#au: tb1.
exspiritment · 1 year
"Are you, like, all in charge of me, and shit."
She watches him carefully. He could lunge at any moment. So, she tells herself, could she.
"I don't like that. I don't trust you."
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flyboytracy · 2 years
riallasheng said: another request, if I may.  Some angles on One's landing gear when deployed?
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oh look it’s him again
Okay so it’s a lil harder to get good shots of her landing gear because TB1 is sky baby. She’s rarely on the ground and when she is, you can’t often see her lil chicken feets because her wings stick out real far so they’re rarely in view. Or some tall dude’s standing in front of them.
Ring of Fire has a pretty good view of how her chicken feets extend from the wings:
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And Hyperspeed has it from the other angle:
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Then we got Crosscut:
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TB2 carrying TB1 like a momma hen with her lil chicken baby I just really love this so much I can’t even I need more TB2 carrying the bby birds:
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Chain Reaction has some great close ups but IT’S DARK:
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Commander Scotty ilu
Anyway, ahem. Home on the Range zooms past very quickly but you see under the wing and how it folds out:
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She likes to be tol just like her pilot. And TB2 stays on the floor. Dooown. Just like her pilot.
Here’s TB1 and her pilot sticking their leggies out real far in Brains Vs Brawn:
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And Icarus, my beloved:
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u tried, tadpole, u tried, but some things you gotta leave to virg
And here’s just a nice side on shot of TB1. We don’t really see her from this angle. IDEK why she’s beautiful. If anyone wrote a train AU, she’d be the streamlined engine that broke all the speed records yes pls.
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But that’s a boring shot to finish on let’s go back to Firebreak:
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tsarisfanfiction · 3 years
FFWF ask:
For Thunderbirds: is there an AU you have considered writing?
FanFic Writer Friday! // Fanfic Writer Ask Meme
Define “AU”.  I tend to stick close to canon, but I’ve poked my toe in a few other playgrounds occasionally.  The main ones I’ve played around with (and written the odd scene for), are listed here.
(And yes, I will take questions on any of them if you’re interested.  I have spent far too much time plotting these out for them to just keep rotting away in my head and never see the world)
Son of Poseidon!Gordon.  Yes, it’s a PJO crossover thing, where Chiron is miffed there’s a big three demigod somewhere and he can’t find him to train him up.  There’s a whole thing where Apollo had a vision about IR and the Olympians decided that IR needed someone for the water because the whole family are flyboys and Earth is 2/3rds water so some agreement happened where Poseidon was permitted to go meet with Lucille... and yeah.  So the other four bros are “Normals” (actually eighth(?) demigod because Grandma’s a daughter of Apollo but demigod genetics doesn’t work like that) still, but Gordon’s a demigod.  They live on Tracy Island because that means the gods can put anti-monster barriers up and keep Gordon hidden and safe and yeah, lots of worldbuilding and stuff.
Meanwhile, Gordon’s idea of dunking his brothers isn’t throwing them in the pool, but rather throwing the pool on them.  (He did that once.  After Grandma made him mop it all up by hand - no demigod powers allowed - he decided the whole pool was overkill and just splashes them now).  He also likes to dive into the pool from the lounge balcony (did it from the bedroom balcony once.  Scott tore into him “I don’t care what magic powers you have I am drawing the line at that one”).  He’s the only one allowed to do it, although he tends to do it if he’s alone or with Grandma, and spares Scott the heart attack - and so he doesn’t give Alan ideas.
His brothers also know that if they’re off the island and he tells them to move they don’t hesitate.  He can see through the Mist.  They... might get a small glimpse if they’re lucky.  They can see enough to be a target, but not enough to see the monsters coming most of the time.  Gordon swears it’s a full time job just protecting them sometimes, let alone the rescues themselves!
APTX!Scott.  Another crossover - this time with Detective Conan.  Scott goes on a solo rescue in Japan, but sees something he shouldn’t and the Black Organisation decide to eliminate him and steal his Thunderbird.  Thunderbird One gets stolen, but instead of putting a bullet in his head - that would invite questions - they use the fatal but undetectable poison, APTX-4869.  However, Scott becomes the third (fourth, I guess, but I’m ignoring Sera’s mother) to survive it, instead shrinking back into his seven year old body.
