#atsumu anon🏐
sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
(i promise we'll continue the wedding soon🀧)
happy valentine's day my baby <3333 ily
(don't worry about it please, take your time)
0 notes
πŸ…Being Team Japan's Manager πŸ…
πŸ’”Relationship Troubles with Bokuto πŸ’—
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Bokuto Kōtarō featuring Team Japan x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, Bokuto being a complete jerk, petname, angst to fluff, suggestive at the end πŸ™ƒ
AN: Its a very Bokuto centered day πŸ₯°This is an Anon request! I may have gotten a tiny bit carried away with this one. I also cried alot πŸ₯² I'm emotional when it comes to our boys πŸ₯Ί I'm really proud of this one ❀
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Oof this one is going to make me cry 😒
I already know it
And the fact that it's with our resident himbo πŸ₯Ί
But it must be done and who else to deliver but yours truly πŸ€—
Your relationship with Bokuto has been going on for about 6 months now
You started out of friends when you joined Team Japan as their resident hotty πŸ”₯ and manager πŸ’…πŸΌ
Honestly, Team Japan adores you YN
You lucky bitch πŸ˜’
But there was always something special about Bokuto
Pls he's such a bubbly Boi I just can't even 😫
Bokuto took an instant liking to you and you to him
Did he annoy you? Absolutely πŸ’―
Did you find him attractive as all hell? Abso-FREAKING-lutely πŸ™ŒπŸ»
Bokuto is like what? 6'3" timeskip πŸ‘€
Lawd girl of you don't I will
N E WAYS, you two grew extremely close
Daily practices and nightly walks home
Giant Bear hugs and headpats
You would grab coffee or ever dinner sometimes
Of course, the other three idiots guys would accompany you occasionally as well
When Bokuto finally asked you out, it was very Bokuto-style
Super spontaneous and loud
Lile he literally walked you to your apartment door, was about to leave, turned around and shouted
"YN WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?"- Bokuto, zero chill
"Ko- we just went out..."- You, extremely confused
"No I mean, like a date"- Bokuto πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»
YN of you take longer than a single second to answer this imma come there and smack you 🀚🏻
Someone summon Iwaizumi for me- 🏐
"Of course I will Kotaro"- You πŸ₯ΊπŸ€—
Good girl Yn ☺️
Please Bokuto is so excited he will pick you up and spin you around πŸ₯°
God I love that for you 😐
Me, a jealous bish
Thus begins the ship know as BokuYN
The next few months go by quickly
Your relationship is tugging along and everything is going well
Unfortunately, the storm clouds are moving in YN πŸ˜”β›ˆοΈ
And all good things can't last
It starts out small, everyone is so stressed with the Olympics coming up
Bokuto especially
Imagine all the pressure to be perfect and score points πŸ˜ͺ that has got to be so rough
Bokuto starts staying late for practice and heading home with you less frequently
You start eating dinner alone and he starts coming home later and later ☹️
One morning, you wake up and Bokuto isn't next to you
You try calling him but nothing
You show up to the gym and find him there with Kageyama, Atsumu and Hinata
You are confused as to what is going on 🀨
Like rightfully so
I mean what did they just sleep on the bleachers the night before?
