yandereshit · 7 years
707 hugs & donuts for my sista!
Happy birthday, @liasviel! My lil sista is an adult nao ~♥ (…i just realized i messed up the notifications but it’s 1 minute left dont hate me)
–707 logged in–
707: Okay let’s state one thing straight. 707: EVERYONE needs a cat 707: Except for Zen. 707: But if it wasn’t for his allergy, he’d need a cat too. 707: So it seems that the cruelty of Ms Vanderwood 3rd makes my life harder since she doesn’t let me own a cat T_T 707: She obviously wants me to suffer T_T Zen: Okay, first. Zen: We all know Vanderwood is a guy by now -_- 707: Whoops~ Zen: And second Zen: DON’T MEASURE EVERYONE WITH YOUR OWN STANDARDS 707: T_T 707: You’ve been living without a cat for so long 707: That you’re not aware of your own loss anymore 707: *gasp* So sad…! Shiro: There, there. Saeran: Could you all stop? Saeran: I keep getting the notifications, it’s annoying -_- 707: How 707: about 707: no? Shiro: Uhuhu, don’t provoke him, he’s unsteady today Saeran: What did you just say -_- Shiro: lololol 707: I was about to go anyway~ 707: You know, as the older, responsible brother Shiro: *cough* 707: I need to work hard to earn the living for… 707: My brother 707: His soon-to-be-fiance Saeran: Excuse me…? 707: And My Donut. Shiro: …Donut. 707: Shiro: Could you stop making weird nicknames for my sister ;_; 707: How 707: about 707: …rather not lol 707: Going off like a sunset~ Saeran: Begone.
–707 logged off–
He yawned, swaying on the chair lazily. Working was definitely the last thing he wanted to do, and so - he didn’t pay much attention to it. 
So many things happened lately. He thought that everything would change once he escaped the agency.
But it did not. There - of course - was a change, but much different from what he expected.
He still worked as IT expert, his house was as messy as always. Vanderwood still lived with him, doing his own work and - by the way - cleaning all the mess Saeyoung’s made. He threatened to move away soon - which he planned from the very beginning - but it was for some reason a painfully slow process and, as long as he still lived here, it seemed as if nothing changed. 
Except for Saeran, the third mouth to feed.
That wasn’t all though. The thing that changed the most was the almost continuous presence of two additional beings. You know, the same set as before. Buy one, get one free. 
Kuro was the one who’s got invited to Rika’s apartment.
Shiro was the one who stormed in two days later with food, scolding her sister for neglecting the studies.
It didn’t exactly go as planned and storming in resulted in the bomb almost going off. 
And there again: Kuro was the one to take it with only a weird, rather unmoved expression, while Shiro started yelling at the redhead for putting her sister in such a danger.
But when he pointed that she let her live in a stranger’s apartment (she was obviously aware of the fact), she just waved him off and, sending him a cold glare, stated that either he lets Kuro live at his place (to make sure she’s safe) (she didn’t actually believe it’d make her safe) or she will take her sister back home and no one will hear from her ever again.
It all ended with Kuro having to calm down her heatened sister and Saeyoung having to prepare a separate bedroom for the poor girl. 
It was a few months ago and right now, the girls were living together again.
Ever since Shiro and Saeran accidentally met, it was pretty obvious that there’s something soothing in her demanding behaviour that made Saeran kind of vulnerable. The relationship between them was a bit weird, but rather stable.
But Kuro? It was a completely different matter.
The girl caught Saeyoung’s attention. When she, for the first time, entered the RFA’s chatroom, she was so bright and innocent. Cheerful, trying to make everyone smile. Understanding, even to him. She even got his jokes, which made them both an explosive pair.
And then, when he decided to look into the camera’s feedback, he noticed her, sitting in the corner with her phone laying beside her, eyes focused on her small laptop, the light of the screen brightening her pale, calm face.
Every message she sent, every emoticon she put into the messages, she didn’t’ smile even once. When someone called her, she was kind and smiling. But every time the call ended, she would sigh quietly and go back to her laptop, looking as if the talk never happened. There was that dark, filled with despair aura around her. The one that made him keep wondering and asking himself over and over: what heppened to her…?