He gets found by Conan, who quickly realises who he is (as in, that he’s IR.  This AU follows TOS’s ‘no-one knows who IR are’ although it’s otherwise TAG-verse still) and fills him in on what’s going on and why letting anyone know he’s still alive would be a Very Bad Thing.  Cue Scott going underground, living with Haibara and the Professor and attending elementary school with the Detective Boys.
But his family aren’t going to let Scott just disappear like that, and eventually John and Gordon hunt him down (cue panic on all fronts as various truths come out.  Haibara is particularly furious he chose to make his ‘fake name’ “Scott Carpenter” when she realises it isn’t actually a fake name at all).  IR then joins the alphabet soup that are Conan’s connections!
2004 Movie Rewrite.  Good old butterfly effect!  I enjoy the movie, but it has some major holes (and a major lack of any Tracy bro whose name doesn’t begin with A) so I tried to patch one of those holes.  Just one, honest!  Just the teeny tiny change that instead of going to Jeff, who he knows is gonna yell at him, Alan goes to Scott instead about the weird goop on TB1.
Scott... does not take a tracker on his ‘bird very well.  There is panic, there are rash decisions, there are less rash but still snap decisions because Scott’s the field commander for a reason, there is a very angry father when instead of Alan appearing for a scolding for playing with TB1, Alan vanishes and then TB1 launches without clearance anyway.  Oh, and TB5′s just been attacked and TB3′s been sabotaged so he can’t get to John (and Gordon and Virgil seem to be hiding something).
And then there’s this Hood guy in his home attacking his family and trying to steal the Thunderbirds - which fails because TB2 and TB4 have apparently also been sabotaged what happened to all the Thunderbirds - and yeah, Jeff is not having a good day.
Meanwhile, Alan gets to fly TB1 for real and he’d be much happier about that if Scott wasn’t unconscious in the co-pilot seat.
dark!John.  There’s only so far you can push someone before they break, and John’s watched the world hurt his brothers one time too many.  With one brother’s life and future ruined after a brutal attack, it’s the last straw.  If the world can’t be nice to his brothers, the world doesn’t deserve nice things.
IR watches an unknown entity taking over important places - the GDF, the World Government, dangerous places that don’t bode well and have the world cowering in terror - and decide to do something about it.  It’s like the Hood all over again, except the Hood was never this successful.  This person, whoever they are, is dangerous and has to be stopped, whatever it takes.
They never imagined it was their own brother.
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vikapediathat · 7 years
TAG S2 E20: Man From TB5
I only have one thing to say: Can someone grab my asthma medication, I can’t breathe!
Haha false alarm, but the episode took my breath away. In other words, TAG has made all of my wishes come true in the span of 20 minutes. 
Because I am on my computer this time, I will put spoilers below the cut.
Gordon on the desk Gordon on the desk Gordon on the desk Gordon on the desk!
Alan with a tablet Alan with a tablet ALAN HAS A DAMN TABLET!!!!
Gordon is jealous of John and wants to be with Penelope, I think we sailed their ship a bit fast here on the internet. Still just workmates, with Gordon having a crush on Penny.
John wanted to keep it secret so Gordon wouldn’t tease him, but John already has payback planned for him... working in space. But Alan has to be his escort... and in the end does the work (good job dude!). 
Brains is a Kingsman! He designed a spy suit with over-the-top gadgets. Don’t mind me calling Brains ‘Merlin’ from now on.
John has embodied everyone in the TAG Tumblr fandom and it is glorious... That amount of people in such a grand place would make me want to run off and back up to space. Also, loud noises scare me when I’m socially anxious too. 
Bernard Bottomsly is back from S1 EP5: Fireflash. I knew I recognised that voice from somewhere! He seems more British now, did his accent develop? 
All of the brotp and college au’s of John and Penny being close friends and gossipers just makes me go YES! FINALLY! If Gordon was here then he would’ve embarrassed Penny with his big mouth. John is quiet and secretive, perfect for Penny (After all this time, I can sail this ship!)
So this is why John rarely leave EOS with TB5 by herself, she is a premature child. But if I was only allowed to watch one moment of this episode because the rest is glitched, I would go for the banter moments between EOS, Gordon and Alan. COMEDY. GOLD.
