#atleast that movie inspired us it didn't do much else
the-retelling · 6 months
The story on how we came up with the idea to make this fic was we watched the Creepypasta movie like two weeks ago on Amazon prime, both agreed it was shit, and decided "Hey, let's make a fanfic, and let's make it angsty."
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Original photo from @draw-the-squad-like-this
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mocacheezy · 3 years
Things that made watching Transformers (2007) easier and even enjoyable:
[note: B'verse gets the treatment that it gets by fandom for good reasons. There are tons of posts that dissect the bullshit of these movies far better than my second-language-english-non-american self could ever tackle, so I am not doing that, or plan on doing that. But if I decide that I'll get through every continuity of the franchise I will find a way to make it fun for myself. And so, this is my search for golden nuggets in these movies, because they did bring in new fans to the franchise and that's why we have other continuities that we might not have otherwise. Credit where it's due, and some positivity for those that did find B'verse at least amusing if nothing else. ]
Anytime Frenzy was on screen made me smile because his movements and personality were hilarious, he is just so expressive despite looking like someone super glued a bunch of knifes together. I wouldn't know it was Frenzy if I didn't go to the Wiki, but no matter that, he was funny and that's what matters.
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The original Cybertronian robot modes
We don't see them for long, but the glimpses were glorious. Just look at Optimus
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Gorgeous. What I wouldn't give to see the details up close. Maybe I'll go looking eventually, but this is just so nice.
We also get a "sexily rises from the pool" scene with Ironhide (probably unintentional and I am biased due to being a robofucker. In any case, very very nice and Cybertronians look so good as aliens)
"Excuse me, are you the Tooth Fairy?"
You see this kid?
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This little girl was the only human I cared about in the movie until I saw just how badass Mikaela is, and how cool the military dude is. I don't like kids, but I would lay down my life for this girl.
This one scene just makes me think of what would happen if her parents showed up way earlier. Ironhide would be her guardian and it would be both adorable and hilarious because "Honey, you have to drive in a sentient alien that looks just like our car because the goverment men said so or there will be consequences and potential alien threats."
There are so many joke potentials there; the cultural barrier, the "I am the ine that is supposed to keep her safe" glaring contests, there is just so much shenanigans that could happen.
Also, tea party with the kid. Tea party with the kid.
Sam Witwicky actually reacts like an average human would when faced with the situations he finds himself in
Do I like Sam Witwicky? No, he is the kind of character that I would want to punch irl because of his personality and actions. He is disgusting. But watching him scamper and scream and stutter when faced with giant metal robot aliens that can squish him like a bug? Good, that was a beliavable reaction and I enjoyed it a great deal.
Megatron. Just, ✨Megatron✨
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(the best screenshot of the few I could take while watching, no, I am not going back for a better one, he looks perfect like this)
I also laughted at how they kept him frozen like a popsicle. And not even well, like, they COULD'VE made an actual freezer and pop him in instead of using those couple of tubes just so he was displayed for all personell to gawk at. HE CRASHED IN THE ANTARCTIC!
The design looks so good, because it looks ALIEN and POINTY and AGH!!! The colors? There are no colors that would make him stand out, he looks like someone opened a cutlery drawer, mixed up what's inside, threw in some extra knifes for a good measure and then shook the whole thing until this guy materialized from the pile. It is both incredibly annoying and satisfying.
Mr. Welker did an amazing job with his voice, I don't know what the directions were, but oh man it sure sent shivers down my spine. That is the kind of voice that spells "You are going to die" and I already have my coffin picked out.
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It was Hugo Weaving, and yes the man did am amazing job, but I apologize a million times, I was CERTAIN that THE OG VA OF MEGATRON WOULD ALSO HAVE VOICED MEGATRON. LIKE, OKAY BAY, OKAY!
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LOOK AT THE AMOUNT OF ICE! With how quick he came back fully online once Frenzy turned off the freeze liquid tubes, I bet he was half awake through the whole thing. Systems just below idling or something, in any case, AGENTS YOU ARE SO DUMB! WHO WAS GIVING SUBPAR FUNDING TO THEM, THEY BETTER BE FIRED!
I also was glad that Sam refused to call him by the name the sector asigned to him, despite Megatron being in stasis. And that he insisted they use the correct name. Good job Sam, acknowledge the threat by the actual name and show respect to a fellow sentient lifeform. Even though said lifeform is hellbent on destruction of the universe and your world.
ALSO, AND I CANNOT STRESS THE LAUGHTER AND AMUSEMENT HERE; the sheer DISRESPECT! They don't disassemble Megatron's corpse. No, these idiots, these absolute morons decide to dump him into the ocean, letting him sink to the lowest possible point (not sure if they did say it was the M' Trench or not), where there are proper freezing temperatures - good! You're learning, good job!! - just... In full. Full corpse. What's left of him. Just blup! Down with the fishies he goes!
I understand that they probably didn't know how to approach Optimus about it, but... At least behead the guy. He came back ONCE, who is to say he won't come back again?! Safety precautions my dears.