To keep her saddness buried deep inside and show only the happy, careless side. To sit in this corner, in front of the CCTV camera, all day and scribble in her laptop as if nothing else mattered. To occasionally wip her eyes and if it weren’t for the poor quality of the feed, he’d always want to know if she’s crying, because if so - he’d call her straight away to cheer her up…
…But he was aware that the call would be just like any other she’s got. Happy, cheerful, “worries-lacking”.
And that’s when he suddenly realized that she’s just like him. 
And that it’s not good to be like this.
–Kuro logged in–
Shiro: And that’s why showers are better than bathtubs. Shiro: Are you even reading this…?
–Saerean logged off–
Shiro: O-okay… ;_; Kuro: I prefer tubs to be honest, but Kuro: Sisssterrr…. Kuro: I really don’t want to disturb you Kuro: And your amazing conversation  (´• ω •`) Kuro: But, honey Kuro: YOUR CHICKEN IS FUCKIN BURNING  ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ Shiro: awsedrftgyhuji
–Shiro logged off–
Kuro: ;_; Kuro: Leave me some if it’s not too charred… Kuro: …and don’t eat it if it is
–707 logged in–
Kuro: Hello there…  (*´▽`*) 707: Who’s this~ 707: Is this~ 707: Maybe~ 707: The most wonderful~ 707: The most adorable~ 707: And the most tasty~ 707: DONUT? ★ Kuro: …what did you just call me ;_; Kuro: A donut…? Kuro: …sounds nice lol 707: I know right! Kuro: Why everyone is offline again? >.707: Probably because 707: It’s over the midnight lol 707: Jaehee probably works 707: Jumin probably sleeps 707: Zen probably practices his lines 707: Yoosung probably still plays LOLOL 707: Elly probably shines 707: Saeran probably went to sleep 707: And Shiro is probably trying to rescue the charred chicken
–Shiro logged in–
Shiro: IT’S NOT THAT CHARRED Shiro: DAMMIT SIS Shiro: I ALMOST FORGOT Shiro: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Kuro: Thank you ^^” Shiro: will stalk u tomorrow Shiro: just burned my fingers Shiro: will hug u when i see u Shiro: BRING THE EXTINGUISHER Shiro: QUICKLY Kuro: To the rescue… ;_;
–Kuro logged off– –Shiro logged off–
Saeyoung blinked, staring at the screen. Everything happened too quickly for him to have a chance to react.
Happy birthday…?
He didn’t even know. While doing his research, he completely missed this information.
Wait, but… shouldn’t Kuro answer with “happy birthday to you too” or something like this? They were twins. T.W.I.N.S. It’s more than obvious that the birthday’s date is the same for the both of them.
He couldn’t know though.
They were probably busy with rescuing the chicken at the moment, so he waited for twenty minutes and dialed the number.
- Hello…?
- Hello, my brother’s soon-to-be-fiance!
- … Hi there, sucker.
- So mean…!
- It’s over the midnight, dammit! - Shiro cursed quietly. - Kuro is already sleeping, what do you want…?
- Well, I have… a very important question, to be honest! Mind answering me~?
- What’s it? - she sighed, her voice clearly bored.
- Tell me then, why is it your sister’s birthday, and not yours~?
There was a short silence.
- Oh, I guess you wouldn’t know. - He could almost see her shrugging. - Kuro and I were found in a forest. We’re adopted, you could say. In our passports, there’s the adoption’s date as our birthday, but we don’t know when we were actually born. So we chose the dates on our own, when we got older. Kuro chose the day when our parents gave her a cat she asked for so long. Mine is the day when I’ve seen an aurora for the first time. That’s the whole story.
Saeyoung hummed, thinking intensively.
- I see… 
- Is that all?
She almost hung up.
- N-nonono, wait! One more question.
- Come on, dude…
- What happened to her cat…?
Shiro sighed tiredly.
- He passed away last summer. He was old, of course. It was… well, tough for her. 
- I see… and, tell me, please-
And then Shiro finally hung up.
He almost dialed her number again, but realized that she’d probably not even pick it up. 
Well, he knew much enough.
–Saeran logged in–
Saeran: Saeyoung, you fucker Saeran: What are you doing at this hour? Saeran: Loud. As. Hell. Saeran: …am I hearing a driller? Saeran: I’m gonna strangle you.
–Saeran logged off–
- Sis? What are you doing at this hour? - Kuro peeked out of her room, rubbing her eyes tiredly.
Shiro cursed once more, throwing her phone onto the couch.
