#ateez witch au
shadequeen712 · 1 year
Book of Shadows
Chapter Two - The Ghost of Sweet Revenge
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Genre: witch au, demons, angst, poly relationship
Pairing: Seonghwa x Hongjoong x OC, San x Wooyoung
Warnings: Morally ambiguous characters, light torture (just bondage really) and a lot of dark magic
Notes: I know Wooyoung seems like a super possessive, jealous boyfriend right now, but I promise he’ll get better. And since this is a dark magic au, pretty much all of Ateez is gonna be morally ambiguous in this one. Hongjoong leans towards the darker side of morality for sure. It’s not quite a warning, but please keep it in mind. 
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The smell of saltwater assaulted the senses, and the ship rocked like a warning. Hongjoong steered the Horizon peacefully despite the horrible weather conditions, humming an old pirate tune to himself as he navigated the murky depths. The sky was blackening faster than he would have liked, but he knew they still had time to reach land. If rain were in the air, he would be able to smell it. But all he could sense was the sea below, guiding him like an old friend.
He was so focused on the ocean that he failed to notice a warm presence creeping up behind him. He nearly startled when he felt arms suddenly wrapped around his waist. Hongjoong smiled down at the long fingers knitted together, decorated by a single silver ring, engraved with the star-like crest of their coven. Hongjoong bore an identical tattoo on the back of his neck. Each one of them had the same mark- the mark of a witch, the symbol of their power.
"You're up early," Hongjoong said, half-turning to face Seonghwa. "You didn't have to get up with me."
Seonghwa tucked his face into Hongjoong's neck, speaking into the warm skin there. "You didn't have to get up without me. It's too cold when you're gone."
Hongjoong hummed, "The ship was too rocky for me to sleep. Besides, someone has to steer this thing."
"I thought it was Mingi's turn to steer the ship."
Hongjoong shook his head. "He's still fast asleep. And we both know he won't be getting up until this afternoon."
Despite the lack of moisture in the air, thunder crackled in the clouds above. Flashes of lightning revealed ghastly faces peering down at them like angry gods of old. Hongjoong felt the hair on his arms stand to attention, and he knew that this was no ordinary storm.
"Seonghwa, wake the others," Hongjoong ordered quickly, unraveling himself from the man's arms. Seonghwa stared at him in alarm, still disoriented and sleepy. But Hongjoong couldn't begin to explain the danger they suddenly found themselves in. He feared even speaking the name of the fearsome creature would seal their fates.
Seonghwa rushed off, seeing the grim look on Hongjoong's face. Hongjoong lingered, staring up at the sky, listening.
And then he heard the distant wailing, like a banshee proclaiming their imminent deaths. Hongjoong shut his eyes, feeling his insides turning. He knew what was coming, and why the creature was sent to find them. To find him. The magic they had, the magic stolen from the heavens to protect them from hunger and despair, belonged to the stars. Hongjoong was born into magic, but the others weren't as lucky. They were the outcasts of the world, the forgotten and the uncared for.
When he found Seonghwa standing on the roof's edge of his mansion, ready to throw his life away from the sheer unfairness of it all- Hongjoong didn't hesitate to call on the stars. He wished and prayed with everything in him, hoping that the stars would fill Seonghwa with light and laughter, with joy and life, so he could live to see another day.
Hongjoong never expected the stars to answer him. At that young age, he didn't understand that those distant stars were actually old souls, the souls of witches passed over. So when the lights came like he asked, filling up the empty rooftop that would soon be Seonghwa's grave - Hongjoong didn't waste a second. He took the light in his hands, whisked Seonghwa away from the edge, and fed him the stars.
Humans can never possess magic. It is the most absolute of magical rules, one that Hongjoong knew very well. And still, he could not leave this boy alone to die. Hongjoong knew that one day, the stars would punish him for stealing their souls, for interrupting their peaceful existence in heaven.
But now, the stars were angry with them. The souls were gathering in the heavens, coming to reclaim the magic that was never meant to be theirs. But Hongjoong would be damned if he let them take away everything he had ever worked for.
He gripped the wheel of the ship, feeling the light from his inner star glow. He started to pray again, but not to the old witches looking down on them with hatred. He prayed to the only power strong enough to fight them off.
If the forces of light would not accept them, then he would turn to their enemies, the shadows.
Aurora woke up in a cold sweat. She could still feel the light brush of Seonghwa's lips on her neck, and the smell of saltwater lingered as if she had recently been out to sea. Aurora wasn't sure why she was dreaming of Hongjoong's time out at sea, or why she was dreaming about him at all.
It made absolutely no sense to her. Aurora had said all but two words to the man, promised him a solution that she didn't even have, and then left as quickly as she came. And now that she had a moment of clarity, in which she realized that she was not an all-powerful witch like the rest of the coven but just an ordinary human with impressive manifestation abilities, she also realized that she was not the person they needed.
Hongjoong's rejection might have had something to do with her sudden dip in confidence. Also Wooyoung's outright disdain for her presence wasn't helpful either.
After visiting Hongjoong, Seonghwa had explained everything he could about what they needed from her. Like he said, she was a human with the heart of a witch. There were a few human souls that possessed an affinity for magic because they believed with everything in them, and apparently she was one of those rare individuals. And after hearing the news of her ex's untimely death, Aurora was not one to argue.
According to an ancient spell, a human's love could reverse the curse of a demon. It wasn't as cliche as true love's kiss, and not nearly as simple. She would have to learn to love Hongjoong, and he would have to learn to love her. With their mutual feelings overriding the dark magic, the old woman's skin would slip off of Hongjoong like an uncomfortable dress. Or at least, Seonghwa hoped as much. It was his first time attempting such an old magic after all. It was the stuff of fairytales.
Once Aurora heard her true purpose in all of this, that instead of learning magic or manifesting a happy ending, she would have to work for the attention of a man that wanted nothing to do with her, she promptly asked for San to take her home.
She just couldn't believe that this was what it came down to. Love? It was ridiculous. How could love fix a demon's curse?
The sound of a meow at her window startled her. She sat up in bed, looking out at the windowsill where San sat perched, getting drenched in the early afternoon rain. She crawled over and peered right into his big yellow eyes. "What do you want?" She asked.
He meowed again in response, pawing the glass.
"I'm not letting a grown man in my room," Aurora asserted. "Especially not one with a surly boyfriend."
"You're a grown woman," San said as a cat, which scared the shit out of Aurora, "And Wooyoung doesn't mean to be rude. He's just a little possessive."
"A little?" Aurora challenged. "I hugged you, and he glared at me like I grabbed your ass or something."
San rolled his eyes, and instead of waiting for Aurora to welcome him in like the last time, he simply leapt onto her bed from outside like the glass was invisible. He settled into a ball by her legs. "I don't care what he thinks. He's not my fucking owner."
"Have you told him that?" She asked. The urge to run her hand down his furry head was almost overwhelming, but she resisted. Things were just too weird now, with him actually being a real person. And Wooyoung was literally going to kill her if she put so much as a fingertip on San.
"I shouldn't have to," San said. He rubbed a paw over his face. "But no, not yet."
Aurora hummed, having already known the answer before she asked. "Again San, I'll ask. What are you doing here? What do you want?"
"You know why I'm here," San accused. "I want you to come back with me and save Hongjoong."
Aurora shook her head, throwing the sheets over San's tiny form and standing up from the bed. She stretched in place, not caring about her bare thighs or her head scarf. It was San that invaded her room without permission. "No can do. I'm not romancing someone that's already in a relationship. It's unethical. And it's weird that Seonghwa wants me to do it in the first place."
San growled and fought his way out of the covers, looking up at her with a sour face. "So putting a hex on someone is fine, but flirting is unethical?"
Aurora was reminded of Emery, how she wished him dead out of pure anger. She knew that it was wrong, and that she was going to be punished for it somehow. But to her, at the time, he had deserved it. Destroying a love as deep as Hongjoong and Seonghwa's, there was no excuse for that. They had done absolutely nothing to her.
It also might have been the fact that she knew, and I mean she really knew, that she had no chance in hell of winning over Hongjoong's heart. The man was simply impossible.
"Do you know what I have to do?" Aurora asked, walking towards her closet and shuffling through its contents, trying to find something to wear. Clearly the coven wasn't going to let her off the hook. "It's a hell of a lot more than flirting."
"I know that if you don't help him, he's going to die," San said with a chilling certainty.
Aurora paused at that, not knowing what to say. It's not that she didn't want to help Hongjoong. She still longed to see the man smile, to meet the badass witch of her dreams. But she felt so unworthy of attempting something like this, so unworthy of trying. How could she even dream of loving him? Better yet, how could she dream that he would love her back?
"Is there a way I can call you? I just need some time to think," Aurora decided.
San stood up from the bed suddenly. Aurora hadn't even noticed that he shifted into human form. He was much taller than her, looking down at her with a solemn expression. Aurora bravely stared back, waiting for him to speak.
He surprised her when he turned his head to the side and said, "Kiss my ear."
Aurora raised both eyebrows. "Huh?"
"Just do it," San demanded. "You said you wanted to learn magic."
She hesitated, but something inside of her just screamed to try it, to take the leap. So she leaned over and brushed her lips against his ear. San leaned back, satisfied. "A simple whispering spell. Now, I'll be able to hear anything you want to say to me. If you call me, I'll hear you."
"Really? That's so cool!" She exclaimed.
"I can teach you much more than this. I could help you make potions, learn the essential herbs. We could contact any dead relative that you wish to speak to. Anything you want, really," San proposed. "Just promise me that you'll really consider it. Hongjoong needs you."
She wanted to escape his imploring gaze that was convincing her by the second. Aurora knew that the coven was desperate, that they would do anything. She wasn't going to make them wait long. She just had to gather herself, and find the courage to do the impossible.
"I will," Aurora promised. Another promise that she wasn't sure how to keep.
Apparently, this was enough for him. Before she could say anything else, San walked right into her open closet. She stared after him. "San?"
But he had disappeared, vanishing between the rack of hanging clothes. Aurora stared into the empty dark space, her mind wandering.
"Did you convince her?" Seonghwa asked as soon as San crossed the threshold of the bookstore. He attempted to read San's facial expression, to find an inkling of hope in the man's blank frown.
San grinned at the question, waving away his concerns. It was an odd reaction, considering everything. "She's gonna do it."
"How can you be sure?" Seonghwa asked, trailing the man as he walked past the dimly-lit bookshelves and dispelled the illusion that hid their home from passersby. Pausing to turn and lock the front door with a flick of his hand, Seonghwa's long stride easily matched San's quick pace. He peered into the younger man's soul, awaiting an answer.
"She loves magic too much to refuse," San assured him. "Give it a day, and she'll be calling."
Seonghwa sighed. He just couldn't find it in himself to relax, despite San's optimism. From what he had seen of Aurora, she was strong-willed and hopeful, but also fragile and reckless. Although she might be determined to help, if something frightened her, or challenged her in a way that she couldn't handle, she was going to run. It had already happened once, thanks to Wooyoung's unacceptable attitude. And Hongjoong, Seonghwa couldn't even begin to deal with him. If anything would drive her away, it would be the intimidating members of his coven.
That left the job to more friendly members, like himself and San. Maybe Yunho if he could get the man to return from his trip to Atlantis, where he was busy finding a sea spell old and powerful enough to break Hongjoong's curse.
The rest of the coven was out of the question. Mingi was off in some far corner of the world, trying to pretend like everything was fine. Bringing him back right now would only increase the tension that everyone could feel, the faint strain on their magic due to the curse. Yeosang was busy searching every corner of every library and apothecary, hoping to find a way to save Hongjoong. Seonghwa didn't really want to interrupt him, because it was his way of staying busy and coping all at once.
Wooyoung occupied himself with scouring the cosmos for answers, reading the constellations in the hopes that it may give them some insight. The stars were much older than the sea, and the source of their magic, so Seonghwa left him to it, hoping for the best.
San was responsible for befriending Aurora, a position that he volunteered for. It was a fine distraction, and he honestly just liked being around her, away from it all. Any other time he was asking the spirits if they knew a way to break the spell, or if they knew any weaknesses of Azazel's that they could use. So far, there was nothing.
Seonghwa himself was busy threatening every lower-level demon he could find for information. Most of them echoed the same thing, that Azazel was unstoppable, that he was an all-powerful king of Hell, and that the coven was doomed to fail since they crossed him the first time. Seonghwa liked to throw holy water on the ones that were particularly nasty about it, the ones that laughed at the prospect of them facing off Azazel like it was the funniest thing in the world. It pissed him off to no end.
"I hope you're right," Seonghwa said. "Thank you for trying. It's up to her now."
San shook his head. "You don't need to thank me." He paused in his stride, turning to face Seonghwa in the middle of the hallway. It was sudden and confrontational, something that Seonghwa was unprepared for. "Aurora is my friend," San asserted, looking up at the older man pointedly.
"Of course-"
"I won't be a part of your plan. I like her, and I won't lie to her," San continued. "I know that you want to save Hongjoong, but please don't break her heart in the process."
Seonghwa was at a loss, feeling his stomach sink at the implication. San started up the grand staircase without another word, towards the room where he knew Wooyoung was waiting for him. He stared after the younger man, letting the weight of his accusation settle onto his shoulders. The weight somehow made him feel sick.
Seonghwa walked up the staircase after lingering for too long, thinking. He walked down the dark hall, and opened the door to his lover's stagnant room. "Hongjoong?"
The rumpled sheets did not stir. Seonghwa peered into the darkness, trying to make out the shape of Hongjoong's gray head of hair. He crept forward, his heart thumping for no apparent reason.
The reason became apparent, when he pulled the sheets back and stared at the empty space where Hongjoong was supposed to be.
Hongjoong liked walking through memories. It was his way of coping with the current reality, of dealing with the day to day. The memory he chose was an old one, when the coven were not yet witches but still young boys, playing their hand at being pirates. Hongjoong was born a witch, but the others weren't so lucky. They were rotting away in orphanages, on the streets, abandoned by their families for each a different reason. Yunho and Mingi came as a package, but the rest he found by traveling from city to city. He was looking for lost boys, ones that needed him. He hoped to assemble a family, to forge an unbreakable bond so that he would never have to face the reality of being alone again.
Seonghwa was not abandoned like the others. He was the son of a nobleman, highborn and well-fed. His life was easy, so easy it was boring. Hongjoong could see that the boy was bored, that he longed for adventure much like he once did.
Seonghwa approached him first. After he saved his life and filled him with magic, Hongjoong intended to abandon him. He was good at staying unseen, but Seonghwa was much too observant. He found the shadow witch before he could slip away, and practically begged to come with him; to join the crew.
Hongjoong shouldn't have let him come. He was trouble from the moment he stepped aboard the ship. His rich family caused quite a fuss looking for him. And Hongjoong soon realized why Seonghwa was so desperate to escape his home life. He was arranged to be married to a palace official's daughter; a woman that he was not in love with.
Seonghwa was too much like him, in love with the idea of adventure. He couldn't be bogged down by the formalities of the palace. So Hongjoong rescued him, putting a price on his own head in the process. He became the feared Pirate King, the ruthless man that ransacked the houses of noblemen. If only they knew he was so much more than that.
Giving the crew magic took a lot out of him. Giving humans immortality was no easy feat. It took the help of many witches, and a few demons, to accomplish what he wanted. Well, not really their help. Just their blood, and their souls.
He knew it was wrong. But Hongjoong was never a good witch. He lived in darkness, in shadows, and preyed on the weaklings he came across. It was simply his way of life. And Hongjoong would do anything for his boys. Anything to see them live, to see them thrive. And he knew that Seonghwa was really going to love magic.
The blood of his victims was the base of the spell, and their souls were the potion. He never told his boys what it was they were drinking, just told them to drink it entirely. And one by one, the spark of magic touched them, filled them with life. They never aged, and they grew more powerful by the day. Never again would someone manipulate or hurt them. They were more than able to protect themselves.
The blood magic took a toll on Hongjoong. It was the type of thing that wore on a person's soul, and seven deaths on a person's conscience- that was the kind of thing that attracted demons like no other. Demons loved the smell of blood, the smell of death on a person's hands. Hongjoong had a lot of death on his, and Azazel was a slave to his cravings.
Hongjoong figured it was simply his karma. He never should have taken the lives of helpless witches or friendly demons. But he never expected Azazel to punish the entire coven along with him, to use the blood magic as a weakness, a way to torture his boys. It was something he should have seen coming.
He paid the ultimate price for crossing paths with a king of hell. And for his many sins, he was finally going to die. In some ways, it was a relief.
Hongjoong watched the girl from the shadows, curious about why Seonghwa had brought her to him in the first place. And then San had told him, waltzing in to her bedroom like he lived there, and persuading her to try her luck at winning his heart. Hongjoong nearly laughed at the prospect. Who would want a heart as black as his?
The girl was lost, much like his boys were so long ago. She wanted magic just like they had; he could feel it. But he was no longer in a position to give it to her; to help anyone but himself. Hongjoong still had some powers lingering inside of him, but none strong enough to shed the skin he was trapped in; the skin that was killing him.
There was a link to her. Hongjoong couldn't figure it out, but the link was there. For some reason, he could feel her. And she could see into his past, much more than any human should be able to. She truly was a human with the heart of a witch.
Hongjoong settled into the corner of her room, content to watch her decide. He was more curious than anything. It was impossible, and she knew it too. But since he was bored, and she had sparked his interest, he kept watching.
Aurora turned towards him, like she could sense him sitting there. It was like she was staring right at him, unknowingly. He struggled to stay silent.
She turned away at the call of her grandmother, bounding out of her room with a youthful energy he couldn't even fathom. It was at that point that Hongjoong noticed the spirit in the room, trying to manifest himself into a physical presence. He narrowed his eyes at the young ghost, wondering who had the audacity to haunt such an innocent girl. The spirit was still struggling to manifest, as it was fairly new and had no focus. Hongjoong stood slowly, approaching him.
"Leave this place," Hongjoong said. He hated the raspy tone of his voice, the lack of bass in it.
The spirit seemed to consider his order, but ultimately decided to ignore Hongjoong. The witch wanted to laugh, but really it wasn't funny at all.
Hongjoong took hold of the spirit with one hand, capturing its essence with his bare fingers. "I told you to leave."
The ghost struggled, wanting to linger in her room. His aura glowed red with anger, with vengeance, and then Hongjoong understood. He wasn't just any spirit, but a vengeful one. Getting rid of him was not going to be a simple task.
Still, with his lingering powers and his boredom, it was a task that Hongjoong was up for. The last thing Seonghwa needed was another thing on his plate, when all his attention was on the lost cause of saving Hongjoong. He could do this much for his lover at least. And for the girl caught in the middle of it all.
"Come with me, now," Hongjoong hissed. And he clenched the spirit's aura in his fist until it howled. He could hear the girl returning to the room, looking for something. He dragged the ghost into the shadows, and away from Aurora for the time being.
Aurora felt a chill go down her spine, and she didn't know why. Her room felt strange- like it wasn't hers, and she felt the desperate urge to leave. Luckily her grandmother called her and she had the excuse to fly out of the room like a bat out of hell.
"Yeah?" She asked her grandma, who was clearly unsatisfied with her empty kitchen. She analyzed the sparse shelves of her fridge, sighing.
"We need to go to the grocery store. We can't survive off of delivery for much longer," Grandma said. Aurora jumped at the chance to leave the house, where she suddenly felt unsafe for the first time in her life.
"Okay, let me get my shoes," Aurora said. She slowly walked through the hall, hovering outside of the doorway. The dark feeling that had been there, so full of anger and resentment, was gone. She had felt it suddenly, the feeling that someone hated her guts, and wanted her dead. She wasn't sure how or why or who, but she didn't care. As long as it was gone.
She calmly slipped on her sneakers, and grabbed her jacket and purse. She stared into the empty room, at the corner where she could have sworn she saw a pair of eyes in the dark. Aurora knew it was probably the result of watching one too many horror movies, or maybe it was a lingering spirit from her walk through the ghost world with San. Either way, it had frightened her. Magic was a lot more frightening than she could have imagined.
"Come on, Aurora," her grandmother called from the front door. Aurora rushed out of the room with a full body shiver, dreading having to sleep in her bedroom at night.
She followed her grandma out the door, trying to calm her worries and think through the offer that San made to her. Learning magic was her lifelong dream, but was she willing to through away her dignity and risk her life to get it? It was no ordinary curse that plagued Hongjoong. He had angered a powerful demon, and if she got involved, she was likely to do the same.
Still, she couldn't help but feel for the witch even though she barely knew him. Hongjoong risked everything to save his coven, only to mark himself for death as a result. He cared for the witches so much that he threw away his life, and now they were doing everything they could to save him. How could Aurora do nothing when she was the key to saving his life? She might've been a killer, but she wasn't heartless.
Aurora's mind wandered as she roamed the aisles of the grocery store, picking up ingredients to make pasta. Her grandmother was right- they couldn't live off of DoorDash any longer. Her grandmother was busy touring the garden section for new pots, so she parted ways with her to make her way around the store. Aurora was trying to decide between making spaghetti and alfredo when a chill went up her spine, like someone's ghostly fingers were running along her back, up and down, up and down. She rotated her head, trying to shake the horrible feeling of cold fingertips on the back of her neck.
"You bitch," a faint voice suddenly whispered into her ear. "I'll kill you."
Aurora dropped the jar of spaghetti sauce she was holding, and the glass shattered across the tiled floor. Store-goers stared at her, watching her hands shake mid-air as tears welled in her eyes. Aurora whimpered, realizing all at once who the ghostly presence was that was following her around. She never thought that he would haunt her, or that he would know to hold her responsible for his death. It wasn't as if Aurora took a knife to Emery, but somehow the boy knew that she was the cause of his pain, and that was all that mattered.
Aurora wasn't equipped to handle a vengeful ghost on her own. She had no choice but to ask the coven for help. And if she asked them for help, they would expect her help with Hongjoong in return.
A store worker came to assess the damages in the aisle. Aurora greeted them with a shaky smile, promising to pay for the broken spaghetti sauce. Then she went to find her grandmother, to tell her to finish shopping without her. She had somewhere to be.
San came quickly at Aurora's call, almost like he had been waiting for it. He grinned at her, going in for a hug before he took in her sullen expression. His smile dropped, worry overtaking him in a split-second. "What happened? What's wrong?"
Aurora couldn't help but to cry at his concerned tone, sobs raking her body. He was going to find out how evil she was, how horrible of a person. If he though placing a hex on someone was bad, what would he think when she told him the truth? San would be disgusted at the sight of her.
She couldn't find the words. All she could do was cry because Emery's ghost was going to haunt her indefinitely. She cried even more because she knew that she deserved it. Wishing harm on someone for any reason made her a bad person, and even though there was no direct evidence linking her to Emery's murder, Aurora knew in her soul that she was the one who killed him.She knew Emery's personality; how angry he could get. He was going to haunt her until she died herself. He practically said as much in the store.
"Aurora, I need you to tell me what happened," Seonghwa said. She didn't even know when he had gotten there. Aurora called San to pick her up outside of the store, and now she was making a scene in the parking lot. People gawked at her as they walked in with their kids in hand, avoiding her like the plague. San must have called Seonghwa when she wouldn't answer him, because he knew that the man could get through to her. His comforting presence momentarily distracted her from worrying, as he gripped her shoulders lightly and turned her towards him.
"Emery," was all she could get out, before more tears escaped her eyes. Aurora was never much of a crybaby, but the thought of getting haunted by a ghost that she murdered was enough to make her inconsolable.
"Who the hell is Emery?" San demanded, as if he was going to bring him back to life and kill him all over again for making Aurora cry. Aurora managed to smile at him, though the tears made it look more like a grimace.
"Aurora," Seonghwa called, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "If you don't tell me, then I'm gonna have to pull it out of you."
She wondered what exactly he meant by that. Seonghwa didn't give her long to ponder over it, as he reached over and cupped her cheek with his large, warm hand. Aurora closed her eyes at the sensation, her cheeks warming under his touch. He rubbed the skin with delicate fingers, smoothing away her tears. Seonghwa truly had a talent for comforting people, because Aurora was already feeling better.
She opened her eyes to look at Seonghwa, peering at him through wet lashes. His gaze was not nearly as soft as his touch. The look in his eyes was so intense that he almost looked angry, and if he hadn't been smoothing over her round cheeks, she would think that he was. She wondered why he was looking at her so intently, and then she felt a tugging sensation at the corner of her mind.
"I want you to show me this person named Emery. Can you do that for me?" Seonghwa asked. He sounded out of breath, as if the effort of prying into her mind was taking the wind out of him.
Aurora felt Seonghwa prodding at her memories, prompting her to reveal everything about Emery. She was reluctant to show him what happened, to show him the source of shame that made her burst into tears. But she knew that Seonghwa would find out about her crime one way or another. There was no way she could hide such a huge secret from him.
"I'll show you," Aurora agreed, her heart thundering. Even the thought of him seeing what she did filled her with dread. What choice did she have, really? She couldn't hide her true nature any longer.
Seonghwa smiled, pleased to have her permission. He closed his eyes, feeling for the person named Emery that haunted Aurora's thoughts. As Seonghwa focused on searching her mind, San whisked them into the spirit world and away from curious onlookers.
Hongjoong cursed, having lost his grip on that God forsaken Emery Watson. He was a slippery spirit, the kind of ghost that no one could pin down for long. It was just his luck to have a nasty poltergeist on his hands when he didn't have the strength to ring its neck. And Emery was the worst of all, because not only was he angry, but he was also entitled. He believed that his life was robbed from him, which it technically was, but he also believed that he did nothing wrong in the first place. And Hongjoong knew for a fact that he had wronged Aurora, because he had seen it in his dreams. While lying around in his bedroom, breathing in the darkness, Hongjoong dreamed of Aurora. He dreamed of her at school, kissing an undeserving boy named Emery Watson. He watched as he touched her, coaxed her into submission and made her vulnerable for him. Then he saw the stupid boy discard her like she was nothing, and slut-shame her in front of everyone. Hongjoong writhed in bed with clenched fists, wanting to dig his overgrown nails into Emery's eye sockets.
And then he saw the way Aurora roasted him alive with nothing more than a look, and suddenly he felt intrigued. Her dark gaze was deadly, but also strangely beautiful. Hongjoong was surprised that such a cheerful-looking human had fire within her, enough to sear her enemies without so much as a spell. She made the boy turn and run without uttering a word, something that only the most powerful of witches could accomplish. Aurora was more than a human with the heart of a witch. She was a human with the potential to be the most powerful witch that ever lived. More powerful than him, even.
But now, that stupid ghost was going after her. He had already slipped away from the prison Hongjoong made for him in the spirit world. He had slithered back to Aurora like a little snake, and whispered threats into her ears that made her cry. Hongjoong seethed with the audacity of this boy, who somehow believed that he could intimidate a witch. Lingering spirits like him were usually hunted down by reapers, but Hongjoong couldn't wait for one to show itself. He had to get rid of Emery before he hurt Aurora.
Hongjoong snatched the boy up when his lips brushed Aurora's ear, tugging him along by the hair at the crown of his head. Emery looked much like he had in life; he had pale skin and curly hair that extended past his ears. It was perfect for Hongjoong's fingers to latch onto, yanking at the strands so hard that the boy screeched. He dragged him all the way from the grocery store in town, back to the prison he crafted out of shadow and bone. He actually used Emery's own body to make the cage, stretching his ribs out to make the bars, and fashioning his phalanges into chains. The shadows held the bones together so they wouldn't rattle too much, and the essence of the boy's flesh kept his spirit bound.
So how Emery escaped from the cage the first time, Hongjoong wasn't sure. He stared at the boy, watching as he groaned in pain from the skeletal hands latched onto his ankles. The hands rose out from the ground, keeping him firmly tied to the spiritual plane. Shadowy tendrils clenched around his wrists like handcuffs, keeping him from banging against the bars of the cage. Emery's head lolled as he moaned, coming to and glaring at his captor.
"Let me go, you bitch!" Emery spat. His face was a frightening mask of white, with dark pits for eyes and bared teeth. The anger made him scarier, causing his form to glow bright like an overheated lamp. Hongjoong couldn't care less how much energy Emery used. If he used too much of it, his soul would simply evaporate like fog in the autumn air. With Hongjoong's current appearance, it was no wonder that Emery used such a foul term. The withering skin of this form was deceiving, because underneath, Hongjoong was alight with furious energy. He felt more alive than he had in weeks, wondering how he was going to torture this evil spirit. Should he send him straight to hell, or play with him a little?
Hongjoong turned to see San making his way toward him, followed by Seonghwa and Aurora. San was guiding the both of them, as Seonghwa held Aurora in his arms and focused on finding out the truth. Hongjoong recognized the stance, understanding at once that Seonghwa was looking into her mind.
"San," Hongjoong greeted. "I was just handling this vengeful spirit named Emery."
At the sound of the boy's name, Aurora opened her eyes and broke the psychic connection. Seonghwa came to a second later, releasing her in favor of holding his forehead. Hongjoong knew that forming a psychic bond took a lot out of a witch, especially when it was not their specialty. He wondered what must have happened for Seonghwa to use such a taxing method of getting information.
Aurora took an unbalanced step forward, teetering on her feet like a newborn baby. The psychic bond took a lot out of her too, but she seemed to be recovering quickly, at least enough to recognized the ghost imprisoned before her eyes. "Emery?"
Emery looked up at the sound of her voice, yanking at the chains on his hands and feet. "You!"
She flinched back with wide eyes, horrified of the skeletal cage that he was trapped in. "What the hell is this? Why are you stuck here?"
"You're the one that killed me," Emery accused, his voice a horrible garble. It was like he was still choking up blood and trying to speak despite all. His form glowed even brighter, so bright that Aurora had to avert her eyes.
Hongjoong stepped in between Aurora and Emery, blocking her gaze. He glared at the spirit and his chains tightened to the point of pain. Then Hongjoong turned to face Aurora, trying not to panic at the fact that she interrupted his torturing session. "I found him lingering around your house, and again at the store. I brought him back to the spirit world and chained him up here."
Aurora looked Hongjoong up and down, confused at how he captured a ghost in his condition. "You were in my house?" She asked.
That was a valid question. Hongjoong panicked even more, blood leaving his face as he scrambled to find a suitable excuse for watching Aurora from the shadows. "I wanted to ask for your help. Personally." It was about the farthest from the actual truth that Hongjoong could get, but telling the girl that he followed her home because she intrigued him would not go over well.
"You want my help?" Aurora echoed, tilting her head to the side. "But you told me that I couldn't break the curse."
"I was wrong," Hongjoong admitted, because he was. He underestimated Aurora. He had no idea how powerful she was when he said that. He didn't know her strength of spirit, or her ability to kill someone with a look. If Hongjoong really admitted it to himself, he was mildly attracted to her. In a way, she was almost as fucked up as he was.
"Hongjoong," Seonghwa said, stepping forward with a pointed gaze. "What are you planning on doing with him?"
Just like always, Seonghwa could see through his pretense, straight to the darkness of his heart. Without Hongjoong saying a word, Seonghwa already knew what he intended and why he was keeping it a secret. Hongjoong had always loved him for that, because Seonghwa knew him better than anyone. However, at times like this, where he was practicing dark magic that no righteous person should see, he wished Seonghwa did not have such insight.
Because he knew that Seonghwa knew, Hongjoong sighed and came clean. "I was gonna torture him a bit. It's been a while since I've seen such a sleazy soul."
San didn't look very surprised to hear of Hongjoong's dark intent, but Aurora was taken aback. When she pictured the badass witch that put his life on the line for his boys, she never imagined that he would do something like this. Instead of being disgusted by his sinister nature, Aurora felt intrigued. Where San had shied away from cursing others, Hongjoong seemed the type to relish in doing so. While Seonghwa fussed Hongjoong out for his immorality, San worked on freeing Emery from his dark chains. The hedge witch was practiced with unruly spirits and could hold Emery with his power alone; no bondage necessary.
However, Emery was more vengeful than San anticipated. As soon as the ghost was free of his bony chains, he tackled Aurora. He flew past San and flung himself at her with such vengeance that no one could have prevented it. He slammed her into the ground and hissed at her like a wild animal, baring his teeth at her with black pits for eyes. Because of his relentless anger, Emery had begun the transformation into a depraved spirit. He looked more inhuman than before, more like a typical ghost in a horror movie.
Aurora didn't have a moment to brace herself before Emery was choking the life out of her lungs. Like this, he looked a bit like a flickering candle, burning red hot with anger and bloodlust. She contemplated life with what little consciousness she had left. Perhaps dying like this was what she deserved for killing him so easily. If that was the case, then she would submit to the cruel whims of fate.
Emery was yanked off her suddenly with the force of a typhoon and slammed into the ground. Seonghwa raised his arm, lifting the boy into the air and choking him out single-handedly. He looked at Aurora with concern. "Are you alright?" He asked, to which she nodded.
San hovered above her, checking the condition of her neck. She could tell it would bruise, but she felt like a little choking was the least of what she deserved to be honest. San frowned, letting his fingers brush the tender skin. Suddenly his hands glowed blue like cold stars, and she felt a chilling sensation wash over her like a cool shower. She shivered at the feeling at first, but then the pain ebbed, and her neck felt as good as new again.
"You're gonna be okay," San assured her with a smile. He cradled her head in his lap, blocking her view of what Seonghwa and Hongjoong were currently doing with Emery. Whatever it was couldn't be good.
Seonghwa held the boy up in the air, suspended by an invisible force. Emery flung himself around, shaking his legs and clawing the invisible hands on his neck desperately. Hongjoong looked on proudly, letting a devilish smile overtake him. Watching his lover fly off the handle always got him going.
"How dare you touch her," Seonghwa said, his voice thinned with anger. "I was thinking about helping you move on, and you do this? You really think you're innocent?"
The hands around Emery's neck squeezed and squeezed, and his aura became blue with the closeness of second death. Ghosts could actually die multiple times, if a powerful enough witch or demon took it upon themselves to try. That was how souls lingered in Hell for so long, getting tortured by kings of Hell like Azazel. It was how Hongjoong spent decades serving the demon, bringing him souls to wash in day by day.
"Darling," Hongjoong called, when it looked like Emery was near the end. "Maybe we should leave him to San? I was going to torture him a bit, but killing him twice might be excessive."
Seonghwa took Hongjoong's opinion into consideration silently, still grasping the spirit's neck. After a few moments, he released the Emery and let him drop to the ground. "Maybe you're right."
So it was decided that San would appease Emery and walk him through his cherished memories, as he did with every ghost that lingered in the human world. That way, he could feel connected to his life, and not be caught up in the circumstances of his death. Ghosts had a tendency to focus on the negativity and pain, rather than the good parts of their human existence. It was San's specialty to ease that pain and help them find happiness again, so that they could cross over.
Emery seemed unwilling at first, but with a searing look from Hongjoong and a threatening raise of Seonghwa's hand, he became a lot more cooperative. San assured them that he could handle the bratty spirit, and that he would be back in time for dinner. Hongjoong opened a portal to the manor with what little strength he had left, and the three of them walked out of the darkness together.
As soon as they crossed the house's threshold, Seonghwa steered Hongjoong into the nearest bathroom to check him for injuries. Though Hongjoong felt like his old, all-powerful self, he was still in the body of an elderly woman. Surely torturing vengeful spirits was not good for his joints.
"We'll only be a second, Aurora," Seonghwa said. "There should be plenty of leftover food in the fridge, if you want to help yourself."
Aurora nodded, still kind of in shock from it all. She wandered off in the direction of the kitchen, faintly remembering the way from her first time in the mansion. She passed the stairwell to upstairs, where the portrait of Hongjoong in all his red-haired glory hung like a centerpiece in a museum. She lingered, staring at the powerful witch that exhausted himself to save her from a vengeful spirit. Even in his current state, he was putting his life on the line for others. How could she not help someone that generous?
When Aurora walked into the kitchen, an unfamiliar man stood chopping up vegetables and sliding them into a sizzling pan. He had round cheeks and intense, dark eyes that zeroed in on the vegetables with precision. He wore a tight-fitting black sweater and jeans, with silver chains hanging from the pockets that jingled when he moved. His black hair fell over his forehead and covered his eyes as he leaned over the cutting board. If not for his pouted lips and puffed cheeks, she would have been fully intimidated by the witch.
