitar. Lazy and unmotivated.
"We need a singer." Hongjoong says with a sigh louder than Wooyoung's laugh as all the boys stare at him.
How dare he!
The tension in the air is so thick someone could cut it with a knife and though no one breaks the silence, they know what is to come next.
Jongho stares at Hongjoong, eyes big with curiosity and mouth gaping, half expecting Hongjoong to suddenly start laughing and declare it all a prank.
"We really need a singer." Hongjoong stresses on every word yet again. That's a combination of words he never thought he'd hear the older boy say yet here they were.
"Man, come on, we already have Wooyoung and Jongho. We don't need another singer." Mingi groans, absent-mindedly playing with his drum sticks. His foot is slightly tapping against the bass drum pedal.
Jongho and Wooyoung shake their heads in agreement but Hongjoong looks unconvinced. Like always.
"But the rules for The Winter Music festival are clear. They said that a band needs to have a separate singer along with the instrument players. Or else they won't be allowed to participate!" Hongjoong argues.
Jongho sighs with frustration. He loves singing as much as he loves playing the guitar, but if he had to choose between one, he'd always choose the former. He can't let someone new take his place as the voice of the band.
It hurt his ego more than he'd like to admit to his friends.
"I'll stop playing the guitar. I'll just sing." He suggests, although he's immediately met with Hongjoong's disapproval.
"Don't be fucking ridiculous. Who will play the guitar then? I play the keyboard and Wooyoung is on the bass. We can't play the guitar!"
There he is, leader Hongjoong, who's always right.
"Fine. Fine. So does anyone have any singers in mind? Should we hold a small audition or..?" Mingi says.
Wooyoung smirks at Jongho's direction, leaning in to whisper into his ear, "Dude, its your chance to shine. Come on. Tell them."
Except Wooyoung can't whisper. He can only yell.
"What? Tell us what?" Hongjoong questions.
"Oh, you know y/n right? She sings really well. She has a YouTube channel too." Wooyoung exclaims, walking as far away from Jongho as possible.
Jongho elbows the older boy right in his stomach.
"Y/n? As in Jongho's y/n?" Mingi asks with a mischievous grin.
Jongho hides his face in his hands, cheeks burning red as an unknown combination of happiness and embarrassment wash over.
The sound of your name always makes him feel vulnerable yet he cannot bring himself to hate this new found side of his personality.
Were you truly Jongho's? He didn't know. But did he want you to be his? Obviously, yes.
"So who's going to talk to her?" Hongjoong asks, actually considering it.
Jongho is beyond exasperated at this point, "Hey! We can hold a small audition or something. I'm sure there are other singers who'd want to try out?"
"Do you really want that ?" Wooyoung teases.
No, he doesn't. He doesn't think there's any better singer out there than you. Your honey like voice with the most beautiful texture ever gifted to a human and the way your eyes close in concentration when you feel the music right in your bones always makes him feel weak in the knees. He wants to be able to watch it all live and not from behind a laptop screen.
"Fine. I'll talk to y/n."
No one reacts because they already know Jongho could never say no to anything that involves you.
"I'm not very confident, Jongho, I'm telling you!" You cry out loud as you walk down the unfamiliar road with Jongho close by your side, not paying heed to any of your protests.
When Jongho first asked you to join his infamous band as the lead singer, you were sure he was joking. But he insisted that he wasn't and the serious expression plastered on his face showed nothing but honesty so you let yourself believe him.
Of course, you did throw around your own set of tantrums which you were sure irritated him, even so he somehow manages to take you to the boys' practicing session in Kim Hongjoong 's garage.
"Y/n, please, you and I both know you're the best choice. Mind you, Hongjoong personally discarded the idea of an audition just to save this position for you!"
Lies. It was him that had said no to the prospect of holding an open and fair audition for all the students of their school. Because he only ever wanted you.
"Why do I feel like you're buttering me." You mutter to yourself but Jongho obviously hears you, and a smile crawls its way onto his lips.
The garage is old and a little small, you notice the moment you enter the place, but that place also has everything you ever dreamed of - instruments, good mics, a band who wanted you to be their lead singer, and Jongho.
"Hey, y/n! I'm so glad you actually came. You know Jongho's never been the most convincing man on earth, right?" Wooyoung greets you, his fingers busy fiddling with the tuning keys of his bass guitar.
You smile, "I think he convinced me well enough though. "
You shoot Jongho a shy glance, only to find him staring right back at you, his eyes reflecting the same yearning as yours do. The sides of his mouth are slowly curving into a grin, and the thumping in your chest increases as you watch him blush under the warm, afternoon sunlight.
Ethereal is what he looks like to you.
Mingi clears his throat, breaking the unexpectedly long eye contact, "Guys, come on. We have to practice."
And with that begins your musical journey with the boys.
There were really nice and welcoming and made you feel very comfortable. It almost felt like you were...home.