They also completely disregard what a giant extraterrestrial metal alien rusting away on the bottom of the ocean could do to the ecosystem at large. Like, I find this incredibly amusing, because this ISN'T something most folks think about when watching a movie but we have giant squids down there. We have so much weird things down there, the ocean isn't even fully explored AND YOU WANT TO CHUCK AN ALIEN CORPSE DOWN THERE?!
Now the real question: is he a looker? *looks at the pictures* hmmmm, depends on if you like knifes. Like, really like knifes. Like really, really REALLY want to get it on with a fine assembly of kitchen knifes that were exposed to the elements but somehow haven't rusted away completely.
I think he's neat.
Needs a good long powerwash though. Preferrably with something to help the whole "I was frozen for more than 50 years and sprang back to action as soon as I woke up" thing that happened.
My man needs to take a moment and get his bearings, like dude. Please. You can conquer the world after some energon and slow system boot-up period. The strain on the systems my dude, you ain't young.
Also love that this "death" was probably reused in TFP because lord golly, do we love our faves ending up under the sea. (Though Megan took a much bigger fall, Bayverse WAS PLOPPED INTO THE WATER LIKE A NEWLY ACQUIRED FISH I CAN'T YOU GUYS I CAN'T!)
In short: I love the comedy of american military giving such disrespect to an Alien Warlord. These guys are really sealing their fate.
I loved the way they got the Witwicky family to be important to the plot
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The whole "selling my great great grandpa's glasses on e-bay" thing gives us a very good self insert/OC/rewrite/movie AU potential. Don't like Sam and his disgustingness? Find a way to write a cousin or some far off relative or hell, even just someone who buys the glasses off e-bay and go wild with it!
Archibald was also clearly an inspiration for Isaac Sumdac as far as I can tell, what with both of them using Megatron as a means of helping technology advance.
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Only difference being one of them lived and actually talked to Megatron after he came back online and the other got driven to madness and death due to the amount of information beamed into his brain. Isaac also acquired a space baby daughter, so the guy is absolutely luckier of the two.
Mikaela being fucking competent and badass throughout the movie, and not being just fanservice eyecandy
I could do without the fanservice, but her personality? I loved it. I loved that she wasn't crawling to Sam and wasn't being "hard to get". Which is also why I was very displeased at the very sudden "oh yeah, romance! She returns his feelings after he took her for a ride and let her vent her frustrations!". The movie is 2 hours long and they could throw in some moments where these two connect?
Welp, it is an action movie, boy gets girl no matter what, can't complain about the staple in the genre.
However, Mikaela x Optimus? Now THAT is something I considered as soon as the two locked eyes and interacted. Like, even taking my shipping goggles off, these two could have a very interesting dynamic and Mikaela could be a very good protagonist. I wonder what the movie would be like with her as the lead and Sam being the fucking moron she has to drag along with her.
BUT ALSO! Can we talk about the horrible, excruciating fact that her and Bumblebee drove around with Bee's damaged legs dragging over asphalt all the time he was shooting at 'Cons? There were sparks flying! SHE WAS DRIVING BACKWARDS! She took command of the situation and did what she could because Bee still wanted TO FIGHT!
Also, they way she beat up Frenzy? Gorgeous, I want to slap Sam's non-existent balls off for not atleast saying "thanks". The dude would be sliced thinner than cabbage if she wasn't there.
The millitary man we are supposed to care about because his wife gave birth while he was on duty and we see his baby three times in the whole movie, actually being a pretty awesome and well-written character
Look, personally, I was a little confused at the reason why we were seeing his wife and baby interacting/the scene where she thinks her husband is dead. Mostly because I don't like kids, so scenes like that, when I don't even know who the character is, have no impact at all. Him having a baby isn't going to make me like the guy more, unless I know his character. Him being absent because he's on duty doesn't mean he'll be a good dad (though he looks like the kind of man that will try his best, and I like that in a man). So seeing his wife and kid at the start of the movie seemed pointless to me.
Lennox is a good character and whenever he was on screen I was invested in what is going to happen to him. He's the kind of action movie lead that would have me invested, despite my meh interest in mainly gun fight oriented action movies.
Essentially, loved the guy, would love to see more of him while also being able to tell what's happening on screen. Also the comedy scenes he was in were usually funny.
Okay so these are the things I like about the first movie! It was very long, had to watch it on 2,5x speed because it simultainously dragged while ALSO giving me too much information, but the moments like these and the way my imagination latched onto characters I liked made it watchable. It isn't a movie I'd use to introduce someone to the TF franchise, but it provided me with lots of material for my imagination to run wild.