I wouldn't put it past them honestly πŸ˜’
You approach them and ask what's going on
Atsumu is setting for Bokuto and he narrowly misses a line shot
"God dammit! Send up another one"- Bokuto, furious and sweating πŸ˜“
"Hey guys- have you been practicing all night?"- you, curious
"Nah we quit at 9 last night"- Kageyama getting a drink of water
Ok now your really confused 🀚🏻
You look at Bokuto who is setting up for another spike
"Ko you didn't come home last night"- you
He ignores you, spiking the ball
Ok then- 😐
Let's try this again shall we πŸ™ƒ
"Kotaro did you hear me?"- you, now standing with your hands on your hips
Ope- someone's in trouble 😢
Atsumu, Hinata and Kags are now looking from you to Bokuto πŸ‘€
"I stayed with Hinata last night"- Bokuto, walking away from you, going to his phone and scrolling
Clearly his phone is working πŸ˜‘
That's suspicious 🀨 that's weird
"And why would you do that?"- you, obviously upset
"Because I felt like it"- Bokuto
Not to be toxic here but that's not an answer dude πŸ˜’
"Ok but why- I texted you and you never got back to me. And it's clear your phone is fine since your looking at it right now"- YN, hands now in the air, just ready to go
"Maybe I just needed some fucking space YN"- Bokuto
Please now Aran, Yaku, Komori, Sakusa, Habuka,Ushijima,Hyakuzawa, amd Iwaizumi are all on the gym 🀚🏻
Silently observing πŸ‘€
"Are you serious right now? What did I do Ko?"- you, walking towards him
"YN I just need some fucking space! You're around me constantly and I can't fucking concentrate on these damn Olympics with you breathing down my neck all the time! Like all you ever do is talk talk talk and I'm so fucking sick of it! Just fucking leave me alone! If you did anything for this team besides stand around, maybe you'd understand my stress! But you always have to come first YN and Im fucking DONE!"- Bokuto, finally snapping
Oh he's pissed
Like fuming at you 😑😀
It's honestly so embarrassing he would say such things in front of everyone
You face heats and your fists tighten-
You don't even know what to do, so-
You just look up at him, tears filling your eyes
Ok everyone just breath ok
I mean, I'm crying πŸ₯Ί
You know that feeling when your stomach just drops and you feel almost sick
That's what's happening now
The tears are welling up and it's about to happen
There is no stopping that crying YN and you shouldn't!
Bokuto essentially took your heart, threw it on the ground and stomped all over it
Nah he rolled over it with a steam roller and fed it through a wood chipper 😬
He broke you πŸ˜”
No matter how you try, a brave face isn't coming
So you do what you must
"Fine Bokuto. You don't want me bothering you anymore. Than consider me gone"- You, turning to walk out of the gym, tears flowing, past the other members of the team
Everyone is stunned 😲 and honestly same
Nobody expected this of Bokuto, like he's literally the last one I'd expect to do this
But the pressure was mounting and unfortunately YN, you were the catalyst
The gym is silent as Bokuto sets his water down, turning to face Atsumu
"Toss another one"- Bokuto, getting into place
Please these guys are PISSED and so confused πŸ˜•
"What the fuck was that-" Atsumu, the first to speak
As much as I bully this man, istg he's loyal as fuck
And while he loves Bokuto like a brother, he also loves you
"Bokuto that was so harsh man"- Habuka
"It needed to be said. She's been so clingy and needy. The Olympics are coming up and I need to practice"- Bokuto, starting to realize that he's the total ass in this situation but still holding face
He's a man πŸ™„πŸ˜’
"You're an dumbass Bokuto"- Iwaizumi, turning to go and find you
"Bokuto sit down. You're done for today"- Aran
"The fuck I am-"
"The fuck you are because I said so"- Aran
Please Aran can be so fucking scary 😨
Bokuto will get right in his face
"Hey cool it you two!"- Hyakuzawa
"Bokuto- chill man"- Kageyama pulling him back
Hoshiumi finally comes in the gym
"Hey what's wrong with YN. I saw her leaving and she was crying"- Hoshiumi
It's all starting to sink in now-
"FUCK-" Bokuto, throwing his waterbottle against the wall and storming out
Everyone is just exhausted and it's showing
"Should we go after him?"- Hyakuzawa, the mediator of the group
"I think we should call Akaashi- this is over our heads"- Aran, leaving to get his phone and make the call
