#★ where i stand // verse ★
amuromi · 2 months
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★ ₊ ⊹ ⋆˙ ┈ 𝐈𝐄𝐈𝐑𝐈 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐊𝐎 X ᶠ!ᴿᴱᴬᴰᴱᴿ
✦ ⋆˙ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 ┈ 5.0k
✦ ⋆˙ 𝐀!𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ┈ I think it’s fun that Gege said Shoko cheated her way into her doctor’s license.
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✦ ⋆˙ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 ┈ NSFW! unestablished relationship (fwb-ish), pet names (baby), sleepy sex, oral (f!receiving), fingering
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The buzzing of fluorescents and the whirring of an overworked laptop fill the frigid air of the examination room. Everything is cold, sterile. Severe chrome and polished tile void of anything that might disrupt the uniformity of it all. Not a scratch on the metal tables or a chip in the pale blue tiling. Even the light is carved into strict form, beams of glaring light bearing down from the ceilings in rings of blinding white. Glass jars and plastic boxes line the counters and the only break from the monotony is the staggered dripping of the leaky faucet but even that has gained an almost rhythmic pattern after listening to it for so long. The truest break from the carefully curated environment is Shoko. 
She interrupts the room like a flower blooming in a desert, something lovely standing alone in a featureless wasteland. She’s sitting too close to her laptop screen, bluish light carving out the contours of her face in harsh monotones. The shadows beneath her eyes stand out, deep bruises staining her pale skin. A cigarette sits between her lips, unlit and stained pinkish at the filter from her lip tint. The same color is printed on the straw of her drink that sits precariously close to her computer. It’s old, not worth saving if it gets doused in whatever caffeine-laden drink she’s sipping, but it would surely ruin her night. She hasn’t saved anything in awhile and you’ve been watching her for the better part of an hour according to the steady ticking of the clock mounted on the wall. It’s creeping close to midnight and your body is starting to ache from being perched at the edge of the examination table for so long. 
An arrhythmic clicking disrupts the metronome of the silence; the clock, the sink, as Shoko pauses in her scrolling to finally type something out. She’s been hunched over this essay for longer than you’ve been watching her, reading and rereading the same lines of text as if she was worried she’d accidentally added a paragraph about the lifecycle of a goldfish into her lengthy thesis about human anatomy. It was something she was well versed in given her medical inclination. It was what best suited her as a reverse cursed technique user. So few existed in the Tokyo branch of Jujutsu Tech and even if Shoko wasn’t going through the exact proceedings to achieve her doctorate, she was meticulous about the classes and examinations she needed to take. Something about nepotism and forgery had gotten her foot in the door and now she was two years into her higher education and only a few months short of the national exam. There was no doubt in your mind that she’d pass with flying colors so it made it all the more frustrating that she was ignoring you in service of her exam preparations.
It had been three days since you’d last seen Shoko and at least twenty-four hours since she’d so much as sent you a text. It was blind desperation that led you here after another call went unanswered for the third time today. She was exactly where you’d expected. There was no worry of infidelity, yet it still felt strange to be so thoroughly ignored. She was a busy woman but hearing her answering machine drone at you for the third time had knocked something gnawingly desperate loose in your head. So here you sat, like a dog waiting for a treat, watching her work on an essay. The edge of the table was bruising the back of your thighs and your back aches from keeping such a rigid posture. All this and she’d barely even glanced up at you when the door opened. Your eyes slip away from her towards her drink. 
There’s a feline urge to knock it over because surely that would get her attention. It would disrupt her environment to suddenly have her drink dripping off the edge of the table, but then she’d probably be annoyed with you, and you’d surely have to clean up the mess yourself. The thought of sticky hands and cold tile digging into your knees kept your hand from tipping as you reached over to grab the can. The straw was a silly quirk likely borne of her oral fixation–the same reason she’d kept a cigarette in her mouth this whole time–but it fit nicely between your lips, and you could feel the tacky spot where her lips had been as you left your own pink print on the straw. It was as close as you’d gotten to kissing her in a long time. 
She’d call you spoiled if she could read your mind, and you’re glad she can’t because you likely would’ve been sent away the moment you’d poked your head in the room looking to seduce her away from her work. You’d gone through extra effort to look nice before coming to see her. Your hair was styled and your makeup done, clothes smoothed of any wrinkles and in the colors she said you looked nicest in. Desperation oozed from you in thick waves and Shoko still couldn’t spare you a passing glance. The clock ticked by another minute. It had been your hope to get her out of her cold little cell before midnight but that plan was crumbling quicker with each passing moment. She’s gone back to scrolling, fingers stroking against the touch pad. It makes your legs shift, thighs squeezing at all the thoughts her endless scrolling conjured. 
It’s seventeen minutes past midnight by the time Shoko sits back in her seat, her chair squeaking at the sudden shift in weight. She stretches her arms and her shirt rides up the slightest bit. Just under the raised hem you can see a slash of skin and you have to swallow a mouthful of spit. She groans as her back cracks and you cross your legs. The break is fleeting because she goes back to typing, but it seems more purposeful. From the angle you’re at, perched next to her laptop because you thought that would be the easiest way to get her attention, you can’t clearly make out the size twelve font, but you like to imagine that every word is articulate and insightful; a perfect thesis paper. And even if it isn’t, she’s made it this far without going through the proper channels. It wouldn’t be so hard to forge her credentials to get her into the exam. She could pass it even without all the expected years of education. She was far more intimate with anatomy, both human and otherwise, than anyone her age had any right to be. It was your hope that she’d come out of her academic stupor to reacquaint herself with your anatomy. Sooner rather than later. But you wouldn’t pout and you wouldn’t whine because she didn’t like that. Gojo is the only one she’ll tolerate acting like that, and their bond is different than what you have with her. 
Girlfriend is far too charitable though you’d like to have such a formal label. You’re a girl that’s a friend at best. One she has wrapped around her pretty little finger. She starts scrolling again. You take another longing sip of her drink. It’s gone flat and tastes like cough syrup but you can feel the buzz of caffeine starting up just from those few sips. Whatever is in the can is going to leave you wired and you hate to think Shoko’s been downing energy drinks in lieu of sleeping. A thousand questions perch at the tip of your tongue; are you almost done, when was the last time you slept? You’d like to ask but it would disturb the clinical symphony of the room and you’d hate to shatter her concentration and further prolong your wait. So you sit in obedient silence wondering why you’ve bothered to wait this long in the first place. 
Shoko hasn’t so much as spared you a glance since her first brief look when you came tip toeing in. Her gaze remains glued on the screen of her laptop, a grayish square reflected bright in her brown eyes. Her lashes flicker as she reads through the lines of text and you try to find something else to focus on. Something that isn’t Shoko’s big brown eyes, or that pretty little mole high on her cheek, or her graceful fingers skating over the keyboard. Instead you focus your eyes on your nails. Freshly done in a purple so pale it’s almost white; the same color you heard Shoko compliment Utahime on a few weeks ago. It’s pretty but as you watch the light dance off the pastel polish, you realize it’s unlikely that Shoko will even notice. 
Another drop of water hits the sink basin and you consider getting up to leave. Shoko hasn’t acknowledged your existence in her space as a positive or negative and the neutrality of her ignorance is starting to grate on your pride. Slowly, you start to descend from the high top table, but before your feet can hit the ground a hand is catching your thigh, keeping you perched on the edge of the table. Shoko doesn’t look up from the screen but her hand is now resting imploringly on your leg. She can’t be bothered to look at you or tell you not to go but her touch will have to be enough. You readjust yourself, scooting back onto the hightop. Her hand brushes mindlessly over your skin, drifting high enough that her fingers drift under the hem of your skirt. The same skirt you’d bought on her recommendation during a trip to the mall. 
“Almost done,” she mumbled so low that you would’ve missed it if you weren’t already staring at her. Her lips barely part around the words and she sounds utterly exhausted. Shoko always seems to have everything together despite always looking like she’s fighting to stay conscious with every blink. Her eyes have gone glossy as though she isn’t paying attention to anything in front of her but her hands don’t stop. Not where she’s scrolling through her essay and not where she’s thumbing circles against your thigh. A few more swipes of her finger and she reaches the final line of the document. Her hand leaves your leg long enough to hit save and close her laptop. The chair squeaks beneath her weight as she finally leans away from the desk, tired eyes pointed towards the ceiling. White light dances across her dark gaze before her lashes flutter closed with a sigh. She gives your leg a gentle pat before pushing away from the desk with a discordant scrape of her chair. It interrupts the monotony that had settled over the room but the disturbance is welcome as Shoko goes about packing up her things. She shoulders her bag and holds out her hand to help you down from the table. 
“Let’s go,” she hums, brushing her thumb across the back of your hand as she leads you out of the examination room. The halls of the school are dimmed and quiet so late into the evening. The sound of your footfalls echo through the emptiness, preceding your arrival just enough for Ijichi to parse who’s approaching. The door to his office is open, spilling white light into the darkness and he cuts through the glowing haze like a towering tree, a willowy silhouette against the bright light. 
“Done for the night?” He asks. Shoko hums, prompting Ijichi to tidy up his office. The jingling of his keys leads the way outside. It isn’t so late that the trains have stopped running but Shoko seems close to falling asleep where she stands and she’d likely only be made more irritable after commuting home on public transit. Ijichi is a blessed pillar of Jujutsu Tech staff, always willing to act as chauffeur for the most minor trips. He knows the way to Shoko’s apartment without the assistance of a GPS and he doesn’t seem to spare a thought to consider if you want to be ferried back to your own apartment. You don’t but an embarrassed flush blooms warm across your cheeks as you realize no one takes any time to consider that you won’t always be where Shoko is anymore. Truthfully, you could’ve gone home hours ago, but you stayed to keep Shoko company, clinging to her like a puppy. 
“Here we are,” Ijichi says as he pulls up in front of Shoko’s building. “Do you need any further assistance?” It’s so formal, though that’s just how Ijichi is when he’s on the clock. You’ve only seen him lose his staunch manners once when Gojo insisted all of you go out to celebrate one thing or another. Instead of poking fun at his civility you thank him for the ride and usher Shoko out of the car. Ijichi waits until you’re inside the building before pulling off. 
In the comfort of her own home, Shoko seems to be a bit renewed. The fatigue still lingers in the way her movements lack the usual precision that must come with the medical training. A hair’s breadth of error in her movement might spell disaster in an examination room but here, she’s free to be less exact. She takes her shoes off at the door and kicks them to the side rather than lining them up neatly against the wall. Her bag is dropped on the couch, nearly spilling over with how she tossed it. There’s a laziness that belies her exhaustion but it seems like the last dregs of her energy drink are still simmering in her system as she deposits you next to her bag, pushing you to sit with a hand on your shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen. 