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bottledblog · 6 years
Life - 2nd innings
Life evolves as we all grow. Anything from our favourite color to the special cause to support to new hobbies. None of us could ever look back by 5 years and say they are the same. The same will happen 5 years later. Sometimes we smile at how innocent..naive and chhildish we were, sometimes we frown thinking what on earth were I thinking to do that..!! And then, there is the core of us, which significantly defines us with our unique being, beginning mentally. Much of the core transpires around its origin, and only develops with the inspiration from all worldly stimulus and personal experience. When someone falls in love and believes "this is the one forever for me". Many of the times we dont even realize confessing to our own mind, let alone the other. And then, if one that it turns out that the belief was a sham or just didn't work out for any reason, most of the people I know go one of two ways - either puts the blame on the entire gender atleast for a while, vowing to never trust them and preaching that love is nothing but a formula for heartbreak. Or else, they declare a mute war, where they pick target completely irrelevent to the person that caused the heartbreak, and then pass around a portion of heartbreak that they count as a revenge taken. For people in either cases, I've argued my point of view but end of the day I know that emotion understands no logic. Till they find a platform to constructively base their emotion is only when they'll realize. The other portion of the emotional wrecks never reach the platform due to choosing life on earth has lost its worth and we often find some typical and sometimes creative ways they take leave from living.
When I was a little girl, I believed love happens only once in life. Bollywood films that had a huge influence on me made my belief only firmer. I fell in love. Life was in technicolor and then I was shocked to realize there was another possible end to it..even if it was only for me - I fell out of love, harder than I fell in. So to detach and distant myself, guess what I did. I got married - to a friend I was getting to know for a few months but to be honest, you can take it as I grabbed the first and closest one I could to say "I do" and I did. Btw...it all happened the same month I turned 18.
Now, to talk about the husband I preyed to play smart and bring balance before my emotions would play on me - he in fact didn't have to do much. Its one thing that I took marriage very seriously because thats what I grew up dreaming about, so I loved being married...except my husband - Why? Well I didn't ever fall in love with him to fall out. And I was loved so much by all in there as much as I loved them too. But to learn your 1st lesson about the existance of homosexuality from your husband of 2 months - in the most nonchallant way possible because "He wanted to be an open book to me". Well...Being 18, shocked about the new gained knowledge and zoning out for a couple of days wondering if I heard and understood right, if yes, what was it and how to cope up with the dick that was expected to enter me after exiting a guy's ass. It was all too much and not easy to talk about. So now love was what I had left behind anyways, marriage was flying out of the window and not as much as love, but I was extremely sure for no thoughtfully crafted reason but from the honesty of my gut that THIS WAS GONNA BE IT FOR ME ONCE THE MARRIAGE IS FORMALLY OVER. I got in my prey mode again and if I wasn't ever getting married, this was my only shot at motherhood. On the 5th month, I was diagnosed with pregnancy and sure I started my packing (mentally). It took me till my baby boy was born and 2 yrs old by when I had made all efforts to co-exist with the father of my child and that there wasn't any such effort left that one day I might have to think "what if I tried that....or that..!!"
Anyways, all done and darned, I returned to my country and in 3 months my dad passed away suddenly - leaving me as the "head of the house" as thd older siblings of two, a mother of a two year old and a world I don't know much about than a heartbreak and achieve a pregnancy to protect my vagina from a dick that might have played in the shit of the guy I eventually got to know. I know its gonna be gross but I have to tell it as I sincerely used to feel those days, I was less worried about the sex cuz for me it was the procedure to freedom, and more worried about how much of the poop is entering my body.
Now this is one of the things I really look back and often think "What the hell was I thinking"? But I dont regret it. Becauase of all the wonderful people that loved me for no reason that I understand and I loved them cuz they were damn lovable. The ultimate departure from there was in June 2005, my dad passed away in september 2005, I signed the divorce paper in October 2005 and my ex-husband was married in November 2005. He married a third time too. But in all 13 years now, I am in touch with not just the family, but neighbors, housekeepers, colleagues, students and so on. Its always more on their own initiative that we have atleast a weekly communication base either by call or chat etc.
Its not 2005 when I knew I was nevver gonna get married, I think I never even imagined otherwise as a possibility even though thats also a part the bollywood movies showed but juat didnt influence me.
Anyways, this post started with how we change as we grow and so does our thoughts and all. I am more like an intuitive person who does things first born in gut and then rationalizing it as well, still gut remains the dominant part I'd just admit if its a flaw. Anyways, as I watched my baby grow to a boy then now a teenager, almost a foot taller than me and busy with his own friends, studies, games and what not. Suddenly for about 2 months, a thought of whats ahead and am I thinking before doing that this is what I want" had been peeking through on and has only gotten stronger in the last 2 months that I have a lonely feeling somewhere, a need of companionship, wishing for a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on. Ofcourse I know from around that marriage can happen more than once, and from own experience - love can too. (Thats for another day)
What I'm thinking is again how my expectation from a "companionship" - marriage or not, has changed so drastically while I wasn't even thinking on this all these years at all that I feel dumb. Obviously its not the teenage year things that I feel excited about when thinking of relationship, but the whole concept has changed so much that by some auto force, I'm calling it "companionship" - why....I wonder..!! I have proven to be someone who can really act and do things that I set mind on. Not always the bad ones I've shared today.
Need your opinions. Should I think hard of giving life a second chance? Please do let me know your honest opinions on this.
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