Meanwhile, you are now sitting on a bench, full on ugly crying
Snot down the face, tears everywhere, can't catch your breath BAWLING
🀚🏻 say less YN your heartbroken and its ok to cry πŸ’”
Please I'm crying writing this and it's fiction 😭
"Hey YN- are you ok?"- Iwaizumi, coming to sit next to you
"No- no Hajime I'm not ok"- you, sucking in breath and trying to calm down
Spoiler alert: it's not working
"I think I need to go home Haji"- you
"You do that YN. And hey, it will be ok... I promise. I'll talk to him"- Iwaizumi
"Hajime, you heard him. He doesn't want me so give me one good reason why I should stay?"- you, hugging yourself and crying
"YN he's under a lot of stress. He shouldn't have said those things. You know he cares about you"- Iwaizumi, trying to save this
"YN please just listen-" I was our freaking savior
"Hajime, if he cared he wouldn't have said those things. If he cared, he would have avoided my texts and calls. He embarrassed me in there. You don't do that to someone you care about"- you, making an excellent point
"I'll see you later Haji. Thanks for being here"
You try and force a smile as tears stream down your face
Upon arriving at your apartment, you do nothing but mope
You say nothing more as you turn and walk away
You cry the entire way home, trying to hide your face from those around you
Honestly YN as you should πŸ’…πŸΌ
I'm like so mad at Bokuto right now you have no idea 🀬 you crawl into bed, covering yourself up and cry like there's no tomorrow
Back at the gym, Bokuto is sitting in the locker room with a towel hanging over his head
That bitchy voice inside your head telling you that everything was a lie and you were never good enough for Bokuto
You eventually manage to cry yourself to sleep πŸ˜”
He knows he fucked up... like MAJORLY fucked up
The stress of the Olympics had been weighing on our poor owl bby and the fact that he just can't hit his line shots
Iwaizumi comes in and sits next to him
"I fucked up bad"- Bokuto
"Yeah you fucking did asshole"- Iwaizumi not even beating around the bush
"Shit"- Bokuto, throwing his towel against the locker
"You need to chill out Bokuto. Your stress isn't helping anything right now. You said some pretty mean stuff to YN and she's really hurt"- Iwaizumi
"Did she leave?"- Bokuto
"Yeah- she went home"- Iwaizumi
"Fuck I have to talk to her-" Bokuto standing, fists clenched
"Hold up there cowboy. Give her some space man. You broke her heart dude. It's not going to be an easy fix. Wait a day, let it rest"- Iwaizumi
As much as he hated to do it, Bokuto let it rest
He went to his apartment, one he spent very little time in nowadays and tried to relax πŸ˜”
The next day, he arrived early to try and catch you
Only, you weren't there 😞
"Where's YN?"- Bokuto to Hoshiumi
"She didn't come in today. She called and told Aran she's taking personal time"
"God dammit!"- Bokuto, just about to punch the wall
Thankfully Sakusa is there to stop him
"Bo a broken hand isn't going to help man. You need to chill"- Sakusa
"Come on man, let's practice and then we can talk"- Hinata
"How can I practice without YN? Knowing I fucked up the best thing I ever had"- Bokuto, now a deflated Owl
"Well it's good to finally see you admit how much you care for YN"- Akaashi, with Kuroo at his side
"What are you doing here?"- Bokuto, genuinely confused 🀨
"Aran called me and well Kuroo heard through the grapevine"- Akaashi
Please Kuroo knows all the gossip
These boys talk more than old ladies in church
"Dude what is wrong with you? This isn't like you"- Kuroo
"I've been so stressed and I can't hit my line shots. I've been practicing day and night and nothing feels right"- Bokuto, now hunched over on the bleachers, surrounded by the peanut gallery
"Have you thought thay maybe your practicing too much Bo?"- Kageyama
Seriously he's one to talk πŸ™„
"I mean, what has YN said about you staying late for practice?"- Akaashi
"I haven't been around much- I've just been so stressed. And I just dont know"- Bokuto
"Well Bokuto, you have to decide what you want to do. If you want to break up with YN, I think you owe her an explanation. She at least deserves that. But if you want to make up with her-" Akaashi
"I DO! I really do! I thought alot last night and YN's been the one consistent good thing in my life. I- I think I love her"- Bokuto