When she returns, she sets a plate of fruit on the coffee table before padding off to the balcony. No matter how tired, Shoko has never been one to smoke indoors. The scent of the cigarettes might linger in her hair and clothes but her apartment always smells like vanilla and jasmine, courtesy of her favorite scented candles. She leaves the sliding door half open as she leans against the bannister and you decide that she deserves this small moment of peace. Though you haven’t really done much to disturb her in the last hour or so, you suspect she could use a moment of solitude to decompress from the stresses and strains of academia. Instead of following her past the billowing curtains you busy yourself with the tray of fruit, wetting your fingers with pineapple and watermelon. 
Shoko joins you after a while and you nearly melt as she sits close beside you, wiping away a smear of juice at the corner of your mouth. Your thanks gets caught in your throat as she pops her thumb between her lips. If she takes note of your shock, Shoko doesn’t mention it. Instead she turns on some mind numbing period piece and sags into the couch. Exhaustion catches up with her quickly and she falls asleep somewhere at the midpoint of the film, lips parted around kittenish snores. She’s easy enough to carry on account of your combat training. She curls up in your arms, shifting until her nose is pressed against your neck and you stifle a yelp at how cold she is. She’s half lucid as you set her at the foot of the bed, moving her limbs with wooden fluidity as you strip her out of her clothes before tucking her in. There’s just enough consciousness left in her to remind you to come to bed when the movie is over. You’re not particularly interested enough to see how it ends but you do go through the motions of winding down for the night as the movie plays softly in the background. The dishes are washed and the doors and windows locked. By the time you’re yawning yourself the credits are rolling. 
Shoko rouses the moment you slip beneath the sheets, rolling over to wrap herself around you. Her breath is slow and steady against your neck as she tucks her nose behind your ear and sighs. That’s all you expect from her, arm tossed loosely over your waist as she falls back to sleep, but then her hand begins to move. Subtle at first as she traces her fingertips over your stomach through your shirt, then more purposeful as she dips beneath the fabric to tease at your bare skin. Her hand trails higher, taking your shirt with it until it’s crumpled beneath your chin, your breasts bared to the cool air of her bedroom. Her eyes are half lidded and dark in the dim ambiance, lit only by the grayish glow filtering through the curtains. It highlights the broadest strokes of her face as she lazily climbs over you, blanket pooling around her hips as she settles in your lap. The curve of her cheekbones and slope of her nose all glow silver as her hair slips over her shoulders in a tousled waterfall. Her hands have just the slightest chill as she traces her hands up the ladder of your ribs to cup your chest in her palms. Your nipples perk against the softness of her skin, pressing into the gentle touch as she traces her thumbs over the stiffening buds. 
“You should sleep,” you tell her, hand stroking over the length of her arm. 
“I will,” she promises, “after.” She’s been asleep for at least an hour and it showed in her voice, sultry and graveled as she leaned down to press hot kisses over your neck. Her tongue finds the shape of your collarbone, tracing the sloping imprint before slipping lower to wrap her lips around your nipple. 
“I wanted to do this the moment you walked into the exam room.” She confesses. Her words ghost breathy and ticklish across your skin as she slinks lower, leaving wet imprints of her lips against your stomach. She noses against the waistband of your pants, taking her time to pull them down. With each newly exposed inch she presses a kiss against your skin, stopping only to leave a more lasting mark. Your pants are shucked to the floor as Shoko replaces the lost warmth with her body laid between your legs. Her teeth and tongue leave marks against the soft skin of your thighs as she works her way back up your body. She leaves a burning kiss beneath your navel, then higher and higher until her lips are sealing over yours. 
Her legs cage one of yours as she steals the breath from your lungs, tongue dancing over yours as she lowers her hips with purpose. With a shift of her weight, Shoko presses her thigh flush between your legs and your hips move to meet her. Each roll of your hips is like the strike of a flint that sparks but refuses to catch fire. Shoko isn’t much better as she whines pitifully, rocking hard against you with little relief. The sound of your desperate mewls turns to groans of frustration, both of you too desperate for the full shocks of pleasure to stop long enough to shed the rest of your clothes. Shoko decides on a compromise.  
“Here,” Shoko pants, detangling one of your fists from the wrinkled sheets to slide it beneath the waistband of her pants. The warmth is immediate as you slip your fingers lower until they’re enveloped in the wet heat that’s gathered between her legs. Her thigh presses harder against your pussy, pace stuttering as you circle your fingers over her clit. It’s wet and clumsy as she grinds against your fingers. Her whole body trembles as she sits up to toss aside her shirt, hands immediately cupping her chest. Her breasts spill between her fingers as she pinches at her nipples. Between her soft exhales she whines something that sounds like “inside.” Her eyes are half lidded, lashes fluttering as her eyes roll back the second your fingers slip inside her. 
“That feel good, baby?” You ask, gripping her waist as she rides your fingers. She’s nodding, whining a thick deluge of praise between each shallow breath. 
“Feels so good,” she sighs. Her fingers that are usually so dexterous suddenly feel clumsy as she brushes her fingertips over the seam of your lips, chuffing out a soft laugh when your mouth opens to taste her skin. There’s the lingering taste of the fruit she ate earlier spreading sweetly over your tongue as you bit softly at her fingers. And when she pulls away a mess of drool dribbles down your chin and drips onto your chest as she circles her wet fingers over her nipple, hips stuttering as she shivers from the air caressing her wet skin. You can feel the goosebumps raising as you thumb at her trembling stomach, feeling the muscles shift beneath her skin as she fucks herself on your fingers. Her clit twitches under the pad of your thumb as you curve your fingers inside her. She comes with a long whine, head tossed back as she grinds hard against your hand. Her pants are soaked through when you pull your hand out, patting her pussy through the sodden fabric. Shoko shrinks away from the feeling, falling back to the mattress with a satisfied huff. 
In the muted light you can’t see the soft flush you know is coloring her cheeks, but she looks beautiful all the same. Hair fanned out around her head and stuck to the sheen of sweat shining on her forehead. Her lips are glossy and parted as she tries to catch her breath. You pat her hip with your wet hand, unbothered by the mess. 
“You done?” Shoko shakes her head and rolls onto her back, legs untwining from yours as she moves to shove her pants down her thighs. Her panties are so soaked they’re nearly transparent, sticking to every contour of her pussy. Shoko cringes at the slick sound it makes as she peels off her underwear, kicking them to the edge of the bed. 
“You too.” She’s shaky as she pushes herself up to pull down your pants, thumbs hooking into the waistband of your underwear. She gets them halfway down your thighs before her hand is tucking between your legs. She kisses you gently, murmuring “good job, baby,” as she tosses your panties aside. 
“On your back, baby.” She’s regaining some semblance of control as she guides you to lay back against the pillows. The warmth of her body still lingers in the sheets as they brush against your bare skin, but Shoko’s hands are still cold as she maneuvers your body with ease. She can pluck each muscle of your body like a string and she’s always careful of how she moves you. Never stretching too far to strain or pulling so hard it hurts. She straddles one of your legs then lifts the other, wrapping it around her hips until she can get close enough to meet you in the middle.  
Shoko pauses for a moment and you try to catch your breath, taking in the feeling of her cunt pressed against yours. Then, the air conditioning kicks back on with a gust of glacial air and Shoko shivers. The short burst of a movement drags her swollen clit against yours and you keen, falling flat on your back and bucking to recreate the feeling. It’s an awkward dance at first; she’s hot and wet against you, arousal dripping down your thighs to stain the sheets, but you need her just there and she’s rushing to meet you halfway. After another moment of erratic pleasure Shoko leans back on one arm and reaches for your leg with the other. She lifts it off her waist, pulling it over her shoulder until you can feel her shortened breaths ghosting across your skin. 
Her swollen lips are whispering frantic words against your ankle that you can’t decipher, mind too lost in ecstasy to register anything past the feeling of her pussy kissing yours. Locked in the moment, Shoko pushes herself up to lean more of her weight on you. A wanton moan falls from your lips as she grinds down on you. She rest her hand against your chest, thumbing over your nipple as she fucks you into the mattress. You revel in her lack of control as her praises turn to unintelligible slurs, knowing you were the one to turn her composure to ash. She smacks her hand over yours, strengthening your grip as your hands grasp desperately at her hip. The weight of her flesh spills between your fingers as your nails bite crescent shapes into the plush of her hips. 
“Closer, want you closer.” She pants, falling forward and taking your leg with her. It leaves you utterly exposed to her as she ruts drunkenly against you. The sounds coming from between your bodies is sinful, loud and wet as the slick sound of skin on skin. “Fuck, such a good girl.” Shoko praises and you feel how the words pool low in your stomach, heat gathering at the base of your spine as the sweet words start to tumble from her lips with reckless abandon. 
“Always so good for me, so patient–fuck! Sitting so pretty waiting for me, baby. Thank you for waiting.” Heat gathers between her bodies as she balances on her forearm, letting your leg off her shoulder to join the other knocking around her ribs as she cages you to the bed between her thighs. She has you curled up, only half balance on the bed as she holds your hips off the mattress. 
“Feels so good, m’not gonna last.” She whines. “I’m so close.” She cums hard, all shivers and stuttering breaths as pleasure seizes through her body. She’s shaking yet still desperate as she fucks herself through it, using your body for her own satisfaction. Sweat pastes the two of you together when she finally comes down, body going limp as she falls against your chest. It’s hot and sticky as Shoko nuzzles against your neck, pressing wet kisses against your racing pulse. Your own orgasm was lost somewhere in the fray, simmering just under the surface as Shoko cuddles against your chest. She’s so close that you can feel her heartbeat against yours, the quick fluttering slowing to a steady thump as your hands play in her hair. When her breaths start to shallow you wonder if she’s fallen asleep. It wouldn’t be a surprise. The day was long and exhausting, and she’d already been asleep when you joined her in bed. But after a few more beats of silence, Shoko sits up and reaches towards the nightstand. You expect her to grab the half empty water bottle sitting there but instead she finds a hair tie. There’s a look of sultry determination on her face as she pulls her hair back into a messy bun. 
“Your turn, baby.” Shoko has never been one to leave you high and dry, and she clearly isn’t going to start tonight. You can hear the lethargy dripping from her tone but it doesn’t douse the flames of desire still burning in her eyes. She presses a kiss to your parted lips. One, then another, before working her way down your body. She licks at the marks blooming over your through and the sore peaks of your nipples, down the heaving expanse of your chest to kiss just below your navel before her head settles between your thighs. 