He honestly looked like the lead singer of a rock band to Aurora. She stood, bewitched by his presence for a few seconds until the sharp voice of Wooyoung broke her out of the enchantment. "You look like a wreck," he said unkindly, stalking past her and into the kitchen like he owned he place.He slid onto one of the counter bar stools and tapped the table in front of the mysterious chef. "Jongho, are you getting high again?" Wooyoung asked, trying to catch the witch's attention. Jongho finally looked up, blinking at the new presence in front of him. He did look kind of high, but not so much that he didn't notice Aurora standing in the kitchen doorway and shuffling her feet together awkwardly. He smiled brightly, beckoning her inside.
"Come on in, I was just making dinner," he invited. Aurora listened, walking closer to the kitchen island and standing next to Wooyoung. "And to answer your rude ass question Woo, no I wasn't getting high."  
"I'm older than you, brat," Wooyoung scolded. He slid a hand through his lavender locks, looking at Aurora again. She was struck again by his beauty, the sharpness of his jaw and the cool, directness of his gaze. "You really do look wrecked. Did something happen?"
Aurora figured that this was Wooyoung's round-about way of showing concern, and answered, "There was a vengeful ghost situation, but I'm okay. San is handling it."
Wooyoung frowned at the mention of San's name. "What happened?" He asked again, this time with intensity. "Where is he?"
She sat down on a bar stool and started recounting the day's events, starting from the encounter in the store with her grandmother to leaving San in the spirit world with Emery. Wooyoung didn't bite her head off when she told him, so it was safe to assume he didn't blame her for endangering his boyfriend. She knew that he was the possessive type, but for once he seemed chill about the situation.
"Should we give San some backup? I know Seonghwa's busy with Hongjoong, but maybe we could pop into the spirit world and check on him before dinner. Walking through memories is kind of taxing, especially with that kind of spirit," Jongho suggested.
"San can handle an angry ghost," Wooyoung assured, waving off his concern. "He'll be offended if we interrupt him now."
Aurora found his trust in San to be admirable, and couldn't keep herself from saying so. "You're such a supportive boyfriend," she complimented.
Wooyoung turned to her with furrowed brows, and for a second she worried that she'd offended him. But then he relaxed, not quite smiling but at least looking slightly less guarded. "Of course, we've been together for ages."
"They really have," Jongho agreed. "Almost as long as Hongjoong and Seonghwa."  
Aurora saw the opportunity and couldn't help herself. "How did those two meet, by the way?" She was infinitely curious about their relationship, and about Hongjoong's past in particular. She wanted to know everything about him, from his first encounter with magic to his darkest secrets.
"I can tell you," Hongjoong piped up behind her. She turned in her seat to see Hongjoong standing in the kitchen doorway with Seonghwa close behind. Seonghwa's eyes lingered on Hongjoong  as if he would suddenly collapse, and it reminded her of the way parents watched their newborn babies like hawks. If Wooyoung was a possessive kind of lover, than Seonghwa was the attentive type. She wondered what kind of lover Hongjoong might be.
"I'd like that," Aurora said, smiling at Hongjoong. She decided right then and there, if he wanted her help, she was more than willing to give it. She was far too invested in this coven to back out now anyway.
San led the surly ghost through his childhood, trying not to sigh. He had dealt with all kinds of nasty ghosts, from abusive spouses to murderers, but it was the first time in a while that he couldn't care less about the spirit he was escorting.
It was wrong of him, he knew. Letting personal feelings mix into his duties as a medium was almost criminal, because ghosts depended on him to pass on. Usually, he could set aside his feelings in favor of helping others, but his heart just wasn't in it this time. San knew that it had to do with Aurora. He was much more attached to her than he intended to be, and now it was affecting his work. He glared into the back of the boy's head as they walked through the memories of his many sexual conquests, all soon discarded after. San supposed he should feel sorrier for the boy, given his neglectful childhood that fed into his commitment issues.
Emery's mother never gave him the time of day, always staying late at work and going out on the weekends. His father died when he was young from unexpected heart failure, leaving a dysfunctional family in his wake. It was really Emery's uncles that raised him, taking him in when it was clear that his mother couldn't be bothered. Emery took that rejection to heart, and never trusted another woman again.
That led them to college, where Emery was fucking women left and right, and then throwing them away like used condoms. Aurora was one of the many he used, but it was slightly different. San could see that the boy actually did care for her at first, that he did enjoy laughing with her and making her laugh in turn. However, when Aurora slipped up one time after they finished fucking and said that she loved him, Emery short-circuited.
Emery didn't have any women in his life that loved him. He didn't know how to handle affection from anyone but his uncles, who raised him with as much care and joy as they could, and his friends who let him sleepover often when his mother was absent. So when Aurora said the L-word to him, it was like a huge red flag in his mind. He had to get as far away from her as possible, before she could abandon him the way his mother had.
So that brought San and Emery to that time in the cafeteria, when Emery told everyone about their sexual exploits. San watched as Aurora glared at Emery like she would kill him on the spot if only she could. And he knew that somehow, through some mysterious force in Aurora's body, she had done exactly that. She had killed Emery with a single glare like the witches of old that could raise hellfire. San knew it was wrong, that Aurora was wrong for letting her anger get the best of her. But he couldn't bring himself to hate her for it. If it was him, and his first-time lover had humiliated him and threw him away like it was nothing, he might have done something unholy as well. For as good of a witch San was, he always had that one part of him that wanted to indulge in dark magic.
His brothers were the same. All of them had a little taste for the dark arts, a little bit of the shadows within them. None of them told Hongjoong, but the methods that he used to obtain their magic stained them in ways he could not fully comprehend. Seonghwa leaned towards summoning demons rather than deities, while his own boyfriend dabbled in tangling up people's lives for fun, rather than helping them find clarity within the chaos.
San sometimes felt an urge to hurt the spirits that he helped, especially when they were douchebags like Emery. His fingers itched to call forth the reapers of purgatory, to have the boy suffer for all the hearts he had broken and discarded. But the hedge witch took a deep breath and stopped himself. Although he personally disliked Emery, the boy was not deserving of such a fate. He was a shameless fuckboy, but that was about it. Other spirits had done far worse and been redeemed.
When they reached the end of Emery's memories, where he collapsed onto his dorm room bed and boiled from the inside out, their surroundings became the darkness of the spirit world again, and Emery looked a lot calmer. With a promise from San to give his friends his sports equipment, and to hide the stash of panties beneath his bed from his uncles, Emery crossed into the spiritual plane of light and San's part was over.
He did deposit the sports equipment at the houses of his friends, but he left the panties alone. The ghost could suffer at least that much humiliation for what he did to Aurora.
By the time San came home, he was too exhausted for dinner. He slumped onto the bed fully-clothed, pressing his face into the cool sheets. San wished that Wooyoung would come and leap onto his back, that he would hold him until he fell asleep. But the chaos witch was mad at him, and they hadn't slept in the same room for days. He knew it was too much to ask.
He must have drifted off to sleep, because when he came to, there was a familiar weight on his back; the very one he had wished for. Wooyoung nuzzled into the nape of San's neck, inhaling his sweet scent. San looked over his shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of his suddenly clingy boyfriend.
"Woo," San greeted, boneless and warm all over. "I missed you."
Wooyoung hummed, pressing kisses into San's neck. "I know. I'm sorry."
"Will you stay this time?" He asked the chaos witch, wondering if he would wander off into the night like he often did to practice magic. Some of the most chaotic things in life happened at night after all.
Wooyoung unglued himself from San's back, trying to get more comfortable. He landed on the side of the bed closest to the wall, the side where it would be impossible to escape without waking up San. "I'm not going anywhere." He rubbed a comforting hand across San's back, lulling him back to sleep.
San settled onto his arms with a smile, falling asleep to the gentle rhythm of his boyfriend's humming.
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potatomountain · 1 year
My Filthy Boy - part 1
bf!wooyoung x reader x witch/hybrid!ateez  
Word Count: 2,042
Synopsis: (it came to me in a dream) Getting caught fucking your boyfriend in the living space he shared with his coven should have been embarrassing- but he liked it far too much.
warnings: smut, exhibitionism, voyeurism, creampie, cursing. switch woo! switch reader! fem reader!
An: so I had this written out months ago so here is my attempt to get back into the groove of things ^^ enjoy, feedback is greatly appreciated :')
“Fuck Baby! so perfect up there-”
You slammed your hips down to meet Wooyoung’s hips, angled just right his cock hit your sweet spot each time. “Bet you love the view huh baby? Tits bouncing as I fuck myself on your cock. Give me more of those pretty sounds you make. Come on you can do that for me can’t you?”
He moaned out in response, hands gripping at the blankets beneath him. What had started as a cute floor date with netflix in the communal living space of his shared home had turned into the two of you making a mess out of each other, as it usually did when you and your boyfriend were left alone.
The two of you had at least waited to get touchy until after the rest of his housemates had left to do something Wooyoung hadn’t indulged with you. Probably had something to do with the fact that they were witches, or warlocks, but they said they would be gone for a view hours.
So either you had been bouncing on Wooyoung’s messy cock for a few hours or they were back early: a fact neither of you noticed until Wooyoung was tilting his head back and letting out the sweetest moan just for you.
Focused on your own pleasure, watching your boyfriend beneath you as you continued to roll and bounce your hips just right; Your head lolled forward a bit, hands on his chest as you let out your own breathless moan.
You felt him twitch beneath you, head still tilted back and pointed towards the front door when he drawled out: “Like the show?” By the smirk on his lips you realized he was talking to you.
Head snapping up your hips halted the moment you saw seven other males standing just in the entranceway, gawking at you with a mixture of expressions. From their jaws hanging open to teasing smirks to shyly trying to hide their clear interest in the sight you and Wooyoung no doubt made; you had clearly been caught.
Mortified, you squeaked out, moving to pull yourself off of Wooyoung only for his hands to latch onto your hips and roll you both over so you were pinned beneath him. You tried to protest, pushing at his chest and whining, only for him to shut you up with one thrust with perfect precision to your sweet spot. “We never stop a ritual once we started, Kitten, and this is as primal a ritual as any.”
“B-b-but-!” You could hardly get a protest out with the way he was jackhammering into your cunt with a newfound excitement. You could tell he was enjoying this, and none of the onlookers were making any protests either.
In fact Wooyoung wanted to show you off more, leaning back and lifting your hips up to meet each of his thrusts, groaning at the way your whole body bounced. A few resounding groans a few feet above you insinuated they were enjoying the sight too. “Never answered me guys: are you enjoying the show?”
You dared to tilt your head just enough to look up, a bit too jostled to make out their expressions but from the way Mingi was working his pants off to free the clear bulge residing there- as well as the way San was palming himself through his leather pants, were clear indications they liked this too. All of them answered Woo young with either a fervent nod or a low hum that was like a pleased growl. Out of embarrassment, and due the slow build of your climax twisting in your stomach, you had to look away from them.
You weren’t a witch, you weren’t blessed with a coven or even the knowledge of how one works but you were fascinated by them. That’s how you had met Wooyoung- attempting to steal glances at the local head Coven of warlocks just out of curiosity. Perhaps this was a normal thing for them, watching their brothers fuck their lovers- perhaps they even fucked them together.
At that thought, a guttural moan ripped through you, your head turning to look  up at Wooyoung. There was a sheen of magic in his eyes, a cheeky grin pasted on his lips as he reached forward and flicked his thumb against your clit. Perhaps you liked being watched, or would even like being shared, because the idea filled you with arousal that matched Wooyoung’s.
He recognized the way your eyes glazed over and felt your legs tremble around his waist as his thumb worked in tandem with his thrusts. “Come on kitten- come with me- show my brothers what pretty sounds you make for me.” He all but threw your earlier words back at you with a cockiness that just turned you on even more.
Nodding quickly, You gripped the blankets beneath you, pants and breathless moans growing in volume as your embarrassment over the situation evaporated until you were chanting Wooyoung’s name and chasing your high.
You were vaguely aware of a few mutterings from the others, a few growls, but all you could focus on was Wooyoung until your head was spinning with your high and your were clenching down on him so hard that he barely lasted another thrust before spurting his seed into you. He fucked you through both your climaxes until he pulled out, growing at the sight of his cum already leaking out of your abused hole. “Fuck that’s an even prettier sight.”
Near your head there was a whine. “I want to see-” You managed to open one unfocused eye to find Mingi peering over you, inhaling sharply as Wooyoung proudly showed off his work. “Fuck her pussy looks good enough to eat.”
“You want a taste now?” Wooyoung collapsed on your other side, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer while your body and mind were still reeling in post-orgasmic bliss.
Mingi whined again, nodding. It wasn’t until his face was mere inches away from your cunt that it fully clicked what was happening and you quickly shut your legs with a vice grip. “What- the fuck Woo?” Sense seemed to return to you, pulling you away from him and grappling for the blankets to cover yourself. “You should talk to me about stuff like that before just offering it up!”
“Okay- Kitten, are you okay if Mingi eats you out? My cum and all?” He replied instantly and without a hint of shame, propping himself up on his elbow and resting his head in the palm of his hand.
Your cheeks burned with newfound embarrassment, unable to look at any of the others and just glared as menacingly at your boyfriend as you could. “I-is this normal for covens? To just share like this?”
“It’s normal for us.” Hongjoong was the one who spoke up, drawing your attention. He seemed the least affected by what had happened, aside from Yeosang. “He probably planned this.”
Your head swung back to Wooyoung, jaw falling slack. “What?”
“We were only going out for a quick dinner.” Seonghwa offered, adjusting his pants as he stepped up behind Hongjoong. You noticed San was long gone, as was Jongho and Yeosang, leaving just Mingi behind you and Yunho still by the door seemingly rooted in place.
“Woo said you would be gone for a few movies worth.” As it clicked, you unleashed your rising ire on your boyfriend, slapping his arm a few times. “Dammit Wooyoung! You sneaky filthy little bastard!”
He winced but laughed, grabbing your hand and pulling you down to him. “But you love me. Come on, I want to share you with everyone. Can’t I?”
You bit down on your lip, avoiding his eyes as you practically melted against his chest. “I- do they want it too?”
“Yes.” Both Mingi and Yunho breathed out together, voice strained.  Mingi took it a step further to whine behind you. “Please?’
Burying your head into the crook of Wooyoung’s neck, you could feel the others watching you. “Can I... can I think about it? This is really sudden and I-”
“Of course. Take all the time you need. Whatever you decide we’ll accept. Right Wooyoung?” Seonghwa warned, moving over to Mingi to pull him back.
You caught the man beneath you faking a salute up at Seonghwa out of the corner of your eye. “Yes sir.”
Vaguely you could hear the rest of them shuffling away, Mingi’s whines dying out until it was just you and your boyfriend. Slowly you sat up and looked down at him with a pout. “Why didn’t you talk to me baby?” There wasn’t a hint of disgust in your tone, more so confusion and a bit of disappointment because you prided yourself on how honest the two of  you were. Wooyoung usually talked about everything with you, even stuff most couples might find tmi.
He avoided your gaze, running a hand up your thigh. “Other lovers the others hand hated the idea when we would bring it up. We aren’t like other covens, we’re not lovers or in love but we’re not a typical family vibe either. We do things together, and when we love someone outside the coven, we all agreed its all or none. Which, as I said, made all the others flee.”
Your eyes widened, taking in this new information. “Is that why Yeosang and that one girl stopped dating?” Barely a few weeks after you had started hanging around, in fact shortly after Wooyoung asked to be your boyfriend, the girl Yeosang had been dating had just stopped coming all together. Now it made sense why Yeosang had been so sad, and the last to warm up to you.
Wooyoung nodded. “Yeo didn’t want me to end up with a broken heart too.”
“Oh baby- I’m not going to end things with you over this-” It didn’t seem to be just a kink any more, yet you needed more explanation. “Do I have to love them all? Like fall in love?”
He shook his head. “Not really.You don’t have to love us, but be open to the idea that we can love you.”
It felt somewhat like a hivemind deal, and you weren’t particularly against it. “I think I get it. I don’t have to claim all of you, but you all have to claim me? It’s like a ritual to fully accept me as yours, as they are as much a part of you as your magic?” He had briefly explained it like that a while back, and I had found it to be oddly charming. They weren’t partners, they weren’t lovers, but somehow the eight of them were so much more. And before Wooyoung could fully accept me, they all needed to accept me, in the way a lover should.
When he nodded, you continued on: “I... do I have to sleep with them all by myself?”
Noticing you weren’t shying away from the idea, merely curious and a bit confused, Wooyoung sat up with a widening smile. “We both would. Fuck them that is, one by one. I can watch, or they could, its just- leave the details to us, all you would have to worry about is enjoying yourself.”
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “But if you accept, you can’t back out. This is our equivalent to marriage, to making you a part of the coven. You can always get another lover, but you’ll be stuck with us in a sense. We don’t let our covenmates go.”
The idea of being one with their coven, with fully immersing yourself into their world, had your heart racing. It was curiosity that brought you to them over two years ago, and it was something much deeper that already had you bonded to them. “Alright- Let me sleep on it but I- I think I want to do this Wooyoung. I want to be with you, here, as part of the coven.”
The figure eavesdropping from the all felt their heart pound harshly against their ribcage, gripping their chest. You were going to be their first like this... but could you really handle how filthy it was about to get?
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ohmyamor · 1 year
let’s start off by saying that you and Yeosang were not supposed to meet
at all 
it all started when one day your friend frantically called you talking about some magic guy she needed to visit asap 
to which you very exasperatedly and bluntly said no 
you loved your friend 
you really did 
but she had recently become obsessed with this guy at work who you can’t even remember the name of
and look 
your friend had this habit of falling in love with people incredibly fast 
like, you’re pretty sure that falling in love after talking to someone for 0.5 seconds has to be some kind of record or something 
and you were somewhat used it at this point 
she would fall in love quickly and move on quickly so no one ever got hurt 
but this guy 
you don’t know how he did it, but she was obsessed 
absolutely, horrendously, atrociously down bad
she had tried multiple times to get his attention but every one of her efforts always seemed to backfire on her
and while at first you were genuinely saddened for her being, the empathetic person you are 
it got kind of annoying after her 10th call crying about how standing next to him not talking just standing didn’t seem to do the trick 
so when she called saying she found this ‘magic guy’ or whatever that she needed to buy a love potion from 
you all but snorted over the line and gave her a solid “no” before hanging up 
only for her to anticipate this answer as not even five minutes later she was knocking at your door 
did she call you from the parking lot? you thought, surprised and a little impressed 
so now you were being dragged by her to some shady part of town with nothing on you except your phone and keys 
just so she could get her supposed love potion
what a way to go
you sat in the passenger seat, looking nervously at the abandoned building the two of you were parked in front of 
you’re pretty sure the only thing you’ll be walking out of here with is some kind of disease 
“I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t be here” you tell her hoping she’ll come to her senses 
“No I heard from Mark’s brother’s girlfriend’s uncle that the place was right here” she replied, getting off the car and heading straight into the building
oh she’s serious 
sighing, you open the door and follow after her
“dude, wait up” you yell, seeing that she’s already disappeared through the front door 
you push open the door and walk through only to halt in your tracks when you make it inside 
what. the. fuck. 
inside is not a filthy abandoned building like you were expecting 
you stand inside what looks like a witch’s cottage that came straight out of a children’s book 
the entire store is small, much smaller than the building you walked into 
every corner of the room is filled with knick knacks and trinkets, some of which you have no clue what they even are 
you think you even see a crystal ball on one of the shelves
artifacts from almost every single religion you’ve ever heard of line the walls, some of which look very very old 
there’s also plants galore, hanging off of every shelf, standing in planters that cover the floors and hanging off the ceiling 
you look over to the center of the room where a small counter takes up the space with what you think are eyeballs in a jar resting on top of it
but it’s not the eyeballs that shock you
it’s the giant cauldron resting in front of it with a smoky blue essence pouring out of it 
you blink, having absolutely no fucking clue what’s going on
while you stare around the room in wonder, your friend has already made her way to the counter, slamming harshly on the little bell that rests in the center of the countertop 
it kind of reminds you of the bell at the doctor’s office
but this is most definitely not a doctor’s office
your friend continuously presses the bell, reminding you of a small but annoying child 
you move next to her 
“dude I think you should stop pressing that, it’s getting annoying-”
you cut yourself off with a loud shriek when a man literally materializes in front of your eyes 
he’s stands at a good height, with long dark hair cascading down his neck and coming to end at his shoulders 
his bangs rest nicely over his eyes
and he has the most beautiful birthmark next to his left eye 
this is the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life 
you miss the way his lips twitch upwards ever so slightly 
“How can I be of help today?”
oh god his voice
it’s so deep and velvety that if you weren’t so confused as to what was going on, you’re pretty sure you would’ve tripped over your own feet 
“I need a love potion” your friend demands
the man quirks an eyebrow and an amused look falls over his face 
you shoot your friend a look at her rudeness 
“Please. We need a love potion, please,” you say
if this man really is a witch, which you now have no reason to doubt, then who knows what he does to rude customers 
and you’re not about to get turned into a frog just because your friend is obsessed with some mediocre man  
the man behind the counter nods
“Love potions do take me a few days to brew and they cost a little more than any of my other potions,” the man starts
“Is that okay with you?”
you realize the man is staring directly into your eyes as he talks 
“Oh, it’s not for me,” you blurt
the man hums 
“So, how much will it cost and when will it be ready by?” your friend crosses her arms 
you turn to her, furrowing your eyebrows
she’s never acted like this, what the fuck is her problem today?
“I can have it ready in about a week, and as for the cost, I’ll let you know when you come pick it up. It depends on how many of the ingredients I have and how many I will need.”
your friend rolls her eyes 
“You’re a witch but you don’t even have everything you need to make a simple love potion?”
you pinch her side harshly 
“shut up”
she stares at you wide-eyed, but you ignore her to turn to face the beautiful man 
“What she means to say is thank you, we’ll be back in a week to pick it up,” you send him a small smile, trying to express how sorry you are about your friend’s attitude
the man smiles and nods and before your friend can say anything else, you’re grabbing her by the arm and dragging her out of the store, ignoring the butterflies that have made their home in your stomach
one week later 
I’m really going to murder her you think, angrily sitting in your car in front of the familiar building
after dragging you to the pretty witch’s shop and embarrassing you in front of him
she now has the audacity to call you and tell you that something important came up and she can’t go pick up the potion 
but because she absolutely needs it, she needs you to pick it up for her 
“I don’t even know how much it’s going to cost, what if I don’t even have enough money for it?” you had argued over the phone 
“Oh please, he was practically eye fucking you as soon as he popped up, he’ll probably lower the price for you anyways”
she then proceeded to hang up, leaving you a spluttering red mess 
so now here you are, sitting in front of the abandoned building once again where you attempt to muster up the courage to face the pretty witch again 
I’m making her pay for my therapy you think angrily as you open your door and start walking into the building 
the shop hasn’t changed much since you were here last week 
the only differences you notice are few new knick knacks lining the wall, and the cauldron is missing 
walking up to the counter, you press the bell once before taking a step back and admiring the room 
I wonder if any of these plants are for sale  
the feeling of something soft against your leg startles you
you look down to see a black cat rubbing itself against you 
letting out a small “aw”, you crouch down and begin to pet it 
unlike other cats that you’ve met, this one seems very cuddly 
you scratch behind its ears, noticing how it seems to have a little cluster of white hairs right under one of its eyes, almost making it look like the cat has a mole 
you giggle slightly to yourself at the thought 
the sound of someone clearing their throat has you jumping up 
there stands the pretty witch, watching as you stand up quickly and push your hair behind your ears awkwardly 
“is, um, is this your cat?” you motion to the cat that’s lying on the floor with its belly exposed
the man rolls his eyes 
“sort of. he’s my familiar, but he needs to stop bothering customers when he wants attention,” the last sentence is directed at something behind you 
“Whatever, you’re always too busy with your potions. Plus, I’m good for business,” a male’s voice sounds out behind you 
you let out a small scream, jumping away from the voice 
behind you stands a slightly shorter male
he has dark hair as well and his eyes certainly do remind you of a cat’s 
you also notice that he has a small mole on the top of his cheek, under his eye 
just like the cat you realize 
the man smiles brightly at you before engulfing you in a hug
“Sorry I scared you! My name’s Wooyoung, and the grumpy man behind the counter is Yeosang,” Wooyoung tells you
you let out a small laugh, very confused but oddly endeared 
“Wooyoung let go of them”, the pretty witch, Yeosang, demands 
Wooyoung complies, letting go of you with small grumble 
laughing slightly, you turn back to face Yeosang 
“This is not how I was expecting my day to go,” you admit 
“But it’s a nice surprise nonetheless”
Yeosang smiles slightly, staring at you with a look you can’t decipher
“I’m glad we could make your day”
it’s quiet for a moment before you clear your throat
“So, um, I’m here to pick up the love potion?”
Yeosang nods and he moves to grab something from behind him 
a confused noise comes from Wooyoung 
“Love potion? Yeosangie, I thought you said she was your ma-”
Yeosang lets out a loud cough, slamming down the pink bottle he holds in his hand onto the counter and sending a tight smile to the man next to you
“Sorry, Wooyoung must’ve confused you with someone else,” the glare in his eyes makes you feel bad for the dark haired man
“Anyways,” he clears his throat. “Here it is. Tell your friend that it’s very important she doesn’t use the whole thing on the person she’s interested in.” 
Yeosang stares you directly in your eyes, his voice taking on a serious tone
You nod, unsure of to say 
he continues 
“If she does, it will have the opposite effect intended.” 
you make a small o with your mouth 
“I didn’t know that was possible” 
Yeosang nods and Wooyoung makes a noise of confirmation
“You’re looking at the best potions maker in the whole country,” Wooyoung starts. “He’s amazing at what he does, but it also means you need to use his stuff in moderation.”
you glance from the bottle to Yeosang, watching in mild amusement as his neck slowly turns red 
Nodding, you move to grab your wallet from your bag
“Okay, thank you for the heads up. How much will it be?”
you whip your head up, staring at Yeosang with wide eyes
“I’m sorry, did you say two thousand?”
he has the nerve to nod his head hesitantly 
you stare at the little bottle that sits on the counter
“I’m sorry, but I can’t afford that”
you bite the inside of your cheek nervously 
“Let me call my friend and let her know how much it is, maybe she can send me the money or something.”
you step back, moving to grab your phone from your pocket
“You know what,” Yeosang’s voice calls out
“It’s fine, just take it.”
you furrow your eyebrows
“like, for free?”
Yeosang nods his head 
“No, I can’t do that,” you shake your head vehemently 
“You worked hard to make it, I’m not going to let you give it to my friend for free when she gave you such a hard time about it,” you frown
“Then go on a date with him!” 
you and Yeosang snap your heads toward Wooyoung who smiles cheekily 
“What?” you asked, stunned, at the same time that Yeosang hisses out “Wooyoung!”
Wooyoung rolls his eyes
“C’mon, you’re both obviously attracted to each other. Just go on one date and you can get the potion for your friend,” he argues 
Your eyes dart between the two men 
“No, I’m sorry I don’t know what his problem is today. You don’t have to do that if you’re uncomfortable-”
you cut Yeosang off
“I’m fine with it.”
he blinks, momentarily stunned 
“I’m fine with going on a date if you are,” you reiterate 
Yeosang begins to stutter, redness creeping up his neck and onto his face 
how cute 
“He’s more than fine with it,” Wooyoung answers
“How does next Friday at 6 sound? That new Italian restaurant downtown.”
You snort, finding it quite amusing how you’re going on a date with Yeosang but Wooyoung is the one making all the plans 
“Sounds perfect,” you agree 
Grabbing the small bottle off the counter, you send a small wink towards Yeosang, who still looks frozen in place 
“I’ll see you next week, pretty witch” you call, walking out of the store 
as soon as the door closes behind you, Wooyoung takes the opportunity to nod approvingly 
“Next time you threaten to send me with Seonghwa, remember all the things I do for you.”
a loud smack is heard, followed by Wooyoung’s high-pitched whine
despite the slight annoyance he feels towards his familiar, there’s only one thing Yeosang can focus on 
you called him pretty 
bonus cut:
it’s halfway through your amazing dinner with Yeosang when your phone begins to buzz from where it sits in your purse 
apologizing profusely, you let Yeosang know that it’s your friend, the one who serves as the whole reason the two of you met in the first place 
you move to ignore her call, only for your date to encourage you to answer, suggesting that it might be an emergency 
hesitantly, you answer the call, only for you to grow incredibly concerned when all you can hear is your friend sobbing heavily over the speaker 
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
You glance at Yeosang, who stares at you concerned 
“He hates me!” you friend wails through the phone 
moving your phone away from your ear a bit, you are incredibly confused and very annoyed that she interrupted your date
“What? Who hates you?”
you don’t notice the way Yeosang grimaces
you’re able to piece together what, or rather, who she’s talking about 
you shut your eyes, bringing your other hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose
“How much did you use?” you question 
“What?” she hiccups 
“the potion. how much did you use?”
your friend sniffs
“all of it”
you roll your eyes so hard you feel like they might get stuck in the back of your head
“you’re a fucking idiot,” you tell her bluntly 
“I’m heartbroken and you’re calling me an idiot?” she exclaims 
“Yes!” you practically yell 
“I literally told you not to use all of it.”
“It’s a love potion, why wouldn’t I use all of it?” she defends herself 
“it was probably that stupid witch, he probably didn’t even make it right.” 
you scoff
“and this is why you’re single” you say, ending the call and angrily shoving your phone back in your purse
“She used all of it?” Yeosang questions, looking concerned but also slightly amused 
You sigh and nod your head
“And she tried blaming you for it not working, saying you didn’t know how to make it right.” 
Yeosang lets out a small laugh before fixing you with a gaze that makes you blush 
“Well at least we can thank her for allowing us to meet.”  
“Perhaps it was fate.” 
You can’t help but agree
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ja3hwa · 3 months
I know I'm on a hiatus, but i suddenly got an idea about a vampire x witch trope. But idk who would fit it? Like which member would be the perfect vampire to my witchy reader, hehe.
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hee0soo · 1 year
Blood and Magic Pt 1.
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PAIRING — hongjoong x reader, WooSan, WooSanSang, Yungi, ateez x platonic!reader
GENRE — vampire au, witch au, afab!reader, vampire!hongjoong
Summary— In a world where the supernatural are part of our world, a witch manages to get into a lot more trouble than she expected....
WARNINGS — mentions of sex, Described Blood, Violence, mentions of Drugging Someone Against Their Will, abandonment, attempted crimes, blood, mentions of death, witches
WORD COUNT — 15.9k
References used — TVD, Supernatural
Also posted on AO3
Part 2
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Moving out of your parent’s house was scary. Not just that it would be the first time you would be living alone, no to make things even harder you had decided to move from a small cottage outside of Busan to the big city of Seoul as soon as you turned 18!
To say that your parent’s weren´t pleased would be the understatement of the year! They had made it very clear that they wanted you to stay home, find a suitable man to carry on the magical bloodline and get married.
That was what was expected of you, always had been and when you told them that you would not go the way they wanted, it got ugly. It was not what you wanted, never had been!
You remembered the way your mom’s eyes filled with tears and the disappointment on your fathers face when you told them you wanted to go to Seoul and open your own little shop there.
The sobs escaping her lips were almost enough for you to cancel all your plans and stick with what they had wanted for you.
It was heartbreaking, witnessing how someone who swore to always love and protect you could disown you as easily as your parents did. With a shattered heart you had only nodded when they told you to pack your bags and leave.
They had thrown you out without a second thought! Without wanting to hear what you wanted!
So you did what they wanted. You packed the necessary things you would need, the money you had saved up for this moment and, of course, your familiar San!
The cat-shifter had been by your side since you were a little girl. He had been found by you when your mom had picked you up from kindergarten when you were only 5 years old. Walking past an ally, you had heard the quiet meow of a little kitten.
Not knowing any better you thought it was just little kitten, so you begged your mom to take it home with you but your mom, the ever experienced witch, had immediately known him to be a shifter who had started to bond with your magic. So she didn´t have much of a choice but take him with you!
It had taken a few days but once San had gotten comfortable around you and your home, he was confident enough to shift into his human form for the first time around you!
The small plop sound had scared you quite a bit as the napping kitten had suddenly turned into a bright eyed cute little boy.
That was the moment you had found out about familiars!
Where the boy came from was something he didn´t talk about but you soon realized that he didn´t have a good life before you met!
Even as a little girl you could see the way San would shy away from people, how he wouldn´t dare to eat unless he was allowed or how it had taken a long time for him to understand that he didn´t have to sleep on the floor if he wasn´t in his cat form.
You wanted to show him that you were his friend, not just the witch he had bonded with, which made him your best friend and your biggest supporter!
And you became his!
When your parents had told you to leave, it had been San who had wiped your tears. Telling you not to cry over them when they didn´t even deserve it!
Just because they wouldn´t support you doesn´t mean that you were alone!
He had been endlessly thankful to them for taking him in but seeing the tears spill from your eyes made him furious.
Arriving in Seoul, you had stayed in a shelter for the supernatural. Planning to stay there until you had a job to make more money since you didn´t have enough for you to open a shop yet.
It was in the shelter where you met Wooyoung, your future roommate and Sans future boyfriend!
Wooyoung was a Fox hybrid who had been living in the shelter for some time already. He was open about where he came from and that his parent’s didn´t support him in his decision of coming to Seoul to become a dancer.
They were much like yours with the difference that he was still in contact with his parents in Ilsan.
That had been 7 years ago!
Now at the ripe age of 25 you finally had what you wanted!
With the help of San and Wooyoung you had managed to rent out a little shop near your shared apartment.
Besides the curious humans who sometime came wandering inside “The Utopia”, you had a few regulars of the supernatural who came in at least once if not twice a week.
One of them was Yunho, a born werewolf who was more like a golden retriever puppy than anything else. He always came in to get ingredients for spells and potions.
With him came his boyfriend Mingi , another witch with the tendencies to blow his potions up, which was the reason why they came to you so often that they became close enough to be considered family by now.
Mingi even started to work 4 days a week at the shop to learn more about potions from you!
That’s how your little family of 2 extended to 5. Something you hadn´t thought off when you and San left Busan together.
And watching them bicker from behind the counter brought you more joy than anything else.
San was sleepily blinking at you from his place on one of the shelves, tail flicking annoyed as Wooyoung, in his shifted form, was playing catch with it while sitting on the ground.
You smirked knowing exactly that he didn´t mind the fox playing around and being goofy like this. Most of the time he even indulged in his boyfriends antics, often running through “The Utopia” in their animal form together and making you trip over them in doing so.
The amount of lectures the two had already gotten from you, Mingi and Yunho because of it was astonishing!
While you were busy going over the inventory, Mingi was in the back room brewing on a protection potion for a customer. You could hear him mumbling the names of the ingredients to himself.
He had been busy lately since the full moon was getting closer and Yunho was getting more restless by the day. The werewolf wasn´t dangerous in his form, at least not if he took the wolfs bane potion you were making him every month, but he still had way more energy he didn´t know how to get out of him other than working out and even that didn´t help enough for him to relax.
It also made him way hornier than usual which resulted in him not letting Mingi out of bed shortly before and after the full moon!
The male witch was often covered in love bites and hickeys which made him the perfect target for you and the two shifters to tease.
Suddenly the sound of glass hitting the ground made you flinch. Your eyes flew over to San and Wooyoung who were looking at you guiltily.
The fox had his ears folded down, red fur bristling lightly as the shifter shivered. Glass was laying on the ground surrounding and caging him in.
San hissed at the Fox when he tried to step over the glass himself, worried that he might injure himself.
Reacting quickly you jumped up to save him from his misfortune.
“Everything okay, y/n?” Mingi asked, having heard the crash from the backroom.
Picking the red animal up you placed him down on the counter you were sitting at just a moment ago. He jumped to the floor before shifting back, apologizing franticly for breaking something.
“I´m sorry, I’ll get the broom! Please don´t be mad.” He pouted while making a run for the broom.
“It´s fine Woo, just be more careful next time okay? Making these powders takes time and I don’t want to redo them too often.” You assured.
San also shifted back into his human form. He let out a suffering sigh at the other boy, already knowing that this wasn´t the first and won´t be the last time something would break because of their shenanigans.
They were just happy that you weren´t petty or mad at them for it. You were glad when they got to enjoy themselves.
“It´s fine little red, don´t worry too much about it.” You said calmly at seeing the guilty look on the shifters face.
The red haired boy helped clean the mess, when the little bell hanging over the door chimed; signalizing that someone had entered the shop.
It was Yunho, who had come to pick his boyfriend up since it was almost closing time.
“Hey guys! What happened? Did Wooyoung break another one of the crystal balls?” he laughed at the sight of you and the fox sitting on the floor.
Wooyoung pouted at the wolf which only caused him to chuckle and ruffle his hair while walking over.