Pls bby you were a jerk but you are breaking my heart πŸ’”πŸ˜«
"Well then you need to talk to her"- Kuroo
Bokuto knew this and he was so ready
Unfortunately you weren't πŸ™
A knock sounded as you drag yourself to the door
The peep hole reveals Bokuto, standing there, hair deflated
You open the door and cross your arms
That's right YN! We are a powerful women and we will show it ✊🏻
"Hey YN, can we talk?"- Bokuto
"That's what we are doing-"
"YN please I'm so sorry- I was a complete asshole and jerk! I know I royally fucked up and god, YN I'm so sorry"- Bokuto
Tears are forming in this man's eyes
But also in yours 😟
"Bokuto-" you
"Ko, you call me Ko"- Bokuto
"Listen, I need time. What you said really hurt me and I'm not ready talk to you let alone see you. I just don't know if I can do this-" please the tears are rolling down your face but you're voice remains strong
"YN- please, just please"- Bokuto, full on crying
"Good night Bokuto"- You, shutting the door and breaking down
Please Bokuto hears you and it KILLS him 😭
He did that to you and he hates himself
The next few days drag
You return to your manager job but you try and steer clear of Bokuto
Unfortunately the team doesn't get that memo πŸ˜’
Please they are trying everything possible to get you to back together
You are miserable, Bokuto is EXTRA miserable
"YN can you wrap Bokuto's fingers? I have to do Komori's and Yaku's"- Iwaizumi
"I can do it Iwa" - Kageyama
Please that went right over his head
Iwaizumi is just staring at him like πŸ‘βž–οΈπŸ‘
You don't even say anything, just grab the tape and walk to Bokuto
The man towers over you so he is looking down at you while you wrap his fingers
"How are you?"- Bokuto, genuinely concerned
"Fine"- you, trying to just hold it together long enough to wrap those long fingers πŸ‘€
"You've lost some weight-" Bokuto
"Yeah I haven't been hungry"- You, unfortunately your voice cracks and you have to bite your lip to keep it from quivering
"YN, baby-" Bokuto, lifting your face up by your chin and looking into your watering eyes
He hates seeing you like this and knowing he caused it 🀧
"Done"- you, looking up and smiling a little, tears filling your eyes before you turn and walk out of the gym
Bokuto watches you go
And so do the others πŸ‘€
Nosey bitches πŸ™„πŸ’…πŸΌ
Also side note: screw Iwa for throwing you under the bus like that πŸ–•πŸ» imma Iwa cannon a volleyball at Iwa 😀
It's safe to say practice has been a little... well tense to say the least
Bokuto is getting blocked, missing cross court shots and liners left and right
It hurts you even more to see the man you love hurting
Wait 🀚🏻 love?
Oh hell yeah you love him YN
Just admit it πŸ™ƒ
But no matter how much you love him, it doesn't take away how he treated you the past few weeks
And how much his words that day hurt
You're at a crossroads Yn and it's not an easy choice
Luckily for you, you have supportive friends
Wait, did I say supportive? I mean Atsumu and Hinata 🀣
But also Aran, Ushijima and Iwaizumi
Ok ok ill stop πŸ˜…
They stop by your place unexpectedly with food
"You need to eat"- Atsumu, pushing past you
"Don't think we haven't noticed YN"- Iwaizumi, coming in behind Atsumu
"Wow it's nice to see you too"- you 😐
"Hi YN, how are you doing?"- Aran, giving you a big hug
Please he gives amazing hugs πŸ₯Ί
"Could be better"- you, now hugging Ushijima and Hinata
"YN how long are you going to do this?"- Atsumu
Aran and Iwaizumi πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦
"I hate to admit it YN but Atsumu is right. It's obvious you two love each other"- Ushijima
"Yeah"- you, sinking into the couch
"YN we know what he said hurt and we aren't telling you to just forget about it"- Aran
"But Bokuto is miserable YN. He's not eating, he's spending all his days at the gym and I know he's not sleeping"- Iwaizumi
"YN we know you're just as miserable so why don't you stop this"- Ushijima
"Just talk to him YN"- Hinata
Maybe, just maybe they have a point
You sigh and resign yourself to the fact that as much as Bokuto's words hurt you
You know that the stress of the Olympics and his hard training have worn on him
The next morning, you arrive at 6 am to start work
You hear the sound of balls being spiked against the floor of the gym