“You don’t have to.” The words are full of worry. Far more concerned with her health than your own pleasure. Shoko clicks her tongue and mumbles something about “want to,” as she pulls your thighs over her shoulders. 
Her eyes trail from the sopping mess between your legs up to your eyes and back down again. Your entire body jumps as she drags the pad of her thumb over your pussy, rubbing at your throbbing bud. Her tongue cleans the mess from her finger before she presses her head between the heat of your thighs. Her tongue spreads your folds as she licks up the length of your slit, gathering the cocktail of your joiner arousal on your tongue. As she flicks at her clit, you whimper, head falling back against the pillows. Your ruined orgasm roars back to life, heat flooding your body as Shoko groans against your cunt. The feeling shoots up your spine as your thighs start to shake. 
The sound of your voice is almost pitiful as you cry out her name, bucking against her face. Shoko lets you, flattening her tongue as you set the pace, desperately chasing your high. You come hard, shuddering under her hands as you curl in on yourself, barely lucid enough to miss catching her cheek with your knee. The hand that isn’t searching for hers dives between your legs, wrist trapped between clenched thighs as you desperately curl your fingers inside yourself. Shoko watches you fuck yourself through it before pulling your hand away to suck your soaked fingers into her mouth. When she’s satisfied that she cleaned the taste of your cum off your fingers, she kisses your palm. 
Shoko looks to be on the cusp of passing out as you slip out from under her. Cleanup is only a few swipes of a damp washcloth. She lets you maneuver her limp body so you can wipe away the sweat and slick, and you’re able to get a few swigs of lukewarm water into her before Shoko is fully checked out. Her last half conscious act is tossing her loose limbs across your naked body to pull you closer. Her skin is damp from your haphazard wipe down but you don’t have it in you to care as she tucks her nose into the curve of your jaw, humming compliments as you both dip between sleep and wakefulness. Shoko is barely coherent enough to form a sentence but she slurs it out anyway before trailing off into a soft snore. A promise to make it up to you in the morning when she’s more properly rested. 
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pixiewritesstuff · 5 months
This is probably going to be a long ask I'm sorry 😭
I got into Undertale and the AUs when I was like nine I think and I'm like thirteen now and sans aus have been such a huge comfort to me!
I discovered your tiktok account around a year ago and you inspired me so much immediately! Your characters were so cool - Smudge was the first one I saw.
Sadly I stopped watching your account for a long time because I deleted my tiktok account but I remembered you a couple of weeks ago and was like GAHH I HAVE TO FOLLOW PIXIE!
I have been at a low - girl I'm like Ink, I have such a fear of being forgotten- I want to make an impact in this fandom and I thought I couldn't but then I was like 'wait...' and you've given me inspiration to make a blog called askbittersweet!
Maybe I won't get asks, but you gave me the inspiration and confidence to and you're just so important to me!
this was supposed to sound so much cooler but my words failed.....
also your art style is so pleasing lol! I had a lucid dream where I had your artstyle it was kinda weird but it was cool n stuff (jeez lousus i'm bad at talking)
Awww thank you!! I got into the Undertale AUs when I was about 11/12 and now I'm turning 19 in a few hours, so I definitely relate to that sense of comfort!
And thank you for your support. :3 I've been working every day to give everyone content they can like. I love this community and honestly it's my honour to be giving everyone content that they enjoyed. Secret be told, I didn't think anyone would like my work considering my writing isn't all fluff and sunshine, but I was completely blown out of the water with support and love from such amazing individuals. I've met and made friends with so many amazing individuals, each fan interaction I have makes my absolute week because there is nothing I love more than cooking up content.
I wish you luck on your own content journey! As long as you have a passion for what you do? There is only one way for you to go and that's up. Since I'm feeling nice today, I'll give you a few tips ٩( ᐛ )و
★ Use what's trending to your advantage -
Tik tok, Tumblr, Twitter/X all follow an algorithm of sorts, if you see bunch of videos following the same pattern... Take the leap! Make sure to add your own spin on it, not only will that help you stand out but copying others makes a story so bland, bleh!
★ Be brave, be confident -
I know putting yourself out there can be scary, it's literally throwing yourself on a stage and slowly building an audience hoping you'll attract your kind of people. But you'll never get anywhere if you stand around timidly and be too scared of that attention. Sell yourself, be brave, what makes you different from everyone else? What makes you special? What makes your amazing work so amazing? What can you do to bring something different to this multi verse?
(For me? I can bring adorable characters with a horror aspect, but what makes me different? There's no one quite like our lovely princess Smudge, is there?)
★ Don't be afraid of interacting with people but withstand your boundaries.
Unless those people are total dickwads and have no life, making interactions with people is a great place to start. You'll build a solid support system, people who aren't just interested in your stories but genuinely want to see you thrive! Little side note- don't let people stand on you either. I've had many a time where people thought they could push my boundaries and got kicked to the curb. Don't be a door mat, how will anyone respect your characters if they don't respect their creator?
★ Last but certainly not least - believe in yourself!
Okay, this one is a little corny and I know what you're probably thinking. 'But Pixie, I have low self confidence and esteem. Being confident doesn't come naturally.' And I'm super sorry to hear that. You're a wonderful person with flaws, but those flaws don't undermind your best traits one bit. If you don't believe in it, believe in us to believe in you. Would there be hundreds of people lying to your face? Really? No. There would be some merit behind their words, right? I faked it till I made it. Now? I have the ability to trust my own talent. I find love in my work and in my characters. I can only hope you do too, you can do amazing things if you set your mind to it. That's something I live by.
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satanicgoatstudios · 1 year
Across the Spider-Verse Scenarios!
(Part 2!)
Author’s Note: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
(Hey guys!! I have another scenario for you all! This time it’s going to be Hobie Brown! I loved him tons in the movie, and he reminds me of my irl partner so much! Just to give you some context, this scenario is taking place during a mission! You, and Hobie are at a big party hosted by KingPin! You and Hobie are supposed to be grabbing an anomaly, until a slow dance starts! This story is a bit longer, 2,458 words long. So please enjoy and listen to some soundtrack music as you read! Also please remember I am ALWAYS taking requests and constructive criticism!!)
Key for story: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
Y/P: Your POV. (Any other character’s pov will have their first initial.)
Y/N: Your Name.
F/N: First Name.
L/N: Last Name.
H/C/T: Hair Color, and Texture. 
E/C/S: Eye Color, and Shape.
D/H: Desired Height.
S/C: Skin Color. 
Y/NN: Your Nickname.
P/A: Power/Ability.
SS/O/C: Spider-Suit/Outfit Color. 
D/D: Desired Dimension.
Hobie Brown: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
H/P: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
For a while now, about 2 years, Hobie and (Y/N) were a great team. Anytime Miguel O’Hara needed important information, or anomalies caught, Hobie and (Y/N) were always willing to get the work done. Nothing seemed to get in the way of them completing each mission, however their next mission was going to be a unique situation.
Hobie’s wrist watch began to flash as he walked through his portal, and into Spider HQ. HQ seemed extra busy today, everyone in spider society all caught up in their own work. Hobie shoved his hands in his jacket, walking through the halls, and giving a slight nod to the other Gwen’s, Peter’s, and Spider heroes. As Hobie finally made his way into Miguel’s lab, he could see (Y/N) standing and giving their full attention like always. 
Y/P: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
I could hear heavy footsteps behind me, when I turned, I could see Hobie’s tired eyes. I smiled brightly, giving him a small wave.
“Good morning Hobie! Ready for work?” I tried to be as cheerful as possible, but Hobie’s tired expression would not budge. He didn’t even say much, besides giving me an unimpressed glare. I shrugged before I could hear Miguel close down his screens, then turn to face Hobie and I. He folded his arms, looking down at the two of us;
“You two, I know you’ll get the job done. There was an anomaly who broke out from Earth-297 and is now in Earth-74. The anomaly is Earth-297’s Green Goblin. Grab him, bring him back, and Margo can send him back home.” Miguel explained the situation. I looked over at Hobie who seemed even more annoyed about another anomaly mission. I smiled, and gave Miguel a nod. We then pulled down our masks, Lyla letting us know where she had tracked Green Goblin within Earth-74. Hobie then put the coordinates to the infiltrated dimension on his watch, and we made our way through the portal. 
H/B: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
“To hell with these damn anomalies, why can’t the big man just grab them himself?” Hobie ranted as the two observed the new world around them. The portal closed, and now they were on Earth-74. 
The world seemed very fashionable. The streets were completely clean, almost polished, the shops surrounding them were almost all luxurious looking, and the cars parked alongside the street were shiny cadillacs and mercedes. Hobie could see as (Y/N)’s eyes glowed with the street lights. Just then, Hobie could hear the voice of two men, possibly cops. He quickly grabbed (Y/N), covering their mouth, and hiding behind one of the shops. Hobie kept an ear close to the edge of the wall, listening close, and holding onto (Y/N) tightly. As the two officers passed, Hobie quickly let go of (Y/N), grabbed their hand, and snuck into the shop they hid behind through the back door. As they entered the shop, they looked around to see very expensive and deluxe clothing. Hobie scoffed at the attire, thinking it was too posh for him. However, (Y/N) seemed almost mesmerized by the clothes. Their eyes sparkled with the rhinestones and silky fabric of the outfits. They picked up each pair of shoes, sunglasses, and bag to observe closer. Hobie grew more concerned, he had never seen his teammate so interested in such fancy things. 
“Oi! Why don’t we get back to finding the Green Goblin?”Hobie said as he made his way to the back door, (Y/N) then shot a web to Hobie’s back and pulled him over to the men’s suits. Looking at each one, they pulled down a simple black and white suit;
“Here, we’ll blend in the crowd better with these outfits rather than our suits.” (Y/N) then walked over to the dresses (suits) and grabbed themselves a beautiful looking (O/C) outfit. Hobie, and (Y/N) then walked into the changing rooms. A moment later, they walked out in their new attire. Hobie’s flashing unique colors blended well with his suit, and he couldn’t get enough of how wonderful (Y/N) looked in their disguise. Hobie could feel himself blush a little, catching himself staring for a little too long. He couldn’t get enough at how their soft (S/C) skin complimented the fabric perfectly. Another thing he took in was how much their (E/C/S) eyes shined in the shop lights. He couldn’t help but think how beautiful (Y/N) looked. 
Y/P: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
I walked out of the dressing room wearing my new dress (suit), and I loved it so much! The fabric was so soft, and stitched up to perfection! I looked up at Hobie just to see his eyes glued to me. We stood there in awkward silence for a moment before he quickly shook his head and covered half of his blushing face. 