- Got a call. Sorry for waking you up.
Kuro shook her head and came closer.
- You didn’t, I couldn’t sleep anyway.
- Want some pills?
- I’d rather not. 
- Tea…?
- Nah. You should go to sleep though, you have kinda red eyes. 
- …It’s the lighting.
- Doubt so. You’ve been sticking to your phone for the whole day. Not too healthy~
- You won’t tell me what’s healthy, honey - Shiro mumbled and almost stumbled into her room, because sleeping was the best thing she could do now.
Kuro peeked at the phone, sitting on the couch and turning on the TV, instantly reducing the volume. The noise was still weirdly loud, as the rest of the apartment stayed completely silent. The sounds of the night city didn’t reach them on the thirteen floor.
The light of the TV screen was annoyingly bright and yet she felt surrounded by the darkness. The shadow behind her back, the open door to the kitchen and her room - obviously dark. The uneasy feeling grown in her as the movie ended and there were end credits on the black background, with quiet, kind of creepy music. 
She took the remote and turned it off. The silence calmed her down a little bit, but the darkness only got worse. She closed her eyes for a few minutes, hopeful that she would fall asleep on the couch, but it didn’t work.
The floor looked like an abyss and she sincerely hesitated before laying her foot on it.
She went to the window and opened it wide. The cold air filled the room, chills running down her spine as the wind messed with her hair. Now she could hear all the noises, the streets of the city filled with cars and moving lights as if it was the middle of a day. Brightness of the city contrasted with the black sky.
It was warmer than she though it’d be at this hour. The urge to take a walk was something definitely too strong to resist at this point. She’d only have to change, since pajamas aren’t the best choice. Going out in pajamas is never a good choice, let’s be honest.
In a few minutes she was ready, with casual trousers, a shirt and a blouse. She hid her hair under the hem of the blouse so that it wouldn’t get all messy because of the wind and opened the door to go outside…
…only to bang someone else’s head with her own.
She whined softly and wobbled from the sudden dizziness. She automatically held her forehead and backed away, a similar to hers whine reached her ears at the same moment.
She blinked and looked at the wall clock in the living room, making sure she didn’t make a mistake.
- … - She looked once more at the silhoulette she just banged (…I really didn’t mean it to sound like this). - Saeyoung… care to tell me, what are you doing here at one a.m…?
The boy panted, leaning against the door frame. It was obvious he was running all his way here.
- You’re… not asleep yet… Good - he mumbled out, trying to calm down his breath.
- … Why didn’t you go here by car?
He froze.
- I… forgot I have one - he admitted. - But more important, Kuro, why aren’t you asleep?! - he panicked suddenly.
- … - The girl stared at him. - You just said it’s good I’m not asleep! 
- It’s good for me, but it’s not good not for your health! And what’s up with going out at this hour! Someone could kidnap you!
- …
The scene was so surreal that she didn’t even know how to answer.
- E-er… - she stuttered. - Okay, so what are you doing here by the way…? - The despearte attempt to change the topic was obviously desperate.
Now Saeyoung was the one to stutter. It took her a while to notice a brown box he was keeping under his arm.
- O-oh! I almost forgot! E-er, it may not look the best right now, b-but… - He opened the box and took out a bit heavy thing that miraclously fitted the box. - I know you’ve already seen it, but it… for some reason kept breaking so I couldn’t give it to you, I eventually fixed it though, so… Happy birthday, Kuro!
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The girl’s eyes widened at the view and she almost forgot how to breathe. She held the cat carefully in both of her hands, afraid of accidentally breaking or letting it fall to the floor.
- S-Saeyoung… Y-you… d-didn’t have to… - she stuttered out. 
- No, I didn’t - he agreed. - But I wanted to. Kuro… - He cleared his throat. - Thank you… for everything. If you ever feel down or just… need someone to talk to, I’m always here for you. It may be hard to just… come and talk, but… I promise I will always listen, so there’s nothing you should be worried about, okay?
He smiled warmly and gently kissed her forehead, his fingers tangled in her hair as the other hand wrapped around her waist, giving her a warm hug. 
- I’m not going to leave you, so just trust me, okay?
He hummed softly. 
The night was still young.
