#ateez is my emotional support bg okay?
yuuana · 3 years
Music Monday #186: ATEEZ - Eternal Sunshine release: October 2021 genre: Kpop
When I started planning this entry last night, I really was going to feature someone else. I hadn't entirely decided on who, but I intended there to be a bit more space between my beloveds. And then my brain decided to do me dirty and my anxiety went a bit off the rails and then the pre-birthday for Jongho started on Twitter (10.12, so tomorrow, but since it's already tomorrow in Korea....) and, well, here we are. Behold my ridiculous ATEEZ bias, let me show it to you~ ;)
As I mentioned when writing up "Deja Vu," "Eternal Sunshine" was the other candidate for lead title track for ZERO : FEVER part 3 and as the B-title, it's distinctly different from "Deja Vu," being a very bright, light-hearted summery track that feels rather innocent in comparison. With an up-tempo beat and breezy dance moves, colorful visuals, and lyrics about a sweet, pure love, it's maybe a little out of season - it feels much more like summer than mid-autumn, even with the snow in the MV - but at the same time also perfectly suited to ATEEZ's youthful concept. They've finished their first week of show promotions and every stage has been a joy to watch because you can tell the guys are having a blast, playing around with the choreo in ways that are both planned and not so planned. Of course this wouldn't be an ATEEZ post if I didn't bring up the whole lore thing. A lot of the visuals feel like a call back to the Treasure-era MV "Illusion" ... which of course sets my brain to churning. Illusion is blatantly Pirateez, but it's a dreamworld - nothing in the meat of that video actually happens, as best as I can figure? It's a dream they're sharing (or maybe that Hongjoong is having alone) post-Treasure and pre-Wave - the post-action scene in Illusion is quick shots from the body of Wave and Wave brings us back to the normal world of Normal/Heroteez. The post-action scene in Eternal Sunshine is especially dream-like, which then poses the interesting question: with Eternal Sunshine marking the end of Fever-era, does this mean our heroes have fallen asleep again? Or, since Fever-era was intended to be flashback, fallen asleep for the first time? To be honest, I'd probably need to do a deeper review of the lore on a day when I'm not firing on less than 5hours of sleep and sinus pressure from an oncoming storm front to really sort things out. And even then, I'm not sure how much successful untangling I'd manage, given how bad ATEEZ are about giving out crumbs out of sequence, leaving theorycrafting Atiny to revise all our theories yet again with each comeback. XD Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot (if I get enough, I'll open Song Sundays so waits aren't more than 4 weeks). Or sponsor a flashback for a Friday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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