“Y-You look great darlin’, now let's get this mission over with.” Hobie trembled with his words a little. I smirked before holding up my watch, and asking Lyla to help us locate the Green Goblin. She tracked and explained how he had snuck into KingPin’s mansion, we were close. He was now hiding as Norman Osborn within the crowd in KingPin’s party. I nodded, thanking Lyla, and grabbing Hobie’s hand as we left the shop. 
“You think they’ll have beer at this establishment, or is this mission going to be more boring?” Hobie asked, trying to shove his hands in his jacket pockets, but having to put them in his dress pant pockets. I looked at my watch as we got closer to KingPin’s mansion, then rolled my eyes at Hobie’s statement. After about 15 minutes of walking, we could see a big cloud of lights and fog coming from a giant gated neighborhood in the distance. I smiled and pointed, looking over at Hobie who had quickly caught a glance at my outfit again.
“Let's get our guy Hobie!” I shot a web, swinging over the gate, and hopping down to the pavement. Hobie followed right behind, flipping over the fence, and landing right beside me. We both looked at each other once more, my expression ready for action, and him having an expression of adoration. Just then we heard loud, crazy jazz music coming from the mansion. Hobie smirked as we both locked arms, walking towards the crowd of cars and people, bumping into two guests, and swiftly we made our way into KingPin’s party.
H/B: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
As Hobie and (Y/N) walked into the party, they could not believe their eyes. They were almost blinded by the chandelier lights, and fire being blown from the fire performers. Hobie grabbed (Y/N)’s back, making them duck down as a trapeze artist swung above them. (Y/N) looked up seeing guest’s in unique dresses, suits, and party masks. The music was loud, the chef’s large variety of food smelled amazing, and the party was more than alive. Both Hobie’s, and (Y/N)’s eyes stayed wide open as they looked around seeing the wild event. Hobie wrapped his arm around their waist, leading them through the party and to an empty spot where there was some breathing space. (Y/N) could feel Hobie’s strong, protective grip as they swiftly moved through the guests. They both took a deep breath once they had some space, and collected their thoughts. 
“Alright, we need to figure out who Norman could be out of all of these people.” (Y/N) thought out loud to themself.
“Well too bad everyone has a mask on, that’ll make it harder to point him out.” Hobie said as he looked over at the chef’s table, trying to see any beer.
“Lyla, was there any specific feature this Norman has from Earth-297, anything that would stand out in a crowd of people covering their faces?” (Y/N) asked Lyla as they looked at their watch. Lyla flashed in the air, staying low to make sure the watches wouldn’t blow their cover. She then uploaded an image of Norman Osborn, showing his human and goblin forms. 
“The Goblin you guys are looking for has an unusual skin condition, in both human and goblin form, he has green bumpy skin. If you can find someone with a sick looking complexion, just pull his mask down and see if it's him.” Lyla said, then glitched out of the air. 
“Thank you Lyla your the best! Now how are we gonna pull down each mask and look at everyone without looking strange?” (Y/N) asked as they looked up at Hobie. Hobie was clearly interested in the waitress handing out some beer bottles. 
“Give me one minute love, I need me a drink.”, Hobie pulled up his suit, and walked over to the waitress. (Y/N) rolled their eyes, and rested their head against their hand. 
“We’ll never get this done if he’s going to chase the waitress around.” (Y/N) groaned to themself before standing up, and turning around. Hobie right there in their face. (Y/N) jumped back, letting out a small squeal before Hobie chuckled. 
“Geez, if I scared you anymore you would’ve thought I was the Goblin!”
“Oh shut it!” (Y/N) shoved Hobie before quickly grabbing two masks from a serving tray, and handing one to him. 
“We need to wear these, and we’ve got to figure out a way to identify these people.” As Hobie watched (Y/N) pace back and forth, he could hear the wild jazz music calm down a bit. Hobie finished the beer in his hand, then set down the bottle.
“Hey love, I think I’ve got a plan.” Hobie held out his hand, having a smirk on his face. 
Y/P: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
(AN: I listened to Fever by Peggy Lee for this scene just to have it make sense. Feel free to listen to whatever slow jazz will make it more entertaining to read! :)
I looked over at Hobie, his mask not being able to hide his handsome smirk. I slipped on my party mask, grabbed his hand, and I could feel as he led me to the dance floor with all of the other guests. He then wrapped one arm around my waist, held my free hand in his, and slowly we began to dance with the crowd. The jazz music played nice, and smooth as the guests around us all came together and danced slowly. Hobie then leaned into my ear, making sure no one else could hear him. 
“Whenever I hold you, lean back and grab someone's mask by accident.” he whispered, he then slightly pushed me back. I quickly nodded, leaned back, and snatched a party guest's mask with a small web. Hobie swiftly pulled me back up before they realized what happened, looking at the guest, and shaking his head not seeing the goblin. Hobie then looked around at some other guests before shuffling to a different part of the crowd. Hobie then held onto me once again as I shot another small web, grabbing another guest's mask, and pulling it off. Hobie pulled me up, observing the guest, then quickly threw me to the side.
“Look out (Y/N)!” Hobie called out, he then groaned as the Goblin slammed into him with all of his strength. They both had each other in chokeholds, the crowd formed a small hole where the two men struggled for a moment. The Goblin then began to transform, his suit ripping as his body became more beast-like. I quickly shot my webs, trapping his wings as they grew from his back. I then shot two webs, creating a self sling-shot, and swung right at the Goblin. I swiftly kicked him off, helping Hobie up immediately as the Goblin tried recovering for a moment. Hobie shook his head, reaching in his dress pant pockets, and tossing a prison shield around the Goblin. The shield quickly trapped the Goblin, his rage and roaring almost shaking the ground. Hobie and I then looked at the crowd, everyone having their jaws almost on the floor. Clearly nothing like this ever happened in their dimension. 
“What the hell was that all about?!” a raging voice came from the back of the crowd. Hobie and I quickly realized if we didn’t leave now, we’d have to deal with KingPin next. Hobie and I, like the wind, swept up the Goblin in our arms, and ran out of the mansion as some of the security guards chased after us. We then shot our webs, and swung away from the mansion, our goblin captured, and our mission nearly complete!
H/B: ✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
“Finally! Let's get these posh clothes off, and get this dirtbag home!” Hobie complained as he and (Y/N) walked through the portal, into Spider HQ. Making their way to Miguel’s lab was more awkward to Hobie than he thought it would be. He noticed some of the spider heroes giggling at how (Y/N) and him were dressed. He groaned, not liking the fancy suit, and wanting his metal jacket back
“Oi! Are we getting any closer to Miguel?” Hobie growled, (Y/N) rolled their eyes once more as they finally walked into the lab. They handed the Green Goblin over to Miguel, then watched as Margo scanned and transported the Green Goblin back to Earth-297. Hobie, and (Y/N) waving to the goblin as he was sent away. After this, they were free to leave and enjoy the rest of their day. Hobie walked with (Y/N) for a bit, talking about possible dates in the next few days. Hobie then decided to go back to Earth-138. As Hobie opened the portal, he looked back at (Y/N) before giving them a slight smirk. Admiration in his eyes, and a slight blush in his face that was hard to hide.
“You look good in that outfit, you should try dressing up like that again.” Hobie then waved, and walked through the portal. Leaving (Y/N) blushing, and still in their fancy attire.
✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*THE END✩•**•.•*.•*★.•*•.*☆.•*.•**•.✩.•*
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mxrdockromanoff · 6 months
Summary: You are a Spider-Woman, who has now been very involved in the spider verse when you have met a group of 6 Spider-People, who try to save the multiverse and their lives, and then become involved in a society and a fight between they. At the same time you have to deal with your sleep disorder that turns out not to be a sleep disorder.
Warnings: Mentions and descriptions of sleep disorder, panic attacks, sleep paralysis, death, suicide, self harm.
Author's Note: Well, I must admit that as much as I love the X-Men, Defenders, and Marvel in general, my heart belongs to the Spiderverse and the Loki series. In my personal opinion, it's kind of funny that TVA and The Spider Society are almost the same. And I imagined a spider involved on both sides, please don't hate me, I'm new to this and I don't know much about parasomnia and narcoleptics. If you can give your opinion you are welcome.
You don't even know how you got to this situation, you can't even remember how you got to this place and you are not even able to recognize the things around you. You look around you trying to process everything there is, trying to decipher where you are right now, you are in what is a sea, it takes you a while to identify what sea it is, it is the Black Sea, you are on the dock of the black sea, you see the magnificent view in front of you, the beautiful blue sky being accompanied by the view of the sea.
You can perfectly feel the breeze on your face, you can smell the aroma of the sand and hear the tides colliding with each other. In fact, the movement of the sea and its immensity have an almost hypnotic effect on you, it is generating that feeling of tranquility and well-being that allows us to recharge energy.
Or that would have been it, if you didn't see two children in front of you, they are playing happily, throwing stones, jumping off the dock, swimming; They are simply having fun like the two little children they are. And why did those children break the tranquility that the sea worked so hard to generate in you?
Easy, that meant that you are not alone, you are not alone on that dock in 1895, you are surrounded by some office workers and some police dressed in black and high technology, you are hearing a fight, where one of them refused to harm that eight year old boy
They want to take him away, hurt him because that child was supposed to be responsible for more than five thousand deaths, but he was only an eight-year-old child. What harm could a boy having fun with his brother have done? You can perfectly hear the dispute of those people, while you are standing, staring at the scene without being able to move.
And one of those... hunters refused to hurt that boy, and instinctively you refused to hurt him too.
And that was, perhaps, the worst mistake of both of them.
Just by making that decision, bad things began to happen, now the lives of those five thousand people were not the only ones at risk, fellow people died. Everything happened so fast and so indifferent and unreal for you that one of them had to kill the child.
You are not able to remember what happened next, what the hell happens to you to forget it, you are just still, stunned, you feel your heart shatter, for the first time in thousands of years, it is as if you have not felt anything in years.
You feel an unpleasant sensation, and it is like a sting, tingling, discomfort or burning. It's a sharp or dull pain, you can't even identify the many emotions you feel right now.
You just have a damn need to cry and suddenly you're crying, so much that your body can't take it and you fall to the ground on your knees, you start sobbing while the people around you walk away as if nothing happened except for one.
It is that man, with gray hair, who refused, who runs towards you, falls on his knees to hug you and comfort you. He rests your head on his shoulder, letting yourself be carried away by the warmth and tranquility of his arms.