John acting as stern guardian is so precious, the “the access code is ‘EOS let them in or I’ll change your systems to a basic calculator’ ” (or something like that) WAS PERFECT! I did the z-snap while gasping for air. Also Double Trouble noticing a problem John’s connection
The Hood makes a very dirty entrance, not because of bidding high on Jeff Tracy memorabilia but that his disguise accent wasn’t very convincing. Maybe just an audience thing or maybe they needed to speed things along to the action, but at least he’s doing what he does best: thievery. ALSO, WHY DOES THE HOOD NOT RECOGNISE JOHN  TRACY OR HIS VOICE?! John’s contacted people in crisis before without his tech covering his face or voice. The Hood has contacted all of them many times, he should know John by now. I would’ve preferred The Hood revealing John here instead of just taking more money from Lady P.
Kayo finally gets what she deserves: a field day on screen. I get that her launch sequence, music and lack of a countdown shows that she is in her own league in the company... BUT A LAUNCH DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT WITHOUT IT’S COUNTDOWN... She’s family, isn’t she? 
Alan doing John’s job and controlling TBS is too... too good... I need a minute... now all he has to do is go into John’s zero-g map spherical room thing with John and I can die happy.
Kayo gliding through the mountains like that while hopping up and down through the fog seems, physically impossible as she is not losing speed as doesn’t have any rockets from the no-power bubble to help keep up with the Hood (who is doing the same thing). 
Hood gets away again but the bubble and transactions of the money he stole has been destroyed. 
Penelope being the powerful woman she is against Bernard’s annoying logic and rebellion just fuels me. Thank you Lady P! Also, more MacGyver Parker love! But then Penelope getting so crushed from John’s demise... sorry Gordon, her heart seeks a console jockey not an aquanaut.
Scott only showing up to catch his little brother (not going to start this argument again) and teasing him with “Party Boy” SCOTT YOUR MINOR APPEARANCE IN RESCUE HAS BEEN FORGIVEN. 
“Get me on the ground Scott” *sees people* “a-a-anywhere but here!” *climbs TB1′s grapple rope to escape the crowd* JOHN DO YOU MIND BEING SO RELATABLE?! YOU’RE KILLING ME OVER HERE.
John again being the stern guardian with EOS, making her apologise to Gordon and Alan by saying “you guys aren’t idiots after all” SINCE WHEN DID YOU THINK THEY WERE?! Just kidding, their doofuses. EOS, you are a blessing!
John is right, seeing the world from space is so much better than being on it! 
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teknopol · 7 years
Devil Box, un autre boîtier Thunderbolt 3 pour carte graphique externe
Le Thunderbolt 3 a véritablement marqué le coup d’envoi des boîtiers eGPU. Plusieurs produits ont été lancés ou annoncés, même s’il y a dans le lot des projets irréalisables. Apple Insider a pu tester un boîtier qui fonctionne bien, la Devil Box.
Signé PowerColor, ce boîtier vendu 379 $ est un peu moins cher que les autres, par contre sa disponibilité est limitée à six marchés (la France n’en fait pas partie) et il faut aimer les logos tribalo-sataniques et les LED (on peut les désactiver).
Comme les autres produits du genre, la Devil Box est assez imposante (400 x 172 x 242 mm), mais c’est la condition sine qua non pour accepter les cartes graphiques de bureau (jusqu’à 310 x 140 x 50 mm).
Les ports USB (4x USB-A 3.0 et 1 USB-C 3.0) et Ethernet intégrés n’ont pas besoin de pilote pour être reconnus par le Mac. Pour profiter de la carte graphique, ce n’est pas du plug and play, puisqu’il faut désactiver la mesure de sécurité SIP et lancer un script qui installe automatiquement les derniers pilotes Nvidia et AMD disponibles et modifie ce qui est nécessaire. Cette compatibilité non officielle peut induire quelques lacunes, comme l'absence de prise en charge du branchement à chaud — le site ne précise pas si c'est le cas avec ce produit.
Les performances obtenues dépendent évidemment du GPU choisi. Apple Insider a mesuré une puissance de 4,8 téraflops avec une Nvidia GTX 980 et 3,1 Tflops avec une GTX 770 sur macOS. Sur Windows, les résultats sont légèrement supérieurs.