“It was one of the Felicis Powder Chars. Mingis in the back by the way!” San corrected.
Yunho nodded in understanding.
“Why do you think I´m here for the princess?”
Mingi who had heard his boyfriend joking let out a protest.
“Say that again when the next full moon comes around!”
Not being able to stop the snort coming from you, San and Wooyoung, Yunho glared at all of you.
“Why am I friends with you again?”
“Because you looove us!” was the joined answer he received.
When the glass was cleaned up, you threw it away. Coming over to hug the tall boy tightly, it was your turn now to ruffle his hair, making him grumble lightheartedly.
“Sadly, you´re right. But if we´re already at the topic of love, Yeosangie was asking for San and Wooyoung again today!”
Two heads whipped around to stare at the werewolf. You were a bit scared for their necks if you were being honest.
Yeosang was a merman from Pohang and a coworker of Yunhos. Both men worked at a Florist down the street and both your familiar and roommate had visited them many times before.
Yeosang seemed like the normal one out of the men you considered friends but getting to know him made it clear that he was anything but! He was quiet at first but quickly turned out to be one of the funniest, kindhearted and lovely people you knew.
“What, really? What did he say?” your familiar urged the wolf to continue. His eyes were wide and sparkling, much like Wooyoungs at the moment.
“Oh not much, just that he loved the gladiolus you two send him…” trailing off Yunho winked at the two boys who were slowly starting to turn red.
You gasped dramatically at the info Yunho had just revealed. Remembering what your mother told you about plants useable for potions when you were a child helped immensely with understanding the meaning of the flowers they had sent the merman.
“You asked him to go out with you? And you didn´t tell me?” you shrieked, scaring the three men with super hearing, apologizing for hurting their ears right after.
San´s ears turned bright red and Wooyoung stammered around, not being able to answer properly.
“Not just that, Sangie told me they added some Miyoko seashells as decoration. Wasn´t that something the merfolk does for courting because they were so rare? How did you even get them?” the florist went on.
The two looked sheepishly at you as you found out where your shells disappeared to.
Rolling your eyes fondly, you looked expectantly at Yunho.
“So what did he say?”
“Only that he would be coming down here to visit soon, he just didn´t know when.”
Looking back at the two boys you could see how excited they seemed to hear about the merman’s intent to visit them.
Mingi had finished his task in the meanwhile. His bag already on his back he came to join you and the boys, greeting his lover with a gentle kiss, before handing you the vials filled with liquid.
“Here you go, Mrs. Han can pick it up tomorrow.”
“Thanks Mingi, I’ll call her later and now go enjoy your evening! We´ll see you in a few days.”
The werewolf and the witch left soon after. It was already dark outside and you could see the way San and Wooyoung were fidgeting where they stood.
Woo was resting his head on your familiars chest, arms wrapped around his waist but his fingers were anxiously tapping against the fabric of Sans shirt.
The cat shifter wasn´t any better. His lips were stuck between his teeth and he was looking at you hopefully.
Knowing that they weren´t patient enough to wait until the merman came over; you nodded towards the door with your head.
“Go, I’m sure Sangie is still in the shop. I´ll finish up now too and see you two at home.”
Both boys scrambled towards the counter where their stuff was placed and hurrying out the door!
Shaking your head, you stepped back to the counter where you placed the vial next to the register.
Since Mingi had already cleaned up the brewing station, you only had to shut of the computer, call your customer and lock the shop before going home.
So that’s what you did.
You knew that the boys wouldn´t be going home anytime soon so instead of going straight to your place you decided to take the longer route through the Hangang Parks  along the Han River.
Listening to the waves rolling in was serene and calming, and while you weren´t exactly the person to like walking around the dark, it was one of your favorite things to do after work. Your thoughts were running wild all day and you treasured the silence these night time walks brought with them.
Occasionally you saw people having the same idea as you had. Some on bikes, some alone and some going on dates!
But no matter why they were there, all of them enjoyed the serenity of the night and water.
Today however, something felt off. The longer you walked the stronger you felt like you were being watched. The magic flowing through your veins was pulsating, almost as if it was getting ready to defend its user, but when you threw a look over your shoulder the only thing you saw was an old man walking his Pomeranian.
He didn´t look very dangerous. More like he was going to be blown over by the lightest gust of wind coming in.
Excluding him, there was no one in sight. The feeling of being watched paired with the fresh breeze of Seoul’s night time still made you shiver.
Goosebumps were spreading all over your arms. Rubbing your hands over them to make them disappear, didn´t do a lot to make them go away.
You continued your walk home, dreading the thought that you soon had to leave the lit up trail.
Stepping onto the smaller and lesser used path in between the trees made it clear that the feeling wasn´t going away anytime soon.
A bush was shaking slightly next to you, making you quicken your steps to get away from the alarming noise.
You did not expect a small tabby kitten to jump out of it though. The small animal hissed, causing you to jump slightly! Releasing a relieved breath, you tried to relax, seeing as the kitten did not pose a threat when suddenly someone pressed you against a tree!
Strong hands were holding yours tightly, indicating that this wasn´t a human you were dealing with but a supernatural being! The hold was way tighter than would an average person could have.
You released a shockwave in form of dark colored smoke, which knocked the person off of you and a few feet away!
They snarled and you could see the sharp fangs glowing in the moon light. It wasn´t anywhere close to the next full moon so it couldn´t be a rouge werewolf and the cold aura surrounding them told you exactly what you were dealing with!
“Did you know that the magic in a witches blood makes them taste so much better than a regular human? Makes them taste all sweet and prickly like lemonade in the summer…” came the dark voice of the vampire.
Wide red eyes were staring into your e/c orbs.
The man was eyeing your hands carefully, watching as the fingertips were subtly glowing with magic!
You knew that you couldn´t outrun him as the vampires enhanced speed would make him way faster and the way he was slowly starting to smirk made you realize, that he knew it too!
“Don´t worry your magical little head about it, you´ll be dead before you know it.”
He launched himself towards you, barely dodging the second shockwave you sent. Not wanting to end as dinner for a starved vampire you decided that running would still be your best option to escape.
Maybe, if you were lucky enough, you could hold him of long enough to get back to where you came from!
Your run got cut short when your foot got caught up in the roots of an nearby tree. Tripping over it you fell to the ground.
The man used your moment of clumsiness to attack once more. He grabbed the back of your head, pulling on your hair harshly. A chocked cry for help left your lips but you were too far away from the lit up boardwalk.
No one heard you and even if someone did, there was only a small chance of someone being able to do something against a hungry vampire!
His cold breath was hitting the skin on your neck. It made you shudder! Fear was having a tight hold on your heart and your magic was working in overdrive to keep up with the vampire’s ministrations.
With your hands you desperately tried to loosen his grip on your hair but the only thing you accomplished was him pressing you into the ground, making it impossible for you to get up!
The vampire stuck out his tongue, licking the cold sweat up, enjoying every second of it.
You whimpered in fear. Tears had started to fall not too long ago and the man seemed to bath in your inner turmoil, enjoying the way you were struggling in panic!
“Please don´t do this! I can help you get blood supplies from somewhere but please let me go…”
The vampire started laughing at your whining. The longer you struggled, the better your blood would taste to him!
“You really think I would let such a delicious meal like you go? No, you will stay right he-!”
The grip on your hair loosened and the weight of him on your back got thrown off all of a sudden. With a thud he landed a few meters away.
You could hear him snarling at something hiding in the dark.
Not knowing if you should be glad that someone saved you or scared that someone else had probably chosen you as their dinner now, you crawled forward hoping to get away from the scene, but soon enough your arms gave out under you.
Your attacker tried getting back to you but didn´t get far. Suddenly he was the one pinned to a tree!
“I don´t think the little witch wants’ to be your dinner Heechul, so I’d suggest you stop acting like a brat and leave!”
The vampire, Heechul, seemed pissed but ultimately left!
Now alone with the nameless stranger, you whimpered from your place on the ground. He was watching the other leave, making sure that he was gone before turning to you.
As he looked over your kneeling form, he gave you a reassuring smile and you could see the fangs peeking out!
Great another one! You weren´t sure if you had enough strength left in you to defend yourself.
The man stepped closer to you, making you flinch away. He stopped, holding his arms up in surrender, hoping to appear as harmless as possible to you.
“I won´t hurt you okay? I promise!”
Carefully eyeing him up and down, you watched as he sat down with you.
“It´s okay. He´s gone now!”
“And you´re not hungry?” you pressed out, not trusting him in the slightest.
“It´s way easier to go to a blood bank than hunting for it!. It’s as good as fresh blood, but way less traumatizing! I´m Kim Hongjoong by the way!”
Hongjoong pulled out a tissue, handing it to you to wipe your tears away.
“Y/N, thanks for the help.”
“You´re welcome little witch! Come on, I’ll get you out of here!” the vampire offered his hand to pull you on your feet. Your magic was calming slowly down in the presence of the other.
You remembered your mothers words from when you were a child, warning you to never go with a stranger but your magic calming down was a sure enough sign that he wasn´t a danger to you. At least not for the moment!
The adrenaline cursing through you was subsiding and your knees went weak, threatening to give out under you. You probably would have fallen again if Hongjoong hadn´t been there to hold you steady.
“Careful there! No need to rush things.”
The gentle tone he was using did wonders for your nerves.
“Why´s a witch like you, wandering through a dark park at almost 11 p.m anyway?”
Shocked to hear that it was already so late, you looked at him with wide eyes.
“11 p.m? Already?” patting your jeans down, searching for your phone you couldn´t find it. It must have fallen out of your pocket when you were fighting Heechul!
“Yeah. Why? Do you have to be somewhere?”
“Not really but I left the shop at like 9:30!”
“You mean to tell me that you were working until half past 9? Whoa, your boss must be a real asshole.” He stated, amusement shining in his eyes.
You couldn´t hide your own amusement at his words.
“Maybe she is.” You joked about yourself like it was nothing.
The two of you continued walking in silence after until you reached the brightly lit up street. In the light of the street lamps you could finally see Hongjoong in his full glory.
Yes you knew that vampires had this ethereal beauty but this man was something else entirely!
From his tall nose to his cat-like eyes and his sharp facial features, he really looked like he came straight out of a movie.
While he wasn´t exactly tall, compared to Yunho or Mingi, he was still seemingly towering over you! His two toned hair was perfectly styled and his clothes made him look like some royal.
If anyone told you to describe what a vampire was you would definitely use Hongjoong as the blueprint!
“Thank you for helping me Hongjoong!”
Sharp eyes were fixating on you.
“Anytime little witch, I hope we´ll see each other again someday. Get home safely and don´t go into dark parks alone!”
In the blink of an eye, Hongjoong was gone. Leaving you more confused than ever before!
It had been a few days since the incident in the park and you hadn´t seen the vampire ever since. Not that you were looking for him, not at all!
San and Wooyoung had already been home when you arrived there, with the older of the two boys frantically walking around the apartment. He had felt your inner turmoil and was ready to call the police when he found the apartment empty. It was only thanks to the fox that he hasn´t, reminding him that you were a witch and while you weren´t almighty, you could handle yourself without the familiar being glued to your side.
Now that a few days had gone by he was always around you! Almost to the point where you told him to leave you the hell alone! But knowing that he was only worried for your safety was enough to hold back with your words and instead accepting your fate!
Now that you were back at work you threw yourself into trying out new things. You were desperately trying to find new spell for protection and defense so that something like this would never happen to you again.
Your magic wasn´t the strongest, you knew that. Something your mother had always berated you for but you were strong enough to make sure you could prevent this from happening again!
While Wooyoung was at the nearby dance studio where he gave classes for kids, Mingi was at home and you and San were distracted. He was sitting on one of the shelves again, ready to help whenever you asked for it but this was something you wanted to do alone. Which in return he hated as he was always happy to help out!
Letting out a frustrating sigh, you slammed the spell book you were reading down on the table. San flinched at the unexpected noise and watched as you walked back into the main room.
Muttering to yourself, you were rummaging through a pile of scrolls and papers. You hoped to find something that could help you but were ultimately disappointed to be left with nothing.
“FUCK! Why isn’t this working? I did it exactly how the instructions said but it´s not working!” frustration laced your voice.
The familiar had turned back in the meanwhile. It had been a long time since he had seen you this frustrated! The last time was when your parents had suddenly stood in the middle of your shop, trying to talk you into coming back to Busan.
That day had been a dark one and you did not like remembering the screaming match you had with them. If it hadn´t been for the boys, you weren’t sure how it would have ended!
“You´ll get it right, don´t worry! It´s just that you have to practice more!” he affirmed wrapping his arms around you to sooth your feelings.
Taking a deep breath you tried to relax enough to concentrate again.
There was no use in adding oil to the fire if it wouldn´t give you any results so you put everything away, telling yourself that you would try again some other time.
San was still hovering behind you so instead of trying to handle everything yourself, you send him to do inventory. At least that way he was busy.
You on the other hand were starting to clean up the counter and register as the small space was flooded by books, scrolls and ingredients.
It was only because of the door bell chiming that you looked up from your task, meeting the brown orbs of devilishly handsome vampire entering The Utopia.
“Ah, little witch! What a surprise to see you here?” the vampire was surprised. Of all the witches in the entire city of Seoul, he did not expect to find you here!
“Well, this is my shop, so not really.” You said teasingly.
He was sure that if he could blush, his face would be beet red by now. Thinking back to what the man had said to you a few night ago, made him want to hide. It also explained why you had only laughed at his words!
“Oh, really? It seems an apology is in order then!”
“You didn´t know so no harm done. How can I help you?” you offered instead of teasing the poor vampire.
He looked like he wanted to go hid somewhere.
“I´m here to pick up an order actually. Something about a sleeping draught?” Hongjoong said leaning against the counter.
“Ah yes, I have it right here! That would be 30.000 won from you.”
The vampire gave you the money just as San came back with a clipboard in his hands. He seemed surprised seeing the vampire.
“Hyung? What are you doing here? Did Hwa-hyung send you to pick something up again?”
“Wait a second, how do you two know each other?” you signaled between your familiar and the vampire, waving animatedly with your hands.
To say you were confused would be an understatement. Had Hongjoong been here before? And why didn´t you know about him then?
Barreling into the vampire san wrapped his arms around Hongjoong.
“Hongjoongie-hyung sometimes comes by to pick something up for Seonghwa-hyung. He´s also a vampire!”
Recognizing who the boy was describing, you nodded. Park Seonghwa often came by to get sleeping draught and other things from her.
Vampires generally didn´t need sleep so why he ordered it so much was beyond you.
“Well then, Kim Hongjoong, I hope to see you around more often.”
“Maybe you will little witch! Bye Sannie!” And just like that he was gone again.
You could feel Sans gaze resting on you.
“Kim Hongjoong? Little Witch? Someone was definitely flirting with a certain vampire!” it was almost like he was purring in delight and you wanted to slap the stupid grin off his face.
The way he looked at you with one brow lifted like he still couldn´t believe what he just witnessed made you sigh.
“I´m not sure what you mean Sannie, but whatever floats your boat I guess. And we weren´t flirting!” you shrugged, leaving him standing there to search for your new phone since the old one got lost that night.
“As if! Hyung was totally flirting with you and you were flirting right back! I didn´t even know you knew how to do that!”
You should have known that the familiar wouldn´t let this go so easily, when he came after you. Huffing, you threw him the nastiest look you could muster.
“Yah, just because I don´t flirt with anything that has a dick, doesn´t mean I don´t know how to flirt!
“Please, the last time you talked to a guy that wasn´t me, Woo or Yunho and Mingi was years ago and you made a total fool out of yourself that time.”
Sadly, San was right. And thinking about it made even you cringe.
“I was a child back then you brat!”
“You were 22!”
“You’re impossible you know that!”
“I know but you still love me!”
“Keep tell yourself that and maybe one day, when you stop teasing me so much it will be true.” You pat his cheek gently before lifting your hand and flicking his forehead.
San flinched, whined and turned into his cat-form to hide on his favorite shelf.
What a drama-cat, you thought to yourself.
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That evening ended relatively calm. Well if you ignored the teasing Wooyoung started as soon as you stepped over threshold of your place.
San had apparently messaged him and told him everything that happened with Hongjoong that day.
All you could do was accept your fate and go to bed.
The next day you woke up with a cat and fox curled up on your bed, cuddled up next to you.
They must have moved there after you had been asleep already cause you were sure that they weren´t there when you went to bed last night!
You could see San´s tail twitching slightly where he was resting. Guessing that he was already awake and just waiting for you to wake up, you sat up. San did too when he recognized the movement on the mattress.
He lifted his head to look at you, only for him to get up and crawl into your lap to demand cuddles. Purring could be heard from the feline. The familiar was obviously enjoying himself!
“Aigoo, you can be so sweet to me when you can´t talk San-ah.” You were obviously joking but the cat still gave you a not so amused look, gnawing at your fingers that were scratching behind his ear.
“Bad kitty!” you flicked his ear, careful not to hurt him, when Wooyoung finally woke up. Even as a fox he looked dead tired still.
Flopping back down, he continued his slumber.
Since you had to get up to open the shop, you freed yourself from Sans cuddle attack. Instead of getting up with you, the feline opted to curl up against Woo, making himself comfortable. The fox barked softly and accepted the added weight of the other.
Shaking your head at the antics of the two, you got ready for the day.
It took them a while but both boys finally emerged from the bedroom. Both boys having shifted back by now!
“Look who finally emerged from the dead! Do you two want breakfast? I made some toast and fried eggs.”
The offer was declined as both weren´t awake enough to respond with more than a grumble as they sat down at the kitchen table, head laying on the hard surface.
“Well, breakfasts on the stove if you want some. I´ll be leaving now and Woo don´t forget to get ready for work! San if you want to join later just come by. See you later!”
Receiving a thumbs up from San and a grumble about having a day off from Wooyoung you left.
Your first destination was the nearby Starbucks to get coffee for Mingi. The boy had the habit of forgetting to eat in the morning and Yunho had long since given up reminding him to actually take the coffee he made from home with him! That´s why you had started to get some on the days he was with you!
The other witch had already arrived when you came to The Utopia. What surprised you was the fact that he wasn´t alone!
“Oh y/n, this is Jongho, a friend of mine and Yunho. I hope it´s okay that I brought him? H was looking for a job and I thought he could ask you if he came with me today.”
The boy bowed which you quickly stopped. You were never one to like people bowing to you and you would stop it if you could anytime someone tried.
“Welcome to “The Utopia” then Jongho. There isn´t much to do today but you can help me at the counter with restocking. The new order should be coming in later and I could use some help with it!”
It wasn´t much, but Jongho still seemed grateful.
Over the day, the boy followed you around like a puppy. You found out that he was a rather freshly turned vampire with an affinity for some light magic. While you thought that he looked more like a bear cub, the fact that he was a vampire also made sense to you. He had this elegant way of carrying himself that just fit.
The boy had grown up in Seoul with his father until 2 years ago, when he was turned! Where his mother was, nobody knew since she had left him and his father when Jongho was still a baby! The only thing he knew was that the woman had been a witch. That´s where his understanding for magic had come from!
Sadly his father was a human. A human who wasn´t exactly happy about his son following in his mothers footsteps, so he was never taught much about what he could do..
That´s why after a car accident, 2 years ago, would have let to his death if he hadn´t ´been found by a kindhearted vampire who couldn´t bear to see such a young soul die way before it´s time.
The magic in his blood hadn´t been canceled out by the fact that he technically was now dead, more like it had kick started the growing of incidents related to his abilities.
His sire had helped as much as he could but even he came to his wits end, which is why Mingi had brought him to you.
“If you want you can work here and on slow days we could practice together. I don´t know how much help I’ll actually be but it´s better to have someone monitor you instead of letting your magic run wild!”
Jongho nodded enthusiastically at your offer. It was a two birds with one stone kind of situation. He had something to do over the day other than sit at the coven house and he had someone who could teach him!
“So how do you know Mingi?” you asked, taking the packaged Snake teeth and scarab beetles from his hands to put them in the display you were working at right now.
“Hyung and I know each other since I was 7 and he 8. He kind of made it his mission to be my friend when he saw me playing alone on the playground near my house all the time. Appa couldn´t really be bothered to care about where I was, as long as I went to school and didn´t get into trouble. So I spent a lot of time with him.”
The boy pursed his lips thinking about his childhood. Mingi was, from what you gathered, the only constant he had growing up.
“Sounds like him. He still does that. Sometimes he comes in with an injured bird or puppy to heal again!”
Understanding what you meant, the vampire nodded.
It was already late when Mingi went home to Yunho.
“Do you want me to bring you home?” the witch asked his childhood friend but Jongho shook his head.
“Hyungs are going to pick me up. They messaged me earlier so you can go home hyungie.”
Accepting the explanation, Mingi ruffled the vampire’s hair before leaving.
Pulling out your phone from your pocket you saw the string of memes sent to the group chat you, San and Wooyoung had. Good to know that they had fun while you weren´t home.
Even though you didn´t really want to know how much fun they had. You could only hope that they left your bedroom out of it!
You sat down in the little seating area close to the back window, urging Jongho to sit with you.
“Sorry for keeping you here! You could have already went home if it weren´t for me y/n-ssi.”
“Ah please call me noona. You´re going to be a part of “The Utopia” now so no need for formalities!”
The door opened before the boy could answer.
“Ahh little witch! Lovely to see you again!”
Entering “The Utopia” were Hongjoong and Seonghwa! Thinking about if you had forgotten an order Seonghwa had placed, the two vampires stepped closer.
“Did I forget to get an order ready for you Seonghwa-ssi?” you asked, sounding slightly alarmed at the prospect of it.
“No we´re just here to pick up our fledgling y/n-ssi.” The eldest consoled you immediately.
“So you´re Jongho´s sire then. Good to know. I´m guessing I’ll see you around more often then?” you asked, curiosity shining in your eyes.
“It´s actually Hongjoong-ah who turned Jongie but yes, I guess we will.”
That was indeed a surprise at first but remembering how Hongjoong had saved you not too long ago, it made sense that he had done the same for Jongho!
“Surprised little witch?” Hongjoong cut in when you buffered for a moment.
“Not really. You seem to have a thing for saving people in need.”
“Yes, Hyung does that sometimes. That´s why we have a certain Australian Pixie and his dramatic sunshine twin living with us right now!” Jongho cackled at the chance of teasing his Hyung.
Laughing you couldn´t help but enjoy the banter between sire and fledgling.
“Okay, then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow Jongho.”
“Ah, thank´s Noona! I´ll be here!”
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Over the next few days Jongho and you were working on simple charms and spells.
The vampire was a big help around the shop and in return you worked with him on simple charms and spells. San and Wooyoung had quickly taken to the fledgling which had made it easier for you to navigate your schedule.
You often times had to remind the cat and the fox that Jongho still had work to do even if they like to play with him all day!
You even found them cuddled up to him in his break time, not daring to move in case the two shifters woke up. None of them knew of the picture you had taken that time and you very much wanted to keep it that way!
Something that was also new was the way Hongjoong seemed to hang around the shop now.
At first you had thought that he was there to watch over Jongho, seeing as he was his Sire, but the more he came over the more he let the fledgling do his thing.
Instead he seemed to like sitting with you when you had time to spare.
Seonghwa had also become a more regular part of the shop, coming over at least every second day to bring you, Jongho, San and Mingi home cooked food.
It was true that food didn’t do much for vampires but they could still enjoy it and Seonghwa seemed to like taking care of someone so none of you complained. But you were sure that ever since he came over, all of you had gained just the slightest bit of weight!
“Jongho told me that Felix and Jisung are moving out soon?” You asked the black and blonde haired vampire while you were standing on a small step stool, stowing books away.
Hongjoong had been pouting the entire time he had been over and you guessed it was the fact that their sunshine pixie and nymph were moving out in a view days.
“Yes, Chan-hyung asked them to join his pack and they said yes. End of story.” He said with and underlying whine is his voice.
“Only that you´ve been pouting since this morning, so you obviously wanted them to stay with you, right?”
“I just thought that they stayed a little bit longer okay? They were cute, so can you blame me?”
“Don´t let Sannie and Wooyoungie hear you say that!” you scoffed, knowing that the two would definitely take offense in not being labeled as cute by the vampire. “WooSan are brats through and through and I’d rather bite my tongue than admit that in front of them!”
Understandable, both boys had found a new victim in Hongjoong and Seonghwa and they would use this piece of information as soon as they got their hands on it!
“Oh don´t act like you don´t lo-“You were cut of midsentence, having miscalculated the narrow platform of the step stool, causing you to fall.
Already expecting to hit the ground, you prepared yourself for impact. But it never came! Instead Hongjoong had used his vampire reflexes to catch you before you could hurt yourself.
His arms were wrapped around your waist and your chest was pressed against his, face only inches away from his own.
You could feel the cold radiating through your clothes but you didn´t feel cold at all. On the contrary! Warmth spread through you and you could feel your ears heating up the longer you looked at him.
“Uhm, thank you…” you whispered feeling suddenly very breathless.
“No problem little witch!”
The two of you were so distracted by the others presence, that you didn´t hear the footsteps approaching until you were interrupted by a very confused looking Yeosang, standing very awkwardly in the middle of the shop.
“Am I- interrupting something?”
“Oh, Yeosang, hey! No you aren´t! Of course you aren`t! What are you doing here? San and Woo aren´t here, I though they told you?”
Reacting without a second though you pushed him away from him, stepping out of his embrace to look at the florist!
“Yeah, no they did. But Sannie forgot his jacket at my place yesterday so I wanted to bring it over before my shift starts…” the merman stammered a little at the way Hongjoong had his fangs on display.
Not wanting the poor boy to be scared, you elbowed the man into his stomach. Hongjoong who had not expected the sudden collision between your elbow and his stomach, doubled over, sucking in air he in reality didn´t need!
You ignored the wheezing man in favor of the still seemingly unsure merman.
“Do you want some tea?” signaling to the freshly brewed tea, steaming on your little work space.
“No thank you y/n-ah. I have work to do and I don´t want to interrupt your…work!”
Yeosang was still standing awkwardly but you detected a slightly teasing tone in his voice while looking at you and Hongjoong.
“Well come over to visit me sometime okay? You´re always welcome here.”
Taking the jacket from his hands, you patted his cheek lovingly, making him flush in a soft rosy color. He nodded and softly said his goodbyes before taking a leave.
The vampire behind you had gotten himself together in the meanwhile.
“What was that for?” he grumbled but looked everything but threatening in your eyes.
“You, know what that was for!”
You placed the jacket where your bag was sitting with your stuff to take it home later.
“So, little witch, anything planned for later?” Grabbing a dagger lying around, he started to play with it only to sit down in the seating area close to the window, watching you flit around the shop.
“You mean besides going home and cooking for the two hungry boys waiting at home? No! And get your feet of my table Kim Hongjoong!”
Sensing the pointed look you gave him he put his feet back on the ground.
“Tell them to cook for themselves for once!”
“What and have the fire department over again when I get home? No thank you!” If there was one thing you didn´t want, it was Wooyoung and San cooking together. On their own? Yes. But together? No!
The fact that you had to extinguish more than one fire because the two had gotten distracted in each other was more than enough to make you your skin crawl!
“Then tell them to order in but Seonghwa told me to haul your cute little witch butt to our place after you close. He wants an excuse to cook I guess!”
“Kim Hongjoong…”
“Little Witch…”
“You would make Hwa really happy if you came over.” Hongjoong tried to talk you into agreeing, tone casual but his eyes were attentive.
“Just Seonghwa huh?” you joked.
The vampire jumped at the teasing tilt of your head, hoping that you didn´t misunderstand him in any way, shape or form.
He like you, the banter you two had and the way you didn´t seem intimidated by him in the slightest! It wasn´t something he encountered often. Not just that humans would try to stay away from as far as they could when they saw his fangs, but also most supernatural beings did that. To say he was living a lonely life until he met Seonghwa was an understatement!
And it made him happy that you and your coven mate’s didn´t seem to have the same suspicion everyone else seemed to have!
“That´s not what i-“he gaped, fangs getting caught on his lower lip.
“Calm down Kim Hongjoong, I know what you meant.”
Eyeing the sharp tooth curiously, you looked at his mouth, head still tilted to the side. You didn´t want to admit it but his lips looked very kissable in that moment. Not that they didn´t all the time but something about his fang made it even worse!
“Yah! Why are you staring like that? Just say that you´ll come with me later!”
Shaking your head you finally relented.
“Fine, fine. I´ll come with you! But only if you finish helping me put these books away!”
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After having dinner with Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Jongho, the black and blonde vampire didn´t come by for almost two weeks! It was unnerving and the longer he didn´t show up the more anxious you became!
You got used to the vampires presence lingering around and now that he didn´t visit you missed his presence, not having realized home much you liked his company.
Jongho also didn´t know where his sire seemed to have vanished to but apparently he at least came home! Even if it was late at night when the fledgling was already getting some beauty sleep as he called it!
Seonghwa visited every 2-3 days instead and while it was a nice change to see him, you couldn´t help but notice how he looked more tired every time he came in. The fledgling seemed fine though compared to the older vampire so the next time Seonghwa came in with some kimchi fried rice, you asked if he was okay.
“What do you mean?” the white haired vampire asked slowly.
His voice was still as soothing and gentle as always but he also sounded like he had to put an effort into speaking at all. His face was paler than usual, even for a vampire’s standard.
“I mean that you seem to be somewhere else with your thought entirely, Jongho seems worried all the time and Hongjoong hasn´t been here in weeks! I will ask again, What. Is. Going. On?” your voice grew stern and you watched as Seonghwa tried hard to avoid your stare.
“Don´t worry about us. We´ll be back to normal soon anyway.”
“Seonghwa… I can´t not worry, I care about you 3 and I want to help if I can!”
The vampire looked divided between telling you and running away. Whatever was going on had him seriously anxious. Seonghwa sighed.
“ Hongjoong´s been dealing with some hunters recently and it´s stressing me out. A lot actually! But it will be fine and Joongie´s going to be back home soon!”
“Hunters? Why are they after you?” you were confused. As far as you knew hunting was prohibited if there wasn´t any reason to do so and Hongjoongs little coven lived off of blood donations, so there wasn´t any reason to go after them!
“Let´s just say that some people aren´t as happy that vampires are legally allowed to have a normal life.”
The vampire standing in front of you let out a long, suffering sigh at having to answer your question.
You couldn´t believe the words you had just heard. The fact that there was a hunter after your friends was worrying enough on it´s on, but Seonghwa telling you that Hongjoong was going after him was something else entirely!
“So what you´re telling me is that Hongjoong is going after some hunters, as in more than one? Alone? Without any kind of contact, in weeks?”
Seonghwa nodded weakly.
Jongho, who had listened to the conversation up until now, was slowly walking over to the two of you. The young fledgling looked ready to throw the vials he was holding against the wall behind you.
His grip on them was tight and you were surprised they hadn´t shattered yet!
“Hyung said he wouldn´t take long but now it´s been 2 weeks and I feel like something is going incredibly wrong…” the witch-vampire hybrid gulped audibly, giving you the vials to store away before he had the chance of actually breaking them.
Walking over to the door, you flipped the open sign to Closed. You knew what you wanted to do but you weren´t sure if it actually worked as you had never tried it before.
“Do you know where he could be?”
You signaled them to follow you into the back room and started rummaging through the shelves there.
Both vampires shock their heads and you send Jongho to get one couple of snow owl feathers from the display in the main room, while you searched for the moon stone you kept hidden in one of the drawers.
Not many spells needed this particular stone and you only ever had to use it once before, back when you were still living with your parents, for a different spell.
It made you slightly nervous but the possibility of Hongjoong being in danger kept you motivated enough to get the rest of the ingredients for the locator spell you were about to perform!
Jongho came back with the feathers, handing them to you and sat down on the step stool next to the door.
Seonghwa looked around the room, taking everything in as he had only ever been in the main room unlike his 2 coven mates!
You placed everything on your work table, glad that Mingi had remembered to clean the cauldron and put it away before going home the day before.
“I need something that belonged to him. Do you have something like that?”
The eldest in the room reacted quickly. He removed his earrings and handed them to you.
You couldn´t help but raise an eyebrow at the man, but the vampire could only shrug innocently.
“It keeps me calm okay?”
Something in your stomach dropped at the obvious sign of affection and you wondered if maybe there was something else going on between the two vampires…
You placed the earrings on the table next to the crystal ball.
Casting the spell wasn´t particularly exciting to you in the sense of casting it, but you could feel the moonstone heating up, the glow it emanated almost blinded the two vampires and Jongho watched in fascination and worry as you recited the Latin words your mother had drilled into your mind!
„Ostende mihi illum quem quaero!“
The feathers started to smoke, adding to the heat of the stone and the crystal ball showed a picture!
It was very unclear at first but the longer you chanted, the clearer the crystal showed what you wanted to see. Or more like what you didn´t want!
Hongjoong was sprawled out in the middle of a living room. You could see the couch and coffee table standing nearby! His usually carefully styled hair was messed up and it looked like he was covered in blood from head to toe!
The light died down, leaving only the image of the crystal ball behind, the feather was burned to a crisp!
“That´s your living room?” you gasped, trying to regain some of the strength you lost casting such a powerful spell!
Both males almost jumped to get a look at what the crystal was showing and sure enough, both recognized the familiar interior of their home!
“Then let´s go!”
Seonghwa had already flown out of the door while Jongho helped you stand up and walk. He knew how tiring it could be to use too much of their magic at once.
You two followed slowly but none the less determined to get to the covens place as quickly as possible! Grabbing the emergency bag you always had ready for, well, emergencies, you closed down the shop with Jongho´s help to join Seonghwa who was waiting impatiently for you two.
Surprised to see that Seonghwa knew how to drive a car, you realized that you never bothered to know how the vampires came to visit you!
The drive was short. The fact that they didn´t live far and that Seonghwa was speeding like crazy only made you arrive faster!
And to find Hongjoong in the exact same position you had seen him in at your shop, made you want to throw up. It meant that he didn´t move one inch and that meant that his advanced healing hadn´t kicked in at all!
A chorus of “Hyung!”, “Joong-ah!” and “Hongjoong!” rang thought the room.
With joined forces you pulled the unconscious vampire to lie on the couch.
Dropping down to kneel on the ground in front of him you studied the damage inflicted to him.
His face was covered in blood and it looked like he had taken quite the beating not too long ago. His jaw was all bruised up and his nose seemed to be broken. There were cut all over his skin and you could see puncture holes on the side of his neck!
The shirt he wore was ripped in some places, showing you just how hurt he really was!
“Blood! NOW!” you yelled and not even 30 seconds later there was a blood bag sitting in your hand. You opened it and held it under his nose, hoping the smell was enticing enough to wake him.
It seemed to work well enough. Hongjoong ripped his eyes open, snarling at anyone who dared to move!
His eyes were dark red and glowing dangerously! They reminded you of the night you first met him. Of the way Heechul had looked at you, hunger written across his face!
The same exact look that was now painted onto Hongjoong!
A shiver ran down your spine and you had to swallow down the bile threatening make its way up your throat.
“D-drink! It will help with y-your healing!” Biting your tongue, you watched as something in the wounded vampires gaze shifted. His red glowing eyes seemed to soften ever so slightly at the stutter in your voice.
His Fingers were wrapped around the blood bag in the blink of an eye, mouthing at the opening and gulping the blood down greedily!
Jongho had sat down next to his sire, clinging onto him and chirping every now and then. You weren´t entirely sure if it was to sooth himself or the other!
The bag was soon empty and Hongjoongs eyes dimmed a little in color, showing a mix of his usual soft brown orbs and the angry red. His oldest coven mate had already gotten a second on, knowing that his thirst wasn´t going to be gone after just one bag!
Watching as he downed the second one with just as much appetite, you checked the wounds again. They were finally starting to close a little but something was still stopping his healing from doing what it was supposed to do.
You were almost sure that the hunters had injected a generous amount of Dead Man´s Blood into his system. It couldn´t kill a vampire but it surely slowed them down enough for a hunter to be able to capture or kill them…
It could definitely be a reason as to why his healing was stunted and depending on how much of it was used on him and how much was still running through Hongjoongs blood stream, it would take quite some time for his metabolism to neutralize the venom!
The 2nd blood bag was soon empty. Seonghwa discarded the plastic and Hongjoong was finally able to breathe without too much struggle.
His eyes however, were still glowing red! The after effect of the Dead Man´s Blood on his system!
Not daring to look at him longer than necessary, you went to get a bowl filled with warm water and a rag to help clean the blood of his face.