“Calm down, calm down, my little baby, everything will be fine, I promise you,” I whisper right in your ear, rubbing your back and stroking your hair.
December 2018
You woke up suddenly, you raised the upper part of your body totally scared, your chest rises and falls in a pathetic attempt to recover the damn lost air, your forehead is sweaty, you are sweating cold, you feel like your teeth are tingling, around you...
Everything is so unreal, you can't identify anything around you, neither the images nor the sounds, even the movements you make, you feel that this body is not yours, you feel that you are taking this body from a person who really wants live his life, You are even snatching away their own thoughts because you don't even feel real yourself.
They most surprising things about all this Is that you feel a horrible weight on your chest.
You know what it means, so you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, hold it for a couple of seconds with the air in your stomach, and then exhale slowly. Over and over again with your eyes closed, being so satisfying to your own soul and body. For a moment you forgot that you are not alone, a long time ago you fell into another universe where you met more people just like you (Only they are not mutants)
“Wow. Are you okay? “,You heard a voice next to you, you turned your head to your side, clashing eyes with two people, it was Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker whom you affectionately called Pete but the rest called him Noir.
You looked around, you're not in that damn place anymore. Now you are remembering the day and the place where you are at this moment, you are not able to remember where you are if you can barely recognize the people next to you, you know their names but you do not remember what relationship they have with you, who they are to you. you. You hold the blanket tightly, it is an orange blanket, the feel of the blanket is soft and quality, enough to protect you from this December cold. You sat down, hiding your face completely embarrassed in your hands. You're ashamed of your panic attacks, most people think it's stupid, I wish they knew how horrible it is, even though you wouldn't wish it on anyone.
You feel a hand on your shoulder, as incredible as it may seem you can feel that he is very worried about you, they both are, they have not even asked you questions, they are just there in silence. And you can feel the worry, after all, you're a mutant, you barely know what your abilities are. You barely remember that you are one of them, a spider, you are Spider Woman. Only unlike them you never used a spider web.
“I'm fine”,you could only murmur these words, you gave them a smile in order to reassure them after your show.
Called parasomnia and narcoleptics.
It is the word that you have grown up with since you were a girl, you have always had many complications with your dreams, because you rarely dreamed, you barely have dreams and when you do it is a matter of time before your brain confuses them with memories, because they are so real that later you feel as if they were memories.
Your parents and all the doctors have believed that you are someone very creative, because according to them, you are capable of crossing cognitive limits, which makes you more vulnerable to these states of confusion.
It may be related to a small section of your brain, a fold, the paracingulate sulcus. As it is less pronounced, they experience hallucinations and are worse at identifying what is real with what is imaginary. And when you discover that the memories are dreams, you suddenly can't breathe, you feel a crushing pain in your chest. Your heart begins to beat as if you were running to the top of Mount Everest. You feel pain in your arms and back, you get dizzy and your mind races, you suffer from panic attacks and sleep paralysis, which you have suffered since you became Spider Woman, but the dreams are worse.
The problem? You don't have either, according to some doctors, some say that you have parasomnia and others that you are narcoleptic, because you are not a sleepwalker and your folds are not less pronounced. For some you are fine, but for others, you are a woman with sleep problems.
"Well, get up lazy",Gwen threw the cushion at you when she got up, with a mocking smile and they both churckled", or you will miss out on Ham's magnificent food".
The blonde raised her eyebrows, because she doesn't love Ham's food, if it were up to her, she would eat a little flag and go buy it for you, but without further ado she went to the kitchen, where the rest or some of them are gathered there, that's when you fell. Taking into account that you are on the couch, it could be that after a pleasant practice full of anecdotes, crimes and Pete's cases, you fell asleep. And that could seriously affect your sleep.
He did not leave your side, instead, he remained by your side like the good companion that he has become for you these days in this new universe for you.
"Come on, go with them. I'll go in a while",you asked him still tired, you're fucking tired, especially because sleeping on the couch wasn't a good idea.
" I will stay with your ",I assure you, he has withnessed how your dreams hurt you these days and he wants to be with you to help you",just don't go like you usually do. So please don't go".
It means that when he's not awake first, you leave Aunt May's house, disappear, and come back a day or four like nothing bad happened. You smiled at him, because unlike the people you met, he doesn't despair, he understands you, they all care about you.
"I'm not going anywhere and if I leave, I'll come back. I promise ",you assured him with your smile.
You hoped that all this wouldn't get worse, you've had enough with your parents dying, along with your best friend and the man you saw as your older brother. Not forgetting that you've been through really horrible things since you were only third, now you're seventeen, soon to be eighteen.
I just wish you hadn't gotten worse.
June 2024
Not even they know what it does anymore, they don't know what else it does, they have tried everything, they have used everything they have at hand, they have had help from everyone and despite the differences they had with the spider society they also tried to help .
They are very desperate, at first they thought that you were simply going to be away for a few weeks but they were wrong, they should have known this the moment you were no longer home. They had to have suspected it in the first second.
You had disappeared, precisely, three years ago. It was supposed to be their meeting, they should have bought some burgers, some pies and sodas to spend the day together.
And it never happened, they never saw you again.
"Nothing?",Gwen heard her father's voice, worried about her daughter.
Since you disappeared you left a void in the hearts of each of them, very affected results when they realized what had happened to you. Peter can even attend to his cases very well without even thinking about you and always wakes up in the early morning as if you were still waiting to speak, Peni turns out that she wakes up at night and can't even compose her dream if she doesn't hear you singing. Miles swears he can hear your singing while he draws or studies, Pavitr has commented that he has seen your figure walking through the busy streets of his city. Gwen was perhaps the most affected, when they realized that she disappeared. I don't take it well.
Because later while she was fighting the Vulture she hit her head and when she woke up, she started seeing Ham but the strangest thing (or perhaps comforting for her) was that you were by her side and now every time she feels frustrated, angry or sad you had to appear, you are there to comfort her.
He got to worry his father a lot about that. He knows that the two were very good friends, it was simply difficult for Gwen to accept that you had disappeared and that to this day they don't have a single clue as to where you went. It was difficult to accept losing another friend.
“Society wants to give Y/n up for dead, especially Miguel ”,she confessed, her biggest concern. She broke ties with society a long time ago and has not even spoken to Miguel.
But the simple fact that many want to leave you for dead, for forgotten is what the gang doesn't think about, they know that you are alive, that you will return. You'll come back to them to hug them and be together, but they've waited so long, it's been three damn years. Gwen is the age you were when you disappeared, it's only a matter of time before Peni has her and being exaggerated, for Mayday to have her.
“Damn ",he muttered, meaning his daughter wouldn't take it well.
"We have tried everything, we have looked for every clue about her and nothing about her, she just left, it's as if out of nowhere there was... ",she suddenly besame silent, not even trying to hide her sadness and perhaps her anger.
Because when Miguel told them that it is very likely that you had died a long time ago, that perhaps while you were sleeping, you were sleepwalking and perhaps you had an overdose there or you were run over or perhaps you committed suicide. He is using your disorders to give a theory of what happened to you.
They were upset, without a doubt, they were quite upset because they know you like no one else in the damn world, yes, you had those sleeping disorders, but you had it under control, you were never a sleepwalker and you did things that you shouldn't and despite your panic attacks , you never tried to hurt yourself or do something bad that affects the integrity of others or yours.
She relaxed, keeping in her mind the beautiful moments that you gave to each one, and she saw you, she saw you from the window, you are simply there, standing, staring at her.
"I like to think that she flew away, I'm sure she's out there somewhere ",she shed some tears, because she continues yo deny that you left, that you somehow left and even said goodbye when you always promised yo come back," I hope. May the rest not forget her ".
George went over to hug and comfort her, being reciprocated by Gwen, crying in his arms at the very thought of you being dead.
He knows his daughter Is suffering greatly because of you. He holds you responsible for it.
It was hell for her when they realized you gone, she couldn't stop crying, she deposited all the anger and sadness by playing the drums ando barely wanted to talk, she just wouldn't sleep. Every time he saw her she had tears om his face and he worries that his daughter (Because she has not even been able to move on with Peter's death), both he and the spider gang and his daughter are waiting for you to come back, in the meantime no one will forget you.
They hope so, that no one forgets you, they won't, others would have forgotten you within a month, but they never will, the spider gang will eagerly await your return and will look under the Stones for any clue that leads to you.
Because to be honest, you were barely known in society, both the arachnid and the world, neither of them had accepted you as one of their own. Because? Why were you a mutant? Why were you different from them? Why are you an unstable woman with many problems? Why did you want to save thousands of lives when you couldn't even handle your own?
It was only a matter of time before in a few years, they would completely forget you, that there was a sweet mutante woman who not only haf spider powers, but you had a beautiful singing, a singing that made people happy, but that in that singing was hidden a rather unstable woman.
What they don't know is that you were not there, nor in another universe from another time, otherwise, you are outside of time. And you're no longer the woman they used to know. And even you are able to remember who you were because he, they, erased your memory.
And that's where Gwen was right, because you're there, you're here, you're everywhere.
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Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse
“Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse” is a perfect sequel to a perfect movie, but I’m not sure I could overlook this one problem.
Mile Morales is having trouble balancing his life as a student and his life as Spider-Man. He’s now completely focused on pursuing a career that will allow him to research ways to travel between universes. One day, Gwen meets with him and shows him that she’s able to travel between universes using a bracelet given to her by Miguel O’Hara. It turns out that she’s not just here to visit Miles. She’s been sent to Mile’s universe on a mission.