Within weeks, you had gotten so close to the guys, one would almost confuse you of having known each other for a long time when in reality you guys barely talk to each other at school. And nothing would have changed if you hadn't joined the band.
And on the other hand, we have Choi Jongho. Nice and sweet and talented and has heart eyes for you and only you, yet with your new found friendship with the other boys, he finds a foreign feeling of insecurity settling down in his heart, like foreign sediments in fresh water.
Until a few days ago, you were his little secret, his only friend out of his normal social circle at school, he had you all to himself. But now that his other friends have started showing equal interest in you, he feels neglected, jealous even. Though he would die rather than mention it you or the boys.
"We're going for ice cream. Come on." Wooyoung unlocks the door to Mingi's car, and slides is as if it were his own, "I'm driving."
Hongjoon mutters a warning under his breath before sitting in the front passenger's seat while Mingi follows suit, and sits behind them.
"When was this decided?" Jongho leans against the car's door , an irritated expression etched onto his face. His forehead is creased, his eyes alert and his hands are stuffed in his pocket - he looks displeased  .
"When you were in the toilet. What's the big deal." Wooyoung says impatiently.
Jongho looks at you, his forehead crease deepening, "Why didn't you tell me?"
You are taken aback; in all honesty, you hadn't thought it was such a great deal to him. The five of you were just going for ice cream. Its not a life or death situation.
"I-I didn't think it was that important. " you reply.
Jongho scoffs, a sarcastic smile on his lips, "You didn't think it was important to tell me we were going somewhere? I see, I wasn't wrong to think you'd finally sidelined me. "
"Jongho, what are you even saying?" You say, exasperated.
Jongho has never been a man of too many words, or too many gestures. He doesn't have the habit of beating around the bush. Which is why is words are often too honest, too harsh.
You knew this, yet you couldn't help but feel a sting when Jongho accuses you of sidelining him. It feels like your chest is on fire.
"Dude, just get in the car. What's gotten into you?" Hongjoong says.
You are utterly confused - you couldn't believe Choi Jongho is throwing tantrums over something so trivial - the man who is known for his high tolerance and abundant patience.
"Nah, I'm good." Jongho pulls away from the door and turns on his heels , "See you guys tomorrow!"
And with that, he walks in the opposite direction, toward his house. And needless to say, he doesn't even bother sparing a single glance at you.
"Should I go after him?" You ask out of impulse, but you do mean it.
What's the point of going with the guys when your mind would anyway be preoccupied with Jongho?
"Not to play cupid, y/n, but yeah, I think you should." Hongjoong sighs, rubbing the crease between his eyebrows .
You nod, closing the door, "I'll see you guys later then."
"Give him a smack in the head while you're at it ,y/n." Mingi chuckles, shaking his head.
"Oh, I will."
Jongho had not walked far enough yet, making it easier for you to run up behind him.
"Oi! Jongho! Wait."
Now, Jongho is sure he's making up things in his head because he genuinely believes you’d not have left the boys behind just to chase him. Well, prove him wrong now, y/n, will you?
"Jongho! " you yell again and this time he stops in his tracks, not having the guts to turn around yet curious enough to wait for you.
"What?" He demands without sparing you a glance still his eyes somehow manage to stare at your shadow on the concrete of the street, "Why didn't you go?"
You quickly catch up to him, though the run exhausts you badly but you convince yourself it's worth it.
If it's for Jongho, everything is worth it.
"Because its no fun without you. "
Jongho had built up this weak wall around him, a wall meant to protect his fragile heart from being broken but there has never been anything as fragile and delicate as this wall - and the words that leave your mouth does exactly that.
"Y/n, I-" he begins but you cut him off.
"Uh, no. Firstly, you owe me an apology for all that you said before, and secondly, you owe me a whole tub of ice cream because I chose my crush over ice cream and that is not done."
You'd never been the best at confessions, really, and before today You'd never felt the need for it either. Yet here you are. Confessing to Jongho as if it were the most natural thing to do.
"You - what?" He asks in disbelief, his body growing warm under your intimidating gaze.
Y/n just confessed to you, dumb ass, wake up!
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get too ahead of yourself." You roll your eyes, wrapping a shaky arm around his.
"Do you really mean it, y/n?" He asks in the most sincere voice, the tremble in his voice giving him away completely.
Jongho doesn't deny your touch but he does look away from you, his face scrunching in a peculiar way.
You don't know if he's crying or laughing or about to combust, but whatever it is , the slight blush on his cheeks and the softness of his eyes makes you feel all mushy inside.
"Of course! " you whine, "Why don't you believe me?"
Jongho pulls you closer and then wraps his arms around you - like how he'd seen people do in those stupid rom com movies. And when you hug him back , placing the softest kiss on his cheek, he realises how relieved he is.
“I believe you.” He sighs, “And I like you, too.”
And he realises how much more special this feels than the scenarios he’d often make up in his head. He realises how terribly sweet you smell, how radiant your laughter is and how phenomenal you are.
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