#ateezatinyateez fanfictionfanfictionateez imagineimagineateez reactionreactionateez scenarioscenarioangstateez angstateez hongjoongateez min
justsomefluff · 3 years
Hey can you do an opposite of their s/o is really warm when they sleep? Like they cling on to them, shiver, and steal blankets and stuff like that? I absolutely love your writing and hope you have a good day! ❤️
here you go, my dear! thank you for being patient (and to all other requesters, my sincerest apologies for being so damn slow with all these lmao) Enjoy! and thank you for the kind words <3
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Okay I feel like Joong is probably a decently heavy sleeper when he’s finally nodded off for the night
Like he might move and stuff, but he never really wakes up
So the issue with you freezing and leeching off of his warmth isn’t really a problem for him
You latch on before he falls asleep
Then he’s like “wtf, homie”
Will try to warm you up but start shivering halfway through
“Im cold now, shoo”
“But you feel warm to me?”
Will get up to grab extra blankets for you and turns up the heat
Proceeds to be dramatic the next morning about how hot he was and how he couldn’t sleep
Lies lmao
“You were snoring, shut up”
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Oh no his baby is colddddd
Snuggles snuggles snuggles
Gonna face you and hold you super close
Clasps both your hands in between you two so he can warm them up
“The love in my heart will warm you”
But anyway
Will absolutely fall asleep before he can finish warming you up
Like he’ll be gently rubbing your arms or something and then just gradually get slower and slower
And then stop because he snoozin’
But then you really do feel all warm inside bc
I mean
Can he get any cuter seriously
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Okay so he looks like a super warm, cuddly bear anyway
But he’s also gonna be a pest
Like he’ll cuddle you, but then reach over really carefully and turn on the fan
Or he’ll blow cold air on you
Or fan you with his hands
And he’ll tease you like that for a while and laugh when you glare at him
But then he’ll decide to apologize and snuggles you super close to make up for it
Still laughing about it to himself
That stupid, evil grin on his face lookin’ real smackable
He’s lucky you’re too cold to move from under the blanket
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Does not care
About your suffering
Gonna sleep anyway
Unbothered king
But you are certainly allowed to snuggle him no problems there
And you’ll like… sneak your cold toes up against him
(Cue very obscure Bob’s Burgers reference)
Youre putting your feet on his butt
“Youre feet are in my underwear”
“…my feet are cold”
“Yes but its my ass”
Eventually rolls over and traps you in a vice grip so you cant bug him with your freezing appendages anymore
Which was secretly your evil plan
Bug him until he warms me… willingly
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Snuggle bug
Offended that you’re cold
“How can you be cold with me here? How dare you”
If you steal the blankets he’s gonna be so pouty
Tug of war until one of you gets scared of ripping the sheets
Settles for trying to make you blush
Kisses all over your face and complimenting you
“Blushing makes you warm… right?”
Not sure that’s how it works, but at least he’s trying
And I mean I guess it does work in a way
Not that youre warm from blushing, but because he decided to lay on top of you for the entire conversation
You both pass out like that and he is now your designated heated, weighted blankie
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When you finally give up on trying to sleep because you’re so cold, Mingi has been tapped out for an hour already lmao
So you can pretty much snuggle him and move around as much as you need to
But in the morning?
Mingi’s least favorite part of the day?
If he wakes up to your ice-cube fingers clutching his arm or something he’s gonna yell
Terrifies you, bc like… where’s the fire, bro?
“No. The opposite of fire. Frozone over here”
He will most certainly use the cold as a reason to stay in bed and snuggle/sleep longer
“You can’t get up, imagine how cold we will be out of bed”
And I mean… sound logic tbh
It works like… 500% of the time too
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Another PEST
He’s the one stealing the blankets from you
Like he’s not even cold he just doesn’t want you to be warm
Chaotic evil
“You’re supposed to love me and want to move the earth for me and stuff”
“Yeah. This is not the earth. This is blanket”
Argument in 3… 2… 1…
“It’ll be ugly”
“Yeah, like you”
Ends in tickles and playful smooches though
Out of breath, but finally warm enough to sleep :)
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Calm, cool (read: warm), and collected boyfriend Jongho
He’s got this man
Big boy can provide warmth
Rubs his hands together to warm them up then rubs your arms and hands
Gets you a hoodie to borrow
Brings fuzzy socks
Extra blankies
Makes it so cozy that with two of you under the heap of blankets it gets a little stifling
And you grin and bear it for a while before both of you look at each other and have to disassemble the entire thing lmao
But at least you’re warm enough to sleep
Still snuggle time though
Warm or cold, he’s got you covered
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justsomefluff · 3 years
Can you do an ateez reaction where the reader gets jealous??
of course I can! took me a while lmao but thank you for being patient, here ya go, precious!
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Low-key super oblivious to your jealousy
Like he’s having such a good time at whatever event your attending
Kind of gets lost in the fun
Loves making new friends and meeting people who share similar interests
And don’t get me wrong, you’re happy that he is happy
And you are so proud and love listening to all the compliments he gets on his work
You know how important feedback is to him, but you also know that praise is his weak point
(He deserves every bit of it too)
But some people really just don’t know where to draw the line
Sometimes people skip past his work and start complimenting his physical attributes and making flirtatious remarks about his great personality
Like yeah… I know his personality is great he’s my freakin boyfriend
If you say something like that under your breath and Hongjoong catches it?