This is a review that was a little difficult for me to make. For the past few days, I’ve been debating on whether or not I should give it four or five stars. The reason is that I think this movie is absolutely fantastic. My only problem is with the supposed ending. I felt like this was an incomplete movie. I think by now, everyone knows that this is the first half of a two-part movie. I think a lot of people are using that as a justification and calling it a cliffhanger rather than an incomplete movie. There’s a lot of rising action, but never really any climax. Plot-wise, there’s not a whole lot going on once you put aside all the Easter eggs and references. Now, I still think the writing is still extremely well done and what this movie is setting up is brilliant, but that’s all this movie is: set-up. I find myself comparing this movie with “Avengers: Infinity War” because they’re both the first half of two-part movies. With “Avengers: Infinity War”, there was a third act and the heroes surprisingly fail to stop the antagonist. There’s a climax that pays off all the journeys each character went through, but ultimately they were in vain. It’s still narratively satisfying because you get a full movie, just with an unconventional ending. In “Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse”, you don’t get that. You get exposition that leads to rising action, but it cuts off there. If you really boil things down, this movie is just about Miles learning about the society of Spider-people, learning about Canon events, learning his dad dying is a canon event, and then running away from everyone only to end up in the wrong dimension. Miles doesn’t really do much with the new information he’s given. Now, you could argue that he does do something with that information and that’s run away to try and save his dad, but the story ends before he could directly affect that outcome. Don’t get me wrong. I thought the animation was insanely impressive. They managed to push the boundaries of the already boundary-pushing visuals of the first movie. This movie is just, to put it simply, gorgeous to look at. I thought The Spot was a great villain and voiced excellently by Jason Schwartzman, although the movie kind of forgot about him in the latter half. As I said, the writing is ingenious. I have an idea of where they’re going with everything and it’s all super creative and a lot of fun. It’s that perfect blend of meta, but also still stands alone as its own great story. It sucks that I had to give this movie four stars because it truly was a well-crafted movie. But, I always stand by that story must come first, so an incomplete story is a big thing for me. I saw somewhere online that this wasn’t actually an incomplete story because Miles and Gwen are completely different at the end of the movie from where they were at the beginning. I still don’t think that’s enough. I’m excited to see the second part, but not as excited as I would be if I didn’t feel so unsatisfied walking out of the theater for this movie. Still, this movie is damn good and should be watched on the biggest screen with the best sound quality. You don’t want to miss it.
Watched on June 3rd, 2023
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dojimakaichou · 2 years
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SENT FROM @stingslikeabee​ ―             ( from here / always accepting )
how can i be angry looking at you? (any verse!)
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★. ―
Melissa sighed quietly as her fingers moved through her husband's hair. She was sat up in bed with a few pillows behind her ( which her aching back appreciated ). The figure of her beloved dragon was partially - wrapped around her. These intimate moments and the fact that he had been sleeping not long ago meant that his human visage was shaky ; the most notable indicator of that was the long tail that extended from the base of Daigo's spine and curled atop his legs.
Melissa's hand lowered to stroke the scales on the dragon's neck. He grumbled appreciatively and nosed into her belly. The interaction made the baby inside stir, and its mother laughed softly.
Daigo was taking his duties as a father - to - be quite seriously ― though he tended to respond to her pregnancy with a rather dragon - centric frame of mind. Her rounded stomach was affectionately called "the egg," and Daigo was dedicated to keeping both it and Melissa very warm. It was because of him that the queen only used a few thin blankets to cover up with now despite the thick snow and chilling temperatures outside.
A dark eye blinked, opened, and peered up at Melissa. Daigo grinned tiredly from where he was tucked into her. In preparation for the baby's arrival, which Azumi said could happen whenever the little one liked, he had slaughtered and feasted on a slew of livestock yesterday. Provided he packed away enough meat, the dragon could go without food for weeks ― something he was prepared to do in order to not miss a moment of time with Melissa or their hatchling's arrival.
The queen smiled, digging her nails affectionately into her lover's thick flesh. He was already quite the nuisance ( fondly meant ) : keeping a hand on her belly under tables ; standing immediately with her at all times ; snarling at anyone who got too close to her or reached for the egg without warning. Azumi occasionally sent Shun to peel Daigo off of the royal, but these distracting field trips never lasted long.
It's a dragon thing, Azumi said once, with an amused expression that signaled she remembered something similar. Daigo was responding to the change in Melissa's scent and acting according to his instincts. This was just another reminder that, while his act ( appearance aside ) could be convincing, the King of Solaris was no human or half - breed.
"Melissa?" Daigo murmured.
"Hm?" the queen replied.
He lifted his head then and propped himself up on a bent arm. Daigo gently tugged up the fabric of the night dress she wore to sleep in ; his hand pooled her few covers into her lap to compensate for the act of unveiling her stomach. The dragon placed his fingers onto her bare belly and blew warm air toward it.
"Is the egg hatching today?" Daigo asked, glancing up at Melissa.
She placed her palm on top of his and shook her head. "Not that I can tell, darling," the royal answered. "I promise that you'll be the first to know."
"I want to meet our hatchling," came the almost childish complaint from her husband. Daigo yawned.
Melissa laughed. Between the cold and his massive meal, Daigo was barely functional. It was adorable, in a way. By tomorrow, he would likely be up and raising hell as normal ― but for the next several hours, if left alone to sleep and relax as he pleased, his temperament would be as docile as a lamb's. When he was awake.
"It's going to be soon, Daigo," Melissa assured him, patting his hand. "Will you let me up, please? I need to speak to the court this afternoon regarding that land dispute on the southern border, and . . . it takes me a little longer to get ready these days."
The dragon gave his wife a wounded look and hunkered back down into his spot. As Melissa sighed, he snaked his full arm over the swell of her middle. Daigo buried his visage with a dramatic huff. His tail thumped on the bed.
"Daigo," Melissa repeated. She couldn't help the bit of frustration that suddenly welled up in her. The queen was hopelessly fond of her beloved, but there was a kingdom to manage beyond their door. "Daigo." His name, firmer this time, came clipped from her lips with an unusual sternness.
Her husband reared up then, eyes wide. Daigo searched her face, clearly startled by the way she spoke to him, and grumbled at her.
Melissa laid a palm against his cheek. The dragon turned his features and nosed into it, grateful for the soothing touch and offering of her scent. He wasn't sure what he did to cause her voice to color with faint anger. It could have been the way the hatchling made her feel as Azumi often referred to ( and therefore not really related to him ). Nonetheless, the old thing just wanted to make it right. Daigo's vulnerability, which he only shared with her, broke Melissa's brief irritation.
"How can I be angry looking at you?" she murmured. She accepted a kiss from him as an apology. "However, I do need to leave our bed, Daigo. If you want to stay with the egg, you may, but it is going to see my advisors shortly."
The dragon hissed, though the vocalization was not aimed at his wife. He sat back against his folded legs and stared at her blearily. Once it was apparent to the tired ancient that his wife was not going to back down, Daigo climbed over the base of the furniture. Scaled fingers scratched at his full belly, and his tail dragged on the floor as he walked. Melissa cupped her hands beneath her stomach and shook her head in amusement at him.
"Daigo," she called, tone affectionate. He paused with his hand on the door. "You need clothes."
With a rattling groan that could be easily mistaken for an incoming storm front, Daigo pressed his forehead to the wood and sagged into it. Melissa laughed.
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forebodes · 4 months
i doubt i'll do this for every single one of my ocs' fallout verses, but since i had this written up on a blog way back when fo4 came out, i might as well just pop it over here.
name. anais victorie despereaux  affiliation. n/a role. thief for hire primary weapon(s).  unique dagger,  ★ black rose s.p.e.c.i.a.l. 4 ST, 8 PE, 10 EN, 4 CH, 7 IN, 10 AG, 5 LK
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anais can be found in the diamond city lockup.  when you first meet her, she’s being confronted by a member of the security team, who insists that she stole money from them, and says they’re only holding her until they can toss her out of the city.
you can take him at his word and condemn anais for stealing, or stand up for her and offer to pay the caps needed to bail her out.  should you choose to [FORK OVER THE CAPS], she’ll thank you and offer her services for free.  if you [DO NOTHING], you can eventually find her in goodneighbor, where you can still employ her, for a fee. 
as a companion, anais grants you +2 endurance & agility.
[anais liked that.] - stealing / pickpocketing / lockpicking  - establishing settlements  - using / crafting chems  ( before personal quest ) 
[anais loved that.] - offering aid to children / families  - agreeing to pro bono deeds
[anais disliked that.] - using / crafting chems  ( after personal quest ) - stealing creatures' eggs from their nests
[anais hated that.] - killing innocent people - enabling npc addicts ( after personal quest )
once anais ADMIRES you, she’ll open up and admit that, in her younger days, she used to be nothing but trouble — taking every chem in the book, selling herself for caps, etc.  it wasn’t until she met her husband, timothy, that she got clean.  the two settled down to make a life together, and ended up having two wonderful sons.
however, just over ten years later, she returned home to find their bodies littering the living room of their house.  her youngest died her in arms, but not before whispering the name of the lead raider responsible for the attack — stag.
after her family’s demise, she relapsed and fell back into her chem addiction.  she now seeks revenge on the man that killed her family, hoping that gathering information around the wasteland will bring her one step closer to finding him. 
[ quest added: hell hath no fury. ]
anais will eventually mention that she overheard a rumor regarding a gang of raiders in a nearby factory.  killing all of them will lead you to a small room, where you can confront another raider and ask him about stag’s whereabouts.  he and his cronies can be found in a secluded junkyard, where you’ll have to fight your way to the big man himself. 
upon reaching stag, he’ll give you an offer — 2000 caps to let him walk free.  from here, the player has two options.  ONE  —  refuse his offer and kill stag, after which you can loot his safe and steamer trunk.  TWO  —  take the offer and betray anais.  she will immediately attack you, and you’ll be forced to kill her.
if you chose to kill stag, anais will reward you with a unique weapon, ★ poisoned thorn.  when equipped, the wearer gains +20% to melee.  any crits with this weapon cause the enemy to bleed. 
when you become IDOLIZED by anais, she grants you an additional, permanent perk: risen flame, which awards you an extra 25 HP.  in addition, all attacks do +15% damage against raiders.  with both her perk & weapon equipped, you gain the conditional retribution status: when your health drops below 30%, crits have a chance of healing you.