You could feel the burn of his stare on you as you turned your back on him.  If it were anyone else, you probably wouldn´t have dared to turn your back on a hungry and injured vampire but this was Hongjoong! Your magic screamed at you to trust him!
Sitting back down on his other side, opposite to Jongho, you placed the bowl on the side table and softly began to clean his face.
He flinched at the feeling of the rag on his sensitive skin, trying to pull away at first but you quickly shushed him.
“Kim Hongjoong…” you warned him sternly only to focus on the task at hand.
“Sorry…” his voice sounded horrible from disuse, broken, weak and hoarse and so, so different to his usual calm and gentle tone.
Jongho and Seonghwa left after making sure that Hongjoong would be fine for now. Both of them were tired and Seonghwa went to make some food for you and the half vampire-half witch.
You guessed that Jongho went to his room too, leaving you and Hongjoong alone in the living room.
You could hear Seonghwa clattering around the kitchen next door but other than that and Hongjoongs heavy breathing it was silent.
The vampire was watching you with half lidded eyes, tired from everything that happened these past few weeks and the way you tried to avoid looking at him bothered him.
“I-“ he began but immediately got cut off.
“No don´t!”
Your voice was strict and almost cold to his ears, like it bothered you to talk to him at the moment. Hongjoong assembled all strength he had left to lift his hand that was until now, resting beside him and placed his hand on the one working to clean the blood on his face, effectively stopping you from continuing your task.
“y/n, I-“
“I said. Don’t!”
It was silent again but that didn´t stop him from watching you work on him.
While you refused to look at him directly, the same could not be said for the vampire. He saw the bright glowing ring around your iris, mixed with y/e/c, telling him that you were using your magic on him, trying to help healing his injuries.
“Can you look at me for a moment little witch?”
The familiar nickname shocked you out of your stupor and your eyes finally met!
You had to think about your next words for a moment but came up blank mostly.
“Do you have, ANY idea how worried you had us? Everyone? Seonghwa and Jongho? Me?”
Hongjoong sighed deeply, knowing that what he did was stupid but he didn´t regret protecting his coven. He knew that you weren´t mad at him for that!
“Little wi-“
“No fuck you Kim Hongjoong! Don´t you dare call me that right now! I am so mad at you! How could you think that going after a couple of hunters, ON YOUR OWN, was a good idea? Huh? Don´t you think that we wouldn´t have helped? That Seonghwa wouldn´t have loved to have your back, no matter how dangerous it could be? I understand Jongho, he´s your fledgling, basically your child, I get that but fucking hell Hongjoong! I would have helped no questions asked!”
Not expecting that, Hongjoong tried sitting up more.
What he did was stupid, he knew that, but he also didn´t regret going alone if it meant his family was safe. Including you!
Of course he knew that all of you would have jumped at the chance to help him and that was exactly the problem!
All of you would have willingly gotten themselves in danger for him and he didn´t want to risk that. Couldn´t risk that! Seonghwa had given up trying to let him help, a long time ago after multiple attempts of trying to convince his best friend.
“This was by far not the first time I dealt with them you know? And I wouldn´t want to put any of you in danger!”
“Did you forget that I’m a witch? That Seonghwa is a vampire too? And one that is older than you as far as I know, which means he also would be strong enough to han-“
“I didn´t forget that but look at me and tell me that any of you, would have been better off than I am now!”
“Hongjoong you got poisoned and starved because you were alone!! Don´t you think there would have been a bigger chance of survival if you had, had our help? This was basically a suicide mission!”
It frustrated you how much he tried to tell you that he made the right choice. How he didn´t want to see the reason why you didn´t want him to do things like this alone!
Just the thought of losing him, of Hongjoong being killed by those hunters made your heart and magic, scream in agony!
“A mission I’d go on again if it meant everyone would be save.”
You let out an exasperated sigh.
“But you don´t have to! At least do me the favor of telling us where you´re going next time, cause I know there´s going to be a next time! Just so we can send help should you need it!”
Hongjoong couldn´t help but smile at the way you tried to bargain with him. But recognizing the worry on your face had his dead heart race.
He nodded. This was something he could do even though he didn´t like the thought of the boys or you being involved!
“Thank you…” you whispered as you finished cleaning his face. You helped the vampire to lie down on the couch. Hoping he would get some rest before you had to figure out what to do next.
It didn´t take long for the males eyes to close. The fact that he actually fell asleep was just one more sign of just how much the Dead Man´s Blood had messed with him.
Joining Seonghwa in the kitchen, you realized that the other had probably heard every word.
“Let me guess, he would do it again?”
You could only nod. The stress the events of the day caused, slowly catching up on you as you rubbed your eyes, trying to fight the tiredness.
“As sad as it sounds, this wasn´t the first time he came home like this. It was arguably the most hurt he has ever been but at this point i´m just glad that he at least tells me when he´s going after them. It wasn´t always like this…”
The vampire sounded defeated and thinking about his words, you understood why.
“He didn´t tell you at first?”
“God no! In the beginning, if hunters came along, he would be gone on one day and back home a few days later. If I could turn grey, I would have done that 200 years ago!”
Your jaw dropped at the information he had just give you.
200 years!? That was definitely not what you expected when you thought about how old they were!
“Wow, does that mean that you´re his-“
“Sire? Yes I am. Joong-ah was always a brat. Even as a fledgling!” The amusement over the situation was definitely brightening your mood a little.
“But if Hongjoong is over 200, how old are you?”
“Let´s just say that King Injo was not as much of a fool as everyone thought he was, not even as a young boy…”
King Injo was the 16th ruler of the Joseon Dynasty, ruling from 1623 until 1649 and if Seonghwa knew him as a boy, it made him about…
“You are over 400 years old?”
Now that was some piece of information you had to work through first!
“Yes and now eat your food and then go lay down. You can use the guest room!”
With that, the male put a steaming bowl filled with some Tteokbokki in front of you, pat your head and left the kitchen.
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After a little nap, that turned out a little longer than expected, you woke up to your phone buzzing like crazy! San and Wooyoung had left dozens of calls and messages, asking where you were!
It was almost 1 in the morning after all!
You called them back quickly, barely avoiding the two boyfriends calling the police. They calmed down slight after hearing you explain what had happened and making you promise to keep them updated.
Hongjoong had also already woken up, but he didn´t look any better than before. In fact he looked even worse!
His already pale looking skin now looked almost white and the brown in his eyes had vanished again, leaving only bright glowing red behind and blood staining his mouth! You shivered again.
Unfortunately for you, this time, Hongjoong saw your reaction just as you reentered the living room. He didn´t say anything and you hoped he would let it go.
“What´s going on here?” you asked confused, as you knelled on the ground in front of Hongjoong.
Seonghwa was worriedly pacing through the room, running his fingers through his hair. It already looked like a bird wanted to build its nest in there!
“I don´t know! No matter how many blood bags he drinks, it´s like his metabolism is burning right through them!”
Hongjoong was shivering strongly. If you hadn´t know any better, you would have thought he was a human suffering from a very strong cold! Minus the eyes of course!
Sweat was running down his temple, drenching the fresh shirt Seonghwa had forced on in!
“It´s the Dead Man´s Blood that’s still running through him! I just don´t get why it´s still affecting him so strongly!” You explained, trying to seem calm, but internally, you were panicking!
This wasn´t supposed to happen! The blood should have been already halfway out of this system; instead it was affecting him just as hard as when you found him!
Hongjoong was in the meanwhile trying not to let the poison take over his mind! His head was cloudy and the only thing he could focus on was you!
Your blood had always smelt delicious to him and while he was never tempted to hurt you in any way, shape or form, right now he was scared of what he´d do if he let the fog take over him!
The magic in your blood was calling out to him, in a way that Hongjoong would compare to the hold a siren´s song had on a sailor! It scared him to death! If the situation wasn´t so dire he would have found the irony of it hilarious!
Sadly, this wasn´t a laughing matter and the longer you kneeled next to him and Seonghwa, the louder he could hear the beat of your heart pumping blood through your veins!
Your head snapped around to meet his gaze and again, he could see the slight flinch and uptick of your heartbeat! He had hoped that the first time was just his mind playing tricks on his delirious self, but now that it had happened a second time, he saw the reaction for what it really was.
You were scared! Of him?
The realization made him feel even worse.
Of all the things he could have said, that was not what you had expected! You looked flabbergasted and Seonghwa too, looked very shocked and surprised at his friend!
Did you hear that right? Was he really telling you to go and leave him like this? Did he really think that you were just going to bail on him like this when he obviously needed help?
You were rooted to your place on the ground, starring up at him like he had now lost his mind entirely!
“You´re not serious are you?” you scoffed at his slumped over figure. “You look ready to keel over and you´re telling me to just leave? Like I could find any peace of mind if I left you here like this?”
Seonghwa watched in shock as the witch and the vampire he called his friends, were looking at each other in distraught! Both for very different reasons! But the longer he looked at the male, the more he understood why he was doing this! He too, could smell your magic and for a vampire who was this affected by starvation and Dead man´s Blood, Hongjoong was doing a remarkable job of not jumping you right then and there!
You quickly realized that Hongjoong really did mean it.
“No! No I’m not going!”
“Please y/n, just leav-“
“Are you deaf Kim Hongjoong? I said, I´m not. Going!”
Taken aback by how serious you sounded both vampires reacted differently. While Seonghwa knew not to get in between you two, he sat down on the other couch, ready to jump in if he had to. Hongjoong on the other hand, glared at you!
He appreciated your worry and not wanting to leave him alone but this wasn´t a matter to be discussed. At least to him…
“Why not? You are obviously scared of me, so why not take the chance?”
Not having expected to be called out like that, especially not in that situation, you froze. You were the epitome of not thoughts-head empty at the moment and it took you quite a few seconds to think of something to say without saying too much.
“I´m not scared of YOU, you absolute fool!” By the look he was giving you he didn´t believe you one bit.
Even sweaty, dehydrated, starved and weakened, he was still just as sassy as always.
“How could I be? You have never given me a reason to be, not even right now!”
“Do you want me to give you one? Cause it feels like your blood has been screaming at me ever since you came back into the room and I’m so close to draining you dry!” He gasped. “You always smelt good but right now you smell like a 5 course meal little witch and I could never forgive myself if I hurt you in any way…”
His words made you stop in your tracks.
Why didn´t you think of that before? The solution to this was so easy and yet you hadn´t thought of it at all! Granted that it wasn´t ideal but what else could you do?
“Drink my blood!”
“Are YOU deaf now? Did you not hear what I just said? I-“
“You don´t want to hurt me, I heard that but what if my blood was actually what you needed?” Hongjoong looked at you in distress. “Hear me out before say anything okay? What if my blood, more particularly the magic in my blood, could stop the Dead man´s Blood from working? Like an antidote so to say!”
“That is not a bad idea actually!”
The wounded vampires head whipped around to face Seonghwa, not believing what his friend had just said!
“No! You can´t be serious! The two of you can´t be serious! Do you know what you´re asking from me? The chance of me stopping before y/n bleeds out is zero to none!” Hongjoong looked panicked and pained, as if every word he uttered, hurt him!
“It´s not ideal but I want to do it if it helps you!” you argued.
“I appreciate that but no!”
“Hongjoong, I trust you so why can´t you trust yourself?”
“Would you risk something you really care about? That´s what you´re asking from me! Little witch I can´t risk you, please don´t make me risk your life…” he trailed off, voice becoming quieter with every word.
Hongjoong felt like crying, not just because of the pain coursing through him.
Seeing the internal struggle he was facing, you slowly came closer; approaching him like you would a scared animal!
You cupped his face with gentle hands, forcing him to look down at you. 
“You won´t! I know you, Kim Hongjoong and you won´t kill me! Not you, never you! I trust you to stop before that can happen!”
His eyes, while red, were full of fear but he kept holding eye contact with you. It made you understand just how desperate he was feeling at the prospect of losing control.
“I´ll be fine…” you whispered. A human wouldn´t have been able to pick it up but Hongjoong wasn´t a human. Due to his advanced hearing, he did hear you and the gently tone you were using, made him believe in his self control enough to nod in agreement.
You came up to sit next to him, letting him go in the process. Having to use all hi remaining strength to hold himself upright, you found yourself facing him and in the blink of an eye, you found yourself on your back! Pressed into the soft fabric of the throw cushions and held down by the man that was now on top of you, legs on either side of your hips!
Not having expected to sudden move, you squeaked in shock but ultimately let it happen.
Feeling his nose lightly graze the skin on your neck, you held your breath. To you it seemed like hesitance but Seonghwa, who was watching carefully, knew that Hongjoong was savoring and enjoying the smell of you.
“It´s okay you ca-“
With a swift motion, Hongjoong had jammed his teeth into your neck, drawing a whimper from your lips!
The shock of having him bite you was nothing if not panic inducing but you managed to fight the reflex of fighting against the tight hold Hongjoong had on your wrists.
It took you a couple of seconds but eventually, you got used to the feeling of him nibbling and biting on your neck, making you go lax under him. Your brain felt fuzzy the longer you were pressed into the couch and the venom he released into your system made the entire procedure significantly more pleasurable than you wanted to admit to yourself.
Having him essentially straddling you, while his hands were wrapped around your wrists should have you feeling trapped but instead, you only felt safe! It was weird and you were going to pounder about it later, but for now, you enjoyed the reassuring weight on top of you!
Hongjoong, who moaned at the taste on his tongue, shifted a little. His crotch now pressed right against your own!
If the situation were any different, you would have probably blushed and fled the room but nothing of that sort even crossed your mind.
His grip loosened and you suddenly felt his fingers between your own, lacing them together.
The vampires thumb brushed your skin gently, almost caressing it and the soft touch made butterflies erupt from your stomach. It was such a stark contrast to just a few moments ago when he was still holding you down!
Seonghwa felt like he was intruding on a very intimate and private moment between his two friends and he grew steadily more uncomfortable sitting in on the feeding session. He was just glad that Jongho had locked himself in his room and prayed that whatever the boy was doing at the moment, he would not have to go into the living room!
You slowly felt your mind start to shut down. White spots were appearing before your eyes and when not even blinking them away worked, you knew that Hongjoong had to let you go now. Too bad that the vampire was still drinking and not planning on stopping right now.
The eldest in the room, noticed your internal struggle. He got up and came over, putting his hand down on Hongjoongs shoulder. The other didn´t appreciate the disturbance in the slightest.
A growl, deep and threatening left him but Seonghwa knew what to do! After all, he was his sire, and even though it´s been 200 hundred years since he turned the other, he still was just as affected by some of the things Seonghwa did as if he was turned yesterday!
Seonghwa responded with a growl of his own. Warning the younger to let up or fear the consequences of his sire.
Grumbling and not at all happy, Hongjoong removed his fangs from your artery!
His eyes had cleared up, leaving only the brown in it behind. The other shook his head, clearing it from the fog that was clouding his brain only to come back to the world of the living!
Seonghwa exhaled relieved, happy that the younger had listened to him without causing a fuss!
“Joong-ah? Are you okay?” the sire asked, one hand running gently through the black and blonde strands of the others hair.
Hongjoong turned to his friend, leaning into the soft touch he provided and nodded slowly.
Not fully there yet but also not lost in his hunger anymore, the man basked in the silence of the room. Only the sound of your breathing could be heard.
Hongjoong could already feel his body returning to normal, his injuries were healing again and he could finally relax. Your magic was neutralizing the poison steadily!
Nodding, the older bit his wrist and let his blood drip into your mouth to help heal you before he went to get some sweets and water.
Looking down at you, Hongjoong realized that you looked very much out of it. Guilt crashed over him and he desperately wanted to make you feel better!
“Hey there, how’s my little witch doing huh?” he whispered caressing your cheeks with his thumb. Worry was evident in his voice as he pulled away from you.
Immediately, you missed the closeness his presence had brought and you shivered. His body temperature wasn´t like a human but you still felt warm in his arms.
“´m dizzy…” you mumbled incoherently. You didn´t dare to move, scared that if you did, you´d fall flat on your face.
To you, the world was spinning and you felt like you had drank to much soju! Your stomach felt funny, now that the butterflies had disappeared and you were sure that if you lifted even a single finger, you´d throw up all over their fancy carpet!
“It´s okay, you can rest soon. You only have to wait for Seonghwa to get back here okay?”
You wanted to wait for that to happen but the reality was, sleep was already washing over you and darkness came quicker than you anticipated…
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The next day, you woke up and were immediately greeted by the sight of a black fur ball curled up close to your face! The ball moved, noticed your slightly more awake form and quickly lifted his head to stare at you.
Having lived with him for years now had made you a master of every expression on your familiars face and so you knew that San was not happy with you! 
The second thing you noticed, was that you weren´t on the couch anymore! They had probably moved you from the couch to one of the other rooms, to get more comfortable!
While you were looking around San had apparently had enough of getting ignored. His paw shot forward to hit you right on the nose. If he had used his claws, you probably would have had several scratches on your face!
“Yah! What was that for?” you snapped, but only received an angered hiss from the feline.
The cat quickly turned back to human and instead of an angry animal, there was now sitting a very angry human next to you!
“You, know what that was for! Did you think that I wouldn´t find out that you were going to let Hyung drink from you? God damn it y/n! I could literally feel you getting weaker while being at home! I was so scared that I was going to lose you!” San yelled.
The boy had his hands clenched to fists and looked close to crying as he thought about the night before. He desperately wanted to forget the sudden wave of fatigue coming from your end of the bond the two of you shared.
It had been so sudden, that he had dropped the popcorn bowl he had placed on his lap to share with Wooyoung, making the other screech in surprise!
“m sorry Sannie but it was the only choice we had…”
“Don´t apologize, I know why you did it now! Hyung called a few hours ago to explain but woman, if I catch you doing that again, you better pray for your safety!” huffing at you, he turned back to his cat form, jumped of the bed and left through the door that opened in that moment.
While San was strutting away from you, Hongjoong came inside to sit on the chair next to the bed. In his hands, he was balancing a bowl with what seemed to be Juk with vegetables and chicken, together a bottle of water and some gummy bears.
The vampire looked so much healthier already than just a few hours ago. He had changed again, now wearing a lose fitting black shirt, tugged into dark grey jeans that were highlighting his tiny waist and an equally black leather jacket with way more pockets than someone would need! His hair was slicked back and there was a light shimmer of makeup visible on his eyelids.
The bruises on his face had faded for the most part and the cuts were all starting to heal nicely. It made you sigh in relief.
“San is mad at me.” You stated at the confused look the vampire gave you when the cat walked past him.
“He´s not mad at you. He´s worried because he could feel your life slipping away from you. When Hwa called him, the boy was already spiraling into a panic attack and only calmed down once he was able to make sure you were okay. He´ll get over it soon.”
You could only nod and look into the steaming bowl that Seonghwa had prepared.
“Don´t worry too much. How are you feeling?”
“Honestly? Drained! But I don´t regret letting you drink from me if that´s what you´re asking me!”
Hongjoong looked sheepish as he was called out by you so easily. It had been on his mind since you had fainted on him in the living room, but to hear you tell him that you didn´t was a great relieve to him.
It didn´t make his guilt any less though.
Instead he tried to distract you.
“Drained huh?”
The vampire chuckled at his own joke but you only raised an eyebrow at his obvious attempt to stir away from the topic. You shook head, slightly amused but still nonetheless serious about this.
“Stop trying to distract me Kim Hongjoong, i´m serious about what I said. You´re a good friend and I hated to see you suffer like this. I would do it again in a heartbeat…” becoming quieter, your voice cracked at the end and you could feel your cheeks heat up at his intense stare.
Hongjoong sighed heavily, running his hands over his face before leaning forward to lean on his knees.
“Would an actual good friend be the reason you were scared of them though?” he questioned.
His question immediately got a reaction out of you! Your head whipped around to face him fully. In doing so you almost spilled the food all over the bed!
It seemed that he had yet to believe the words you had spoken the night before.
“It wasn´t YOU I was scared of, you have to believe that. I know that you wouldn´t attack me or anyone else for that matter, just because you were hungry! But I won´t lie and say that I wasn´t scared, because I was! I was scared that you were too far gone for me and Hwa to do anything! Scared that i- we lost you. Seeing you like that was just a reminder of when we met the first time,  back when-“
“When Heechul attacked you?” you could see the relief on his face when he realized that it really wasn´t him, you were scared of!
“Hmm, it brought back a few memories I’d rather forget about! I´m just glad you´re okay now.”
“All thanks to you! And if you rest a bit more, you´re going to be back in the shop soon enough.”
For a moment you thought your heart was going to stop beating for real now!
“OH MY GOD THE SHOP! I have to get back now to get some of the orders done and-” you gasped in horror. How could you have forgotten the shop? The fact that you had left in such a hurry yesterday was already something that was bothering you, but today too?
There were orders to prepare and get picked up! And if you remembered correctly then the new delivery should have come in today!
“Calm down my little witch! Jongho and Mingi´s got it! Even Yeosangie is helping out today! Everything is fine, you just rest and tomorrow I’ll drive you home okay? For now I’ll just stay on the couch tonight and you take my bed.”
Hongjoong spoke, calming your panic to get you to relax again. It worked like a charm and you settled back into the bed.
The male got up from his seat and took the, by now empty, bowl from you, setting it aside to put it away later before turning back to you.
Leaning forward a bit, the vampire pressed a soft and gentle kiss to your forehead before leaving the room with the empty bowl.
His sudden absence left you disappointed. Already missing his company, you wished he´d come back to join you but knowing that he wanted you to rest, that was highly unlikely.
You got comfortable again, covering yourself with the blanket when you realized one thing.
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It had taken a few days, but everything had slowly turned back to normal.
You were back to running The Utopia, Jongho and Mingi were working too and Hongjoong has gotten back to visiting you at the shop! The only difference was that now the vampire was not only back to being a regular at your work place, but the fact that he did not let you out of his sight again. Even going so far as to pick you up for work in the morning and drive you back home again.
San had raised an eyebrow at you the first time it happened, but was ultimately glad that you were being looked after well!
It did not stop him and Wooyoung from teasing you mercilessly however and you had threatened to tell Seonghwa not cook for them anymore, more than once!
They didn´t believe you! Instead, the two boys only giggled at your seemingly cruel threat. Both of them knew that Seonghwa would never let them starve and Wooyoungs pout made sure of that.
You could only roll your eyes at the fox in fondness whenever he did and deep inside, you knew that you would never do it anyway.
Another thing that changed was the little tracking spell you had secretly placed on the necklace Hongjoong always seemed to wear. Just to be safe of course and only so that incase of another mysterious vanishing on the vampires part, you could actually step in if needed! Absolutely not because you were so worried about the male that you had started to sleep less and less…
If there was one thing you had learned about him, it was the fact that he would literally die for the people he called his family or friends. That was something you wanted to keep from happening!
You were sure that Jongho knew what you had done when you had asked him to somehow get the necklace from his Hyung and distract him for an hour or two.
And if Jongho knew, then Mingi probably knew too! Which meant Yunho knew as well!
It was slightly concerning and you hoped that Hongjoong would not catch onto the way the pendant on the chain now had a slight glow to it!
You trusted him to hold up to the promise he had give you but it was better to be safe than sorry in your opinion.
Ever since Hongjoong had escaped the hunters, he felt a lot more attached to you than before. You were close before, there was not denying that, but now the male had made it his mission to be around you as much as possible.
At first, he felt like he was burdening you in some kind of way so he began working alongside you whenever he could.
His hesitancy was only wearing off after the second day you had been back at the shop, when you had smiled at him so brightly that he swore you rivaled the sun!
He had straight up ignored the skeptical looks WooSan had give them, only hissed at them like an angry cat which resulted in San hissing back at him with a pout on his lips. Hongjoong couldn´t help but laugh at your familiar’s expression before you had shut the door behind you.
“You know that you don´t have to pick me up, nor do you have to get me home all the time don´t you?” you smiled gently at this waiting form hovering at the entrance to The Utopia.
He was watching you pack your back patiently.
Jongho had already gone home that day, so it left only you and Hongjoong to lock up.
“I know.” He simply said, holding the door open for you.
“Why thank you, kind sir!” you answered with a slight bow that looked more like you were bowing to the queen than your friend, while walking past him.
With a small flick of your hand, the door locked itself and the key turned before disappearing into thin air.
“You´re very welcome, my lady witch!”
You couldn´t help but smile! The teasing glint in his eyes made him appear so relaxed and carefree that you wished he would always smile at you like that.
Together you two walked down the sidewalk into the direction where you knew his car was parked.
“No but seriously Kim Hongjoong, I don´t live that far and contrary to what you seem to think, I am actually very capable of taking the bus.” You stated.
Hongjoong linked his arm with yours, making you look like one of those silly couples that were glued together all the time.
Honestly, if you were to walk alone and a couple walked past you like this, you would have rolled your eyes as they would have made you horribly single, but walking like this actually felt nice. Or maybe it was just about who you were walking with…
“Why are you trying to get rid of my company? Don´t you enjoy my presence?” he whined playfully, shoving you with his shoulder a little.
“I love having you close but I don´t want you to think you have to stay close just because I helped you.”
Hongjoong shook his head at the idea of being around you out of guilt.
“Don´t you worry your pretty little head my little witch. I quite like the time we spend like this. It´s nice to walk together like this!”
You didn’t have an answer to that.
You also enjoyed these little moments you had with him.  It made your day just a little bit sweeter, especially when you had to deal with rude customers and orders that were canceled last minute!
“Don´t think too much okay?  I like having you close to me, that´s why I pick you up all the time.”
You hoped that he wouldn´t notice the way you had to fight the warmth creeping onto your cheek and up your neck but being in the company of a vampire had it´s disadvantage when it came to blood and heartbeats.
He could hear your heart beat skipping a beat and had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling to much.
“Aww, Is my little witch blushing?”
“Kim Hongjoong…Don’t tease meee…”
Now it was your turn to whine at his words. Making his undead heart grow even fonder of you!
*Ah cute!* the male thought. He was sure that if he said those words out loud, you would hex him. It would definitely not be the first time!
More than once, he had found himself to be turned into a little bat, following and flying after you like duckling following it´s mother.
He had given Mingi the shock of his life, the first time it happened.
The poor witch had startled so bad that he had dropped to the floor, holding his heart and screeched like a banshee signaling incoming death.
Hongjoong had felt so guilty that he had nestled into the crook of the boy’s neck for the rest of the day and Jongho and you had laughed so hard that you had to hold each other upright to stop yourself from lying on the floor because of it!
Mingi had been sulking for the rest of the day.
Part 2
@imtoanonymousforyou @brownsugarbaybee @bellamuerte1987 @woosmaid @lelaleleb @3joracha @wolfgurl2600-blog @moonminji @alykatv @jisungsdaydreamer
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Kinktober Day 2 - Witch Hunter!Yunho X Witch!Reader + Masturbation & Bondage
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Anonymous said: An ATEEZ Kinktober idea: a witch (Y/N) teasing a witch-hunter (Yunho).  Kinks: masturbation (Y/N) and bondage (Yunho can't do squat).
A/n: Ehehehe this is quite an interesting concept, I am quite excited for this! Ngl, I'm pretty proud of how this one turned out.
Word Count: 1,619
Kinktober 2022 Mini Masterlist
It was easy to catch him off guard. Too easy.
“Never pinned you as one not to wear your protective sigils,” you hum, a smirk pulling at your lips as you spread your legs before him, noticing how he visibly swallows as his eyes dart down to your exposed core for a brief second. “Makes me think you wanted me to catch you: to lock you down so you could have a front row seat to the show.”
Yunho licks his lips, gaze lifting to pierce yours in the next moment, “you know I’ve never been able to resist you.”
Try as he might to free his wrists from the spell pinning them behind his back, he cannot. The urge to touch you is becoming stronger each moment, and he knows you’re doing this on purpose. When he walked in to see you wearing his shirt, and nothing but his shirt, he could hardly control himself. Only, it seems as if the hunter has now become the hunted.
“Which is exactly why I had to do this,” you grin, a mischievous glint to your eyes. “It’s my turn to have a bit of fun with you for a change.”
“Is that why I’m sitting in front of the bed, Love?” He quirks a brow, gaze once again darting to the way his shirt rides up your thighs to expose your naked core.
“Would you prefer not to watch?” You tilt your head slightly, almost mockingly. “I hear the imagination can be a wondrous thing.”
Yunho remains silent, pursing his lips as his eyes darken while drinking in the way your one hand travels to your inner thigh. Not only are you teasing him right now, but it seems as if you’re teasing yourself, for that’s exactly what he always does to you before ravishing you. Every. Single. Time.
Slowly, your thumb begins to brush over your skin, a victorious smirk pulling at your lips. “That’s what I thought.”
Spreading his legs, Yunho leans further back into the seat. His breathing begins to become ragged as he fixates on your one hand, touching and teasing along the expanse of your thigh and beginning to get dangerously close to your core with each movement. A hand which should be his.
“If you wanted someone to touch you so badly,” he breathes out, meeting your intense stare with one of his own, “all you had to do was ask, Love. You know I’d do anything for you.”
“Oh?” This time, it’s you who quirks a brow. “Anything, you say?”
Yunho nods, his lips parting ever so slightly as he watches you dip a finger through your folds and drag it slowly upwards before circling your clit once. He absolutely adores the way your eyelids flutter closed as you tilt your head back in bliss.
That is, until your eyes are snapping open to meet his once more.
“Then be quiet,” your voice comes out firm; a solid command that makes his cock twitch beneath his slacks, “and I might let you have a taste.”
As if to emphasize your point, you bring your fingers to your mouth, suckling gently on the essence he can already see shining there. Your content hum is all he needs to hear for him to begin struggling against his invisible bonds once more, needing to touch you, to taste you, to feel you beneath him.
Yet, a hunter such as himself is above begging: for his life, for mercy, for anything. Not even for you, the person he shouldn’t want, but desires most in this world. No, he will never beg or plead for anything in his life. Or so he thinks.
He may not say so, but his eyes reveal everything. You can see it clearly, the desperation he harbours for you; the need to touch you, to please you in any and every way he can as he watches you bring your hand back down to circle your clit before sliding two fingers deep into your cunt.
The moan you let out in pleasure is nothing short of sinful, taunting him as he shifts in his chair. His cock strains painfully against his slacks, throbbing with every pulse beneath his skin. The need to touch you, and be touched by you starts to become unbearable.
You don’t even need to look at him to know that his gaze is locked on your cunt, eyes focussed on the way your fingers are being sucked into your hole before dragging them out to circle your clit a few times. His breathing comes in jagged pants, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he watches you play with that pretty pussy of yours. A pussy which should be coming all over him, that only he should be touching right now.
The way you sigh his name makes his head spin. There you are, practically begging for him to touch you, yet he’s stuck in this chair, quite literally spellbound by you. For all his strength, these are not the kind of shackles that he can break easily, and he curses himself for letting you catch him like this. Perhaps then those could be his fingers buried in your cunt and making you moan so deliciously for him.
Your voice calling out to him catches his attention once again.
“Do you want to know what I’m thinking about right now?” You coo, biting you lip in the process.
“Fuck- yes,” Yunho practically hisses out through his teeth, eyes darting briefly up to catch your own before immediately being drawn back in by the sight of you teasing your clit with slow movements of your fingers.
“I’m thinking,” you begin, the corner of your lips tugging upwards deviously, “about how good your fingers feel compared to mine. How full they make me feel, and how mine don’t quite reach as deeply as yours do.”
“Love,” he groans - a warning - as he watches you bury your fingers within your tight cunt yet again, echoing the thoughts you’re putting into words before his very eyes.
“Also,” you hum, a soft moan falling from your lips as your eyes dart to his own, “the way your lips feel against my skin. The way you enjoy devouring me: biting, sucking, licking.”
Yunho moans at the way your fingers drag along your folds just as he knows you know he likes to do. Slowly, you begin flicking at your clit once more, adding more pressure with each stroke of your fingers just as he would do with his tongue.
You giggle, knowing exactly the type of effect both your words and actions are having on him right now.
“Most of all, though,” you continue, laying back further into the pillows behind you so you can bring a hand up beneath his shirt and squeeze your breast, “I’m thinking of the way your cock feels buried deep inside me, filling me so fully until all I can think about is you.”
“Love,” a breathless whine from his lips as his eyes dart from your cunt to your still covered upper body where your hand appears to be rolling a nipple between your fingers, “please.”
“What?” You ask, innocently. “You want me to take this off?”
As if to emphasize your point, you slide the hand beneath the shirt to the hem at the bottom, dragging it slowly up your body until you let it fall back down. He swallows.
“You know I don’t like being the one to undress myself.” Your words have whatever last bits of sanity he had been holding on to snap.
Immediately, he begins struggling against the spell binding his wrist, arms straining with the effort to break free. A snarl of frustration leaves his lips as he watches you smile at him, teasing him even further by sinking your fingers back into your cunt and moving them within you with a newfound vigour.
Your moans increase in volume, sighs of his name becoming even more frequent as he watches your whole body shake from the intensity of your orgasm. Yunho swears he can even see your juices dripping from your wet hole and pooling onto the sheets beneath you as you remove your fingers with a satisfied hum, your breath coming in ragged pants.
You lay there for what feels like an eternity, simply basking in the way his eyes drink in your figure. A content hum leaves your lips as you slowly move down the bed towards him, noticing the significant bulge straining against the material of his slacks. You smirk.
“You are the devil,” he hisses through his teeth as you sit on his lap, purposely grinding yourself onto him so that he can feel your wetness seeping through the material of his pants.
“Perhaps I am,” you chuckle, bringing your fingers up to his lips. “Suck.”
Yunho does so, without question, and without breaking eye contact. He moans at the taste of you on his tongue as he swirls it around your digits. He needs you to know that he’ll savour every drop of you, - whatever he can get - always.
“Good boy,” you smile, loving the way you feel his cock twitch from beneath you when you say those words.
Gently, you pull your fingers out of his mouth, Yunho licking at the essence of you that clings to his lips.
“Are you going to release me now, Love?” His chest rumbles as he speaks, eyes the darkest you’ve ever seen them.
“Who said I was going to do that?” You smirk, cupping the side of his face in your hand as you caress his cheek with your thumb. “I’m nowhere near done with you, yet.”
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hahafixon · 10 months
Wrong One ~ *Jeong Yunho*
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Summary: As a half demon, you’ve been told not to dig too demon into your demon side. But you need to know who you are. So you decide to try and summon your demon parent. However you got the wrong person!
Pairing: Jeong Yunho X G/N!Reader
Genre: Angstyish Oneshot
Word Count: 2106
Warning: blood, knives, angels, demons, heavy swearing
Taglist: @foxwinter @mxnsxngie @maeleelee @imagine-a-life-like-this @kpop-will-kill-me
Summoning is very tricky magic and it’s very easy to mess up. Which is what you did, accidentally mind you. You didn’t mean to mess up this bad, but looking back on it now, you should’ve stopped when you started thinking something didn’t look right.
“Well.” The angel before you huffed, a flurry of white feathers fluttering from his wings. “This is quite the predicament, I’ll have you know!”
“Duh.” You snapped. “This wasn’t supposed to happen! I wanted to summon a demon! Not some fluffy angel.”
He pursed his lips. “Well, I wasn’t looking to be summoned by a demon!”
“Half-demon.” You corrected, baring your fangs. “Careful with what you say, little angel.”
“Little?! I’m like a head taller than you!”
“In full angel form you are. But semantics.” You waved his frustration off. “Okay, you can go back to heaven or wherever you came from.”
“I can’t.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “And why not?”
“Because you summoned me here to complete a task and I cannot leave the summoning circle until it’s finished.” He folded his arms over his chest. “It’s the rules whether we like it or not. And I’m nothing if I don’t abide by them.”
“Shit.” You started to bite on your thumb nail. This was bad. If your mom found out you were summoning demons and apparently angels, she wouldn’t be too pleased with the situation. Especially when she saw the mess you made in trying to summon in the first place. This was so bad.
“So what is this great task you wish to bestow on me?”
“Um…” You wracked your brain, trying to think of a lie to get him to leave as soon as possible. “I wish to, uh, have one of your feathers.”
He paused, staring at you like you were crazy, which you had to admit, you kind of were. “What?”
“Yeah. That’s what I want.”
“You’re sure?”
“How many times do you want me to say yes before you give one to me?”
He narrowed his eyes at you before shaking his head. “No, that’s not what you want.”
“Uh, yeah it is.”
“No it’s not. Angels can tell when someone is lying and you’re lying right through your teeth! So tell me what you really want.”
Well, that little fact definitely threw a wrench in your plans. 
“I want a demon to,” You couldn’t believe you were about to admit this out loud, “to look cool.”
