#augustus delume
queenofcats17 · 6 years
Theme Park Chaos
So, I kind of wanted to write Bertrum meeting the cast of @ask-joeydrewstudios , so I’m going to do it. Bertrum has mellowed with age. 
Augustus is an oc I came up with to explain who took over Bertrum’s business after he disappeared in the main story. In this, he’s just Bertrum’s nephew who took over after Bertrum “retired”. Or was forced to retire by his sister. 
Gears112 has done a lot of his development.
“Uncle Bertie, you really didn’t have to come with me,” Augustus said as he pulled into the parking lot of Joey Drew Studios. 
“Nonsense!” Bertrum scoffed, thumping his cane for emphasis. “This is an important contract and as the founder of this firm, I want to thank them properly for allowing us to be the ones who will be designing their park.” 
Augustus sighed to himself. His mother had been right. Bertrum really was going to work until he died. Technically speaking, his uncle had retired a few years back. Well, he’d been forced to by Augustus’ mother Charlotte. Charlotte had been adamant that Bertrum needed to step down. 
“You’re almost 90!” She’d said. “For God’s sake, let someone else be in charge!” Despite being nearly a foot shorter than her elder brother, and at least 100 lbs lighter, Charlotte had won this battle. Bertrum had officially stepped down, making Augustus the legal head of the firm. Of course, Bertrum continued to show up at the office despite not technically working there anymore. He’d stopped doing it as much as of late, but when he’d heard the latest client of the firm was Joey Drew Studios, he’d insisted upon coming with Augustus to discuss the plans. Bertrum would never admit it, but he rather admired Joey Drew. He talked often of the other man’s drive and dedication to his craft. If there was one thing that Bertrum Piedmont respected, it was determination and hard work. 
Both men got out of the car and walked to the studio door. Augustus had a folder with some initial sketches he’d done of possible attractions and what the whole park might look like. Bertrum had been looking over his shoulder the entire time, offering “help”. Augustus was pretty much used to it by now. He opened the door, standing aside so his uncle could go in. The inside of the studio was organized pandemonium, which made Augustus smile a little. The studio felt...like home. He wasn’t sure why he felt that way, but it was a good feeling.
“Who’re you?” Augustus looked down to find Bendy the Dancing Demon standing at his feet. For a moment, he just stared at the little demon, unsure how to react to this. 
“I am the great Bertrum Piedmont,” Bertrum announced, clearly irritated with his nephew’s silence. “And this is my nephew, Augustus.”
“Augustus DeLume.” Augustus stuck his hand out, more out of habit than anything else. “Mr. Drew hired me to build a park for him.” Bendy’s face immediately lit up. 
“You’re the park guys!” He grabbed Augustus and Bertrum’s hands. “C’mon! Papa Drew’s office is this way!”
“Papa Drew?” Bertrum echoed, squinting in curiosity. “Did Drew...make you?”
“Mm-hm.” Bendy nodded. Bertrum looked at Augustus, who just shrugged. Bendy dragged the two of men to a door bearing Joey Drew’s name. The little demon knocked on the door, bouncing up and down excitedly.
“Come in.” A voice came from inside. Bendy threw the door open, dragging Augustus and Bertrum inside. Joey Drew looked up from the paperwork he’d been going over with Henry and smiled. 
“Ah, Mr. DeLume! And Mr. Piedmont too! I didn’t expect you to come along as well. I heard you’d retired.”
“He’s supposed to be retired,” Augustus said, smiling long-sufferingly at his uncle. 
“I couldn’t very well let Augustus come here alone.” Bertrum gave Augustus a withering glare. “This is a very important contract and I wished to thank you properly for this opportunity.” Bendy was vibrating by Joey’s desk, grinning so wide his face seemed as though it was going to split. 
“You really are excited for this, aren’t you?” Henry laughed, patting Bendy’s head. 
“Papa Drew said we can all walk around if the park gets off the ground!” Bendy nodded excitedly. Henry looked over at Joey, who smiled sheepishly. 
“I...May have mentioned something like that.” He put his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “They’re getting restless.” Henry sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Well, we’ll see.” He finally conceded. “We need to think this through properly.”
“Yes yes, I know.” 
Suddenly, Bendy stopped. 
“If we get a theme park...Do we have to use those mascot costumes in the basement?” He whispered. There was real terror in his eyes. 
“Mascot costumes?” Augustus looked to Henry and Joey. “You already had mascot costumes made?”
“They were for a meet and greet event a few years ago,” Joey explained, grimacing. “Children...did not respond well to them.”
“They can see into my soul,” Bendy whispered, clinging to Joey’s pant leg. 
“All mascot costumes are a little bit unsettling.” Bertrum shrugged. 
“Yes, but they shouldn’t have to be.” Augustus waved a hand and set his folders on the desk. “In any case, I drew up some plans for the park if you’d like to see them.” 