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venus616 · 2 years
˚✧₊⁎ venus616’s masterlist ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ^_−☆
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all my works so far are Peter Parker x fem!reader
my ao3 is here if you would like to read/support me there :)
if you have questions, requests or just want to say hi my inbox is open ♡
this is my side blog for my writing :’)
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one shots ★彡
hold my body tight even on my lowest nights {1.2k}; hurt & comfort + fluff
even on your worst days, Peter reminds you he's always there for you
i'm just saying you can do better {5.6k}; friends to lovers + smut
you and peter have been best friends for years, you had a crush on him but eventually got over it and he noticed you're about to move on to some other guy. he just had to get something off his chest before you did that
cake {3.1k}; birthday sex + implied plus size!reader + smut
“Happy birthday Peter,” She speaks with her hands planted on her knees. He gets on the bed, ready to pounce on her to her delight. “I think this will be my favorite gift yet,” He mutters while she leans back, elbows falling on his pillows.
streets {4.6k}; dark!peter parker + writing challenge + dubcon smut
prompt: "Not My Peter" - post no way home, tasm peter comes back to his home dimension with a new lease on life. problem is, another, identical peter parker is happy to take it for himself. that includes you. yes this is a one shot with multiple parts bc it formed a life of its own
the aftermath; streets 1.5 {1.5k}; in addition to streets + two peter parkers + threesome + smut
the bet; streets ?.? {4.2k}; in addition to the aftermath + breeding kink
his muse {3.8k}; photographer peter + nude photos + smut
anon request; peter putting his photography skills to use when you're naked
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☆*:.。. series .。.:*☆
Daddy Issues; {60.3k} - Completed
This series is meant to reimagine Peter Parker, specifically Peter 3 / webb-verse Peter / Andrew Garfield's Peter etc etc so on and so forth as a dilf. It follows college student!reader who had moved into her apartment down the hall from Peter and his son Ben and that's where the drama ensues o.O
the daddy issues playlist
spotify: babydoll {3 hrs 41 mins}
part 1; Daddy Issues {13.8k}; age difference + daddy kink + smut
after college student!reader moves in across the hall from her attractive neighbor, peter parker, she tries not to think much of his presence but that doesn’t end up being possible. 
part 2; These Days {14.3k}; tags above + cheating
college student!reader attempting to understand where she stands with peter now that their relationship developed, but not in the way she had hoped
part 3; Reminders {13.4k}; tags above + angst
college student!reader's match made in heaven actually turns out to be a boyfriend that is not treating her right, all while dealing with a man that is not giving her the answers she needs
part 4; Lucky Ones {18.7k}; tags above + fluff + forgiveness
college student!reader and peter parker reaching their long awaited conclusion
alt part 4; Old Friend {0.5k}; blurb + angst + unhappy ending
a brief, informal outline of the originally drafted ending
Straight Venom; {5.8k} (on hiatus.)
when Peter is at the lowest point of his life, he vows to stop looking for comfort in unfamiliar places; that is until he meets you. {symbiote!peter parker}
series index
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atsuminthe · 3 years
don’t cry
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★ synopsis: some days are just pure shit.
★ character(s): matsukawa issei
★ warnings: reader feeling bad, maybe some crying, anger and stuff, ‘sweetpea’ and ‘honey’ as pet names
★ minty’s note: seriously, bad days can go suck my dick. self indulgent, ignore me projecting here
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    the sound of issei’s deep voice rumbling in his chest as he presses himself to your back wakes you up from your flurry of negative emotions. his warm hands grip your hips gently, assuring you that he won’t leave if you close your eyes again.
    “i’m here.”
    it’s a simple sentence, really. some might say it’s too generic to comfort a person that deals with a lot and has been crying—yet when it comes from him, it’s all you need to know in your gut that things will be fine. there are many things issei has faced over the years. now, as a funeral house employee, he’s seen his fair share of mourning and crying people—his job is to comfort them and make them buy stuff for their loved one that passed away—and while the selling part is where he’s more well-versed, as opposed to comforting, you’re an exception.
    you turn around in his embrace, resting your head against his chest. there’s the warmth you’ve been craving—his soothing presence and the way his arms wrap around your shaking body, pressing you flush against his. he shushes you gently, lips never once leaving the crown of your head.
    “what’s wrong? what did i do do wrong for them to say that?” you whisper, anger overtaking you again, after you had barely cooled off. “do they really enjoy making fun of me—with me there—that much?” you hiccup, clutching his shirt in your fists and hiding your face into his chest. “am i this repulsing?”
    “no.” it’s another short answer, but when they come from him—confident and full of love—you know exactly what he means. “you’re not repulsive. you’re the best person i’ve ever met—and i’ve met quite a few people in my lifetime.” he takes a deep breath that prompts you to do the same and he smiles, kissing your temple. it’s throbbing under his lips, so he suspects you have a headache from all the crying and the anger bubbling inside you. issei’s palm comes to cup the back of your head, the other one stroking your lower back, humming some random tune as he gently sways your bodies left and right to calm you down. the hand cupping your head adjusts its position as well, so you can lay comfortably even when sitting up.
    “you’re my sweetpea. did you know that?” the nickname makes you giggle through the sniffles as you nod slowly. he always had a way with his words. “good. never forget it.” it’s more of a silent plea, some sort of ‘please don’t forget i love you’ rather than a command. you close your eyes, the rumbling of his chest and the comfort of his body lulling you to sleep. “don’t fall asleep standing, honey,” he continues in a hushed tone, moving his arms so he picks you up, cradling your body close as he carries you to bed.
    it’s little moments like these, where one loving touch placed with care can make up for a million of hurtful words thrown in the wind. issei is your pillar—he knows some things before you can even think about them, reads you like an open book and he’s always ready to comfort you when you need him. sometimes it feels like you burden him with your thoughts and worries.
    “you’re thinking of something bad again.”
    “how do you even know?”
    he lets out a quiet laugh, pressing his lips to yours in a chaste kiss. “it shows on your face. now stop that. you’ll get wrinkles.” his eyes close after he gives you another peck on your forehead and he curls around you, your legs tangled together and you burying yourself under the blanket and into issei’s embrace.
    “i love you, ‘sei.”
    “i love you too, sweetpea.”
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taglist (send an ask/dm to be added/removed): @nakizumie; @lovelytarou; @risjime; @izhyperfixates; @kirakirasaku; @tsumooo;
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ebonyforged · 2 years
★ Differences in Ebony post-amnesia! (or: Just a shitton of lore!)
(these are all just written as info so please excuse messy sentence structure) For clarification: Pre-amnesia is 1720′s to early 2010′s, post-amnesia is early 2010′s to modern day!
★ A more modern fashion sense. I will split these up for easy reading: Pre-amnesia:
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- Lots of dark colors, mostly blacks and dark blueish/red shades. - Didn’t enjoy wearing dresses or skirts, kept those reserved for when she would need to wear them to blend in or for a  very special occasion (like a date). Same with high heels. - Dressed for easy mobility, comfort, and blending in. - Think tight fitting dark bottoms, dark long-sleeved button-ups, long black fitted coats, and shin-height boots with a short heel . She did adapt to the times so the fit of things changed throughout the years but the general silhouette stayed the same. - Didn’t enjoy unnecessary frills on her clothes but did like wearing silver-colored jewelry, mostly necklaces and earrings. - Light eye make-up. - Had her hair tied back about 70% of the time. - Had no problem showing cleavage in a casual setting but didn’t show her stomach. - Hid her birthmark to avoid standing out. - Bought clothes new and sometimes had them tailor-made if she intended to keep them for a long time.
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Post-amnesia: - Hot girl summer era. - More modern, flashy, and liberating style. - Still saves dresses and high heels for special occasions but does enjoy how they make her feel. - Dresses for easy mobility, comfort, and to impress (though mostly herself). - Still lots of dark shades but with light pieces to offset them and more varying colors. - Think high waisted bottoms (often jean-material), cropped tops or tanktops, short leather jackets in varying dark colors, ankle-height boots with a taller but chunky heel. Still wears mostly tight-fitting clothing. - Enjoys wearing tops with glittery fabrics, especially on nights out, and likes to pair them with more dramatic make-up and occasionally body glitter. Jewelry is a must for any outfit. - Wears her hair down more often than not, sometimes goes through the effort to curl it or even serves up a sleek slicked-back look. - Often shows cleavage or at least collarbones and shows midriff mostly on sunny/warm days. - Doesn’t hide her birthmark. - Thrifts clothes and on occasion shoplifts them.
★ Financial status. While very shortly after running away from home in 1720, Ebony did struggle for a few decades to adjust to her new lifestyle, she over time became very financially stable, enough to have money in several places to dip into during her travels. She could have pooled it all and been quite wealthy, but didn’t really care to return to the cushy life she had as a child. Her homes (often temporary) were fairly small and humble when she wasn’t simply living with her master. After suffering amnesia, Ebony woke up in Limbo City with nothing. She has to get by mostly on favors and charity and early on she almost exclusively shoplifts her food. Eventually she does start making steady-ish money through odd jobs, but in my main verse it has only been 7 years since she suffered amnesia, so she’s still far from where she was. She often can’t make rent and has to move around and still falls back on shoplifting on occasion, but has a lot more connections now to rely on for income and the occasional favor.
★ Lower standards for food. Pre-amnesia, Ebony was actually kind of snobby about food. She ate food prepared by her father or the family chef for the first 18 years of her life, and once she found her footing and started profiting properly from her contracts she started cooking for herself and dining out often. Given that she traveled a lot and was over 300 years old, her palette became very refined. She also made a habit of cooking for her friends.  Since Ebony post-amnesia starts off very much broke and living off favors and shoplifting, she quickly becomes used to eating whatever she can get her hands on to deal with her high metabolism. Sure, she realizes she has preferences, but initially isn’t very picky, doesn’t have a refined palette, and rarely cooks. Over time, as she becomes more financially stable-ish she does start cooking a bit more and treating herself to her favorite meals and sweet treats but even 7 years post-amnesia it’s still nothing like how it was before.
★ Severe lack of ‘healthy’ hobbies. Before her amnesia, Ebony over time grew to love sharpshooting, horseback riding (thanks to her time in the wild west), traveling, gardening (as a sort of homage to her father, who she would see working in their gardens a lot during her youth), cooking (see above), journaling (all in one, thick leather-bound journal to document important or sentimental moments or save small memorable items such as labels from a liquor bottle she drank with a friend), and sketching (purely pencil sketches inside her journal to add a visual to her writings and capture important moments). Post-amnesia, if you ask her about any hobbies, she’ll say something like ‘drinking, having sex, and dancing’. Of course, there is definitely still time for her to rediscover the hobbies she has forgotten about.
★ Less formal speech. Ebony’s speech has always been pretty relaxed, but she is old and used to use some pretty outdated terms and phrases at times. She would curse less often and be a little more graceful about discussing certain topics. Post-amnesia she’s obviously exposed to way different speech patterns without remembering her old ones, so she ends up sounding more like what someone would expect from her physical age and appearance; more straight-forward and blunt.
★ No German.  Although she rarely ever spoke full German even shortly after running away from home, Ebony never forgot the language and still used phrases at times, mostly curse-words and terms of endearment. Post-amnesia she can still understand German if she tries, but hasn’t run into much or has simply ignored the way the language makes her brain feel all static-y. When she encounters short German phrases that she can understand she simply assumes that these things are common knowledge. The same goes for other languages that she knew, namely multiple sign-languages. She can understand them, but not speak/use them without considerable effort.
★ Less skilled in combat. Ebony didn’t lose any of her physical strength and agility, but muscle memory hasn’t retained all of the things she learned over 300 years. As she grows into her new self, she slowly develops a new fighting style that’s less elegant than before but more dirty. She exploits Limbo a lot more.
★ Uses more technology. Pre-amnesia Ebony never disliked technology and always made sure that she kept up with technological advancements, but didn’t rely on it as much. Post-amnesia she uses her phone about as much as any of us do in our free time.