Giggling and excusing himself from the conversation immediately
Thinks its really sweet and funny, but also wants to reassure you
Maintains a steady balance of his attention on you and on networking for the rest of the night
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I feel like Seonghwa is the type of significant other to be really in tune to your needs and just generally good at picking up on what you’re feeling
So if he thinks that something is bothering you or making you uncomfortable in any way?
Bye. We are leaving.
If you are somewhere that you can’t really leave (like an important business gala or something idk what famous people do)
He will just take you outside for a breath and a conversation
Tries to take your mind off of whatever you were thinking
Assures you that everything being said inside is strictly business related
He chuckles at you a little bit and pulls you into a hug when he thinks no one is watching
Will lead you back into the event and just do things to subtly remind you that he’s there with you
Physically and mentally
Holds your hands, keeps an arm around your waist, or just stands close beside you during conversations
Super sweet and just wants you to be happy and comfortable
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Don’t take this the wrong way but…
He’s gonna make fun of you
Like for real
“Oh you thought-? HA”
And if you’re pouting at his teasing, he’s gonna laugh more
Even though he’s dying inside because you’re so cute
Will say stupid, annoying things the whole time
“Ooh, would you look over there? My ex”
“That person has been checking me out all night, maybe I’ll go say hi”
And you’d whip around every time like ??? ‘Scuse me???
You’re like two seconds from slapping him in front of his boss and all his peers
But then you see that adorable, goofy grin of his
And all your frustration just sort of melts away
You know he only jokes because he finds it ridiculous
Like why would he ever look for someone else when youre right there?
But I’m sure you’ll find a way to get him back for being a brat somehow
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This one will not understand why you’re jealous
More the type to let you simmer while simultaneously doing things to soothe you
Will rub your back or your arm during conversations
Will brush a hair back from your face every now and then
But he’s not just doing these things to remind you that he loves you
No no
He is also doing these things so that whoever is hitting on him will take the hint
Like?? Shut up?? Go away??
And in the end, you forget that you were jealous and you’re more just irritated
Like quit saying weird things to my man
When they finally go away, you both look at each other with big eyes and sigh really loudly
But then you’re laughing because did that really just happen?
And he’ll tease you a little bit for being jealous before you both go back to talking about how creepy the other person was being
Low-key making fun of them; making up new ridiculous compliments that fit their vibe
“Oh, Yeosang! You know I’ve been a fan for oh so very long and I’ve loved watching your muscles grow!”
Discomfort pretty much forgotten, you just go about your night like that didn’t even happen
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Okay this fool
He thinks you’re really cute when you’re jealous so he’s gonna make it worse
Will be super sugary sweet with whoever is flirting with him
Thanking them and complimenting them back
Too bad the compliments are empty and he’s only using them to make you pout a little more
Eventually he ends the conversation because he thinks you’ll catch on to his evil plan if he keeps this up much longer
Drags you away into a quieter area of the event
“Were you jealous?”
He’s smirking because I mean… duh
“You were doing that on purpose weren’t you?”
If looks could kill he would be belly-up in the pool rn
But then he’s laughing and apologizing and trying to justify himself
“I mean how could I resist when it makes you look like this cute baby oooo”
Full squishing your cheeks in public like… sir
But he does it enough that you’re smiling again and batting his hands away from your face
When he realizes that he was successful in returning your mood back to normal, he’ll pull you back into the party
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Does not realize you are jealous
Carries on the entire night like everything’s cool
Totally didn’t participate in mutual groping with some random fans
An awkwardly placed hand
An accidental brush against the wrong body part
I mean you know its not his fault
But ooooohhh did it make your blood boil
Literally doesn’t even mention it until you’re home because he genuinely doesn’t think anything happened
And you’re like??? Hello???
You touched their butt???
And then his face goes so red
Like you think for a second he’s gonna explode like those old airheads commercials
But then you’re laughing at him because he is more horrified at the situation than anything else
He face plants on the couch and just yells into the cushions for a minute because my god how could he not realize
And then you’re the one comforting him explaining how the fan surely knows it was an accident and blahblahblah
But at least there was an easy solution to your problem lmao
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I think that he will actually be concerned
Like if he realizes that you’re jealous he’s gonna think that he did something wrong
Even if its someone else’s fault that you were feeling that way
Hes gonna feel responsible
And he’s gonna wanna make you feel better
Will make some excuse about one of you not feeling well and hightail it out of there
When you tell him you didn’t have to leave the event just because of that he’s like Nono
And he’s gonna spend the rest of the night giving you his undivided attention and making sure you feel loved and cherished
Like I think he is gonna be genuinely worried about how this kind of thing will make you feel
Always wants you to feel safe and secure in your relationship
Never wants anything to damage your self esteem either
So if he thinks any of those things are in jeopardy, he’s gonna do something about it
Might tease you for it sometimes, but darker. emotions are something he tends to be gentler with and more serious about
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Does not get the memo
Jealous? Who?
Has to be told by the members lmao
And sees you sulking somewhere away from him
Then he’s rushing to you like a confused puppy
Sits with you quietly for a minute because he doesn’t even really know what to say
“I feel like a bad boyfriend now” is what he chooses to open with
And then youre not jealous anymore
youre in protective mode
“Noooo, baby, why would you ever feel like that youre the best boyfriend ever”
And then he’s like??? Thought you were upset???
And you’re like… maybe
But who cares? Because he’s still a good boyfriend
I mean you know he cant babysit you at events and stuff and youre always happy when he’s having fun
Youre just a little selfish sometimes and want him all to yourself
But who can blame you?
And he completely understands because… well he feels the same way about you <3
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