“Oh! Yes! Of course!” Joey’s face lit up. Augustus relaxed a bit. This was the first normal thing that had happened since he’d arrived at the studio. 
And so he detailed the plans to Joey and Henry, outlining possible attractions, expense reports, and possible locations. Bertrum, of course, jumped in every so often. Henry and Joey listened intently, both noting things in notepads they’d both brought along. Bendy got bored a few minutes in and ran off. 
“So, what do you think?” Augustus asked once he was finished. 
“We’ll have to discuss the expenses with Grant, and there will need to be more discussion about the rides and the layout, but I think this could work. I must say, I’m rather impressed,” Joey said, smiling wide. “Thank you so much, Mr. DeLume, Mr. Piedmont. You both certainly came prepared.”
“Thank you, sir.” Augustus began gathering his papers. “Our company does try to be prepared for everything. You wouldn’t believe how many of our clients don’t understand just what goes into making a theme park.”
“We all made sure we knew exactly what we were getting into with this.” Henry nodded sagely. 
“Very wise,” Bertrum said.
“I should probably get back to work.” Henry checked his watch. “I’ll be back later, alright?”
“Don’t work too hard!” Joey called after him. “And remember! Your coffee privileges have been revoked!” Henry made a noise that might have qualified as irritation before leaving the room. Augustus noted that his uncle was trying to, very discretely, look around Joey’s office. Bertrum’s gaze settled on the picture frame on Joey’s desk. 
“That’s a lovely picture.” His voice went soft as he examined the picture. It was of Joey with the toons, almost like a family portrait. Right next to it was a picture of Henry and Joey, and beside that a picture of Henry, a woman he assumed to be Henry’s wife, and a young boy. 
“Ah, well, yes.” Joey smiled, looking down at the pictures as well. “I like to remind myself of the important things in my life.” 
“Uncle Bertie used to have a lot of pictures like this on his desk,” Augustus said without thinking.
“Augustus!” Bertrum said.
“Do you have a family, Mr. Piedmont?” Joey asked, leaning on his desk. 
“...Of a sort.” Bertrum answered hesitantly. “I have no wife nor child if that’s what you’re asking. I never really felt the urge to get married.” 
“I can understand that.” Joey nodded. “Who were your photographs of, if I may ask?”
“My sister and her family.” Bertrum glanced towards Augustus, who had moved over to the side to go through his papers once more. An almost tender expression passed across his face, something that was most definitely not missed by Joey. 
“You know, I think I’m going to like working with you, Mr. Piedmont.” 
They spent a little more time in Joey’s office, which was mostly filled by Bertrum and Joey talking about their respective families while Augustus not so subtly watched them. He couldn’t wait to tell his mother about this. Charlotte would be so proud of Bertrum for making a friend. 
“Ah, look at the time!” Joey glanced at the clock. “You’d both best be going. I imagine you have other clients to attend to.”
“Of course, of course.” Bertrum rose from where he’d been sitting. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Drew.”
“And you as well, Mr. Piedmont.” Joey shook Bertrum’s hand warmly. Augustus and Bertrum made their way out of the office and back toward the entrance. About halfway there, the voice of a woman interrupted them. 
“Bertrum Piedmont. I should’ve known you’d still be kicking, you old bastard.” Augustus frowned as he and his uncle turned to face the woman who had spoken. 
“Lacie Benton.” Bertrum smiled slyly. “So this is where you disappeared to.”
“Do you two know each other?” Augustus asked. He’d heard his uncle talk about a woman named Lacie before. Usually followed by a longwinded tangent about how he would have liked to have her as a daughter. 
“I did some work for him years back,” Lacie said. “Before I got offered the job here. You must be the nephew.”
“Yes, that would be me.” Augustus smiled slightly nervously.
“You’re one of the best mechanics I ever had the pleasure of working with. I was sorry to see you go.” Bertrum sighed. “I trust Drew is treating you well?”
“Eh, he’s alright.” Lacie shrugged. “Got his head up in the clouds half the time, but he means well.”
“Good good.” Bertrum thumped his cane thoughtfully. 
“I guess I’ll be seeing you both around,” Lacie said, eyes going to the folder in Augustus’ arms. “You’re building Drew’s theme park, right?”
“That we are.” Augustus nodded. “Although I’m not sure how often Uncle Bertie will be coming with me.” He shot his uncle a warning glare, which Bertrum utterly ignored. 
“I’m not dead yet!” He said. “I will be coming here as often as I am able for this project!” Augustus sighed, which made Lacie start to laugh. 
“Good to see you haven’t changed a bit.” She said. “Have a nice night, you two.” Then she turned and left, leaving Augustus to usher his uncle out to the car. He had a feeling this was going to be an interesting contract.
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