★ More open to romantic connections. After Ebony’s very first love (Therese, in the 1730′s) died of human disease, she spent her 300+ years very wary of growing too close to humans, especially romantically. She did have two more relationships with humans, one of  which she abruptly ended by vanishing from their life when she felt herself becoming too attached (which, yes, is a really awful and selfish thing to do). The other partner (Mateo, in the 1820′s) ended up becoming her fiancé, but got too deeply involved with the underworld and ended up being brutally killed by Mundus in some sick display of power. This obviously became a deep source of trauma for her. With her memories gone Ebony doesn’t remember these heartbreaks and traumas and has essentially been given a clean slate. She does still feel some apprehension to the idea of having a long-time human partner, or even an inhuman partner who ages regularly, but not nearly as much. Her sexual activity has mostly stayed the same. Ebony has always been open to casual sexual encounters.
★ Less hostile towards Mundus (the Demon King of Limbo). Even though Mundus tried to convert Ebony to his side after he found out about the loss of her memories, in which he very nearly succeeded, she doesn’t hate him nearly as much as before. He’s awful and she hates what he stands for, but she doesn’t remember him killing her fiance as mentioned above. Pre-amnesia she would sometimes involve herself in plans to try and end his rule of Limbo, but post-amnesia she mostly does her best to avoid him, though she will sometimes mess with his business in subtle ways just for her own amusement.
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sparrowmoth · 4 years
(Truth) Uma asks to see what Mal's names for the others are in her phone
@fuck-you-i-am-spiderman Hmmm, let’s have a peek... ;) (P.S. This is a Malvie verse. This is also anti-Devie and tagged accordingly. Sorry, Doug stans.) <3
Mal has three contacts starred at the top of her list: ★ Queen Bitch 💋💋 ★ Just Some Guy 🤷‍♂️ ★ Stuart LITTLE 🐭
Uma, though, has glimpsed an interesting other further down on the screen.
- The Mood Killer 🙄🤢
“Hey, who’s ‘The Mood Killer’?” she asks with a smirk, pulling her hand away before Mal can snatch the phone back. “What, you’re not gonna tell me?”
She laughs when Mal just growls out something about how it’s “none of her business” and “that wasn’t part of the question.”
“Mm, too bad,” says Uma, already dialing the contact. “Isle rules,” she adds with a playful smile, moving the phone behind her back to evade Mal’s next attempt at it. It’s just long enough that she’s able to keep it from Mal—long enough for all heads to turn to where Doug stands a little ways outside the circle, chatting with another boy Uma doesn’t know the name of.
Doug’s pocket is abuzz and glowing.
Until, suddenly, it isn’t, since Mal has her phone back.
“Babe…” Evie tries to sigh, laughter evident in her tone. “You promised you’d change that!”
Mal flushes and mumbles, “I didn’t promise when, E…”
(That earns her The Look.™)
Truth or Dare Drabbles
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Soooo... I changed Felix’s age range up from 18 to 32 because I think exploring him as a adult would also be interesting to me. There are also more resources for his FC as he’s older, but his main verse will remain from 18-23. Apart from that I also thought a lot about where life could take him and I decided to give him a little side-career as a occasional stand-up comedian because he’s really good at insult comedy -- or generally insulting people while making it sound funny. It’s not the career he wishes for and is still hoping something more sophisticated that feeds his ambitions and challenges him, but it’s something he hates to be good at until his opportunities increase.
I still have to update his bio and add his adult verse, but it should be online somewhen during this week.
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I decided to change Kit’s FC to Mason Temple. The last one had the perfect change of hair colors but he’s giving me all the wholesome and positive vibes I need for him -- plus, he technically has the perfect hair cut, so I’m very happy. At some point I need to get back into writing him as it has been a very long while. If anyone’s up for some less dark stuff, he’s the go-to muse ^_^ 
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dojimakaichou · 4 months
30. against the wall kiss (any verse but Daigo is the one against the wall!)
★. ―
Daigo's feet gradually slowed as he neared his destination. He glanced at his watch and puffed out a breath. 5:14 in the morning — the perfect time for a run in his opinion, given the lack of pedestrians on the sidewalks. There were still the usual drunks and ruffians about, but he dealt with those better than he did the average folk. Especially now that his face was back to flitting in and out of the gossip rags.
Instinctively, he jerked the old Giants cap on his head down. Another few steps took him to where he needed. Daigo glanced up from under his hat, hands briefly rubbing together. He blew into them, head tilted thoughtfully.
From down here, the all - too familiar banner announcing his husband's business was difficult to see. Its proud blue print had faded over the years. Nevertheless, Daigo knew which set of windows to look at — it helped that they were the only lit ones. With an amused smile, the ex - yakuza began the trek up to Sky Finance.
The door was, of course, unlocked. Daigo chuckled : his intuition had been right. Akiyama's last text before the former Chairman went to bed suggested that the tired loan shark was going to merely rest his head before heading home. Daigo quietly pushed his way into the small office, unable to help his grin.
You're going to fall asleep there, he remembered teasing last night. I'll be fine, Akiyama had said.
Really, neither of their final messages was wrong, Daigo reflected as he closed the door. His fingers made sure to flick the lock this time. Thankfully, the moneylender appeared to be both blissfully asleep on his desk and unharmed. Daigo's smile became tender as he looked over at the younger man, who was currently little more than a mess of gray - stained brown locks atop folded arms.
The ex - yakuza shrugged off his thin jacket and threw it onto the closest sofa. He stretched leisurely on his way across the room. At Akiyama's side, Daigo paused to study what he could see of his husband's face. His lover appeared to be strangely comfortable in this position, which would have broken Daigo in half these days. Black eyes flicked up to the few photographs that the loan shark kept with him here. Kisuke's last birthday, a picture of the boy when he was barely knee - high, and Akiyama's favorite shot of Daigo kissing their son's head while he carried the half - awake toddler through a park. These were not the sort of mementos that Daigo could keep in his own office, and sighed with a wistful fondness at the memories that Akiyama chose to have with him ( amid the piles of files and stacks of books ).
Perhaps it was Daigo's little exhalation or the former Chairman's shadow moving over him — Akiyama wouldn't be able to say later. All of the sudden, he woke up. A startled yell left him as he scrambled to his feet, adrenaline coursing through his body. Before Daigo could get anything out, Akiyama's knee came up. The ex - yakuza felt it connect with a particularly sensitive area as his arms wrapped around the loan shark's torso. With a pained grunt, Daigo fell back into the wall.
Akiyama's hands splayed against the wall as he finished blinking the last of the sleep out of his eyes. Daigo's cap had ended up on the floor thanks to the force that he had shoved his head against the wall with. One fist held tight to the loan shark's shirt while his other grabbed at his groin through his joggers. What his fingers wrapped around made Akiyama realize what he had done ( or, rather, hit in his blind panic ).
"I got you in the . . . " Akiyama trailed off. He laughed abruptly. "Shit, Dojima. Are you okay ??"
Daigo hissed between his teeth. Now that Akiyama was standing more steady, he opted to lean his forehead into the younger man's shoulder. Both of them were breathing heavily. The loan shark's wrinkled shirt smelled like stale smoke and cheap ramen. In other words, a long day of collections work at Hana's orders.
"I am going to vomit," Daigo finally managed, muffled.
Akiyama swallowed back another laugh and laid his cheek against Daigo's hair. "Mm, I wouldn't recommend it. I don't have anything to wash that out here except for lukewarm soda." The loan shark narrowed his eyes. "Your clothes — were you out running ?? How long — ??"
He flicked his wrist over. Luckily, Akiyama still favored an analog watch, otherwise he would have had to worry about a run down battery. The loan shark cursed under his breath, face a mix of shock and embarrassment that ( fortunately ) Daigo couldn't see.
"Ah," was all he said.
After a few minutes, the ex - yakuza put his back to the wall again. He swallowed, blew out a breath, and began to rub at the new sore spot on his body. Daigo stared down at Akiyama through his glasses, a single brow raised. Confident that his husband was not going to crash to the floor, Akiyama eased away. A hand scratched at the back of his head sheepishly.
"You look good," he said. The comment was genuine : Daigo tended to favor compression gear when he worked out, which left nothing to the imagination.
Daigo chuckled. He shook his head, reached for his husband's shirt collar, and pulled him in for a kiss. Akiyama obliged gladly, palm pressed to Daigo's cheek apologetically. Normally, he would grumble about boosting himself up that last stretch to meet Daigo, but it didn't seem fair this morning. The former Chairman tasted like a mix of coffee and chocolate ( the latter likely from a protein shake of some kind ). Akiyama sampled it gladly.
When they were through, Daigo stepped away from the wall. He limped toward the far sofa and sat on the edge of it gingerly. The ex - yakuza spread his legs and leaned back. Akiyama covered another fit of laughter behind an unconvincing cough and scrounged up a cigarette. It was funny.
"So, it's Saturday, then," he ventured.
Daigo nodded, idly scratching at his beard. "It is."
Akiyama moved closer to the ex - yakuza and offered his smoke. "Are you working ??"
"No." Daigo accepted the cigarette and inhaled deeply. Once the ashy tang of the nicotine had sufficiently coated his tongue, he released the gray cloud and handed the cigarette back. "Kisuke has therapy at one. I believe that is the only thing on our family calendar today."
"Therefore, he is not getting up before noon," Akiyama teased, voice tinged with affection for their son. The fifteen - year - old slept like his father, as if he were a dead man, and never crawled out of his bed without one of his parents waking him first.
"Probably not."
The loan shark decided to sit across from his husband on the little coffee table. It was surprisingly clean, free of the usual magazines. Akiyama crossed his legs, placed his elbow on his knee, and propped his chin up using the heel of his hand. "Considering you are not going to be running any time soon, how about I treat you to breakfast ??" He flashed one of his practically enchanting, perfect smiles.
Daigo issued a grunt in reply, fingers running through his hair. "You are too damn charming for your own good, Shun," he answered.
"You married this," the moneylender replied immediately ( and with no small amount of pleasure ).
"I know." Daigo winced as he adjusted his position. " — I wouldn't have it any other way."
Akiyama's grin broadened. "Even when I kick you in the nuts accidentally, first thing in the morning ??"
Finally, Daigo let out a loud bark of laughter. At that, the expression that Akiyama wore softened considerably. It was like the sun had come into the room — the way the entire former Chairman's body reacted when he showed that kind of joy. Very few people got to see this, and Akiyama was proud to be among that select group.
"Sure, Shun," the ex - yakuza sighed. "Even then."
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