vorcotec · 6 years
Miranda usually only gives air kisses when she greets others. They're met with a slight handshake that she retracts rather quickly, and faces do not even touch if she can help it. But Jane is different. As she offers a hand to the woman, she leans in and presses her lips delicately against the side of Jane's cheek, light enough that it almost feels like a feather. "I'm glad you're here." And unlike the others she's said hello to so far, she means it.
          Jane takes Miranda’s hand. That she expected, and even expected the softness of it, how delicate she feels where she’s not girded by rings--but the contact of Miranda’s lips makes her blush. Heat in her cheek where Miranda touched her, heat coming off Miranda, mingling with the rich scent of her perfume. Jane clears her throat, her eyes on the floor. “I’m happy to see you,” she mumbles. There’s proof: faintly, she’s smiling.
i’m just fishing for gay content because i’m a needy lesbian ∴ @athrach.
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apcgee · 6 years
  i just finished Atelier and started GBBO, and this...
can eurus help though djfhdjdfh
yessssss. in whatever way she wants. 
           ...short of blowing up the rival bakery.
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forkiicks · 6 years
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                  ❝  i’m told kisses are in order? ❞ and yet, effie doesn’t kiss jenny. she hovers teasingly close, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. the doctor’s going to kill her for getting to attached, but effie’s never been a stickler for rules. 
                                        ❝ miss lind? ❞ // @athrach
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ofdearing · 7 years
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     ❝ I don’t often get asked about Doctor Wu. ❞ Not even when the park was open was she asked unless it was for a particular fluff piece about the touches of the first park. Claire adjusts her stance slightly before offering a smile.  ❝ I’m not sure if I’m the best to ask. ❞
@athrach. ( starter call ).
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avliggur · 7 years
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“ surely you must realise how this will end ? in      destruction     . ”
ol / @athrach
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vorcotec · 6 years
athrach replied to your post: Miranda usually only gives air kisses when she...
miranda: I don’t know am I being Subtle enough, is it too much, will she know???
jane rachel, over champagne at the gala: so do you want to have sex
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tiembres · 7 years
RING! RING! RING!    calling Jess via @athrach
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    “You know, that’s kind of frowned upon these days—Sarah tried it last week and it didn’t go well. I’d recommend a good costume and a few drinks instead, you’re guaranteed to make some friends that way.”
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Sighing dramatically, ❝ Why is it always that Sarah gets to do all the fun stuff? --- you break into a tiger enclosure ONE TIME and suddenly everyone’s forbidding demonic rituals, ❞ Jess joked with a wink, leaning back with a contemplative look on her face. ❝ Got any ideas for a costume? You usually get the good ones. ❞ 
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mxdam-a · 7 years
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look what came today!!!! the bag i commissioned from @athrach!!! it’s literally the EXACT size of bag i needed and it’s absolutely adorable. i’m going to get SO much use out of this. please go commission anna! she’s worth every cent <3
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grab bag sc. –– @athrach
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     “Do you want to take bets on how many total students are going to drop our classes this semester?”
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When Missy decided to return to the Doctor, she thought she would stand at his side and fight together, but by the time she got back, the battle was over. The land was barren and ashy, littered with the bodies of dead Cybermen. And no sign of the Doctor. What sort of cruel irony would it be if she ended up stranded here after abandoning both of her lifelines?
The subsequent, desperate search for the TARDIS proved fruitful. Cue a sigh of relief; he had not left her yet, after all. However, when Missy entered the box and approached the unconscious body lying on the floor, she found that he had indeed left her, leaving her in his place.
Missy bends down, tilting the Doctor’s face towards her so she can get a good look- oh, she’s quite pretty, isn’t she?- but this is quickly followed by a few pats on the blonde’s cheek. “Wakey wakey.”
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poiscnmade · 7 years
starter for @athrach
Isabel kept her eyes trained on the floor ahead of her as she was marched into the room. Her hands stayed firmly clasped before her hips, and while she was in no position to do so, she kept her chin held high as she approached her seat. She would not be intimidated by a room full of victorious bastards, or the judges they had hired for these ridiculous trials.
Out of nine hundred names submitted to the German government, only thirteen were selected to stand trial. The Allies were quite pleased with themselves, she imagined; twelve men of meager crimes, and one scientist with the slaughter of hundreds accredited to her name. This nonsense, this victor’s justice, had pulled her out of hiding, and led her from what remained of her labs outside of Berlin, to civilian prison and this ridiculous court. She knew what these men intended to do; humiliate her, blame her, and punish her for her work.
Lucky for them that she had not come to barter for her life. She would take whatever punishment they wished to give her, and would beg for no mercy. Her work had succeeded, that’s all that this meant. She had caused enough pain to garner attention, and that was all that mattered.
“Isabel Erna Maru. Chief scientist under Quartermaster-general Erich Ludendorff,  Western Front.” Someone read from the bench. She didn’t bother looking to see who, “You are brought before the court on account of three dozen first degree murders, including twenty three accounts of lethal exposure to chemical weapons, seven accounts of lethal experimentation resulting in fatal torture, six accounts of intentional neglect regarding prisoners of war, and one account of overexposure to chemical weapons not as a result of a scientific examination-- a Captain Steven R. Trevor. Have you prepared your defense?”
She said nothing. The answer was no.
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prevsapphism · 7 years
@athrach replied to your post “but the question is . who’s the gf telling margot to come back to bed...”
This Is Correctamundo
margot, wandering outside on the verandah at midnight in her silk robe with an empty glass wine glass: my heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains--
ava: margot. we talked about this. margot. come inside. marg
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mxstress-blog1 · 7 years
"Come sit in my lap, pet." (space wiiiiiives)
(NSFW) Soft Dominant Starters
Moaning happily at the command, Missy obeys without question - the only person she’ll ever obey without question, and even then she’ll give her a damn good run for her money - crawling into the Doctor’s lap, straddling her with naked thighs and parted lips, lashes fluttering against the blonde’s neck. This must be what winning feels like, good winning, the kind where she doesn’t have to murder anyone, where all she has to do is whisper a few words and ask nicely.
With a mewl she nuzzles the Doctor’s throat, Missy’s own decorated with a simple, but elegant, jeweled choker. “I want you to play with me. I’ve been very, very good.”
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villainofthisstory · 7 years
👀 just drag my ass, you know what to do
has a cute dog but wont let him run free
everyday is Treat Yourself Day ACCEPT IT
will make you cry and laugh about it
will not let isabel live or kill things
too hot? hot damn. fight the police and fireman.
group Hot mom
stares at the sun
needs to pick a girlfriend
stop?? being?? so?? cute??
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shootsfezzes-blog · 7 years
athrach replied to your post: “i’m fine, it’s just a flesh wound, i’ll be okay.”...
she’s being the best wife omfg bless you
!!! thank. river’s wifely duties include: berating the doctor for hiding injuries & being sassy af ~
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