Again, he froze. But this time he didn’t look mildly surprised. He actually looked completely flabbergasted and you didn’t blame him. This was stupid. You shouldn’t have said anything in the first place. You should have never tried to use your mom’s summoning books to bring up a demon. You definitely messed up big time.
“May I ask why?”
“Just because.” You scowled. “Look, can we not get into this right now? Just give me a damn feather and go back to where you came from.”
“I can’t now.” He sat down in the circle. “Tell me what troubles you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “No. I’m not talking to you. You’re an angel, my sworn enemy, and I don’t even know your name! You’re a stranger and I’m not going to tell you my deepest darkest secrets.”
“Oh, well, you may call me Yunho.” He smiled. “Now will you tell me.”
“Oh my God, NO!”
He frowned. “You know you’re making this very difficult! I am trying to help you and you’re not accepting any of my help!”
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don’t want your help? I told you I wanted to summon a demon and not an angel for a reason! So just go away already!”
Despite your best efforts, you could feel tears pricking at your eyes. This was so stupid. You didn’t want to cry in front of an angel. It made you look weak, which you weren’t! You were just frustrated with the situation and with yourself.
“I can’t. And before you get mad, I really can’t. I have to stay and help you. That is the law of angels, especially guardian angels.”
You gave a bitter laugh. “Oh great. Leave it to me to accidentally summon my own guardian angel. Though it’s weird a half-demon would have a guardian angel.”
He winced. “Well, I’m not exactly your guardian angel. I guard a handful of people. And you’re right, a half-demon doesn’t actually have a guardian angel. But since you summoned me and you still have some human blood in your veins, I must help.”
“Even though that human blood is witch’s blood?”
“Yes, even then.”
You scoffed. “This is stupid.”
“Perhaps. But I am bound to help you, so please let me help you.”
Staring at this angel you accidentally summoned, you scoffed. Leave it to angels to think they could solve anything with the snap of their fingers. But this is one problem he couldn’t fix no matter how cute he was. Or at least how cute he thought he was.
You shook your head. He was not cute! He was an angel, an enemy. You couldn’t trust him. You couldn’t tell him anything. He needed to get gone before your mom came home.
“How can I get you to leave in the next fifteen minutes?”
“Tell me why you really want to summon a demon. That’s the only way.” He sighed.
“That’s stupid.”
“Yeah, you’ve said that. But tell me anyway.”
Pursing your lips and screaming in your head, you finally spoke about why you wanted to summon a demon in the first place. “You know how hard it is for me? I’m half witch half demon. No one likes me, which I’ve since gotten used to. But what still bothers me is that I don’t even know anything about my demon half. So I thought if I summoned a demon, any demon at this point, I could learn. I could finally know who I am.”
“Why not just ask your mother about your other half?”
You shook your head. “She won’t talk about it. She wants nothing to do with them. Apparently they did something so unforgivable that she forbade from even talking about demons. That’s why I tried to summon without her help.”
“I am really sorry to hear that. Your mother shouldn’t hide who you are from you. I can’t say I know what it’s like for you. But I can tell you’re in pain. And if there was something I could do to help you, I would.” Yunho sighed.
Your jaw dropped. “Wait a minute. I thought you said you have to help me or you can’t leave!”
“Ah, yes…” He trailed off, giving a half smile. “Well, since your request is very specific for a demon, and I’m very much not a demon, I can’t leave unless a more powerful witch sends me back.”
There was a pause as you processed his words.
Yunho winced, scooching back in the summoning circle. “Your vulgarity aside, I would not be lying about this. Angels can’t lie.”
“Please stop swearing. You’re hurting my ears.”
“He hasn’t forsaken any situation!” He shot back before sighing again. “This seems to be a bigger problem than I originally anticipated. Do you by chance have the summoning book you used to make this summoning circle? Perhaps there’s a reversal spell in there that I can help you with to send me back.”
Well, at least he was trying to help. Grabbing the thick tome you used, you flipped to the summoning spell you used and pointed it to him. “Right there.”
Yunho had to have read through the spell at least ten times before he finally looked at you. “This is going to be harder than I thought.”
“Why’s that?” You asked, not liking where he was going with this.
“Well, to break a demon summoning circle, you need a drop of angel blood. But since you have an angel trapped in a demon circle, I’m not sure it’ll work.”
At first you were ready to start crying that you were never going to get rid of Yunho until an idea struck you. “Wait, what about demon blood to break an angel out? I know I’m only half demon but it could still work, couldn’t it?”
He shrugged. “We could try that too.”
You sighed. “Alright, we’ll try the angel blood first.”
“Absolutely not.”
Again, your jaw dropped. “WHY THE FUCK NOT?!”
He placed his hands over his ears and shot you a venomous look. “Language!”
“Because, humans would give anything to have even a drop of angel blood with all its ethereal properties. I don’t want to give away my blood so freely.” He replied all matter of fact like before adding under his breath. “And it will hurt. I don’t like pain.”
You slapped a hand over your face before dragging it down. “You cannot be serious.”
“I told you-”
“Yeah angels can’t lie, I know.” You rolled your eyes. “So what do you propose we do? Want me to summon another angel? Really get me in trouble with my mom? I’m sure your superiors won’t like it if I keep summoning angels here.”
He bit his lip. “You’re right. Seonghwa is probably beyond mad right now, wondering where I’m at. But I still can’t give away my blood so freely!”
“What about a contract?”
“A contract?” He eyed you skeptically. “What kind of a contract?”
Rolling your eyes, you explained. “A binding contract that all I will take from you is one drop, nothing more and nothing less. And I will promise not to use any of your blood for selfish gains other than to get you out of this summoning circle.”
Though Yunho continued to look skeptical, he relented. “Fine, I suppose I can sign a contract with you if it’ll get me out of here.”
Nodding, you grabbed a small knife and poked your finger. Making a small sigil on the floor, you spoke the contract into existence. You then signed an X on the floor before wiping your hand off on your shirt, leaving a small streak of blood.
“There. That should do it.”
He shook his head. “I’ll never understand witch magic.”
“You don’t need to understand. Now hand me your hand so we can try this angel blood.”
Groaning, you demanded, “What now?”
“About your problem…” He trailed off and when you nodded for him to continue, he sighed, “Look, you’re right. I don’t know anything about what you’re going through. But knowing who you are doesn’t come from finding your other parent. It comes from self-reflection and living your life the way you want to. You don’t need someone else to tell you who you are as a person, only you can. So I hope you remember what I’ve said before you go around summoning more demons.”
Before you could respond to his words, he grabbed the knife that was in your hand and pricked his finger. A drop of scarlet and gold blood dropped onto the summoning circle and in a cloud of sparkly smoke, Yunho was gone. You stared at where he once was, mouth open, ready to tell him what you would remember and to thank him for trying to help. 
“Y/n? Dear? Are you home?” Your mom called as she came through the door.
Quickly grabbing a rag, you started to scrub the remnants from your failed summoning spell off the floor. You shouted over your shoulder, “Yeah, I’m home!”
Up in the heavens, Yunho chuckled as he watched you diligently work so your mother was none the wiser of what you did that day.
Seonghwa cleared his throat from beside him. “It seems you’ve had an eventful time in the mortal realm, haven’t you, Yunho?”
Quickly looking away and trying to appear professional, he cast his eyes down to his feet. “Yes sir.”
“Well, it’s a good thing you’ve taken up the mantle of being their guardian angel. It seems like they’re going to be quite the handful.” He nodded towards you as you spoke to your mother before leaving Yunho to continue surveying you.
He smiled softly to himself. “Quite the handful indeed.”
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ri-kin · 10 months
Chapter Two : Cheers to New Beginnings
PAIRING:Witch!Reader x Rival!Yeosang
GENRE:Enemies to lovers, Academic rivals (?),yeosang is a douche.
WC: 1.3k (a record🙌🙌)
WARNINGS: None that i know of.
REQUESTED: nope (please request !!!!!)
A/N: Heyyy,Thank you for the support on my last chapter!! This is chapter 2 of my series and i hope you like it! don't be shy to correct any mistakes you see and don't forget to read chapter 1 before this!!
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You sigh as you wave to your parents one last time before going to the big city. New York , Boston specifically. It had been a dream of yours for as long as you could remember , moving to another state , attending a prestigious university , Harvard University of Witchcraft and Wizardry, away from your parents with infinite things to do , not having to rely on your parents again. It was like a breathe of fresh air after being underwater all your life.
Sitting in your seat, You watch people file into the aircraft ,and as the very last person sat in their seat you realized that you had the whole row to yourself . God, how it felt refreshing , as though the farther you were from your parents , the more you felt a heavy burden get lighter and lighter until you landed.
Your life was just about to begin. And no one was stoping you.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*. **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
You sat in your seat as everyone hurried out of the plane to avoid getting smushed, as you walk out of the airport , you pull out your phone in hopes of calling an uber. To your sheer horror, you find 13 missed calls from your mom and 5 from your dad and it had to be over a hundred text messages asking why you weren’t picking up the phone.Shoot! you forgot to tell her that you would be landing later than scheduled because of some delay. Your fingers tremble as you hit the call button and put the phone to your ear. Ring Ring Ring. She picks up on the fourth ring.
“Hello mom? why’d you call me so much, is everything alright ?” You questioned.
“Where were you? Why didn’t you pick up? Why were you ignoring me? Did you land?”Your mom asked.
She bombarded you with questions yet she avoids the one question you asked? You roll your eyes at the realization. Your mother was always stuck up and thought of herself as someone much more superior than you . You try and respond calmly while arguing? How dare you talk back to her?!? You hold her wrist to stop her from slapping you ? How dare you hit your own mother?!?
To you she was never really a mother more like one who does the bare minimum and calls you lucky to have her and anyone would want her as a mother. In other words, she’s the most narcissistic person you’ve met and probably will ever meet.
“Relax mom,I was on the plane, there was no cell service no I would never ignore you , I know better. And I did in-fact land” You Replied.
“That’s right you do know better than to ignore me. Now you should call an uber and go on campus to see the dorm , call me when you unpack, bye” She ordered.
“B-” You were cut off by the sound of your mother hanging up. You sigh as you change apps and call an uber to go to your dorm.
You paid the transportation fee to the driver and rushed inside the main building since you were late to orientation. “i’ll unpack after orientation” you thought to yourself. You went into the lecture hall where orientation would be held and took a seat at the second row.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*. **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
God how orientation was exhausting. It was too much socializing for one day. The sheer  amount of people you were forced to hold a conversation with was more than you had ever met in your life. You carried your suitcase up several flights of stairs to your dorm.
“Hey, I saw you at orientation ! What’s your name?” A voice in front of you asked.
 You were panting and out of breath as you braced yourself, slapping your hands on your thighs as you take in a few deep breaths. Your breathing didn’t seem to get better as your chest kept heaving up and down.It felt as though somebody around it and hasn’t stopped squeezing.You opened your bag , rummaging through it in hopes to find the inhaler you so desperately needed, but your vision kept blurring.
“Hey! Calm down, are you looking for an inhaler or are you having a panic attack?” The same high pitched voice questioned. You looked up to find a hazy figure  standing in front of you , eyebrows furrowed in worry. The girl had chest length straight hair and bangs , framing her face beautifully. In the haze, you could make out a mole under her eye.God was she angelic.
“Inha-haler”You managed to squeak out in between wheezes
The girl in front of you nodded as she took your bag and pulled out your inhaler
“Here you go” She said as removed the cap she put the inhaler to your mouth.
You went through the motions, and your breathing becomes easier as the medication makes it’s way through your system. When you had finally calmed down you thanked the girl and introduced yourself to her
“By the way, What’s your name?” You asked, seeing as she hasn’t said anything about her.
“Myoi Minari ,but you can call me Mina” She replied a smile creeping up on her face. God she looked like an ethereal being ; you were so very jealous.
You both exchanged numbers and you thanked her once again as she left to go to her own dorm. As you opened the door to your dorm, you remembered that, an hour or so ago, You were informed that your roommate would be coming next week so that meant that you’ll get the whole room to yourself this week. God , what a dream for an introvert, you thought.
The dorm was spacious enough for two people and had tons of storage space , which you were extremely thankful for , since you had over packed.It was a traditional dorm room with light brown flooring and white walls with two twin beds on either side of the room.The bed had drawers built into the side , making up for the lack of dresser or closet ; in front of the bed was a desk and a chair , all made of wood. You sighed , getting ready to sit in that god forsaken chair all day , wether you were studying or watching netflix. You made a mental note to yourself to go to the store later and get a more comfortable chair so that ,whatever you were doing , would be a bit more bearable.
You plopped onto the bed and your eyelids felt heavy as you drifted off to sleep.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*. **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Ring!Ring! you sighed as your alarmed sounded in hopes of waking you up. You opened your eyes just to press (More like smash) The stop button and throw your phone across the dorm room, not caring wether your screen gets cracked or your phone gets broken ; You just wanted ten more minutes of sleep.
Around 12 minutes later, you were forced to get up from your perfectly fine bed and get ready for the first day of school - No – University.
You practically dragged yourself across the room ,Aiming to go to the bathroom so you could freshen up.As you were brushing your teeth, An idea popped into your head.
“What if I treat mina to a meal to thank her for her help!”
You instantly reached for your phone, toothbrush still in your mouth,and unlocked it to text mina. You put your phone down, excited for your dinner with mina tomorrow ; You couldn’t say the same for your lectures though.
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A sigh escaped your mouth as you put on the last bits of perfume and grab your bag as you head out the door.
Your lectures were done for the day and you were exhausted from waking up early and several hours sitting your seat. You were excited to be done with today and all you wanted was to just lay down.As you put the key in the keyhole and unlock the door, You were greeted with a sight you couldn’t forget. Yeosang, sprawled out on your supposed roommate’s bed.
“why are you here?”you asked sternly.
“Hello to you too roomie” he answered
HIM?!? Yeosang is your roommate???
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*. **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
a/m: Thank you for reading and i hope yall will like this!!! Next chapter will (hopefully) be released in the next 3 weeks !
Taglist (for this series only , comment if you wanna be added): @nstarqueen @huachengsbestie01 @eyesonlyformingi
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kiestrokes · 9 months
Kie! While listening to this, I started wondering something. Who has the more dark ringmaster energy between Hongjoong and Seonghwa?
Oooh 😏 so in my opinion HJ presents as the darker ringmaster. But it's just to throw people off and protect the actual "witch doctor" (sorry I went nola-lore on you) which is Hwa. Because without Hwa the whole circus loses its magic. Much like HJ is the leader, but Hwa is older and has this quiet commanding aura to him. Vs. HJ's chaotic theatric presence.
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
I really like your witchy series, so is there anyway I could get some other witches? Maybe a witchy!ATEEZ? I think a witchy!San being a bit reckless with his newfound magic would be a really interesting drabble ! But if that doesn’t work, I just really want to see more witchy boiz 🥺 Ty ily and congrats on another amazing milestone!!!
Witch!San AU -I'm so sorry this took so freaking long to do 😭😭 I hope you enjoy this (actually, I hope it finds you in the first place haha). Also, thank you!! 🥺🥺❤️❤️-
(Have you lost your damn mind?)
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When the lights begin to flicker chaotically around you, your first reaction is confusion. Then, when you glance down the boardwalk to get a sense of what's happening, you notice a boy around the same age as you with a gleeful smile on his face. You recognize him right away and fury quickly takes over.
San, the new guy in town, and also a new member of your coven.
Shooting up from your seat, you make a beeline for him. You dodge scared people as they try to get away from the flashing lights that are now sparking or completely shattering in the air. If he keeps screwing around like this, he's going to expose himself, or worse, get someone killed.
You knew he was new to the whole magic thing. His powers suddenly manifested once he moved to your city, but he was told repeatedly that he couldn't use them out in the open like this. The elders made sure to drive that point home multiple times, and here he is ignoring them.
He spots you coming near him and his smile grows. It's like the angry look on your face isn't even registering to him.
"Hey! Are you seeing -"
"Have you lost your damn mind?!" You harshly cut him off. 
He blinks at you in surprise. "What do you mean?"
"What the hell do you think I mean?"
You grab his arm and drag him away from the boardwalk. The lights flicker and spark, but the danger level is quickly decreasing as San focuses less on his magic.
Dragging him in between two small shops, you turn on him the second you're hidden from the people freaking out on the boardwalk. 
"You're risking exposure! You know not to use your magic like that in front of people! What the hell are you thinking?"
His wide eyes stare at you, and once he sees how deadly serious you are, shame creeps into his features. "I'm sorry… I just wanted to practice using my magic… I got carried away…"
You can hear the sincerity in his words, but his recklessness has you on edge. A part of you worries about him doing something like this again. He's lucky as hell you're the one who caught him.
"San, you know about the threat… Not only from regular people but the -"
"Hunters. I know." Guilt is heavy on his face and you know he's just now realizing how serious this is. His eyes meet yours and you can see the fire burning behind them. "I seriously won't ever do anything like this again. I promise."
Unsure, you bite your lip and search his face. The elders will undoubtedly find out about this, but you won't be the one to tell them. You remember what it was like when your powers came to you, and it took everything in you to not experiment with them. You understand the struggle he's going through all too well.
"Okay… I believe you."
A relieved smile creeps onto his face, and you can see that he wants to gush about what he just accomplished. Fighting to keep the smile off of your face, you nod.
"Go ahead."
"Did you see what I did?" He exclaims excitedly. "I made the entire boardwalk flicker! I wasn't even trying…"
You let him carry on for a few minutes, enjoying this new step in his magical journey. From now on, you'll just have to keep an eye on him, and inevitably protect him when he gets carried away again
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spaceskam · 2 years
cor aut mors
Summary:  Choi San dies and Wooyoung isn't about to let him stay that way, regardless of how Seonghwa feels about it.
Pairing(s): Jung Wooyoung & Park Seonghwa, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa
Tags: character death, witch au, mentions of violence, grief, resurrection
for day 1 of whumptober, prompt no. 1 “this wasn’t supposed to happen”
Seonghwa had been the acting Supreme for the last ten years, keeping the peace that his predecessor hadn’t been able to and teaching young witches the way of the world, when things inevitably began to unravel.
On the 10th anniversary of him killing his Supreme and taking the reins, Park Songhwa was woken up to the sound of a phone call that had caused all the blood in his body to run cold. Two hours after that, he was staring at the unnaturally still body of Choi San laying under a sheet in the basement, awaiting a proper witch’s send off. A spell had gone wrong, curiosity getting the better of him and experimenting in things he shouldn’t have without supervision, and now this was where it had gotten him. It was the first Novice to die under the care of Gurim School of the Arts in a decade; the first Novice to die under the care of Park Seonghwa.
The guilt would’ve eaten Seonghwa alive, most likely, if it wasn’t his constant state already.
“Hyung,” Wooyoung whispered, clinging to his side as he stared at the lifeless form, “I don’t‒We thought‒He just‒ Hyung.”
Seonghwa held Wooyuong as he cried, shushing him as he tried to stabilize himself enough to tell Seonghwa what happened only to spiral again before he could get it out. It could easily be added to the list of the worst 30 minutes of Seonghwa’s life.
Or, it was, until the next 30 minutes happened and bumped it right off.
“Hyung,” Wooyoung said, head popping up and eyes painfully wide and bloodshot, “You have that book of spells under the floorboard, don’t you?”
Nausea tightened in Seonghwa’s stomach.
“Wooyoung-ah,” he said softly, petting his head, “We aren’t using that.”
“But why?” Wooyoung asked. It wasn’t often that Seonghwa was reminded that he was still so young and had so much to learn, he acted so sure of himself, but it was so clear in this moment that he wasn’t ready to be on his own. “Why can’t we? Why is he not worth it?”
“Wooyoung-ah,” Seonghwa said, grabbing his face gently so he would look at him, “It’s not that he’s not worth it, don’t say that. You know I would do anything to change this if I could.”
“But you can! You have a book with a spell that can bring him back and we’re wasting time!” Wooyoung argued. Seonghwa didn’t loosen his grip, didn’t let him move or look back to where San laid. It was the hardest thing Seonghwa had done in quite some time. “Hyung, please. Please. Do this and we’ll never ask you for anything ever again. I’ll be on my best behavior and I’ll be a good Novice and I’ll‒I’ll do whatever you want, please. ” 
“Do you know why I won’t let you use that spell?” Seonghwa asked softly, wiping tears off his cheeks, “Because whatever that spell brings back, it won’t be San. It will be something violent and angry and untamable. It will be resentful, but with the power of a very passionate witch, do you understand why we can’t have that? It won’t be our San, and it will hurt so much more when we have to do something about it then. Trust me. Trust that I just want to keep you safe and you don’t want to experience that.”
Wooyoung’s bottom lip quivered and he sniffled, beyond distraught. And Seonghwa understood and wished there was something more he could do, wished that this was any other day with any other mishap. Why couldn’t it have been like when Yeosang accidentally singed his eyebrows off or when Hongjoong had sneezed mid-spell during their own training days and caused a power outage? Why did it have to end like this?
Why couldn’t Seonghwa be a better Supreme and know what was going on with his Novices?
Seonghwa pulled Wooyoung’s head to his shoulder, holding as sobs took over him again. And this was just the beginning. He’d have to break it to the others, to San’s parents who had taken a chance on him because he’d finally begun to change the bad name the past three Supreme’s had given this school, to his council who would no doubt look at him with pity because why did he think he could fix the curse this place must’ve had. He had to let down Hongjoong and all the promises they’d made.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. He made me promise I wouldn’t do anything stupid to get myself killed. Me. I promised. I didn’t think he needed a promise like that,” Wooyoung confessed, “He always took it so seriously, I never thought…”
Seonghwa let him cry until he ran out of tears and let him bounce back and forth between painful silence and anger and begging and sweet stories of them meaning to be together forever and travel the world. Seonghwa didn’t cry even though he wanted to. He stayed strong. He had to.
“Come on, go get some rest,” Seonghwa eventually said when Wooyoung’s eyes started to close once the events of the night finally began to catch up with him. Wooyoung shook his head. “Please. It’ll do you some good.”
A few more moments of persuasion later, Wooyoung stood up and made his way to San first. Seonghwa watched with a heavy heart as he kissed his forehead and pulled the sheet up to his collarbone in an effort to keep him warm and covered. Tears brimmed Seonghwa’s eyes, chest unbearably tight, and he blinked them away for his own wellbeing. 
Seonghwa pulled Wooyoung out of the room and locked the door behind them, sealing it with a spell to keep everyone out. As much as he trusted his Novices, he didn’t trust the power of grief. San was loved in life and there was no doubt in Seonghwa’s mind that Wooyoung wouldn’t be the only one wanting to try their hand at bringing him back.
“Go back to your room, alright? Get some rest,” Seonghwa told him, gently pushing at his back towards the stairs. Wooyoung went up them in silence and Seonghwa was, for once, thankful that he had made the wise decision to room Wooyoung with Yeosang. Maybe it would hurt less not having to see San’s empty side of the room.
“Shh,” Hongjoong shushed, laughing softly as he scratched at Seonghwa’s scalp and furthering his descent into becoming putty in his hands, “Let’s not get caught.”
Seonghwa pouted and Hongjoong just smiled at him, pressing his thumb into his bottom lip before kissing him again with his thumb in the way. Seonghwa let his head fall to Hongjoong’s shoulder once the kiss ended and wrapped his arms around his middle. Hongjoong held the back of his neck, rubbed his back, rested his head on his, touched him everywhere he could.
“You’re going to be a great Supreme some day.”
They were sitting on the bathroom floor with the shower going to cover the sound of them speaking. It seemed like one of the only places within the house they could be sure they wouldn’t be overheard, even though they still had to whisper. It didn’t stop it from being one of Seonghwa’s favorite places.
Hongjoong made a face, nose scrunched up and lips downturned in disgust. Seonghwa’s gut twisted with adoration and he couldn’t help but squeeze Hongjoong’s ankle.
“I don’t want to be a Supreme,” Hongjoong said. Seonghwa lifted his head and tilted it in intrigue because he most certainly thought he did. “I hate this whole system, Seonghwa. That title goes to people’s heads in the worst way. I want to be a leader in the way that I’m trusted and looked up to, but not in the way that they’ll have to hide in the bathroom just to talk. When I take over, I just want them to call me hyung and feel safe to call me when things get bad instead of hiding. I don’t want to contribute to the low life expectancy of witches these days.”
Seonghwa nodded, chewing the inside of his mouth to keep from smiling too wide. He wasn’t sure how much that helped. He was sure the adoration and awe was clear on his face. Especially when Hongjoong rolled his eyes and shoved at his chest.
“Stop making fun of me.”
“I’m not,” Seonghwa said, “I think you’re incredible. I want to see you make it happen and I’ll be right by your side the whole time.
“Promise?” Hongjoong said, holding up his pinky. Seonghwa grinned and linked his with it.
Hongjoong leaned forward to put his lips on the side of his hand and Seonghwa followed suit, staring at him over their linked fingers. It was all too easy to see a brighter future, one with freedom and comfort and safety and actual change when he looked into Hongjoong’s eyes. It was all there. Potential and passion and dedication. He would make a difference. And Seonghwa was going to support him every step of the way no matter how hard it got.
Their hands slowly dropped, allowing them to close the space between their lips in a soft kiss. Hongjoong grinned against his lips and reached for his thighs to tug him in closer before deepening the kiss. Seonghwa went with ease, draping his arms around Hongjoong’s shoulders. It was comfortable and familiar to have Hongjoong’s hand in his hair and playing with his clothes. 
He never wanted to go a day without him.
One by one, his Novices came down for breakfast with sleepy faces, making their plates and taking a seat at the table. Seonghwa waited until he counted every single one, every designated seat full with two exceptions.
“I don’t mean to start your days off badly, but I don’t want anyone to think I’m hiding anything. So I have some unfortunate news,” Seonghwa said, slow and deliberate like he’d been practicing. Which he had, desperate to find the right words.
All of their attention was on him.
“Is Councilman Ahn coming to visit again? Because last time I think I upset him so I don’t know if I should be here when he does come,” Mingi said. Yunho flicked him in the arm.
“Maybe don’t put frogs in someone’s boots every night for a week.”
“He said he was immune to our spells, so I wanted to see if it worked on conjured frogs and it didn’t!”
“ Why would it work on conjured frogs?”
“Guys, please,” Seonghwa said, unable to be quietly charmed by their antics. Not when there was a body in his basement and a heartbroken witch upstairs, “Last night, San tried to perform a complex sealing spell on his own and something went very wrong. I did what I could, but he didn’t make it.”
The room fell completely and utterly silently. Looks shared between them and then with Seonghwa, all like they were expecting it to be a cruel joke. It wasn’t. 
“So you mean…” Yunho said, blinking up at him owlishly, “...you mean my San? My roommate San?”
Seonghwa swallowed and nodded quietly, that aching guilt crawling up his throat.
Without another word, Yunho pushed his chair back and was stomping up the stairs. Mingi waited all of two seconds before running after him. Seonghwa didn’t try to stop them, didn’t feel he had any right to.
“Seonghwa hyung,” Yeosang said softly, “Where’s Wooyoung then?”
Seonghwa took a deep breath to reorient himself. “I sent him up to your room to rest, he had a long night.”
“But he wasn’t there when I got up,” Yeosang said, “I thought he had maybe spent the night with San, but…”
For the second time that morning, Seonghwa felt his heart drop to his feet.
“What do you mean he wasn’t there? He never came back into the room? Maybe he took a shower,” Seonghwa said, looking around the room. There seemed to be a unanimous agreement that no one had seen or heard a peep from Jung Wooyoung since last night. Not in any of the dorm rooms or bathrooms.
And then Seonghwa realized he hadn’t gone back to his own room‒where that book Wooyoung had been wanting was stashed. The book he gave up requesting quite easily.
Seonghwa ran.
He got to his room in record time, nothing obviously out of order, but the room all but reeked of Wooyoung’s magical signature. He was still learning how to conceal it and, well, in this situation, he clearly had no motivation to try. The panic rose even more within Seonghwa as he rushed to the basement door, so many thoughts fighting in his mind over what was the worst thing happening. His reputation would be tarnished, all of his hard work to create a safe place for Novice witches and would be discarded, he would have to put down the beastly shadow that was once Choi San, he’d have to deal with the repercussions of Jung Wooyoung’s second round of heartbreak.
He would have to relive the last thing he wanted to experience again.
The door to the basement was sealed shut, but not by his own seal. That had been crushed and doubled over with something stronger and maybe Wooyoung had been learning things from San. He specialized in binding and sealing‒a tricky artform once you got past the basics and something that led to his inevitable downfall.
After a few attempts to break the seal, Seonghwa finally managed to get the door opened, but a few of his Novices were already beside him and following him and he didn’t have the mindset to tell them to go away. He just needed to stop Wooyoung before things got out of control.
“Stop!” he yelled as he reached the basement floor, “Wooyoung, stop . Don’t do this.”
But Wooyoung was already sitting cross-legged on the table beside San, the forbidden book opened in front of him and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head as he drew upon his own magic to pull what was left of San back into his body.
Seonghwa stopped in his tracks, holding out his arms to stop any of his other Novices from getting closer to Wooyoung.
“Go upstairs,” he said slowly, “And seal the door behind you. Seal us in.”
There were a few confused and concerned noises, but Seonghwa shook his head to tell them he wasn’t taking no for an answer. Trying to stop Wooyoung now would cause irreparable damage to him, his mind and body and magic connection, something he wasn’t willing to do. But when San woke up, he didn’t want anyone in the way for what he would have to do.
They listened begrudgingly, taking the seriousness in him, and sealed them inside the basement.
Resurrection spells that were actually effective were hard to find and banned by the council a century ago. It didn’t mean it didn’t still happen, but it also meant all the spells capable of it were ancient and reckless and born of greed‒a recipe for disaster.
From what Seonghwa knew of this spell, from what he learned from his Supreme who had a fascination with it and had done extensive tests, if performed within six minutes of the deceased person’s last heartbeat, they would mostly be themselves. They would still have their personality and their morals and most of their memories, but typically the trauma from dying and feeling themselves slip away was too much to cope with. According his Supreme’s journal, only one of these people had been able to reacclimate while the rest eventually committed suicide.
Each passing minute after, less of that person would be able to be found. It would be nothing but fragments. Memories and personality traits and little quirks and certain emotions would be lost to the world, but their magic was something that could never be snuffed out, even the little bit held by non-witches, and their strongest held emotions and instincts would be pushed to the forefront. Every single time it was anger and rage‒it was a fact of people Seonghwa didn’t like to think about too much.
He most certainly didn’t want to see it in the eyes of Choi San, sweet and affectionate at his core.
Once the spell had been completed, Wooyoung was pulled back into himself and he blinked a few times, Seonghwa standing to the side and readying himself for whatever was about to occur. Something traumatizing, more than likely. Something that would make the council shake their head with knowing sighs. Poor little Park Seonghwa, too confident for his own good, repeating past mistakes.
“San-ah,” Wooyoung said, tilting forward in his fatigue. Seonghwa was impressed that he could still speak or hold himself up at all. From his Supreme’s journals, it was an exhausting process that would drain him completely. “Sannie, can you hear me? Are you cold?”
Seonghwa swallowed harshly as he watched Wooyoung touch San’s cheek, watched him press a kiss into his skin that didn’t hold the same elasticity as it should. He took a few steps closer to Wooyoung.
“Wooyoung,” he said softly, “Step off the table.”
“No,” Wooyoung said, nose resting against San’s skin, “I’m not leaving him again.”
“I just want to keep you safe, Wooyoung-ah,” Seonghwa said, letting his desperation show more than he wanted to, “I don’t want to lose anyone else.”
Wooyoung ignored him as he rested against San. Seonghwa just watched the still body on the table, waiting for the moment he began to animate. Waiting for the moment the anger filled every inch of his body, waiting for the moment he became a being of uncontrolled magic. Waiting for the look that haunted Seonghwa’s nightmares, the empty and hateful gaze of someone he cared for‒an all too familiar replication of the last straw that caused him to finally stop his Supreme.
“When he kills me‒and he will, you know how much I threaten him,” Hongjoong had told him late one night, curled against him in the tiny single bed, “I need you to kill him.”
“Stop saying things like that, I’ll keep you safe, we’re almost out of here anyway,” Seonghwa had said, fear suffocating his young body as he held Hongjoong closer.
“Be serious,” Hongjoong said, lifting his head to look at him dead in the eye, “It’s going to happen. I’m strong, but he’s still stronger. So when the time comes, I need you to take him down while he’s weak.”
“Joong-ah, I‒”
“Promise me,” Hongjoong had said, grabbing his wrist and squeezing so hard it hurt, “Promise me that you’ll stop him. That’ll be our only chance. He needs to be stopped. This has to end.”
“Okay. I promise.”
A week later, Hongjoong missed their planned date and Seonghwa had to do what needed to be done.
He didn’t want to do this again. He didn’t know if he could.
“Hyung,” Wooyoung whispered, voice broken and desperate, “Why isn’t it working? Why isn’t he waking up? I-I thought I did everything right.”
“It may have been too long,” Seonghwa said softly. He hoped and prayed to any being that might listen that it had been too long or that Wooyoung had done something incorrectly or maybe just wasn’t powerful enough to bring what was left of San back into his body. He didn’t want to go through this again.
Not for the first time since Seonghwa had taken over, he wished Hongjoong had been here to help. He would know what to do. He was always the better leader. 
“No,” Wooyoung said, “It’s only been a few hours! It can’t be too long.”
“Young-ah,” Seonghwa said, “Please. Maybe it’s a sign. We need to just give him a proper burial and‒”
Just like Seonghwa’s nightmares, San’s body flinched and silenced them both. He and Wooyoung held their breath as San flinched again and then again before beginning to shake violently. Wooyoung, reckless and refusing to listen like always, threw himself onto San.
“Wooyoung, get back!” Seonghwa said, moving forward to grab at the back of his shirt and pull. He wouldn’t budge. “Wooyoung, please. ”
“San-ah, can you hear me? Come on, San-ah, come on. That’s it, you’re so strong, you can do this,” Wooyoung cooed with a shaky voice, stroking his cheeks.
The shaking subsided. Which meant they had mere seconds before San lost control completely.
Seonghwa reluctantly let go of Wooyoung and took a few steps back, feeling for the pocket knife he kept on him and preparing himself. His heart was thudding in his ears and he just wanted to pull Wooyoung off, to hold him and say he understood and to beg him to get away. He didn’t want him to go through what Seonghwa went through. He didn’t want anyone to.
“Hi, baby, hi,” Wooyoung said as San’s eyes opened. Seonghwa swallowed hard and blinked away the tears in his eyes.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” Seonghwa had said, holding Hongjoong as his eyes slowly opened. Their Supreme laid in a pool of his own blood, Seonghwa having waited with foreign anger for the moment he’d slumped over after completing the spell to strike. It was almost too easy to take his life. Easy when he was vulnerable, easy when Hongjoong laid on the ground beside him with ligature marks on his neck. “I’m here, baby, it’s over. I-I told you I’d keep you safe, I told you I‒”
Except it wasn’t Hongjoong anymore.
Wild eyes locked on him, his best friend and partner long gone and instead angry, animalistic snarling taking the place of his beautiful voice. It hadn't even been that long. Hongjoong clawed at him with carefully manicured nails, digging into his face, refusing to stop or listen. It wasn’t Hongjoong.
It didn’t make it any easier watching the life drain from those eyes for a second time at Seonghwa’s own hand.
The scar on Seonghwa’s cheek ached suddenly, the last mark Hongjoong had ever left on him‒this one permanent and a reminder. Seonghwa was so sick of reminders. Seonghwa was so sick of the bad. Things had been going too well the last decade and although his bed was empty and a piece of him was dead and the grief was unpredictably suffocating, he had been so content. It felt good to make a change.
But apparently he never changed much at all if he was back in this basement with that same book and with a dead man rising.
“Wooyoung,” Seonghwa said, warning and desperate.
And like clockwork, San let out that all too familiar animalistic snarling that had Seonghwa’s body tense and running hot. He could feel his magic well up in him in his agony at this happening again , like a human bomb that would explode at any moment.
Wooyoung acted faster than Seonghwa had with Hongjoong, pinning San down with his own body. He pinned his hands above his head and pressed the toes of his boots into San’s ankles to hold him in place even as San struggled to be let go.
“Choi San,” Wooyoung said, tone even and firm. Seonghwa felt foolishly frozen in his spot. “Choi San, my Sannie, my love . I’m Jung Wooyoung and you are Choi San. You collect plushies and you like romance novels and video games. Your first spell was a mending spell you only learned because you ripped a shirt at school and you were scared of what your mom would say. Seonghwa hyung is in here with us, but the last place you were at was the cemetery on Oakwood Street. It’s warmer here than it was out there.”