–Shiro logged in–
Shiro: I will kill him. Shiro: I will kill her too. Shiro: I will choke them both. Saeran: It’s fuckin 2 am Shiro: …You know you can turn off the notifications? Saeran: … Shiro: I ought to explain it later. Shiro: BUT MORE IMPORTANT Shiro: Your brother just went into our flat Shiro: took my sister Shiro: and flied away Shiro: leaving only the damn robotic cat Shiro: THAT WON’T FUCKIN SHUT UP Shiro: HOW DO YOU TURN THIS SHIT OFF? Saeran: …With a hammer? Shiro: … Shiro: Nevermind. Shiro: Can anyone tell me Shiro: why is my sister gone? Shiro: Come on, aren’t you worried about your brother too?;; Saeran: Not really Saeran: He’s an adult lol Saeran: Stop babysitting your sister -_- Shiro: I stopped babysitting her once. Shiro: and she almost got kidnapped by a sect -_- Saeran: … Shiro: Dammit, where are they?!
–707 logged in–
707: YO YO SUP BITCHES Shiro: YOU 707: ME Shiro: ARE 707: awesome? Shiro: DEAD Shiro: I WILL KILL YOU Saeran: seconded 707: Where is all that hate from?! T_T Shiro: YOU KIDNAPPED MY SISTER 707: She went with me on her own lol Shiro: YOU SEDUCED HER 707: lolololol 707: … it’s possible tho  707: The poor Kuro was seduced by a nameless hacker
–Kuro logged in–
Kuro: Stop it ;_; Shiro: UR ALIVE Kuro: I am! Shiro: KICK THIS FUCKER FROM ME 707: DON’T KICK THIS FUCKER Shiro: KICK Saeran: kick seconded 707: T_T 707: What did I do to deserve all this hate… 707: I was so good to the all of you… 707: And yet… 707: Like Messiah lol Kuro: Hey, Messiah, get out of my side;; Kuro: You were supposed to have only HALF of this bed Shiro: yihoisafp Shiro: BED?!!!!!!!!!!! 707: My half is relatively smaller though TT 707: Hey;;;;; 707: Stop kicking me;;;;;;; Saeran: Are they really chatting while laying next to each other…? Shiro: I’M NOT PLEASED Saeran: Are you a chaperone? lol Shiro: I guess I should hire one -_- Kuro: :3 Shiro: Why are you smiling now…? 707: She kicked me off the bed T_T Shiro: LOL Shiro: GOOD JOB SISTA Saeran: lol Saeran: Wait… Saeran: You haven’t come back and you’re not with Shiro Saeran: Where the hell are you…? 707: In a hotel! 707: It’s super duper nice and cozy Saeran: …and you… share the bed…?
–Shiro logged off–
707: … Saeran: I have an advise for you. Saeran: Run for your life before she finds you. 707: T_T Kuro: She won’t tho~ 707: …probably not 707: We’re too far lol Saeran: I wouldn’t be surprised if she put a gps in Kuro’s bra Kuro: … 707: Oh my dear Donut! 707: It seems that  707: I need to check whether there’s the gps or not! 707: Just wait for it! 707: I will make sure you’re safe! Kuro: DON’T COME CLOSER PERV Kuro: vtufghgiynuom Kuro: yugimhuo Kuro: vtbp
–Shiro logged in–
Shiro: … Shiro: DON’T TOUCH HER  Saeran: Where have you been lol Shiro: I called Vanderwood  Saeran: lol and? Shiro: There’s gps in Saeyoung’s phone lol Saeran: heh Saeran: you could have just asked me Saeran: I could even hack into his phone and find him Shiro: Would you do it for me? lol Saeran: Who knows Shiro: … waIT WE FORGOT ABOUT THE IMPORTNAT Shiro: MY SISTA IS IN DANGER
–Kuro logged off– –707 logged off–
Shiro: … Shiro: I’M SERIOUSLY WORRIED RIGHT NOW Saeran: Chill out Saeran: It’s not like they’re THAT irresponsible right? Shiro: … T_T Saeran: Go to sleep, it’s late Shiro: I won’t fall asleep like this T_T Saeran: There, there Saeran: lol Saeran: Just trust them a bit Saeran: Good night Saeran: …or something
–Saeran logged off–
Shiro: Siiiiiiigggghhhhh;; Shiro: ..no choice then Shiro: no CHOIce Shiro: lol Shiro: When you’re reading this, it’s probably late af so… Shiro: Sleep well, my lil sister.
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