You know that sound, the exact sound of a Bokuto serve
You approach the door and peer in, seeing Bokuto tossing up another serve
The ball slams over, hitting right on the end line
"That was a nice shot"- you, walking into the gym
Bokuto stops and looks straight at you, mouth agape
You're talking to him- like actually conversing with him
And you PRAISED HIM 😭😭😭
"Thanks, what are you doing here?"- Bokuto
You giggle a little
Bokuto's heart swells
"Did you forget I come in early to set up?"- you
"Haha yeah I guess- I've just been doing it since- well-" - Bokuto rubbing the back of his neck
"Want me to set for you?"- You, taking a chance
Bokuto's head shots up 😳
"Really?" Please YN he's so happy he's smiling πŸ™‚
"Yeah"- you taking position as Bokuto tosses to you and you set
Perfect cross court shot 😚🀌🏻
"Nice kill Ko!!"- you smiling and looking back at him
Please he's melting YN 😭
"First one I've gotten in all week"- Bokuto, his head down, rubbing his arms
What 😳
"I'm miserable YN. I'm so fucking miserable. I can't sleep, I can't eat. Every single practice, I miss tosses, get blocked or the ball is out. I- I can't do this"- Bokuto, looking at you as tears roll down his face
"Ko come here"- you, reaching out for him as he comes to your arms for a hug πŸ«‚
Please that man will hug you and never want to let you go
You pull back as he rests his forehead against yours
πŸ₯Ί please I'm such a sap God WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME
"YN I know I don't deserve you but I need you to know that you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I know I fucked up and God I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry baby. I love you so much and I can't do this without you"- Bokuto, tears flowing
"I love you too Ko"- You, smiling with tears in your eyes
"You- you do?"- Bokuto, now smiling like a freaking idiot πŸ˜ƒ
"Yeah I really do"- You
Please 🀚🏻 say less
This man is picking you up and swinging you in the air
"Ko, Jesus Ko calm down"- you, laughing and smiling
"I can't! The most amazing, beautiful women in the world loves me"- Bokuto, finally setting you down
"Yeah I do my ace"- You
Please his lips are on yours before you can finish that sentence 🀚🏻 πŸ’‹
"Jesus christ get a room will ya"- Atsumu, walking in as you and Bokuto turn around to see the entire team watching you 😳
"Oh my god that was so sweet πŸ₯Ί"- Yaku about to cry
"Well I'm finally glad to see you guys have worked it out"- Iwaizumi
"Jesus YN way to bring it down to the wire, the Olympics is a month way"- Kageyama, ever the inspiration πŸ™„
"Aran are you crying?"- Hinata
"No- I just got some dust in my eyes from these volleyballs"- Aran, wiping his eyes and walking away
Sure 😏 "dust from the volleyballs"
"Ok enough of this, let's get to practice"- Aran
"Ummm actually- I uh, I need YN to help me with something"- Bokuto being suspicious πŸ€” and dragging you to the door
"Ko, can't it wait until after practice!"- you, being dragged
"Absolutely not"- Bokuto
Please he's on a mission 😏
Iwaizumi just rolls his eyes πŸ™„
"Jesus christ just be safe ok? We don't need any little Bokuto babies running around"- Iwaizumi
"I make no promises"- Bokuto, pulling you out as you laugh and wave to the team
"Jesus that's got to be some record Emo mode"- Komori
"It lasted 8 days and Bokuto missed 436 spikes"- Atsumu, nonchalantly rattling of statistics
Komori, Yaku and Aran πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘
"You kept track of that?"- Hakuba, honestly impressed
"I'm the setter, it's my job to make sure the players are ok"- Atsumu, shrugging
"Hey now- you aren't the official setter just yet πŸ˜‘"- Kageyama
"It's only a matter of time"- Atsumu 😏
"😐 the fuck it is- " Kageyama following Atsumu and yelling
"God I wish YN was here"- Aran
"She's probably getting her back blown out as we speak"- Habuka
"Jesus christ πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ alright get to work"- Iwaizumi, smiling
Side note: you were in fact, getting your back completely blown to pieces 😏
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starrysamu Β· 4 years
wait. now im trying to remember who was on ur list. i hope im not getting ur hopes up. ahaha. and we've interacted outside of me being hq anon but not a whole lot. so this has been fun getting to know u. 😊 i don't think i would've interacted this much on ur blog bc sometimes im shy w ppl whose blogs get a lot of asks πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ but im not shy with u anymore 😁 - hq anon 🏐