Slowly, San fought him less and less, almost like he was listening, just the sound of Wooyoung’s sure voice and San’s erratic breathing. Even more dread crawled beneath Seonghwa’s skin‒a different kind, something worse that made him hurt.  
Wooyoung went on. “We’re currently in the basement at Gurim School of the Arts and it’s the building where we met. I came a few months after you and I still remember the first time I saw you. I just knew we were meant to be. Everyone knew it. We are supposed to grow old together and we are supposed to love each other until the end, until we die and our magic finds two new bodies to be born into and they’ll find each other and love each other just as much because you and I both know this didn’t start with us and it won’t end with us. But you promised me you would kiss me in front of the Eiffel Tower like cheesy tourists and you can’t leave me before then. Choi San doesn’t break promises.”
“Ch-Choi San,” San said, stilted and scared, but listening. Repeating. Speaking.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Wooyoung cooed, releasing one of his hands to stroke his cheek, “You’re Choi San.”
“Choi San.”
Seonghwa dropped his knife to the ground and tears welled up in his eyes.
“Your roommate is Jeong Yunho. You like to take cold showers and you sweat in your sleep no matter how cold it is or how little clothing you wear. Yunho freezes trying to keep you at a normal body temperature because he’s worried about what happens when a witch overheats,” Wooyoung said, laughing softly, “You are passionate and strong and talented. You’re one of the best witches I’ve ever met in my life and I have never been more proud of someone. I love you, I’m not ready to let you go yet.”
“Wooyoung?” San said, slow as he worked his lips around the word.
“Yes,” Wooyung said, “Yeah, that’s me. Good job, baby, you’re doing so good.”
There were very few things Seonghwa regretted in his life. One was believing his Supreme was a good person for as long as he did, another was not stealing Hongjoong away before their Supreme killed him. And now not trying to reason with Hongjoong more when he woke up, not trying to console him and comfort him, remind him who he was and soothe his fear. Because he was scared. Hongjoong was scared and Seonghwa had not thought twice about his Supreme’s findings, that whatever was brought back was not human. Because he was too stupid to try to save someone who meant the world to him.
Seonghwa fell to his knees, chest tight with horror and pain to a degree he wasn’t familiar with. His whole body throbbed and ached with the new knowledge. It was hard to breathe. He didn’t even try. A decade had gone by thinking he ultimately did the right thing even though it was hard, because things were peaceful and Hongjoong knew what was going to happen. And he couldn’t have been more wrong.
“Hongjoong-ah,” Seonghwa whispered, hand rubbing over his heart as his body shook.
“Hyung?” Wooyoung asked, looking over at him despite the fact that San was alive and breathing beneath him, “Hyung, are you alright?”
He shook his head no. He was far from alright. It wasn’t long before he was completely on the floor, unable to breathe and horrified with himself. A decade he’d told himself his actions were worth it. A decade of thinking he did what was best, all he could do.
A decade and he didn’t even try.
Seonghwa had never felt quite like this in his life. He'd done so many things he wasn't proud of, most of which he knew he did for a good reason, but this. How was he supposed to recover from this? 
He felt hands on him and saw Wooyoung's face hovering over him, eyebrows pulled together in concern. Seonghwa’s ears were ringing, the world around him spinning as his body throbbed and ached in ways he had no way to ration with it. He didn’t see a way he could ever cope with this. Maybe the council was right to doubt his ability to take over; he had never been able to think for himself. He’d always done as he was told. He could’ve had a lifetime with Hongjoong. Years of running a school together, years of falling into bed together, years of unbridled trust and love and safety‒all if he’d just thought for himself for one goddamn minute.
Hands were on him and Wooyoung’s face slowly came into view, leaning over him with his eyebrows pulled together in concern.
“Hyung, this is a weird way of punishing me for ignoring you and stealing from you,” Wooyoung said, voice drained despite the joke. It seemed like all at once he was hit with the fact that his Novices were here and that the one who’s body he had carried into his basement was alive again.
Seonghwa scrambled to his feet and headed towards San, forcing the horror of the situation to be forgotten. It had to be. He could deal with himself later. This wasn’t about him. It was never about him.
San was still, eyes closed and head lulled to the side, but his chest rose and fell with each breath. Proof of life. Seonghwa checked his pulse on his wrist and then moved his hand to his stomach, eyes closing as he channeled all of the pent up magic in his system to check San’s magic. It was noticeably lower than normal, but it was there and palpable.
“I used a resting spell because he was going to hurt himself with how scared he was, but he’s breathing,” Wooyoung said, pushing San’s hair back, “He’s alive. Hyung, that spell really works. I told you he was worth it.”
Seonghwa swallowed harshly and bowed his head.
“Wooyoung-ah,” Seonghwa said slowly, “All of the records from every time that spell has been performed, I don’t know if any of them had tried to remind them of themselves in that way. It was always assumed they were no longer themselves, no longer human, but… It has never crossed my mind until tonight that maybe they were just scared. And almost every time recorded, they were brought back by the person who murdered them, so of course they would be violent.”
“I don’t know how much I believe that,” Wooyoung said. Seonghwa looked over at him in question. “That every single time it was by the person who killed them. Like, that kind of spell is created to bring someone you love back and you don’t kill someone you love.”
Seonghwa thought of the ligature marks on Hongjoong's neck and the stab wound that followed. He thought of all the blood he spent hours scrubbing from his skin and sometimes still felt like remained. He thought of whispered 'I love you's with mischievous smiles knowing they were doing something their Supreme wouldn't approve of.
"I suppose," Seonghwa said.
"Hyung," Wooyoung said, bumping his shoulder into Seonghwa's but not really pulling away after. Wooyoung melted against his side within a couple seconds, fingers curling around his arm like a child. A reminder that he was still scared despite his bold move and his success; a reminder that Seonghwa was his Supreme. "What happens next?”
He would have to tell his other Novices that San was, in fact, alive. He would have to speak with the council. They would have to see what was actually changed in San, bearing with him as he adjusted after something traumatizing. He would need somewhere safe to adjust and heal; somewhere, hopefully, away from the council’s eyes. Seonghwa didn’t have time to punish himself for what he’d done‒he just had to be better for these people who looked up to him and needed him. As much as Seonghwa didn’t feel worthy of that position, he was always keenly aware that everyone who was worthy didn’t make it this long. Hongjoong didn’t make it this long.
He would have to do.
“I think we need to make some changes around here,” Seonghwa said.
“What kind of changes?” Wooyoung asked, mindlessly reaching out to put his hand on San’s chest right over his heart.
This was a new life. This was a second chance.
Seonghwa would do what he set out to do a long time ago.
“Have I ever told you about Kim Hongjoong?”
“I think you’re going to be a great leader,” Seonghwa whispered, nuzzling into Hongjoong’s chest, “I’m still here because of you. So are a lot of other Novices. You’re the only reason I haven’t begged my parents to pull me out of here yet.”
Hongjoong was quiet for a moment before he said, “Maybe you should.”
“Maybe you should beg them to pull you out,” Hongjoong said. Seonghwa lifted his head and looked at Hongjoong with furrowed eyebrows, confusion coursing through him. Hongjoong didn’t falter. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. We’ve already lost three people within the last month. Supreme Chu is getting a lot more bold and not caring if people catch on and I don’t think the council has any intention to remove him. I really, really don’t want you to be added to that list.”
“I’m not going to. And you aren’t either. We stick together, right? He can’t get us if we’re together. We’re going to make a difference here,” Seonghwa insisted. Hongjoong gave him that look, the one that belonged to someone much older and jaded than his age allowed, the one that said Seonghwa was naive and too hopeful.
“Seonghwa, if something happens to me, then, will you still make a difference?” Hongjoong asked him. Seonghwa wanted to argue, wanted to say that it would never happen so there was no point in talking about it. But he was familiar with that look on Hongjoong’s face, was familiar with the desperation.
“Yes,” Seonghwa said, “I will.”
He would.
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minkiverse · 1 month
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Part 2 - Kim Hongjoong - Park Seonghwa - Jeong Yunho - Kang Yeosang - Choi San - Song Mingi - Jung Wooyoung - Choi Jongho
A collection of Ateez fics that I think everyone should know about!!! This has been QUITE the project, but I'm so happy to have done it. Unfortunately not all my recs could fit on one post so there will be at least one other part to this list, as well as individual member lists. (i really thought i could fit them all on one post lmaooo) I hope you enjoy and support these authors!!
DISCLAIMER none of these works are mine and majority are MATURE 18+, please review all warnings before reading!!!
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✨ - My Favs
🔥 - Smut (MINORS DNI)
⛈️ - Angst
💗 - Fluff
🍑 - Humor
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Sway With Me - @luvt0kki 🔥⛈️ Sci-fi ✧ Ongoing
the world 🤌 the story 🤌 the SMUT 🤌🤌🤌 but truly this fic is such a fun take on a sci-fi adventure. im already obsessed with the mc, AND HER AND WOO'S CHEMISTRY?!?! off the charts sooooo good like 👏👏👏 the interlude has me a tiny bit nervous because now i know how well this author writes angst and yeah its gonna be a doozy 😩😩
Wonderwall - @atzfilm ✨🔥⛈️ Yandere ✧ Faerie AU ✧ Ongoing
i realized pretty quickly that yandere is much more popular in this fandom than in previous ones i've been in, so i never really read any. HOWEVER, i get it now i do lmao. this was the first one i read, and i was HOOKED like i couldn't stop reading! the story just like took over my brain, and i am thinking why am i sympathizing with the guys BUT I AM BECAUSE THEY ARE COMPLEX AND SO INTERESTING AND WELL WRITTEN!!!!! its hard to put into words how much i love this series
The Answer - @berryunho ✨🔥⛈️ Cult AU ✧ Ongoing
i genuinely don't think i've ever read a fic like this, and i mean that in literally the best way possible. i was STRESSED reading this like there are so many scenes that make me question everything, but like there is no one to trust about what is actually happening. idk if i'm making sense but this fic just needs to be read to understand the legit anxiety it gives me in certain chapters lmaooo😭😭
Deep Down - @seventhcallisto 🔥⛈️💗 ABO AU ✧ 9th Member AU ✧ Ongoing
this is just self indulgent fun AND THAT PEOPLE IS WHAT FANFICTION IS MEANT TO BE!!! like im just kicking my feet reading about this 9th member ateez finding out she's an omega!~ i'm having the TIME OF MY LIFE!
Into the Aurora - @honeyhotteoks ✨🔥⛈️💗 Idol AU ✧ Complete
this soooo quickly became my main comfort fic for ateez! like i have reread this TOO many times. sometimes i'll just revisit specific chapters, but i know the exact chapter number.... is that concerning? lmaooo~ but truly this is more than just a you date every member of ateez fic (WHICH ARE GREAT DONT GET IT TWISTED!!) but the more we learn of the mc the more i adore her and her relationship with the boys!! it's just a must read ok 👏👏
Inception - @remedyx ✨🔥⛈️💗 Dragon!Teez ✧ Royalty AU ✧ Ongoing
my brain is still stuck in this world tbh, like its maybe a bit embarrassing how many times i look at the map and moodboards and just vibe and think about this fic lmaoo! but honestly the world building is so thoughtful and its so easy to just immerse yourself in it which is amazing!!!!!!!
Dragon from the Window - @thelargefrye ✨🔥⛈️💗 Dragon!Teez ✧ Fantasy AU ✧ Ongoing
this collection of one shots, drabbles, headcanons, and world building i went through SO QUICKLY I WAS IMMEDIATLY OBSESSED. i am so genuinely invested in this story and how each member react to their connection with the mc!!!! ALSO the mc is a witch SO BIG BONUS POINTS!!!!~
like the moon - @sunmoonjune ✨⛈️💗 Warrior AU ✧ Clan Systems ✧ Ongoing
try not to cry challenge - FAILED, MULTIPLE TIMES 😭😭 this is major hurt/comfort, but its truly such a beautiful story!! i would do anything ANYTHING for gray!!!!! all of them deserve the absolute best in the world and i just adore them so much 🥹🥹🥹
Morning Mist - @mint-yooxgi ⛈️💗 Dragon!Teez ✧ Yandere ✧ Ongoing
another story with an mc that is just 🤌🤌🤌 like she is so badass i'm in love but also scared lmao,, but i think if you are new to yandere, this is a good starting point! like yes they are obsessed but not like terrifyingly so if that makes sense~
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This Night Together - @honeyhotteoks ✨🔥⛈️💗 Yunho x Reader x Mingi ✧ ABO ✧ Ongoing
listen i'm a bit of a slut for ABO fics and this one!!!! THIS ONE IS SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!!!!!! im like just in love with all of them not just yungi n reader but EVERYONE (except u minseok u bitch) like not only is the main plot so good but the side plots for the other members is just incredible,, i just love this story too ok if you see this author know that every fic they write is going to be a comfort fic for me 🥹🥹
Project Omen - @atzfilm 🔥⛈️ Hongjoong x Reader x Wooyoung ✧ Hybrid AU ✧ One Shot
Bouncy - @hongism 🔥Yunho x Reader x Jongho ✧ Mechanic AU ✧ One Shot
splish splash - @atozfic 🔥San x Seonghwa x Wooyoung x Yunho x Reader ✧ Swimmer AU ✧ One Shot
sharing is caring? - @byuntrash101 🔥Hongjoong x Reader x Mingi ✧ Idol AU ✧ One Shot
Untitled - @orgverse 🔥Seonghwa x Reader x San ✧ Idol AU ✧ One Shot
Untitled - @cheollipop 🔥San x Reader x Wooyoung ✧ One Shot
Threesome with Yungi with woosan watching - @k-hotchoisan 🔥Yunho x Reader x Mingi (San and Wooyoung) ✧ One Shot
one more rep - @cheollipop 🔥San x Reader x Wooyoung ✧ Personal Trainer AU ✧ One Shot
blue bird - @seonghwaddict 🔥💗San x Reader x Wooyoung ✧ Mafia AU ✧ One Shot
What's the Time, Mr. Wolf - @starlitmark 🔥Yunho x Reader x Mingi ✧ Hybrid AU ✧ One Shot
the good friend + the better friend - @byuntrash101 ✨🔥San x Reader x Mingi ✧ Idol AU ✧ Two Shot
as a sangi bias this fic changed my life maybe?!! the smut is just toe curling ESPECIALLY PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!! literally i could drool just thinking about this fic 🤤🤤 i need this to be my reality ASAP
Untitled - @ja3hwa 🔥Seonghwa x Yunho x Mingi x Reader ✧ Business (?) AU ✧ One Shot
knockout - @igbylicious 🔥San x Reader x Wooyoung ✧ Boxer AU ✧ One Shot
Untitled - @sanspuppet 🔥Hongjoong x Reader x Seonghwa ✧ One Shot
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥San x Reader x Mingi ✧ One Shot
Time of Love - @desayunho ⛈️💗 San x Reader x Wooyoung ✧ SMAU ✧ Complete
compromise - @cyberpxnk 🔥⛈️ Seonghwa x Reader x Yunho ✧ College AU ✧ Soccer AU ✧ One Shot
Untitled - @cheollipop 🔥San x Reader x Wooyoung ✧ One Shot
cheerleader - @byuntrash101 🔥Seonghwa x Yunho x San x Ming x Reader ✧ One Shot
from eden + Pt. 2 - @atzfilm 🔥⛈️ Seonghwa x Reader x Yeosang ✧ Vampire AU ✧ Two Shot
whichever way - @igbylicious 🔥💗 San x Reader x Wooyoung ✧ Neighbors AU ✧ Ongoing
Under the Comforter - @thelargefrye 🔥Seonghwa x Reader x San ✧ Idol AU ✧ One Shot
Double Trouble - @kitten4sannie 🔥 Wooyoung x Reader x Jongho ✧ Hybrid AU ✧ One Shot
What Should We Become? - @sluttywoozi 🔥💗 Yeosang x Reader x San ✧ One Shot
like a dream - @cheollipop ✨🔥💗 Yunho x Reader x Mingi ✧ One Shot
this is like so incredibly hot, literally all i need in life is to be in between these two men 😩😩😩 but it is also so sweet and both boys are so doting to the mc and the end!!!!!!!!!! so loving and cute and aaaaaaaaaaaa 😭😭😭
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ateez as royals who fall for you (hyungs, maknaes) - @eightmakesonebraincell 🔥⛈️💗 Royalty AU ✧ Scenarios
subby ateez - @seventhcallisto 🔥Headcanons
Ateez cumming too soon - @sluttywonwoo 🔥Headcanons
soft cuddles with ateez - @beenbaanbuun 💗 Scenarios
first kiss with ateez - @beenbaanbuun 💗 Scenarios
Ateez and pussy slapping - @kitten4sannie 🔥Scenarios
Bedroom Mishaps (hyungs, maknaes) - @seohwang 🔥💗 Scenarios
Ateez 'n free use - @seventhcallisto 🔥 Scenarios
Cupping their Cheeks - @yeorisanaxox 💗 Scenarios
Ateez as Exes + Pt. 2 - @kisshwa 🍑 Texts
Friends to Lovers Headcanons - @kpopnstarwars 💗 Scenario
boyfriend!ateez discovering you write smut - @eightmakesonebraincell 🍑 Texts
Ateez being overstimulated (hyungs, maknaes) - @ateezscupid ✨🔥 Scenarios
listen i just like sub!ateez a lot 😭😭 but like these are such a go too for me when i NEED some dom!reader content like it is so cute/hot/toe curlingly delicious 🤤🤤🤤
mtl of who would like choking - @sxcret-garden 🔥 Headcanons
texts when they think you’re asleep - @beenbaanbuun 💗🍑 Texts
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captain-joongz · 4 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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ot8/multiple members
♤ in the same class as ateez by @essenteez
◇ murphy's law by @atzfilm
alien!ateez, soulmate au
♧ into the aurora by @honeyhotteoks
idol!ateez x non-idol!reader
☆ inception by @remedyx
dragon!ateez, kings!ateez
♤ hotel california + paradise gardens by @mint-yooxgi
demon!ateez, yandere, supernatural au
◇ morning mist by @mint-yooxgi
dragon au, fated lovers
♧ deep down. by @seventhcallisto
a/b/o, idol au, 9th member au
☆ in love and lore by @shadowynn
demon!ateez, soulmates au, supernatural au
♤ dew drops at dawn by @sunmoonjune
demon!ateez, soulmates
◇ breed by @sanjoongie
alien!ateez, sexual experiments
♧ oh my *** by @ohmyamor
guardian angel!ateez
☆ first flight to hong kong by @byuntrash101
flight attendant!reader, kind of sex work, since reader gets paid
♤ circus by @lani-heart
hybrid!ateez, writer!journalist!reader
◇ wider by @seventhcallisto
9th member au, bf!ateez
♧ the best friend's code by @tenelkadjowrites
hongjoong, seonghwa x reader, best friends to lovers
☆ we ransacked the city by @tenelkadjowrites
hongjoong, seonghwa x reader, rich kids au, menaces to society united
♤ be the light by @written-in-flowers
seonghwa, hongjoong x reader, historical au, royalty au
◇ sex and embers and frost by @sanjoongie
dragon!seonghwa, san x bunny!reader
♧ between friends by @anyamaris
seonghwa, hongjoong x reader, best friends au
☆ my filthy boy by @potatomountain
bf!woo x reader x witch/hybrid!ateez, coven shenanigans
♤ compromise by @cyberpxnk
bf!seonghwa x reader x footballer!yunho, infidelity with a twist
◇ it's you by @holybibly
best friends to lovers, threesome
♧ sharing is caring by @ja3hwa
seonghwa, hongjoong, san x reader
☆ ateez as royals who fall for you (hyung line) + (maknae line) by @eightmakesonebraincell
♤ five for five by @bh-archive
hongjoong x san x chan x hyunjin x juyeon x reader
kim hongjoong
◇ red by @nateezfics
established relationship, public sex, bathroom sex
♧ forbidden fruit by @nateezfics
greek mythology au, hades!hongjoong
☆ deal by @hongism
roommates to lovers, sassy joong
♤ marigold by @yoongiseesawmp3
frat boy!hongjoong, best friends to lovers
◇ tell me to stop by @tenelkadjowrites
best friends to lovers
♧ declaration by @tenelkadjowrites
virgin!hongjoong, roommates to lovers
☆ shells by @last-words-ofashootingstar
mermaid!hongjoong, yandere
♤ project d by @setsugekka
exes to lovers, infidelity, racing au
◇ off the table by @setsugekka
established relationship, morning sex
♧ the dressing room by @imaginidol
idol!hongjoong, best friends to fucking (?) for "stress relief"
☆ paint me yours by @moonseonghwa
artist!hongjoong, fwb au
♤ ohmami by @bambikisss
bad boy!hongjoong, racer au (mentioned), best friends to lovers
◇ hideaway by @minisugakoobies
stoner!frat boy!hongjoong, strangers to lovers
♧ what lies beneath by @noramoons
siren!hongjoong, a little angsty but wholesome
park seonghwa
☆ better check twice by @essenteez
accidental nude au, brother's best friend!seonghwa
♤ attention by @tenelkadjowrites
camboy!seonghwa x inexperienced reader
◇ essence by @whatudowhennooneseesyou
siren!seonghwa, dark, yandere, mommy!seonghwa
♧ the thing about pretty boys by @wonusite
friends to lovers, seonghwa proving he got it
ATEEZ rec list pt.2 BTS, TxT, Stray Kids, Seventeen, NCT rec list
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sanjoongie · 4 months
𝔽𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕪 𝔽𝕚𝕝𝕥𝕙 𝔽𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝟚𝟜
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🥀These prompts are hosted by @thelargefrye and myself, masterlist can be seen here
🥀The following is a month full of Ateez smut. Minors, please do not interact. Various tropes and aus will be utilized as I see fit. This is both a challenge and treat for me as a writing, so I hope you can enjoy it with me!
🥀divider made by @cafekitsune on masterlist and all subsequent posts
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🥀Day One: Deepthroating- Wooyoung
🥀Summary: when yunho leaves wooyoung to work on assembling the ship himself, you're left to relieve the stress wooyoung has built up
🥀Day Two: Cheating / Creampie- Jongho
🥀Summary: in which you're assigned the alias as Jongho's wife and he takes that pretty fucking seriously
🥀Day Three: Mirror Sex- Hongjoong
🥀Summary: When you chant Bloody Mary in the mirror to get a glimpse of your future husband, you see the Grim Reaper instead, but those aren't mutually exclusive
🥀Day Four: Public Sex- San
🥀Summary: When San comes to you, the local wise woman (read rumored witch), to get a bullet wound dressed, he's also looking to convince you to let him under your skirts, and your heart
🥀Day Five: Dacryphilia- Yunho
🥀Summary: you guide your golden retriever hybrid boyfriend through his first time and you discover you have an affinity for his pretty face when he cries
🥀Day Six: Auralism / Sensory Deprivation - Mingi
🥀Summary: one the full moon, you play a game of Find and Fuck, where you hunt down Mingi with only the sound of his noises as he masturbates
🥀Day Seven: Voyeurism- Seonghwa
🥀Summary: Seonghwa, in pursuit of knowing your body better for breeding techniques, asks if you could show him how you pleasure yourself. The alien soon learns he likes watching you, like all the aliens do
🥀Day Eight: Experimental / Nipple Play- Yeosang
🥀Summary: after an unfortunate accident with your shears, you visit the doctor, only to be surprised by his magic. fate throws you into a blind date with the doctor and then your curiosity gets the better of you when the blind date develops.
🥀Day Nine: Praise / Long Distance Sex- Yunho
🥀Summary: when Yunho calls you one day, drunk and missing you, you let him guide you through some stress releasing phone sex
🥀Day Ten: Hate Fucking - Yeosang
🥀Summary: when you claim that Yeosang was a man of no emotions and Yeosang demanded you prove yourself right, a passionate and hot sex session follows
🥀Day Eleven: Somnophilia- Mingi 
🥀Summary: you make an agreement with your incubus friend that he can feed on you, if only while you’re sleeping
🥀Day Twelve: Mommy Kink - Wooyoung
🥀Summary: wooyoung is just a loser guy in the 2000’s and you’re the hot 2000’s girl that’s considering letting him go down on you… at a cost, of course
🥀Day Thirteen: Uniform - Seonghwa
🥀Summary: When your first mate successfully enacts a mutiny, you’re left with one simple task… to be his cum bucket
🥀Day Fourteen: Threesome / Ritual - San/ Hongjoong
🥀Summary: when San and Hongjoong decide to join your valentine’s day ritual, you get the surprise of a lifetime: a threesome!
🥀Day Fifteen: Femdom / Degradation - Jongho
🥀Summary: as the advisor to a strong lord, and the true power behind the powerful man, you often put Jongho in his place. He adores it, including summoning a certain knight to help, among other degrading acts
🥀Day Sixteen: Cockwarming - Mingi
🥀Summary: when you crave some time with one of your busy boyfriends, the compromise turns out to be everything you need with an unexpected surprise
🥀Day Seventeen: Body Worship - San
🥀Summary: San shows that you deserve to be spoiled like the queen you are, and why exactly he was the one chosen to be your first consort
🥀Day Eighteen: Size Kink - Jongho 
🥀Summary: When a particular mission causes you to almost tip over the edge from hero to villain, Jongho is the soothing balm to take your stress away
🥀Day Nineteen: Masturbation / Edging - Yunho
🥀Summary: Yunho decides the best way to stop you from beating him in a race to create the best app in a technology contest is to distract you... with his body
🥀Day Twenty: Soft Dom-Sub / Roleplay - Wooyoung
🥀Summary: when you decide the healthy outlet to a rumored lifestyle with your younger lover is in fact to play out a scenario of a woman cheating on her husband with the pool boy
🥀Day Twenty-One: Aphrodisiacs / Overstim - Hongjoong
🥀Summary: Hongjoong accidentally scratches you with his poisonous tail, and the results because of your mating and Seonghwa’s genetically-spiced saliva, are pleasurable for the both of you
🥀Day Twenty-Two: Double Penetration - Seonghwa/Yeosang
🥀Summary: Yeosang is in love with his best friend AND his best friend’s girlfriend. What he doesn’t know is you have a grand Master plan to bring you all together
🥀Day Twenty-Three: Breeding Kink - Wooyoung
🥀Summary: when you took Wooyoung in as a stray hybrid, you didn’t think about triggering his rut
🥀Day Twenty-Four: Pegging / Feminization - Mingi
🥀Summary: Mingi got all dressed up for you to fuck him with your strap-on
🥀Day Twenty-Five: Free Use / Spit Play - San/Seonghwa
🥀Summary: a new club is opened in the Choi’s territory, your newly required husbands, in your honor and you arrive with Seonghwa and San in order to christen it properly
🥀Day Twenty-Six: Tentacle sex - Yunho
🥀Summary: an incubus thinks you’re a tasty witch snack as a widow, and it’s about to turn your day around
🥀Day Twenty-Seven: Cuckolding - Yeosang/Jongho
🥀Summary: not every couple purchases an android just for the purpose of cuckolding your husband, but it was well worth it’s weight in crypto credits
🥀Day Twenty-Eight: Predator-Prey / Strength Kink - Hongjoong
🥀Summary: when you and your gaming friend learn about a glitch in one of your favorite games, you exploit it on an erotic level
🥀Day Twenty-Nine: Gangbang - ot8
🥀Summary: as the office pet, your duties after hours are completely different
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thelargefrye · 5 months
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THE YULE DRAGON … holiday one - shot ( 17+ )
pairing : poly!dragon!ateez x witch!f!reader
genre : dragon au, fantasy au, holiday au, fluff, angst
word count : 4.3k
warnings : language, mentions of dragon hunters, talks about death, light injury but nothing major, one death threat
suffer tag : @sanjoongie and for anon who asked about any new chapters
note : very excited to write this, so let me know what you think! also here is a link to what y/n's dress at the yule gala looks like!
the winter month draws near and the clan prepares to celebrate the yule dragon festival for the first time in years. knowing this is wooyoung's first one with an actually clan, you want to make sure everything is perfect.
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when you woke up in the morning, you noticed how snow had slowly begun to fall and lay on the ground. you also couldn't help but notice how the dragons around you seemed to have been in good moods. smiles on their faces as they walked around and some even greeted you with warm smiles.
when you arrived at the nursery, the hatchlings all immediately greeted you. most of them run up and tackle you to the ground.
"miss y/n! miss y/n! did you see the snow?" one hatchling, jiyu, asked and you couldn't help but laugh as you nodded and pushed some hair out of her face.
"yes, i did. very beautiful isn't it?"
"not as beautiful as you, miss y/n!" another hatchling, minjae, said. the other hatchlings couldn't help but agree with minjae and you couldn't help but laugh at them all.
"prince mingi said that we will be able to celebrate the yule dragon festival this year!"
"the yule dragon festival?" you remember wooyoung telling you about the holiday years ago when you first met. you can't help but feel excited knowing he's going to enjoy a real one this year.
"yeah! it's been years since the clan last held one," seeun says and that quickly catches your attention. years? you thought the holiday was a yearly thing?
"alright, little ones, let's go ahead and get ready for the day," mingi comes in and ushers the hatchlings away from you in order to gather them in a line so they could eat.
you push your curiosity down for later as you go over to help mingi with the hatchlings. you watch the hatchlings with a warm fondness as they eat and talk to each other, and the rest of the day goes by in flash with you and mingi taking care of the young dragons.
"miss y/n, have you ever experienced a yule dragon festival before?" one of the hatchlings asked as they were laying down for a nap. the question of one hatchling seemed to have caught the attention of a few others around you two.
"not a proper one with a true clan, but me and wooyoung used to do a small celebration before we came to the clan," you said as you remembered your time with wooyoung back in your cottage. you can feel your cheeks heat up as you remember the first time you both celebrated the yule dragon together.
"do witches have any special holidays?" another hatchling, siyu, asked.
"we do but they're not like the yule dragon one. we focus more on what we are thankful for and mourning those that have left us," you explain.
"that sounds sad."
"sometimes it is sad, but then you have to remember that even those that left this world are still with us in spirit. watching over and guiding us on the right path of destiny," you say.
"but miss y/n, you don't have to be sad anymore because you have all of us!" one hatchling said with the others immediately agreeing and you couldn't help but smile at all of them.
"okay, okay, everyone," mingi says as he comes in and immediately calming all the hatchlings down. "its time to rest, not get excited."
"but prince mingi," minjae says looking towards the tall prince, "don't you agree that miss y/n doesn't have to be sad anymore, since she has all of us now?"
"of course," mingi says as he bends down to pet minjae's head, "but miss y/n still has a right to miss those that she lost. we all do. now come on, everyone, time to rest!"
you can't help but smile at how some of the hatchlings groan at mingi's words, but nonetheless all lay down in their little nooks. you and mingi go through and make sure each hatchling is comfortable before you leave the nesting room.
you watch as mingi closes the door behind him before he's offering his arm to you. you take his arm with a smile as he escorts the two of you back to the main palace wing.
"i meant what i said though," mingi begins and you look at him with a raised eyebrow, "that you have a right to be sad about those you lost, but also know that hatchlings are right as well and that you have all of us now. the hatchlings, me, wooyoung, yeosang, the others, and even the clan. you have all of us."
"thank you, prince mingi," you say, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek and he smiles at you before quickly pressing his own kiss to your lips. "also," you speak up after you two continue to walk, "what did the little ones mean when they said its been years since you all had a yule dragon festival?"
"well... we haven't had one since hongjoong's parents and brother were killed. hongjoong didn't want to have a large one with the whole clan, so this is the first time in five years that we have celebrated it as such," mingi explains and you nod your head in understanding.
"what caused him to suddenly change his mind?"
"well you and wooyoung of course," you wanted to laugh at mingi's answer. more like just wooyoung, you think. you decide to remain silent as mingi guides you through the palace.
"this will be wooyoung's first yule dragon with an actual clan in years," you note as you notice many dragons setting up and decorating the palace corridors with festive decorations. you can't help but feel excited knowing that wooyoung will be able to experience the real thing after so many years of not having it with an actual clan.
your mind goes back to when you and wooyoung would celebrate together back at the cottage. both of you dressing up, decorating the cottage, and spending the entire night together. wooyoung taught you the dances that he learned. even when you weren't celebrating the dragon holiday, you would find wooyoung and yourself dancing and just enjoying each other's company.
"hey, mingi?" you caught the dragon's attention and he turns towards you as you continue to speak, "is there... a way i can help set up the festival?"
"oh! umm, i think so. seonghwa is usually in charge of things like this, but i volunteered to help him this time, so..."
"do you need help?" you ask, feeling an excitement bubble up in your stomach.
"of course you can help," mingi says, a wide smile on his face and you mirror his smile, beaming up at him. the two of you share a quick hug, mingi lets out a small laugh at your excitement, almost not expecting it.
"thank you," you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek before you are separating yourself from him. you notice the blush that covers his cheeks and ears and you have to stop yourself from pouncing on the tall dragon from how cute he is.
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as the next week goes by, you spend your time helping the dragons in the clan to decorate for the yule dragon holiday. at first some of the dragons were reluctant at accepting your help, but slowly and eventually they allowed for you to help with the decorations. sure they didn't trust you with the important stuff, but that was okay.
you only wanted to make sure everything was perfect for wooyoung, he needed to have the best yule dragon after everything he has done for you. you also wanted to make sure the clan had a good one as well, but wooyoung took priority in your heart.
"wow, look at these decorations, darling," yeosang's voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you look down from your spot on the wooden ladder to see your lover looking up at you with a smile. you finish hanging the silver garland before climbing down the ladder and yeosang is quick to press a loving kiss to your lips.
"thank you, me and the hatchlings made them," you say, feeling rather proud from how all the decorations have been turning out. many of the other clan dragons complimenting you on your hard work.
"you've been working so hard, a lot of the clan members are grateful for your help," he says as the two of you begin walking out of the grand hall, where the yule gala will be held tomorrow night. other dragons are busy around you all finishing up last minute details, with most of them stopping to bow at yeosang before scurrying away to finish their task.
"i have something for you, princess," he says once the two of you are out of the grand hall and you give him a confused look which only makes him smile. "it’s custom for everyone to wear special outfits, rather a little too fancy if you ask me, but people really enjoy it," he begins as the two of you continue to walk down the hall.
"and i bet you completely forgot to make sure you are prepared for the gala," yeosang teases and you felt yourself get flustered at his words. "but don't worry because you wonderful mate has taken care of you," he says as you both stop in front of your chamber doors. "i hired a seamstress to make you a dress and thankfully she managed to finish it in time."
"wait, yeosang– you... you didn't, you shouldn't have."
"but i did, and i wanted to. my darling, you have done so much, let me give you this," he says, cupping your cheeks before leaning over and kissing you. you feel yourself melt into the kiss as you press yourself closer to your lover, arms wrapping around his waist. the two of you only separate when you're out of breath and yeosang presses one last kiss to your lips before he's pulling away and opening the door to your bedroom.
when you stepped inside, you were completely shocked at the dress that rested on the mannequin in the center of your room. you had honestly never seen a dress more beautiful in your life and you felt yourself tear up because of it. you felt like you didn't deserve a dress as gorgeous as this.
"it's beautiful, yeosang."
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"you look absolutely beautiful, my fire," seonghwa says when he sees you walk into the grand hall.
the gala had been going on for several minutes, hongjoong lighting the ceremonial flame that burned in the center of the clan. you were amazed at the flame and its rather unique color, and mingi explained that this flame could only be lit by the leader of a clan and that it in order to celebrate the first dragon.
you honestly couldn't look away from the flame, almost like it was meant to entrance you.
"thank you, prince seonghwa," you said, bowing slightly to the eldest dragon prince. seonghwa could only smile as he took your hand into his before pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
"make sure you enjoy yourself," he says, not yet letting go of your hand. "i want a dance before the night is over."
"of course, your highness," you say, a small smirk taking over your lips before seonghwa is nodding and making his leave. he does unfortunately have other people to see and talk to.
your eyes scan around the grand hall, looking for the head of familiar red hair and you feel your heart skip a beat when you finally find him. wooyoung looked absolutely handsome in his outfit and you were glad to see that he matched the other princes. it made your heart flutter knowing that wooyoung was being accepted by the clan.
you made your way over to your first lover, your feet picking up speed when you two made eye contact. you felt like it had been forever since you last seen wooyoung – however it had only been a few hours. you had been so caught up in making sure the festival and gala were perfect for him that you had completely forgot to pay the red-headed dragon attention.
so you immediately wrapped wooyoung in a tight hug once you were close enough. wooyoung was quick to return the hug, holding you close to him as he inhaled your scent before pressing a kiss to your neck.