Ces performances sont par ailleurs identiques à celles obtenues avec le Razer Core, qui a le défaut d’être un peu plus bruyant. Il n’y a malheureusement pas de pilotes Mac à l’heure actuelle pour les GeForce 1000 qui ont fait de gros progrès en matière de performances et de consommation.
La Devil Box délivre 60 W, ce qui est suffisant pour le MacBook Pro 13“ 2016, mais pas assez pour le 15” quand son GPU dédié est sollicité — sa batterie se vide alors lentement.
À l’aide d’un adaptateur Thunderbolt, il est possible de brancher le boîtier à un Mac d’ancienne génération, mais c’est au détriment des performances qui en prennent un coup (- 10 % en TB2, - 50 % en TB1 pour les GPU les plus rapides) en raison de la bande passante inférieure.
Apple Insider conclut que pour environ 700 $ au total, on peut quadrupler les performances graphiques et ainsi atteindre le niveau de celles du Mac Pro. La disponibilité de ces produits en France fait toutefois toujours défaut.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Please can I ask E, L, O and Z from the writer asks list.
Of course you can!  I’m always up for answering things :D
E. Have you ever written a crossover?
Yup!  I’ve written a handful of them actually, from my first and only bashing fic Vampire vs Shinobi (Twilight and Naruto - I have always hated Twilight) which ngl is only still up on my accounts because it’s something I’ve written and if I prune fics to only be the ones I’m currently proud of... many fics would not stay up very long.  My second-biggest fic, both in terms of wordcount and popularity, it also a crossover.  The Combat School was my twist on the super common 2012 trope “the exorcists from the manga D.Gray-Man take part in the Triwizard Tournament”, and was my first 100k word fic and I think still ranks highly if you look at Harry Potter/DGM crossovers on FFN by reviews/favourites/followers.  I think at one point it was as high as 4th but I doubt it’s that high any more.  Slightly sneaky is my TAG/Fight Rising crossover Stolen Shadows, because strictly speaking you could just call it a dragon!AU for TAG, but they’re based on the fandragons I’ve got for the Tracy boys+Thunderbirds on the site and FR does have its own category on AO3 and FFN.
I think those are my only published ones, but I do enjoy prodding at ‘what if these two ‘verses collided’ in my head so there are a few others floating around that’ll probably never be actually written, but they’re fun to play with.
L. What is your favourite fic idea that you don’t think you’ll ever write?
Oh boy, this one’s tough.  I usually try to write everything I think is worth anything, but some of them are just huge, so whether or not they’ll happen is another matter entirely.  Because I’m really bored I’ll talk about all the current ‘huge and too ambitious to probably ever finish’ ideas.  If they do end up one day happening, ah well, you heard them here first :P
Love Makes Fools (One Piece) - A retelling of the Wano Arc (most likely to be scrapped because the daydreaming I call planning happened long before the arc started so none of it is anything like how Oda’s actually shown) that’s actually a shipping fic, unusually for me.  Shachi saves Kid’s life and Kid falls in love with him, leaving Shachi to handle the Kid Pirates while the StrawHeart alliance are off doing their usual crazy shenanigans and winding Kaido up.
Fight Against the Tide (Boku no Hero Academia) - A retelling of the entire manga except it’s not Izuku that’s Quirkless, but Bakugo, and unlike Izuku, Bakugo is determined to make it on his own and turns down the offer of One for All (but still manipulates All Might into training him).  Lots of Bakugo and Mei chaos as she gives him the support gear he needs to keep up without a Quirk.
If They Never Were (One Piece) - A retelling of the entirety of One Piece (ahahah) except if Luffy never met Shanks and therefore a) never wanted to be a pirate and b) never ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi.  Follows Luffy’s adventures in the Marines, and explores what would have happened to the rest of the Straw Hats if they never met Luffy - or at least, never met pirate!Luffy.  I actually have a cast of OCs ready to go for this but this project is so ludicrously big I doubt it’ll ever be finished.