omg NO I LOVE ALL OF THEM it’s just convenient to have 19 #1s HAHAHA
BUT for reference even doe u didn’t ask HAHAH: kags, daichi, asahi, kuroo, kunimi, oikawa, iwaizumi, osamu, atsumu, kita, suna, futakuchi, ukai, semi, shirabu, ushijima, goshiki, akaashi, and lowkey i forgot who the last one skskskks but i’m gonna put bokuto up there bc he’s grown on me a TON this past week i hate myself
also UR SO CUTE SJSKKS OMG ITS BEEN FUN TALKING TO U!!!!! i’m so excited to be ur friend even tho we r already friends also SIS i litchrally beg for ppl to come and talk to me and i just Annoy ppl :’-) ugh
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
And you're gonna be the hottest milf and gilf *I laugh*
Ok *I take a deep breath* I'm ready to get married
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
You're an idiot, baby. I wouldn't have proposed to you if I didn't want any commitment, baby. I love you, okay? More than anything else. Having you by my side makes me so happy and I can't imagine a life without you. I want to grow old and a little ugly with you. I only want you and that will never change, my princess.
*I try to control my tears* You will never look ugly. You're going to be a sexy dilf
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
Kora, I never wanted to do anything more in my life. But if you're not ready yet, that's okay too. I'll wait until you're ready, princess, I don't want to pressure you.
I'm ready! I just wanted to make sure this is what you want. You're a pro volleyball player and I get it if you don't want to make this big commitment yet
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
You don't need to be nervous, princess. *I whisper and bring your hand to my face to place a kiss on it.* I love you more than anything.
Are you sure you want to do this? *I whisper back*
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
And I love you, baby. Let's go~ *I say before i place a kiss on top of your head and take your hand to get to our wedding location where everyone's already waiting.*
*I start getting a little nervous, holding your hand tighter*
0 notes
sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
I knowwww that's why I need to hold myself back... *I whine out and help you to zip the dress up.* You're so beautiful. I'm so lucky to have you in my life, princess. *I whisper ans place a few kisses on your shoulder.*
I love you so much *I turn to look at you* Let's get married
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
You know me, baby, I need to hold myself back to not fuck you right now. *I grin*
Help me zip the dress? *I turn around* We can't fuck right now, people are waiting
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
Don't worry, baby, I'll fuck you really good after we're officially married. *I smirk and leave a few kisses on your neck*
*I giggle, escaping from you to get dressed* I hope you do
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
*I smile and hug you tightly.* Now let's get you dressed, my pretty girl.
I have a really pretty lingerie to wear under the dress *I tease, getting up from your lap*
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
Awwww but I want a kiss.... *I pout*
*I pout too and give you a quick peck, using my thumb to clean the lipgloss on your lips*
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
Mhh that's impossible, baby. You're the prettiest human being and everyone will be looking at you and they're gonna be so jealous that you're only mine!
I wanna kiss you so baaad!!! but i can't ruin our makeup. You're the sweetest baby
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
Yes, yes!! *I chuckle and sit down before I pull you on my lap.*
*I put a bit of concealer and foundation. then a bit of eyeshadow and eyeliner* Everyone will be looking at you instead of me
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sweetbbyshion Β· 2 years
Then go on, baby. I need to look good on our wedding and I trust you the most with makeup!!
Sit down! Let me sit on your lap
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