"my y/n, you look so beautiful," he says as he twirls you around, the white-silver fabric that was decorated with beautiful shimmering stars and moons. wooyoung had seen the dress, yeosang having shown him before you and he knew you would look beautiful in it. but of course, seeing you actually in it he was blown away by your appearance.
"are you having a good time, woo?" you ask, heart beating rapidly waiting for his answer.
"of course i am," he says with a smile, "mingi mentioned how you helped out with this whole thing. any reason why?"
"you, of course," you say, both your hands linking with his. "this is your first yule dragon with an actual clan in a long time. i wanted to make sure it was perfect."
"oh love," he says, gently pulling the two of you off to the side, "you didn't need to do that. it would have perfect no matter what because i'm celebrating it with you. back at the cottage... i saw the two of us as our own little clan. and the yeosang joined," wooyoung says and you can't help but laugh at his last comment. despite mating and bonding with yeosang, wooyoung still couldn't get over the other dragon coming in basically setting up camp in your little cottage.
"you love yeosang, don't try to fool yourself," you tease and wooyoung grumbles a little bit before rolling his eyes.
you were about to say something when the sound of a familiar tune filled the grand hall. you turned to see a lot of the people gathering at the center and began dancing. you noticed mingi pulling yunho behind him to the dance floor with many of the other dragons cheering for the two tall princes. following them, you see yeosang and san dancing and you were a little surprised at seeing the blonde guard dancing and smiling as him and yeosang looked at one another.
"wow, who knew san could smile," wooyoung says and you crack a smile before turning to your lover.
"shall we join them as well?" you ask and wooyoung nods before he's pulling you towards the dance floor and you two quickly fall into a rhythm of the dance. the music easily guided you as you and wooyoung danced, you felt your whole attention center in on your lover and it felt like it was just the two of you.
you got flashbacks to when you and wooyoung would dance in your cottage. how back then it really was just the two of you and no one else, but now you were surrounded by people that even if they all didn't welcome you, they welcomed wooyoung. and even if you didn't feel welcomed at first, you have mingi, yeosang, the hatchlings.
seeing wooyoung smile and laugh and enjoy himself made you feel like you were on cloud nine. even if he wouldn't say it out loud, you knew wooyoung enjoyed being a part of the clan.
you felt the music guide you and your thoughts, as the music began to slow down you found yourself and wooyoung also slowing down. wooyoung pulling you close to him, his arm coming to wrap around your waist to hold you close to him.
"i have you had your ceremony?" wooyoung suddenly asks, snapping you out of your happy daze. you knew immediately what he was talking about.
"not yet, i was waiting till after the gala was over," you say, feeling a lump form in your throat at knowing what you would have to do later.
just like dragons, witches also had their own traditions and such. not as public as the yule dragon, but more intimate to each witch. celebrating those that you left you in this world. wooyoung has been with you during this ceremony like you have been with him for his. you don't know how many nights you have fallen asleep, crying in wooyoung's arms because of all the witches that have died.
"do you want me there with you?" he asks, and it takes you a moment to think about it.
"no, i'll do it alone this time."
"are you sure?" you nod your head, you didn't want to ruin wooyoung's good time here with your own traditions and ceremonies.
when the music changed once again, you pressed a kiss to wooyoung before stepping away, telling him you needed some fresh air.
"let me come with you," he says as he starts to trail after you, but you stop him.
"it’s okay," you say, hand out to stop him, "i'll be right back."
you don't give wooyoung a chance to say anything as you're turning and making your way to one of the many garden doors that lead out into the courtyard.
once the cold air hit your skin, you let out a sigh as you made your way over to one of the stone benches that overlooked most of the courtyard and even down further into the clan. the yule flame burned brightly a short distance away and you couldn't help but walk over to it. the flame reminded you of the flame that you would light for the umbra ceremony.
the flame burned brightly and you almost felt like a moth from how you were being drawn to it.
which is how you found yourself in front of it. the noises from the grand hall behind you is like static as you look at the flame, letting it consume you. you got flashbacks to when you would set up a room of candles for the witches that you lost, the flame from those candles burning brightly into your mind.
"why are you out here," the cold voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you turn to look at hongjoong with wide eyes. the prince looks at you with a stern expression, his cold eyes burning into your body.
"i was just... just getting some air," you tell him, refusing to fully make eye contact with him.
hongjoong lets out a 'tsk' sound before he's coming to stand next to you, looking up at the flame. you're surprised by how close hongjoong, this is probably the closest he has ever gotten to you without trying to kill you.
"mingi told me how you helped decorate for the festival," he said out of nowhere after the two of you stood in silence. "i guess witches can be good for something," he adds and you feel yourself deflate at his harsh words.
"i did it for wooyoung," you said wanting to make it clear that you were only doing it for your first love and no one else. "this is his first yule dragon with an actual clan in years," you add.
"and i'm sure witches are the reason why he had gone for so long without experiencing one with a clan," he says back.
"perhaps," you say as you clench your fist together tightly, "but wooyoung is here now with a clan," you turn your head to look at hongjoong, taking in his form once more. his lavish outfit and vibrant blue hair standing out against the dark night. he was the epitome of what a leader of a dragon clan should be in the fact that he always had that air of authority around him. everyone respected him and if they didn't respect him then they feared him.
you, unfortunately, feared him more than you respected him. the dragon oracles say that you two are mates like you are with the rest of the princes, but you knew hongjoong refused to acknowledge you as his mate. you were a witch, the thing that killed his parents and brother and forced him to take the role of leader too soon. you wondered if you and hongjoong would ever get along.
you notice how the flame reflects against hongjoong's skin and then something hits you.
"please excuse me, prince hongjoong," you say suddenly before you are rushing past him. hongjoong doesn't say anything and you don't know if he watches you leave as you are too caught up in rushing back into the palace.
you run to your room, feeling out of breath as you enter your chambers you share with wooyoung before going over to the large trunk that rested at the foot of the bed. you quickly dig through the trunk and pull out a set of candles. all three a beautiful rose color and it reminds you greatly of your mother.
"what are these for mother?" you asked, looking up at your mother as she handed you the three candles. they were different from the ones you were use to lightly for the umbra ceremony and you wondered why she was giving them to you.
"these are special candles, y/n, i made them myself so you can use them when you need them the most," she explains, her voice seeming ever cryptic.
"when i need them the most?" you echo and she nods, a tight-lipped smile painting her features.
"they are for the one who will need to say goodbye the most."
you gripped the candles tightly as you raced back to the courtyard and was surprised to still see hongjoong standing there. somewhere deep inside wants you to believe he waited for you, but you know that's impossible.
"prince hongjoong," you say as you approach him. "i want to thank you for letting wooyoung into your home. i know that... you despise me and my people, you lost your parents and brother after all. and i know you probably don't care but i want to share something with you."
hongjoong turns to look at you, his face void of emotion as he watches you set the three candles down between the two of you. you crouch down, kneeling front of the candles as hongjoong stands towering above you.
"the umbra witches have their own ceremony, we light candles in order to remember those that have left us and this world. we do this as a way to remind us that while they have left this world physically, they are still here with us spiritually," you pause in order to take a deep breath, licking your lips before continuing.
"my mother made me these candles when she was still alive. she told me that they were for someone who needed to say goodbye, and... i think she made them for you."
"what the hell are you talking about?" hongjoong asks, voice full of surprise and anger. "i don't need any of you stupid umbra witch shit," he adds and you notice his fist clenches with his rage.
"please," you beg, voice straining as you plead with the prince, "take the candles, it will bring you peace, prince hongjoong."
you feel a sudden shock as you are grabbed by the collar of your dress. you're pulled up from your kneeling position, face dangerously close to an enraged hongjoong as he bares his teeth at you. in the moment you are reminded that you are at the mercy of a clan full of dragons whether you liked it or not.
"i will never," he jaw clenched tightly as he speaks, "ever, forgive your damned people for what they did to my family. my people. so don't think so damned candles will change that. you will never be my mate and just know that if it wasn't for yeosang and mingi that i would have burned you at a stake a long fucking time ago."
hongjoong waste no time in throwing you to the ground, your hands skidding across the stone pathway harshly and you flinch at the sudden burn of skin. you turn to see hongjoong's eye burning, like he will kill you if you say anything else to him.
you then watch him destroy two of the candles, his foot coming down harshly on them and you feel like a part of you is being ripped apart as you watch him. he's about to do the same to the last one, but you move and grab the last candle. the last one your mother made.
then without thinking you stand up and run away from the prince. you clearly made a mistake in thinking that you could get hongjoong to open up just a little bit. you felt tears begin to form in your eyes as you ran, clutching the candle close to your chest as you collapsed in the one of the many decorated halls.
you looked down at the candle once more, the image of your mother's smile flashing inside your mind as you caressed it. you knew this candle was for hongjoong. he was the one who needed to say goodbye to those he lost, but it was obvious that now wasn't the time.
"y/n!" the sudden call of your name makes you snap your head up to see yeosang rushing towards you. face full of concern and he drops down to the floor next to you. "y/n, what's wrong, why are you crying?" he brushes the tears away and you open your mouth to say something before a sob escapes instead.
you throw yourself into his arms and he arms them around you protectively. you hold your mother's candle close to you as you allow yourself to cry in yeosang's arms. yeosang doesn't say anything, only letting you cry as a comforting hand runs over your hair.
"it's okay, y/n, i'm here," he says softly, holding you closer to him. "whatever made you sad, don't think about it anymore, okay? cause i'm here to protect you."
and so the night comes to an end as you spend the rest of it in yeosang's arms, allowing him to hold you closely as you mourn for the loss of your mother and the hate hongjoong bares for you. 
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog @s0obinluvr @worcesheshestershiresauce @moonlightgrleric @wineyoungie @jeongwangjessmina @lemineso
network : @cultofdionysusnet @cromernet
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hee0soo · 11 months
Blood and Magic Pt. 2
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PAIRING — hongjoong x reader, WooSan, WooSanSang, Yungi, ateez x platonic!reader
GENRE — vampire au, witch au, afab!reader, vampire!hongjoong
Summary— In a world where the supernatural are part of our world, a witch manages to get into a lot more trouble than she expected....
WARNINGS — mentions of sex, Violence, attempted murder, blood, mentions of death, witches, coma
WORD COUNT — 14.3k
References used — TVD, Supernatural
Also posted on AO3
Part 1
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The apartment was empty when you got home!
Wooyoung and San were out spending time with Yeosang and you wanted nothing more than take a shower and watch some TV before you went to bed.  Having the place to yourself, was something you didn´t get often so you wanted to make use of it as much as you could!
After washing up, getting dressed in some comfy PJs and filling a wine glass with ice tea, you sat down on the couch. With your phone plugged into the outlet close to you, you put on a rerun of Kingdom: Legendary War, only for you to fall asleep after the second performance!
You were glad that you had seen it already with the boys but when you opened your eyes you shook your head, a little disorientated.
The clock on your phone showed you that it was way past 12 am!
You hadn´t heard the boys come in which would mean that they either, hadn´t come home yet or they had actually managed to stay quiet for one. The chances that it was the later, was zero to none!
To make sure you weren´t wrong, you got up, unplucked your phone, tried to navigate through the dark living room without hitting your knees or elbows against any of the furniture and checked their shared room.
It was empty, so you checked if San or Wooyoung had send a message into the group chat to tell you if they were going to stay with Yeosang.
You had a very bad feeling about the entire situation. They would often times stay out late, but one of them would always at least send a text to make sure you didn´t worry about them not being home!
Your last option for the moment was to reach out through the familiar-witch bond you and San shared. It felt a little strained but not like he was in any danger which was a good sign.
But it still left you very unsettled!
With a quick snap of your fingers, the light got switched on, illuminating the room brightly.
You began pacing through the living room, continuously thinking about what you could do at the moment. Since you weren´t at the shop and San had placed a strict work ban on the apartment, you didn´t have any of the things you needed for a tracking spell with you. Making it impossible for you to find them through it!
You felt a small tuck through the bond. It felt tight, like someone or something was stretching it without any care and with every minute passing by it seemed to become worse and worse!
The strain left you speechless and gasping for air as the bond was thrumming uncomfortably! You felt jittery as the clock soon showed 1 am and there was still no sign of the missing feline and fox!
You were close to panicking at this point, walking to the shop would take at least half an hour and not even as a witch you wanted to walk through the dark city of Seoul this early in the morning.
Instead you did the only thing that you could think of at the moment.
“What´s got my little witch awake at this time? Did you miss me alre-?” Hongjoong voice sounded through the speaker of your phone when he picked up at the 4th ring.
“Sannie and Woo didn´t come home!” You rushed out, cutting him of midsentence.
There was a moment of silence on the vampire’s end of the line before he answered.
“Wait for me, I’m already on my way!”
The line went dead and you dropped your hand holding the phone to your ear before sitting down on the couch.
It couldn´t be more than 10 minutes when you heard a knock.
Tears had gathered in your eyes that were starting to stream down your face when you opened the door for a slightly disheveled but still handsome looking Hongjoong. His face was bare from makeup for once and he was wearing a soft looking sweater paired with a black pair of jeans.
“Hongjoong i-“ you began. Your voice sounding shaky when you spoke up and it tugged on the vampires heart strings.
The way your usually calm and collected self was now close to tears and shaking in distress was nothing he ever wanted to see again! He liked the happy and smiling version of you he got to see every day, way better.
The one that flirted with him unconsciously without even realizing and that could handle his teasing and sassy self like nobody else! Well besides Seonghwa!
 “Okay my little witch, calm down and breathe for a second with me! Where were they planning to go?”
He took your face in his hands gently, wiping the tears that had fallen and were now wetting your cheeks away with his thumbs. It was a comforting gesture that you appreciated immensely.
Basking in the comfort he gave you, you took a deep breath to calm yourself enough to answer.
“Yeosang, they wanted to hang out with Sangie but I don´t have his phone number, I don´t know where he lives and the familiar bond is starting to hurt a little with the way it´s straining…” you trailed of, swallowing down a sob.
Hongjoong pulled you in for a tight hug.
At this moment it felt like he was holding together the pieces of you that threatened to break off. Just the thought of losing the other half of your soul or his soul mate was scaring the shit out of you.
You could clearly remember the time as a child where you had thought San had ran away from you, just days after you two had officially bonded with each other.
The bond had been unstable to begin with because it was so fresh but it still hurt like hell! You were bedridden for days as high fevers and hallucinations were making it impossible for you to even eat or use the bathroom without your parents help!
And all because the sweet little kitten wanted to get you some flowers from the field close to your house, only for him to get lost on the way home!
San had refused to leave your side until you got better when he got back. Curled up at your side, hissing at your parents anytime they got to close for his comfort, he had made sure you were safe and protected!
Hongjoong, having his arms wrapped around your pajama clad figure, could already feel your skin starting to heat up as an effect of the bond being threatened by something.
He found it fascinating how San has had an entirely different but yet the same reaction to these situations than you had!
“I will call Yeosangie and see if he´ll pick up. If not, we´re gonna drive over and check it ourselves, does that sound good?” Hongjoong whispered into your ear.
You could only nod, barely registering what the male said while at least a hundred worst case scenarios were playing in front of your inner eye.
Hongjoong released his hold on you to fish out his phone from his pocket. His hand found yours to pull you towards the couch where you had slept until recently.
The phone rang a few times only for it to reach the mailbox. Tears continued to fall from your lower lash line as the merman didn´t answer his phone.
“It´s 2 am, maybe he didn´t hear it right?” you questioned shakily, trying to talk yourself into believing it yourself.
Hongjoong dialed the other boys number again put he still didn´t pick up.
He tried a 3rd time. Still nothing!
The vampire watched as you whined in worry for your friends and he himself couldn’t deny that he wasn´t getting a little nervous himself.
“Get dressed and meet me at the door. We´re driving to Yeo´s place!”
You quickly jumped up and raced into your room, only for you to come back out dressed in sweatpants and a shirt you had stolen from Wooyoung a while ago and a leather jacket you only now realized belonged to Hongjoong himself!
He had let you borrow it some time ago when you weren´t feeling to well, shivering every time the door to The Utopia was opened. Only now you found that you were wearing it regularly in front of him and that he had never asked you to give it back to him.
Slipping on your converse, you grabbed your apartment keys and phone to join Hongjoong who was already waiting at the door for you.
The bond had muted down by now and felt like it had never been strained at all, but you still weren´t calming down! You couldn´t, the fact that it had felt like that in the first place was enough for your nerves to still go haywire!
You tried to hide the trembling of your hands from Hongjoong, wanting to it least seem a little composed in front of him but the vampires saw right through it.
“Don’t do that.” He said gently as the two of you walked to his car.
“Do what?” you croaked, wincing at the way your voice cracked.
“Act strong when you don´t have to be. It´s okay to cry, I won´t judge you.”
Hongjoong eyed you from his place beside you, sneaking his fingers back between yours, letting go when you reached the car only for them to be clasped back together when you were seated in the passenger seat.
Your hand was tightly holding onto his like it were your lifeline, saving you from drowning in your thoughts!
A sleepy and disheveled Yeosang opened the door after you had rang the doorbell for the 5th time.
“Huh, y/n? Hyung? It´s half past 2, almost 3 in the morning, what do you want for Poseidon’s sake?” he whine, sleep evident on his handsome face.
It took him a second to process the wet shine of your eyes and worry etched into your form. His eyes were flitting over to his Hyung.
The vampire was looming protectively behind you. Almost like he was ready to attack anything that might came close to you if given a reason.
Had the situation not been so severe, the merman would have laughed at the obviously fond look he was giving you before they turned serious as Hongjoong looked at him!
“We-we´re sorry Sang-ah but Woo and San didn´t come home and I haven´t heard from them since yesterday morning! They were going to hang out with you and when you didn´t pick up Hongjoongs calls we came over to check if you knew where they might have gone to…”
Yeosang wasn´t phased in the slightest at the implication that you had called the vampire in your obvious distress.
Honestly how dense can someone be?
“Uhm they´re still here actually… I guess they forgot to text you that they were staying over?”
You froze in your tracks and you weren´t able to form a clear thought as you starred at the sheepish looking male!
They had been at Yeosangs the entire time?
“They are here? Both of them?” Hongjoongs voice was dangerously serious which made the merman gulp nervously all of a sudden.
The vampire’s short temper flared up at the new piece of information. It wasn´t just that he was mad on your behalf, but that he too had worried quite a bit about the vanished duo of familiar and hybrid!
You were still stunned to silence.
“They are… sleeping in my bedroom… right now?” the boy stammered, neck and ears turning red at the admission.
“Do you maybe want to come in and I’ll go wake them?”
He stepped aside to let you in. Hongjoong pushed slightly at the small of your back to get you to step in and shake you out of your stupor.
“But- if they´ve been okay this entire time… Why did the bond between me and San feel so incredibly tense?” you whispered, not being gable to process that they were indeed okay until you´ve seen them with your own two eyes.
“Well we were-“ Yeosang stopped his explanation to think carefully about his next words while running his hand through his white hair.
“We were fighting pretty badly earlier and it might have transferred a fraction of what he was feeling into your soul bond. We all were upset…”
With that Yeosang left you and Hongjoong to go wake the other two.
You didn´t know what to feel at the moment. On one hand you were glad that Wooyoung and San were apparently save the entire time, on the other hand you could feel yourself getting upset at the boys neglect to tell you if they were staying out.
Both of them were adults but this was one of the few rules you had as roommates. Everyone knew when someone was going somewhere to prevent situations like this from happening. The fact that this was a chain of unlucky events however did nothing to sooth you!
The vampire by your side sensed the inner turmoil you were facing and stepped in front of you.
“y/n?” Your name was whispered but it held so much emotion that you could only hug him tightly. Clinging to the only constant of this night, which was Hongjoong.
The vampire pried you away from his chest, only for him to lift your face with his pointer finger placed under your chin and thumb placed just barely underneath your lower lip.
“They´re okay!” he muttered.
“They´re okay…” you repeated and starred into his eyes.
None of you heard the shuffling in the next room until the door opened and a tired and guilty looking WooSan entered followed by Yeosang.
You looked over to them. Face turning to stone and Hongjoong was almost scared of the switch from vulnerable to business
“y/n? Hyung? What are you doing here? It´s almost 3 am?” San questioned. So Yeosang hadn´t explained why you were here. Good to know.
“I know San and do you want to know how I know that? It´s because I woke up in the middle of the night with you two GONE! No text! No Call! Nothing! And the best part was, our soul bond tightening so that I thought something happened to you! I couldn´t even reach any of you two!”
You had a hard time not screaming at his confused face, knowing that it wasn´t entirely their fault and you didn´t have any details on the fight that had occurred but the fear you had felt all night made you sensitive.
The felines face fell at you’re shaken up form and his eyes found yours.
San knew you like the back of his own hand and to him, your moods and facial expressions were something he knew by heart! That´s why he knew that the serious expression you were wearing was a well built facade you were hiding behind to not reveal what was really going through your mind.
Fear for their safety, Anger because they didn´t text, confusion because  of the fight you apparently knew about and Relief and happiness about them being okay.
Wooyoung had stepped around his boyfriend to attach himself to your side, apologizing over and over again. You couldn´t help but relax a little at the foxes sad whining.
Your familiar slid over to where you stood, still glaring at him.
He could understand why you looked ready to throttle him as he had felt the same thing just a week or so ago when you had let Hongjoong feed from you!
“Woo and I are okay. I´m sorry we didn´t call or text, we were…” with a side eye and a heavy sigh into Yeosang direction, San continued.
“We were a little emotional earlier and that may have leaked through the bond a little. I´m sorry, we never wanted to worry you!”
“Why didn´t you pick up your phone when we called?” Hongjoong voiced from where he stood, glaring at all 3 boys but ultimately happy that nothing happened to them.
“Mine´s silent at night.” Yeosang explained, looking a bit like he got ripped out of his thoughts as it took him a few seconds to answer.
“Mine´s at home and on silent.” Wooyoung whined into the crook of your neck.
“Mine died earlier?” San guessed and scratched at his scalp looking flustered.
You didn´t know if you wanted to hit them all collectively or hug them and never let them go again!
By now, your nerves had settled down again.
“Never do that to me again you two! I don´t think I can handle that once more!” you pinched Wooyoungs cheek teasingly and looked at San who had wrapped his arms around you and Wooyoung to nuzzle his face into your hair.
The two boys hugged you tightly before you softly pushed them away to step back, only to bump into Hongjoong who had stepped closer without you noticing.
His hands found their way to your waist, stopping you from stumbling and you felt your neck and ears heat up at the sudden touch.
“Well since you´re okay, I guess Hongjoong and I can leave now right?” you questioned, seemingly unsure as you looked at Wooyoung who had now latched himself onto Yeosang.
“We´ll talk later when we get home?” the fox asked hopefully.
“We´ll talk and cuddle as much as you´ll let me Youngie!”
Wooyoung and San seemed happy with your answer and when you let Hongjoong pull you out of the apartment, they were a bit reluctant of letting you leave just like that! What they were grateful for was the fact that the vampire accompanying you, did not look ready to just leave you alone without making sure you were okay and safe at your apartment!
Once the door had closed behind you, you leaned against the wall right next to it as various thoughts were clouding your mind. All revolving around the same thing!
Your boys were save!
“Are you okay love?” You turned your head to look at Hongjoong.
The vampire looked unbelievably soft with the way he was watching you, worried that might crash now that the adrenaline of the night slowly ebbed away and tiredness came knocking on your metaphorical door.
The nickname was new but not unwanted in any way. It made you feel giddy on the inside, adding one more emotion to the many you were feeling already.
It seemed that Hongjoong hadn´t realized that he had called you that tho so you choose to not make a smart comment on it and just nod hesitantly.
“Hmm, tonight was… A lot.” You stated, pausing in between your words.
“Let´s get you home and to bed my little witch. I´ll tell Jongho and Mingi that you´re gonna come in a little later so you can sleep in.”
Nodding, you thanked him and followed the vampire back outside.
The drive home was quiet which gave you the chance to nap a little before you got home.
Hongjoong kept looking over to your sleeping form in his passenger seat. The serene expression on your face brought a smile to his lips. It made him happy to know that you felt save enough to fall asleep in such a close proximity to him, a vampire that could easily kill if provoked!
He found the way your nose scrunched up slightly, incredibly cute and the way you softly snored next to him made him feel like he had just gotten a fresh, still warm bag of his favorite blood type!
The vampire shook his head to try and chase the fond thoughts he had about you away but it was futile! His mind was solely focused on you and his soft spot for you.
The car came to a halt when they parked and the engine got cut off. Hongjoong didn´t want to wake you but he also didn´t want to search for the keys in your pockets only for you to wake up while doing so!
Unbuckling your seatbelt he shook your shoulder gently to wake you.
You muttered something he didn´t quiet catch but in the end you stumbled out of the car, just barely preventing yourself from falling face first onto the pavement of the sidewalk.
“Careful there my little witch! No need for you to get hurt now huh?”
“hmm yeah…”
The male had to hide a snicker. He was sure that even half asleep you would try to get back at him for it!
10 minutes later, the vampire had removed your shoes and his jacket you were still wearing and tucked you into your bed. It looked to him like you were already deep asleep again but when Hongjoong turned, he was startled to find your hand wrapped around his wrist, preventing him from leaving.
Looking back at you, Hongjoong found you blinking blearily at him.
If it wasn´t for his supernatural hearing he wouldn´t have heard your whisper at all.
Surprised by the sudden question, his brain short circuited for a moment and he had to take a second to process your request.
“Please?” you continued when your sleep ridden brain realized that the vampire was frozen in place.
Surely it wouldn´t do any harm If he laid down with you, right?
So that´s what he did? Hongjoong signaled for you to scoot over and make some space for him.
The male kicked of his own shoes, pulled of the sweater he was wearing and laid down next to you. His jeans were discarded and joined the rest of his clothes on the floor.
It left him in standing in his underwear and shirt which surely would result in teasing if you were more awake but that was something he didn´t mind. Knowing that the banter you two had was always in good nature!
What surprised him however was the fact that as soon as he had gotten comfortable, you curled up at his side! Arm thrown over his waist, legs tangled with his and your head tucked into his chest!
His right hand started running through your hair, before resting at the nape of your neck; thumb still stroking over your skin while his left one found the small of your back!
Hongjoong could feel your breath against his skin slowly even out as you fell back asleep and he found himself pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head.
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When you woke up later that day the sun illuminated the room brightly. The bed was empty and you couldn´t help but be disappointed to see that Hongjoong had already left!
Letting out a sad sigh, you threw the blanket off of you just to stay seated on the mattress for a few more seconds.
The events of the night before came rushing back and your heart dropped at the reminder of the fear you had felt just a few hours ago, ending with the memory of you asking Hongjoong to stay and sleep with you! The thought of having the vampire pressed against you and you burrowing your head into his chest to cuddle with him had your heart racing!
Shaking your head to clear your mind, you finally left the bed to get dressed.
Wanting to see if San and Wooyoung were already back home, you went out into the living room but stopped dead in your tracks when you saw Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung on the couch watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo!
The vampire was nibbling on a blood bag, where he got that from you didn´t know since last you checked you didn´t have any in your fridge, while WooSan were feeding each other cereal!
Hongjoong seemed to be disgusted at the obvious PDA going on next to him and you couldn´t help but laugh at his predicament.
“Having fun there?” you quipped in amusement.
The vampires head shot around to look at you, scowling that you were obviously delighted by the sight they made. Wooyoung, who held the spoon filled with cheerios up in the air, froze at your sudden question and spilled the milk and cereal all over Sans lap.
The feline quacked at his lover’s carelessness and you had to face palm.
They truly were I picture for the gods!
Hongjoong looking more like a grumpy gremlin than a vampire on the right side of the couch with Wooyoung looking flustered and San ready to jump him, and not in a sexy way!
“Are they always this touchy at home?” the vampire grumbled.
You walked over to them, coming to stand behind the couch and Hongjoong only for you to start patting his hair. His eyes fluttered shut as he enjoyed the feeling of getting his scalp scratched and his hair played with, almost basking in it.
“Believe me when I say they´re holding back right now!”
The 3 men groaned, all because of different reasons!
The vampire for one, couldn´t believe that the boys could get even worse while the two offenders looked at you in protest and tried their best to defend themselves!
“That´s not true y/n!” San argued while wiping the milk away from his pants. You caught Wooyoung immediately staring at the wet spot that was suspiciously close to his crotch, while liking his lips.
“The amount of times I have felt single because of you two just last week is literally of the charts! Woo´s even doing it right now!”
The foxes head whipped around sheepishly, making you roll your eyes and Hongjoong pull a face as he too had caught the hybrids stare!
“If you feel so single then maybe just ask Hong-“ Wooyoung snorted but got promptly shut down by San who had smacked a cushion at his boyfriends head, gesturing for him to shut the f*ck up.
Hongjoong looked up at you but you could only shrug as neither of you had entirely caught what the fox was going to say.
The thought of you asking someone out or someone asking you out however made his temper flare up!
Unconsciously his brows furrowed at the thought. It was not going unnoticed by WooSan!
“Any way, thank you Hyung for getting y/n home earlier.” San sounded sincere when he said that but something in you though it detected something else in his tone. The way he looked knowingly at the vampire was also not missed by you.
“Yeah uhm, no problem and thanks for getting me the blood bag again.”
The vampire carefully got up from his place and ran a hand through his unruly hair. It was the first time you ever saw it not styled to perfection but he looked nonetheless handsome as ever, if not more!
“You´re leaving already?” you asked.
Hongjoong nodded carefully.
“Mhh, do me the favor a stay with the brats today. Jongho and Mingi have everything under control and you deserve a break after everything that had happened in the last few weeks!”
His words were rewarded with an insulted “YAH!” from the boys which they received a scolding look from you and the vampire for cursing.
“Fine, I’ll stay home today but only if you come pick me up tomorrow?”
The way you bargained with him put a smile on his face.
As if you even had to ask!
“Of course I will my little witch!”
You walked with him into the small hallway. Wooyoung and San didn´t dare take an eye off you, seemingly finding the interaction highly interesting.
“Thank you for staying with me last night,” you mumbled, suddenly feeling shy.
Hongjoong shook his head.
“Anytime you call, I’ll be there love.”
The vampire hugged you one last time, placed a gentle kiss on your cheek and left through the door.
Frozen to the spot you let the last 30 seconds replay in your mind.
Well if that wasn´t a new development!
You stood like that for quite some time and when you turned back to where you came from, you saw WooSan peeking around the corner.
“What?” you asked, feigning innocence.
“Of course I will my little witch!”
“Anytime you call, I’ll be there love.”
They mocked the words the vampire had said to you with mischievous smiles.
 You couldn´t help but roll your eyes at their behavior.
“Oh shut it you two!”
“Not her saying she feels single while being like THIS with hyung!” you heard Wooyoung complained quietly.
San snorted behind his hand when you threw a nasty glare at them.
“And how am I with Hongjoong, dare I ask?”
The taunt was clearly noticeable in your words but Wooyoung ignored it gracefully.
“Like two lovebirds that are just seconds away from jumping each other!”
You stared at the fox incredulously. Jaw nearly on the floor as his sentence rang in your ears!
“Oh don´t look at us like that. I´m surprised he didn´t kiss you right here in the living room!”
“Did you hit your head somewhere?”
“y/n, hyung call´s you HIS little witch! He always flirts with you and you flirt right back every. single. Time!”
“AND he called you love just now!”
“Don´t forget that he slept over when he doesn´t even need to sleep anyway, just for you!?”
You rolled your eyes at them and left for your room.
The two boys looked at each other and immediately came after you.
Groaning you flopped down on your bed, TV in the living room completely forgotten.
“Why are we even talking about this in the first place?” you spoke into your pillow.
San crawled over to where you were sprawled out, burrowing his face between your shoulder plates to nuzzle himself into your warmth.
“Because you and Hyung seem to be stuck in a loop of flirting and wanting to kiss but neither of you seems to be capable of actually doing something about it.” Wooyoung stated before dropping down on your other side.
There was a moment of silence where all three of you basked in the presence of the others, until you sighed deeply.
“It´s not like that you know…”
Wooyoung and San looked at each other over your head.
They weren´t quite sure but something in the way you said that made them feel sympathetic. It almost sounded like yearning to them!
“You know if you want to confess, we´d be your number one cheerleaders. Right Woo?” San mumbled into your ears while looking at his boyfriend.
The other nodded but you only shook your head.
“There´s nothing really to confess boys! I´d rather hear about the reason you two were so distracted last night that you forgot to tell me where you were! What did you fight about with Yeosang?”
Both knew that you tried to deflect and change the topic and they couldn´t help but feel bad about the way you wanted to avoid talking about what they could clearly see in the way you acted around the vampire.
Another knowing look was exchanged between the two before they started explaining what had happened with WooSanSang as you dubbed them.
Apparently, the merman had gotten insecure and scared of joining an already existing relationship and a relationship like theirs nonetheless!
You couldn´t blame him if you were being honest! The two boys could be intimidatingly intimate and lovey-dovey with each other while simultaneously being their biggest haters!
Multiple examples of that came to your mind!
From Wooyoung telling San that it was okay to be a little dumb and biting him every chance he gets to San pouring ice water over Wooyoungs head!
So yes, you understood why Yeosang might seem a little apprehensive about joining them in their little love bubble!
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“What happened to you?” you almost shrieked the next day when you opened the front door for Hongjoong.
With wide eyes and an undeniable pout you looked at the vampires styled hair that was not missing the blonde strands you had grown to love and was now entirely black.
Hongjoong snorted at the look on your face.
“Good morning to you too, my little witch!” he laughed and this time you took notice of the way he said those words.
After Wooyoung and San had left you to your own device the day before, you had thought a lot about how your interaction with the male had usually went and it had confused the hell out of you!
You recalled all the times the vampires teasing and flirting had caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach or how he made your heart flutter whenever he was even the slightest bit worried about you.
It made your head spin and spiral head first into a whirlwind of emotions you couldn´t quite place or name!
“You coming?” Hongjoong asked when you only starred at his hair.
It was sexy no questions asked but you would miss the Hongruella a lot!
“Are you gonna continue pouting at my hair or are we going?”
“You could have at least warned me about it Kim Hongjoong!”
“Yeah but where would be the fun in that huh? Also I didn´t really plan on changing it again, it just happened!”
You stared at him, looking absolutely flabbergasted.
“How can that “Just happen!”?”
Hongjoong just shrugged, leaving you standing there as you were still in shock.
Quickly shaking your head, you hurried after him.
The drive was still filled with bickering about the new hair color as you teased the vampire more and more.
Hongjoong only rolled his eyes fondly as you giggled next to him while he was driving!
It was later that day where every ounce of peace and quiet ended abruptly!
While you were busy helping Mingi with an anti fatigue tincture, Hongjoong came barreling into the back room where you two were brewing, looking like a mad man!
His eyes seemed to spew fire and his brown orbs were slowly starting to glow red in anger! In his hand he was holding the necklace you had placed the tracking spell on just a few week before.
Jongho stood a little behind his sire, seemingly stoic as ever as he watched the older question you. The boys eyes however were shacking ever so slightly, telling you just how much he was feeling under all of the layers of walls he had built around himself and his emotions!
“Care to explain why there´s a tracking spell placed onto my pendant?” Hongjoong hissed dangerously quiet.
You were frozen in place as you stared at the angry vampire. Eyes wide and ready to bolt if necessary!
Mingi looked in between you and the Hongjoong, not understanding what the other man meant.
It was something only Jongho had known as far as you knew and that only because he was the one to get the necklace in the first place!
“Uhm I-“ you stammered, trying to come up with an explanation that wouldn´t aggravate the already pissed vampire.
“It´s an easy question little witch! Why. Does my necklace. Have a tracking spell placed on it?” The way he was saying the nickname he had for you made you feel sick!
It wasn´t fond or gentle like usually. No it was taunting, as if he was daring you to say something that might anger him more!
“I, it was just- I wanted to be able to check where you were if necessary…”
You knew, you had picked the wrong words when you saw his face get even darker.
“So you could you could keep track on me like you would on a child? Is that it?”
“What? No! I promise Hongjoong I never did that! Never!”
Your eyebrows were furrowed I concentration and you didn´t expect the sudden volume of his voice, flinching a little in surprise.
“WELL THAN WHAT IS IT? I promised you something that day, do you remember? I promised that I wouldn´t go anywhere without telling YOU! But apparently you don´t trust me enough to believe that, right?”
