#auntie Binkie is old and jaded kids <3
adventurepunks · 3 years
To be honest meme: 8, 12, 19, 22, 38
honest meme
8.Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
Drama.Grow the heck up, this is a hobby and stop taking the opinions of strangers so to heart that you feel the need to cry on dash about it or involve other people. I am 33 years old with tax forms and a mortgage, I long outgrew the high school petty drama of buhhhhhh. If you got a problem with someone either talk to them about it like a reasonable adult or just block them and move on. No need for the call out culture.
The self diagnosed illnesses. The RPC sadly is full of self diagnosed mental illnesses and nothing really gets done about it. If you are riddled with problems seek medical or qualified help, your rp partners are not your therapists and being depressed is not an excuse to send people shitty messages. (that’s more a old bug bear from my old blogs.)
The stress. Or rather seeing how this stupid hobby causes stress to people in it, writing and rping on tumblr is not a job it’s a hobby and something you ought to do for fun. The moment it stops being fun and affects your physical or mental health is the moment you ought to stop being on here and focus on happier more productive hobbies. Stop apologizing for not replying, stop getting anxious about lower activity. Stop thinking that you have a obligation to be on this site. The ones that really matter will wait for you to be ready and happy to reply to their thread.
12. Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
Nah, I am too old to care for participating in tumblr drama. Last time I was involved in drama everyone was still rping with full size gifs and no text editing. My bitchy aunt vibe kinda deters dramatic people to stay away from me and if that doesn’t then I have a block button for a reason.
I am a blunt and honest person, I’d rather discuss my problems with who ever I have a problem with and solve them, I rarely bond with rp partners but when I do I work to keep the friendship going.
19. Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why?
Last time I got actual anon hate was in the Defelina era of Tumblr which is ancient history and it was almost a trend to get hated on by that blog.  If it’s anything constructive I will address it because hate sometimes is not hate but check yourself and your behavior just worded a bit more harshly, if it’s pure hate I will just say grow up, take a long good look at yourself and the choices you made to lead you to harassing random strangers on the internet.
22. What would make you block someone? 
Tumblr and my dashboard is a very curated experience for me and I am liberal with the block button hence the lack of drama involvement from above, I invest my time and energy only to people that are both appreciative of it and worth it.
If it’s someone I know or rped and spoken with OOC then it would take something severe for me to block them but random blogs I barely interacted with? I might as well be Oprah and everyone gets a block (aka I tend to find that some blogs message me to rp with me for the first time, I ask them for a plot idea and then never hear back or just get the dreaded I don’t know so I just block. It’s in my rules, you wanna rp with me then send a meme or come to me with an actual plot idea, the uuuuuh I dunno just means you haven’t read my rules.
If I want to rp with a blog and I approach I always have at least a general idea to pitch to them, it’s not much to ask for the same thing in return. Something made you follow me so tell me what it is otherwise eh.
Plotting is important on this blog, I don’t ask for a full blown storyline just a start of a plot idea so we can spitball together.
38. What advice would you give to someone new to rp?
I don’t really have advice as to rp in general...I guess work on good communication skills. Talk to your rp partners, talk to them about plots, about your muses, show interest and investment and that’s how you’re gonna have a good time. Only though invest your time to people that do the same, find the peeps that will get excited to write with you, get rid of those that make you feel like you’re a chore.
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