TAGxPJO thing - The Greek Gods foresaw the creation of IR and agreed with it, but there was one problem: the Tracy family are all suited to the sky, but most of the Earth is covered in water.  Cue Gordon Tracy, son of Lucille Tracy and... Poseidon!  The Tracys all know about demigods and gods and stuff but still consider Gordon their full brother, and to keep the monsters away from the powerful young demigod they ended up on the island where Poseidon could protect them (and a promise from Zeus that he won’t blast Thunderbirds out of the sky for having a son of Poseidon in them).  Chiron’s going crazy knowing there’s a demigod out there somewhere that he can’t find and train.
TAGxDCMK thing - Okay, so this one is probably my absolute favourite.  Scott sees something on a rescue that the Black Org didn’t want him to, so he got APTX’d, and TB1 got stolen.  Conan and Haibara take him in and hide him from the world (including his own family) and he joins the fight to take down the BO.  Meanwhile, the Tracys are going crazy looking for Scott.  In this AU no-one knows who IR really are, so Conan and co. don’t know Scott’s real name.  However, the Tracys are still a rich family so they’ve rubbed shoulders with the Kudos before and Scott’s met Shinichi as a kid and realises who he is.  At some point they end up going to Tracy Island?  idk, not sure where it would go after that.  And KID is involved because you can’t not involve KID.
O. Is there any fandom you’ve been into that you haven’t written fic for? Why not?
Many, usually because I’m just not inspired enough to actually write anything for them.  If they’ve got a really complex canon, or something I just can’t get my head into, I tend to not write, either.  Same with if there’s a character I can connect to enough.  Examples include Homestuck, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures (although I do have a vague wip for a Steel Ball Run fic, actually) and Miraculous Ladybug, but I’m sure there’s more if I think harder.
Z. Post an excerpt from either your first fic or your most recent one.
Oh hell, why don’t we do both so I can cringe and cry and what I used to be like vs what I’m like now.  Going with posted only (wips are a whole other kettle of fish).
First ever posted fic, from September 2009: Unwanted (Naruto).  The opening:
There was not a sound to be heard. For once, there was no breeze caressing the emerald leaves in the forest surrounding Konoha. Not a single bird sang; nothing stirred. The bright blue sky didn't contain one cloud - the sunshine was unbroken.
A raven haired teenager stood in the heart of the wood, gazing emotionlessly at the Village Hidden in the Leaves with cold, black eyes.
"It's changed," he murmured quietly. There was a rustle behind him and his three companions appeared.
"So there's your hometown, Sasuke," the silver haired shinobi said, violet eyes inspecting the village. "It's pretty busy." He was right - they could just about make out the general hubbub of village life. The dark haired adolescent said nothing.
"What's wrong, Sasuke-kun?" the only kunoichi in the team asked, putting one hand on Sasuke's chest where his shirt was open, and the other embracing him. He shrugged her off coldly.
"Quit flirting with Sasuke you cow, Karin," the silver haired ninja told the red head.
"I'm not a cow, Suigetsu you...you..." she spluttered, unable to think of a bad enough insult.
"Shut up you two," the final member of the team said quietly, his fiery eyes glinting in the sunlight. Karin and Suigetsu quickly stopped bickering. With much trepidation, Sasuke started to walk towards the gate. He hadn't eaten for days - starving himself, pushing himself further. His vision blurred slightly, but he carried on walking. It wasn't long, however, before everything went black and he fainted.
Most recent fic, from July 2020: Grounded (Thunderbirds).  The ending:
"Scott?" Virgil sounded worried, and he opened his eyes – when he had closed them? – to look up at his worried brother. Alan and Gordon hovered nearby, and he looked at them all in turn, even John's silent hologram – his ginger brother hadn't been there when the test had started, hadn't been expected after he pointed out their holotech's range didn't reach that far. "Are you okay?"
Was he okay? He had a broken rib, was recovering from a near-fatal spider bite and its side effects of dehydration, bradycardia and hypotension, and the man who had almost killed his brothers multiple times was standing the other end of the same balcony.
But they were one step, one significant step closer to Dad.
"Yeah," he said, staring out past them, at the platform cradling the most important engine International Rescue had ever created. For the first time since that horrid trash mine day five weeks earlier, he could honestly say, "I'm okay."
I’ll leave you guys to be the judge on whether or not I’ve improved at all.  I’d like to think I have.
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