“No Hongjoong I-“
It was futile trying to explain it to him right now. The vampire was to angry and not ready to hear anything you wanted to say.
But that didn´t mean that you were prepared for the words that left his mouth next!
“Don´t! I don´t want to hear it. In fact I don´t even want to see your face  again!”
“Please Hongjoong I-“
 Your face fell and you wanted to cry!
Jongho and Mingi were also gaping at the vampire in shock but he ignored that and left you standing there.
Jongho immediately ran after his sire, but Hongjoong threw him one bitter look that told him to stay away for now. The fledgling knew that he was in for it when he got home tonight…
He returned to where you were still standing frozen. Mingi tried talking to you but it seemed like you didn´t even hear him! Your mind was clouded with thoughts of disbelieve.
The entire argument kept repeating itself over and over again and you couldn´t hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over!
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3 weeks later and there still was no word from Hongjoong! Apparently he really was serious when he said he never wanted to see you again and you were devastated to know that he was still talking to the boys.
Mingi, Yunho, Yeosang, even San and Wooyoung! All of them were still talking to him.
You couldn´t blame them.  None of them had done anything wrong. That was solely on you!
It wasn´t like you haven´t tried talking to him but texts were ignored, calls were getting blocked and you didn´t find it in yourself to drive to their place, not wanting to invade his space more than you had already!
Seonghwa too was trying to get his stubborn best friend to talk to you!
He was checking in regularly to see if you were still taking care of yourself only to realize that you were taking this a lot harder than he thought. Not that you were talking about it with anyone.
San had tried multiple times but was shot down faster than he could say “Familiar”!
It was a form of self preservation that much was clear to all of them and they all knew that Hongjoong wasn´t faring any better!
He was holed up in his room, only really coming out when Seonghwa forced him to leave the house and other was sulking more than his sire or fledgling had ever seen!
You had thrown yourself into work like you had never done before, working from early in the morning until very late at night, making San follow you more around to make sure you weren´t overdoing it.
To someone who didn´t know you as well as your friends did, you seemed absolutely normal. But they knew the truth!
San was launching around the backroom with you when you worked through your newest orders.
Mingi had his day off and even Jongho had taken a day for himself for once which meant that you and San were alone today! Happy for the quietness the afternoon brought.
The feline watched carefully every move you made as this wasn´t exactly an easy potion to make! It was by far not your hardest one either but this time around you seemed way more distracted than ever!
Slowly adding the last few touched to the steaming liquid you looked back at the black cat. He blinked back at you owlishly before getting up to stretch his back and legs.
“Everything to your satisfaction?” you teased half heartedly. San only meowed quietly followed by a happy purr!
Lifting your hand to pet behind his ear you started scratching gently. The cats purr intensified causing you to chuckle.
“What a good little kitty you can be my Sannie!” the rumbling sound resonating from the familiars throat stopped when his head shot around to lodge his teeth into your hand playfully.
It didn´t hurt at all and you indulged his playfulness with joy for a while before returning to the main area!
The mountain of paperwork on the desk was close to falling over! A result of 3 weeks of procrastination on your side which you slowly started to feel bad for!
San stayed where he was to take a little nap whilst you started to work through mail, deliveries and bills that were waiting to get paid.
An hour later and you were absorbed into papers that you didn´t notice the chime of the bell hanging above the door as someone entered.
“I knew I would find you soon enough my pretty little blood whore!”
You were ripped out of your thoughts and your heart dropped into your gut when you recognized who had spoken…
Immediately, your breath became erratic! Your heart started racing and you desperately hoped that San would stay in the backroom no matter what he heard!
With wide eyes you starred at Heechul who looked ever so smug. He looked the same as when he had attacked you all this time ago if for his hair being a bit longer!
It felt like it was ages ago that you had ran away from the predator before you!
“Oh don´t look so shocked! I told you, you are mine and I don´t plan on letting go what´s mine! Not even that bastard Kim Hongjoong can save you now…” he drawled, stepping closer with every word he spoke.
You flinched at the promise and finger tips were suddenly surrounded by dark, swirling smoke!
Heechul tsked scolding.
“Oh little wit-“
“Don´t call me that!” you snapped at him. The thought of that nickname in the mouth of someone else but Hongjoong, especially Heechul, made you sick to your stomach!
“Something wrong little witch? Did I hit a nerve? Oh no I forgot! That was what that bastard likes to call you isn´t it? You and the entire place stink so much like him that I want to throw up! Are you sure that you were just friends? Smells like he drenched you in his scent!” he sounded disgusted.
Your thought went to the leather jacket you were currently wearing! The only thing you still had of the vampire!
You had thought that his scent was long gone, but to the vampire in front of you, it seemed that you were still very much smelling like him!
“Did he drink from you? That would explain it! Is that why you stink so much huh? Were you a good girl for him I wonder or are you just a dirty little whore that likes to get used by vampires? Did you let someone else touch what is MINE? Or did you let him fuck y-?”
You send him flying to the wall with one quick move of your hand! The vampire was gasping in shock. Not having expected the sudden act of self defense!
“What I did or what I didn´t is MY concern! Not some slimy assholes who thinks he has a claim on me because he liked the way my blood smelled!” You fumed.
Stepping around your desk, you watched as Heechul fell to the ground, groaning in pain! His lip was bleeding slightly and you didn´t give him a chance to get up before pinning him to the wall once more!
Books were falling out of the selves above him.
“And you know what else? That “bastard” as you´re calling him has become one of my best friends, if not THE best friend and even when I don´t deserve that at all, I will not let you speak ill of him!”
Letting out a growl that could be compared to a hungry beast, he snapped his jaws at you from where he was pinned!
Anger was not even a word you would use to describe him now. No he was furious! His eyes were glowing brightly red and his face was pulled to a grimace that made him look close to insane!
“Don´t tell me you caught feelings for this dickhead of a vampire!”
Your hold on his wavered a little but not enough for him to break free.
Realization crossed over Heechuls face.
“Oh… you did…”
Throwing his head back, he laughed manically, finding all of this highly amusing.
“That´s just great! But do tell me one thing… if your are such good friends… why has he been avoiding you like the plague?” 
The man dropped to the ground as grief over the avoidance of your friend made you lose the hold you had on him entirely! How he knew about it, you didn´t know!
You could only guess that he had been watching you for a while before he had the guts to step into The Utopia today.
Heechul used this moment to throw himself at you and lunge his fangs into the skin of your neck.
A heart wrenching scream left your mouth and you struggled against the vampire, who now sat on top of you!
It was a stark contrast to what you had felt when Hongjoong had drank from you. Instead of pleasure, there was only searing pain clouding your mind, rendering you unable to move!
San who was hiding in the back was also withering in pain as the soul bond felt like it was light on fire!
He had heard the vampires entry but couldn´t do much for you. He was just a familiar after all! No access to magic and nothing to defend you from him or aid you in your fight!
The feline could only whimper as he turned back to his human form and search for his phone. He came up empty!
Seeing as he had no use for one in his cat form, he had left it next to the giant pile of paper before you had started on the potion before following you!
The energy to fight against the strong hold Heechul had on you had left you more with every gulp he took from you.
Tears were streaming down your face as you let everything happen.
You were sure that this was the end! You felt fuzzy all over, preventing you from moving your limbs and fight against him. Feeling the magic pump through you you knew that you were done for and that it was just a matter of time until you were completely drained!
Heechul moaned. It was a nasty sound that rang in your ears and you felt disgust as his dick was rubbing into you, getting off on the feeling of killing you!
He enjoyed the way life was slowly leaving you and how your heart was furiously pumping blood right into his mouth! Cuming into his pants, he groaned in delight!
To him you were as good as dead already and he wanted you to suffer a little more before you died in the end. That´s why he let go when he came down from his high!
The vampire looked down at your lifeless form. Heartbeat dangerously slow!
“I was right… you do taste magnificent little witch!”
With these words he got up before looking over to where the brewing room was.
To him, it only smelled like cat and that wasn´t something that could threaten him in the slightest.
He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, removing the blood that had run down his chin to hide the cruelty that had take place just now.
“Enjoy the last few moments of your miserable life my dear…”
He turned around and left through the door just as you completely lost consciousness.
San used the moment Heechul had left to scramble out of his hiding place!
The sight that met him mad him cry out!
You were laying in the middle of the main room, looking like you had been mauled by a beast, which wasn´t actually that far from the truth!
Your body was covered in blood, clothes were ripped and torn to shreds and your eyes were open, starring at the ceiling!
“y/n!” he whimpered out, not daring to speak loudly in hopes of this being a disastrous nightmare.
It wasn´t!
Tears were welling up in the feline’s eyes. He couldn´t help but cry and sob!
Fear of losing you was tearing him apart and he dropped down next to you.
Wailing in desperation he buried his head into your chest, wetting the torn fabric still clinging to your body!
“You can´t die y/n! You can´t leave me! Please don´t leave me? Woo and I need you! How are we supposed to live without you keeping us on our toes? How are we supposed to live without your horrible jokes or our cuddle sessions? How are we supposed to live without you…”
Sobs were racking his body as San clung to your lifeless form.
“I need you…You´re my person since we were children! You can´t make me lose my soul… What would I do without you huh?”
San knew that he had to call for help but it was oh so hard to let go off you right now! He was scared that if he would let go, that he would lose you entirely! The rational part of him however knew that the only chance you had was if he got to his phone!
He needed his vampire hyungs!
Getting his phone felt like an excessively hard task even tho it was only 2 meters away and searching for the right number was even harder with the way tears were making it impossible for him to see clearly!
The phone rang 3 time before he heard someone pick up. San didn´t care who as he almost yelled down the line!
“Hyung help!”
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“Kim Hongjoong, I swear I will murder you if you keep putting your feet on my coffee table!”
Seonghwa yelled through their home.
Jongho, who was seated on the floor in front of the couch, was playing a new game he had gotten himself. He couldn´t stop the laugh as he looked back at his sire on the couch.
The older was working something on his laptop when his own sire had yelled at him from the kitchen door.
He flinched at the furious look on Seonghwas face and hurried to take his feet of the table.
“Sorry!” he sulked, throwing his friend the best puppy eyes he could muster. Seonghwa didn´t budge.
“Seriously Hongjoong, if I see your feet on it one more time, you will have to talk to y/n about piecing you back together because I will tear you a new one!”
Hongjoongs face became hard at the mention of your name and Seonghwas face dropped. He felt like Hongjoong was overreacting!
Was it okay to place a tracking spell on him? No!
Did Hongjoong have any reason to be mad? Yes!
Was telling you that he never wanted to see you again dramatic? Absolutely!
“Hongjoong you seem to forget that I know you and I know that while you´re as stubborn as a donkey, you know that you can´t just stay away from her! y/n´s part of our friend group and she means way to much to you for this to go on longer without making yourself and her miserable! Hell you both already are!”
Hongjoong grit his teeth. Of course he knew all of that! He was stubborn, not stupid!
He had been going to the shop at least three times a week to check on you but never dared to enter and actually behave like an adult and communicate!
When your texts had stopped coming in he had been devastated but could he blame you? No, he was the one ignoring you and he imagined that his constant refusal to answer couldn´t have been easy for you either!
“Stop it Hwa…”
“No I won´t! Hongjoong, you´ve been going to see if she´s okay since the day you walked out on her and you still wear the pendant WITH the spell on it! You could have easily asked Mingi to remove it but did you? No, because behind all that frowning and refusing to accept that you can´t stand not being around her, you actually like that she was so worried about you that she made the effort to get that necklace from you!”
“Hey that was me, not y/n!” Jongho threw in and got promptly shut down by Hongjoong.
“Yeah and you´re still on house arrest for it!”
Seonghwa sighed at the childish behavior of both sire and fledgling.
“What I was trying to say, is you my friend, are whipped and so in love that it´s not funny anymore. Come with me tomorrow when I bring her and Mingi some kimchi fried rice. Please?”
He couldn´t deny that he was whipped but in love?
Hongjoong had to admit that the offer was not unappealing! He wouldn´t be alone since Seonghwa was there but he could still see you without having to stand outside the shop like a creep. How you hadn´t noticed him was beyond the male!
“So? Are you coming?”
Hongjoong nodded softly. He really did want to see you again!
The silence was cut through by the ringing of Hongjoongs phone that was placed next to him.
He didn´t have the chance to answer however as San was speaking way too fast for him to say hello.
“Hyung, help!”
The way his voice broke sent panic though his body.
“Sannie? What happened?” he questioned urgently, hoping to get a straight forward answer.
That was not the case, instead the familiar was only able to stammer unintelligible.
“Hold on San-ah what happened?”
“I- hyung- y/n she- you have to come hyungie! y/n´s hurt- someone attacked her! Vampire- he was a vampire and i- help hyung! Help….”
If his heart would still be beating, it would have stopped right then and there!
 “We´re on our way!”
The call ended abruptly.
Hongjoong threw his laptop to the side, not caring if his work was saved or not an ran to get his car keys and shoes!
“Are you okay? What happened?”
“y/n got attacked in the shop!”
Both Seonghwa and Jongho´s heads whipped around to look at Hongjoong. They jumped up, game and all forgotten as they ran after the other who couldn´t wait to get going!
The 20 minute drive got shortened significantly and Seonghwa could already see the speeding ticket in front of his inner eye.
To him, watching Hongjoong speed down the road only solidified what he already knew. Hongjoong was ready to drop everything to make sure you were okay!
Telling him to slow down but be futile so he didn´t even try.
And when they entered the shop and saw the mess that was The Utopia, with San desperately clinging onto you´re lifeless body they all understand why the feline had been so distraught on the phone!
You looked horrible! Throat ripped to pieces and covered over and over in blood!
Hongjoong took one whiff of the air and had to suppress a growl at the stench of Heechul around the shop. He was unsuccessful!
Jongho flinched at the sudden anger of his sire but otherwise focused on what was in front of them!
San lifted his head when he heard them enter.
His face was red and tear stained and his grip on you was tight, like he never wanted to let you go!
“Hyungs…” the feline sobbed. Voice hoarse and broken!
Hongjoong focused on your limp form. The vampire could hear your heart beating very faintly but still there, making his shoulders sag in relief. He weren´t too late yet!
Hongjoong zoomed over to where San and you were on the ground!
“Hyung do something I-“
Seonghwa stepped behind the distraught boy to kneel down, turning him around and forcing him to let go. The loss of contact almost send him into a panic attack and Seonghwa had to use a little bit more force to get him to let go so Hongjoong could have some space.
Jongho used the moment to make a few phone calls. For one, calling Wooyoung to be there for his boyfriend should the entire thing not go as hoped. And Mingi, Yunho and Yeosang because they were family!
Hongjoong quickly bit his wrist, causing blood to pool on his skin. He opened your mouth gently to let the red liquid spill on your lips.
Nothing happened!
The healing properties of his blood should have taken to it right away but… nothing!
Fear took a hold of him.
This couldn´t be! It couldn´t be too late!
“No… y/n come on! Come on my little witch, you can´t give up! Don´t give up okay?”
He made you swallow more of his blood but nothing changed!
You were still lifeless and without any sign of waking up.
San let out an ugly sob.
Seonghwa shushed the boy softly but he knew it was in vain.
Hongjoong on the other hand didn´t want to believe it. There was no way that this was the end! Your end! He wouldn´t let it be your end!
The vampire manhandled you to lay in his lap, like you had been on Sans not too long ago.
“Come on my love, open these beautiful y/e/c eyes for me and tell us you´re okay!” he whimpered out.
The black of your jacket caught his eye. Or more like, his jacket and it tugged on his dead heart strings.
He wanted to scream.
Even when hurt by his words, you still were carrying him with you instead of discarding him like a worn out sock!
The way you looked he was surprised you hadn´t given up already!
“Hongjoong… we have to call an ambulance!”
What the older said made sense in the other vampires ears but neither Hongjoong nor San could move! It was Jongho who made yet another call. This time to call for an ambulance!
Time seemed to stand still in The Utopia. Nobody dared to move!
Only when the paramedics arrived and you were loaded into the ambulance, hooked to various tubes and machines, did they find the will to get up and follow.
San was freaking out in Seonghwas arms.
Wooyoung came already running down the street! His hair was tied back,  a slight sheen of sweat was covering his face and his clothes told the eldest that he probably came straight from the studio and didn´t even change before hurrying here!
The fox looked panicked and Jongho couldn´t fault him for it. He too was slowly losing his cool.
“Sannie?” the red head called out when he saw his boyfriend desperately clinging to Seonghwas side.
“W-wooyoung-ie?” he hiccupped weakly, reaching into the direction he heard his boyfriend’s voice coming from.
Wooyoung immediately hug him tightly to his chest, listening to Seonghwa explaining what happened.
Shock overcame him and for once the most talkative member of their friend group didn´t know what to say! He was stunned to silence and his mind was blank apart from thinking about how short your interaction this morning had been and how much he had teased you before you and San had left.
Seonghwa went over to Hongjoong who stood there like a Sim waiting to be played with. The vampire was staring at the ambulance door that had been closed by the paramedic to ensure the best first aid he could do for now.
His face was stoic, save for the fire that was burning behind his eyes, turning them a glaring tint of red, making Seonghwa swallowed down the nerves he could feel building up. Talking to Hongjoong while in such a state could go two ways.
1. He accepted the care and comfort his sire and friend was willing to offer or 2. He was preparing to explode on sight!
To his surprise, it was a mix of both.
While rage was still very much prominent in his glowing orbs, his face crumbled more the longer he stood there.
“I will kill him and if it´s the last thing I do on this earth, I will kill him!” Hongjoong promised, forcing himself to be calm for now.
“He just had a full dosage of witch blood. Right now, you don´t stand a chance Joong-ah.” Seonghwa reminded him carefully. His voice was soft and he didn´t dare to speak louder, scared that San and Wooyoung were able to hear them talk.
The elder honestly should have expected the angry snarl leaving his friends lips at the reminder of having had your blood.
“You underestimate how mad I am Hwa!”
“But do I really? You-“
“Don´t. Say It! Not right now, not if I may not have the chance to tell her…”
Hongjoong cut him off just as the door of the ambulance opened revealing a very hectic paramedic who told them they were gonna drive to the emergency room now!
That´s how the 5 men found themselves piled on top of each other in Hongjoongs car! The sight might have been funny on any other occasion but the car was filled with tension and silence!
Yunho, Mingi and Yeosang met them in the hallway of the hospital.
San and Wooyoung barreled into their boyfriend as soon as they saw him walking towards them. Mingi looked ready to bolt any second, looking around the white, sterile walls surrounding them and only being held back by Yunhos hand holding his.
Jongho was sitting on one of the chairs, head leaning against the wall behind him and Seonghwa was sitting next to him, looking at Hongjoong who was anxiously pacing in front of the room you were being treated in.
The doctors had already taken you in when they had arrived, leaving them waiting for news.
It seemed like hours until the door finally opened to reveal a tall grown woman carrying a chart board.
“Family of l/n y/n?”
San lifted his head from where it was hidden by Yeosangs defined chest to look at her.
“I´m her Familiar and emergency contact.” He stated, voice still shaky but a little more composed.
The doctor nodded in acknowledgement.
“Follow me please so we can discuss miss l/n´s diagnosis.”
The feline shook his head before looking at his friends. Hongjoong had taken a step closer at the prospect of not hearing how you were doing.
“No, it´s okay. All of us are family. They can all hear it!”
She nodded a second time.
“Very well. Miss l/n had an unfathomable amount of luck today! While she needed a transfusion, she was already recovering by herself!
It says hear that Miss l/n is a witch, is that correct?” she questioned the group and after receiving confirmation from all of them continued.
“Right. Like I said, she definitely had an enormous amount of luck on her side. If she weren´t a witch, the amount of blood lose would have taken her life by now!”
She paused for a moment, making the males hearts drop at the new piece of information.
“But given the fact that she is coming from a magical bloodline, a strong one at that, she is doing remarkably well! Being of supernatural status saved her.”
A collective sigh of relieve rang through the hallway and the boys relaxed for the first time in many hours.
“However, it wouldn´t have taken much more and even the magic wouldn´t have been able to save her!
Right now she is in a state of unconsciousness. It´s like her body and magic have sent miss l/n into a coma to protect herself from any further damage. We sadly can´t say when she will wake up. Our best guess is that her magic has to be sure that nothing will harm them anymore. That could be tomorrow, next week or longer even! Factor such as stress or possible negative emotions can also be a cause in the length of said protection coma. We just have to wait and see for now….”
Hongjoong swallowed harshly.
If negative emotions could add to the reason of you not waking up, then your magic would surely not let you wake up when he was with you! After all, it was his fault for you being without him in the shop!
If he had just stopped being such a stubborn idiot and actually talked about what was bothering him, then maybe all of this wouldn´t have happened!
“Stop it. It wasn´t your fault and you couldn´t have stopped it even if you wanted. If Heechul-ssi hadn´t attacked her today he would have done it on a different day. It´s not your fault Hyung! All we can do is be there for y/n and make sure that she doesn´t feel alone in there! THAT is going to help, not the unjustified guilt you are carrying around!”
It was Jongho who had broken Hongjoongs pity party and the sire looked thoroughly chastised at the words spoken by his fledgling.
The boy was so much more attentive than he sometimes gave him credit for!
Turning on his heels, the guilt stricken vampire fled the hospital to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the hospital.
Wandering around the city was freeing in a sense. The rushed slowly became less and less the lower the sun set but never quite seceding.
He walked and walked, not noticing where his feed had carried him when he found himself on that very path he had met you!
The pathway where he had first saved you from Heechul and his blood thirst!
The pathway where your friendship had its beginning!
So many emotions were coming over him like a tsunami! Crashing down on him and ripping him away from every bit of sanity!
Hongjoong thought about you.
The way you light up the room when you came in even tho you were in a bad mood.
The way you teased him.
The way you smiled.
The way your eyes sparkled when you saw something you liked or when you managed to perform a spell you found hard!
The way he felt soft whenever he was close to you.
The way he wanted to always see you smile.
The way he wanted to be the reason you smiled or the way his dead heart felt like it was beating again every time he was around you!
Fuck! Seonghwa was right! He was in love with you and part of him died when he saw you lying on the floor!
The realization struck him like lightning and he was tempted to eat his own fist at knowing that he was apparently the last to catch on!
Because if Seonghwa knew, then so did Jongho! And Mingi, who would have definitely told Yunho and so on! Now all that talk about him being whipped actually made sense!
“FUCK!” he yelled, scaring squirrel with the sudden raise in volume! Quickly, it jumped into the bushes and disappeared into the dark.
The vampire rubbed his hand over his face in frustration.
Just thinking about you now lying in a hospital bed, unconscious and lifeless, made him want to cry. And rip Heechul apart!
The rage building up in Hongjoong was like a punch to the gut!
He didn´t have to think long about what he was going to do next and instead made his way out of the park!
It was time for a friendly little chat!
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When Hongjoong walked back into the hospital the next morning, the nurses were more than a little apprehensive to come close to him or ask why he looked like he had bathed in blood and dirt.
The look Seonghwa sent him from where he was sitting, in an admittedly very uncomfortable hospital chair, could be compared with a mother scolding her children for dragging dirt inside the house! And with his sires love for everything clean and dirt free, Hongjoong guessed that seeing him was one big nightmare for the other.
Seonghwa on the other hand was scanning his friend for any potential wounds that needed tending to. When he couldn´t see any under all that red, he used his ridiculously long leg to push a bag towards Hongjoong. He would have gotten up but being buried underneath two piles of black and red fur, was making that bit a little hard to do.
“Go wash up Joong-ah, you look like something the cat dragged in!”
Hongjoong picked the bag up from the ground.
“Yunho and Mingi picked them up from our place before going home. They´re gonna come back later so we can go home for a bit. Sangie is in the cafeteria getting us some coffee!”
The explanation was simple and to the point, something that Hongjoong wasn´t used to from his friend but seeing as he had been pinned to that chair for god knows how long, Hongjoong can understand why Seonghwa seemed a little tired. Even for a vampires standard!
The younger hummed lightly, receiving a look from the other.
“You´re not gonna leave her here just to go home, aren´t you?”
A shake of his head.
Seonghwa sighed, knowing that there was no way he could convince Hongjoong to leave again.
“How´s Heechul?”
Hongjoong shrugged.
“Been dealt with!”
“Did he suffer?”
“What do you think?”
The dangerous little smile he sported made Hongjoong seem like a psychopath but Seonghwa was used to that side of him. The side that would go on a murder spree for his family! A side he shared with him when it came to these things!
Hongjoong wasn´t surprised to see a satisfied look on the others face as he went back to petting the two animals cuddled up to him.
Walking out, he searched for the rest room to change into the sweater and jeans and wash his face and hands at least.
He would have to go home at some point to actually get clean and take a shower, he knew that. But it didn´t change the fact that the thought of leaving you here, made him want to hurl!
With water dripping from his face, Hongjoong stared at himself in the mirror.
He looked horrible, skin pale and with one or two cuts hidden in his hairline. The makeup he had worn yesterday was smudged on looked messy by now but Hongjoong couldn´t bring himself to care.
So what if he looked a little roughed up? He had bigger things to worry about!
Back in the hallway, he met Yeosang. The merman was carrying two cups of disgusting hospital coffee and was struggling not to spill the hot fluid.
Wordlessly, the vampire walked over to him and took one of the scorching paper cups from the younger. Wondering how he hadn´t burned his hand yet or dropped it from the heat.
“Ah thank you Hyung.” His tone was gentle and quiet, making his slight lisp even more prominent.
It still managed to prompt a little smile from the older.
“Come on Sang-ah. Let´s go back.”
Hongjoong could feel Yeosang watching him from where he was walking and he knew that the merman had some questions.
“Go ahead Sangie, you can ask!”
The younger was startled. He hadn´t thought that he had been obvious enough for the vampire to notice him looking at him.
It must have shown on his face how surprised he was.
“You´re not subtle, so spill it! What do you want to know?”
Yeosang stopped walking, fidgeting in his place a little bit to think about what it was, exactly he wanted to asked.
“Does- Is-“ he was struggling to find the right words and Hongjoong waited patiently for him to continue.
“What happened Hyung? How did this happen? Why y/n? Why was she attacked? San couldn´t tell us and Hwa Hyung was hesitant to speculate…”
Hongjoong closed his eyes, releasing a suffering sigh from his lips and past his fangs.
“What do you know about how I and she met?”
“Woo and Sannie told me you met after y/n had closed the shop one night when she walked back home. I think it was because they were with me that night so she didn´t want to take the bus!”
The vampire hummed in agreement.
“y/n was attacked that night too! The difference is that I was there to step in!”
Yeosangs expression changed with every word he heard.
“Hyung, it wasn´t your fault! Not the first one and not now!”
His words got ignored.
“I was there to help and that´s how we met the first time. That evening y/n was attacked by a vampire called Heechul. Heechul smelled the magic in her and wanted her blood to himself and wasn´t happy that I stopped him from draining her that night already. I thought that he would´ve just let it be but he didn´t.
He stalked her for months and used the fact that she was alone yesterday to get to her!”
“Okay, but how do you know all that? When did you-“
Realization set in for the mermaid as he looked closer at the vampire.
The dried blood still clinging onto his scalp, the cuts hidden away by his hair and the bag filled with dirty and destroyed clothes suddenly made sense to him and he swallowed!
“Ohhh- soo, he´s been dealt with?” He really didn´t need an answer but Hongjoong still gave him a little nod.
“He is and let´s just say that he should have kept some things to himself when found him!”
The innuendo hang in the air and Yeosang didn´t even want to know what that meant exactly. His hyungs appearance told him more than enough!
Together the vampire and merman started walking again.
To everyone around them it must look ridiculous.
The merman, beautiful, well put together and elegant and the vampire, just as beautiful but rough and dangerous looking! No wonder the doctors and nurses stepped out of the way as they passed them.
They were greeted by a turned back Wooyoung, trying to convince San to go home with him to at least shower and eat something.
It did not seem to go well.
The familiar also had turned back and was stubbornly sitting in Seonghwa´s lap, hoping he would be on his side but the hope got crushed as the vampire removed his hands from his arm.
“San-ah go home and rest a little and then come back later with Yunho and Mingi, but please take care of yourself!”
San looked betrayed at the gentle way he got placed in Wooyoungs arms. Yeosang put the cup down on the side table to help his boyfriend with his other boyfriend.
“2 hours!”
“5 and Wooyoung and Yeosnag will tell me if you´ve eaten and slept!”
“3 hours?”
“5 or I will get you home personally!”
That seemed to knock the energy out of San. He was still glaring at Seonghwa but he did stop struggling against his lovers and followed with his tail tuck in between his legs, ears pressed flat on his head!
“What happened here?”
Seonghwa rubbed his eyes, tired and also ready to go home for a bit.
“Woo turned back and said that he would take him home as soon as Yeosang came back and-“
“San wasn´t happy? I saw that…”
The older looked a bit disgruntled at having bit cut off but ultimately let it slide, used to Hongjoongs antics.
Hongjoong sat down in the chair next to your bed, scooting a little closer with it.
“You know that you can go home for a bit too right? I´ll stay here. I´ll stay with her…”
Seonghwa didn´t want to leave him. He wanted to be there for you and for Hongjoong, but he knew that the younger didn´t want that right now.
He wanted to be alone! Needed to be alone! Alone with you!
“Okay. Text me if you need something. I mean it Hongjoong!”
“I will.”
He knew he would. If there was one person he would go to with his emotions, it was Seonghwa!
And that’s how Hongjoong found himself alone with you.
You were still just as still and unconscious as when he had left to go after Heechul!
Hongjoong took the hand that was lying on top of the blanket into his own. Thumb caressing the skin it reached very gently and with enough imagination, he could talk himself into thinking that your fingers had twitched at the touch.
“I am so, sorry y/n!” his voice was shaky as he forced to words past his teeth.
“I was an idiot, I AM an idiot, for saying those things to you! I hurt you, I hurt myself and if I had just gotten my head out of my ass, this wouldn´t have happened! Because I would have been there! And now we´re here! We´re in a hospital and you- you´re in a coma….”
His freehand whipped at his eyes. Whipping away the tears he hadn´t noticed were already running down his cheeks.
“You´re in a coma because of me! y/n please wake up! Not next week, not in a month but NOW! Please?
We need you! How are Mingi and Jongho going to hold the shop up without you? San needs you and Wooyoung! I, need you! Ever since you came into my life, I have been so much happier…”
Sobs were wrecking his body, shaking him to the core and he had to stop to collect himself before he completely choked up.
“You are the light I didn´t know I needed and I can´t stand the fact that I can´t tell you all of this when you can actually hear me….”
“How do you know she can´t hear you?”
The vampire whipped around to see the doctor from the day before standing in the door.
She stepped in as he was still stunned to silence, closing the door behind her and coming over. Only to stop right in front of your bed!
“How do you know she can´t hear you? She´s not dead, isn´t she?” She repeated herself, a friendly smile on her lips as she looked at the vampire.
Hongjoong couldn´t answer, to scared of his voice breaking away entirely, so he shook his head.
“Then I don´t see why she wouldn´t be able too.
A lot of the times, coma patients who were unconscious for years and then woke up, told us after that they were able to hear their loved ones talking to them. Not all of them, but more than you think.
And I think that Miss y/l/n is a very strong woman that might surprise you if you just give her a little bit of time! Time to heal and time to come back to you”
The woman watched as Hongjoong whipped over his face to remove the tears, only for new ones to roll down again. Her eyes found his hand, still gently brushing his thumb over yours but still tightly linked with each other.
To her it seemed like the man in front of her was scared that you were going to slip away and in a way, she was right.
“You love her, don´t you?” her tone had taken a very motherly tone, reminding him just a little of the way Seonghwa had cared for him when he was first turned!
To Hongjoong, the fact that even a complete stranger was able to call him out on his feelings was mind boggling, but there was no reason to deny it.
Because it was true.
He did love you.
The admission was quiet but still very much heard.
“Then believe me when I tell you that she hears you. And what ever happened for your friend to land here? It wasn´t your fault!”
“How do you-“
“I’ve been doing this job longer than you think and know what guilt looks like.”
With that, she checked your stats before leaving the room, leaving Hongjoong behind with his thoughts.
“She´s right you know. I do love you my little witch!”
And with these words, he pressed a kiss to your joined hands.
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For a few days, the 8 boys took turns in staying with you, but one thing always stayed the same.
Hongjoong did never stay away longer than 5 hours max. At this point the nurses had started to warm up to him so much that they had began to leave small goodies every now and then.
Be it a cup of blood they smuggled him, a piece of cake or just an extra pillow for his neck. He got it from them!
San was also there on a daily basis but Yeosang and Wooyoung had managed to guilt trip him into actually taking care of himself, saying that you wouldn´t want him to mop around all the time!
Instead, he focused on something you loved doing, which was running the shop!
Or at least what he could do! He didn´t have magic so performing spells and brewing was something the two other witches working there did but everything else? That was now his job!
Today it was Hongjoong and San who were sitting with you.
The familiar was turned and curled up close to your shoulder on your left side while Hongjoong was sitting on his chair on your right side.
It was silent and the vampire had his arms crossed and perched up on your bed, softly snoring as his hand was, again, holding yours.
San was purring a bit at the strengthening of your soul bond.
He could literally feel you getting better and better and he could almost hear the satisfied hum of your magic slowly becoming comfortable again.
What he did NOT expect was getting thrown off by your body suddenly shooting up into a sitting position, gasping for air.
The feline yowled in horror as he found himself on the floor, while on the other side simultaneously to San, Hongjoong also shot up!
You were sitting there, wide eyed, IV dripping into your left arm while starring down at Hongjoong, arms still perched onto the mattress and hands connected with each other!
He could barely hear you as your voice was hoarse from disuse.
San turned back at the speed of lightning to wrap his arms around you and cry.
It was gut wrenching and ugly but his heart felt so much lighter, knowing that you were finally going to be okay.
The vampire let go of you to call the doctor and nurses.
They were rushing in, forcing both males away from you and out of the room.
“She´s awake hyung! She´s finally awake!” San whimpered as when Hongjoong pulled him in to let him bask in his comfort.
“I know San-ah!”
Relief manifested itself inside the vampire.
Later that day, after everyone had left again, Hongjoong stayed behind, awkwardly standing by the wall and looking after Seonghwa who had only patted him on the shoulder in assurance.
Your eyes kept track of every nervous tick he was displaying to you right that moment so you decided to help him a little.
You were dead tired and all you wanted was to go back to sleep, but you needed to get this out.
“I heard you, Kim Hongjoong…”
His eyes found yours at the admission and his brain malfunctioned for a moment.
“There was a lot of things I said over the past week so what exactly do you-“
“Your apology, for one. Or the ridiculous idea of yours that this is somehow your fault! I don´t blame you Hongjoong! I was a bitch for thinking that I had any right to keep track of you and I should have never casted that spell on your necklace. For that I am sorry!”
You weren´t mad, at least not at him!
Calmly you continued to speak.
“I should have trusted you enough to believe in your promise and when I broke that trust you had every right to set some boundaries! The fact that Hee-, HE came into the shop had nothing to do with you!”
“But i-“
You didn´t let him speak, hoping that you could once and for all snuff out the flame of guilt that was still burning in him.
“Kim Hongjoong! HE would have come after me even if we hadn´t fought before!”
You patted the mattress, signaling to sit with you. Hesitantly Hongjoong stepped closer and sat down with you and you felt closer than ever!
“I don´t blame you…”
The softness of your reassurance was all it took to break the dam.
“Please don´t cry, not because of me!”
“Do you have any idea, how hard this week has been for me? For all of us?”
 “I can imagine. I heard all of you and it was horrible! Being able to hear you talk but not being able to answer! It would have been so much easier to just tell you that I love you too!”
It was silent.
Neither of you dared to speak and Hongjoong just kept starring at you for what felt like several hours!
In reality, it was only seconds but the silence was suffocating.
Hongjoong had to process this new piece of information before he suddenly put both his hands on you checks to press lips right onto yours.
You were clawing at the shirt he was wearing, holding him by his collar to prevent him from pulling away to soon!
The kiss wasn´t gentle at all! It was desperate, messy and teeth were clashing but you wouldn´t have it any other way!
Only when you needed to come up for air a little while later you removed you mouth from his but you didn´t let the vampire pull away.
Lips hovering over his as you he insisted on more time:
“I love you!”
Taglist: @imtoanonymousforyou @brownsugarbaybee @bellamuerte1987 @woosmaid @lelaleleb @3joracha @wolfgurl2600-blog @moonminji @alykatv @jisungsdaydreamer
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